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I would like invite you to make an aloud reflection about one fashion
topic currently. This is the artificial intelligence.

2. What are you thoughts? Could be it useful to helps us for any task,
to come in handy, or perhaps could it destroy all of us in a long-

3. I reflect on this because the trend is worrisome. For instance In

Japan there is a hotel without human workers, instead there is
robots working alone in these same hotel.

4. So didn’t you reckon that anyone force or anyone invisible hand

would be interested to replace the human people from their current
jobs with artificial intelligence gradually?

5. Some extraoficial person dare to suggest that government

institutions think that there are too many people living in the world,
but I say rather they prefer to have robots under their command than
humans because robots can be programmed to obey but humans
may be not. 

6. This scenario reminds me the first movie of terminator saga where

humans fight against the robot machines.

7. The question that we should done it's who will be disposed to fight
against the machine to save the labour rights from people?

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