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3.1 Operational defnition

The researcher uses several definitions as keywords in this research. The
definition of the following main terms is a conclusion of several definitions that
will be used.
3.1.1 Effective
Effective is an attempt to get the excepted goals, result or targets with a
predetermined time.
3.1.2 Spinach(Amaranthus tricolor)
(Amaranthus tricolor) is one of the spinach varieties in Indonesia, one of
which is the spinach type. This spinach is green, easy, and slightly concave. This
spinach is often consumed by Indonesian people.
3.1.3 Process
The process is a series of systematic steps which if carried out consistenly
will lead to the desired result.
3.1.4 Corrosion
Corrosion is a process of material degradation caused by the influence of the
environment and surroundings. Corrosion is divided into several types, among
others; Uniform attack, Pitting corrosion, Errosion Corrosion, etc.
3.1.5 Rust
Rust is a common metallic problem that we can found in our daily life, rust
can change size, color, shape, and aesthetic value of metallic object.
3.1.6 Metal
Metal is an element that readily forms positive ions (cations) and has
metallic bonds.

3.2 Research variable

3.2.1 Independent variable

Independent variables are variables that influence, ie factors that are
measured or chosen by the researcher to find the relationship between observed or
observed phenomena. The independent variable used in this study was spinach.
3.2.2 Dependent variable
The dependent variable is a variable that arises due to the manipulation and
influence of the independent variable. The dependent variable used in this study is
(Rusty object).
3.2.3 Control variable
The control variable is a variable that curves influences at the time of the
study. The control variables used in this study are limit of water, oxygen, tool’s

3.3 Time and Place

This research was carried out on the dormitory of SMA Plus Negeri 17
Palembang in january 2020.

3.4 Object of the study

3.4.1 Tools
1. container
2. blender
3. mixer
3.4.2 Materials
1. spinach
2. mineral water
3. rust

3.5 Research procedure

3.5.1 Steps of making spinach extract
Following are the steps to make spinach extract for this experiment:
1. Blend the spinach with a blender. Then put it in a closed container
2. Give enough water
3. stir well then strain. Spinach extract is ready to use

3.5.2 Research steps
The steps needed to conduct research:
1. Prepare the metal that is exposed to rust
2. Soak the rust within 2 hours, 5 hours, 10 hours
3. See and record changes that occur from the time period above
4. Enter the data obtained from the experiment in the research table

3.6 Research method

This research was conducted by an experimental method, namely by looking
at the effect of spinach (Amaranthus tricolor) on rust. The results of the
experiment will be described with the actual state of the comparative sample that
has been adjusted to the theoretical basis.
3.6.1 Qualitative method
Qualitative method is method that use qualitative data that cannot be
calculated. This research is use qualitative method because the result of this
resarch is looking for the qualitative data.

3.7 Techniques for collecting the data

Data collection techniques are direct observation and documentation.
Observation method is done by looking at the effect of spinach (Amaranthus
tricolor) on rust.
3.7.1 Observation
Observation is the activity of observing an object or phenomenon to obtain
an information in the form of data in this study the authors observed the chemical
reaction between oxalic acid in spinach against rust in the time below.
NO Time Result
1 2 Hours
2 5 Hours
3 10 Hours
3.7.2 Documentary

Documentary is the activity of taking physical evidence or tangible evidence
of an object or phenomenon by capturing it through several ways, among others,
taking pictures both photos and videos accompanied by an explanation.

3.8 Techinques for analyzing the data

The data obtained were then analyzed qualitatively, descriptively,
supported by various sources of literature and experiments that have been
conducted. In addition, from the observations received then a collection of
supporting data for analysis and problem breakdown is carried out to obtain a
solution to the problem to be discussed.


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