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Wireline & Testing


B.1 SATURATION Measuring water movements helps to detect

and survey the rise of the water/oil contact,
Saturation, as well as having a “radial” com-
locate water fingers which could give un-
ponent in the form of invasion has a time
wanted water production.
component. As the reservoir is produced the
water moves in to vacate the space left by the
producing oil. This process continues until the
oil saturation equals the residual value.

Virgin Zone




Fig. B1: Saturation in a reservoir is broken down into

the virgin and invaded zones during the drilling and WATER
open hole phase. During production the saturation
changes reflect the movements of the reservoir fluids.
High Permeability
Many reservoirs are bounded on a portion or
all of their peripheries by aquifers. The aqui-
fers may also be so large compared with the
reservoirs they adjoin as to appear infinite for OIL
all practical purposes, and range down to
those so small as to be negligible in their ef-
fect on reservoir performance. When pressure
decreases due to oil production, the aquifer
reacts to offset or retard pressure decline pro-
viding a source of water influx or encroache- Fig. B2: This, multiple zone reservoir, is now pro-
ment. ducting water from one layer. Water fingering in this
higher permeability zone has created the problem.
Water may be injected to supply external en-
ergy to improve the recovery of hydrocar- A reservoir consisting of multiple layers and
bons. The injected water may advance evenly completed in several together can eventually
or may channel through the streaks of better give rise to a situation as pictured in Figure
permeability leaving hydrocarbons behind the B2. The high permeability layer is producing
water front. water.

(01/97) B-1
Introduction to Production Logging

B.1.1 Crossflow In some cases this could be a hydrocarbon, in

Thief zones can be defined as those zones that other cases water, but in all cases it generally
are considered open to the wellbore either by makes the surface production rates unusable
perforations or openhole completion which in predicting individual zone balance of mate-
due to zone pressure differences remove flu- rial equations. It also reduces the potential
ids from the wellbore. The pressure differ- production of the well and reservoir.
ences are caused by zones depleting faster
due to higher permeability. Hence, in the il- In the case of injection wells the thief zones
lustration above, the middle zone may be- on an injection profile may appear as higher
come a thief zone as it produces. injectivity zones, depending on their relative
permeability to the other injection zones. In
most cases these thief zones will continue to
take fluid from other zones, even when the
surface injection rate is zero. This can largely
distort any balance of material calculations if
only the surface rates are applied to all the
downhole zones.

In either the producing or the injecting profile

it is important to know the dowhole profile of
the well for both the active and passive sur-
face conditions. In a producing well a thief
zone could be decreasing the overall surface
production of hydrocarbons, or downhole it
could be dump flooding a potential hydrocar-
P1 bon zone with water. In most situations the
most serious effects of a thief zone on overall
well productivity will be in those areas where
the wells are on quota and may, therefore, be
High Permeability
shut in for a large percentage of the time. In
Layer P3>>P2 injection wells specific zone pressure may not
be as well supported as believed if only injec-
P2 tion profiles are monitored and no attention is
paid to the shut-in state.

Cementing of the casing in place is one of the
P3 most vital operations in the drilling phase. It
is necessary to have a perfect seal between
zones to avoid unwanted fluid production or
reservoir contamination. Cement slurry is
Fig. B3: Crossflow from a lower zone to a higher one.
This phenomena happens in any direction. pumped behind the casing to the required
height. It is left to set for some time before
any other operations.
In the case of a production well the thief
zones are generally most noticeable when the The cement quality has to be evaluated before
well is in a shut-in surface condition. In this the completion and any repairs made at that
condition the higher pressure zones will tend time. It is also essential to properly evaluate
to feed fluid into the lower pressure zones. any measurement in cased hole.
(01/97) B-2

One of the major difficulties in cementing is Channeling in producers can lead to the pro-
the presence of gas zones. These will cause duction of unwanted fluids; i.e., water from
problems if precautions are not taken during wet zones or gas from the gas cap or gas
the cement job. zone. In some cases this unwanted production
can render a well totally nonproductive.
B.2.1 Channeling
Channeling is generally defined as the ability Channeling may occur in three conditions.
of fluids to move in the region of the produc-
tion casing annulus because of a lack of hy- These conditions are:
draulic isolation between the casing and the • Oil or gas well with water channeling up
cement or the cement and the formation. from a lower zone
• Oil or gas well with water channeling
down from a higher zone
• Oil well with gas channeling down from a
higher zone

Corrosion encountered in the Oil Industry
involves several mechanisms, generally clas-
sified into three main categories:

Unwanted fluid • Electrochemical Corrosion

• Chemical Corrosion
• Mechanical Corrosion
Bad Cement

B.3.1 Electrochemical corrosion

This type of corrosion is caused by phenom-
ena that involve passage of current between
one or several metals and an electrolyte, with
transfer of ions and electron (Figure B5).

Electrochemical corrosion accounts for the

majority of observed downhole casing corro-
sion, and is mainly detected on the outer cas-
ing walls. Metal is attacked in four different
Fig. B4: A cement channel from the lower zone to the
upper results in the production of unwanted fluids. ways:

a) Generalized Galvanic Corrosion

In injection wells channeling can permit the
b) Crevice Corrosion
injected fluid to enter undesirable zones, thus
reducing the overall effectiveness of either c) Pitting Corrosion
secondary or tertiary recovery systems. Pres- d) Intergranular Corrosion.
sure maintenance and flushing will not neces-
sarily prolong the productive life of a well;
instead, it may actually shorten the productive
life by providing a breakthrough into the
wrong zones.

(01/97) B-3
Introduction to Production Logging


Anode Cathode

Metal ions (M+) Electrolyte Leak

Fig. B5: General mechanism for electrochemical


B.3.2 Chemical corrosion

This type of corrosion involves chemical re-
Fig. B6: Leaks in the tubing and packer cause
action which may not produce appreciable production problems.
voltages. Five different mechanisms are
known to contribute to chemical corrosion: The casing string(s) could leak allowing fluid
a) Direct chemical attack to escape into another layer. This not only
causes a loss in production but could con-
b) H2S attack (Sour corrosion)
taminate water zones (Figure B7).
c) CO2 attack (Sweet Corrosion)
d) Hydrogen attack
e) Bacterial attack

B.3.3 Mechanical Corrosion

There are two basic mechanisms for mechani-
cal corrosion:
a) Stress Corrosion Casing
b) Erosion Corrosion

B.3.4 Production Problems and

There are many potential problems caused by
the numerous corrosion mechanisms. Any of
the components of the completion string can
leak – packers, tubings, etc., (see Figure B6).
This will cause mixed production which
could lead to further problems such as cross-

Fig. B7: Corroded casing allows fluids to escape back

into a reservoir zone.

(01/97) B-4


The conditions of the well tubulars, together with the presence of oxygen-rich, saline and corrosive
fluids play a major role in the corrosion initiation and propagation. Figure B8 shows the conditions
that promote the various corrosion mechanisms and Figure B9 locates them with respect to a sche-
matic completion string.

DOWNHOLE Poor Single Collars
Cement Joint oxyg. Form. Solid
TYPE Condt. Move.
OF Metal Casing Casing Fluid B.H.
CORROSION Prop. Anom. Stress Corrosive
Electro- Crevice

H2 S
Chemical C O2


Fig. B8: Conditions promoting corrosion

(01/97) B-5
Introduction to Production Logging

B.4.1 Conditions sive than CO2 and about 400 times more cor-
• Poor quality cementation: In a poor ce- rosive than H2S.
ment job, casing is exposed to saline forma- • Borehole corrosive fluids: Spent acids,
tion water, acting as an electrolyte. Some brines, or H2S and CO2 in the production
shallow formation waters contain dissolved stream can promote chemical corrosion.
oxygen which accelerates corrosion rates.
Non-sulfate resistant cement (construction • Fluid and solid flow: Erosion corrosion is
cement) breaks down rapidly and exposes the caused by high velocity fluids, turbulence,
casing to corrosive aquifer water. sand production.
• Metal properties: Most casings show varia- • Bacterial growth: Anaerobic Sulfate Re-
tion in metallic properties, from joint to joint, ducing Bacteria synthesize H2S and promote
across the same joint, and from joint to collar. chemical and pitting corrosion.
This produces galvanic cells, and is seen on
electromagnetic logs as a variation in joint
conductivity and magnetic permeability. B.4.2 Measures to prevent or remedy
• Casing anomalies: localized casing anoma-
Several measures are available to prevent or
lies can promote galvanic and pitting corro-
remedy corrosion in completion strings. They
are listed here for information and not dis-
• Corrosion at collars: collars are normally cussed in any details as each one is the do-
stressed and distorted, and present gaps. They main of specialists:
often are starting points for galvanic, pitting,
and crevice corrosion. • Engineering design
• Casing stress: Stressed sections of casing • Selection of materials and alloys
can accelerate corrosion because of their dis- • Coatings
torted lattice structure. Hydrogen cracking • Good cementing
occurs when hydrogen ions diffuse into the • Choice of completion fluids
stressed metal.
• Inhibitors and biocides
• Saline formation fluids: they act as an • Cathodic protection
electrolyte and promote electrochemical and
chemical corrosion. Notice that overall corro- • Run tubing and casing patches
sivity of saline solutions increases with salin- • Workover to replace tubulars
ity to about 5% NaCl, and then decreases be- • Tie-back liners
cause of reduced oxygen solubility. Above • Changes in completion
15% NaCl, the saline solution is less corro-
sive than fresh water.
Useful elements to design prevention and re-
• Oxygenated fluids: either meteoric forma- medial programs can be obtained from corro-
tion waters or injection water not treated can sion evaluation and monitoring using wireline
cause electrochemical and chemical attack. logging tools.
Notice that, for carbon steel, oxygen dis-
solved in water is about 80 times more corro-

(01/97) B-6





Fig. B9: Location of Corrosion in Wells

(01/97) B-7

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