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1. Overview............................................................................................................................................................1
2. Common malfunction and remedy................................................................................................................ 1
2.1 Malfunctions due to improper installation environment...................................................................1
2.2 Common malfunction and remedy......................................................................................................1
2.3 Check whether power supply is normal............................................................................................. 3
3. Malfunction and remedy..................................................................................................................................4
3.1 No response when turn on instrument............................................................................................... 4
3.2 No display on the screen......................................................................................................................5
3.3 The test results cannot be printed out through the internal printer............................................... 6
3.4 Inactive reagent strip sensor................................................................................................................7
3.5 Time on the screen is abnormal.......................................................................................................... 8
3.6 Strip holder moves abnormally(move outward when turn on instrument)..............................8
3.7 Strip holder doesn’t move.....................................................................................................................8
3.8 Buttons don’t work................................................................................................................................. 8
3.9 TROUBLE-01、TROUBLE-04.............................................................................................................8
3.10 TROUBLE-02、TROUBLE-05.......................................................................................................... 8
3.11 TROUBLE-03、TROUBLE-06...........................................................................................................9
3.12 TROUBLE-10....................................................................................................................................... 9

VERSION:: 07/2016
1. Overview

URIT-180 urine analyzer is manufactured under strict supervision. This is a kind of precise analyzer,
improper operation or any damaged component may affect the results or make damage to the
instrument. If an operational or instrument problem occurs, an error number may display on the
Analyzer screen. This section of the manual lists various errors and messages, along with probable
causes and recommended remedies to quickly and easily correct the problem. If the problem persists
after following the recommended remedy, consult Table 2 for common malfunction and remedy and
table 3 for malfunction code and remedy.
Be sure to turn off the power supply before opening the instrument cover or replacing parts.
Beware of the high voltage inside.

2. Common malfunction and remedy

2.1 Malfunctions due to improper installation environment.

Consult table 1.
Table 1
No Installation Environment Malfunction
1 Strong light Incorrect result

2 Temperature exceeds the recommended range Incorrect result

3 Electromagnetism interference Incorrect result

4 Dusty, moist or caustic gas Cause damage to precise parts

5 Out of horizon Incorrect result

2.2 Common malfunction and remedy

Preparation before troubleshooting: check whether power supply is normal.Consult 2.3

Consult Table 2 for common malfunction and remedy and table 3 for malfunction code and remedy.

Table 2: Common malfunction and remedy


1. The input voltage falls short of the requirement.
No response when 2. Power connector assembly is loose or defective.
1 turning on the 3. Defective socket. 3.1
instrument 4. Defective power switch.
5. Abnormal adapter output.
1. Display board 20-core cable is loose or defective.
No display on the 2. Improper LCD contrast grade.
2 3.2
screen 3. Damaged LCD module.
4. Defective LCD drive circuit.
1. The printer is OFF.
2. Printer interface board 10-core cable is loose or
Test results cannot
3 be printed out by the 3.3
3. Damaged printer.
internal printer
4. Problem with printer drive circuit.
5. Problem with printer heat circuit.
1. The sensor is OFF.
Inactive reagent
4 2. Damaged sensor. 3.4
strip sensor
3. Problem with sensor circuit.
1. Damaged crystal oscillator.
Time on the screen
5 2. Damaged timer chip. 3.5
is abnormal.
3. Battery loose or out of electricity.
Strip holder moves
1. Strip holder is broken.
6 2. Drive is broken down. 3.6
outward when
3. Optocoupler is broken.
turning on)
1. Motor wire plug-in not well inserted.
Strip holder doesn’t
7 2. Motor is broken. 3.7
3. Problem with motor control circuit.
1. Connector between panel and main board is not well
Buttons don’t work
8 connected. 3.8
2. Front panel broken.

Table 3: Malfunction code and remedy


TROUBLE-01 Reference light of LED is too strong. 3.9
TROUBLE-02 Red light of LED is too strong. 3.10
TROUBLE-03 Green light of LED is too strong. 3.11
TROUBLE-04 Reference light of LED is too weak. 3.9
TROUBLE-05 Red light of LED is too weak. 3.10
TROUBLE-06 Green light of LED is too weak. 3.11
Place correct strips (Consult operation
TROUBLE-07 The position of strip is wrong.
Place correct strips (Consult operation
TROUBLE-08 The type of strip is wrong.
TROUBLE-09 There is no strip on the strip holder. Place strip according to warning.
The instrument couldn’t work properly
TROUBLE-10 3.12
(the chip of main board is defective).
The strip holder is dirty or something Clean the strip holder or take away the
foreign is on it. foreign material.
The transmission framework is
TROUBLE-12 Please contact the after service of URIT.

2.3 Check whether power supply is normal

Consult figure 2.1.

Instrument is in normal operation, the primary condition is power supply is normal and stable, so it is
necessary to check power supply.
1) Solve according to method 3.1, if TP2(+12V) voltage not within range or zero, replace J5.
2) TP3(+8.4V) voltage not within range, replace U4.
3) TP4(+5V) voltage not within range, replace U2.
4) TP5(+3.3V) voltage not within range, replace U7.






Figure 2.1

3. Malfunction and remedy

3.1 No response when turn on instrument

Measure the voltage of TP2 as figure 2.1 shows, (normal range is 12±0.4V), check power adapter,
power input socket(J4), power switch, power input connector(J5), power input wire if the voltage not
within the range, and replace the defective parts.

U6 J4



J16 J3

Figure 3.1

3.2 No display on the screen

As shown in figure 3.1or 3.2, Check if the voltage of TP6 is -13±0.5V when the contrast grade is
adjusted to be >>>> on the screen (The voltage may vary as different definition). This voltage can be
adjusted through “LCD contrast adjust potentiometer (RP1)”. Replace the potentiometer or U6 if can
not be adjusted. Check whether LCD 20-core cable is well connected if the voltage is normal. Please
replace LCD module Problem still persists by re-plug LCD 20-core cable.

Printer connection cable

LCD 20-core cable

Printer 10-core cable

Panel socket

Figure 3.2

3.3 The test results cannot be printed out through the internal printer

Printer board consult figure 3.3.

1) Confirm whether the printer is in good work condition;
2) First, check whether power supply is normal(TP2, TP5); check whether printer 10-core cable(J1)
on printer board and printer connection cable(J4) are well connected, re-plug printer 10-core
cable and printer connection cable;
3) Select print in review if above mention is no problem, printer no response and there is character
on paper, that is U3 insufficient solder or broken;
4) Printer paper not character, first check whether the paper is reversely installed, if paper is
correctly install please test TP1(8V) and Q1(0.6V) voltage during paper skip.
①TP2 and Q1 voltage are normal, that is U3 insufficient solder or broken;
②Q1 voltage is normal, TP1 no voltage, that is U5 insufficient solder or broken;
③Q1 no input voltage, that is U4 insufficient solder or broken.
5) If above mention are normal, that is U2 insufficient solder or broken.

J1 U3 U2 J4 U5 Q1 TP1/2/3/4/5



Figure 3.3

3.4 Inactive reagent strip sensor

As shown in figure 3.4, check the voltage of 1pin (ensure J3 on main board and JP1 on limit board are
well connected), the voltage of TP1should more than 4.2V if reagent strip is not placed on the holder,
adjust potentiometer W1 to make TP1 more than 4.2 if not up. Please replace strip sensor or limit
board if sensor ineffective.

Figure 3.4

3.5 Time on the screen is abnormal

As shown in figure 3.6, relocate the battery. Check whether the crystal oscillator (Y1 32.768K) and
U10 is normal.

3.6 Strip holder moves abnormally(move outward when turn on instrument)

Strip holder moving outward when turning on instrument, observe whether strip holder catch ward off
the optocoupler, check drive mechanism to find the reason. Replace optocoupler if warding off
normally. Consult 3.5.

Figure 3.5

3.7 Strip holder doesn’t move

Power supply is normal and motor wire socket J1 is well connected, main cause is that motor is
broken or motor control circuit defective. Motor control circuit U1 broken with high probability, consult
figure 3.6 for chip position.

3.8 Buttons don’t work.

As figure 3.2, re-plug panel socket if button do not work, replace panel if above is invalid.


Re-plug J16 and turn off instrument, if not solved please observe brightness value in debug interface:
a. When brightness value is near 0, make sure J16 is well plugged, test whether LED lamp is lighted
with button battery (in power off status), replace LED lamp if not lighted; replace test board if LED
b. Brightness value is far more than 3200, replace test board.


Re-plug J16 and turn off instrument, if not solved please observe brightness value in debug interface:
a. When brightness value is near 0, make sure J16 is well plugged, test whether LED lamp is lighted
with button battery (in power off status), replace LED lamp if not lighted; replace test board if LED
b. Brightness value is far more than 3200, replace test board.


Re-plug J16 and turn off instrument, if not solved please observe brightness value in debug interface;
a. When brightness value is near 0, make sure J16 is well plugged, test whether LED lamp is lighted
with button battery (in power off status), replace LED lamp if not lighted; replace test board if LED
b. Brightness value is far more than 3200, replace test board.
When alarm TROUBLE-? and can not enter into system after turning on instrument, Press any
key to enter into system.

3.12 TROUBLE-10

As picture 3.6,check U10,Y2 on main board, replace relative chip if problem occurs.






Figure 3.6
Enter into debug interface: menu-manufacturer information-press F3 for 3 seconds, press F1,
F2, F3, F4 successively.

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