Existential Exegetical Study of Genesis 19

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MARCH, 2021

BACKGROUND OF THE TEXT: specific details about lineage (Assohotto and

GENESIS 19:12-26 Ngewa 9).

Genesis is a book of the Hebrew Bible (the The book of Genesis is split into two unequal
Tanakh) and the Old Testamment. Oral parts. Chapters 1-11, the proto-history, focus
tradition credits Moses as the author of on the origins of the human race, and chapters
Genesis (Henry 12). It is a book about 12-50, the period of the patriarchs, focus on
“beginnings.” It tells of such things as the the origin of Israel. The much greater attention
beginning of creation, of languages and of a devoted to the patriarchs shows what was the
chosen nation. Commencing with the creation chief concern of the author (Carson et al 55).
of the heaven and the earth, and concluding Genesis can be described as a book about
with the death of the patriarchs Jacob and relationships. It shows the relationships such
Joseph, this book supplies us with information as those between Adam and Eve, Cain and
with regard not only to the first beginnings Abel, Seth’s descendants and those of Cain,
and earlier stages of the world and of the Abraham and Lot, Sarah and Hagar, Jacob and
human race, but also to those of the divine Esau, and Joseph and his brothers. Thus, the
institutions which laid the foundation for the book centers on the covenants linking God to
kingdom of God (Keil and Delitzsch 127). It His chosen people and the people of the
also gives us an account of the generations Promised Land (Henry 12). But above all,
before and after the flood, together with Genesis is a book about God: creating (all
things), saving (Noah, his family, and certain

animals and birds), destroying (with water in 1. The Messenger’s Instructions (Gen.
Noah’s time, with fire at Sodom and 19:17)
Gomorrah), choosing (Abraham), making 2. Lot’s Request (Gen. 19:18-22)
covenants (with Noah and Abraham), 3. Destroyed by Distraction (Gen. 19:24-
forgiving (Jacob) and protecting (Joseph) 26)
(Assohotto and Ngewa 9).
1. The Messenger’s Instructions (Gen.
Our text has its leading chapters from chapters
11:10-25:18 which centers on Abraham and
his descendants. It discusses Abraham’s Now, the sin of Sodom had now become
movement from Ur to the land of Haran. He manifest, for it is said before this verse that
moved out with his nephew but later separated their sin outcry to heaven. Lot's guests, made
in chapter 13, his intervention on behalf of Lot themselves known to him as the messengers of
in chapter 14 and his pleading in chapter judgment sent by Jehovah, and ordered him to
18:16-33 (Assohotto and Ngewa 9-10). remove any one that belonged to him out of
Chapter 19 where we are taking for exegesis the city (Keil and Delitzsch 135). Through the
this morning talks about the destruction of messengers, notice is given him of the
Sodom and Gomorrah, wherein angels of the approach of Sodom’s ruin: We will destroy
Lord stayed in the house of Lot over the night. this place, v. 13. The holy angels are
And the next day, they helped to rescue Lot ministers of God’s wrath for the destruction of
and his family from the destruction that was to sinners, as well as of his mercy for the
come upon Sodom; though Lot and his family preservation and deliverance of his people.
failed to appreciate the urgency of the Lot was directed to give notice to his friends
situation, the angels dragged them outside of and relations, that they, if they would, might
the city (Carson, et al 75). They left the city be saved with him (v. 12): "Hast thou here any
having been given instructions by the angels besides, that thou art concerned for? If thou
but the wife of Lot never adhered to the hast, go tell them what is coming." This
instruction and such resulted to her turning to implies, that the command of a great duty,
a pillar of salt. which was to do all he could for the salvation
of those about him, to snatch them as brands
out of the fire. Also, the offer of great favour.
They did not ask whether he knew any

righteous ones in the city fit to be spared: no, disturbed his head, and put him into such a
they knew there were none; but they ask what fright that he knew not what he said; or they
relations he had there, that, whether righteous thought that he was not in earnest with them.
or unrighteous, they might be saved with him Those who lived a merry life, and made a jest
(Henry, n.pg). of everything, made a jest of this warning, and
so they perished in the overthrow. Thus many
The visitors took steps for the deliverance of
who are warned of the misery and danger they
Lot and his kindred before the destruction of
are in by sin make a light matter of it, and
the cities. All that were related to him were
think their ministers do but jest with them;
included in the offer of deliverance. There is a
such will perish with their blood upon their
blessing in being connected with the
own heads (Henry, n.pg).
righteous, if men will avail themselves of it
(Barnes 79). As soon as it was dawn, the Lot seemed bewildered by the contemptuous
angels urged Lot to hasten away with his refusal of his desire to leave the place. His
family; and when he still delayed, his heart early choice and his growing habits have
evidently clinging to the earthly home and attached him to the place, notwithstanding its
possessions which he was obliged to leave, temptations. His married daughters, or at least
they laid hold of him, with his wife and his the intended husbands of the two who were at
two daughters, “by virtue of the sparing mercy home ("who are here"), were to be left behind.
of Jehovah (which operated) upon him," and Though these thoughts make him linger, the
led him out of the city (Keil and Delitzsch mercy of the Lord prevails. The angels use a
135). The fair warning that Lot gave them: little violence to hasten their escape. The
Up, get you out of this place. This manner of mountain was preserved by its elevation from
expression is startling and quickening. It was the flood of rain, sulphur, and fire which
no time to trifle when the destruction was just descended on the low ground on which the
at the door. They had not forty days to repent cities were built. Lot begged for a small town
in, as the Ninevites had. Now or never they to which he may retreat, as he shrinks from
must make their escape. At midnight this cry the perils of a mountain dwelling, and his
was made. Such as this is our call to the request was mercifully granted (Barnes 79-
unconverted, to turn and live. They thought, 80). With what a gracious violence Lot was
perhaps, that the assault which the Sodomites brought out of Sodom, v. 16. It seems, he did
had just now made upon his house had not make a jest of the warning given, as his

sons-in-law did, yet he did not make so much Verse 17 of our text starts with an instruction
haste as the case required. from the men (the angels). It reads, And it
came to pass, when they had brought them
forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy
life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou
in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest
thou be consumed. When they left him there,
the Lord commanded him, for the sake of his
life, not to look behind him, and not to stand
still in all the plain, but to flee to the
mountains. In v. 17 we are struck by the
change from the plural to the singular: "when
they brought them forth, he said." To think of
one of the two angels-the one, for example,
who led the conversation-seems out of place,
not only because Lot addressed him by the
name of God, "Adonai" (v. 18), but also
because the speaker attributed to himself the
judgment upon the cities (vv. 21, 22), which is
described in v. 24 as executed by Jehovah. Yet
there is nothing to indicate that Jehovah
suddenly joined the angels. The only
supposition that remains, therefore, is that Lot
recognised in the two angels a manifestation
of God, and so addressed them (v. 18) as
Adonai (my Lord), and that the angel who
spoke addressed him as the messenger of
Jehovah in the name of God, without its
following from this, that Jehovah was present
in the two angels (Keil and Delitzsch 136).

People of God, to each of us are instructions therefore that he might be allowed to take
given by God which will help us to run our refuge in the small and neighbouring city,
ministries and live our lives according to His which received the name of Zoar (Gen 14:2)
will, but the question to us this morning is, are on account of Lot's calling it little (Keil and
we adhering to those instructions?, are we Delitzsch 135).
following the commands of God? Many us
The mountain was first appointed for him to
will discard any command God gave to us
flee to, but, he begged for a city of refuge,
when we check it to see if it will be to our
one of the five that lay together. It was Lot’s
favour. But let me tell us this morning that,
weakness to think a city of his own choice is
whatsoever command God give to us is for
safer than the mountain of God’s appointing.
our good, for he declared in the Bible that the
And he argued against himself when he
thought he has for us is the thought of good
pleaded, Thou hast magnified thy mercy in
and not of evil, to give us an expected end.
saving my life, and I cannot escape to the
Any expected end from God must come with
mountain; for could not he that plucked him
specific instructions which will help us to
out of Sodom, when he lingered, carry him
achieve His will in our lives to the fullest.
safely to the mountain, though he began to
Nothing is as precious as obeying the tire? Could not he that saved him from greater
commands of God. God delights in anyone evils save him from the less? He insists much
who obeys his voice and does His will. May in his petition upon the smallness of the place:
the Lord help us to stick to and obey his It is a little one, therefore, it was to be hoped,
instructions over our lives in the name of not so bad as the rest. This gave a new name
Jesus. Amen. to the place; it was called Zoar, a little one.

2. Lot’s Request (Gen. 19:18-22) Intercessions for little ones are worthy to be
remembered. In his persistence, God granted
At this point Lot began to fix for a place of him his request, though there was much
refuge for himself. Lot, instead of cheerfully infirmity in it; Zoar was spared, to gratify him.
obeying the commandment of the Lord, Though his intercession for it was not, as
appealed to the great mercy shown to him in Abraham’s for Sodom, from a principle of
the preservation of his life, and to the generous charity, but merely from self-
impossibility of his escaping to the mountains, interest, yet God granted him his request, to
without the evil overtaking him, and entreated show how much the fervent prayer of a

righteous man avails. Sodom’s ruin was helping God. We only need to obey his
suspended till he was safe, for the messenger command and he will do the rest for us. We
said, I cannot do anything till thou shalt wish that we will take our livs in the lines of
have come thither. This implies that the very this hymn, RCH 553, Thy way not mine, Oh
presence of good men in a place helps to keep Lord, However dark it be, lead me by Thine
off judgments. However, this shows what care own hand; Choose out the path for me. May
God takes for the preservation of his people the Lord help us to declare thus in our lives in
(Henry, n.pg). Jesus name. Amen.

Pastors and pastors in training, can we 3. Destroyed by Distraction (Gen.

remember those times we tried to make 19:24-26)

decisions for God. Can we remember those

According to the word of the messengers sof
times we lost sight of God’s Sovereign will
God, when Lot had got safely into Zoar, the
and do what we think is the best for us? Can
ruin came; for good men are taken away from
we remember those times we do not allow
the evil to come. Then, when the sun had risen
God to choose our lot for us and we struggled
bright and clear, promising a fair day, then
to help ourselves, even when we knew that
this storm arose, to show that it was not from
without God we can do nothing. I know that
natural causes. Concerning this destruction, it
there have been times we tried to help God
is clear that God was the immediate author of
help us and we see it as nothing. Sometimes,
it. It was destruction from the Almighty: The
w are being distracted by the good things of
Lord rained—from the Lord (v. 24), that is,
the world which are temporal. At other times
God from himself, by his own immediate
we are distracted by the love of things in the
power, and not in the common course of
world. We see the case of Lot, who instead of
nature. the punishment of Sodom was a
trusting in God’s providence started to
strange punishment. Never was the like before
negotiate the best place for him to live with
nor since. Hell was rained from heaven upon
his household.
them. Fire, and brimstone, and a horrible

Child of God, we must learn to trust God at all tempest, were the portion of their cup; not a

times; he who has called us is faithful. Don’t flash of lightning, which is destructive enough

be distracted by anything. Look up to him, he when God gives it commission, but a shower

has all it takes to see you through. Let us stop of lightning. Brimstone was scattered upon

their habitation, and then the fire soon disobeyed the command of God and brought
fastened upon them. God could have drowned ruin upon herself. Verse 26 of our text reads,
them, as he did the old world; but he would "She became a pillar of salt ..." It is a
show that he has many arrows in his quiver, mistranslation to make this read, "She was
fire as well as water. Again, it was a changed into a pillar of salt." Such a rendition
judgment that laid all waste: It overthrew the turns the event into a vengeful retribution
cities, and destroyed all the inhabitants of executed upon this poor woman, but it was no
them, the plain, and all that grew upon the such thing. God was doing everything He
ground, v. 25. It was an utter ruin, and could to save her, even sending angels to take
irreparable (Henry, n.pg). her by the hand and lead her out of the place.
The awful destruction, having already been
Verse 25 points to the overthrow of the cities.
commanded and in progress, was not sent
"The Lord rained brimstone and fire from
upon Lot and his wife, but upon Sodom. Lot's
the Lord from the skies." Here the Lord is
wife entered the disaster zone contrary to the
represented as present in the skies, whence the
will of God and against His specific
storm of desolation comes, and on the earth
commandments. Thus, God did not "change
where it falls.From the injunction to Lot to
her" into a pillar of salt, as in some magical
"flee to the mountain," as well as from the
tale; "she became a pillar of salt," as a result
nature of the soil, we may infer that at the
of her own rash decision to enter the disaster
same time with the awful conflagration there
zone. This means that "Lot's wife, having been
was a subsidence of the ground, so that the
killed by the fiery and sulfurous vapour with
waters of the upper and original lake flowed in
which the air was filled, was afterward
upon the former fertile and populous dale, and
encrusted with salt, resembling an actual
formed the shallow southern part of the
statue of salt; just as, even now, from the
present Salt Sea. In this pool of melting
saline exhalation of the Dead Sea, objects near
asphalt and sweltering, seething waters, the
it are quickly covered with a crust of salt (Keil
cities seem to have sunk forever, and left
and Delitzsch 137).
behind them no vestiges of their existence
(Henry, n.pg). Lot's wife lingering behind her husband, and
looking back, contrary to the express
Most painful was the case of Lot’s wife, who
command of the Lord, is caught in the
after had been saved from the ruin of Sodom
sweeping tempest, and becomes a pillar of

salt: so narrow was the escape of Lot. The their superior or subordinate authority. He
dashing spray of the salt sulphurous rain shows us what He wills, and it is our part to
seems to have suffocated her, and then obey. In the case before us there was to be no
encrusted her whole body. She may have idolatry of home--no favourite objects to
burned to a cinder in the furious conflagration. preserve and bring away. They were to come
She is a memorable example of the out quickly and unburdened. The general
indignation and wrath that overtakes the command was to disregard all; and even the
halting and the backsliding (Henry, n.pg). particular precept could not be more distinct:
“Escape for thy life! Look not behind thee,
All kinds of reasons are alleged for the action
neither stay thou in all the plain! Escape thou
of Lot's wife here, and even what she did is
to the mountain, lest thou be consumed”
grossly misunderstood. God's command to
(Genesis 19:17)! Then commenced a struggle
"look not behind thee" is not to be understood
in her mind. Here was her disobedience. Only
as any prohibition whatever against merely
obey the voice of God, and it shall be well; but
"glancing backward." It referred to a
if thou disobey, ruin will be the result (Excell
purposeful "returning back" to the doomed
city. This is perfectly clear from the use that
Secondly, she had unbelief at the bottom of it;
Jesus made of this episode in the passages
she questioned whether Sodom would be
quoted at the head of the chapter (Burton 19).
destroyed, and thought she might still have
The sin of Lot’s wife was that she looked back
been safe in it. again, she was ungrateful.
from behind him. This seemed a small thing,
Ingratitude. It was not ordinary kindness, but
but we are sure, by the punishment of it, that it
particular and pre-eminent that was shown to
was a great sin, and exceedingly sinful. First,
her husband, herself, and her household.
she disobeyed an express command, and so
“Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do
sinned after the similitude of Adam’s
anything till thou become thither” Genesis
transgression, which ruined all mankind
19:22). As if His fury were stayed till the
(Henry, n.pg).It is the business of principle to
complete deliverance of these, His favourite
obey the right and the rule. It does not matter
charge (Guzik, n.pg).
what the law prescribes, for the majesty which
invests the government of God descends on all
the acts of His legislation; and it is not for us Third, she looked back upon her neighbours

to question their greater or less magnitude, or whom she had left behind with more concern

than was fit, now that their day of grace was the housetop, and his goods in the house, let
over, and divine justice was glorifying itself in him not go down to take them away." The
their ruin. Hers was an averted countenance. inference is clear enough that the "looking
Are we surprised at this? Think of the awe-- back" done by Lot's wife was that of
the panic--the agitation! Think of the natural interrupting her flight long enough to return to
instinct which attached her to home. Was it their house in order to remove something she
that her heart grudged to leave behind some had left behind. It was a fatal mistake. The
favourite whose misery excited her pity and terrible destruction of the cities fell upon her
commiseration? None of these feelings are also (Coffman 21).
manifested. But there is a wistful and
As a result of her disobedience, she was struck
hankering look. Her eye seems enamored of
dead in the place; yet her body did not fall
what she must abandon; the objects of vanity--
down, but stood fixed and erect like a pillar, or
her companionships--whatever she coveted--
monument, not liable to waste nor decay, as
her pursuits—herfriends--her abode--her
human bodies exposed to the air are, but
flocks--all that she was leaving; and though
metamorphosed into a metallic substance
she saved what was of greater value, her heart
which would last perpetually. Just as we see in
went after her covetousness Ezekiel 33:31);
our New Testament text, how Ananias and
and it was all concentrated in that look
Sapphira the wife dropped dead when they
(Excell, n.pg).
disobeyed the Lord. They lied against the
Also, she hankered after her house and goods Holy Spirit. They were distracted by trying to
in Sodom, and was loth to leave them. Christ keep a part of the proceedings of the land they
intimates this to be her sin in Luke 17:31, 32; sold and they were destroyed because of this
she too much regarded her stuff. So, her deed of theirs. Lot’s wife, though she was
looking back evinced an inclination to go nearly related to a righteous man, though
back; and therefore our Saviour uses it as a better than her neighbours, and though a
warning against apostasy from Christian monument of distinguishing mercy in her
profession. So, referring again to the use Jesus deliverance out of Sodom, yet God did not
made of this episode (Luke 17:31,32), our connive at her disobedience; this points to the
Lord mentioned the conduct of Lot's wife as fact that great privileges will not secure us
an example of what not to do, having just from the wrath of God if we do not carefully
admonished his hearers, "He that shall be on and faithfully improve them.

Brethren, since it is such a dangerous thing to the right place, it is a form of distraction. The
look back, let us always press forward without rule is resist distraction and suffer no
looking back. We are not to face destruction destruction,. May the Lord help us in Jesus
as Lot’s wife faced because of her name. Amen.
disobedience. She was distracted, not minding
Brethren, some of the things that can distract
the marvelous works God had already
us from God or His commandment are friends,
wrought in her eyes, not minding the thus far
social media, hobbies, music, our
God had led her and her household out of the
smartphones, everyday worries, hectic
land of ruin. We should not question what
routines and commitments. We need to realize
God can do or think so much about what is
that these things distract us from God and His
behind us. The Bible admonishes us to press
laws. We need to keep them in check because
on towards the mark that is before us leaving
when we allow these things to overly distract
all that is behind that will distract us.
and preoccupy with other things our ears will
What is it that wants to distract us from not hear Jesus’ call to walk with Him.
fulfilling our God ordained ministry? What
are those things that want to make shame of us
even while we declare that we are free from Pastors and pastors in training, all we have to
sin and its entanglements? Is it relationship, do to escape this destruction that comes from
money, friendship, worries of life, distractions is to look up to Jesus the author
associations, and so on? Remember that Lot’s and finisher of our faith. We are to see him as
wife did not have the opportunity to retrace the answer to all our questions. Obedience to
her footstep but suffered destruction. Those his commands are necessary in our lives and
distraction could lead to our failures in ministries. We must desist from the character
ministry and life. There could lead to years of of Lot who tried to make decisions for himself
disappointment. We must not have the lot of without considering the will of God. We must
Ananias and the wife. We must try as much as not follow the way of Lot’s wife, who
possible to remain truthful and obedient to disobeyed the command of the Lord and
God, else the destruction that came upon them turned back. Obeying the commands of God is
may be our lot. When we try to hide certain one of the vital instruments we have to face
things from God, it is a form of distraction, the world and the vices in it. Anything could
when we give another place to God rather than be a distraction to us, members, money,

relationship, popularity, cares of lives, but Coffman, James Burton. Coffman

today the Lord is telling us that these are Commentaries. Abilene, Texas: Abilene
distractions that will only land us into Christian University Press, 1983. Print.
destruction of different kinds. It is my prayer Exell, Joseph S. The Biblical Illustrator.
today that God will give us the grace to live a London: Oxford University Press, 2006.
life of obedience that will anchor on God and Electronic Database.
may God’s grace help us not to be distracted
Guzik, David. Study Guide for Galatians.
in our lives and ministries in the name of
Michigan: Blue Letter Bible Ministry, 2001.
Jesus. Amen.
Electronic Database.

Henry Matthew. Matthew Henry Commentary

WORKS CITED on the Whole Bible. New York: Hendrickson

Publishers, 1994. Electronic Database.
Barnabe, Assohoto and Ngewa, Samuel.
“Genesis.” Africa Bible Commentary. Ed. The Church Hymnary (Revised Edition).

Adeyemo, Tokunboh. Nairobi: WordAlive London: Oxford University Press, 1927. Print.

Publishers, 2006. Print. The Holy Bible. King James Version. Apapa,

Barnes, Albert. Barnes Notes on the Old Lagos: Bible Society of Nigeria, 2004. Print.

Testament. London: Blackie and Son, 1890. ____________. Revised Standard Version.
Print. Britain: British and Foreign Bible Society,

Burton, L. New American Commentary. 1987. Print.

Nashville: Broadman Press, 2002. Print.

Carson, D. A.The Pillar New Testament

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