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Ea a QUARTERLY COMMON EXAMINATION - 2022 - 23 Time Allowed ; 3.00 Hours] MATHEMATICS [Max. Marks: 90 Part-I Note : (i) AnswerAllthe questions. 20*1=20 (i) Choose the most suitable answer from the given four alternatives and write the option code and the corresponding answer. 1. If adj (adjA)| = AI, then the order of the square matrix is (a) 3 () 4 () 2 @s 2. WAS [; 3| then ol, 42 (a) A* ots (c) 3A" (d) 2A" 2 3. The Principal argument of 3 is Ati @ = () 2% () 3 @ + 6 3 4 2 4. lz) = 1, lel = 2, lel = 3 and [9z,2,442,2,42,2,1 = 6, then the value of |2,#2,*2,|i8 a) 1 b) 2 13 eet a) 4 5, The polynomial x° - kx? + 9x has three real zeros if and only if, K satiestics (a) Ikis6 (b) k=0 (c) Kl>é (@) [Kl26 6 A polynomial equation in x of degree n always has (2) nistinet roots (b) n real roots (c) n complex roots (d) altmost one root : A\e a 7. Ifsinet x+ cot (2) = & , then xis equal to 2) 2 oo mts @ 2 o= 2 & e an 8 The value of ‘sin sin & is ign 2, (oy Ee at: ok 3 3 2 4 2. The radius ofthe circle 3x2 + by! + 4bx - 6by + b*= Dis @) (b) 3 (o) 10 (@) aT ee 40. Area of the greatest rectangle inscribed in the ellipse — =fiie a bt (@) 2ab (b) ab () eb . @ CH/Y/ Mat/t 1 3 17. 18. 2 22. 2 8 24. The distance between the planes x+ 2y +2-+7=0 and 2x+4y +6z+7=0is 7 7 Tv 7 (a) os Re () — 2 2 O 2 27 1f8,B.€ are non-coplanar, non-zero vectors such that [@ 6 €]=3. then (Taxb, bre. cxay) is equal to a (a) 81 (b)9 (c) 27 (d) 18 : -1_2y+3 _ 245 ‘The angle between the lines “<2 =¥*1 po ang X21 = 273 = id 3 2 u 3 ; @, = o) & oe @ = 6 4 3 2 IFATA* is symmetric, then A?= —____ (a) At (b) (ae (c) aT (@) Ay \flz-2 +i] <2, then the greatest value of [2] is (a) B-2 (b) +2 () 8-2 (0) +2 A zero of x? - 64 is (a) 0 (b) 4 (c) 4i (d) 4 x 5 Nsin* — + cosect > = 2 then the value of xis 5 Mead (a4 (0) 5 ().2 (d) 3 Equation of directrix of the parabola x? = 24y is (a) x=6 (do) x=6 (©) y=-6 @) y=6 The circle passing through (1,-2) and touching the axis of x at (3,0) passing through the point (a) (5,2) (b) (2.-5) (©) (5-2) (d) (-2,5) 20. If the length of the perpendicular from the origin to the plane 2x + 3y +32=1, 2>0is . then the value of (a) 2 (b) 342 (c) 0 (1 PART-II ‘Answer any Seven questions. (ii) Question number 30 is compulsory. 7X2 14 IfAis anon- singular matrix of odd order, prove that |adj A] is positive. Show that [32 - 5 + il = 4 represents a circle and find its centre and radius A 12 metre tall tree was broken into two parts Itwas found thatthe height ofthe part which was left Standing was the cube root of the length of the part that was cut away. Formulate this into a mathematical problem to find the height of the part which was left standing, Is cos-1 (-x) = x - cos* (x) true? Justify your answer. (CH/12/Mat/2 25, 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 31 32, 33, 35, 37. 38, 39. 40. 41. 42. ify = 22x + Cis a tangent to the circle x? + y? = Prove that (2. (Bx) a=(@xB)x@x@) cosa -sing 0 Find the inverse of the matrix sina -cosa 0 0 G4 8 Find the value of 3 (os Fee sin = wat P98 8 6, find the value of C. Obtain the condition that the roots of x* + px? + qx +r =O are inA.P Find the value of tan-1 (18) - sec" (-2). PART~IIl Answer any seven questions. (ii) Question No.40 Is compulsory. 7X3= 21 A Chemist has one solistion which is 50% acid and another solution which is 25% acid. How much each should be mixed to make 10 litres of a 40% acid solution? (Use Cramer's rule to solve the problem) 4ei\e fails Simplify (**)" -(4*1)" into rectangular form We 14i Find all real numbers satisfying 4*- 3 (2**2) + 2! o Solve tan-1 2x +tan-1 3x = = ifext <1. Find the equation of the circle described on the chord 3x + y + 5 = 0 of the circle x? + y? = 16 as diameter. Prove by Vector method that the parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels are equal in area. Solve the system : x + 2y + 3z=0, 3x + 4y + 4z=0, 7x + 10y + 122=0 Find the image of the point whose position vector is { + 2} + 3k in the planer. (?+ 3} + 4k) = 38. For what value of x, the inequality = + =2, (OR) (b) Suppose z,, z, and z, are the vertices of an equilateral triangle inscribe in the circle [z| = 2. fz, = 1 +13, then find z, and z,. (a) If ax? + bx +c is divided by x + 3, x- 5 and x-1, the remainders are 21, 61 and 9 respectively. Find a, b and. (Use Gaussian Elimination method) (OR) (CH/I12/Mat/3 es OREN aah +z (b) If —— "= cos 20 +i sin 20, show that z =i tan 0 1-z 43. (a) Solve the equation 6x' - x4 - 43x% 43x? + x-6 = 0. (OR) . 8, arithmetic progression with common difference d, prove that tanitan* a + tant (_4 Fata ai \le ita, a, T+a,a, Wace 1+aa, 44. (a) Form the equation whose roots are the squares of the roots of the cubic equation x*+ax*+bx+e = 0 (©) Ifa,.a,,a,... (OR) a) aia” Asap gg Rtas 424 = are coplanar, find 2 ate 5 2 2. and equations of the planes containing these two lines. (©) Ifthe straight lines 48. (@) Find the equation of the ellipse whose accentricty is" , one of the foci is (2,3) and a directrix 2 is x= 7. Also find the length of the major and minor axes of the ellipse (OR) (b) Prove by Vector method that sin (a) = sina: cos - cosa sinf 46, (a) Find the equations of tangents to the hyperbola_* - _Y” = 1 which are parallel to 10x-3y+9=0 16 64 (oR) (0) Find the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular and length of the perpendicular from the point (4,3,2) to plane x + 2y + 32= 2. 47. (a) On lighting a rocket cracket it gets projected in a parabolic path and reaches a maximum height of 4m when itis €m away from the point of projection. Finally it reaches the ground 13m away from the starting point. Find the angle of projection (OR) 8) SP 52 () A= [6 7 4], verify that A(adja) = (adjA) A= |All, 2 Py SS CH/a/Mat/4

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