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Civil Judges Examination, 2023 (Test:2)

Y CriminalProcedure code, 1973 is with - Prospective effect

a) Retrospective effect
SdpsluÜ BDL(pt oiLb, 1973 adru
a) effect,aDe.
came into force withminoy
2) Criminal Procedure code, 1973- Amendment Act, 2018 Jil
from 21.04.2018 c) 21.04.2019
a) 24.01.2018 QswuTL.G&e
-dtstLIb, 2018 aÚCuTE
Gppslud FDLpmp LLID, 1973
bs? 21.04.2018 c) 21.04.2019
24.01.2018 b) n
a) efected?produted physi,
3) In which of the following sections, Tamil Nadu Amendment was aceA
a Sec: 24 Cr.P.cPP b) Sec: 167 Cr.P.c
Sec: 427 Cr.P.c Lttertdm) Sec: 455 Cr.P.c -
c) None of the above
Allthe above
QsredavuL Geten
Lo 24 G.6.(.6 b) iflay 167 G.6.(p.s
LSfls 427 G..(.8hd) i l 455 G.6.(p.
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973?
4) When the President gave assent to the
01.04. 1974 01.04.1973

01.04.1974 b) 01.04.1973
c) 25.01.1974
5) Inwhich of the following sections, the word charge is defined?
a Sec: 2(c) Cr.P.c aooene bSec: 2(b) Çr.P.c
X Sec: 2(d) Cr.P.c -’onglaiat
l 2(c) 5..(yp.s b) LSflo 2(b) G..D.8
c) i 2(d) .a.o.5
6) Which of the following Statements iscorrect?
a) Police Report also is a complaint S.1Ch)yhvelbjafion
b Complaint need to be signed
c Inquiry is defíned U/S2(h)
None of the above
e) All the above.


e) inveshyabion
7) CommittalProceedings come under
Sec: 2(g) Cr.P.c b) Sec: 2(h) Cr.P.c
Committal Proceedings as sb4 sLLÜlilalsd gapE?
a) Lifll 2(g) .6.p.s b) Lflsy 2(h) S.l..68
8) Trial starts from which of the following stages?
a) examination of witnesses lal
b) on accused relcased on bail
framing of charges
Which of the following sections defined officer in charge of the police station?
a) Sec: 2(p) Cr.P.c b) Sec: 2(9) Cr.P.c Bec: 2(0) Cr.P.c
a iflsy 2(p) G.6.(.8 b) Sifloy 2(q) G.6.p.4
c) Sl 2(0) .ol..8 Case?
’ 2 ) ddene
10Y An ofenceis punishable upto 2 years. Isif a Warrant
a) Yes Y No
a) b)
Summons case is defined ploce
Sec: 2(w) Cr.P.c Sec: 2(p) Cr.P.c >
c) Sec: 2(x) Cr.P.c aen Ce

a) Sflsy 2(w) .s..8 b) i s 2(p) 5.6.4D.5

c) Lifloy 2(x) G.6.(p.
12Y The word "vitim" is defined U/S 2(wa) Cr.P.C. By which amendment this has been
Amendment Act, 2009/: s1/no
b) Amendment Act, 2010
c) Amendment Act, 2018
"unsÜuLLa" asp antao G.l.s ifey 2(wa)- ueo ouupGsÜUL Gsteng.
a) BOBS`FLLD, 2009 by Bo65SELLD, 2010
oisIFLLD, 2018
N First Law Commission was çonstituted in the year
a) 1824 Y) 1834 c) 1824

a) 1824 b) 1834 C) 1824

1)No mens rea is needed in the case of
a) Revenue Statutes cases b) Public Nuisance cases
c) Violation of civil rights cases
\Y All the above
15) Which of the following cases is on guidelines for death sentence?
kIn re Bachan Singh In re Machi singh
a) In re Bachan Singh>Yss d voe b) In re Machi singh
Penal Code, 1860 appliesb)to Jammuand Kashmir with effect from
FLLD, 1860 giypsrajußgse
a) 31.10.2019 b) 31.10.2020
ComputerResource is defined Under which of the following sections? decbrte Yecoyd
a) Sec: 2(1Xk)LT.Act, 2000 Sec: 2(1Xt) LT.Act, 2000
c) None of the above
Computer Resourceasis ab5 LÚllali JIssiuLGstngi?
a) U: 2(1Xk) I.T.Act, 2000 b) Lfls: 2(1Xt) I.T.Act, 2000
18 For the trial of extra territorial offences, sanction from Central Government is to be
obtained Sec: 188 Cr.P.c b) prosecbion & odtene against marige.
Sec: 198 Cr.P.c c) Sec: 288 Cr.P.c

a) flo:188 G.6l.(p. b) Lfly 198 5.6n..s c) ifsy 288

19Y Rule of Dauble criminality relates to which law?
Extradition law b) International law c) Administrative law
Rule of Double criminality ab FLLB8n sL0LyaDLwa?
a) Extradition law b) c) lhauTGÈ SLLID
20) A, a citizen of India commits acriminal act in a foreign country. That act is an offence
in India. But it is not anoffence in that foreign country. State whether that Aean be
tried in Xndia?
Yes No

a) b)
in that
foreign country. That act is an offencetried
219 A, a citizen of India commits an act in a India. State whether that he can be in
country. But that is not an offence in
a) Yes No

a) b)
Enquiries the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 applies?
28) State for which of the following b) Arbitration Proceeding
a) Departmental Enquiry None of the above
Tribunal y
leyoad Sbw omLuss oLLb, 1872 QuTGbnb?
sp QsTSDANÜUL Cehen abb
a) b)
c) d)
23) Indian eyidence Act, 1872 is having Retrospective effect
Prospective effect
AbAuu FLAus FLLD, 1872 a L
a) b)
following statements is correct?
24) Which of theArbitrators are also courts b Tribunals are also courts
a) Definition of court is exhaustive

25) Which of the following definitions is Means and Includes"?
a) Fact b) Relevant fact YFact in issue
s QsrebavÜU Gster ab b5 NDTuDp "Means and
a) GuTGSGDD b)
c) BgasmaNsGfus QumGSNGDLD.
26 What are Psychological facts?
a) External facts bY Internal facts
a Psychological fcts
a) b) 9LlDLLTET QumGNGDLD Facb in iss
27Which of the following is correct? probndam mans
’Facbum Releanf fre t
a) Factum Probandam means Relevant facts Probans mea
b) Factum Probans means Fact in issue ’ FacbcLm
None of the above
d All the above
a) Factum Probandam s1spTsd QTLtysnL.u QuCGGsN SDLDSstt
b) Factum Probans sisapnsô LÂytsdsrGIDu GuTCHG0GDAD
28 Which of the following Secetions under Indian Bvidence Act, 1872 defines Document?
Section :5
Section :3 b) Section :4 c)
E Eiclenca
) Relevant
a) ifloy : 3 b) La: 4 c) fl : 5 eviclence gven
yrnay PreSune Relevant tact
shae preSlne
) DiSproved loncusjve Provt
29) Tatoo Myking in the body of a person is also a Document- is it right?
Ripht b) Not Right

a) b) ausboo
30) Whleh of the following is Document?
a) CCTV b) Memory Card
c) Pen drive Allthe above
CCTV b) Memory Card
Pen drive d)
S Evidence pbtained by undesirable means Is - Relevant hut not Admissible
Y Rele vant and Admissible b)
c) Admissible but not Relevant

32Y Whlch of the following statements is not correct?
a) Specch of a minister, while introducing a Bill in Parliament, is admissible in
Evidence can be given thro video conferencing
"Matter" under the definition of proved does not include demeanour of the


demeanour ow ieTLssrg.
33) 1fany scientific finding is agsinst the conclusiye proof, the scientific finding does not
Nard lal Cale
prevallorer- Is thisstatement correct? ’
/No b) Yes

a) b)
34) Whích of the following statements is correct?
a) One presumption can lead to another presumption
Releeng efe
Section : 41i IEA,1872 is dn conclusive proof
c) Dog tracking evidence alone can prove the guilt 1)

b) Ifay 41 on.sLLD, 1872 ADuCL BGU DQTLiruTag
35Y Constitution derives its authority from
a) State b) Supreme court People

a) b) c)
36, Which of he following countries ha written constitution? England
ay Germany New zealand c)

a) b) Buydlaontb c)
the odd one? - cobine b micsio
32Y Select
A.V. Alexander b) Staford cripps
Att<ee d) Pethik Lawrance
6rÔLIT.".GuIn afÜao
First meeting of the constituent assembly was on 11.9.1946
a) 12.9.1946 9.12.1946 c)
a) 12,9.1946 b) 9.12.1946 c) 11.9.1946
39) Who was the adviser of the constituent assembly?
a) Ambetkar b) Nehr1 e Dr.B.N, Rao
a) b) c) LAGLJ.I.66.g16)
40) Which of the following was called as Provisional Parliament?
Constituent assembly b) Drafting Committee
c Indian Parliament
a) b)
When was the final meeting of the Drafting Committee?
a) 2.11.1948 b) 11.2.1948 21.2.1948
a) 2.11.1948 b) 11.2.1948 c) 21.2.1948
42) When the Drafting committee was constituted?
a) 28.9.1947 b) 29.6.1947 29.8.1947

a) 28.9.1947 b) 29.6.1947 c) 29.8.1947

43Y When was the constitution of indigadopted?
a) 26.1.1950 26.11.1949 c) 15.8.1947

a) 26.1.1950 b) 26.11.1949 c) 15.8.1947

44Y Which of the following is the Oldest federal constitution?
American b) Indian c) Of Canada

a) b) c)
) When was the preamble amended?
á) 42nd Amendment, 1976 b) 42d Amendment, 1976
W.e.f- 3.1.1976 w.e.f- 3.2.1977

a) 42615 oisD, 1976

b) 42suG Bbb, 1976
-3.1.1976 (BsÜ -3.2.1977 (ps)
46) Which of the following case laws first decided that Preamble is not enforceable in a
court of law?
a In Re Beru beri b) In Re Golak nath n Re A.K. Gopalan

a) In Re Beru beri b) In Re Golak nath c) In Re A.K. Gopalan

49), Who Said Preamble in the horoscope of India"?
a justice Hidayadulla b) Ivor Jennings
K.M. Munshi

a) gertgorD afsusIsÜGOT b) c) K.M ypcisf

48 Which of the following is basic structure of the constitution ?
a) Democracy b) Republic c) Secularisam
d) AIl the above e) None of the above

a) b) c) og0EnbîcisnD
49)Who Was the 1" Governor General of Independent India?
a) Rajaji b Nehru Lé) Mount
Aount Patten

a) b) c) otL uT=L
50/State whiçh of the following is not asuit of civil matter?
Right to worship b) Dissolution of marriage
) Industrial disputes.
not correct under civil proced ure
following is
SH Statewhich ofthe without jurisdiction is a non-est
a) Decree
or territorial jurisdiction can be waived.
b) Defect as to pecuniary
Jurisdiction point can be decided at the end.

Gang&suULAUTIb.(Can be waived)
Pecuniary jurisdiction of the lowest grade is Rs.1,00,000/- Plaintiff files a suit for the due
5 accounts that Rs.1,25,000/- ís due, Whether that
amount. Court finds after taking the
can pass adecree for Rs.1,25,000/

Bsoib Gum 1,25,000/-65 6ijoumeDGA Spilks pgupor?

a b (DIguyb.
S3) Section:10Civil Procedure code 1908, is on
yStay of Suit b) Stay of application
Lifl:10 foDuS BDL DGnp& FLLb, 1908 ad SIGSILIDpu?

sy Whether section:10, civil procedure code, is applicable to a case before a foreign court?
No b) Yes
fleoDulus BeDL(Paps sLLD, 1908 aiUEISIAsT CBADsDfe ste 96

a) GumHbSTSI
55) A Suit is stayed w/s 10 of Civil Procedure code, 1908. State which of the following orders can
X be passed in that Suit?
a) Temporary injunction b) Amendment of Plaint
Atachment before judgement Allthe above.

a) b) pásOI$ SoED
56) In a subsequently filed suit, sec: 10 can be.applied. But the issue in that subsequent suit is
Purely a)on legalNopoint. Ifso, whether the subsequent suit can be decided at once?
QsrLjumeE DGG.
a) b)
3y Whether Sec:10 CPC applies to a suit Med in a foreign court?
a) Yes No
QsuuIÙLLL 10
LflenDulus BaDLpmp& LLD Qumbb?
a) b) QuTabbsrg.
) Which of the following provisions is on constructive Res/judicata?
a) Section :11-Explain :5
None of the above
b) Section: 11- Explain:3
a) Lfly:11- silsnds&D:5 b) Lifl: 11- olsÉ&ó:3
S9) State whether Section:11C.P.CApplies to
Execution proceedings
Yes b) No
ifs:11 Lfooulus
\60) Res Judicata is
a) A Question of fact b) A Question of law
) A Mixed Question of Lawand fact
a) b)
6)State whether Section:11 C.P.C Applies to consent Deeree?
No Yes

a) GuTCbSTGI b) Gumbb5D
62) Damage is caused to an immovable property. Claiming compensation, suit is filed where the
defendant isgIs it proper?
Yes b) No

a) b)
63) Which of the following sections says as to the place of filing of suits where the jurisdiction is
a) Scction:16 C.P.C b)Section:17 C.P.c c) Section:18 CP.C

a) fo:l6 5.5LO b) Sfa:17 5.FLLD c) fa:l8 B.FLLO

64) A% is watch is intentionally damaged by B.A filesa suit against B claiming compensation for
that at the pBace where the watch was damaged. Is it proper?
rYe b) No
A-uaDLul os& sig51yasn5 B aduast CoCpsiEp ML0dTi. A ass 5
a) b)
65) Aresiding in Delhi, published in Caleutta statements defamatory of B. Bmay sue Aeither in
A Calcutta or in Delbi. Which of the following sections says so?
a) Section:18 C.P.C b) Section:19 C.P.C y-section:20 C.P.C
QLseluiso A Atsoatr. s t dssral Bouuo uig N T Qsut

a) flol8 B.5LLU b) ifla:19 25.6LLD c) f20 B.5LLÒ

66) Bars on suito set aside decree on objection as to place of suing - Which section is on this?
aSection:21-A C.P.C b) Section:21 C.P.C c) None of the above

a) Lifi8 B.8LLO b) ia:19 .5.8LLO c) fMop20 5.FLLD

6Section: 25 offhe Civil Procedure Code, 1908 is on -
}Power of Supreme Court to transfer suits
b)Power of high court to transfer suits
c) No consideration, No contract
b) 2_wt BßosBBi nuBsU QN6DA).
c) ogILILIS sbmNIls byaffidavit"- which of the following sections sSays so?
68)*Inevery plaint, facts shall be proved
bySection:26(2) C.P.C c) None of the above
a) Section:26(1) C.P.C

a) LM26(1)e5.6LLIb b) âflay26(2)25.5LLÓ
69 Whichof the following is not correct?
yNan inclusive of proper party would give no effective order
b)Non inclusive of Necessary party would give no effective order
a) Proper sJÜlasngt GstásamDs) ipinléssÜLUGÚ 2_G5Jay USDGAGflGBHG`BZI
b) Necessary sjlrGDJ& GetsSTDSO NDnSGsÜLUGÜb $5J) u6DNofls6`GHBSI
70) Suit is filed on 01.01.2023, Steps for summons to respondent has been taken within 30days.
But summons has been served after 30 d¡ys. Isit violative of section:27 C.P.C?
a) Yes bYNo
Aale 01.01.2023
STEPS 30 TsH`G s aÓsnuL GaLLE.

a) b b) snsU
71)A person is violating Section: 30 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908, If so, how much penalty
CAn be imposed?
a) Not exceeding Rs:500/ b) Not exceeding Rs.S000/
c) No limits

a) GuTL S00/- 66boaÜULTD6D b) BITn 5000/- EosÜULTDsD
c) No Limits
72) Interest from the date of decree tillthe date of payment (U/s 34
CPC) not to exceed
a) 6% per annum
by 6% per annum except in case of commercial transaction
18% per annum


3) In what procéedings compensatory costs cán be imposed?
any Suit yány Execution Procoeding c) any appeal
abOb BLgaDS3eieb Compensatory costs alksouLAJMb?
79 Which of the following sections is on costs for causlng delay?
a) Section:35 C.P.C b) Section:3$A C.P.C e) Section:3SB C.P.C
c) iflo:35B5.6LLID
came into force on
75) Indian Contract Act, 1872 c)None of the
y1.9.1872 b)9.1.1872
c) GDpQsMGisa IgISlsbNS
b) 9.1.1872
a) 1.9.1872
is Exhaustive
76 fndian Contract Act, 1872
a) Exhaustive
Obu poubg& FLD, 1872 se5
a) 61660roIDDTuyo es6TLED

following is not correct?

7) Whichof thecontracts are agreements
ANagreements are contracts
a) All not Vice versa?
create obligation but
c) All contracts
Which of the following
statements is correct?
whole world
wfdes fhon
against the feenent cs
a)Jus in Rem means rightagreement a
b) Contract is wider than rob Sue
YStranger to contract can sue.
gnE|D GsJsÜLIGBS Dlgub
in Rem sLI wmGSG
a) Jus DL6UTL6DL L lflsunGxE5
ywaNGD psas
c) gÜuBSBSISGÜ type ofcontract?
Takingmoney from ATM comes under what b) Üugusbso
a) sorGuOTuLD 2sieIL ED b) Express Contract Gontrecl)
QuasiContract contract CPpUeal
BCommercecontract (onine sho pi
a) ÜubÜ GUTG0Q b)
d) Tacit contract

the following case laws is on that?

80) Offer must be definite- which of Taylor vs Portington
a) Balfour vs Balfour
piue mt afdey (3Telooram case/6 Cospanders Cae)
c) Harvey vs Faccy ’ stctement
ela in Ship
anbracl fhat mus Greabe. lagl
b) Taylorvs Portington
a) Balfour vs Balfour ofder detine
c) Harvey vs Faccy
81) n Carlillcase- what was decided?
Yger may be general orspecific cy
no oferHavey da
b) Statement of price is
c) Offer must be communicated to other.
b) Qumarfii slnDDLIS GFTeboNSIUDnr een
c) (yosoaj1oNLISIGT(BirbsJiLybG$ GgfuiUGBu,sBGoisi Gb.
82) What was decided in the case Fitch vsSneda kar?
a) Offer may be general or specific
b) Offer must be clear
bOffer must be communicated to the other side
Fitch vs Snedakar aep apdeb aater

invitationto offer?
S$) Which of the following is not an Offer but only an Prospectus
a) Action bidding b) Price tag c)
c) Tender All the above

a) b) c)
d) e)
$4) State which of the following is not correct?
a) All illegal agreements are void
b) In illegal agreements the collateral transaction also is void
Allvoid agreements are illegal
b) tsdAT FÜLOJANITGN L0UTGslguD 5IDGT Transaction - b Gs6bOT
S) Aagrees tosell his house worth Rupees 1erore, just for 1Rupee. Whatis the name of the
a) illegal contract b void contract Loy Unconscionable contract

a) b)
86) Which of the following statements is correct?
a) Mere mental acceptance also is aacceptance
Acceptance must beinthe mode preseribed s7.
c) Acceptance can not be by act

hcceptane may
enpres folied
8 Which of the following sections is on Mirror
image Rule?
a) Section: 9 ICA b) Section: 8 ICÁ
"Mirror image Rule" s Section:7 ICA
abs& 'Lliale G ?
a) Sfo: 9 9.LLD b) ia: 8,@.9.sLLD ) fa:7 .sLLID
88) ReciprocahPromises is defined- Sprote pmáy agfr a agreom
Uls 2() ICA b) U/s 2(g) ICA c) U/s 2(i) ICA
a) iflo 2().FLLò b) Lfla: 2(g) .FLO
c) Lifo: 2()) .9.5LLÒ
89) Nayandhara says that a person affected by
"emotional barm" also is a victim as defined ws
2(wa) Cr.P.C, But, Tamanna denies the same. Who is right?
'Nayandhara b) Thamanna
j umss smuLuG5usre um&aÜuLL &L
Victim askp opule
N) Which of the fullowlag is not an Ofer but only an lnvitatlon to offer?
Action bidding b) Price tag o) Prospectus
Tonder Alltho above
a) c)

) State which of the folluwlng ls not correet?

a) Al illegal agreements are vold
ln illegal agreements the collateral trunsaction alo is void
All void agoements are illegal


&) Aagrees to sell his house worth Rupces lerore, Just for 1 Rupee. What is the name of the
a) illegal contract b) void contract Loy Unconscionable contract

a) b)
S) Which of the following statements is correct?
a) Mere mental acceptance also is acceptance
-b) ( Acoeptance must be in the mode prescribedg7.
o) Acceptance can nÍt be by act
o) iaflied
ST Which of the following sections is on eapeja
Mirror image ,Accaptone may
a) Section: 9 ICA Rule"?,
b) Section: 8 ICÁ Section:7 ICA
"Mirror image Rule achus bs FLLoiflaled
a) Sa: 9 sLLD b) ifls; 8
A8) ReciprocahPromises is defined- prone moy agPs 0 ) fa;7 .5LLÒ
Uls 2() ICA b) U/s 2(g) ICA c) U/s 2(i) ICA
a) Sfla: 2(A.FLLb b) flo 2(g) .FLLD
c) Lfa: 2(i) 09.5LLb
89) Nayandhara says that a person
affected by "emotional harm" also is a victim as
2(wa) Cr.P.C, But, Tamanna denies the same. Who is right?
defined ws
INayandhara b) Thamanna
umss snuiubsusgsred
umsiuLa L Victim sop ogunule
a) b

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