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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

Table of Contents
Task 01 – LO 1: (P1,P2,P3,M1,D1) Developing a business recovery roadmap to rebuild
advertising and sales after a global pandemic.............................................................................4
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Project................................................................................4
1.3 Purpose and Benefits of the project...............................................................................4
2 Management Plan and Life Cycle.........................................................................................4
2.1 What is Management?...................................................................................................4
2.2 What is a Project?.........................................................................................................5
2.3 What is Project Management?......................................................................................5
2.4 What is the Project Management Life Cycle?...............................................................5
2.4.1 Initiation Phase.......................................................................................................5
2.4.2 Planning Phase......................................................................................................5
2.4.3 Execution............................................................................................................... 5
2.4.4 Closure................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Business Case..............................................................................................................6
2.5.1 Scope of the project...............................................................................................6
2.5.2 Project Deliverables................................................................................................6
2.5.3 Timeline of the project............................................................................................6
2.5.4 Roles and responsibilities.......................................................................................6
2.5.5 Quality.................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.6 Budget....................................................................................................................9
2.5.7 Communication Plan..............................................................................................9
2.5.8 Risk Analysis........................................................................................................10
2.5.9 Significance and Restraints..................................................................................11
3 Initial Planning.................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Work Breakdown Structure..........................................................................................12
3.2 Gantt Chart.................................................................................................................. 12
3.3 Milestones................................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Change Management..................................................................................................15
3.5 Evaluation of Tools and Techniques............................................................................15

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

4 Task 02 – LO2:(P4) Research Planning and Market Research..........................................17

4.1 Background study of the research...............................................................................17
4.2 Research objectives....................................................................................................17
4.3 Constraints of Research..............................................................................................17
4.4 Brief Literature review..................................................................................................18
4.5 Research Methodology................................................................................................19
4.5.1 Research Method.................................................................................................19
4.5.2 Research strategy................................................................................................20
4.5.3 Sampling.............................................................................................................. 20
4.5.4 Data collection tools.............................................................................................21
4.6 LO3: (P5,P6,M3,D2) Carry small research by applying qualitative and quantitative
methods is a preliminary step of the project...........................................................................23
4.7 Recovery Plan............................................................................................................. 28
5 LO4: (P7,M4) Reflection Report..........................................................................................29
6 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 29
7 References......................................................................................................................... 30
8 Appendix – Research Questions........................................................................................32

Figure 1 Quality Management Technique....................................................................................7

Figure 2 Quality Control Planning................................................................................................8
Figure 3 Types of Communication...............................................................................................9
Figure 4 Kanban Board.............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 5 Milestones Illustration..................................................................................................13
Figure 6 WBS with Milestones...................................................................................................13

Table 1 Own Tasks as Project Manager and Interviewer.............................................................7

Table 2 Budget Plan for Project...................................................................................................9
Table 3 Risk and Solution.......................................................................................................... 10
Table 4 Gantt Chart................................................................................................................... 11

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

Task 01 – LO 1: (P1,P2,P3,M1,D1) Developing a business

recovery roadmap to rebuild advertising and sales after a
global pandemic
1.1 Introduction
This project is planned and conducted to study the effect of the pandemic on businesses in a
specific industry. This project aims to provide a roadmap to recovery for businesses starting or
already functioning during the Covid – 19 era.

1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Project

The aim of this project is to develop a business recovery plan for marketing and sales of a
business affected by the Covid - 19 pandemic to sustain it in the competitive market (Dudovskiy,
The objectives of this project are as follows :
1) Explore the changes that took place with regards to sales and marketing in businesses
during the pandemic
2) Identify the impact of the changes in marketing and sales to organization
3) Identify the specific tools and techniques used by the selected organization to recover its
performance in sales and marketing
4) Develop a business recovery roadmap for the selected organization in sales and

1.3 Purpose and Benefits of the project

The justification for a project's existence is explained by its goal. It is the feeling of what has
been done, the aim or dream followed by the enterprise, or the path it has taken and continues
to take (Beauchesne, 2019).

The purpose of the project is to understand the impact of a pandemic to a company of the
Health and Wellness industry and the specific method(s) used to recover the performance
through marketing department.
The benefits of carrying out the project include gaining knowledge of updated methods used to
revitalize a company in the current era of Covid – 19. The findings can also further assist new
company owners or employees to recover and improve their performance.

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

2 Management Plan and Life Cycle 

2.1 What is Management? 
Management is a specific process that consists of forecasting, organising, performing, and
regulating; it incorporates qualitative and quantitative elements and is executed to meet pre-
determined goals (George R Terry, 1953). 

2.2 What is a Project?

A project is a series of interconnected actions carried out over a certain amount of time with the
intention of delivering a unique but best possible conclusion (Baguley, 1995).

2.3 What is Project Management? 

Project management is the use of techniques, methods, skills, knowledge, and experience to
achieve particular project objectives within set boundaries. PM has final deliverables that are
limited in time and money. A significant distinction between project management and just
“management” is that project management has a final result and a time frame, whereas
management is an ongoing activity. Therefore, project management comes under the broad
subject of management (ProjectManagement Institute, n.d.).

2.4 What is the Project Management Life Cycle? 

The project management lifecycle is a step-by-step model of best practices for guiding an entire
project. This project management technique is divided into four stages: initiating, planning,
executing, and closing. When followed, the probability of successfully completing a project is
high (Coursera, 2022).

2.4.1 Initiation Phase 

The objectives of the project will be established in the initiation phase. The project's goals,
scope, risks, budget and resources, as well as what responsibilities are expected to accomplish
the project will be determined. This information will be recorded in a document called a project
proposal. Furthermore, acknowledging stakeholders' expectations of the project and the overall
purpose will provide involved individuals with clear guidance. Information on the related people
involved, benefits, risks and key phases are noted in the project charter. This is a vital phase in
securing the project's success. Without a definition of what has to be delivered, and how and
why, the project risks underperforming and failing to meet the requirements (Coursera, 2022).

2.4.2 Planning Phase 

The actual steps needed to complete the project will be identified during the planning phase.
The budgets, schedules, and milestones, as well as gathering resources and documentation will
be curated. This stage also involves assessing and anticipating risk, and developing change
management methods, and communication strategies. Assigning the roles and responsibilities

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

of each individual in the team also takes place during this phase. The tools that can be used to
optimise tasks during the planning phase are Gantt Charts, which are lateral column charts that
understandably display activities that must be accomplished in the respective sequence and
how long each is projected, and the risk register, which is a chart that displays the risks most
likely involved with the project, as well as their probability, potential effect, risk level, and
remedial actions (Coursera, 2022).

2.4.3 Execution 

This phase involves carrying out the intended tasks as well as keeping track of the time and
progress. This means tracking and measuring progress, maintaining standards, mitigating risk,
costing, and analyzing data to make informed choices. Tools used in this phase include the
Gantt chart and change requests, which are documents identifying difficulties and giving
solutions (Coursera, 2022).

2.4.4 Closure 

At the final stage of the project management lifecycle, the activities of the project will come to a
close and a review will take place to analyze the performance of the project. The analysis can
recognize both the complexities of the tasks and the talent behind the tasks to recognise
noteworthy moments and learn from moments of hardships. Communicating the closure and
results to stakeholders are also taken place in this phase through a report (Coursera, 2022).

2.5 Business Case

A business case is a document that lays out the primary idea of a project in order to
demonstrate its merits. It provides an overview of the venture's worth and shows the benefits to
both the firm and the stakeholders. The business case predicts the project's eventual
deliverables. Top-level management, the corporate board, or a business analyst do the
business case study. It discusses the advantages of a business concept behind the project. The
tone of the business case can assist stakeholders in making educated judgments and investing
in the concept of the project (Usmani, 2022).

2.5.1 Scope of the project

A project's scope may be defined as its parameters. What specifically is the project concerned
with, and to what extent? For example, it will capture freight, commissioning and installation,
training, spares, and so on for a procurement project (Usmani, 2022).
The scope of this project includes studying the marketing and sales department functions, the
impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on businesses, the tools and techniques used to adapt and
succeed during such times, the Health and Wellness industry and its activities in Sri Lanka.

2.5.2 Project Deliverables

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

A project deliverable is the end product of the whole set of tasks. The project deliverables for
this project are a report and a recovery roadmap (Usmani, 2022).

2.5.3 Timeline of the project

The length of time period for the whole undertaking of the project, from initiation to closure, is
called the length. The timeline of this project is set for 2 months (Usmani, 2022).

2.5.4 Roles and responsibilities

The specific competencies and tasks that are required to fulfill in order to accomplish the project
is known as roles and responsibilities respectively. For this project, the role of a project manager
and an interviewer and their responsibilities are required.

The project manager is responsible for day-to-day management of the project and must be
competent in managing the six aspects of a project, i.e. scope, schedule, finance, risk, quality
and resources.  Project managers work on specific projects that have definite outcomes, have
time limits and have to stay within a budget.

 planning what work needs to be done, when and who’s going to do it;
 looking at the risks involved in a particular project and managing these risks;
 making sure the work is done to the right standard;
 motivating the team of people involved in the project;
 co-ordinating work done by different people;
 making sure the project is running on time and to budget;
 dealing with changes to the project as and when necessary;
 making sure the project delivers the expected outcomes and benefits (Association for
Project Management, n.d.).

As an interviewer, they are responsible for gathering the necessary information from study
participants, typically for market research objectives. The following are the primary duties of a
research interviewer:
 conducting in-person or telephone interviews;
 adhering to project standards;
 maintaining data confidentiality;
 reporting to management; and
 completing documentation (Job Hero, 2022).

Likewise, the following table contains the tasks needed for this project as a project manager and

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

As a Project Manager As an Interviewer

 Gathering the information from  Arrange with company a date for
references physical / online interview

 Anticipating the risks that may be

 Define the questions for interview

 Communicating to the respected

 Coordinate the permission letters
lecturer to maintain the quality of the
between the campus and company

 Recording the changes needed to be  Arrive on time and carry out the
made through reviews interview

 Tactfully managing changes needed

 Gather the data found and analyze
to be made on time

 Motivating myself to successfully  Record the data in standard manner on

complete the assignment time

Table 1 Own Tasks as Project Manager and Interviewer

2.5.5 Quality

The leveled caliber that is maintained throughout the running of the project is called quality. The
quality of this project can be maintained using the 3 step quality management technique:

Quality Assurance
Quality Control
Figure 1 Quality Management Technique Quality Control Planning

Quality Control Planning include identifying your quality objectives and standards, as well as the
requirements required to fulfill these standards and the processes that will be used to ensure

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project
P lan
c t
A Do

that the criteria needed

to produce the desired
outcomes are met.
The distinct format and
scope of the material must
be preserved in this case.
Given that the research is
to be presented as an
assignment, the format of
must be implemented as
well as monitored both
at the start and completion of the project. As for the scope of the materials, information that is
necessary to meet the purpose is only going to be considered. The revaluation of the quality will
be conducted through assignment reviews and personally conducted reviews weekly.

Figure 2 Quality Control Planning Quality Control

Quality control is the technique of physically assessing and testing what you have planned to
guarantee that it is achievable.
For this endeavor, the recognized instructor reviews the drafts to verify that criteria are reached. Quality Assurance

The process of assessing the service delivery process is known as quality assurance.
Running the work through a plagiarism checker is one technique to ensure quality.

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

2.5.6 Budget

The budget of the project

includes the costs that would be
incurred for the tasks required
(Usmani, 2022).
The budget for this project

Activity Cost

Travel Expenses for visiting the

Rs. 3000

Printing and binding the report Rs. 1200

Table 2 Budget Plan for Project

2.5.7 Communication Plan

The medium of communicating information during the whole project is called communication
plan (Usmani, 2022). The communication plan for this project includes verbal feedback in the
form of reviews and personally written observations. Types of Communication

1) Verbal communication: When communicating verbally, words from a certain language

are utilized to convey the message (Kumar, 2021) . Verbal communication will be used
for this project in the form of clarifications and corrections during evaluations.
2) Written communication - Any exchange of information in written form falls under this
category of communication (Kumar, 2021). Permission letters, conscience evaluations
and the final report and recovery plan will be utilized as written communication for this
3) Visual communication occurs when a person is engaged in any sort of communication
that interest the visual sensory receptors (Kumar, 2021). Diagrams, tables, and the
recovery plan will all serve as visual communication platforms for this project.

2.5.8 Risk Analysis

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

Risk analysis refers to the identification of potential setbacks to the research as well as
implementing solutions to better the flow of work (Usmani, 2022). The following chart displays
the potential risks and mitigation for this project.

Risk Solution

Lockdown / Protests Online Interviews

Plagiarism Online Plagiarism Checker

Losing report or data Cloud based storage

Power cuts / Heavy rains Offline resources

Unable to arrange interview Online interview / Questionnaire

Table 3 Risk and Solution

2.5.9 Significance and Restraints

The significance of a project expresses the value proposition, which is a one-of-a-kind

advantage that the concept provides to stakeholders (Usmani, 2022).
The advantages of completing the project include learning about updated strategies for
rejuvenating a firm in the present Covid - 19 era. The findings may also aid new business
owners or staff in the Health and Wellness industry in recovering and improving their
performance. Restraints

The three main constraint factors are project scope, time, and cost. Project time covers the
project's schedule and duration, cost addresses the project's budget and resources, and scope
addresses the project's needs and work. The completion of schedule sets limits for projects with
time constraints (Van Wyngaard et al., 2012). For the following project, the major restraint that
will be faced is with time, which can be mitigated when producing the work in orderly and timely
fashion. Restraints can also be the risks mentioned in the above Table 2. These can be
mitigated with the solutions offered in the same table.

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

3 Initial Planning
The project's objectives will be determined at the commencement phase. This is an important
stage in ensuring the project's success. Without a clear description of what must be produced,
the project runs the danger of underperforming and failing to reach the deadline (Coursera,

3.1 Work Breakdown Structure

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a project dissection which graphically displays the tasks
needed to be done in order to produce the deliverables.

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

It is a significant pictorial representation since it helps them to break down the scope of their
projects and comprehend all of the procedures required to accomplish them, making it an
essential tool in project management. The ultimate project deliverable, the tasks and the project
schedule are interconnected in the first tier of the structure. The following several vertical levels
then signify each specific task needed to be accomplished to achieve each stage. It also
specifies the sequence of tasks in order to meet the project's goals and objectives. You can
define your project scope and allocate resources for all project activities by organizing and
displaying your project in this manner (ProjectManager, n.d.).

3.2 Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a bar chart that demonstrates how project tasks are scheduled over time. It is
used in the project planning phase to outline what work is projected to be done on particular
days. A project's launch, closing, and milestones can be seen at a glance. Some of the main
titles included keeping track of progress are the commencement date of the project timeline,
project tasks, which tasks allocated to which team member, duration of each tasks activity,
milestones and project phases on the schedule, the critical path of the project and the project
closing date (ProjectManager, n.d.). Tasks can be classified as sequential, requiring completion
one after the other, or parallel, requiring completion simultaneously with one or more tasks
(Yarbrough, 2021).
Using Gantt Charts serve many a wide range of purposes including planning project and tasks
over a set period of time, resource management, time management, parallely pursuing several

Table 4 Gantt Chart

projects and viewing the progress of the project at any given moment in time (Yarbrough, 2021).

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

The project will be monitored as per gantt chart using kanban method.

Kanban is a project management technique that gives project managers total insight into the
procedures that need to be finished, those that are currently being worked on, and those that
have been completed. A kanban board is a visual method of managing activities and workflows
that makes use of an optical or digital board with columns and cards.
Kanban cards represent tasks, and columns categorize those tasks according to their progress
or current state of development. Kanban approach has several advantages. As previously said,
it provides a visual way to control process. The kanban board consolidates the whole process
onto one page or screen, making it simple to understand who is working on what and where it
fits into the project cycle. The kanban board is a component of the kanban project management
system. It assists in visualizing workflow, keeping just what has to be done in progress, and
therefore optimizing task management efficiency (ProjectManager, n.d.).

Figure 4 Kanban Board

3.3 Milestones

Project milestones are strategic tools that are employed to designate a major completion in a
project's timeframe. The beginning and end can come in the form of markers indicating the start
and finish of a project task or even a conclusion of a crucial phase. Milestones are more
commonly used for keeping track of schedules. The use of adding highlighted indicators can

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

up the
Initiation Planning Execution Closure
of work

Understand Visit Edit findings

Gather data
assignment Company into draft

Discuss Attend
Extract data Gather data
Doubts review

Note Extract and

Record draft Submission
instruction organize

manageable portions, allowing for

Figure 5 Milestones Illustration ease of planning, executing and
controlling. An example can be the completion of the project charter - the final deliverable of the
initiation phase, that being a milestone that officiates the completion of the first phase of the
project. Milestones also give the team an opportunity to celebrate the pace of progress and be
encouraged and motivated to complete the remainder of the project (Westland, 2021).

Figure 6 WBS with Milestones in red

3.4 Change Management

Change management refers to the organized approach of handling sudden changes from the
initial plan. This can be done in written form such as change register. The change register will
include the date of occurrence of the change, what requires adjustment and what can be done
for adjusting .

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

For this project, the changes are discussed and recorded during reviews.

3.5 Evaluation of Tools and Techniques 

Techniques :

1) Initiation – This is a vital phase in securing the project's success. Without a definition of
what has to be delivered, and how and why, the project risks underperforming and failing
to meet the requirements (Coursera, 2022).
2) Planning - This stage also involves assessing and anticipating risk, and developing
change management methods, and communication strategies Coursera, 2022).
3) Execution - This phase involves carrying out the intended tasks as well as keeping track
of the time and progress. This means tracking and measuring progress, maintaining
standards, mitigating risk, costing, and analyzing data to make informed choices
Coursera, 2022).
4) Control – At the final stage of the project management lifecycle, the activities of the
project will come to a close and a review will take place to analyze the performance of
the project Coursera, 2022).

Tools :

1) Gantt Chart – Using Gantt Charts serve many a wide range of purposes including
planning project and tasks over a set period of time, resource management, time
management, parallely pursuing several projects and viewing the progress of the project
at any given moment in time (ProjectManager,n.d.).
2) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a project
dissection which graphically displays the tasks needed to be done in order to produce
the deliverables. It is a significant pictorial representation since it helps them to break
down the scope of their projects and comprehend all of the procedures required to
accomplish them, making it an essential tool in project management

All the tools and techniques used will ensure quality to be upheld for this project.

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

4 Task 02 – LO2:(P4) Research Planning and Market

4.1 Background study of the research
The background of a study is the passage cementing the original concept of the research. It
covers all crucial details involving the purpose which will be addressed in the rest of the paper.
The language will be clear and understandable, making the reader well informed (Elsevier,

4.2 Research objectives

Research objectives are the breakdown of the research aim. They are phrased to be specific
and comprehensive to the overall goal of the project (Dudovskiy, n.d.). The research objectives
of this research are:
1) Find the effects of the Covid – 19 pandemic for business’ sales and marketing
2) Highlight the impact of the identified changes on business performance
3) Research and gather data on the tools and techniques that a new company of the Health
and Wellness industry would need to be competent in the current Covid – 19 Pandemic
4) Develop a recovery roadmap to aid companies of the same industry to conduct the
marketing and sales functions more efficiently with the identified tools and techniques.

4.3 Constraints of Research

The constraints of the study are those aspects of strategy or method that influenced the
interpretation of your research findings (Dudovskiy, n.d.). Examples can be :
 The sample size
 Inadequate data availability and/or reliability
 There are no previous research projects on the topic
 Unsuitable measure used to gather data (Labaree, n.d.)
For the following research, constraints could mean the time frame of setting a date and time for
the interview, such as delays which may lead to postponing the research; a potentially crucial
constraint could be poor time management which leads to untimely submission.

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

4.4 Brief Literature review

To understand and be able to formulate ideas, objectives and actions in order to efficiently and
promptly commence with the project, one needs to understand the current changes and states
of the areas concerned. In this case, the effect of the pandemic on organizations and their
outcomes; the effect on non – profit organizations; the changes that arose in the education
sector, both nationally and globally; and the toll taken in the marketing and sales units and
strategies to overcome them.
According to Mashiho and Oli R. (2022), the COVID-19 eruption was a panoptic shock that had
an impact on community's working life. As most countries proof to dull the virus's spread by
instituting social distancing measures, organizations were forced to readily implement unspent
ways of working, such as separate working, or to organize various types of workflow and
interactions between work colleagues or between employees and customers in curative
locations (Mihalache and Mihalache, 2022). They also emphasized on how COVID-19 put fresh
constraints on individuals, such as growing(prenominal), incremental health difficulties and new
activities like as caring for and educating their children at home, in addition to these changes in
working specimen.
In a study by Johnson (2020) nonprofit organizations depend on allow from government entities,
as well as donations from foundations, for-profit organizations (e.g. corporations), and
individuals to sustain their trading operations and contribute financial constancy. As the COVID-
19 pandemic causes stern social, political and economic disruptions, the capability for nonprofits
to stipulate services (financial ability) and conceive income (financial stability) is threatened.
Financial buoyancy and shock are greater concerns among regionary and trivial county
governments as well as not-for-profit organizations globally, while the demand for many
services has increased due to COVID-19 (Johnson et al., 2020).
George A. Ngwacho (2020) pressed that the affect of pandemic on Education industry-The
COVID-19 virus has affected training sector globally, resulting to the near-conclude closures of
exercise, colleges and universities. As of 26th April 2020, throughout 1.8 billion students were
affected owing to institutional closures in reaction to the pandemic. Institutional closures pretend
not only learners, instructors, and domestic, but have statewide societal and economic
consequences (Ngwacho, 2020). Institutional cessations in reaction to coronavirus has brought
forth musical sparing and companionable issues, including digital learning, homelessness and
ration uncertainty, as well as seizures to childcare, personal caution, internet, housing, and
inability of working in office. He also argued that the realization was more severe for
underprivileged kids and their households, leading to disrupted learning, nutritional defiance,
childcare censure, and eliminant financial expense complication to households who could not
fabric. In retroaction to elementary end, UNESCO and variegated governments prompt the use
of restraint learning programs and open educational applications and platforms (Ngwacho,
A.K. Hasith, Pratheesh and Pretheeba (2022) stated that the schools had to be closed for yet
another extended duration of time, during the third wave of the virus, which had a powerful
impact on pupil education in Sri Lanka. This resulted in 10,245 government and private schools
being closed from 12 March 2020, resulting in 4,199,915 students remaining at home

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Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project

(Priyashantha et al., 2022). There were more than 200 days of completed school closure and
more than 100 days of partial school closure in Sri Lanka (Priyashantha et al., 2022).
Nevertheless, they also countered that Sri Lanka had accomplished distance learning activities
(fully virtual mode) and recommendations have been granted on homeschooling stratagem
(Priyashantha et al., 2022).
Janet Balis (2021) pin pointed that consumer expectations were already on the ascend before
Covid-19. Gen Z grew up with technology seamlessly amalgamated into their living, however,
with the strike of the virus, digital transfiguration speeded up impressively. She argued that this,
in deflect, sent consumer expectations skyrocketing (Balis, 2021). Almost every company
needed to cater their consumer base with a more digital encounter and with such variables at
play, consumers now hope that any experience will be frictionless, significant, and adjunct
(Balis, 2021). She also emphasized (2021) that now, the main objectives of companies are to
fuse their marketing and media units to exploit their opportunities better and with the impact of
the pandemic, marketing has been uplifted within the C-suite as a driver of digital conversion, a
key chieftain of the customer journey, and the key indicator of the consumer expectation (Balis,

4.5 Research Methodology

4.5.1 Research Method

Methodology is the theoretical foundation within which research is carried out (Brown, 2006).
There are two types of research methodologies: secondary data gathering methods and primary
data collection methods. Primary data

Primary data are your research's original results. Primary data gathering and analysis often
takes more time and effort than secondary data study. There really are two types of primary
data gathering methods: quantitative and qualitative (Dudovskiy, n.d.). The primary data of this
research will include the data collection from the interviews. Quantitative

Methods for collecting quantitative data are based on mathematical computations in various
formats. Questionnaires with closed-ended questions, correlation and regression methods,
mean, mode, and median, and others are examples of quantitative data gathering and analysis
approaches (Dudovskiy, n.d.).

Quantitative methods are cheaper to apply and they can be applied within shorter duration of
time compared to qualitative methods. (Dudovskiy, n.d.)

Student Name / Student ID 18

Unit 6 / Managing a Successful Business Project Qualitative

Qualitative research is intimately related with words, sounds, feelings, emotions, colors, and
other non-quantifiable components. Interviews, questionnaires with open-ended questions,
focus groups, observation, game or role-playing, case studies, and other qualitative data
gathering methods are used to assure deeper depth of knowledge. The decision between
quantitative and qualitative data gathering methods is determined by the field of study and the
nature of the research aims and objectives (Dudovskiy, n.d.).

Qualitative method will be used in this project as the nature of the pursued information, the
recovery roadmap, is qualitative in nature. Secondary data

Secondary data is information that has already been published in books, newspapers,
magazines, journals, web portals, and so on. Regardless of the nature of your study topic in
business studies, there is a wealth of data available in these sources. As a result, using a
suitable set of criteria to pick secondary data for use in the study is critical for raising the levels
of research validity and dependability (Dudovskiy, n.d.).

The secondary data of this project are the literature used to study the areas of interest under the
topic of recovery roadmap in marketing and sales during Covid – 19 era, in Health and Wellness

4.5.2 Research strategy Survey

The survey approach is querying individuals about a topic or topics and then reporting their
replies. In business studies, the survey technique of primary data collecting is used to evaluate
concepts, reflect people's attitudes, determine the degree of consumer satisfaction, and
undertake segmentation research (Dudovskiy, n.d.). Case Studies

Case studies are a prominent business research tool. Case studies seek to examine unique
topics within the context of a particular location, circumstance, or organization. The case study
method has several advantages, including the ability to collect and analyze data within the
context of a phenomenon, the integration of qualitative and quantitative data in data analysis,
and the ability to capture the complexities of real-life situations so that the phenomenon can be
studied in greater depth (Dudovskiy, n.d.).

The possibility of engaging in real-life commercial operations guarantees accurate and up-to-
date information, therefore case studies will be employed in the following project.

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4.5.3 Sampling

Sampling is a specific principle used to choose individuals of the population to participate in the
study. Many populations of interest are too vast to work with directly, hence, probabilistic
sampling approaches have been developed to gather samples from massive groups
(Dudovskiy, n.d.). Probability Sampling

Each population member has a known, non-zero chance of participating in the research through
probability sampling. The probability sampling approach is based on randomization or chance.
Random selection is used in probability sampling methods. As a result, using this technique has
the best probability of producing a sample that is actually representative of the population
(Dudovskiy, n.d.). Non-Probability Sampling

This approach employs non-random selection criteria. In these circumstances, sample group
members must be chosen based on accessibility or the researcher's personal assessment.
As a result, the majority of non-probability sampling procedures include some subjective
judgment. Non-probability sampling is especially useful in early phases of research, such as a
pilot survey. Advantages include the ability to reflect descriptive comments about the sample, as
well as cost-effectiveness and timeliness when compared to probability sampling (Dudovskiy,
Non – probability has been chosen for the following project as the nature of the study demands
staff of marketing and sales department of the chosen organization.

4.5.4 Data collection tools Questionnaires

Questionnaires Conducted in order to gather large size of information in a short period of time
Members of the sample group can remain anonymous Considerably cheaper than most of the
other primary data collection methods Possibility of generating large amount of data Difficulties
of ensuring greater depth for the research The problem of the ‘first choice selection’. Interviews

Conducted in order to reflect emotions and experiences, and explore issues with a greater focus
The possibility to direct the process of data collection The possibility to collect the specific type
of information required Great amount of time required in order to arrange and conduct
interviews and primary data collection. Additional costs might be incurred associated with
arranging and conducting interviews, travelling etc. Potential for interviewee bias. Interviews can
be defined as a qualitative research technique which involves “conducting intensive individual

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interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a particular idea,
program or situation.(Dudovskiy, n.d.) There are three different formats of interviews: structured,
semi-structured and unstructured. Structured interviews

Structured interviews consist of a series of pre-determined questions that all interviewees

answer in the same order. Data analysis usually tends to be more straightforward because
researcher can compare and contrast different answers given to the same questions.
(Dudovskiy, n.d.) Unstructured interviews

Unstructured interviews are usually the least reliable from research viewpoint, because no
questions are prepared prior to the interview and data collection is conducted in an informal
manner. Unstructured interviews can be associated with a high level of bias and comparison of
answers given by different respondents tends to be difficult due to the differences in formulation
of questions. (Dudovskiy, n.d.) Semi-structured interviews

Semi-structured interviews contain the components of both, structured and unstructured

interviews. In semi-structured interviews, interviewer prepares a set of same questions to be
answered by all interviewees. At the same time, additional questions might be asked during
interviews to clarify and/or further expand certain issues. (Dudovskiy, n.d.)

Advantages of interviews include possibilities of collecting detailed information about research

questions.  Moreover, in in this type of primary data collection researcher has direct control over
the flow of process and she has a chance to clarify certain issues during the process if
needed. Disadvantages, on the other hand, include longer time requirements and difficulties
associated with arranging an appropriate time with perspective sample group members to
conduct interviews.(Dudovskiy, n.d.)

To utilize the most information that can be required in the set time, semi - structured interview
has been chosen to conduct the following the project.

The research will be implemented in the selected org. with the prepared data collection tools.

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4.6 LO3: (P5,P6,M3,D2) Carry small research by applying qualitative

and quantitative methods is a preliminary step of the project
The following are the answers given by employees of FIT organization for the intended

1) Explore the changes that took place with regards to sales and marketing in business
during the pandemic

a. How were operations in marketing and sales before the pandemic?

Interviewee 1 – “In general, non-profits followed their marketing and sales practices which they
followed as per mandated by their head offices and principals. With regards to marketing and
sales before the waves of Covid – 19, the manner in which FIT specifically operated there
wasn’t as dramatically changed but only shown as an instrument to be used and added to”
Interviewee 3 – “FIT began the before the pandemic, conducting classes, networking and
carrying out operations. However, engaging with stakeholders was seen as an obstacle since
stakeholders were not committed to giving up their time to volunteer and conduct classes. They
were more engaged with their day – to – day activities, so gaining donors were lesser than
hoped for.”
FIT is an organization run on the basis of collaborative tools. Changes were seen due to
pandemic restrictions, and with regard to marketing and sales before the arrival of the Covid –
19 virus, the channels of marketing and sales didn’t seem to be as efficient since the hustle and
bustle of daily life seemed more consuming as said by Interviewee 3, being a senior
management executive.
b. How did the pandemic disrupt the flow of donations?

Interviewee 1 – “The pandemic disrupted the flow of donations because the donor nations were
also very badly affected. For example, countries such as the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and
Europe had many casualties, causing them to stall funding or even reduce the amounts.
Donors (individuals and organizations) were affected themselves. Their priorities changed, and
they focused more on their own nations. This was a big blow to many non-profits”
Interviewee 2 – “I think with FIT initially, there was a lot of uncertainly at the beginning of the
pandemic. Once things settled down and people began to realize that this pandemic needs to
run its course, that’s where we got to see some changes taking place, however, FIT isn’t solely
dependent on donations alone for operations and such. The donations that are more valuable
are the time that the volunteers and mentors take to teach at FIT. I think with more people at
home and getting used to using technology like zoom, the donations in terms of time were
increased because people had more time on their hands and were more willing to use that time
to teach English and get involved in FIT.”
Interviewee 3 – “One channel of donations was physical engagement with stakeholders and
donors at organized events and functions, and since the lockdowns restricted travel, those
occasions were insufficient to offer platforms of physical discussions. Hence, the flow of
donations was disrupted as such.”

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As said by interviewee 1, and supported by Johnson (2020), the flow of donations had seen
major changes, mostly for the donations coming from other entities as well as individuals. The
recession faced by the differing economies have resulted in disruption of financial inputs, the
reasons being the shortage of payments to employees, setbacks in own entities to cope as well
as disruptions in the flow of personal financial activities. To add to that, Interviewee 3 mentioned
how physical engagement was disrupted since the implementation of lockdowns occurred,
hence, adversely impacted donations as 90% of donations occurred as such.
c. How did you begin to notice such changes?

Interviewee 1 – “It was noticeable when the communications were slowing down, and the
donors began to inform that they are compelled to reduce or delay funding. In some cases,
funding was terminated.”
Interviewee 2 – “Again I think it is the volume of people using technology, becoming more
familiar with zoom and recognizing that during this pandemic, it is a waiting game. So they were
more prepared to give up their time as the pandemic went on.”
Interviewee 3 – “We could see the changes through the reduced opportunities of engagement
with donors. With lockdowns and social distancing, the channel which was the most effective
channel of communications became nullified.”
For this section, both interviewees 1 and 3 have given opinions to the changes noticed, yet
interviewee 2 has highlighted the different side of the coin. Interviewee 1 and 3 identified the
inevitable delay of funds, also supported by Johnson (2020). Interviewee 2 on the other hand
realized the ample potential for FIT in stagnant individuals, at home because of the lockdowns,
also supported by Ngwacho (2020), and aimed to seize the opportunity there.
2) Identify the impact of the changes in marketing and sales to organization

a. How were marketing and sales affected by the changes caused by the pandemic?

Interviewee 1 – “The main reason is immobility of staff. Some of the marketing and sales
operations locally were conducted manually or in person, it was a shock to the non-profit
systems. In addition to immobility, staff had no transport, lack of resources, uncertainty of
hygiene conditions at workplaces, family members getting affected by Covid-19. Women staff
were disadvantaged more because of their having to care for the sick at home. Though large
non-profits had done their risk assessments and disaster management plans, the pandemic was
least expected. The system could not cope with the change. There were large backlogs, and
unattended tasks, and breakdown in communication with external parties. Overall, there was a
system collapse. All this affected the vulnerable communities the non-profits were serving. Till
such time virtual platforms and online employability became options, there was great
Interviewee 2 – “Again I think for what we do because we are located globally, we have
volunteers globally, predominantly servicing pastors and churches in Sri lanka and India.
Marketing at FIT is predominantly spreading the word. I think it was a positive impact because
people were becoming more familiar with using technology like Whatsapp and Zoom. And if I

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think about how we had one instance where we connected to a church completely through
zoom…and through word of mouth, was how were able to welcome more students and mentors
into the FIT family. So overall I felt it was a positive impact. ”
Interviewee 3 – “Marketing was adversely impacted in drawing in the means for sales. As
mentioned earlier, the physical, real time engagement opportunities were nullified and everyone
were confined to their homes. All organizations, during the pandemic, to some extent, felt the
struggle of managing, and had to eventually pivot their efforts to suit the changes seen around
Once again, for identifying the changes, all three interviewees have touched on two different
sides of the equation. Interviewee 1 and 3, being veterans of FIT, emphasized the impact faced
on ground, with the physical, non- digital marketing channels and the overall working life of
employees, which can also be seen by the study done by Mashiho and Oli R. (2022). Ngwacho
(2020) too has stated the dire effect faced by under privileged communities during the
lockdowns. With the target of under privileged societies and the marketing channel of word of
mouth, struggles were faced to overcome those trials as the certainty of the arrival of the
pandemic was zero.
Interviewee 2 seized the opportunity seen on the side of the volunteers of the organization,
given the amount of time for volunteers were ample. That meant that volunteers can commit
more time and effort into the running of the school, with preparing and teaching materials, which
contributed to students’ development as well as the business operations. The aspect of studying
from home can be supported by Ngwacho (2020) and A.K. Hasith, Pratheesh and Pretheeba
(2022) who covered the education sector and education sector of Sri Lanka respectively.

b. How did the impact affect the business overall?

Interviewee 1 – “Business as usual became business as unusual. From the smallest to the
largest operation, there was impact in every level – administration, finance, logistics,
programming (in-house and external field bases). Since almost everyone was used to a
physical, external workspace, every activity was affected. Human resource and human capital
management became a nightmare. Those in the private sector are yet coming out from the
collapse caused by the pandemic.”
Interviewee 2 – “I think in a positive way people had more time on their hands, becoming more
savvy with technology, because of the lockdown. People were using zoom which was free and
all they needed was an internet connection so we were able to spread the word better.”
Interviewee 3 – “Overall, the changes were quite gradual in adapting to in terms networking and
conversing with stakeholders the traditional way. We also had to deal with converting and
educating many people to start adapting to digital means was a challenge”

Damaging changes couldn’t be seen at large since FIT was already operating with collaborative
tools to a certain extent, however, as stated by interviewee 1 and 3, the flow of activity in almost
all realms of business operations were affected with the implementing of lockdowns, curfews
and what not. Struggles can be seen in areas that mostly require more physical presence to be

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usually effective such as human capital management and logistics as well. For FIT, the on
ground operations carried out by the stakeholders present in Sri Lanka can be seen to have
suffered since their target audience included a group of society that weren’t as fluent in
technology as thought.
On the contrary, as stated by interviewee 2 volunteers both nationally and globally, with the
luxury of time and technology were prepared and enthusiastic to either start or continue their
charitable pursuits in teaching students as the lockdowns permitted them so.
3) Identify the specific tools and techniques used by the selected organization to recover its
performance in sales and marketing

a. What did the business do in order to adapt to the change of the pandemic?

Interviewee 1 – “The business began to get creative and innovating in adapting to change.
Through consultative processes, created different modes and methods of operations. They
brought in flexible human resource management practices, allowing teams to select their style
of operation. Majority of staff had the opportunity to work from home, thus saving time, effort
and money for themselves and for their employers.
They reached out to known contacts and widened their network. Online networking and
collaborations began to gather momentum, and several relationships have been forged
benefitting both donor and recipients. The personal bonding created through these virtual
meetings became stronger. Additionally, the diaspora rekindled its passion to serve the country
of its roots. By introducing younger diaspora and local youth, a different level of communication
and reach were possible as well.”
Interviewee 2 – “This is a global thing. In my own personal experience, I’ ve worked in
technology and IT my whole life so I’ve been using zoom type tools, what we call collaboration
tools for a long time now… I used a tool called WebEx, and it’s something that the IT sector has
been trying to promote more and more across businesses. It’s all about enabling people to work
remotely from anywhere, like from your home, from an office and even from a Starbucks…the
same case for FIT too. I think what we saw globally was even the smallest companies using
more and more technology to enable them to have business continuity during the pandemic.
And in think what they found was the benefit was it enabled them to have potentially a global
reach which they wouldn’t have prior. I think the use of technology which was the main agent
that businesses used to continue to function during the pandemic.”
Interviewee 3 – “Since engaging effectively with stakeholders were nullified with pandemic
restrictions, for that, on of our initiatives to reach out to potential donors was the use of recorded
video testimonials. This widened the flow of donations, and spoke immensely to the hearts of
people. That and the force of the pandemic urged even the technologically illiterate to attempt
engaging with transactions and communications through digital means”

For the case of implementing new practices for better running of the company, all interviewees
have mentioned the use of digital tools as a part of adaptation. A.K. Hasith, Pratheesh and
Pretheeba (2022) stated the initiative by the Sri Lankan government to implement e-learning as
the means by which students and tutors teach and learn. This is crucial evidence since FIT

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primarily teaches students and is benefitting from the major shift in modern learning. In terms of
marketing and sales, interviewee 1 and 3, with communications through means of aural and
visual, have mentioned how the emphasis for online networking and collaboration for fostering
relationships, which only justifies Janet Balis (2021) when she emphasized on the importance of
fostering such relationships as an essential means of marketing and sales.
Janet Balis (2021) also established how the newer generation of users who have grown with
and have the upper hand in technological needs. This phenomenon is proven true with
interviewee 1’s statement in infusing the staff of FIT with younger individuals, who have brought
a newer, modern and up to date perspective in terms of marketing and sales.
b. What were the specific tools and or techniques used for improving marketing and sales?

Interviewee 1 – “Story telling – local leaders shared stories of their communities, families,
societies, and were able to engage very effectively with the diaspora through social media and
Facetime. A lot of information was shared back and forth. The stories were so compelling that
the overseas residents began to support various initiatives, from individual to family to
communities, covering different target groups, mainly focusing on children and their education.
Social media has been and continues to be a powerful tool of communication beyond language.
Sharing of stories, use of social media, virtual meetings, and then finally in person meets when
diaspora representatives began to visit Sri Lanka and visit the different locations and engage
with the beneficiaries and partners.”
Interviewee 2 – “For FIT it was mainly Zoom, but it was also other methods like Youtube …
Whatsapp groups.. used to promote and spread the word. So the tools are the technology used
and being developed. Overall, Zoom was really the catalyst, and we became more creative in
conversing with our stakeholders.”
Interviewee 3 – “Specifically, tools like WhatsApp and recorded videos were a driving force used
to accomplish marketing objectives and bring in the desired results. The effect of having ample
time and most of the normal daily routines come to a halt, was complimentary to the efforts of
FIT implemented digital tools for communication, operation and collaboration, namely tools such
as Zoom, WhatsApp and in some cases, WebEx and Facetime.
The main objectives in usage being the aspect of collaboration – the fostering of relationships
among stakeholders. These means accelerated the flow and connection of donors and
recipients which, in the case of non – profit organizations, is marketing and sales.
c. How did those tools and techniques improve marketing and sales?

Interviewee 1 – “They are cost-effective/low-cost. One can use these techniques from the
comfort of one’s home, and by using a mobile phone. Since both donors and recipients have
access to mobile and other devices, communication takes place very smoothly and rapidly.
The language also plays a major role since both parties are conversant in Tamil.”
Interviewee 2 – “FIT improved amazingly, we got people in FIT who good in technology and
there were many who weren’t. But with time, this pandemic became a platform for those who

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were not fluent in technology to become so now sharing screens, recording, creating content
online, etc.”
Interviewee 3 – “With the penetration of marketing efforts made swift with the lockdowns and
digitalization, operations were even better than initially planned and expected. A stream of
projects were underway, many of the staff were becoming more competent digitally which in
time will bring about more value for so many lives in the network and beyond.”
With the implementation of the tools and techniques identified, we can see the different benefits
gained by the company. On the financial aspect, stated by interviewee 1, the usage of
technological tools for marketing and sales were deemed beneficial as it was lower in cost as
well as time. FIT was able to reach the target audience, the under privileged with the use of on
ground representatives, bearing the technological means that connected the students to the
teachers living abroad. This was only possible with the right connections and relationships.
Interviewee 2, making a statement on the side of employee performance judged that the tools
only improved the skills of the workforce.

4.7 Recovery Plan

The recovery plan of a non – profit organization to rebuild and operate its marketing and sales
strategies for successful survival during the pandemic, with the template devised by Deloitte
(2020), and the tools and techniques found through the research conducted (Field et al., 2020).

Reflect Restart Revitalise

Identify gaps in M&S Collaborative tools Explore digital
Analyse business Connect with the opportunities
health story Manage stakeholder

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5 LO4: (P7,M4) Reflection Report

Firstly, I am tremendously grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this institution and conduct
my very first research; to be under the guidance of my respected lecturers, supervision of my
coordinators and surrounded by my peers and last but never the least, my beloved family and
My Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that I was able to receive so much from this experience that will
help me in my career pursuit as well as shape my persona overall.
For initiating, planning, executing and closing this research, I’ve both benefitted as well as
struggled in certain areas of performance. During the initiation phase of the project, I was
fortunate to have my lecturer, Mrs. Samoo , who was extremely concise and helpful in
explaining the concept of the project and all the relevant matters that were required. Her support
motivated me to put my best foot forward going into this project.
During the planning phase, I faced several setbacks which I felt were so because of my
inexperience in carrying out a real life research project. These included the allocation of time for
each task, the thorough research into the type of chosen organization and the necessity to
maintain the schedule on time. The pain of the setbacks was felt only during the execution
phase, when the research project had to be implemented.
Failure of managing the proper time for each task in each phase resulted in all the tasks being
pushed forward in time, collapsing the original agenda. Failure of thoroughly finding an
appropriate organization to study resulted in a sudden change of choice at a very inconvenient
time of the project, for the initially planned organization never responded to the request of
conducting the interview. Hence, the change was implemented and it resulted in changing the
company information and the more difficult task of restarting the literature research and review -
finding information on non – profit organizations in Sri Lanka and their trends during the
pandemic were a setback. Another setback with the literature review was the lack of material on
the pandemic being an opportunity for individuals, to start pursuing charitable work due to the
ample time during the lockdown. Additionally, one of the interviewees were a newer employee
and so wasn’t able to attempt the first question. Finally the overall effort to maintain the time of
the project was not up to mark as expected.
However, the implementation of established objectives, duties and controls was extremely
useful and benefitting in keeping track of progress as well as ensuring the standard of outcomes
is preserved. Hence, the project management tools and techniques reigned supreme.
Above the setbacks, the continuous cycle of searching information, extracting the desired data
and understanding more about the field of business was a joy that motivated me to keep
working on the project. The lessons from time management, reviews with our lecturer, the
exciting exploration in interviewing others and the satisfaction of having complete my very first
project will be in my most unforgettable memoirs.

6 Conclusion
In this document, I have provided firstly a brief introduction to the project as well as the chosen
organization. Followed by the aims and objectives needed to be achieved for its success; the
underlying reason for its necessity and the profits gained through the research project. I have

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further gone on to explain the definitions of project management, the elements of a project
lifecycle as well as supporting examples; the business case and its elements with supporting
examples. I have given the general and specific explanation of the initial planning phase with
the tools and techniques implemented as well as justification for their use in this project. For the
following task, I have explained the research planning and market research with emphasis in the
background, objectives, constraints and the literature involved for this project; with research
methodology, discussing methods, strategies, sampling and data collection tools.
I have provided the transcript of the interviews conducted along with the commentary with
reference to the literature review; formulated the recovery plan and finally, provided a reflection
on the process of the project as a whole experience.

7 References
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8 Appendix – Research Questions

1) How were operations in marketing and sales before the pandemic?
2) How did the pandemic disrupt the flow of donations?
3) How were marketing and sales affected by the changes caused by the pandemic?
4) How did the impact affect the business overall?
5) What did the business do in order to adapt to the change of the pandemic?
6) What were the specific tools and or techniques used for improving marketing and sales?
7) How did those tools and techniques improve marketing and sales?

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