Introduction To Maritime English

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1. SHIP’S ORGANIZATION……………………………………………………4
1.1. Typical crew structure on board merchant ships: departments and ranks
1.2. Deck Department. Duties and responsibilities of the crew
1.3. Deck cadet duties
1.4. Routine deck works
1.5. Working day of an AB

2. SHIP’S ARRANGEMENT………………………………………………..…23
2.1. The hull. Main parts
2.2. The hull and its contents
2.3. Machinery
2.4. Superstructure. Other parts of equipment
2.5. Tour of the mega container ship

3. SAFETY ON BOARD………………………………………………………..56
3.1. Safety awareness
3.2. Personal safety on board. Risks and precautions
3.3. Safety familiarization


4.1 Personal Protective Equipment: description and application
4.2 Personal safety on deck: common risks and safety precautions
7. Case study

5. REFERENCES……………………………………………………………….93



 Typical crew structure on board merchant ships: departments and


 Deck Department. Duties and responsibilities of the crew

 Deck cadet duties

 Routine deck works

 Working day of an AB


Part 1
Vocabulary 1

 rank  ранг, должность

 to navigate / steer a ship  управлять судном
 navigation  навигация, управление судном
 well-qualified team  квалифицированная команда
 experienced seafarer  опытный моряк
 to carry out responsibilities / orders  выполнять обязанности / команды
 crewmember  член экипажа
 to ensure safe and efficient operation  обеспечивать безопасное и
of a ship эффективное управление судном
 ratings  рядовые
 deck department  палубное отделение
 engine room department  машинное отделение
 catering department  отдел обслуживания
 to maintain the  (технически) обслуживать
 engine  двигатель
 machinery  механизмы
 cargo gear  грузовое устройство
 ship’s hull  корпус судна
 to provide service  предоставлять (обеспечивать)
 Captain (Master)  капитан
 to be headed by  быть под управлением, возглавляться
 Chief Officer (1st Mate)  старший помощник капитана
 to be in command of the vessel  командовать судном
 organizational unit  организационное подразделение
 merchant ship  торговое судно
 to provide proper watchkeeping  обеспечивать надлежащее несение
 life-saving appliances (LSA)  спасательное оборудование
 fire-fighting equipment (FFE)  противопожарное оборудование
 Second Officer (2nd Mate)  второй помощник капитана
 Third Officer (3rd Mate)  третий помощник капитана
 Bosun (Boatswain)  боцман
 AB (Able-bodied seaman)  матрос 1-го класса
 OS (Ordinary seaman)  матрос 2-го класса
 to operate the engine  эксплуатировать двигатель
 to repair the machinery  ремонтировать механизмы
 Chief Engineer  старший механик
 Electrical Officer  электромеханик
 Fitter  моторист-сварщик
 Motorman  моторист
 Oiler  моторист 1-го класса
 Wiper  моторист 2-го класса
 preparation of meals  приготовление пищи
 housekeeping  поддержание чистоты
 Steward  стюард
 Messman (messboy)  буфетчик
 trainee  практикант

Warm up

Use the vocabulary above to answer the questions and comment on the pictures.

 How is work organized on board a ship?

 What are the main seafarer’s ranks?

deck cadet

1. Read the text and answer the questions.

Ship’s Organization
To navigate a ship from one point to another, every vessel should have a team of well-
qualified and experienced seafarers on board. Each crewmember has a certain rank and
carries out certain responsibilities in order to ensure safe and efficient operation of a ship.
Generally, the vessel’s crew consists of officers and ratings. All crewmembers are
divided into three main departments:
 Deck Department → those who steer the ship;
 Engine Room Department → those who maintain the engines and machinery;
 Catering Department → those who provide service to the crew.
The person who is in command of the vessel is the Master (Captain).
Deck Department is headed by the Chief Officer. This is an organizational unit aboard
a merchant ship. The main work of this department is to provide proper watchkeeping and
maintenance of the ship’s hull, cargo gear as well as the ship’s life-saving appliances and
fire-fighting equipment. A typical deck department of a merchant ship includes:
 Chief Officer/First Mate  Able-bodied Seaman (AB)
 Second Officer/ Mate  Ordinary Seaman (OS)
 Third Officer/ Mate  Deck Cadet
 Bosun (Boatswain)
Engine Room Department is headed by the Chief Engineer. He and his assistants
operate, maintain and repair the ship’s engines and all machinery. A common engine crew
consists of:
 Chief Engineer  Fitter
 Second Engineer  Motorman
 Third Engineer  Oiler
 Fourth Engineer  Wiper
 Electrical Officer  Engine Cadet
Catering department provides preparation of meals and general housekeeping for the
crew and passengers. On most merchant ships it is headed by the Chief Cook. He may be
assisted by a steward or a messman (messboy).

1. What is the general division of ship’s crew?

2. What are the main departments on board a ship?
3. What is the function of each department?
4. Enumerate the members of each department.

2. Match the departments with their operational duties.

Duties Deck ER Catering

department department department
maintenance of machinery 
maintenance of LSA and FFE
preparation of food
maintenance of the hull and cargo gear
engines’ operation and repair
general organization of work
proper watchkeeping

3. Complete the mind map with missing information.

Vocabulary 2

 head of the vessel  глава судна

 to stand / keep the watch  нести вахту
 to stand gangway / anchor watch  нести вахту у трапа / на якоре
 to be on call  быть на связи
 to be responsible for  быть ответственным за
 environment  окружающую среду
 crew  экипаж
 cargo  груз
 paperwork  работу с документами
 safe navigation  безопасность плавания
 to report of accident / damage  докладывать о происшествии /
 to supervise mooring / anchoring /  руководить швартовкой / постановкой
cargo operations на якорь / грузовыми операциями
 at sea  в море, в плавании
 navigational watch  ходовая вахта
 navigator  штурман, судоводитель
 watchkeeping officer  вахтенный офицер
 correction of charts / publications  корректура карт /публикаций
 passage planning  планирование перехода
 upkeep of bridge equipment  содержание оборудования мостика
 safety officer  офицер, ответственный за
безопасность на судне
 to be in charge of safety inspections /  быть ответственным за проведение
drills инспекций по безопасности / учебных
 bonded store  склад для хранения неоплаченных
пошлиной товаров
 to depend on company regulations  правила компании
 to designate as a medical officer  назначать судовым медиком
 foreman of deck ratings  старшина палубных рядовых
 to assign tasks  назначать задания
 to ensure safe work  обеспечить безопасность работы
 to distribute deck stores  распределять палубные запасы
 to carry out deck works / duties  выполнять (проводить) палубные
работы / обязанности
 to clean the holds  зачищать трюмы
 helmsman  рулевой
 lookout  вперёдсмотрящий

Warm up

Discuss with your partner.

 What do you think work on board involves?

 What are the duties and responsibilities of Deck Department crewmembers?

4. Read the text and answer the questions.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Master is the head of the vessel. He stands no watch but is always on call. The
Master is responsible for:
 safety of the ship, her crew, her cargo and the environment;
 onboard discipline of all crewmembers;
 safe navigation of the vessel;
 communications;
 paperwork;
 reporting of any accident or damage.
The Chief Officer is the second in command. He is the head of the deck department
and the ship’s safety officer. His responsibilities are:
 safety inspections and drills;
 supervision of mooring and anchoring operations;
 when the vessel is at sea: 04.00 – 08.00 and 16.00 – 20.00 navigational watch;
 when the vessel is in port: supervision of cargo operations.
The Second Officer is the watchkeeping officer and the ship’s navigator. He is
responsible for:
 all aspects of navigation:
 maintenance and correction of all charts and publications;
 passage planning;
 upkeep of bridge equipment;
 when at sea: 00.00 – 04.00 and 12.00 – 16.00 navigational watch;
 when in port: 00.00 – 06.00 and 12.00 – 18.00 watch.
The Third Officer is the watchkeeping officer. He is in charge of:
 upkeep and maintenance of LSA and FFA;
 bonded store
 when at sea: 08.00 – 12.00 and 20.00 – 00.00 navigational watch;
 when in port: 06.00 – 12.00 and 18.00 – 00.00 watch.
Depending on the company regulations, either the Second or the Third officer may be
designated as a medical officer. In this case, the mate is responsible for all medical services
on board.
Bosun is the foreman of deck ratings. His duties are: Nota Bene!
 to assign tasks, worked out by the Chief Officer, to the Do not mix up a
deck crew; navigator with a
 to ensure safe work on the deck; helmsman.
Navigator makes
 to control and distribute deck stores;
important decisions
 to assist in cargo, mooring and anchoring operations. on navigation.
AB and OS are the deck ratings. They are responsible for: Helmsman carries
 carrying out deck works; out navigator’s
 cleaning the holds; orders.
 taking part in mooring, anchoring and cargo operations;
 standing gangway and anchor watches;
 AB keeps watch as a helmsman and a lookout on the bridge.

1. Which crewmembers keep watch on the bridge?

2. What are the safety officer’s responsibilities?
3. What are the navigator’s duties?
4. What is the Third Officer in charge of?

5. Who supervises mooring, anchoring and cargo operations?
6. Which crewmember can be designated as a medical officer?
7. What are the deck ratings? Who is their foreman and what are his duties?
8. Can an AB keep watch?

5. Complete the table of duties. Use the information given below and add more if

• LSA and FFA maintenance • mooring / anchoring • distribution of deck stores •06.00
– 12.00 watch • gangway / anchor watch • upkeep of bridge equipment • 16.00 – 20.00
watch • supervision of deck ratings • safety inspections / drills • deck works • cargo
operations • 00.00 – 04.00 watch • charts correction

6. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions.

1. Each crewmember _____ board has a certain rank and carries _____ certain
2. The Master is _____ command of the vessel. He stands no watch but is always _____
3. Deck Department is headed _____ the Chief Officer. He keeps 04.00 – 08.00 watch
when the vessel is _____ sea.
4. Second Officer is responsible _____ all aspects of navigation, including planning
_____ passages.

5. Third Officer is in charge _____ bonded store. When _____ port, he keeps 06.00 –
12.00 watch.
6. Bosun assigns tasks _____ the deck crew and ensures safe work _____ deck.
7. Replace the words in italics with appropriate synonyms.

1. The main work of Deck department is to provide proper watchkeeping.

2. AB stands watch as a helmsman and a lookout on the bridge.
3. The Master is in charge of onboard discipline of all crewmembers.
4. The main responsibility of deck ratings is upkeep of ship’s hull.
5. The duty of the helmsmen is to steer a ship.

8. Put as many questions to the following statements as you can.

Example: It is 04.00 and the helmsman is steering the vessel.

 Is the helmsman steering the vessel?
 What time is it?
 What is the helmsman doing?
 Who is steering the vessel?

1. The Master reported of the accident an hour ago.

2. You should distribute deck stores with care.
3. Ratings cleaned the holds yesterday.
4. It is 07.00 now and the Chief Officer is keeping the watch.
5. The Second Officer corrected all the necessary charts yesterday.
6. Deck officers carry out drills regularly to ensure safety.
7. The vessel is in port now and the AB is standing gangway watch.
8. The helmsman didn’t carry out the order properly.
9. When the vessel is in port, the Chief Officer supervises cargo operations.
10. The Second Engineer fixed the machinery yesterday.

9. Put the words in the correct order.

1. steer / the / officers / deck / ship.

2. the / command / is / the / of / vessel / Master / in.
3. headed / deck / the / department / Chief / is / Officer / by.
4. Engineer / maintains / Chief / engines / the.
5. general / provides / catering / housekeeping / department.
6. responsible / for / Master / is / the / navigation / safe.
7. planning / the / responsible / Second / for / is / Officer / passage.
8. tasks / ratings / Bosun / to / assigns / deck.
9. navigator’s / carries / orders / helmsman / out.
10. deck / out / OS / works / carries.

10. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Экипаж судна делится на офицеров и рядовых.

2. Палубное отделение обеспечивает обслуживание спасательного и
противопожарного оборудования.
3. Машинное отделение эксплуатирует, технически обслуживает и ремонтирует
двигатели и механизмы.
4. Отдел обслуживания обеспечивает приготовление пищи и поддержание
5. Капитан ответственен за безопасность судна, экипажа, груза и окружающей
6. Старший помощник капитана руководит швартовкой, постановкой на якорь и
грузовыми операциями.
7. Обязанность второго помощника капитана – планировать переходы,
корректировать карты и публикации и содержать оборудование мостика.
8. Боцман – старшина палубных рядовых.
9. Матросы первого и второго класса выполняют палубные работы.
10. Рулевой выполняет команды штурмана.

Part 2
Vocabulary 3

 to perform navigational / deck duties  выполнять навигационные / палубные

 completion of shipboard training  окончание плавательной практики
 to promote  повышать (в должности)
 under supervision of senior officers  под руководством старших офицеров
 to assist in operation of a ship  принимать участие в управлении
 navigation bridge  навигационный (ходовой) мостик
 pilotage operations  лоцманская проводка
 to keep daily record  вести ежедневную запись
 to make entries in the logbook  делать записи в судовом журнале
 to arrive at port  прибыть в порт
 port officials  портовые представители
 deck routine  повседневная работа на палубе
 to observe discipline  соблюдать дисциплину

Warm up

Use the vocabulary above to answer the questions and comment on the pictures.

 What is the job of a deck cadet?

 What activities does he carry out?

Nota Bene! The first thing you should do at the crewing agency is introduce
yourself. Learn the pattern and sound professional:
I am the first-year cadet of the Navigation Faculty at National University
“Odessa Maritime Academy”

11. Read the text and answer the questions.

Deck Cadet Duties

Deck cadet is a trainee onboard. His main task is to learn and perform navigational and
deck duties. Generally, deck cadet is assigned tasks that give him understanding of the ship
and her operation. On graduation from maritime academy and successful completion of
shipboard training, cadet is promoted to the Third Officer.
Under supervision of senior officers, deck cadet assists in efficient operation of a ship.
Most navigational duties are performed on the navigation bridge. On the bridge, the cadet
carries out the following activities:
 learns how to steer the vessel during the navigational watch, kept by one of the
 corrects charts and publications along with the Second Officer;
 assists the Third Officer in maintenance of LSA and FFE;
 takes part in pilotage operations;
 keeps daily records and makes entries in the logbook;
 does paperwork.
When the vessel arrives at port, deck cadet:
 takes part in anchoring, mooring and cargo operations;
 keeps gangway watch: meets port officials and keeps record of ship’s visitors;
Deck cadet must be able to perform almost all deck duties. Deck routine mainly includes
maintenance of ship’s hull: cleaning, painting and repair work.
Along with other crewmembers, deck cadet participates in drills and observes discipline
1. What is the main duty of a deck cadet?
2. What activities does he carry out on the navigation bridge?
3. What activities does the deck cadet take part in?
4. What are his duties when the ship is in port?
5. What deck duties does he perform?

12. Match the columns to make up word combinations (Verb + Noun) and use them
in your own sentences.

1. to observe a. the charts

2. to perform b. shipboard training
3. to assign c. entries
4. to keep d. operation of a ship
5. to complete e. discipline
6. to maintain f. the hull
7. to steer g. duties
8. to promote to h. tasks
9. to make i. LSA and FFA
10. to assist in j. gangway watch
11. to take part in k. university
12. to paint l. pilotage operations
13. to carry out m. Third Officer
14. to correct n. the vessel
15. to graduate from o. activities

13. Now that you know deck cadet’s duties and responsibilities, complete the table
with missing information.


steering a ship hull maintenance: ………………….. …………………..
…………………. …………………. gangway watch: ………………….
………………….. …………………. ………………….
………………….. …………………. ………………….

Vocabulary 4

 to chip off rust  отбивать ржавчину

 to lubricate equipment  смазывать оборудование
 to be exposed to  подвергаться
 damaging effects  вредному воздействию
 weather conditions  погодным условиям
 to be sensitive to rusting  подверженный образованию
 to protect from rust  защищать от ржавчины
 to prepare the surface  подготовить поверхность
 to remove oil spills  убрать разлив нефти / масла
 solution  раствор
 to remove loose paint / scale with a  удалить облупившуюся краску /
scraper окалину скребком
 chipping hammer  отбойный молоток
 grinder  турбинка
 to clean with a wire brush  зачищать проволочной щеткой
 to supply with paint cans  снабжать банками краски
 roller  валик
 paint thinner (solvent)  растворитель
 to shovel / sweep the dirt  сгребать лопатой / выметать мусор
 to dry / ventilate the hold  осушить / проветрить трюм
 deck party  палубная команда
 to work on mooring lines  работать со швартовыми тросами
 to secure cargo  крепить груз
 to swab the deck with a mop  мыть палубу шваброй
 to thin the thick paint  разбавить густую краску
 rope  веревка, трос, канат
 to work overtime  работать сверхурочные
 mess-room  каюткампания
 to stand at the helm  стоять на руле
 to keep smth in the paint locker  хранить что-либо в малярной
 to apply a layer of primer  нанести слой грунтовки
 subordinate  подчинённый
 officer of the watch (OOW)  вахтенный офицер

Warm up

Discuss with your partner.

 What activities do the deck works involve?

 What tools are usually used for deck works?

14. Read the text and answer the questions.

Deck Works
Day-to-day operation of a vessel involves a great deal of maintenance. Deck works
include painting, chipping, cleaning, washing, lubricating etc.
Ship’s hull is exposed to damaging effects of salt water and weather conditions. As it is
made of steel, the hull is sensitive to rusting. To protect the hull from rust, it should be
thoroughly painted. Before painting, the surface must be prepared:
 salt, dirt and oil – washed and cleaned off with a special solution;
 loose paint and scale – removed with a scraper;
 rust – chipped off with a chipping hammer or grinder;
 finally, the surface is cleaned with a wire brush.
When the surface is ready, a seaman starts painting. Bosun, who is responsible for deck
stores’ supply, provides paint cans, rollers, brushes and paint thinner (solvent), if there is a
need to thin the paint.
Deck works also involve cleaning of holds after discharging. Seamen have to:
 shovel and sweep all dirt;
 clean and wash;
 dry and ventilate the hold.
Members of deck party work on mooring lines to tie the vessel when mooring, secure
cargo with ropes during cargo operations, lubricate deck equipment, swab decks using
mops, remove oil spills etc.

1. Why does daily operation of a ship require a great deal of maintenance?

2. What are damaging effects to the hull?
3. What is the hull sensitive to? Why? How can it be protected?
4. What shall be done before painting? What tools are involved?
5. What does Bosun supply?
6. What activities are carried out in the holds?
7. What other duties do the deck party members perform?

15. Fill in the gaps with appropriate information to complete the table.

Example: Solution is used to wash/clean off salt, dirt and oil.

↑ ↑ ↑
tool action object of interest


solution to wash / clean off salt, dirt, oil
scraper …………………. ……………………………
………/…………. …………………. rust
…………………. to clean the surface
…………………. to thin …………………………….
roller / brush …………………. the hull
shovel / broom …………………. the hold
…………………. …………………. the vessel (when mooring)
ropes …………………. the cargo
oil to lubricate …………………………….
mop …………………. the deck

16. Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Working Day of an AB
Working day of AB seaman _____(be) usually 8 hours but today he _____(work)
overtime. Every day he _____(get) up at 7 o’clock and then _____(go) to the mess-room
to have breakfast. At the beginning of the day he usually_____(go) to work on the deck.
Deck works _____(include) scrubbing, cleaning, washing and lubricating deck equipment.
Look, the AB _____(paint)! As a rule, before he starts painting, he _____(prepare) the
surface. He _____(clean) and _____(wash) it to remove all dirt and salt, that comes with
sea water and uses a scraper to remove loose paint.
To remove rust, AB _____(take) a chipping hammer. After the surface _____(be) ready
for painting, the Boatswain _____(supply) AB with paint cans, rollers, brushes of different
sizes, and solvent if the paint is very thick.
Today the AB is really busy and now _____(go) to clean the hold. Generally he
_____(shove) and _____(sweep) all dirt from a hold, then _____(scrub) and _____(wash)
it, and later _____(dry) and _____(ventilate) the hold.
It’s 20.00 now and the AB _____(keep) watch on the bridge as a helmsman. He
_____(stand) at the helm and _____(steer) the ship.

17. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions.

1. On graduation _____ maritime academy and successful completion of shipboard

training, deck cadet is promoted _____ the Third Officer.
2. _____ supervision of senior officers, deck cadet assists _____ efficient operation of
a ship.
3. _____ the bridge, the cadet carries _____ important navigational activities.
4. His responsibilities are to take part 3. _____ pilotage operations and make
entries _____ the logbook.
5. When the vessel arrives _____ port, deck cadet keeps record _____ ship’s visitors.
6. Ship’s hull is exposed _____ weather conditions and, as a result, it is sensitive _____
7. To protect the hull _____ rust, it should be thoroughly painted.
8. The cadet usually uses chipping hammer or grinder to chip _____ rust.

18. Put as many special questions to the following statements as you can.

Example: Ratings shoveled the hold two hours ago.

 Did ratings shovel the hold two hours ago?
 What did ratings do two hours ago?
 Who shoveled the hold two hours ago?
 When did ratings shovel the hold?
 What did ratings shovel two hours ago?

1. Deck cadet learns how to steer the vessel on the navigational bridge.
2. Deck cadet assists the Second Officer in correction of charts.
3. Deck cadet makes entries in the logbook every day.
4. It is 20.00 now and the AB is keeping watch on the bridge.
5. Ratings remove loose paint with a scraper.
6. Bosun provides solvent, when there’s a need to thin the paint.
7. After discharging, ratings clean the holds.
8. Ratings didn’t paint the hull yesterday because of bad weather conditions.
9. The hull is made of steel, so it is sensitive to rusting.
10. AB used chipping hammer to chip off rust.

19. Change the following sentences into Passive Voice.

1. The Master commands the ship.

2. The head of the Deck Department is the Chief Officer.
3. Deck Department provides ship’s hull maintenance.
4. Chief Cook prepares meals for the crew.
5. Chief Officer supervises mooring and anchoring operations.
6. Second Officer corrects charts and publications.
7. Third Officer maintains LSA and FFA.
8. Bosun ensures safe work on deck.
9. Ratings clean the holds.
10. Before painting, you should prepare the surface.

20. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Перед покраской необходимо подготовить поверхность.

2. Если краска слишком густая, матрос использует растворитель.
3. Когда судно в порту, палубный кадет несёт вахту у трапа.
4. Матросы сгребли лопатой и вымели весь мусор из трюма час назад.
5. В данный момент палубная команда работает со швартовыми тросами.
6. Чтобы удалить облупившуюся краску и окалину, матрос использует скребок.
7. Чтобы отбить ржавчину, матрос второго класса использует отбойный молоток
и турбинку.
8. Корпус судна подвергается вредному воздействию солёной воды и погодных
9. Повседневная работа на палубе включает в себя техническое обслуживание
10. Под руководством старших офицеров, палубный кадет помогает в управлении
судна, делает записи в судовом журнале, выполняет навигационные и палубные

21. Match the dialogue with its Russian equivalent.

Dialogue 1.

Bosun: Let’s examine all our holds. a. Я возьму лопату и тотчас же всё
AB: All right, sir. I have already b. Но это не так. Я вижу много пыли и
ventilated them. They should be остатки предыдущего груза.
dry and clean.
Bosun: But they are not. I can see a lot of c. Конечно, сэр.
dust and leftovers from the
previous cargo.
AB: I will take a shovel and clean all of d. Давайте осмотрим трюмы.
it right away.
Bosun: Don’t forget to swab the deck with e. Да, сэр. Я их уже проветрил. Они
a mop after that. должны быть сухими и чистыми.
AB: Certainly, sir. f. Да, сэр. Нам потребуется два часа,
чтобы закончить работу здесь.
Bosun: I will send two people to help you. g. Я пришлю тебе двоих людей в
As soon as you finish, come and помощь. Как только вы закончите,
join us on the main deck. присоединяйтесь к работе на
AB: Yes, sir. It will take us two hours h. Не забудь после этого помыть
to finish here. палубу шваброй.

Dialogue 2.

Bosun: As it is your first time on board, I’ll a. Да, там хранятся все кисти и валики.
explain the procedure of painting. Для начала нужно отбить ржавчину.
Please, follow me.
OS: Are we going to the paint locker? b. Да, для этой поверхности
необходимо два слоя грунтовки.
Затем нужно разбавить краску
Bosun: Yes, all the brushes and rollers are c. Можешь взять там отбойный
kept there. First of all, you need to молоток. После этого подготовь
chip off the rust. поверхность при помощи скребка.
OS: Which tool can I use? d. Где я могу его найти?
Bosun: You can take a chipping hammer e. Так как ты впервые на борту, я
over there. After that you prepare объясню тебе процедур покраски.
the surface with a scraper. Следуй за мной, пожалуйста.
OS: Do we need to apply primer? f. Каким инструментом я могу
Bosun: Yes, two layers of primer are g. Он тоже хранится в малярной.
necessary for this surface. Then
you have to thin the paint with
OS: Where can I find it? h. Мы идём в малярную кладовую?
Bosun: It is also kept in the paint locker. i. Нужно нанести грунтовку?

22. Role Play. Read the scenario. Figure out what crewmembers are involved and
what activities should be carried out in each episode. Make up and play the script.
Feel free to offer your own scenario!

Episode 1. (three cadets involved)

The head of the vessel is in his office doing some paperwork. He calls for his main
assistant. He wants to know whether everything is ready to take cargo on board. The
assistant replies, the holds still need to be prepared. He orders the foreman of deck ratings
to organize all necessary deck works.

Episode 2. (three cadets involved)
The foreman of deck ratings summons his subordinates. He orders them to paint the
weather deck, as it was exposed to some damaging effects. The ratings follow their foreman
to the paint locker to grab necessary tools. They have some questions about the procedure.
The foreman instructs his ratings and supervises their work.

Episode 3. (three cadets involved)

It is 03.00 now and the vessel is at sea. The officer of the watch instructs the trainee on
his navigational duties. The lookout, who is also present on the bridge, tells him about his
deck duties. The trainee is sincerely interested in his job and asks a lot of questions.



 The hull. Main parts

 The hull and its contents

 Machinery

 Superstructure. Other parts of equipment

 Tour of the mega container ship


Part 1

Vocabulary 1

 hull  корпус
 watertight shell of a ship  водонепроницаемая оболочка судна
 bottom of a ship  дно судна
 to be made up of  состоять из
 frames covered with plating  шпангоуты, покрытые обшивкой
 ribs  ребра жесткости
 to form skeleton  формировать каркас
 to be attached to  быть прикрепленным к
 keel  киль
 backbone of a vessel  продольный брус (киль) судна
 fore (forward)  носовая часть судна
 aft  кормовая часть судна
 imaginary line  воображаемая линия
 midship  мидель
 extreme front/rear end  крайняя передняя/задняя часть
 bow  нос
 stern  корма
 center line (fore-and-aft line)  диаметральная плоскость
 port side  левый борт
 starboard side  правый борт
 respectively  соответственно
 to be exposed to weather  быть подверженным погодным
 main deck (weather deck)  главная палуба
 horizontal surface  горизонтальная поверхность
 to stow cargo  укладывать груз
 forecastle [ˈfəʊksl]  палуба бака
 structure  постройка
 superstructure  надстройка
 to move astern  идти задним ходом (о судне)
 to move ahead  идти передним ходом (о судне)

Warm up

Use the vocabulary above to answer the questions.

 Have you ever been on board a ship?

 Can you name any ship parts?

1. Read the introductory text and answer the questions.

The Hull
The hull (main body of a ship) is the area between the main deck, the sides and the
bottom. It is made up of frames covered with plating. Frames are the ribs forming the
skeleton of a ship. They are attached to the keel, which is the backbone of the vessel.

Hull Frames

The hull is divided into two main parts, fore (or forward) and aft, by the imaginary
line called midship. The extreme fore end of a ship is the bow. The extreme rear end is
the stern . Bulbous bow, which is just below the waterline, helps the ship cut smoothly
through the water, thus increasing the ship’s speed. Centerline (fore-and-aft line) runs
from bow to stern and divides the hull into starboard and port – the right and left sides of
the ship, respectively.

Horizontal surfaces (floors) on board the ship are called decks. The deck, which runs
from bow to stern and is exposed to weather, is called the weather deck (main deck). This
deck covers the holds where the cargo is stowed.
On the fore end of the weather deck, there is a forecastle. It is the partial deck at the
bow. On the after end, there is a poop deck.
All structures above the main deck form the superstructure. It includes the bridge (or
wheelhouse) and the accommodation area. Near the bridge there is a funnel.

1. What are main parts of a ship?

2. What is the hull?
3. What is the hull made up of?
4. What is a keel?
5. What is the hull divided into?
6. What is midship?
7. What are the two extreme ends of a ship called?
8. What are right and left sides of a ship called? What divides the ship into right and left
9. What is a deck? What kind of decks do you know?
10. What is a superstructure? What does it include?

2. Read the definitions and name the terms. First letters are given.

1. One of the ribs forming the skeleton of the ship → f _ _ _ _

2. The largest part of a ship → h _ _ _
3. The right side of the ship → s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. Horizontal surface on board → d _ _ _
5. The backbone of the vessel → k _ _ _
6. The line, which runs from bow to stern → c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. The deck, which is exposed to weather → m _ _ _ deck
8. The foremost part of the hull → b _ _
9. The line which divides the hull into fore and aft → m _ _ _ _ _ _
10. The left side of the ship → p _ _ _

3. State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false

1. Center line divides the ship into fore and aft. ________
2. The left side of a ship is called the starboard side. ________
3. Midship divides the ship into port and starboard sides. ________
4. All structure below the main deck make up the superstructure. ________
5. The extreme aft end is the stern. ________
6. Plating covers the frames. ________
7. The backbone of a ship is the forecastle. ________
8. Deck is the vertical surface of a ship. ________
9. The partial deck near the stern is called the forecastle. ________
10. Poop deck is located at the stern. ________

4. Match the words from column A with the words from column B.

1. Hull a. front part of a ship
2. Superstructure b. metal structure which runs along the center of the bottom
of the hull
3. Bow c. command center of a vessel
4. Stern d. vertical plane
5. Midship e. raised deck at the bow
6. Main deck f. watertight shell of a ship
7. Forecastle g. structures built above the main deck
8. Keel h. principle deck of a ship
9. Bridge i. the aftermost deck of a ship
10. Poop j. rear part of a ship

5. Name all parts of the ship. Translate them into your native language.

6. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words and word combinations.

1. The ship is controlled from the ___________ by the Captain or navigating officers.
2. We say that the ship is moving astern when she is moving ___________ first.
3. When a ship is moving the ____________ first, she is said to be moving ahead then.
4. ___________ contains the accommodation and the bridge.
5. ________________ covers the holds where the cargo is stowed.

7. Find the hidden terms in the Word Search Puzzle. Define them in your own words







8. Choose the correct preposition.

1. Hull is made up by/from/of frames. They covered by/with/in plating.

2. The ship’s hull is divided at/on/into two main parts, forward and aft.
3. The deck in/above/at the top of the hull is called the main deck.
4. All structures in/above/behind the main deck form the superstructure.
5. Main deck is exposed for/to/with weather conditions.

9. Translate into English.

1. Главная часть судна называется корпусом.

2. Мидель – это воображаемая линия. Она делит судно на переднюю и заднюю
3. Палуба – горизонтальная поверхность судна.
4. Нос судна – это самая крайняя передняя часть судна.
5. Правая сторона судна называется правым бортом. Левая – левым бортом.
6. Корпус состоит из шпангоутов, обтянутых обшивкой.
7. Шпангоуты – это ребра жесткости судна. Они формируют каркас.
8. Все постройки, которые находятся выше главной палубы, формируют
9. Крайняя задняя часть судна называется кормой.
10. Палуба юта находится на корме.

Vocabulary 2

 engine room  машинное отделение

 cargo space  грузовое помещение (судна)
 watertight door / compartment  водонепроницаемая дверь / отсек
 bulkhead  переборка
 to prevent flooding  предотвращать затопление
 to remain afloat  оставаться на плаву
 in case of an accident  в случае происшествия
 hold  трюм
 to give access to the hold  давать доступ в трюм
 hatch  люк
 tween deck  твиндек
 hatch cover  крышка люка
 tank top  палубное перекрытие над танками
двойного дна
 stow cargo  укладывать груз
 double bottom tanks  танки двойного дна
 to maintain stability  сохранять остойчивость
 fresh water  пресная вода
 fuel  топливо
 lubricating oils  смазочные масла
 fore peak tanks  форпиковые танки
 after peak tanks  ахтерпиковые танки
 to increase stability  увеличивать остойчивость
 to pump in/out  закачивать/откачивать
 ship’s motion  колебание судна (качка)
 rolling  бортовая качка
 list  крен
 pitching  килевая качка
 trim  дифферент
 to be equipped with  быть оснащенным чем-либо

Warm up

Discuss with your partner.

 What do you know about the ship’s hull? What does it contain? Where is the cargo
 Where is the fuel stored? Does the ship carry any other kind of liquid? What for?
10. Read the text and answer the questions.

The Hull and its Contents

The hull contains the engine room (ER), cargo space and a number of tanks.
Portions of space within a ship are called compartments. They are formed by decks and
vertical walls – bulkheads. Compartments are fitted with watertight doors. They resist
water and prevent flooding in case of an accident. Watertight compartments will allow the
ship to remain afloat even with a hole in her hull.
The space where cargo is stowed is the hold. An opening in the weather deck, which
gives access to the hold, is called the hatch. Every hatch is closed by a hatch cover. The
lower deck is called the tank top. Inside the hold, between the weather deck and the tank
top, tween decks may be installed to separate the hold and stow different cargoes.

Hatches and hatch covers Tweendeck in a hold

Between the tank top and the keel, there is a double bottom. Its purpose is to protect
the hull and maintain stability (ship’s ability to remain upright). Double bottom contains
the tanks to carry fuel, ballast water, fresh water and lubricating oils. Other tanks are
located in compartments in the bow and the stern of the hull – fore peak and after peak,
respectively. They are mainly used for ballast and fresh water.
Ballast (ship’s extra weight) is pumped in to increase stability and avoid rolling (motion
from starboard to port) and list, or pitching (motion from bow to stern) and trim. Most
ships use seawater as ballast. When the cargo is loaded, ballast is pumped out.

1. What does the hull contain?

2. What is a hold? What is stowed there?
3. What is cargo loaded or discharged through? What is this opening equipped with?
4. What are bulkheads?
5. What are compartments? What are they fitted with?
6. What is the function of the watertight doors?
7. What kind of tanks do you know?
8. What are double bottom tanks? What are they used for?
9. What is ship’s extra weight called? What is it used for?

11. Match the columns to make up word combinations (Verb + Noun) and use them
in your own sentences.

1. to prevent a. rolling
2. to avoid b. ballast
3. to increase c. water
4. to load d. the hull
5. to pump in e. fuel
6. to remain f. stability
7. to protect g. cargo
8. to stow h. afloat
9. to carry i. cargo
10. to resist j. flooding

12. Name all parts of the ship. Translate them into your native language.

a. → b_ _. g. → k _ _ _.
b. → f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. h. → m___d___
c. → h _ _ _ _. i. → p _ _ _ s _ _ _.
d. → b _ _ _ _ _. j. → b _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
e. → s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. k. → h _ _ _.
f. → s _ _ _ _.

13. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words and word combinations.

1. A __________ is a below-deck space where the cargo is stowed.

2. An upright wall within the hull is called the ____________.
3. ____________, ballast and lubricating oils are carried in tanks.
4. ____________ resist water and make compartments watertight.
5. To increase ____________ all ships use sea water as ____________.

14. Choose the correct preposition.

1. The cargo is loaded and unloaded in/through/below the cargo hatches.

2. Fore peak and after peak are located in compartments of/on/in the bow and the stern
of the hull.
3. Compartments are rooms on/in/of board a ship and are equipped for/with/on
watertight doors.
4. The space on/in/between the holds and the bottom of the hull contains double bottom
5. As a ship takes in/on/off cargo, the ballast water is pumped in/out/on.

15. Translate into English.

1. Люк – это доступ в судовой трюм.

2. Трюм - это пространство, где хранится груз.
3. Груз размещается на твиндеках.
4. Переборки и палубы формируют отсеки.
5. Отсеки оснащены водонепроницаемыми дверьми.
6. Водонепроницаемые двери предотвращают затопление судна в случае
7. Пресная вода и балласт хранятся в форпиковых и ахтерпиковых танках.
8. Танки двойного дня используются для хранения балласта и топлива.
9. Балласт используется для увеличения остойчивости судна.
10. Когда судно берет груз, балласт откачивается.

Vocabulary 3

 main engine  двигатель

 generator  генератор
 pump  насос
 boiler  котел
 steering gear  рулевое устройство

 control panel  панель управления (главного
распределительного щита)
 to rotate a shaft  вращать вал
 shaft tunnel  туннель гребного вала
 propeller  винт
 to propel a ship  приводить судно в движение
 blades  лопасти
 rudder  перо руля
 to steer a vessel  управлять судном
 to change direction  менять направление
 to produce a thrust of water  производить напор воды
 to direct  направлять
 helm (steering wheel)  штурвал
 to enable  давать возможность
 to maintain a course  идти курсом
 auxiliary engine  вспомогательный двигатель
 to provide electricity  снабжать электричеством
 additional  дополнительный
 to depend on  зависеть от
 bow/stern thruster  носовое/кормовое подруливающее
 to make a ship more maneuverable  делать судно более маневренным
 congested waters  воды интенсивного судоходства
 waterline  ватерлиния

16. Read the text and answer the questions.

Engine room is usually located near the bottom in the after end of the ship. It includes
engines, generators, pumps, boilers, steering gear, control panels etc. The main engine
rotates the shaft, which goes through the shaft tunnel and is connected to the propeller –
a large fan, which propels the ship (moves her through the water). The propeller consists
of blades.
Right behind the propeller there is a rudder – a flat piece of metal, which is used to
steer the vessel (change her direction). As the propeller rotates, it produces a thrust of water
directed onto the rudder. The rudder in its turn is connected to the helm (steering wheel)
on the navigation bridge and enables the vessel to maintain her course. When the
navigator turns the helm to starboard, the rudder is turned to starboard, too.

Propeller and Rudder Helm (steering wheel)

Auxiliary engines provide electricity. Additional propellers – thrusters – are used to

make the ship more maneuverable. Depending on the location they may be bow or stern

1. Where is the engine room located? What does it include?

2. What is the function of the main engine?
3. What are propellers? What are they connected to?
4. What controls the direction of a ship? What is it connected to?
5. What makes the ship more maneuverable?

17. Name all parts of the ship. Mind the capital letters (more than one option is

a. → r_ _ _ _ _.
b. → s _ _ _ _.
c. → s _ _ _ _ to which p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is fitted.
d. → s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or b _ _ _ _ _.
e. → h _ _ _.
f. → t _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
g. → d _ _ _ _ _ b _ _ _ _ _ t_ _ _ _.
h. → f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t_ _ _.
18. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words and word combinations.

1. The ship is moved through the water by one or more _____________.

2. The purpose of the ____________ is to make the maneuvering of a ship in congested
waters easier.
3. The ________________, which is situated right aft below the waterline, maintains
the ship’s course.
4. Ship’s __________ is a device used aboard a vessel to change her course.
5. Engine room includes __________, generators, pumps, boilers, steering gear, control
panels etc.

19. Match the verbs from column A with suitable nouns from column B. Make up
your own sentences using Present Simple Active or Passive.

1. to provide a. the shaft

2. to rotate b. a vessel
3. to change c. a thrust of water
4. to turn d. a vessel
5. to propel e. electricity
6. to steer f. direction
7. to produce g. a ship

20. Complete the chart with missing information.

Place / equipment Location Purpose / Function

bridge superstructure command center of a vessel
rudder ….…………… …………………………………
propeller ….…………… …………………………………
auxiliary engine ….…………… …………………………………
thruster ….…………… …………………………………
main engine ….…………… …………………………………
helm ….…………… …………………………………

21. Translate into English.

1. Гребной вал соединяет двигатель и винт.

2. Двигатель вращает гребной вал и двигает судно по воде.
3. Штурвал находится на мостике судна и присоединен к перу руля.
4. Перо руля дает возможность судну идти определенным курсом.

5. Дополнительные винты, подруливающие устройства, облегчают
маневрирование судна.

Part 2

Vocabulary 4

 to show around  проводить экскурсию

 compass deck  компасная площадка
 radar scanner  сканирующее устройство антенны РЛС
 antenna (AmE) = aerial (BrE)  антенна
 danger / hazard  опасность / риск
 voltage  электрическое напряжение
 to head (for, towards, upwards,  направлять(ся), двигаться навстречу чему-
etc.) либо
 computer system  вычислительное устройство
 essential machinery  основное машинное оборудование
 to connect  соединять
 to haul (over) = to turn a ship  менять направление
 command center  командный центр
 elevator = lift  подъемник, лифт
 stairs  лестница
 high-ranking officer  старший офицер
 Owner  судовладелец
 Pilot  лоцман
 battery room  аккумуляторный отсек
 facilities  удобства, помещения, приспособления
 laundry  прачечная
 wash basin  умывальник
 junior/senior officer  младший/старший офицер
 hospital  лазарет
 gymnasium (gym)  спортивный зал
 bonded store  склад для хранения неоплаченных
пошлиной грузов (опечатываемый
таможней при входе в порт)
 dutiable goods  товары, облагаемые пошлиной
 galley  камбуз
 pantry  кладовая (для провизии)
 garbage  мусор
 Em’cy = Emergency  штаб реагирования (в аварийных
Headquarters ситуациях)
 changing room  раздевалка
 to launch a lifeboat  спускать шлюпку на воду
 rescue boat  дежурная спасательная шлюпка
 life raft  спасательный плот
 lifebuoy  спасательный круг
 helmet  каска
 1st aid box  аптечка первой помощи
 breathing apparatus  дыхательный аппарат
 fire extinguisher  огнетушитель
 oxygen cylinder  кислородный баллон
 alarm  тревога, сигнал тревоги
 drum  барабан (лебёдки)
 bollard / bitt  кнехт
 to propel the ship  приводить судно в движение, двигать
судно вперед
 normal walking speed  средняя скорость шага
 it takes… minutes to get…  добраться … занимает… минут
 even though  даже несмотря на
 additional  дополнительный
 spare anchor  запасной становой якорь
 hawse pipe  труба цепного клюза
 hawse  клюз
 hawser  трос
 shackle  соединительная скоба якорной цепи
 lashing  найтовое крепление
 lashing bridge  крепежный мост
 to store securely  укладывать безопасно, прочно, сохранно
 storage  хранение
 to stow  укладывать
 stowage  укладка
 watertight door  водонепроницаемая дверь
 passageway  проход
 to provide electricity  снабжать электричеством
 underneath  под, внизу
 switchboard  распределительный щит
 control panel  панель управления (главного
распределительного щита)

 steering gear  рулевое устройство
 hydraulic  гидравлический (механизм)
 wrap up  сворачивать, (зд.) завершать
 emergency telephone  телефон для экстренной связи
 cupboard  рундук
 chart table  прокладочный стол
 immersion suit  гидрокостюм

Warm up

Discuss with your partner.

 What kind of rooms and facilities are there on board the ship?
 Do they have the same names as those in your house / flat?

22. Read the text and answer the questions.

Superstructure. Other Parts and Equipment

A structure above the weather deck is the superstructure. It contains accommodation
(living quarters) and navigation bridge. The uppermost deck of the superstructure above
the bridge is called monkey island (compass deck). On the monkey island, there is the
main mast, radar scanners and antennas.
Navigation bridge is the command center of the ship. It contains important navigation
equipment and the helm (steering wheel). Behind the bridge, there is a funnel
(smokestack). It discharges exhaust fumes, steam and smoke from the engine room.

Bridge Funnel

Accommodation includes: cabins – rooms where the crewmembers live; portholes –

ship’s windows; galley – ship’s kitchen, where the Chief Cook prepares meals; mess-
rooms – separate dining rooms for officers and ratings; recreation rooms – for the crew
to have some rest; laundry and drying rooms – to wash and dry clothes; bonded store –

to keep dutiable goods; emergency headquarters – to store LSA and FFA; other facilities,
such as: library, gym, hospital, pantry, office, etc.

Cabin Bonded store

Deck equipment consists of cargo-handling, anchoring and mooring arrangements.

On the forecastle, there is a fore mast, mooring and anchor gear.
Mooring gear includes: mooring lines – to secure the ship to her berth; winches – to
pull the mooring lines; bitts and bollards – to make fast the lines; fairleads – to lead a
line between the winch and the chock; chocks – to guide the lines to the shore.

Bitts Winch
Anchor is a huge metal device used to secure the ship to the seabed. It prevents the ship
from drifting. The anchor is connected to the ship by the anchor chain or cable. Anchor
chain is operated by windlass and is kept in the chain locker, when not in use.

Anchor with Chain Windlass

Some vessels are equipped with cranes to load and discharge the cargo. They are fitted
with derricks or jibs. The mast is used to carry antennas, lights etc.

Crane Mast

On board every vessel, there must be appropriate LSA: lifeboats, life rafts, rescue boat,
life jackets, and life buoys.

1. What is a superstructure? What does it contain?

2. What is a monkey island? What is there on the monkey island?
3. What is a navigation bridge?
4. What is a funnel used for? What is its location?
5. What does accommodation include?
6. What does deck equipment consist of?
7. What does mooring gear include?
8. What does anchor gear include?
9. What are cranes used for?
10. Which items of LSA is every vessel equipped with?

23. Match the place / equipment with its location.

Place / equipment Location Purpose / Function

funnel behind the bridge to discharge exhaust fumes,
steam and smoke from the
chock ….…………… …………………………………
emergency headquarters ….…………… …………………………………
galley ….…………… …………………………………
laundry ….…………… …………………………………
fairlead ….…………… …………………………………
chain locker ….…………… …………………………………

bitts / bollards ….…………… …………………………………
mooring line ….…………… …………………………………
winch ….…………… …………………………………
crane ….…………… …………………………………
fore mast ….…………… …………………………………
windlass ….…………… …………………………………
bonded store ….…………… …………………………………

24. Watch the presentation “Ship’s arrangement” and comment on the slides. Watch
slides 39-59 and do the quiz. (See Quiz time)

Slide 39 1 ………. 2 ………. 3 ………. 4 ………. 5 ……….

Slide 40 1 ………. 2 ………. 3 ………. 4 ………. 5 ……….
Slide 41 1 ………. 2 ………. 3 ………. 4 ………. 5 ……….
Slide 42 1 ………. 2 ………. 3 ………. 4 ………. 5 ……….
Slide 43 1 ………. 2 ………. 3 ……….
Slide 44 1 ………. 2 ………. 3 ………. 4 ………. 5 ……….
Slide 45 1 ………. 2 ……….
Slide 46 1 ……….
Slide 47 1 ………. 2 ……….
Slide 48 1 ………. 2 ……….
Slide 49 1 ……….
Slide 50 1 ……….
Slide 51 1 ………. 2 ………. 3 ………. 4 ………. 5 ………. 6 ……….
Slide 52 1 ………. 2 ……….
Slide 53 1 ……….
Slide 54 1 ……….
Slide 55 1 ……….
Slide 56 1 ……….
Slide 57 1 ……….
Slide 58 1 ……….
Slide 59 1 ……….



Warm up

 Have you ever been on a real vessel?

 Did you enjoy it?
 Who accompanied you or showed you around?
 If you were to go on a guided tour around a big vessel, where would you start from
(main deck, bridge, engine room, etc.)

25. You are going to watch a freeze-frame video “Tour of the Mega Container Ship”.


26. Watching and listening for gist. Grasp the main idea of the film. What did each
cadet remember while first watching? What impressed you most?

27. Follow the script during the second demonstration. Pay attention to the details.
As it’s a freeze-frame video, make pauses, fill in the gaps in each part of the text,
discuss new information in class.


Extract I

00:20 Let me show you around the ship.

00:25 Compass deck.
00.33 _______ scanner and the _______ back there. Antennas everywhere. Antennas.
“High Voltage”
“Radiation Hazard”

00:46 Heading down into the _______.

00:50 Navigation Bridge.
The ship has a computer system, which connects all the essential _______ and
_______ together.

01:30 The most important equipment is, of course, a _______ machine. We also haul
all the activities on the ship from here. So, literally we are the command center
of the ship.
01:40 Accommodation has many floors. All of them have some _______ and
_______ to get around.
F-DECK - Captain - drawing room
- Chief Engineer - El. Equipment/
Convert Room
- Owner - Battery Room
- Pilot
E-DECK - 2nd Engineer - 3rd Engineer
- Chief Officer - 4th Engineer
- El. Engineer - 2nd Officer
- 3rd Officer
D-DECK - Officer’s Recreation Room - Chief Steward
- Officer’s Laundry - Junior Officer (B)
- Library - Junior Officer (C)
- Junior Officer (A) - Cadet (A)
- Cadet (B)
- Cadet (C)
C-DECK - Crew’s Recreation Room - AB (A)
- Oiler (A) - AB (B)
- Oiler (B) - AB (C)
- Oiler (C) - AB (D)
- Oiler (D) - Bosun
- Chief Cook
- Crew’s Laundry
B-DECK - EM’CY Gen. Room - Gymnasium
- Hospital - Bonded Store
- Medicine Locker - Lift machine Room
- OS (A) - Dry/ Cold Provision
- OS (B)
A-DECK - Galley - Duty Mess-room
- Pantry - Garbage Store
- Officer Mess-room - Air Cond/ Prov. Ref.
Machine Room
- Crew Mess-room
Upper deck - Ship Management Center
- EM’CY Head Quarter Room
- Officer/ Crew Changing Room
- Maintenance Crew
- Tally Office
01:48 We can use the elevator or we can use the stairs. Our ship has 9 floors, which
we call decks. The high-ranking officers live on the upper decks. The crew lives
on the lower decks. Follow me and I’ll show you around on each deck.

Extract II

02:22 This is a standard-sized cabin. We have our own _______, a queen-size bed, a
couch, a coffee table, our own _______, a desk (computer’s not included).
02:40. In some facilities we have:
- karaoke
- a library
- a Recreation Room
- a Ping-Pong Room
- a _______ Court
- a Gym
02:55 - two _______ Rooms and two Drying Rooms
- a Bonded Store
Bonded Store is a room to store dutiable
_______ i.e. liquor, beer, cigarettes.

Why is the Rum always gone?

03:10 - Vegetable Room
- Meat Room
- Fish Room
03:16 Galley.

Galley = A ship’s kitchen

Mess-room = Dining room aboard ship

03:17 This is our duty _______.

03:19 Here we have the Officer’s mess-room.
03:23 The Officers’ Pantry.
03:25 Into the Galley again.
This is our Chief Cook.
03:29 There’s cooking oil and sauces and on left-side here we have his cooking
This is the crew’s_______.
03:40 And, lastly, the crew’s mess-room.

Extract III

03:46 And outside here there’s a lifeboat. (sailors on a drill wearing lifejackets and
Life Boat (30 p)
Rescue Boat (6 p)

03:57 Inside the lifeboat

04:02 Conference Room.
04:04 The Ship’s Office.
04:06 Emergency Headquarters’ (life-saving equipment):
- 1st Aid Box
- Breathing Apparatus
- Fire extinguishers
- Oxygen cylinder
04:09 Changing Room.
04:12 And now, I’ll bring you guys out to the main deck.
04:16 Moving towards the aft, we have the _______.
Aft Station
Back/ Stern of the Ship

04:30 The big drums are hydraulic _______.

Mooring winches

04:39 And the small round blocks are bollards and _______.
04:47 Here you can see the wash from our propellers.

Extract IV

04:55 Now we start heading towards the _______. Our ship is 323 m long. So, at
normal walking speed it takes about _______ to _______ minutes to get from
the aft to the fore station. So, even though we’re speeding right now, it still takes
a long time.
05:19 Here’s our additional _______ at the fore.
05:25 At the fore station now you can see the light foremast.
05:29 And then this is our _______.
05:31 The hawse pipe.
06:02 Lifebuoy
06:07 This enormous thing is our spare _______.
06:12 The shackle nose is twice the size of my hand (wearing gloves).
06:17 Heading up to the lashing bridge… Our ship has twenty lashing bridges and
_______ cargo holds. These lashing bridges and cargo holds are used to securely
store containers.
06:33 Through the _______ door now we’re heading towards the _______.
Under Deck Passage Way

We’re using the under deck passage way, which runs underneath the main

So it is also 3 hundred and 23 meters long.

06:44 On the watertight door:


When CO2 alarm sound, evacuate at once

06:56 This is our 60 thousand kilowatt main engine room.

What you are seeing is only the top part,

the whole engine is _______ floors deep

If the Bridge was the _______ of the ship, the main engine will be the _______.
It not only propels our ship, but also provides the ship’s whole electricity.
07:25 Shaft

07:34 Passing by Control Panels

07:47 Our massive _______ with two hydraulics.
And that wraps up the tour for my ship. I hope you liked it and see you next


28. Check your comprehension. Answer the questions.

1. What is there on the compass deck?

2. What warning signs can you see on the ship?
3. What is the purpose of the navigation bridge?
4. Why is coffee machine the most important equipment here?
5. How many floors are there on this ship?
6. How can you get on the upper deck or lower deck?
7. Where do officers and the crew live on board the ship?
8. What is there in a cabin?
9. What facilities are designed for rest and leisure?
10. Where can you go in for sports or read a book?
11. Where do you wash clothes on a vessel?
12. Where is Rum kept?
13. Where do they store vegetables, meat or fish?
14. Where is food cooked?
15. Who is in charge of the meals?
16. Where do officers/ratings have their meals?
17. Where do crewmembers go after the watch in case they’re hungry between the meals
or at night?
18. What kind of life-saving equipment is mentioned here? What can be seen in the
Em’cy Headquarters Room?
19. Where do crewmembers change clothes?
20. Where do seafarers gather for meetings and discussions?
21. What emergencies and hazards may happen at sea?
22. Where can they address for help if feeling bad?
23. Where do you get if you walk astern (backwards of the ship)?
24. What kind of deck equipment is installed on the aft station?
25. What do we call a front part of the main deck?
26. How long does it take to get from the aft to the fore station?
27. What can you see at the fore station?
28. Where is the anchor situated?
29. How big is the spare anchor and its shackle?
30. Where are containers and cargo stowed?
31. What type of doors separate the spaces within the ship? What for?

32. What is written on the watertight door?
33. Where does the under deck passage run?
34. What is fire hydrant used for?
35. What is total capacity of the main engine?
36. How big is it?
37. Why is the engine heart of the ship? Which is its brain then?
38. What is the function of the shaft?
39. Where are control panels located?
40. What steers the vessel?

29. Language Focus. Fill in the gaps using key-words from the topical vocabulary.

1. Above the bridge you can see the _______ deck, where _______ and the _______ are
2. The ship has a _______ system, which connects all the essential _______ and the
_______ together.
3. All the activities on the ship are _______ from the bridge, which is the _______ center
of the ship.
4. Accommodation has many _______ called decks. All of them have some _______
and _______ to get around.
5. To move between the floors on the ship they can use _______ or _______
6. _______ officers live on _______, the crew lives on _______ decks.
7. In a cabin we have our own _______ a _______ bed, a_______ a _______ table, our
own _______ room and a _______ (computer is not _______).
8. The crew can spend their leisure time in _______ room, sing in _______, read in
_______, keep fit in _______, play tennis in _______ or play sport games at _______.
9. To keep your clothes clean on the ship you can use_______ and _______ room.
10. _______ store is a room to store _______ goods (liquor and tobacco).
11. Cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, etc. are stored in _______ beef and pork in _______,
seafood in _______ room.
12. The food is cooked in _______ by _______.
13. The officers have meals in _______ and the ratings dine in _______.
14. Those crewmembers who miss lunch or dinner being on watch, may go to the
_______ for a snack.
15. In case of emergency they launch _______ and go to _______.
16. You can discuss matters in _______ and meet the authorities in _______.
17. If you walk backwards from the Main deck, you reach _______ There you can see
hydraulic_______, _______ and _______.
18. The wash overboard is produced by _______.
19. If we head towards the bow, we come to _______.
20. There is additional _______ at the fore. You can also see the light_______.

21. The main anchor is at the_______ and another _______ anchor with a big _______
is on the deck.
22. _______ bridges and cargo _______ are used to securely store containers.
23. All the doors on the ship are _______ to avoid the flooding.
24. _______ passage runs underneath the _______.
25. If the bridge is the _______ of the ship, the main engine room will be the _______.
26. The main engine _______ the ship and _______ the electricity on board.
27. Massive _______ gear has two _______.
28. Control panels are located in the _______.

30. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

hydrant aft bitts fore pipe lifeboat hazard

winches stern upper rescue chain voltage steering

1. The guy shows us around the ship from the _______ deck of the superstructure to the
_______ gear compartment and from the _______ to the _______.
2. On the upper deck we must be aware of the danger of high _______ and of radiation
3. Fire _______ is the pipe used to supply water for extinguishing the fire on board.
4. _______ places 30 people, _______ boat houses 6 people.
5. In the aft we may find mooring _______, bollards and _______.
6. Through hawse _______ the anchor _______ runs overboard. It’s placed in the ship’s
bow on each side of the stem or at the stern when a _______ anchor is used.

31. Underline the correct word.

1. The main engine / steering gear takes up 4 decks.

2. Helmets / 1st aid boxes are most commonly provided to protect from falling objects.
3. Rescue boat is capable of carrying at least 5 / 6 seated persons and a person lying
4. Every life raft / lifebuoy must have a diameter of not more than 800 mm and an inner
diameter of not less than 400 mm.
5. The life jacket / immersion suit must be of waterproof materials which cover the
whole body except the face.
6. If it is an electrical fire, do not use oxygen cylinder / water fire extinguisher.
7. We can get into the engine room through a weathertight / watertight door.
8. Bonded stores are delivered to the vessel with / without payment of Customs duties.
9. Switchboard room / battery room is used to supply electricity to all parts of the ship.

32. Put in the correct preposition from the soundtrack of the film.

1. Accommodation has many decks with cabins and facilities to get _______.
2. I’ll bring you _______ to the main deck.
3. Now we’re heading _______ the engine room.
4. I’m heading _______ to the lashing bridge.
5. He’s passing _______ the control panels of the switchboard.
6. It takes a long time to get _______ the aft _______ the fore station.
7. The under deck passage way runs _______ the main deck.
8. Here’s our additional life raft _______ the fore.
9. The officers live _______ the upper deck, the crew – _______ the lower deck.
10. And that wraps _______ the tour for my ship.

33. Revise your thesaurus on the ship’s ranks and their duties assigned. Make up
micro dialogues between crewmembers performing various activities. Use the Speech

How long does (did, will) it take smb. to do smth?

Example. 1) -How long does it take you to clean the deck?

-It usually takes me 2 hours to clean the deck.
2) -How long did it take the Second Mate to correct the charts?
-It took him 1 hour and a half to do it.

34. Speak about the mega container ship under the following points. Use screenshots.
Act out as a guide.

1. Upper deck of the superstructure

2. Navigation bridge
3. Accommodation area
4. The aft station facilities
5. The fore station facilities


35. Places on board. Choose the correct word for each place.



1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________

5. __________ 6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________

36. Listening. You are going to hear the Captain talking about places on board. Tick
the places he talks about.

37. Describe the position of places on the m/v Transitor. Use the diagram above and
the words from the box.



1. The bridge is _____ the Master’s cabin.

2. The gym is _____ the Chief Officer’s cabin and the recreation room.
3. The galley is _____ the laundry.
4. The laundry is _____.
5. The hospital is _____ the mess-room.
6. The engine room is _____ the galley.
7. The bonded store is _____ the mess-room.

38. Location of safety equipment. Match the sentences with the pictures.

1. The lifejacket is on the chair.

2. The emergency telephone is on the wall.
3. The breathing apparatus is in the cupboard.
4. The First Aid box is under the table
5. The fire extinguisher is in front of the chart table.
6. The immersion suit is behind the door.
7. The lifebuoy is near the gate.

39. Listening. You are going to hear the Captain testing the cadet’s knowledge on the
location of safety equipment. Look at the picture and write the number of the
equipment in the correct place.


40. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions.

1. Centerline runs ____ bow to stern and divides the hull _____ starboard and port sides.
2. Weather deck is exposed _____ weather.
3. Portions of space _____ a ship are called compartments.
4. Compartments are fitted _____ watertight doors, which prevent flooding _____ case
of an accident.
5. Tween decks are installed _____ the weather deck and the tank top.
6. Ballast is pumped _____ to increase stability, and when the cargo is loaded, it is
pumped _____.
7. Propeller drives the ship _____ the water.
8. Right _____ the propeller there is a rudder.
9. As the propeller rotates, it produces a thrust of water directed _____ the rudder.
10. A structure _____ the weather deck is the superstructure

41. Replace the words in italics with appropriate synonyms.

1. This ship’s body is painted white.

2. Ship’s name is written on her left side.
3. The front end of the hull is pointed.
4. The rear end of the hull is rounded.
5. The backbone of the vessel is parallel with the centerline.
6. Ship’s ribs are attached to the keel.
7. Superstructure contains living quarters.
8. Smokestack discharges steam from the ER.
9. There is a life jacket in your room.
10. The Chief Cook is in the kitchen.

42. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Active / Passive).

1. The hull _____ (divide) into two parts: fore and aft.
2. Centerline _____ (divide) the hull into starboard side and port side.
3. Frames _____ (form) the skeleton of a ship and _____ (attach) to the keel.
4. Weather deck_____ (expose) to weather.
5. When the cargo _____ (load), ballast _____ (pump out).
6. The main engine _____ (rotate) the shaft, which _____ (connect) to the propeller.
7. When the navigator _____ (turn) the helm to starboard, the rudder _____ (turn) to
starboard, too.
8. Mooring lines _____ (secure) the ship to her berth.
9. Mooring lines _____ (pull) by winches.
10. Anchor chain _____ (operate) by windlass and _____ (keep) in the chain locker, when
not in use.

43. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words and word combinations from the box

The main parts of the ship

The main structure of the ship is the 1. ________. Within the ship there are 2. ________
or platforms on which the cargo rests. The uppermost platform or the 3. ________ covers
the 4. ________ in which the cargo is stowed. It is loaded and discharged by cranes
on the quay or by ship’s derricks. Derricks are operated by 5. ________. The derricks are
fitted to 6. ________ which stand on the upper deck. The cargo passes into or out of the
holds through 7. ________. The right side of a ship facing the bow is called the 8. ________
and the left side is the 9. ________. The captain and officers are accommodated in 10.

1 A. deck department B. hull C. superstructure D. engine room

2 A. bulkheads B. decks C. holds D. tweendecks
3 A. main deck B. lower deck C. tweendeck D. forecastle
4 A. hatches B. compartments C. engine room D. holds
5 A. winches B. windlasses C. cranes D. capstans

6 A. poles B. spars C. masts D. piles
7 A. slots B. cells C. traps D. hatches
8 A. starboard B. port C. derrick D. near
9 A. starboard B. port C. bow D. near
10 A. galleys B. storerooms C. cabins D. pantries


 Safety awareness

 Personal safety on board. Risks and precautions

 Safety familiarization:

 emergency symbols, signs and alarm signals

 fire

 abandon ship procedure

 man overboard

 medical emergencies

 fire, weathertight and watertight doors


Part 1

Vocabulary 1

 to wear (wore, worn)  носить

 personal protective equipment  средства индивидуальной
(PPE) защиты (СИЗ)
 goggles  защитные очки
 helmet  каску, шлем
 to suffer (to sustain) an injury  получить травму
 a fracture  перелом
 to prevent an accident  предотвратить происшествие
 bruise  синяк, ушиб
 to observe safety precautions  соблюдать меры предосторожности
 safety equipment  средства защиты
 slip n.,v.  скольжение, скользить
 trip n.,v.  спотыкание, спотыкаться
 to fall (fell, fallen)  падать
 fall  падение
 to eliminate hazards  устранять, исключать опасности
 negligence  халатность, неосторожность
 to be of utmost importance  иметь исключительно важное
 to adopt measures  принимать меры
 handling of cargo  обработка груза
 appropriate  подходящий
 to be aware of/ to be unaware of |  быть осведомленным
(неосведомленным) в чем-либо
 awareness  осведомленность
 surroundings  окружающая обстановка
 to carry out duties  выполнять обязанности
 to provide safety measures  обеспечивать меры безопасности
 to ensure safety  обеспечивать безопасность
 safe working environment  безопасные условия труда

Warm up

Use the following words and expressions to comment on the pictures. Use the active
vocabulary above

to wear PPE goggles helmet injury fracture

bruise to prevent accidents to observe safety precautions
safety equipment slips / trips / falls to eliminate hazards
negligence to ensure safety

1. Read the introductory text.

Safety First!
Personal safety at sea is of utmost importance. It includes various measures which
sailors can adopt to stay safe, such as careful movement around the ship, steady handling
of heavy cargo and appropriate use of safety equipment.
The first step towards personal safety on board is awareness of your surroundings. This
includes knowing your working space, as well as risks and hazards around you.
Eliminate or minimize as many hazards as possible from your working place before
carrying out your duties.
Sometimes, in spite of following all the safety measures, things might go wrong. For
such situations, always pre-plan your exit strategy from your working place through the
easiest and fastest route possible.
To ensure a safe working environment, start every job with the safety-first attitude!

2. Expressions for discussion and debate.

1. There is no loss greater than the loss of human life.

2. There is a need to develop safer habits to overcome our “slack attitude” towards
personal safety.

Vocabulary 2

 to occur  случаться, происходить

 moisture  влага
 to hold on to the railings  держаться за поручни
 sensitive to fire  подверженный возникновению пожара
 cardboard  картон
 combustible material  воспламеняющийся материал
 (in)flammable liquids  воспламеняющаяся жидкость
 to disconnect the plug  выключить из розетки
 hazardous area  зона повышенного риска
 running machinery  работающее оборудование
 unguarded opening  открытое отверстие
 to remove spillage  устранить утечку, разлив
 to beware of  остерегаться чего-либо
 loose overall  свободный, неплотно сидящий комбинезон
 tool  инструмент
 emergency exit  аварийный выход
 escape route  путь эвакуации
 to be clear of obstructions  быть свободным от препятствий
 companionway  сходной трап, трап между палубами
 strain  растяжение (связок)
 portable ladder  переносной трап
 to work aloft  работать на высоте
 wear-and-tear  износ
 chipping  зачистка, скалывание
 scraping  очистка скребком
 wire brushing  очистка проволочной щеткой
 breathing passages  дыхательные пути
 solvent  растворитель
 to produce toxic vapors  производить токсичные испарения
 warning against hazard  предупреждение об опасности
 oil stain  масляное / нефтяное пятно

Warm up

Discuss with your partner.

 Is ship a dangerous place? Which area on board is the most hazardous one?
 How can you keep safe on board? Can you make up a list of do’s and don’ts?
3. Read the text and answer the questions.

Personal Safety on Board

Ship is a dangerous place. Especially if you do not observe safety precautions when
working in various parts of the vessel.
For instance, many accidents occur on the weather deck. Water or moisture is always
present on the surface. Make sure you:
 walk carefully
 do not run
 wear necessary personal protective equipment (PPE)
 hold on to the railings when moving on the open deck.
Accommodation area is extremely sensitive to fire, as it includes wood, cardboard and
other combustible materials. To avoid fire, remember the following:
 do not keep inflammable materials in your cabin
 disconnect the plugs of electrical equipment when you leave
 never smoke in your bunk
Engine room is considered one of the most hazardous areas: running machinery,
inflammable liquids, extremely hot water, and high temperatures – all these factors are
always present in the engine room.
The most common risks on board are slips, trips and falls:
 watch for slippery areas, obstructions on deck and unguarded openings
 any spillage of oil or other substance should be removed immediately
 beware of any sudden movements of the ship
 on stairs and in companionways, keep one hand free to grasp the handrail
 wearing proper safety shoes will help prevent slipping or tripping.
It is very important to maintain a high level of safety when entering a cargo hold for
inspection or maintenance. Before entering:
 inform your department
 ensure that it is well ventilated.
Never wear loose overall when working on the machinery and always use proper tools
for the job. Emergency exits and escape routes must be clear of all obstructions at all times.
Back injury such as a strain is the most common problem on board. Each year, many
seafarers are injured through incorrect lifting and carrying of loads.
Remember, your legs are much stronger than your back, and so they should take the
weight in any lifting operation.
Every year there are serious and often fatal accidents involving falls from stages,
portable ladders and other working places aloft. Always inspect the necessary protective
equipment before use. In particular, ropes should be in good order and condition, without
any signs of wear-and-tear.
Cleaning and painting are essential aspects of shipboard routine. These may include
such operations as chipping, scraping, wire brushing etc. Always wear appropriate PPE to
protect your eyes, hands and breathing passages. Remember, paints and solvents may
contain poisons and produce flammable and toxic vapors. Thus, you should always work
in well-ventilated conditions and never smoke when painting.
Signs and symbols are a very effective method for warning against hazards and for
presenting information in a non-verbal form. Safety signs and notices vary in shapes and
colors. Make sure that you know their meaning and purpose.

1. How should a seafarer move on the open deck?

2. What makes the accommodation area sensitive to fire?
3. Why isn’t it allowed to wear loose overall when working on the machinery?
4. What are the most common risks and injuries on board? How can you avoid them?
5. What are the most common aspects of shipboard routine? What risks do they pose?

4. Replace the words in italics with appropriate synonyms from the text.

1. When working on board, it’s very important to follow safety precautions.

2. Accidents take place in various parts of the vessel.
3. In order to avoid injuries, always wear suitable PPE. Watch for oil stains and different
barriers on the deck.
4. Your working clothes shall not be baggy and you should always use appropriate
instruments for particular tasks. Be extremely careful when working in such risky
areas, as engine room.
5. When cleaning and painting, always keep in mind that paints and solvents may
produce flammable and toxic fumes. Remember: the safe way is the best way!

5. Having read the text, make up a full list of Safety Do’s and Don’ts.


Walk carefully! WEATHER DECK Do not run!
……………………… ………………………
……………………… ACCOMMODATION ………………………
……………………… ………………………
……………………… ENGINE ROOM ………………………
……………………… ………………………
……………………… CARGO HOLD ………………………
……………………… ………………………
……………………… THROUGHOUT ………………………
……………………… THE SHIP ………………………

6. Find the hidden terms in the Word Search Puzzle. Define them in your own







7. What should be done to avoid the following accidents? Use the hints given below
and add more if possible.

Example: To avoid injuries on the weather deck you should walk carefully, wear
appropriate PPE and hold on to the railings.

 fire in the accommodation

 slips, trips and falls
 accidents in the cargo hold
 back injury
 fatality when working aloft
 cuts while routine operations
 lung (легкие) injuries when working with paints and solvents

8. Put as many special questions to the following statements as you can.

Example: Sailors sustain back injuries through incorrect lifting of loads every year.
 Why do sailors sustain back injuries every year?
 What is the main cause of back injuries?
 How often do sailors sustain back injuries through incorrect lifting of loads?
 What may incorrect lifting of loads result in?
 Who sustains back injuries through incorrect lifting of loads?

1. Many accidents occur on the weather deck because of wet surface.

2. Accommodation area is sensitive to fire as it contains combustible materials.
3. Engine room is one of the most hazardous areas due to running machinery and
flammable liquids.
4. The most common risks on board are slips, trips and falls.
5. Before entering a cargo hold, you should ensure that it is well ventilated.
6. AB strained his back during cargo operations yesterday.
7. You should always inspect the necessary protective equipment on signs of wear-and-
8. Shipboard routine includes such operations as chipping, scraping, wire brushing.
9. Paints and solvents may produce flammable and toxic vapors.
10. Signs and symbols are used to warn against hazards.

Part 2




Warm up

You are going to hear information about Shipboard Safety. Before watching the video
“Shipboard Familiarization” discuss the following questions with your partner. Use
the basic vocabulary.

 to familiarize oneself with  ознакомиться с

 alarm signal  сигнал тревоги
 muster station  место сбора по тревоге
 lifejacket  спасательный жилет
 lifeboat  спасательная шлюпка
 emergency  чрезвычайная ситуация, авария
 fire extinguisher  огнетушитель
 drill  учение, учебная тревога
 life raft  спасательный плот
 lifebuoy  спасательный круг
 injury  травма, повреждение
 personal safety routine  правила обеспечения личной
 personal emergency routine  порядок действий в аварийной

 What is the first thing to do when you join a ship?
 What risks may occur when working onboard?
 What injuries may happen on board and how to avoid them?
 What is a drill?


Block 1. “Safety Familiarization” [00.00 – 01.40]

9. Before watching section “Safety Familiarization” study the following words and

 safety training  инструктаж по технике безопасности

 to join a ship  прибыть на судно
 safety checklist  чек-лист по технике безопасности
 to delegate  передавать полномочия, поручать
 to assign  назначать, поручать
 to accompany  сопровождать
 to don a lifejacket  надевать спасательный жилет
 embarkation deck  посадочная палуба
 to lower a lifeboat  спускать шлюпку
 to embark  садиться на борт судна
 to bowse in  подтягивать
 to warn  предупреждать
 to rescue  спасать
 to escape  убегать, спасаться
 to require  требовать, нуждаться в чём-либо
 designated  назначенный
 to proceed  идти, следовать
 inflatable  надувной
 to keep afloat  удерживать на плаву

10. Watch the section. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words and word

1. Once you’ve joined the ship, you may be handed a _______ to follow.
2. The Master may delegate someone to _______ you with company’s safety
3. Make sure you know where your _______ is, where your _______ is located and how
to don it correctly, and which is your _______.

4. You will come to deck eight, which is the _______, and the lifeboat will be lowered
from deck nine to deck eight before you embark.
5. You may also have special duties in an _______.

11. Match the words with their definitions.

1. muster station a. a signal warning of danger.

2. alarm signal b. a boat used for rescuing people at sea, escaping from a
sinking ship.
3. lifejacket c. an unexpected and difficult or dangerous situation, which
happens suddenly and which requires quick action to deal
4. lifeboat d. a designated area, the crewmembers shall proceed to upon
hearing an emergency alarm.
5. emergency e. an inflatable jacket worn to keep a person afloat when in
danger of drowning.

12. Choose the best answer(s) for each question.

1. What should be done first when you join a ship?

a. unpack your luggage
b. begin carrying out your duties
c. take the safety familiarization training

2. What does safety familiarization involve?

a. personal emergency routine
b. company’s safety regulations, alarm signals and personal safety routine
c. filling in safety checklist

3. What are the most important items of safety familiarization?

a. location of your muster station, lifejacket and embarkation deck
b. various alarm signals
c. lifeboat lowering procedure

4. What special duties may you have in the event of emergency?

a. closing doors
b. switching off equipment
c. warning others

Block 2. “Emergency Symbols & Signs”, “Alarm Signals” [01.40 – 03.55]

13. Before watching sections “Emergency Symbols & Signs” and “Alarm Signals”
study the following words and phrases.

 emergency exit  аварийный выход

 to recognize  узнавать, признавать
 muster list  расписание по тревогам
 relevant  соответствующий
 general emergency alarm  общесудовая тревога
 blast  гудок
 whistle  свисток
 announcement  объявление
 public address system  система громкой связи
 to muster  собираться
 fire alarm system  система пожарной сигнализации
 independently  независимо
 to abandon ship  покидать судно
 to report  (зд.) прибывать
 portable fire extinguisher  переносной огнетушитель
 first aid kit  аптечка первой помощи
 blanket  одеяло
 to launch a lifeboat / life raft  спускать на воду шлюпку / плот
 to sound the alarm  поднять тревогу
 to be unaware of  не знать, быть неосведомлённым

14. Match the following safety signs with their meanings below.

a. No smoking! c. Muster station e. Lifeboat
b. Emergency exit d. Lifebuoy
f. Life jacket

15. Study the table and learn different types of alarm signals.

Alarm signal Description Actions to be taken

General Emergency 7 short blasts + 1 long proceed to your designated
Alarm blast muster station
Fire Alarm continuous sound of report to the muster station
alarm with a portable fire
Man Over Board Alarm 3 long blasts collect the first aid kit, warm
clothes and blanket to the
muster station
Abandon Ship Alarm verbal command by the collect the first aid kit, warm
master accompanied by clothes and blanket to the
the general emergency muster station; assist in
alarm launching of life rafts

16. Self-assessment and discussion.

1. Name the signs and symbols you already know. Where can you find them? Why are
they used on ships?
2. Where are the muster lists displayed? What information may you learn from a muster
3. Emergency muster station and lifeboat muster station are different! How do you know
which one to proceed to?
4. How is the general emergency alarm sounded? What are the actions to be taken?
What other types of alarm signals do you know? Describe them.
5. How will your knowledge help you in a real emergency? What may happen if you
are unaware of safety information?

Block 3. “Fire or Smoke Onboard” [03.55 – 05.23]

17. Before watching section “Fire or Smoke Onboard” study the following words and

 to raise the alarm  поднять тревогу

 to tackle the blaze  потушить пожар
 foam  пена

 dry powder  сухой порошок
 carbon dioxide  углекислый газ
 to face hazard  сталкиваться с опасностью
 to be alert  быть бдительным, настороже
 to respond to emergency  реагировать (принимать меры) на
чрезвычайную ситуацию
 fabric  ткань
 flammable liquid  воспламеняющаяся жидкость
 to smother the flame (fire)  тушить пламя
 vapor  пар

18. Watch the section. Complete the gaps in the transcript.

If you find a fire or see smoke, you should _____________. Then inform the bridge.
Stay calm. Keep what you say simple, giving just the basic information.
Unless the fire is small and localized, never _____________ on your own. If in doubt,
isolate the fire by closing all nearby doors and leave it to the trained fire-fighting teams on
Throughout the ship, there are _______________. You should know their type and
location. Portable extinguishers are designed to fight different types of fire. They may
contain water, foam, dry powder, ______________ or other agents, depending on their
intended use. They may be color-coded for instant recognition. Practical demonstrations
may be given during emergency _________________. Look out for the various types and
colors of extinguishers aboard your ship and familiarize yourself with the instructions on
the label. If you’re unsure – ask.
Fire at sea is one of the greatest _______________________ facing any ship. Everyone
on board must be constantly alert for fire and know how to respond.

19. Know your fire extinguisher color code!

Agent Color Fire risk

Water red wood, paper & fabric fires

Foam cream wood, paper & fabric fires;

flammable liquid fires
Dry powder French blue wood, paper & fabric fires;
flammable liquid &
electrical fires;
gaseous fires
CO2 black flammable liquid &
electrical fires
20. Use the definitions below to complete the crossword puzzle.

1 2 3

9 10

4 5


1. a source of danger
4. to activate
6. a chemically produced substance that smothers the flames
7. free from excitement
8. a dry material used in fire extinguishers
11. paying full attention to things around

2. a chemically, physically or biologically active component
3. to react to something
5. a sound intended to warn of approaching danger
9. capable of being carried or moved about
10. visible vapor and gases given off by a burning substance

21. Self-assessment and discussion.

1. What should you do, if you find a fire or see smoke?

2. What are portable fire extinguishers designed for?
3. What extinguishing agents do the fire extinguishers contain? How are they
differentiated and in what case should each type be used?
4. Who is responsible for fighting a fire on board?
5. Why is fire considered to be one of the most dangerous hazards on board? Express
your opinion.

Block 4. “Locate & Don Lifejacket”, “Preparing to Abandon Ship” [05.23 – 07.50]

22. Before watching sections “Locate & Don Lifejacket” and “Preparing to Abandon
Ship” study the following words and phrases.

 to issue a lifejacket  выдавать спасательный жилет

 to stow  размещать
 locker  ящик
 remote  малый (о вероятности)
 to crawl  ползти
 on arrival  по прибытии
 roll call  перекличка
 to swing out (swung, swung)  вываливать (шлюпку)
 to be equipped with  быть оснащенным, оборудованным
 safeguard  мера предосторожности
 strap  тесьма
 to fit snugly  плотно садиться, облегать
 to fasten the closure  застегнуть застежку
 to force sb to do smth  заставлять, принуждать кого-л сделать что-л

23. Watch the sections. Choose the best answer for each sentence.

1. During drills and emergencies, you’ll have to _______ your lifejacket.

a. locate b. don c. issue
2. Additional lifejackets are often stowed in large labeled boxes or lockers near the
a. bridge b. cabins c. lifeboats
3. If there’s heavy smoke in the accommodation, you should follow the direction
signs on the bulkheads, leading to the _______.
a. emergency exits b. bridge c. workstation
4. The lifeboats will be _______ by designated crewmembers and made ready.
a. turned out b. swung out c. put out
5. Your ship is also equipped with _______ as an additional safeguard.
a. life rafts b. alarms c. lifebuoys

24. Lifejackets come in various designs. Look at the procedure of donning one of the
approved types and match the pictures with the instructions below.

a. Pull the free end of the strap, so that the jacket fits snugly.
b. Place the lifejacket over your head.
c. Cross your arms across the chest and enter the water feet first.
d. Bring the strap around your body and fasten the closure.

25. Place the following actions in correct order to describe the emergency procedure
in case you have to abandon ship.

Take your lifejacket and, if time permits, warm clothing.

Proceed to emergency exit.
Board the lifeboat, when ordered to do so.
General emergency alarm is sounded.
Roll call is carried out.
Report to your muster station.
Lifeboats are swung out.

26. Self-assessment and discussion.

1. Where can you find a lifejacket? Why is it important to practise donning it?
2. What shall you do upon hearing the alarm?
3. How shall you behave if there’s heavy smoke in the accommodation?
4. What are your further actions when you arrive at the muster station?
5. What events may force the crew to abandon ship?

Block 5. “Man Overboard”, “Medical Emergencies” [07.50 – 09.50]

27. Before watching sections “Man Overboard” and “Medical Emergencies” study
the following words and phrases.

 to fall overboard  упасть за борт

 to release a smoke float  сбрасывать дымовой буёк
 to steer  вести судно, следовать
 towards  по направлению к
 to manoeuvre  выполнять манёвр
 to take charge  принять командование
 decisive  решительный
 casualty  пострадавший
 to attend the casualty  оказывать помощь пострадавшему
 to reduce a risk  снижать, уменьшать риск
 protective clothing  защитная одежда
 to take particular care  проявлять особую осмотрительность
 slippery  скользкий
 to beware of  остерегаться
 safety boots  защитная обувь
 hard hat  каска
 to arrive  прибывать
 first-aider  специалист по оказанию первой помощи
 harm  вред, ущерб
 distress  бедствие
 dense  густой

28. Watch the sections. Complete the sentences with the correct form of words from
the box. Three words are extra.

smoke float lifebuoy lifeboat casualty hard hat injury fall lifejacket

1. If you see somebody fall overboard, shout “Man Overboard!” and throw the nearest
____________over the side.
2. The officer can release a _____________, which will give the ship a marker to steer
3. You must know what to do if you’re first on the scene of an accident or other medical
emergency. And it’s absolutely essential: don’t move the ________________.
4. To reduce the risk of an _____________, always wear protective clothing when

5. Safety boots should be worn while working and ________________ while on deck
or in the engine room.

29. Match the definitions to the words from Exercise 28.

1. Physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an

2. A distress signal, which produces dense orange smoke

3. A person injured or killed in a serious accident

4. A piece of equipment, usually a ring filled with air or light

material, designed to keep you afloat if you fall into water
5. A hat made of a strong material that is worn to protect one’s head

30. Self-assessment and discussion.

1. What shall you do if you see somebody fall overboard?

2. What are the risk factors for falling overboard? How can this accident be prevented?
3. Why isn’t it allowed to move the casualty? Express your opinion.
4. How can you reduce the risk of an injury when working on board?
5. What is the most common type of accident aboard ship?

Block 6. “Close & Open Fire, Weathertight & Watertight Doors” [09.50 – 11.10]

31. Before watching section “Close & Open Fire, Weathertight & Watertight
Doors” study the following words and phrases.

 precaution  мера предосторожности

 flooding  затопление
 watertight  водонепроницаемый
 to be fitted with  быть оснащенным, оборудованным
 sliding-type door  раздвижная (скользящая) дверь
 to trigger the alarm  инициировать, запускать тревогу
 power-driven  с механическим приводом
 failure  неисправность
 to remain closed  оставаться закрытым
 permission  разрешение
 weathertight  стойкий к атмосферным воздействиям
 purpose  цель
 spray  водяные брызги
 external  внешний
 sill  порог
 clamping device  зажим
 tight seal  герметичность
 barrier  барьер, преграда
 spread  распространение
 closing spring  закрывающая пружина
 to hook back  отцепить

32. Watch the section. Complete the chart with missing information.

Watertight doors Weathertight doors Fire doors

..........doors are the most are designed to keep out are barriers against ..........
common. ..........

closing the door triggers often have a .......... are often fitted with a
.......... heavy ..........

should .......... at sea clamping devices known as some types may close
.......... provide a tight seal. automatically, if ..........

33. Give synonyms to the following words.

1. 1. to activate 2. 2. breakdown 3. 3. safeguard 4. 4. equipped with 5. 5. objective

34. Fill in the gaps with the synonyms from exercise 3.

1. As a _______ against flooding, ships are constructed with watertight bulkheads.

2. Any opening in a watertight bulkhead is ______ the watertight door.
3. Closing the door _______ the alarm.
4. If power-driven, there’ll also be a hand-operated mechanism on each side in case of
power _______.
5. Weathertight doors have a different ______ and are designed to keep out wind, sea
and spray.

35. Self-assessment and discussion.

1. What are the possible causes of flooding? What may flooding lead to?
2. What is used as a precaution against flooding?
3. What do weathertight doors serve for?
4. What is used to isolate the fire and prevent it from spreading?
5. “Rules are made to be broken”. Do you agree with this statement? Comment on it.

36. Put as many special questions to the following statements as you can.

Example: We used CO2 fire extinguisher to put out fire in the hold.
 What did you use to put out fire in the hold?
 What type of fire extinguisher did you use?
 Where did you put out fire?
 Who put out fire in the hold?
 When did you put out fire in the hold?

1. When he joined the ship, the Master handed him a safety checklist.
2. Every crewmember must understand safety signs and symbols, in order not to get in
3. Muster lists are displayed in the accommodation, engine room and on the bridge
4. When we heard the general emergency alarm, we proceeded to the muster station.
5. If you find a fire or see smoke, you should raise the alarm.
6. During drills and emergencies, crewmembers practise donning their lifejacket.
7. Inflatable life rafts are used as additional safeguard on board.
8. To reduce the risk of an injury, you should always wear protective clothing when
9. Watertight bulkheads are fitted to prevent flooding.
10. Weathertight doors are designed to keep out wind, sea and spray.



 Personal Protective Equipment: description and application

 Personal safety on deck: common risks and safety precautions

 Case study


Part 1

Vocabulary 1

 non-observance of safety procedures  несоблюдение правил техники

 suitable  подходящий
 chin strap  подбородный ремешок
 spark  искра
 welding  сварка
 to chip rust  отбивать ржавчину
 ear plugs  ушные пробки
 ear muffs  защитные наушники
 to reduce noise to bearable level  понизить шум до терпимого уровня
 respiratory system  дыхательная система
 oxygen deficiency  недостаток кислорода
 breathing apparatus  дыхательный аппарат
 severe burn  серьезный, сильный ожог
 scald  ожог кипящей жидкостью или паром
 slip-resistant sole  нескользящая подошва
 brain concussion  сотрясение мозга
 safety harness  страховочный пояс
 lifeline  спасательный леер
 foreign body  инородное тело
 to sustain injury  получить травму

Warm up

 What are the most common injuries on board?

 How to protect different parts of your body?
 Have you ever injured yourself? Share your own experience.

1. Read the text and answer the questions.

Personal Protective Equipment

Getting injured or hurt while working on board a ship is very common. Most injuries
take place due to negligence and non-observance of safety procedures. In order to protect

yourself, always wear personal protective equipment. You should know which items are
suitable for a particular task and how to use them properly.
The most important part of a human body is the head. It needs utmost protection, which
is provided by a hard plastic helmet. It will protect your head from objects falling from
above or bumping against hard surfaces. A chin strap will prevent the helmet from falling
Eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body and in daily operations on board
chances are very high for having an eye injury. To protect your eyes from sparks during
welding or from flying particles when chipping, use appropriate protective goggles.
Seafarers who by the nature of their duties are exposed to high levels of noise, such as
those working in machinery spaces, should wear ear protectors. Ear plugs and ear muffs
will reduce the noise to a bearable level.
Your respiratory system should be well protected when there’s a risk of oxygen
deficiency or exposure to dangerous vapors, dust, or gases. Depending on a situation, use
a face mask, respirator or breathing apparatus.
Working on board requires handling hot and sharp objects. A variety of gloves are used
to protect your hands from cuts, burns and scalds.
All seafarers at work should wear appropriate safety footwear. Shoes and boots should
have firm, slip-resistant soles. Sandals and flip-flops should not be worn when working, as
this may lead to slips, trips and falls, which in turn often result in fractures, bruises or even
brain concussions.
To protect your body, wear protective overalls and special suits, depending on the
activity you need to carry out. Protective clothing will save you from cold environment,
just as well as from hot oil and water.
Seafarers working aloft, over the side, or where there is a risk of falling from height,
should wear a safety harness attached to a lifeline.

1. Why do injuries occur?

2. What is a chin strap used for?
3. Which shipboard activities pose danger to your eyes?
4. How can you protect your respiratory system?
5. What are the main requirements to safety footwear? How can inappropriate footwear
affect your health?

2. Match the terms with their definitions.

1. burn a. protective glasses that fit close to your face

2. injury b. the result of breaking something, especially a bone
3. fracture c. lack of normal care or attention
4. goggles d. hurt, damage or loss

5. negligence e. injury or damage resulting from exposure to flame or

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words from exercise 2.

1. Due to wearing inappropriate footwear, the cadet slipped and fell. The ship’s doctor
diagnosed a _______.
2. Professional _______ was the reason for his dismissal.
3. John was smoking while painting the deck, so he got severe _______.
4. Tom was chipping rust without protective _______ on, and now he’s got a foreign
body in his left eye.
5. If you don’t want to sustain any _______, always use a safety harness when working

4. Complete the chart with missing information.


falling objects head helmet
bumping against hard surfaces
welding → sparks Eyes ……………
high level of noise …………… ……………
…………… …………… face mask
dangerous vapors, dust and gases respirator
cuts hands ……………
slips …………… feet ……………
trips → bruises
……. ……………
…………… …………… protective overall
falling from height various body parts ……………

5. Put as many special questions to the following statements as you can.

Example: When an OS chips off rust, he uses safety goggles to protect his eyes.
 Which item of PPE is used to protect one’s eyes?
 What does an OS use safety goggles for?
 What does an OS do?
 Who chips off rust on board?

1. Our Bosun didn’t observe safety precautions and sustained a fracture.

2. Every crewmember wears personal protective equipment to avoid injuries.
3. A hard plastic helmet will protect your head from objects falling from above.
4. Eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body and should be protected by safety
5. Engine room crewmembers are exposed to high levels of noise, that’s why they wear
ear muffs.

Part 2



Vocabulary 2

 to protect yourself  защитить себя

 a fitter  слесарь
 to cause severe fractures  вызывать серьезные переломы
 to run on a wet deck  бегать по мокрой палубе
 to secure a heavy object  закреплять тяжелый предмет
 to roll  катиться, (о судне: испытывать
бортовую качку)
 to stand too close to a mooring line  стоять слишком близко к
швартовочным концам
 in the safe place  в безопасном месте
 in the bight of a rope  в бухте троса, конца
 to dislocate a hip  сместить, вывихнуть бедро
 to spend several weeks in plaster  провести несколько недель в гипсе
 a loose object  незакрепленный объект
 weight came on the mooring line  вес переместился на швартовочные
 to tighten a rope  натянуть конец (линь)
 to injure one’s back / leg  повредить спину / ногу
 to lift a heavy object  поднять тяжелый предмет

 to bend (bent, bent) one’s legs  согнуть ноги
 to twist one’s knee  вывернуть колено
 to blame  обвинять
 to climb a ladder  взбираться по трапу
 to steady oneself  держать равновесие
 to pull smth up on a rope  поднять что-то на веревке
 a safety harness  страховочный пояс
 to prevent an accident  предотвратить несчастный случай
 to take out / to remove the fuse  снять предохранитель
 to strain one’s back  потянуть спину
 to result in serious damage  закончиться серьезным повреждением
 to sustain severe injury  получить серьезные повреждения
 to receive treatment  получить лечение
 to pour out acid  разлить кислоту
 the acid spilled into his face  кислота брызнула ему в лицо
 to open an inspection hatch  открыть крышку инспекционного
 to ignite  воспламеняться
 to emit methane gas  выбрасывать метановый газ
 a high-voltage equipment  оборудование под высоким
 top layer of skin  верхний слой кожи
 superficial wound  поверхностная рана
 to leave permanent scarring  оставлять шрам / рубец
 to blind smb  ослеплять
 to lose one’s eyesight  потерять зрение
 to walk through a prohibited area  ходить по запрещенной зоне
 to run down the gangway  сбегать вниз по трапу
 to rig the gangway  вооружить парадный трап
 serious long lasting consequences  серьезные длительные последствия
 safety net / side rails  сетка безопасности / поручни
 to cause bruising / concussion  являться причиной синяков
 human skull  череп человека
 indestructible  неразрушимый
 victim of one’s carelessness or  жертва невнимательности или
oversight оплошности


Warm up

Make up as many word combinations as possible.

Discuss with your partner.

 How often do you think about your personal safety on deck? All the time? Once a
day? Once a month?
 What are you doing to protect yourself and your fellow crewmembers?
 What causes accidents on board?
 Here is the list of the most common causes. Which do you think are the most common
 poor preparedness
 haste and hurry
 disregard of safety procedures
 shortcuts
 lack of experience
 overconfidence
 family problems (distractions)
 What are the most common accidents on deck?
 What are the consequences of disregard of safety procedures?
 What are the main precaution measures to avoid injuries?


This is a story of four men. They thought they would never have an accident on
board. But they did. The question for you to decide is this: how did it happen?


6. [00.47 – 01.47] Listen to the story of Roberto Ramirez, 25 years old, a fitter with a
wife and three children. Complete the story with the missing word combinations
(VERB + NOUN). You have 3 options to decide how it could have happened.
He was experienced and professional, but it took him just one mistake to leave him with
severe _______ in each leg.
How could it have happened? For example, 1) Did it happen like this? _______ on a
wet _______, _______ the wrong _______?
2) Did it happen like this? Did Roberto or his shipmate _______ a _______ _______
on the deck without _______ it? Did it suddenly roll?
3) Or is this what happened? Was Roberto _______ too close _______ to a _______
_______ when it _______ without warning? Or maybe he was_______ in the bight of a
_______ when _______ came onto the line. So, which one was it? You decide!

7. [02.11 – 02.32] Listen to what has really happened. Make up sentences of your own
about real causes of the accident using the following terms. Put them in order.

mooring line; to stand in the bight of the rope; severe fracture;

weight; to tighten; to cause; to come on

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________

Discuss with your partner:

 What might be the consequences in each case?

 Is it important to use PPE while working on deck?

8. Make up sentences using the II Conditional. Follow the example.

Example: If Roberto stood/was standing in the safe place, the accident would never

 to make a mistake → to get injured

 to wear appropriate footwear → to fall, to dislocate the hip
 to secure a heavy object → to roll, to break one’s leg
 to stand in the bight of the rope → to sustain severe fractures to one’s legs


8. [02.50 – 05.50] Listen to the story of Bruce McMillan, an electrician. Complete the
story with the missing word combinations (VERB+NOUN). You have 3 options to
decide how it could have happened.
He _______ his _______ and _______. He was temporarily paralyzed.
[03:06] So what went wrong? 1) Was it this? Did he _______ a heavy _______ without
_______ his _______? If he did, he had only himself to blame and could easily have
_______ his _______ as well. Anyone can learn to lift correctly using the legs to_______
the _______, not the back.
[04:00] 2) Or perhaps this is what happened? He was _______ a _______ with only one
hand to steady himself. Another very basic mistake... This is the way to climb a ship’s
ladder - always with _______ _______! Anything which cannot be carried on your back
should be _______ _______ on a _______.
[04:57] 3) Or was it this? He was _______ on a _______ without a safety harness?
Someone switched it on and he fell onto the deck. All it would have taken to_______ this
_______ was a simple sign. To be doubly sure he could have _______ out the _______.
And in any case he should have been _______ a _______ _______. Advanced planning
and a bit of extra caution can prevent virtually all accidents. So what did cause this

9. [05:50] Listen to what has really happened. Make up sentences of your own about
real causes of the accident using the following terms. Put them in order.

to use both hands; to climb the ladder with only one hand; to pull up on a
rope; to steady oneself

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________


10. [06:40] Listen to the story of Sam Ngomo. Complete the story with the missing
word combinations (VERB+NOUN). You have 3 options to decide how it could have

Sam’s face was badly burnt.

[07:00] It might have been this: 1) he was _______ out some _______ to clean some
pipes when the _______ _______ and the _______ _______ into his face. If he’d been
wearing proper protective clothing and if the acid had been properly contained he would
have been safe.
[07:24] 2) Or perhaps this is what happened: He was smoking when he _______ an
_______ _______ over a cargo of coal and his _______ _______ a pocket of escaping
methane gas which was emitted from the cargo.
[07:38] 3) But maybe it was an electrical accident, perhaps he was working on a piece of
a high-voltage equipment. And perhaps he _______ the same _______ as Bruce McMillan
did with the radar. Perhaps he _______ the equipment _______ but didn’t leave the sign
or remove the fuses. How long does it take to do this? 30 seconds? And did he _______ a
proper _______ to work?
But which was the accident which burned Sam’s face?

11. [08:15] Listen to what has really happened. Make up sentences of your own about
real causes of the accident using the following terms. Put them in order.

to ignite; to leave permanent scarring; to burn from methane explosion; to

smoke near an inspection hatch; superficial wound; to emit methane gas;

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________

12. [6.40 – 9.10] Listen to the story again and find English equivalents for the
following word combinations:

кислота брызнула в лицо

храниться надлежащим образом

сигарета воспламенилась

оборудование под высоким напряжением

снять предохранитель

выброс метана

допуск на ведение работ

13. Discuss in groups:

1. What types of burns do you know?
2. Why is it important for all members of the crew to know how to render medical
assistance on board?
3. Which of the following treatment is used for burns?
 to put a tight bandage
 to apply an ointment
 to put in a plaster cast
 to give painkillers
 to make an injection


14. [09:12] Listen to the story of Pedro Sanchez. Complete the story with the missing
word combinations (VERB+NOUN). You have 3 options to decide how it could have

He _______ severe _______ injuries.

[09:35] 1) Could his injuries have been caused like this _______ through a _______
_______ while the _______ was being _______? It’s possible even if you are wearing a
hard hat, a small object can _______ a serious _______ when it falls from a great height.
[09:55] 2) Perhaps he was in such a hurry to get ashore to get supplies that he _______
down the _______ while his shipmate was still _______ it and he tripped. Again that’s
possible, many accidents happen when people run where they should be walking. One
moment thoughtless act can _______ serious long lasting _______. You should never
_______ down the _______, and no one should use it until the safety net and side rails are
ready. No job is so urgent that it’s worth _______ your personal _______ and your life.
[10:26] 3) But perhaps it happened during a _______ _______. As there are a lot of hard
metal onboard a ship and you have to watch out for it. All it takes is a moment’s thought
and a hard hat.
[10:57] 4) Or was it like this? Was Pedro _______ in an _______ area, again without his
_______ _______, and was he careless where he left his work tools? So which was it?

15. [11:15] Listen to what has really happened. Make up sentences of your own about
real causes of the accident using the following terms. Put them in order.

to be careless; a hard hat; to work in an exposed area; to leave one’s

tools; to fall from a great height; to cause severe fractures; a wrench

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________

16. To sum up, fill in the table with the possible and real causes of 4 accidents and
sustained injuries.

STORY 1 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

…………………. Unsecured heavy object ………………….
…………………. on deck which rolled ………………….
Ramirez Consequences Consequences Consequences
…………………. …………………. ………………….
…………………. …………………. ………………….

STORY 2 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

…………………. …………………. Working on a radar
…………………. …………………. without safety harness
McMillan Consequences Consequences Consequences
…………………. …………………. ………………….
…………………. …………………. ………………….

STORY 3 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

…………………. Cigarette ignited a ………………….
…………………. pocket of escaping ………………….
Sam methane gas
Ngomo Consequences Consequences Consequences
…………………. …………………. ………………….
…………………. …………………. ………………….

STORY 4 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Walking through …………………. During life boat drill/
prohibited area …………………. working in an exposed
while cargo was area without hard hat
Pedro being loaded
Sanchez Consequences Consequences Consequences
…………………. …………………. ………………….
…………………. …………………. ………………….

17. Make up sentences using “should have done” or “shouldn’t have done”

1. Roberto Ramirez
 to wear proper footwear
 to secure heavy objects on deck
 to stand too close to a mooring line
2. Bruce McMillan
 to lift heavy objects without bending his knees
 to take out the fuse
 to wear safety harness
3. Sam Ngomo
 to have a proper permit to work,
 to leave the sign “man aloft”
 to pour acid without protective clothes on
4. Pedro Sanchez
 to walk through prohibited area,
 to run down the gangway
 to be careless with the tools

18. Match the injury with its cause

1. a small object dropped from a great a. bruising, concussion or even fractured

height skull
2. a flash from an explosion b. wounds with permanent scarring

3. spilled acid c. complete skin removal and blindness

you if it reaches the eyes
4. lifting a heavy weight with straight legs d. back stranding and one of the soft discs
might slip out
5. a fall from height e. paralyzed back and legs

6. a hit from a loose object f. fractures

19. Look at the signs and write down what they mean. Choose from the list below.

a) Safety gloves must be worn; b) Safety overall must be worn; c) Eye protection must be
worn; d) Safety harness must be worn; e) Footpath for pedestrians; f) Respiratory
protective equipment must be worn; g) Ear protection must be worn; h) Face protection
must be worn; i) General mandatory sign (to be accompanied where necessary by another
sign); j) Safety boots must be worn; k) Safety helmet must be worn

Part 3


Real Life Accidents

Vocabulary 3

 to muster for drill  cобираться на учение, учебную тревогу

 to abandon ship  покидать судно
 to proceed to muster station  идти, следовать на место сбора по тревоге
 poop deck  палуба юта
 lifejacket  спасательный жилет
 external  внешний, наружный
 rolling  бортовая качка
 pitching  килевая качка
 to give first aid  оказать первую помощь
 contusion  ушиб
 to repatriate  возвращать на родину
 to heal  лечить, исцелять, заживать
 undue haste  чрезмерная спешка
 oil leak  утечка масла / нефти
 fuel pump  топливный насос
 to start the pump  запускать, включать насос
 to neglect  пренебрегать
 to receive a burn  получить ожог
 to discharge (cargo)  выгружать (груз)
 gasoline  бензин, горючее
 alongside  лагом, вдоль борта
 manifold  магистраль
 to apply  применять
 dizziness  головокружение

Nota Bene! To analyze and retell the following reports successfully, learn the
“Useful Language” table given below

To express opinion: I believe, I think, in my opinion, it seems to me, to my mind,

To list points: in the first place, first of all, to start with, firstly, secondly,
finally, for starters, |to begin with
To add more points: what is more, also, another reason, furthermore, moreover, in
addition to this, besides
To introduce examples: for example, for instance, such as, in particular
To conclude: to sum it up, all in all, taking into account
To make reference: according to, in accordance with, under (the regulations)

20. Read the MARS (Mariners’ Alerting and Reporting Scheme) reports. State the
error made in each situation. Decide what should be done to prevent such accidents.

201801 Slip on stairs – two-month recovery

While at sea, the crew were mustered for various emergency drills. After the abandon
ship drill, a crewmember was proceeding to his fire muster station on the poop deck, with
his lifejacket in his hand. He was using the external companionway ladder, as this was the
shortest route. On his way down one flight of stairs, he slipped and fell along the stairs and
to the deck below. The vessel was rolling and pitching slightly and there was moisture on
the steps and railing of the companion ladder.
He was given first aid on board the vessel and after several days sent ashore for more
examinations. He was diagnosed with a contusion of the left shoulder and repatriated. The
injury was expected to take about two months to heal completely.

What are the lessons learned? Analyze the situation using the hints below:

 three-point contact with the ladder  undue haste

 slippery stairs  PPE

201819 Severe burns from hot oil

A crew member found some small oil leaks from the fuel pump on both generators. He
took it upon himself to stop the leaks, so he was working alone and didn’t inform anyone
else of his plans.
Once the work was completed on one generator, he started the pump to ensure the leak
had been corrected. After making sure there was no oil leak, he started to work on the other
generator, but neglected to stop the pump. As a result, hot oil splashed onto his face and
The crewmember received severe burns to many parts of his body including his face,
ear, left arm and left hand.

What are the lessons learned? Analyze the situation using the hints below:
 team work
 carelessness during work

201345 Gas vapors cause illness

A vessel was discharging gasoline to small barges alongside. This vessel used a closed
discharging system, while the barges used an open loading system. The deck watch on the
vessel was situated close to the discharge manifold, so the crew members could smell the
gasoline vapor. The chief officer wasn’t informed, that the barges applied open loading and
that crew members were exposed to gasoline vapors. By the end of the discharge
operations, a member of the deck crew began to experience such symptoms as increased
heart rate, dizziness, pain and coldness.

What are the lessons learned? Analyze the situation using the hints below:

 PPE  lack of awareness and communication

21. Use the definitions below to complete the crossword puzzle.

4 5

6 8

2. to return to the country of origin 1. an unexpected and usually
dangerous situation that calls for
immediate action
3. an injury that usually does not break 4. to come together
the skin
6. to leave, often in the face of danger 5. emergency care or treatment given
to an ill or injured person (two
7. a feeling of spinning 8. a repeatedly practiced training

22. Translate into English.

1. Чтобы обеспечить безопасность, устраните опасности на своем рабочем месте.

2. Чтобы избежать падений на верхней палубе, ходите аккуратно, не бегайте и
носите обувь с нескользящей подошвой.
3. Чтобы не начался пожар, не курите в каюте!
4. Чтобы защитить глаза от искр во время сварки, используйте защитные очки.
5. Чтобы защитить голову от падающих сверху объектов, носите каску.

1. Allister Nisbet, Anna Whitcher Kutz, Catherine Logie “Marlins. English for
seafarers. Study pack 1”, Edinburgh, UK. - 1997
2. “Personal safety on ships”, Marine safety directorate transport, Ottawa, Canada. [e-
3. Videotel [e-resource:]


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