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Shipping industry and seafarers bring prosperity to the world. A maritime career doesn’t
always mean a career at sea. It is quite natural for any seafarer to look for a shore job after
they have spent a considerable period of time working at the seas. While on work it is all
about being away from home, from friends and families. Sense of isolation and boredom
is not uncommon in any seafarer’s life. At some point of time in their career most of
the seafarers would want to look for jobs ashore. It seems seafarers are often not aware of
some shore side career opportunities.
Shipping is a massive industry developed into spin offs with many sectors to be in.
Seagoing experience is vital and realistic. We must know that every seafarer can settle for
a job ashore, which values his or her skills, knowledge and experience. The training and
experience acquired from a career in shipping can be used across industries ashore and
many diverse areas. To survive and do well one has to keep on upgrading his/her skills.

To apply a certain job in maritime industry, there are steps that have to be prepared, namely
making a proper cover letter.
Based on the cover letter above, please determine the parts of a cover letter!

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