Islamiyat 021

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Name: Muhammad Muzamil Abbas

Registration #: FA22-BEN-021

Submitted to: Sir Nasir Ali Khan

Topic: From the standpoint of Surah Al- baqarah , discuss the concept of
undoubted faith as a characteristic of successful people. Explain with examples

Surah al-Baqarah, like many other Surrahs in the Quran, focuses on undeniable faith, which leads
any man to the eternal life of heaven. Undoubted faith simply means having strong confidence in
Allah and His prophet (PBUH), as well as other prerequisites such as faith in angels, divine
writings, the final day, and heavenly fortune, among others. As a result, in the sight of Allah and His
prophet (PBUH), a man is only considered successful if he fully accepts all of the qualifications
required to be declared a Muslim. If one of them is not accepted, for example, the man is likely to
be labelled a pagan. It is critical to have firm faith and strong faith in order to go through.Then
questions arise: What is firm faith? Is it only the name of accepting Allah and His Prophet (PBUH)
along with his companions? Or is it something else other than this? Is faith, really the only way of
attaining divine and unending life? These are probably the questions which need to be tackle in
genuinely in order to equip ourselves with better understanding?

The best definition of faith will be something like this: It is the acceding of being or essence despite
of its unseen reality. Although, It is known that something is not exist in reality but still believing
of its existence would be consider as faith or belief. In other words faith or belief is accepting
something which is unseen or unproven. Similarly Allah is unseen for us but still we are accepting
Him. In fact, at some place,

The Prophet (PBUH) said :

. “Those people of you are more blessed who have faith on me despite of the fact that they have not
seen me”. So, that is what the true belief or faith is. As far as another question is concerned that Is
faith really a thing of freedom from the fiery torments of Allah Almighty. Well, yes because having
firm belief on Allah existence is the only way to get through at the day of resurrection. Without
faith, all good deeds are like the things of no use. It is totally useless. Therefore, faith and belief is
the building blocks of success.

faith :
Having faith on Allah and Prophet (PBUH) is not complete faith. As discussed before, faith is the
combination of accepting Allah existence and Prophet (PBUH) but along with that having firm faith
on divine books, Angels, the day of resurrection and on divine fortune. Furthermore, to keep oneself
stick with the commands of Allah and to follow the sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) is the quality of
true Muslim, often called as momineen.
About Successful People
In Surah Baqarah it is quite clear that all those people endowed with true faith are successful people.
Other Ayahs of Quran also contributes to this but surah Baqarah specifically targets the concept of
true faith or undoubted faith as a characteristic of successful people who are more likely to get
through in the eyes of Allah and His Prophet. For example, Allah says in Surah baqarah verse 3
about the pious believers that they are those:”Who believes in the Ghaib(Unseen) , and establish
prayers and spend out of what we have provided for them.” The faith of does not contain doubts
because doubts vanish where faith exists. Similarly, At another place Allah almighty says, “And
who he believes in what has been revealed to you, O (Muhammad) , and what was revealed before
you, and of the hereafter they are certain (in faith).

Another ayah of Surah al Baqarah (2:256)

“Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood.” So
whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing
hand hold. And Allah almighty is all hearing, All Knowing.

As all of these verses clarify that without firm faith, it is impossible to acquire the divine spirit. It is
the only faith which enables man to achieve greatness. Faith endowed us with great spiritual life.
Having firm faith on the entity of Allah makes the life of person more purposeful and blissful. In
history of Islam , we have encountered plenty of stories of companions of Prophet (PBUH) who
sacrificed their lives for the sake of preserving the faith. Undoubtedly, faith is the most sweetest
thing in the world of spirituality. In one of the hadith, Prophet (PBUH) said.” If you want to taste
the joy of faith, let down your eyes when and alien woman is passing in front of you.

The entire Quran emphasizes upon the significance of faith in life. The true Muslims are those who
have firm faith or belief in existence of Allah and also have strong grip on establishing each and
every command of Allah with joy and perseverance. Along with that, It is inevitable to follow the
life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) because his life is the perfect epitome for us. Accepting Allah
and His Prophet (PBUH) is the raison d’être of all creatures in this world.

The end

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