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1. The product of the first 100 positive integers ends with (a) 21 zeroes (b) 22 zeroes (c) 23 zeroes (d) 24 zeroes
2! 4! 6! 8! 10! 2. How many zeroes will be there in the end of the product 2! .4! .6! .8! .10! (a) 10!+ 6! (b) 10!+ 8!+ 6! (c) 2( 10! ) + 8!+ 6! (d) 2( 10! ) 3. Given four 1 gm stones, four 5gm stones, four 25 gm stones, four 125 gm stones each, it is possible to weigh material of any integral weight up to (a) 600 gms (b) 625 gms (c) 624 gms (d) 524gms st term is a (not necessarily 4. The sum of the first n terms of an A.P. where 1 positive) integer and common difference is 2, is known to be 153. If n > 1, then the number of possible values of n is (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 5. Consider a cubical box of 1m side which has one corner at (0,0,0) and the opposite corner placed at (1,1,1). The least possible distance that an ant crawling from P to Q must travel is





(c) 2 3 m

(d) 1+ 3 m

6. let x 1 < 1and x n+1 =

xn for all n 1,then 1+ x n (a) {x n } 1 as n (b) {x n } 0 as n (c) {x n } 1 as n (d) {x n } diverges

7. The number of perfect cubes among the first 4000 positive integers is 14 (a) 16 (b) 15 (c) 14 (d) 13
4 2 8. The roots of the equation x + x = 1 are (a) all real & positive (b) never real (c)2 positive & 2 negative non(d) one positive, one negative and two non-real 3 2 only 9. Prove that the equation x + 2x + x + 5 = 0 has only one real root such that [ ] = 3 where [ x ] the G.I.F. of x. 3 2 10. If the equation 2x + ax + bx + 4 = 0 has three real roots where a, b > 0, show that a + b > - 6. 11. Show that the following equation can have at most one real root following

3x 5 5x 3 + 21x + 3sinx + 4cos x + 5 = 0 .

12. If the positive real number x be such that x ,[ x ] and x [ x ] are in G.P., where [ x ] the G.I.F. of x. Find x.
2 2 13. Consider two quadratic expressions f ( x ) = ax + bx + c & g ( x ) = ax + px + q , (a, b, c, p, q R , b q, a 0)such that their discriminants are equal. If f(x) = g(x) has a root x= , then (a) will be A.M. of the roots of f(x)=0 & g(x) =0; (b) f(x)=0 (b) will be A.M. of the roots of f(x)=0 ; =0; (c) will be A.M. of the roots of f(x)=0 or g(x) =0; (d) will be A.M. of the roots of g(x) =0; 2 14. If the graph of y = f ( x ) , where f ( x ) = ax + bx + c , a , b, c R , a 0, has the maximum vertical height 4 , then

(A) a > 0 (C) b 4ac is negative

(B) a < 0

(D) nothing can be said

15. The number of quadratic equations which are unchanged by their roots, is (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) none of these
2 2 2 16. If p, q, r, s R , the equation x + px + 3q x + rx + q x + sx 2q = 0 has



(a) six real roots (b) at least two real roots (c) two real & four imaginary roots (d) 4 real & 2 imaginary roots 17. If a, b, c are positive integers forming an increasing G.P. whose common ratio is a natural number, (b a) is a cube of a natural number and log6 a + log6 b + log6 c = 6 then (a + b + c) = (a) 100 (b) 111 (c) 122 (d) 189
+ 18. If a, b, c, d R such that (abcd) = 1, then the minimum value of

(1+ a )(1+ b )(1+ c )(1+ d ) =

(a) 4 19. For the series S = 1+

(1+ a ) is
a ,b ,c ,d

(b) 1

(c) 16

(d) 18

1 1 1 (1+ 2)2 + (1+ 2 + 3 )2 + (1+ 2 + 3 + 4 )2 + .... 1+ 3 1+ 3 + 5 1+ 3 + 5 + 7 505 405 (a) t7 = 16 (b) t7 = 18 (c) S10 = (d) S10 = 4 4 n (n + a )( n + b )( n + c ) c, 20. If r ( r + 1) = , where a < b < c, then 3 r =1
(A) 2b = c (C) c is a prime number
3 3 3 (B) a 8b + c = 8abc

(D) ( a + b ) = 0

a = (1111...111) 21. let n , then

n times
(a) a912 is not prime (c) a480 is not prime (b) a951 is not prime (d) a91 is not prime

b, Let 22. Let loga b = 4 , logc d = 2 , where a, b, c, d N . Given that (b d) = 7, then the value of (c a ) is (a) 1 (b) -1 (c) 2 (d) -2 23. If a, b 1, ab > 0 & logb a = loga b , then ab = (a) (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 10 number 24. The number of solutions for the equation in (x 1 + ln x) = 0 is (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) none of these 25. The number of multiples of 4 among all 10 digits number is
8 7 7 7 (a) 2510 (b) 2510 (c) 22510 (d) 23410 26. The larger diagonal of a parallelogram of area 8 s.u. must have length

(a) at least 4

(b) equal to 8 (c) at most 4 (d) equal to


real 27. Let {an } be a sequence of positive real numbers such that finite. Then

Lt 2 ( an + an+1 ) is n

(a) {an } converges to 1 (c) {an } converges to

(b) {an } converges to 0 converges (d) {an } converges to

1 2

28. Consider the following two statements about a positive integer n and choose the correct option below (I): n is a perfect square (II): The number of positive integer divisors of n is odd. are (a) (I) & (II) are Equivalent; (b) (I) implies (II) but not conversely (c) (II) implies (I) but not conversely (d) neither statement implies the other. X29. A particle starts at the origin and travels along the X-axis. For the first one second, its speed is 1 m/sec. There after its speed at any time t is at most

( 9/10 )ths .

of its speed at (t 1). Then (a) the particle reaches any point x > 0 at some time (b) the particle must reach x = 10 (c) the particle may or may not reach x = 9 but it will never reach x = 10 (d) nothing of the above nature can be predicted without knowing the exact speed

x x x, 30. Let f ( x ) = min e ,e for any real number x, then

(a) f has no maximum

/ (b) f attains its maximum at a point where f ( x ) = 0 (c) f attains its maximum at a point where its not differentiable

(d) M := max ( f ( x ) : x R ) < but there is no number x o such that f ( x o ) = M a, non31. Suppose x is an irrational number and a, b, c, d are non-zero rational numbers. If

(A) a = c = 0 (B) a = c; b = d (C) ad = bc (D) a + d = b + c 32. Let f(x) be a polynomial of degree 3 such that f(0) = 1, f(1) = 2, x = 0 is a critical point but f(x) doesnt have local extremum at x = 0, then prove that the

ax + b is rational, then we must have cx + d

3 x +7 sin x + cos x dx 33. Evaluate : 4 sin x + cos2 x


value of

f (x )

dx =

x 2 +7

( x 2 14 ) + ln x +

x 2 +7 + c

34. The set of all real numbers which satisfy

x 2 2x + 3 x 2 2x + 2

2 is

all (a) the set of all integers; (b) the set of all rational numbers; (c) the set of all positive real numbers (d) the set of all real numbers 35. If x > y are positive integers such that ( 3x + 11y ) leaves a remainder 2 when when divided by 7 and ( 9x + 5y ) leaves a remainder 3 when divided by 7, then the remainder ( x y ) divided by 7, equals (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 36. The average of scores of 12 students in a test is 74. The highest score is 79. Then 79. the minimum possible lowest score must be (a) 25 (b) 12 (c) 19 (d) 28

37. If a, b, c are real numbers so that x 3 + ax 2 + bx + c = x 2 +1 g ( x ) for some

polynomial polynomial g(x), then (A) b = 1, a = c (B) b = 0 = c (C) a = 0 (D) none of the above 38. Let ABC be a triangle such that the three medians divided it into six parts of parts equal area. Then, the triangle cant (a) cant exist (b) can be any triangle (c) must be equilateral (d) need not be equilateral but must isosceles 39. From a bag containing 10 distinct objects, the number of ways one can select an objects odd number of objects is
10 9 (a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 10! (d) 5 40. Consider the two statements: (I) between any two rational numbers, there is an irrational number rational (II) between any two irrational numbers, there is a rational number; Then (a) both (I) & (II) are true (b) (I) is true but (II) is not (c) (I) is false but (II) is not (d) both (I) & (II) are false

41. Let f(x) =a x 2 + bx + c, where a, b, c R . Suppose f(x) x for any real number
x. Then the number of solutions of f(f(x)) = x in real numbers x is (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) cant be determined

42. Let S = n=1ne n . Then (a) S 1 (b) 1< S <

3 2

(c) S is infinite

(d) S = 0

43. Let f(x) =a x + b x + cx + d be a polynomial of degree 3 where a, b, c, d R . 1(b) f is 1-1 as well as ONTO Then (a)f(x) as x
x(c) the graph of f(x) meets the x-axis in one or three points; 1(d) f must be ONTO but need not be 1-1.


Let a1 ,a2 ,....,an be arbitrary integers and suppose b1 ,b2 ,....,bn is a

permutation of the ai s. Then a1 b1 + a2 b2 + ............. + an bn (a) is n (b) can be an arbitrary positive integer (c) can be any even nonnegative integer (d) must be zero

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