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Alpharic Research Institute

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JUNE, 2021

INTRODUCTION attitude of the people in the society. But

corruption is human conduct and nature and it
Looking at the situation today, corruption has
is characterized by human behavior, altitude,
eaten deep into every fabric of the Nigerian
desires, greed and postures. Corruption is fuel
society, it is a cancer that has paralyze every
by man’s desire and quest to outwit others,
sectors of the nation’s economy, its
amass evil gotten and unaccounted wealth,
manifestation, visibility and consequences are
properties, position, status, recognition and
noted in the failure, non- performance and
promotion via unexplainable, unconventional,
non-workability of the Nigerian state as a
unethical, criminal and questionable means
whole. The effect or consequences and indeed
and platforms. It is getting paid for doing
the negative impact of corruption in Nigeria is
nothing, particularly in the civil service, where
evident in the patronage politics and big
they are reported cases of ghost workers
money syndrome in the nation’s polity.
across several states of the Nigerian
Occasioned by abandonment and non-
federation, corruption is bidding for a project
execution of several developmental and public
or several projects and being awarded
oriented national projects and infrastructures
eventually, but abandon at the point of
nationwide. Hence, the negative impact of
execution, yet certificated and paid for its
corruption in the Nigerian society cannot be
completion (when in actual terms those
quantify, measured or overemphasis, it is
projects were and are abandon and left to
generally bad, destructive and unfortunates.
decay and rot away) as manifested in the
Hence, it is reflected in the conduct, behavior,
failure and total breakdown of all critical

infrastructural and developmental projects, like manner, when you divert public funds,
initiatives and concerns across the nation as a misappropriate or out rightly steal monies
whole, particularly the roads and the railways meant for the public good to personal use and
to mention but a few. The focus of this paper benefits, the resultant effect of such acts and
is not to contend with or argue on the type of conduct is the same as killing or murdering a
the definition of corruption already postulated person physically, because, by that very act or
by scholars, but to highlight how corruption misconduct, you have deprived somebody in
manifests in Nigeria, its heinous implications particular and the public in general the
and how to purify the country of this from a benefits expected from that office or position ,
Biblical point of view using the book of Isaiah and this is murder and it is killing. In certain
1:21-26. countries of the world, particularly in China,
corruption is a capital offence, perpetrator are
usually subjected to stiffer punishment
Corruption can further be describe and defined including death by firing squad and the bullets
as breaking the rules pertaining to a certain paid for by the perpetrator’s families other
office, it can be defined economically, and it countries subjects their corrupt perpetrator to
can be defined as acting against general long term jail sentences.
interest. Corruption is an act of human
In broad terms, corruption is the abuse or
conduct, it is an activity of a people driven by
misuse of public or government power for
greed, selfishness, self-centeredness and evil
illegitimate private advantage. It is an effort to
desire, which the Bible clearly condemned
secure wealth or power through illegal means
such acts and conduct as noted in Galatians
for private benefit at public expense (Lipset
4:1-24, God frowns at such behavior and have
and Lenz 112). Sen opines it involves the
stipulated an unending punishment for those
violation of established rulesfor personal gain
who engaged in such behavior and conduct.
and profit. It may be for the benefit of one‟s
God had brought his wrath to the city of
party, class, tribe, friend, or family (3). Okeke
Sodom and Gomorrah for violating his laws,
argues that political corruption can occur
and exalting sin in various degrees
through the deliberate and orchestrated
particularly, corruption and others.
manipulation of the unsuspecting public
Corruption is in the same vein amounting to opinion to win or get into political office. Igbo
killing somebody or destructing somebody in and Anugwom opine that political corruption

refers to fraudulent use of public funds for EXEGESIS OF ISAIAH 1:21-26

private gain. Nnoli asserted that political
Background of the Text
corruption in Nigeria encompasses the use of
official power and government resources for Isaiah stands as a signpost at a junction. One
sordid and disrepute private gain (225). way leads to ruin and destruction, the other to
restoration and blessing. David’s once-great
Also, corruption, when applied as a technical
kingdom had been split by civil war two
term, is a general concept describing any
hundred years earlier. The two kingdoms,
organized, interdependent system in which
Israel in the north and Judah in the south, had
part of the system is either not performing
spent the years since drifting into apostasy as
duties it was originally intended to, or
they forgot their side of God’s covenant with
performing them in an improper way, to the
them. They were still God’s people, but was
detriment of the system’s original purpose.
the Lord still their God?
For a very long time, corruption has been
acknowledged as an obstacle to economic Isaiah is the first of the Major Prophets, this
progress and democracy in Nigeria. denoting not only the order of his book in the
Corruption is the canonization of fraudulence; Bible, but also his place as the archetypal Old
the brazen celebration of impunity, which Testament prophet (Grudem, Isaiah
pollutes the ethical hygiene of a society thunders judgment on rebellious nations. He
(Ogbunwezeh 205). Corruption is a worldwide proclaims, ‘Thus says the Lord God’
phenomenon, but prominent in countries of (Schippe, He whispers quiet words of
the third world, particularly in Africa. comfort to despairing repentants. Isaiah’s
Johnston and Rose-Ackerman pointed out that ministry started ‘in the year that King Uzziah
the wide spread of corruption is a symptom of died’, about 740BC (Fee 947). Israel under
a poorly functioning state, and a poorly attack from the local superpower – Assyria.
functioning state can undermine economic Within a couple of decades, Israel’s capital,
growth (41). Where corruption is situated in Samaria, would fall. The kingdom would be
the structural nature of any society, countries dissolved, their cites over-run, their people
with extensive natural resources may fail to deported. Isaiah watched this happen from
develop in a way that benefits ordinary Jerusalem and warned Judah that their fate
citizens. would be the same if they did not mend their
ways, replacing their sham religion with true

worship. This is one of the periods referred to alone. Verses 21-23 paint the sad picture of a
by Motyer when he speaks of sacrifices being righteous nation becoming full of sin. The
used as replacements for obedience, instead of faithful city has become a prostitute. The
a gracious means of redemption for lapses nation full of justice and righteousness is full
(370). of murderers now. The Lord is praising the
past but lamenting the present. The Lord
Our passage comes in Isaiah’s first oracle and
contrasts what he intended and what he
is part of a longer passage denouncing the
received. He intended faithfulness but
unfaithful practices of Judah. The message
received prostitution. He intended
starts earlier in chapter 1, where Isaiah
righteousness but received murder. One of the
expresses God’s abhorrence of the empty
interesting observations we need to make is
religious rituals that he ‘cannot endure’.The
how infidelity to God leads to infidelity
people of Judah are substituting lip-service for
toward people. When we are not faithful to the
obedience, thinking that the ash of a burnt
Lord and his commands the result is the
offering would scrub their hands clean of
mistreatment of other humans. People become
bloodguilt. But Judah’s sins are like scarlet –
self-serving and live for their own personal
dye that will not wash out (Barton, In
advantages (Schippe,
our passage we move to different metaphors.
The first section, verses 21-23, describes Verses 23 reflects the social situation in the
Judah as a harlot, watered-down wine or nation. The princes are rebels. They are
impure silver alloy. The remedy for these ills friends with thieves. All the people love a
is hard to swallow. It will seem as if God is bribe and run after gifts. There is no concern
against his people. ‘I will turn my hand about others but the financial impact for
against you’, he says, but not to destroy, rather ourselves. If I can make more money then I
to restore them (Alexander 633). will do it without any regard for the impact it
has on other people (Tyndale 913). Verse 23
continues to describe the lack of justice to the
Verses 21-23 orphans and the failure to uphold the cause
and needs of the widows. They are seeking
The first section of this part of Isaiah’s
possessions and wealth at any cost. There is a
prophecy is about the nation’s need for
blatant disregard for the innocent. They ignore
purification, and such was to come from God

the needs of the people and do not care about going to thoroughly purge his people of the
who is hurt. dross that has corrupted their silver. God has
the cleansing agents needed to remove the
Verses 24-26 deep stains of our long-standing sins. God is
able to recreate our lost purity, removing the
Verses 24-26 describe the coming
dross, and making us pure again. The removal
purification. God is determined to have a
of dross from metal implies putting the metal
purified people. Notice the powerful self-
through extreme fire to melt away that
declaration of the Lord in verse 24: “The
impurities. What we see is that in one act God
Lord, the Lord of Hosts, and the Mighty One
is able to accomplish two things. The
of Israel.” The word translated “hosts” in most
discipline of the Lord brings purification and
translations refers to a host of armies. This is a
restoration. The declaration of judgment also
declaration of the power of the Lord, the Lord
brings the proclamation of salvation. God will
who commands heaven’s armies, the Mighty
restore the people so that they can be called
One of Israel. The powerful Lord is going to
the city of righteousness, the faithful city
act. He is going to get relief from his enemies
again. They will be restored to what they were
and avenge himself on his foes. Please
at the first, likely a reference to the Davidic
consider who the enemies of God are in this
kingdom and Davidic promises. Amazingly,
prophecy: the people of God! Judah and
even though the people had become his
Jerusalem are the foes. They are the enemies
enemies at this point, this fact had not changed
of the Lord because of their sinfulness. They
God’s ultimate purpose. God is going to refine
were supposed to be God’s people but they
the people and remove their impurities. We
have become God’s enemies (Henry,
learn that God is not pleased with the current
EXEGETICAL CONCLUSION condition. We are a mess. We are faithless.
We have acted in self-serving and self-
After reading the charges of verses 21-23 and
satisfying ways rather in godly ways. The
reading the firm, angry resolve of the Lord in
ways of restoration described in the text is
verse 24, what would expect God to do?
how the Lord will restore Nigeria, if they run
Rather than total annihilation for sins, God
away from corruption.
promises redemption. Rather than turning his
hand against the people in hostility, the Lord
describes the coming restoration. The Lord is

THE NATURE OF CORRUPTION IN corruption in the Nigerian state, particularly in

NIGERIAN SOCIETY the north east of the country is responsible of
the advent of the Boko Haram terrorist group
In Nigeria, corruption is also manifested in the
in the polity. The mismanagement of
acts of rigging elections, manipulating
resources and the abuse of public offices
electoral votes and results sheets by politicians
resulting in the complete isolation and
to gain undue and undeserved advantage. It is
abandonment of the people in term of
a crime against humanity, it is an act evil in
provision of basic social and economic
nature, and destructive in character and
infrastructures prompted the rise of these
conduct, and it is an act of sabotage against
group in the bid to fine social expression,
Nigerian state and its people. But it is carried
recognition and economic relevance and
out and perpetuated by people or human
survival in the Nigerian society.
beings not spirits, it is human in nature and by
no means spiritual or otherwise. It is people in Failure of the Nigerian state via corruption in
the Nigerian society that perpetuates these acts its social responsibility and contract to the
of corruption in the different sectors of the Nigerian people may have responsible for the
Nigerian society and they are usually not outburst and break of these groups calling for
reprimanded, condemned or prosecuted. secession in the south east, islamization in the
Rather there are always celebrated, honored, north and restructuring in the west. Religion
recognized and in most cases awarded with also contributes the prevalence of corruption
chieftaincy titles, honorary doctorate degrees in the Nigerian state and society. Corruption is
by different institution of higher and their an act of human conduct and activity, carried
kinsmen respectively, hence corruption in out by people who are entrusted or who
Nigeria is institutionalized, has cultural, occupy position of authority and responsibility
ethnic, sociological and societal coloration, and by their greed and selfishness betrayed the
affiliation and consideration. public trust and confidence repose on them by
the public for private and personal gains. The
The activity of corruption and its subsequent
Bible frowns at such acts and behavior, and
impact has hindered growth and development
called it a sin, it is a sin to steal public funds,
in the Nigerian society, and has deepened
it is a sin to divert and abandon projects that
divisive tendencies, social and economic
has been fully paid for yet not executed or
isolation of the people at different strata of the
completed, it is a sin to be corrupt. All these
society. Many scholars contend that

are condemned by God, when he said in etc. All these create an atmosphere for
Deuteronomy, thou shall not steal, and thou corruption to thrive, hence a safe haven for
shall not commit murder. Corruption is an act impunity and lawlessness in the Nigerian
of stealing and murdering, the activity of society, as evident in the breakdown of
corruption is murderous in nature and stealing various critical infrastructures and facilities
in nature, because of the after effect and nationwide. Solely, because every tribe and
consequence of such evil acts and conduct. ethnic grouping is seeking to outdo one
another for personal, tribal and ethnic interest
The political structure and the composition of
at the expense of merit, efficiency, probity,
the Nigerian state somewhat drives home
accountability, transparency and productivity.
corruption in every fabric of the Nigerian
Furthermore, corruption has created a class
society, remains a problem, hence, the degree
state in the Nigerian society from the very rich
of imbalances in the political, economic and
through ill-gotten wealth to the very poor
social structures and also in the allocation and
through neglect and failure of the government
distribution of political offices, appointments
of the day, who by the actions and
and available resources. These are imbalances
consequence of corrupt officials are made
via corruption in the Nigerian society,
constitutes sources of political, social and
religious conflicts in the Nigerian state. Corruption also manifest itself in a state of
anarchy, nepotism, religious bigotry,
Again, as earlier noted above, corruption
favoritism, social injustice and failure of the
thrives in an atmosphere of fear and suspicion,
government of in the execution of its
the amalgamation of 1914 by the British
constitutional responsibilities and duties to the
colonial master was ill conducive and without
very people for which, it is constitutionally
any consideration to the various tribes and
bound, hence, a safe haven and atmosphere is
ethnic groupings of what is now known as the
created for corruption to blossom and thrive
Nigerian state. Though, the sole purpose and
accordingly. Again, the composition and
intent of the British colonial master was
indeed the way and manner the Nigerian state
primarily commercial and economic in nature,
is structured politically, socially, economically
what later emerged was a nation polarized by
as a nation, breeds and encourage among other
fear, suspicion, rancor, strife, tribal war,
things inefficiency in governance,
ethnicity, nepotism, ineffectiveness and
ineffectiveness in the administration and
political imbalance in structure and character,

management of all interests, (particularly pure but are completely tainted by sin. Their
scarce resources, people etc),wastefulness, silver has become dross. Their best wine has
incompetence, lack of transparency and been mixed with water. There is nothing good.
accountability in general. Corruption thrives There is nothing pure or right in their actions.
in an atmosphere of division, fear, tension Social justice cannot take place through
intimidation and imbalance. legislation. Social justice will only be
effective when hearts and lives are faithful to

We must feel the similarity of circumstances For corruption to be fought in Nigeria, the
from Isaiah’s day to our day. When we reject following had to take place as derived from
God as our ethical standard, there is nothing to the text;
stop us from committing all kinds of atrocities
Just there were laws of God which the people
against each other. This is the critical failure
in the text exegete on were to follow, so
of atheism or any removal of God from our
should there be in Nigeria. There should also
society and from our government. If God is
be the introduction or launching of national
not the reason for constraining my actions,
reorientation programmes to educate people
then what reason is there to constrain my
on the negative impacts and the need to
desires? If there is no God or judgment, then
eradicate corruption in all facets of Nigerian's
why can’t I rip you off? Why can’t I steal
public life. Secondly, there should be moral
from you? Why can’t I mistreat you? Why
regeneration. This involves value re-
can’t I harm you? Moral and ethical
orientation which de-emphasize the use of
degeneration explodes when we reject the will
money or wealth for recognition and relevance
of the Lord. If I do not answer to the Lord,
and, political contests. The influence of
then I answer to myself and I will do whatever
money as a factor in politics must be curtailed
I want. Government, corporations, and
and discouraged, People should be encouraged
businesses will exploit people because they
to vote for people’s qualities rather than
consist of people. People run these things.
money. Religious leaders‟ consistency and
Neighbor will raise his hand against his
vigour in their campaign against corruption
neighbor because there is no ethical or moral
must be intensified, encouraged and promoted.
standard. Therefore, as verse 22 describes,
The indispensability of the role of the agents
there is total degeneration. The people are not
of socialization, in this regard, should not be

underplayed. This is because they are the develop a positive social attitude and
vehicle for mobilization of potential human enforcing a code of public ethics. This could
resources and agent of change of behaviour lead to strengthening and checking abuses of
and value re-orientation. power and privileges.

As God is seen in our text, He is a just judge. In all, strengthening the police in the war
In Nigeria, there should be the prosecution of against corruption should include training and
erring individuals or people found to be retraining of management and staff officers in
involved in any corrupt practice and if found fraud and other financial crimes investigation
culpable should be punished. This goes with and forensic accounting, adequate
forfeiture of assets and property acquired remuneration and motivation. The
illegally. If deemed expedient by the court, investigation process should go in tandem
anybody convicted must be also be given long with current realities as it methods must be
term imprisonment. This will serve as capable of tracking, discover, expose and
deterrent to others. This requires strengthening prove beyond reasonable doubt any corrupt
and tightening of prosecution techniques. allegations. Anti-corruption body and
Since corruption is a relationship of “give and transparent monitoring unit should be
take‟ both the giver and the receiver must be established in all public institutions,
prosecuted. No one receives bribes, if nobody empowered and made functional in such a
offers it. Also, Nigerian government should go way as to detect and report corrupt officials
beyond the mere pronouncement of anti- for prosecution. All these are better ways of
corruption policies. It should rather provide fighting corruption in Nigeria.
good governance and an enabling environment
for democratic ideals to thrive.
It has been proven to be true that Nigeria’s
More so, societal efforts must be geared
present political structure creates and makes
towards the abolition of the “winner-takes-all
corruption possible and easy to perpetuate
syndrome” as this is what makes political
solely because of the magnitude of
contests a matter of life and death. The people
inefficiency and ineffectiveness in the
should be given the right sense of values
administration and allocation of resources. To
which should be inculcated in the people so
this, it is clear that corruption is a vice which
that they could respect others for their honesty
is as old as humanity and which has adversely
and not just for their wealth. This will help to

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