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Het * erect ae nee be detecrive, ‘ Ps A Bexdasoh & p dec Sh PCD” Com” ge ote} 9 BIEL SR, the pre babutchy ret ab, tea st Tene 8M deRetive ye (Pex 20)4 ples) Me eay! toca? +h Co: sattoi') POC22) a 2) O+guret ker P20) 4 RGIS es Fe a Ceomy ef] ©) rhe. «probe: hebhy 9) thab= \ reat eal be etegeeitoe he proles bidity 14, (oa) = Or 285 : Y Com, a ss » © se ase sebs Oh 1n -easeg OF hes mony Casey ome Chan epee sn 4 tally - Powds wo: pla ¥ By bhemiag —dutvcbuon, Prelabttchy 22 2 head end aed 12 trollp is = PRsy 2 12 YGCONGeO sb + 1 HOB20~@ 24. SY*906 wo 263-6 tox 4or¢ = OF1205 B46SGAI¢0 OO SUF IS) Me The Ckepted namie ate $hatas Oe, 256. ‘Feb 1 $36 RK 514).9 Ue =(30+92'= 3) BSC% onrey © mm Seep hing a Sarge Mer bey of paths mama Pochised hy 4 oe deechys th g SUCH Semnples feo me Cotain ablensts 3° Givin “date 3 gf? oO Meo) MP2 9 ProbbHy ob 2 ME RROERY «OF ® satheasts | dhece, “dle Kee das. 9. Baacae, i. "28 plee® F = pools teby et Gitthen “mere, 8 OR. oy hue) 4 elegeckue pas) =f 2 [p Cree) 4pleer) piesa) ] 7 Pe GaP tou? m Gd toa 4 4 ey*toajil \ fi Ov oof 4 2 2 (onside 29 zoo -o-a)*] o 2 é i (Be Coo 4 ed Cony Gye Z0! o{Go-o), - Qe-1)) 21@o-2)! F G17 coays. wae te ar OD 208 steal] asd [= (Geox) + soceustou) + Bx 15 Co- si] = = I (ey rotosy @ai3) bie (6-01) cons] Im Gone + 02g 40024] Fo I= OG on EB O34 [oeseg See Lye Saullo votbuis HE” pamied Se Su Soap et fe is dite. defeckiue” patter” otk var eae z f ' yo iy, ORO. 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Pare pobobutity & Yat Lost one secesy fa p es vscesc HD Oo success 1 t tin 2 Si9@ haven op a Ke, tin, Bo pear Ea SOY ene © eSadys / Vhadg probebibity op, Octumrenée af. 0% eve, CT Re two!) 2 3 4 : . ers no Dumber of | fyaids 2 6 Y P21) = I= Plas) \ : SEL EL fois, Wgaors = = o-agyy ox \ uy % D PCS) = POD + rely ‘Hecest) ypter3)) ot = Qos = Or uy = ME Temi hosing Stim Hoon enue, + feed: fre polabeihy Of 9th < ob Reasts iin heads ce : Sie heady Si) pea pe prrbebigidy of Setting a head =4, Te pobabitity a nec getting oten Lge The. POEL g_ Ribing 6 TF oheads . by Od Fires lo chs ie edie eeea P(xoe) = = Pos I » Ww vee 8 Cae) 5 A oka “Seo ) Pron boty OF Bling atleast Slin Reade Ss Sve, 9g fer 295) co WAKO arde = Plezg) + PU) +P OS 1) EPA) aa z ek +e GPAs le ayy pe ' COG ¢ GXGIT+ 5 BIGy'+ ‘a aap 2 Rei ; es eh < 514 &, — J > dye fo) >(2) Lio + —= ¢ + eg Wenn ay 2 | - 4 Wim 2, ‘Sie 2} arly 2° preowsy > AAO Ey 4 AOD \ 1 uh eG Wax, 20 hey aE SH: Be a x 4\ 5: * pk ty a, Lie SASH Sta eared Spee. 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Find the ae rage Eater of ate th hth, ate num bey on te fast dee num bey on the Kend vt ) eo pat, of atce TS wa Sr{ USA Y : we A AL WWI NACY cnceede the 236 Vek x Be He, Teendom, | Yerta be) ghe- Faveusale — GaSeg on SD C82 Cay hay CSDCN3) i CSTE 0G! @p 6) G0? Gs) a LCG. Bp omin®. desbechutian |. 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POlabéaihy ~ Of detective Home> 2% 2 Io.92 . reaper a SebeRRUC 9 Mens) Oe. BO ot sao & np =, £0r0%) (109) 135 B- 2 PES Simeto we oy oe Soa “des othable = be Gy -bhyi GP ae depective, Hews. e& “eo ee tee es Pete1) 2&7 3! ~S56 sa ahs 4 tent 1 Pi&sx) = pease MET giFSg20 4 TP Sobtocae Bs VBL FRO) 0. 09g See PCr depeckive lems) es pea iat Sen! 3, tov. 2 0-195 33.943 Li ta = at ee. a AUCHOIe oe oe ot the. Ptobe Mair, natirrad, — hiyheooy 6 ae, Hat.> wee Mune Ok ace derks, ' L One. yy wk Rens one. 9 M4 mmm mean oA a WE ~af ok eothewe Psd = plorde oo: 2 © Gaye mae y Soed D Peat Beas one. YP Cat most once POC EI 2) POPODFPGX24 IeBh VW hata eer en, Charo CDR O cgoy DVR. hummbey of ACEEA ER dq OY) dT) On a pa hghooy & bg Ottemdne the HDbabALCHY -Hhak Fhe tau Yk feast ones, a ee one os Bute means Ab 16)” oe hae > ) lek Leas one) > plier) 2 J portey A of Ms PES ieee. Oda) | Wy PGk eos ore) =p GxEN 2 Pp Cro) 6 Pexr 4) wee Meals cise) 2 GG ae) > ] 2@rYirie) ' Bis! 2 O-SMYq Si, Moke a monthly beat ons ba . b3q Worden orate, having poesson destwtou tian cot, Men, Grund ty tboFlt the Peo babes tat whe Gmputer aed Pinctia, fey a month Y without a breap dato 9 WD) wait onky Mee treme ha HY tty ebleasmay tat decin Rogen ran do by i 2b fan RESON Aeshehulley Vp Oya) = KD oe Sh, Ly pltned oh y ee RS ales ¢ DON = ots / PC 7 oN ny 2 on daa a pres I POta) [+ o6I6SS$2. 08947. wee essen aestwhu tion “ty dheoretiad — Frezuemeres ET = 1s) 1 = er el - wiles lo e | we lise [Oe . Be \ fac. > Qa, GAIT BRS goes | Zep Neat S64 OY UR HSH! MOD > ea =N mean of dhe POESSON dastthutton 41, Mente the Heterré ad «emery Cor re Sen yap), ohmve M223, E - jer too +e ice eahen@=, %2, 2 ene = S : Duh oF @ = oI, 333 u _ . og) Ne woot vs good', 22°F" Gores ce") » ror Ce fawgh ‘ ; gg. U4 S85~ OSs ( 1491S, HP wISS a nthe theewtea Eeyer ets dor . ‘ ae ‘ ES | ° Lope) Ss fst tle Wwe] | ws] 6 omer nor Nowmest: estat bara ot consdley dre! wowmnd Ota weg be! moh fad me: : Seas sird ee aad Hen POGLo) le eae oe ire feel Stine it a . The Sekar Be: Bey) os Taded by eo Ho J x eodebes Blinn OP OS (bya J (ee ee 0 s e Re putty Ms ¥ (arbJee ar (epcthey a> 2B so toy a we dey 2 pad che Ge es SNe Cinch, ang 9 2% ES eerste, + Bl sol » Pe : 4 Go C fié Debs v7 | f = ar Powe 1 (eae Fos a nowmably dich EER. seamed isimas standowd deviation 3- Find dhe fOCSS SH i) 34d Soe bel Wem ese beiq ‘ , Geen At, lee ose | Doheny %> BYX = , A 220s TR SSO 2s US _ + ie. Eire> STR hs TeyU2 , ken Az 6914 i =f a wise Bat ect ee Rag. te [acl-as) ~ nlo- 519) oss Hatched. cen th tbe i figs) 15,02 BZ Frese ie hs De 16RD yy hen 9 “H1sg Pe te, SUS sop! 2 2, CS4ys) = TEs j when 2 GF : ‘a, to, - -J) ~~ : ey bs INS! 2 IS = be Say) <1 Ole & sorded exo porhYS. E24 GIN) = PC-oMCr2e a3)) Cure eA Ot Moe) > ACIS) + AC-O-Kt) Ponca Cony Ges aarg 2) OHSU +0290 = SHU shared aye in the 2} 2 i Te of 6 % MB¥meQ” veniate wth "Xn Bo St Sharda we! ducation Se fhe Dp Cocsmsuy jy Poe) Géven meam, th2 30 ond Seb. os S PCIE L XL ey—)> -RC-O%& S$ BWErD PQ)» Ae = AD) + pl~9-%) \ : . \ = OS YUADWH O- rE95 3) O26 nh) 4 Bi LO SRS 96 PUL 2US) » 2s MSI-BO ye , 3 stEeRl : PLEZD 2 os ~ pvearat > 3 %, Zot Dor ~ 494862 G- G0 ly paeeets ao Tn a normed. datraoution WY. op He’ Hemy 9% a, wey ae ond. Gh are!) Unley 65. Pélesmire the. tom ct tania § G- “Ihe | destsiburtion. Tek et he ame ream Cab 220) ond Cl ahe Skardarte deviating the. NeFmag CUNUE 3% of the Tens he vondey sp eons di orca ty the. Fete, of the Ovds,,, Xe ive POL C38) 2 0007 Gwe | CH EES)2 God PCXPCS)a I= pCXEGS)> I~ 0°84 2 Oy I Whe 0) potty > 85, BLO) xaggth leme | Shacordh Fey Pecter) *, FOOEE cay 2c tom © r a ) ut ©-O 4, sas se .. Santas “guppase the, DHS OF Fou Pray, Sfeselenty he Dees gesorebutian cotth fon na Yo POUndg Ord * Stamndotd Aeviati ven 10 pede. Rint yhe Mmber of | Stomda rel depiction, where OS OM Dia [ag awd lr poems i) moet than. In poeunds ( ay ul P< 9M Wk aL be Vhe mean ord —be the Stornaral deucehia, then Melo peimdy and <2 fo Pound, Yorke = M2 ISK ba ete Isp ( 2 eee ~O2 2 % Gags) a hen tale MEY ee = POM Ere uy) P és: = Ar) MC)2 ACOH) + P60.» = AG) FAC) > Oe 2B) + OF07932 O83Gay Hence the number of Strdents whae ceighty re bho We Ponds amd 4 Pound ( = OW 369% 7 Res Fy Vy ode 2 ii hr oto(S2 > -22 Neath |, PIS 2-lyo" ti) cohen 2c fe Tas ft 2b, Boy) fo POL 7IS2) = PLFA) \ 2 Ors ACW )= OF L AC=2) D> OS — OS849r OPUS; © peahts re mae as RUMbeY ob Shidenbs whose Z then 152) found, =z 800% Or MEY = ID poissan _Distat butian; Dov pasi)'=3 pasa) ind : a Kt i) pe ss PO21) it) pewes) it) pPLZ ox eS) 8y Usisy posssen disht butte, pete) Bee | pees: * $ ) pass) oP peat? dS BES) = PLS)” POLS Spe SU 4 PELs s 3) 4 PLAY id Ot =o- ite!" ot detesring | thy probe bitity t- a bod © tH abe gion | foe cestoin injection (8 0-0 vamge tak onl oe 2100 trdiides 4 rent Ham Mo coil gee & ee yen rt io potssan distributida © “4 | the, Prpab tihy of COLL Wee tS veay \ Smuae Np) WoO oven > 0:09) + 22 0 004 a ae ; y wreom ¢ 4): SOP ze dod K-O0d15 2 oe beeen Pobaboity Creaor)) 2 -(Pexe) + Rar ron] 3 fe jg Ons a oe Sal a Se 644 mean sus 9 F201 6ox 20 tor Fe ca ror \S 427) gp = OS Nz 200 i 2 meen OP pozsson” “dus btnu SOBA EEC 5 a by tha ee Ure. mor nfs Sis os Meas Oe 1 oy Je 29 C-Go6s ) SOU oh > oN TRA ie tele eocks os) Rx \ 6 ci 2S ae wg? 28 [ €O8 (Bic | ose Jo (0+ Geox 0.065) i \ be re = oye = burn hs : > a a) more ham = 218d houys 4) wer DQ mex tan jqzo hours amd Tess Mer 2h6> hors Give Meanku) 2 WU “Md — Stewflerd Leutatio > canal ey POL > 21%) a ay ee 21-20 Ne 2 wane oe Gare HBS p(x 2210) = PC&SI¥3) = O'S - xa ot 25 1S 2 Ors- Oey = 0F033) | a 1683 sos > Se ne- 3 Whe ne et MOUS eh pe Seal 9 burn ogy 21%” hours?) “fq 2o0e > bulb 2 Es Treat they 7 OS GL MP prec, O°O326 x &) pcrers) 2 pCderssi 9 S014 jek Bes = 15D= 20% \ nah ea * | clos) pcatkh Bebe BY" Gage O° YER 2 0l06by BOE Phe ne oh buble Gucepted | gy ees 6 fess 19% eer 9 0066 9) OSE 2888) Oe ish eS he PU. eX © 2160) (Pr MH Re 2dega 24 Re . & FS PRET Béss eu eG © =2 F Areagat nr + myeast Qa 2 20. Gag > = onashq Ths the “ype meri BS ed EL ob tpy Ons -Ty, Cites) 3) Noma astibstioy 9 fo =F) 2 9 hale, dest Pama, «| 9 properties ort Pooley |

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