Homework 7 Solutions

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S13 Assume (P.), is a seawence OF parhitiors Je a with him | UC Pef)- - LOR \J= O Let 679. Ths AkeW sd UCP. A Le) CCF, Peo) SE, Smee € ig aybiftary we have a b = b (4 -Sf =0- jee Lf se bis tates coble L Wow, we Show {hat din uctte) = SF Fo ang Kel ve have LCF, be GTR Ee UCE, Pe} ‘ee UCR Pe) = UEPI- LCE Pe) + Ue PE Thus J © UCK)-LCF Pe) ef g bus fw (Ucte)- Li? -)) = O so Ls ese the S4leere Grmma , tle seqvene (Uc Pe), Corl aad dim UCF, be) =f, bp Now be LG, mathe ~ UCR) + UCL, *)) = fiw [LCE Pe)~ Pe f fhe) = = fr [ee )- le | + fn vit) ie SALLY Wotee that Fa any intewal To efs4] ho be inf fo) + inf 30) £ inf (fassges) < sf arsmle eL eel Z sap fo) + s-P Br) KEE Thes fer arg fatfitim Pe have Lee.) + LG) 6 LCE, P) < U (FSP) € Ure, P)+Uce? (i) fiow G1 920. We willshow thet QP vith Ul4es P)- LCFSP) CE. Tuleh Gt EPO, Since f is tategeoble GR © uct,R)- LE, P) ce ©@) Stuilatly since @ Us gel 4Pe with UG re) L(IZh) oS ) Lef Pa RUPL. By 2)-), Set Ul4P)- LP) Se U03°)-LG IG co eddy these, we get U(EP)+ UCP) - LB) - LBP) SEN by (), GU) ne get UCHSP)-L(Fes,2) CE 56 £43 tS frategd elle pd) tuwelly For eg pect he Sila) < UCHS,°) < © ue, P\ + UC8,P) DP ve have: cee the 54 hal side is mlecedtele af P inf on fle nigh hed ste Ye can free Hu Se (oes) < ing 5 UC4P)4 yea} = inf UP) furan = Cer Ss \ L \ afr +('5 co S86 OF #103 | Stomslarly (using lover sams tasters asd sememe ) fre! (og Ul can show thet y b t git e623 < Syles). Th bg = + - ms {. *S) =f +(,3 - continuity, if Sakis te shew §.26 thet £¢x)2O Vee C@,6) Assame 3 ceC ab) with Focy >O Glen since fis continsous ant ce C&b) 4530 64 Ce-B, e985) CC @b) aid £)>0 Yue Ce-5, 045). Vow by ple Mins bay 4 leorem , 4m>0 an 2 rx) Ye Lce-3 scr ET =N ct+¥y roomed < f f 604 ome B> st uhh fs 4 eto Shae t, “f= S26 44 beayzo ot FILHO, the Claim te drival Se assme Fa) FIL) AO Cote bs t(2)F(b) gO Then, by Bo |2ens's qheorem , dee lsh) mith £(c) =O Cese 2: £04) £66) >O Assume wLoeG thet Lia\>0, F(L)>O. Assure that £40 exe (@%-) If fod>a Yxelal), that Gals fo contindiction becxase vM=0 as Ex 5.0.5. TL JKeCab) wth Ft) CO, {hen by Bolreres gltetPa oelaye) with 4 (c)2O Neh vorbeadick the asceartim Lexi fo Yxela,b) Note. Gle easiest wag to do thal preblen ts fo 45 EX. 5.9.4 which evs not essifred (s Fats homewetk Tn thelO cuse Jce(se] L st. decy: bf =o SLE Sohne he $3 Chich 15 crtenry \ 6 . , Maxever a= Sas): (lt - Sus =O So by Ex. 62.6 Joeleb] th hfcj=O & frcj=scj S185 az 62x we ene il Assam Now that acscé Tne 6 or e te (Se (Fos 84-40% =f + OOF So we haw chewed \ het dhe formule hol no matter whab the odecing between & 1S > so assene WLOG that 626. | Td wpraks to consilec jhe cases BLOLY ane EGLXAOA Assume EC%XEE. GCWwh Oss Cae St = 2 < x G & oot SEO Fe hesunt now GL5o%. Then Pee S46 S4 =S os OF: pt -(8f -s ob & - 6 3 (ee Cray, Gla c late iS Cvoved as is Linchite eo FLO S.* lam—genfé Lier] tag Als. fits cortinue, fo it is Loanded Le Shso cd [ersloM Heel ab] b chy |hia-ne oh gccedgeds - (gage | b < | [, (se0-aca-)) £0) H € 4 é( [smo-gcr-)| [fen dt < L 6 WU evel it = Hike) gl Co kK 'S \ veschi te mith costars ML(be)

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