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Weekly Lesson Plan


Grade & Section: 8 -- Mauleon

Time: 7:30 PM – 8:30 AM
Type of Class: Synchronous
Date: October 1, 2021


At the end of the session, students are expected to:

a. Recognize the history, Court Dimension, Positions of Players, Game officials and
benefits of Volleyball and;
b. Initiate the different skills, Officiating the game and game mechanics of
Volleyball and;
c. Demonstrate the different types of hand signals in Volleyball

Sub Topic: History, Court Dimension, Positions of Player, Benefits of Volleyball, Game Mechanics,
Skills, Officiating the game, Game officials, and Hand Signals in Volleyball.
Strategies: Wordscapes, What AM I? and 4 Pics 1 word
Quarter: 2nd
Materials: Laptop, MS teams, Wheel of Names, chat box, notebook, pen

A. Preliminary Activities

(Students will open their microphones)
“Good morning class!” “Good Morning Ma’am!”

“Before we start, please tell your classmates to join the (Students will follow instructions.)
class for today, and prepare a sheet of paper and a pen.”


“Let’s put ourselves in the presence of God (Students are praying)

Dear lord.”


Checking of Attendance
(The students will go turn on their
“Please turn your cameras so we can take a screenshot
for today’s attendance. Thank you.”

B. Motivation

“Before we start with our discussion, let’s play a game

called “Wordscapes.” All you have to do is to guess the right
word that I will show you, just turn on your microphone if you “Yes Ma’am.”
want to answer. Did you get it class?”

“Okay, let’s start. What do you think is the right “Spike Ma’am.”
answer for this first item?”

“The second word is Court Ma’am.”

“Very Good! Let’s move on to the next item. Who can
guess the answer for the second item?”
“That’s right! Now let’s guess the third word.” “Ma’am the third word is Ball.”

“Yes, you are right. It’s time to guess the answer “It is Serve Ma’am.”
for the fourth word. What do you think it is?”

“Ma’am the last word is Set.”

“Yes, it is serve, we are down to our last word.
Anyone can guess the right answer.”

“Yes Ma’am, I am familiar to these

“Very good students, you have guessed all the following terms.”
answers. Are you somewhat familiar to these terms?”
“These terms are sports related
“In seeing these words, what comes into your Ma’am.”
“I think our topic for today is about the
“Yes, that’s right! Now that you are familiar to these Volleyball Sport Ma’am.”
following terms, what do you think is our topic for today?”

“Very good! Our topic for today is all about the

Sport Volleyball.”

C. Development of the Lesson

Activity: “WHAT AM I?”

“Now that we are almost done with our discussion, I “Yes Ma’am.”
have an activity called “WHAT AM I?” I will give the
definition or description and you will tell me what kind
of skills it is, or what game officials it belongs. Are we
clear class?”
“It is the dig or digging skill Ma’am.”
“Okay good, for our first description.”

“______ is the ability to prevent the ball from touching

one’s court after a spike or attack.”
“It Is the First Referee Ma’am.”
“Yes, that’s right.”

“Also called as “R1” “UP OFFICIAL”

“It is the Scorer Ma’am.’
“Very good, who can answer for the third one.”

“Notifies the referees of a request for regular game

interruption that is out of order.”
“It is the Blocking skill Ma’am.”
“Exactly, it is the scorer. Let us move on to the next
“It is the Libero Ma’am.”
“Refers to the action taken by the players standing at
the net to stop or after an opponent’s attack.”

“A player specialized in defensive skills.”

“Absolutely, it looks like you have familiarized our

topic. Moving on, I am going to present a video about
the different hand signals in volleyball.’

PowerPoint and Video Presentation (Hand Signals in

“It indicates ‘BALL IN’ Ma’am.”

“The judge indicates that it is a
“What do we call a hand signal, when an official judge ‘JUDGMENT IMPOSSIBLE.”
points down the flag?”
(Student who volunteered demonstrates
“Yes, it is but what about if the judge raises and cross the given hand signal)
both arms and hands in front of the chest?”

“Okay, that’s right. Now, who can volunteer to

demonstrate the hand signal for Time-out?”

“The hand signal in volleyball is

important because it helps the game to
ABSTRACTION: be more organize and the gestures
make it easier to understand the referee,
“Why are hand signals important in playing rather than talking.”

“Absolutely, that is why hand signal is very important “When there are violations in playing
in playing volleyball, not just in volleyball but also in the game, the referee will whistle to
other sports as well.” make the players stop or notice him
that there are violations made in the
game, and if the players are paying
“How do you know when there are violations when attention the referee will do the hand
playing the game?” signal which refers to the violation
made in the game.”

“Very well said!” (Student who volunteered will

demonstrate the given hand signals.)
APPLICATION: (Student who volunteered will
demonstrate the given hand signals.)
“Now, who can volunteer for a demonstration of hand
signals?” (Student who volunteered will
demonstrate the given hand signals.)
“Who can demonstrate the hand signals for

“Alright very good! How about the hand signal for Ball
out, any volunteer?”


“It seems that you have mastered the different hand

signals in volleyball, so for your task. You are going to take a
picture of yourself doing the selected hand signals in volleyball.
These are the following hand signals that you will demonstrate;
team to serve, end or set or match, delay in service, ball out, “Yes Ma’am.”
double contact, four hits, ball in, blocking, and double fault
and replay.”

“Please wear a P.E uniform, or white T-shirt. You

will submit it in a collage form, picture only. Did you get the
instruction class?”


“For our short quiz, I want you to get a paper, write

your complete name, section and the date of today.”

“Write only the letter of the correct answer. This is a

five-item quiz.”

1. The volleyball was invented in 1895 by _____.

a. William G. Morgan
b. William M. Morgan
c. Morgan S. Springfield
d. Mintonette

2. _____ is also known as spike, is usually the third

contact a player makes with the ball.
a. Blocking c. Serving
b. Attack d. Pass

3. A hand signal made by doing a circular motion of

the forearms around each other.
a. Ball In c. Blocking
b. Change of courts d. Substitution

4. The official line judge points the flag down.

a. Ball “In” c. Catch
b. Ball “Out” d. Holding

5. The ball is hit with no spin, so that its path becomes

a. Topspin c. Jump float
b. Dig d. Float
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Okay Class, take a picture or screenshot of your quiz
and submit it to our group chat.”


“Please comply on the given tasks given to you. Submit

It before 7 pm, do you copy?”
“Goodbye and see you class!”

Prepared by: Meri Cris Lea G. Casaba


Checked by: Mr. Irving Mauleon

Cooperating Teacher

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