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- It is apex body for the development of human resources for the health sectors . It conducted the
training as per the needs of all department, divisions and centers of MoH.
- It aims to train health service providers to deliver quality health care services
NHTC Goal:-
The overall goal of National Health Training Center (NHTC) is to produce /prepare efficient
health service providers by means of training to contribute to deliver quality health services
towards attainment of the highest level of health status by the people of Nepal.
NHTC Objectives:-
 Assess training requirements of health workers and prepare training plans based on the
program’s requirements.
 Plan, implement and train the health workers as demanded by program divisions/centres.
 Design, develop and refine teaching, learning materials to support implementation of training .
 Develop/improve capacity of trainers to deliver quality training at central, regional ,district
 Coordinate with all NGOs/INGOs to avoid duplication of training and improve quality of training.
 Orient newly recruited health workers on different health programs.
 Supervise, monitor, follow up and evaluate training programs.
 Design, conduct operational studies to improve training effectiveness and efficiency.
 Establish TIMS for the quality recording and reporting system of all training program center,
regional, district and community level
NHTC Strategies:-
 Need assessment of different training
 Assessment, standardization and accreditation of training as well as training site
 Development and standardization of training package
 Institutional capacity development for all levels of training units
 Conduction of various natures of training
 Capacity development links with professional carriers development
 Strengthening of TIMS and roistering the training profile
Major Activities:-
1. Health Training-NHTC provides the following training program
- Pre service training (FCHV basic & refresher,AHW/ANM,BMET,Anesthesia assistant )
- In- service training (MCHW-ANM, VHW-Sr.AHW)
- Special Training (SBA training,MLP,IMPLANT ,IUCD,SAS,minilap,USG )
- Other Clinical Training (mental health, ICU/ccu,infection prevention,FP)
2. Certification
3. Training Need Analysis (TNA)
4. Planning and Implementation of the Training Program
5. Assessment and Accreditation (- Site - Training)
6. Curriculum Development, Review and Revision
7. Co-ordination and Collaboration with concerned Stakeholders
8. Training Policy Formulation, Review and Revision
9.   Institutional Capacity Development for all Center and Sites
10. Training Follow-Up Enhancing Program (Training-FEP)
11. Development of the Training Data Bank 12. Research on Health Training Programs

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