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Group Discussion Topics for

What is a Group Discussion (GD) in MBA?
After the MBA Entrance Exam, colleges conduct GS rounds for further admissions. The
candidates will get 25-30 minutes to discuss Group Discussions Topics for MBA admission, in
which a topic is given to the group of candidates to discuss. However, you will get 5 minutes to
be prepared for the given GD Topics for MBA before the discussion is started. At the time of
discussion, the admission panelist silently observes the performances of each of the candidates
on how nicely they are presenting Group Discussion Topics. So, it is important for every MBA
aspirant to be well-prepared for the GD round also.
The GD Topics for MBA are mostly similar to all the MBA Entrance Exams in India. Note that, in
the op B-schools it is really tough to crack if you are not updated with the current events
happening in both the national and international world. Here is a detailed analysis of Group
Discussions topics with answers. You can check those to get an idea about the topics that are
needed to be prepared to ace this round.

Types of Group Discussion Topics

The Group Discussion round is the most essential selection parameter for MBA admission in the
top B-schools. After the declaration of the result, all the qualified candidates get a mail to attend
the GD for MBA from the respective institutes. You have to clear this round to be selected finally
for the final MBA admission. Candidates can face 4 types of Group Discussions Topics for MBA
• Abstract Topics
• Business and Economy Topics
• Current Affairs
• Social Issues

Common Group Discussion Topics

The GD for MBA is the main selection round to get a chance for final admission. Below is a list
of Common GD Topics for MBA, which you must prepare for upcoming exams.
Group Discussions Topics for Students

Farm Bills Post Covid-19 World

Covid-19 Third Wave Taliban and Afghanistan

Cryptocurrencies International Climate Crisis

Indo Russ Relation Bio-War

Coal Crisis in India Oil Crisis in India

Indian Vaccines vs Foreign Vaccines Online Education: Pros and Cons

Business Startup in Village Union Budget

Is Data Privacy needed to be protected? Post-Covid Work From Home

NRC and Citizenship Atyanirbhar Bharat

Work-Life Balance is a Myth Is India ready for Cashless Economy?

Demonetization Views on YONO

FDI and Retail Price E-Commerce vs Local Market

Chadrayaan-2 mission Freedom of Speech

De-Nuclearisation and World Peace Fake News on Online Medium

World Trade War Business Ethics or Business Profit

Blockchain Technology Statue of Unity

Is Privatization necessary in Government Sector? Importance of Renewable Environment

Group Discussion Topics on Current Affairs

Current Affairs GD Topics for MBA are the most accepted topics as the exam authority always
want to check how updated the candidate is. It is the best way to judge candidates' skills of all
the updated news information, mostly related to Sports, National and International Business,
Politics, Economy, Budget, and International Relations.

Below are the latest GD topics to help you prepare better for the upcoming exams.
• Presidential Elections in US
• Future of Electric Vehicle
• Why Aadhaar is Mandatory?
• Farmar’s Protest and MSP?
• Ban of Triple Talaq. Is it helpful for Muslim Community?
• 7th Pay Commission: Beneficial Action to the Central Government Employees.
• Banking Sector Consolidation
• 75 Aircraft on Republic Day
• Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization
• NBFC Crisis in India
• Affordable Healthcare: Modicare
• Jio Business Model is destroying the Indian Tecome Industry.
• Is AI Super Intelligence?
• Is One Tax System, GST good for the Indian Economy?
• Movie Censorship

Abstract Group Discussion Topics

Abstract Topics for GS Can be Quotes, phrases, assertions, and even idioms to express
abstract ideas. Behind the stated abstract GD topic, the message is veiled. A few examples of
Abstract GD Topics for MBA

Abstract Group Discussion Topics (GD)

Borderless world – a myth/reality? Deadlines kill creativity

Work-Life Balance is a Myth Turn a blind eye

Knowledge vs Confidence Rules are meant to be broken

Failure is proof that you tried


Colors Differentiate Life without phone

Top 5 Abstract GD Topics for MBA Answers

Sometimes the candidates may also face Abstract Topics in the Group Discussion round. Do
not be confused with the topics, thinks very carefully and answer them smartly. Here our experts
have listed some Abstract Group Discussion Topics with Answers. Go through it to get an

GD Topic 1: Which One to Choose? Invention or Innovation.

In these days of globalization, Innovation and Invention are the two facets of a coin. Both are
interconnected and equally important to reach the top peal in the business world. If a company
follows only invention and there is no innovation, then that company can't occupy the entire
business market. Similarly, only innovations in the past inventions will not work in the
progressive. Business companies must work on inventing new services with the installation of
technological innovation to grab the world with profit.

Topic 2: How Do You Manage between Work and Life?

Managing the work and life together completely depends on the person. Yes, it is seen that
most of the time the people blame their employer that they do not give any time to relax, or
there is no work-life balance in their respective organizations. This is completely wrong because
every company follows definite working hours for every job profile. After completing their daily
allocations in this schedule, you can enjoy your personal life. But the fact is that employees are
gossiping during office hours, and taking long breaks; thereby, their allocation is not completed.
For this, they have to work beyond their working hours. I, personally believe that taking a break
between the working hours is natural, but it should be my responsibility to manage daily work
within the daily 8-9 hours of schedule.

Group Discussion Topic 3: Business Ethics vs Business Profit. Which one

to choose?
Sometimes it becomes difficult which one to choose, ethics or profit. In the case of business,
people always prefer profit over ethics because if you earn a profit, your business growth will be
enhanced. Still, they forget the ethics, which is similarly important to maintaining value to
customers and other business stakeholders. So, the duty of a manager should always be
people-focused profit. Because if you give value to your stakeholders, you will automatically
gain profit. You need not perform any extra duties for this, and rather your stakeholders will do
everything for you.

Topic 4: Do Money can Bring Happiness?

Money is not the key to bringing happiness all around. Money can only help to fulfill the daily
requirements as per needs. But it is not true that a person with a huge bank balance is happy. If
you have money but you do not have any mental peace, it is impossible to be
happy. Happiness is only caused by a mental satisfaction. It may be related to personal life,
love for family, and self-esteem. Sometimes a person with less money is also happy if they are
satisfied with his earrings and daily life schedule.

GD Topic 5: First Impression is the Last Impression

Yes, the first impression always opens up the door to the path to success. Nobody wants to
miss the opportunity to create an impression in the first chance, as it is always a decisive factor
in determining whether the second chance or not. The first impression helps in the long-term
professional engagement. But never be overconfident in your attitude, as overconfidence is the
key to poor performance.

Group Discussion Topics on Business and Economy,

The candidates, must know and stay updated with all the financial updates and concepts
associated with GD topics for MBA Finance. It will benefit you if you have sound knowledge of
GST, present GDP, currency, renewable economy, and other concepts, including privatizations.
Below are some Group Discussion Topics for Students who want to pursue MBA in Finance.
• Technology vs Banking Sector
• Will India become $5 by 2025?
• Agriculture vs Manufacture
• Impact of Economic Corruption
• Income-Tax Surcharge for the Middle-Class Family
• Impact of Merger and Acquisition in Private Banks

Controversial Group Discussion Topics for MBA Admission

There are some controversial GD Topics for MBA, which always create a debate during the
Group Discussion. The exam authority prioritizes these Group Discussion Topics for Students to
determine their personalities, like how calmly they handle the debating situation. So be aware in
your behavior if you get this type of Group Discussion Topic for the MBA selection round. Below
are some important GD Topics for MBA to create controversies among the candidates.
• Is BitCoin Reliable to Invest?
• Is Bollywood the Best Example of Nepotism?
• Threat to Tradition: Sabarimala Verdict
• Homosexuality is Legalized but not the Gay. Why?
• Best Degree of Punishment for Acid Attackers and Rapists
• Is Gene Editing Good for Future Human Society?
• Is MBA Degree enough to Become a Good Business Leader?
• Which one to choose? Fame or Money?
• Do We need more Entrepreneurs than Managers to get Business Sucess?

Top 12 Group Discussion Topics with Answers

The candidates must know the approach to answer the GD Topics for MBA. They must learn it
as the candidate's personality is also evaluated in this round. Below are some important Group
Discussion Topics and a brief overview of the answering approach.

Topic 1: Emergencies and Crisis - Is It Triggered for Big Reforms?

History reveals that most of the predicaments led to major reforms. Big reforms, including the
End of Monarchy in France and the End of Slavery, have been achievable after great crises
such as Revolutions, War, and other Socio-Political Issues. The candidates must note that
these big reforms generally assist to making a solution for the crisis. If this solution becomes
effective in the social environment, reforms will occur. So, there is a myth about which type of
emergency and crisis is happening. Is it good for our society or not?

GD Topic 2: Is Education Required to Become a Great Personality?

Education opens up the thinking ability of candidates. Thereby, to change the personality,
education is the weapon. The candidates must be educated enough to tell their views so that
everybody can think about them and accept them. Education is very important for every aspect
of our life. The candidates who understand the practical application of their education become
great personalities in society. The main thing is that you have to make a connection between
your education and societal aspects to make changes in it. Because sometimes it is important to
understand how our life will become beautiful. That’s why an educated mind can create
revolutionary transformations in society.

Topic 3: Atyanirbhar Bharat

Literally, it means self-dependence, which is needed to enhance the economic situation of India.
In this concept, small business start-ups in the village are prioritized so that we can share our
village products in the international market to earn profit. However, business is not without
challenges. The storage and transportation of those products become very difficult if the village
is extremely remote.
Group Discussion Topic 4: Will Third World War Happen?
It is completely a prediction considering the world's current situation and its climate and
economy. Additionally, some people take the Covid-19 virus as a bio-weapon, which China uses
to reduce the World’s population. This is quite controversial whether the war will happen or not
in the future. The countries whose military power relies on commerce declare war, and then it
will be quite difficult for the emerging countries to survive and create revolutionary changes in
the world.

Topic 5: Russ-Ukraine War

Russia projected a military operation in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, as this neighboring
country of Russia wants to join NATO. As it is known to all that Russ President Vladimir Putin is
against the eastward expansion of NATO. So, several explosions have occurred in the cities of
Ukraine. Some countries are also condemned for preparing any harsh sanctions against Russia.
Due to these extreme consequences, the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, declared
that NATO is not prepared to accept Ukraine. So he will not be asking for NATO membership

Group Discussion Topic 6: 5G and Global Economy

5G, the First Generation Mobile Network, has more capacity than 4G. If multiple devices are
connected to a single network, there will be no impact on the browsing speed. 5G network
improves the productivity of the industries through its high-speed internet and innovations in
internet services. The most important fact is that telemedicine facilities can also be improved,
possibly impacting the global economy. Additionally, the smart sensors installed in 5G can
prevent internet traffic. It can also create virtual work opportunities so that more employment
can be created simultaneously. But one disadvantage will also be increased due to this 5G,
which is Cybercrime. Cyberbullying, Website Hacking, and other illegal activities may increase

Topic 7: Union Budget in India: 2022-2023

The recent Union Budget gave importance to the infrastructure to improve the economic
conditions of India. It was presented on 1 February 2022 by our Finance Minister, Nirmala
Sitharaman. She said that online education in India is important. She proposed the DESH-Stack
portal, a digital University collaborating with other Universities in India. The capital investment is
also projected from 1.3% to 2.9%, which can create various job opportunities. Additionally,
1,24,00 Cr has been invested in the Indian agricultural projects, increasing 2% from the last

Topic 8: Industrial Revolution: Industry 5.0

It is the Fifth Industrial Revolution, which gives importance to the collaborative work of humans
and machines. It aims to develop the technology in a human-centric way. Cobots. Generally
known as Collaborative Robots, they are people-focused and can take care of every unsafe
task. The Fifth Industrial Revolution focuses on environmental protection too by enhancing
sustainable development and a circular business economy.
Group Discussion Topic 9: Web 3.0: Mission and Vission
It is developed using blockchain technologies, IOTs, and artificial intelligence. It is a
decentralized web, uses peer-to-peer infrastructure, and ensures free speech. It is expected
that Web 3.0 can improve the accuracy of the information by maintaining user privacy. There
are concerns that the virtual worlds of web 3.0 will exacerbate internet addiction. Some argue
that there is no certainty that web 3.0 will be controlled by large tech businesses.

Topic 10: Future of Cashless Society

It is an economic environment where you can use cashless financial transactions. It includes
credit cards, debit cards, internet banking, and UPI. In recent days, cryptocurrencies and
BitCoin are also being used for all cashless transactions in the international business and share
markets. However, these are time-saving and leave digital footprints on every financial
transaction. The customers can make easy international transactions as there is no need to
exchange the currency. But increasing cyberattacks may create problems in a cashless society.

Topic 11: Omicron: The New Variant of Covid-19

is a highly-mutant coronavirus variant. The Researchers of South Africa detected this variant
during the Genome Sequencing tracking process. The discovery of Omicron emphasizes the
significance of increasing vaccination availability in low-income countries. Only 3% of persons in
low-income nations have got two vaccination doses, compared to over 60% in high-income
ones. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) established the COVAX programme to
ensure that all countries have equal access to vaccines, it is falling short of its promise to
vaccinate the entire world. It is doubtful that every country will reach its objective of vaccinating
at least 40% of its people by the end of 2021. Vaccines are being hoarded in excess in several
high-income nations.

GD Topic 12: Individual Work vs Team Work

In individual work, individual skills are finessed as you have to complete the entire work
individually. Thus, the self-dependence of a person is increased, which is needed to guide the
other people. It improves your knowledge and motivates you by wide recognition.
On the contrary, teamwork reduces the work stress through knowledge sharing between the
members. Working in a team is also fun, and learning will be faster.

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