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Alpharic Research

Centre for Research in Philosophy, Theology and
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JUNE, 2021

INTRODUCTION perspective or in Christianity the idea of

marriage is that it is a lifelong process as well
Marriage is the oldest and the most cherished
as permanent. The subject of divorce is so
institution that every society in the world has
controversial that so many scholars have their
undergone or went through their unique
different opinions about it. But God is not
practices religiously, economically, socially
silent in scriptures concerning divorce and
and politically. Marriage is an institution,
remarriage, until the Christian family is healed
designed by God to form a permanent union
of this chronic disease of divorce, the church
and premeditated and articulated divine union,
will not stop experiencing the negativities that
between one man and one woman as husband
are seen in her as it has to do with the moral
and wife for life so marriage is instituted by
excellence and the exemplary life that ought to
God as a typology of humans' relationship
be seen in life of her adherents.
with God, The Father, The Son and The Holy
Spirit. Families as a social group whose According to Musa “organization,
members are related by blood, marriage or coordination and distribution of societal
adoption are students of this institution. wealth, is only easy and possible through an
Marriage is the legal union of a man and his established system, and no system is more
wife. From the above we see two phrases that realistic than the family” (43). Culture and
clearly reveals God’s mind about marriage tradition in Africa have shown that a person is
and they are; “permanent union" and “for honoured and becomes responsible if he
life." This reveals that in the Christian marries. Marriage accelerates and enhances
social relationships between people. Marriage are another grand factors influencing divorce
is a lifelong activity, if it is made with the in the Ihechiowa community. People marry
acceptance of both the two parties. But there without having the full knowledge of marriage
are certain natural and artificial instances that and the functions of marriage. Responsibilities
occur and bring about marital instabilities in of husbands to their wives and the
marriage activities whose end results are responsibilities of wives and their husbands
divorce. Divorce is mainly caused by political, are not fully understood and observed by
economic, social and religious factors. Francis married couples. According to Lemu, women,
is of the opinion that conflict between couples for one reason or the other, develop high taste
is inevitable especially when they come from of life in marriage (78). It is the consequences
different societal setting (43). Spouses can no of these factors on the upbringing of a child in
longer live in harmony and have lost mutual Ihechiowa community that the main body of
regard for each other; for obvious reasons, this research revolves around.
husbands search for slight fault from their
wives to seek for a divorce. Divorce is a
dissolution of a marriage contract which may As buttressed in the introduction, marriage
be effected either by the act of the husband or was intended by God to be an elevated,
by demand from the wife or by mutual wholesome, permanent, indissoluble and
agreement or by operation of the law (Lemu happy union. The mandate of marriage was
78). Divorce leads to broken homes, children made known before Adam and Eve had any
in these homes suffer from lack of parental Children and before there were any parents.
care and love, poor socialization, which in the The biding and strong statement for marriage
end leads to delinquency, to criminal acts and says; “Therefore a man leaves his father and
to the spread of other social ills in the society. mother and cleaves to his wife, and they
Couples begin to dislike the values of become one flesh” Gen.2:24. For that, what
marriage in totality. God has joined together let no man put
The result of divorce is that couples begin to
roam about and take time before getting Many people, especially Christians have
married again. To a certain extent, women go serious questions about divorce and
into prostitution. The rampant divorce the remarriage. As Christianity appears to be
society is experiencing is breeding a lot of imploding with divorce even among ministers,
sexual ills or practices, immoralities and and as blended families become a major
disrespect. However, poverty and ignorance challenge to negotiate and develop by those

who remarry, it is wise for us to examine According to N. Origba (in an oral interview)
again biblical instructions about divorce.When Ihechiowa means “The light that holds the
a person biblically and ethically divorce a world”. Ihechiowa is an Igbo community
spouse and remarry another? Marriage is located in the present Arochukwu Local
founded upon the biblical basis of a covenant. Government Area of Abia State. It belongs to
Violations of the marriage covenant may lead the Colonial Administrative unit of Aro
to the dissolution of the marriage covenant. district, renamed as Arochukwu Division of
Calabar Province. Arochukwu was
It is in this regard that the researcher had
subsequently carved out of Calabar Province
decided to discover and proffer remedies to
and included in Umuahia Province.
the challenges which the problem of divorce
has caused in Ihechiowa, especially towards Ihechiowa is classified as a tribe, a village and
child training. a clan. According to a dictionary definition, a
clan is a group of people with a common
ancestor. It could also mean a large family
forming a close group. It is a clan in the
Ihechiowa has a rich history which has present Arochukwu Local Government Area
continued to impact on the people’s present- of Abia State. By clan is meant a number of
day worldview. It is a worldview that is village groups which claim a common
hinged on the philosophy of brotherliness and ancestry. It shares borders on the north with
a positive approach to life’s many challenges. Ohafia, on the northwest with Abam, on the
It has also come to be one that believes in the east with UkwaIbom or UkwaMbiabong
imperative of applying tact and discipline in (OkwaNkasi), in Cross River State, on the
every undertaking as encapsulated in the south with Ututu, and on the west with Makor
adage that, “Onyeasoghiegwu, adighiike” (He (Obotme), in AkwaIbom state. The clan lies
who fears nothing is not strong). This means within longitudes 70, 40, and 80 East, and
that a person who lacks the capacity to discern latitude 50, 30North. A conspicuous physical
and masquerades as strong and unbeatable is feature here is the range which extends from
in reality, a coward who is very likely to Udi in Enugu State through Okigwe, Ohafia,
march to his death out of carelessness. This is Ihechiowa, and Ututu, up to the Oban Hill in
an important advice for any Ihechiowa Cross River State and thence to the Cameroun
indigene who is embarking on any project. mountains. This ridge runs across Ihechiowa
territory from north to south, and divides the
clan into two. But it makes no difference
because the people are historically and market place. Conflict arose between the
culturally homogenous. Two rivers form the Pygmies and the Ihechiowa people which led
natural boundaries of Ihechiowa. One is the to the disappearance of the Pygmies. This had
Uduma which forms the northwestern economic and social implications.
boundary of Ihechiowa and Abam. The other
Nnanna asserts that the economic needs which
is the Iyi Ocha which separates Ihechiowa
the Pygmies served the people of Ihechiowa
from Arochukwu in the southwest.
disappeared over night. Settlement at
The search for fertile agricultural land brought OgigeIhe therefore became unbearable. There
Chiowa and his people to a new settlement was an urgent need for alternative settlement.
called “Ihenta” in Ohafia. This migration from “Agbor” was discovered to be the most
“Ihe” in Umuahia Ibeku to Ihenta in Ohafia suitable alternative place(46).At Agbor, the
was as a result of hostility from nearby economic benefits which the people enjoyed
communities. Here, at Ihenta, shortage of at “Ogige Ihe” resulting from their encounter
agricultural land and external aggression with the Pigmies were no longer forthcoming.
forced the children of Chiowa to look for Contradictions within the kindred at Agbor led
another place for settlement, hence, they to the various families opting for separate and
moved from Ihenta in Ohafia to “Ogige Ihe” independent settlements. This movement of
near the present day Ndi Okpo Ihechiowa. various families to distant locations for
settlement formed the genesis of the
O. Ndu, (in an interview) asserts that the land
foundation of the present day seventeen
was found to be fertile for farming. The
villages in Ihechiowa. The said seventeen
settlement at “OgigeIhe” was meant to be of
villages are the descendants of the early
permanent nature. Here, at “Ogige Ihe” the
families of Chiowa which resulted into the
people of Ihechiowa had an encounter with the
formation of Ihechiowa into Ikwun and
pygmies. They were called “NdiOha-Odu”,
Eleoha. The separate existence of each of the
“that is people with tails”. The Pygmies
present day seventeen villages in Ihechiowa
served useful economic purposes to the people
and the resultant Ikwun-Eleoha dichotomy are
of Chiowa. They supplied the people with
the products of the inability of the early
farm implements such as hoes and cutlasses.
families of Chiowa to live, work, suffer and
They also bought agricultural products for
die together for a common cause because of
them. The Pygmies were seen only on market
the misunderstanding that arose amongst
days. They were the first set of people to
arrive to the market and the last to leave the

Socio-Cultural Life and the dead ancestors of the community as
well as undergo the Nrichi initiation.
The Ihechiowa people involved themselves in
diverse social activities which were portrayed In each compound he enters, the compound
in their culture and traditional values. Culture head presents him to the ancestors through
and tradition are the basic ingredients prayers by pouring of libation on his behalf.
explaining the essence of the integrity of The compound head presents to him kolanuts
Ihechiowa people. If a man is found worthy, and five pence. As he walks along, he is
he pays the initiation fee of one hundred kobo usually asked by admirers to beat the iron
to be initiated into Nrichi cult. The initiation gong for them to hear the sound “Onye
period was six months in which the man was Nrichikuturum Ogene o-o-o. In response, he
kept in fattening room for six months beats the gong – gbom! Gbom!! Gbom!!!It
traditionally called “InoNghigha”. During this takes the candidate two walking days to carry
period the man is fed on pounded yam and out the tour.
yam porridge with which he entertained
However, this practice is no longer gaining
friends and relatives with and undiluted palm
grounds in Ihechiowa. People are no longer
interested in undergoing such tours. The
Njeghari Ndi Nrichi (The Honourary Tour): advent of motor cycle and motor cars have
made people weak to travel a long journey by
This period marked the commencement of the
leg. Religious leaders in Ihechiowa have been
Nrichi initiation. During this tour he is not
preaching against this practice hence, people’s
expected to put on cloth except white wrapper
zeal and commitment to this cult have been
called “Ngere”. He has a male servant with
very weak. In view of the above situation, the
whom he visits family heads in all the
Nrichi cult is gradually dying with a little
seventeen villages. This tour is executed
hope of surviving.
during the last week that terminates the
fattening period. This event lasts for one week Ichupu Nrichi (End of Nrichi).
and one day that is “Otuizunaotuubochi”. This
The newly initiated candidate with other
special visit is carried out only on “Ekedays”.
members goes to his yam barn selecting sixty
This is because all the villages would not
tubers of yams (60) to be cooked for “Ekan”
gather in a day to confer on the candidate the
members in the night. He pays some money
Nrichi title, rather as he goes around he
which is shared immediately by the members.
automatically presents himself to the living
At about 1.00 a.m, food is ready for

consumption.The Ekan arrives and cries till society but if he was a member, he would
dawn. Before dawn, he is officially admitted commence the next stage traditionally called
into the institution, in every track road of the “Ibuanu Nrichi” The initiation fee was Fifty
village, he throws away one tuber of yam, kobo and twenty fat tubers of yam. On the
saying I am through Oh! Oh!!Oh!!! initiation day a goat is slaughtered and the
(Ezeremya O! O!! O!!!). This is an expensive women cook all kinds of local food, for both
exercise which is conducted with a four gun the initiated and non initiated members. The
shots marking the official end of the initiation. man is finally initiated into the guild by dully
initiated men. This also demonstrated how
wealthy a man was and served as part of the
This title is taken only by married women. K. government of the people. This by implication
Mba, (personal communication, June 10, suggests that wealth is used as the determining
2020) asserts that “the only qualification into factor in belonging to the ruling class. This
this society is to be a woman. Culture defines practice seems not to be good because there
people’s mode of living, determines the mode could be intelligent people who may not likely
of communication, sets limits to people’s to be rich and so reject these rich contributions
interaction in terms of love and friendship, they would have made in the governance of
and at the same time defines accepted norms the society.
of behaviour. It’s a symbol of identity which
Ekan Society
include cultural dances, inter-personal
relations etc. Hence, Ihechiowa social life is This is meant for boys. It is of two kinds –
showcased in these activities. “Ekan Nta” and “Ekan Ukwu”. The “Ekan
Nta” is meant for children between the ages of
The Enyichi stage (childhood best friend)
2 – 10 and “Ekan Ukwu” is between the age
This has to do with the initial consultation of 11 and above. For the Ekan Nta the boy
with the entrant’s childhood best friend who must remove his teeth before he could be
acts as the legal adviser. Secondly, the man initiated. The initiation fee was two naira
who is to be initiated is taken to the entrant’s (N2.00), 30 tubers of yam, six sticks of dried
compound where he attempts to locate his fish and a large pot of palm oil. These are
father, “Achoromimara Nnam”. At this cooked on the initiation day for consumption,
juncture, he will be advised to see the entire after which the initiated is shown the Ekan
village. He will be disqualified if investigation after dancing round the village compounds.
proves that his father was not a member of the Women and non-members are not permitted to

be around during the initiation. The new belong to the Ekpe and Obong Cults. The
members enter into a covenant relationship advent of Christianity in Ihechiowa affected
with Ekan not to disclose it to women and the membership of these cults hence, the
non-members otherwise Eken would strike decline of its membership.
them. The same process is applicable to “Ekan Festivals and Ceremonies:
Ukwu”. This fear imposed on the membership Before the planting season commences,
of the group could be likened to other cults in Ihechiowa elders have the sole obligation of
our present day. Members are enveloped with appeasing the gods of the land in order to
the fear of death if they dare disclose the invoke the blessings of the “god of plenty”.
secret of the society. The Church is making Certain rituals are performed and sacrifices
frantic effort in diverting people’s interest are offered.
from belonging to such cults as they are seen
as ungodly and unclean for to belong. Okwun, (personal communication September
5, 2019). Land means everything in
Ihechiowa. It is not sold. It is the supreme
Ekpe and Obong
symbol of the powers of the ancestors. They
These are not part of Ihechiowa culture but
have the power to create and to destroy. To act
were borrowed from the Calabarians and
against land is to act against the very essence
instituted officially among the people. They
of one’s existence.
are secret cults specifically meant for the
When the elders are satisfied that the
wealthy and nobles. They served as the
necessary rituals have been performed,
governing power of the people and instrument
planting commences with “Ezeji” on the lead.
for settling disputes. Members used them to
The womenfolk have their own part of the
threaten people’s lives. The Ekpe and Obong
obligation to fulfill. Before the planting of
cults are showcased during the “New Yam
maize, vegetable, local beans etc, they are
Festivals through dancing by a masquerade
expected to perform some rituals. The above
called “Okonko”. This Okonko is meant for
crops are gathered into what is called “a
the men’s folk and the mysteries about it’s
basket of materials” (AboNgwo-ngwo). A
functions must not be disclosed to non-
successful performance of the rituals results to
members. The language of this Cult is Effik.
bumper harvest. This is the
Most of the elders of Ihechiowa lived in
secret behind the success of Ihechiowa as the
Calabar and were greatly influenced by the
main prosperous agricultural community
Effiks. Most of the Ihechiowa youths don’t
among her neighbours
understand Effik and so find it difficult to
three main cultural dancers namely Akang,
The main features of Ihechiowa culture are Ovuwa and Use. Umuchi-Akuma is known for
ceremonial. The New Yam Festival is an Okanga and Obiro. Amamiri is known for
occasion of merry-making, heralding the Akama, NdiOkpo is known for Ojojo, Atan is
arrival of the New Yam. It precedes the period known for Ekwambe, Ighaoma and so on.
of scarcity called “Nlubiri” and Onwu”. These
Occupation of Ihechiowa People
periods are characterized by shortage of food,
Different people organize their society in
a period when yams are completely scarce
different ways and around different economic
from the family menu. The New Yam Festival
activities. The Ihechiowa people were mainly
is an occasion of celebration, heralding a new
agriculturalist with hoe and matchet as their
season of plenty. The period adds new life to
farm implements. Farming was the major
the people. It is full of sacrifices to thank the
occupation of the people of Ihechiowa,
god of yam “Nfijoku”. Cultural dances are
including children, men, and women.
displayed to colour the occasion. Today, the
Everyone contributed to the common stock.
story is not the same. Many people are no
Idleness was a taboo, hence there were few
longer moved by the advent of new yam.
beggars in the community.
Alternative to yams like rice, cocoyam,
Farming was the pivot around which other
potatoe etc are provided by wealthy families
activities revolved. It influenced inter personal
during the “Onwu” period.
relationships and social perception of
individual members of the community. It also
To some, the New Yam Festival is a period of
influenced the choice of marriage. A young
great activities. Girls were expected to dress in
woman known to be industrious in farm work
a peculiar manner with beads tied round their
was seriously sought for by young men in
waists and their bodies beautifully decorated.
It offered the men-folk the ardent opportunity
of choosing their future wives. It was also the
According to Clement, (personal
beginning of fattening period for those girls
communication, June 10, 2019), “Yam” is
already engaged, thus preparing them for
regarded as the king of all crops and
specifically meant to be cultivated by men.
Ihechiowa is very rich in cultural dances. Each
Other crops like cocoyam, three-leaved yam,
village is distinctively known for at least one
aerial yam, okro, maize, melon, cassava, were
cultural dance or the other. For instance,
exclusively reserved for women and were
Umuye village is known for her ingenuity in

treated as secondary crops. Yam was occupation as there were no big rivers around,
associated with “Nfijoku”, hence every it was only engaged by people as a hobby.
significant stage in yam cultivation is Most of the people that engaged themselves
preceded with yam rituals. Yam was never into trading were at the instance of the contact
refused, no matter how strained the with Effiks and the whitemen in Calabar.
relationship between the giver and the Today, many sons and daughters of Ihechiowa
recipient may be.Anyone who refuses yam, have abandoned trade for Western education.
gives a cock which was sacrificed to
“Nfijoku” the god of yam. DIVORCE IN IHECHIOWA
According to Elechi Okoro, (personal
communication, August 30, 2019) wine Marriage among the Igbo of Nigeria is a rite
tapping is a lucrative occupation on the of passage which everyone, man or woman
ground that wine is very important in both must undergo once or more in a life time.
culture and traditional rites of the people. This When a girls passed the age of “whose
implies that important occasions could not go daughter the Igbo say, she gets to the age of
on without the presentation of wine. No very whose wife.” It is same to a boy who has gone
serious talk involving heads of families can go through adolescence rites of passage after
on without wine. To this effect owners of which beautiful maidens will be making
palm trees were very rich. attempts to be his chosen one. To the
Ihechiowa, marriage is for life. Unfortunately,
Animal husbandry and hunting featured
for one reason or the other, some couples are
prominently in the people’s economy.
seen getting divorced. It is surprising that
Animals reared include goats, sheep, fowls
despite the uniting capacity of one marriage, it
etc. Those who showed prowess in hunting
is also capable of disintegrating a people for
attracted names such as “Dinta”, “Ogbuanu”,
life. Disintegration comes in when the love
Ogbaegbe”. Trading also featured greatly in
that exists between a husband and a wife goes
Ihechiowa and some engaged themselves in
sour causing divorce. Many things contribute
the selling of gins, palm wine, cloth and
to souring love and divorce.
human beings. Those who distinguished
themselves in this act of trade attracted names The cause of divorce in Ihechiowa has been
such as “Ozuu or “Ozuafia”.Many depended traced to different reasons, Expectation of
on craft works such as making of mat, raffia, relatives from a couple for pregnancy within
local baskets etc. Fishing was not a major three months of marriage is high. After three

months and no pregnancy in view, the couple, Discouraging socio cultural factors and/ or
their parents, relatives and friends become conditions that influence divorce and/or
apprehensive. Either side of the in-laws separation have long been matters of concern
immediately starts to trade blames on either of to spouses in Ihechiowa community where
the couple for the delay or misfortune. Some divorce affects the overall development of
may start going to inquire for the cause of the women. For instance, a divorced woman
delay through divination or a seer. When suffers discrimination because she is neither
solution is not forthcoming, divorce sets in. accepted in her matrimonial nor maternal
home. However, some actions against
Among the Ihechiowa people, there are certain
divorced women are done in other to humiliate
criteria that people consider in giving out their
them for bringing shame and dishonour to
children in marriage. Some of these criteria
their maternal families. Before now, in
are the bridegroom’s family’s wealth, their
Ihechiowa custom, men who have large acres
farm lands, societal status or hierarchy, etc.
of farmland are encouraged to engage in
when these are not feasible as had been
multiple marriages so as to have women who
perceived, there is a propensity for divorce.
would work in the farms. Women who are
A respondent informed this study that he sent lazy to do farm work or not so fertile as to
his wife packing because she did not know have large number of children who would also
how to prepare a good soup. He narrated how work in the farm were divorced. This means
his mother-in-law came to their house during that hard work and high fertility were the basis
his wife’s period of enclosure and prepared for successful marriages. Today, with increase
olugbu (bitter leaf) soup (a popular type of in education and less emphasis on farming as
soup among the Ihechiowa) with complete only means of generating income, marrying
chicken parts and yet, the soup could not be many wives, or having large number of
eaten by any one. It was embarrassing indeed children are no more necessary.
because though, the soup is known as bitter
Modern marriage institutions are time-
leaf, it tastes good and it was expected to taste
honoured on policies that are increasingly
better with chicken parts still, the expectation
mimicking western models where indigenous
was not met. As a result of that and the wife’s
cultures are often overlooked. Such marriage
other dirty characteristics, he got another wife
institutions are established by forces external
for himself and divorced the first.
to the community and characterized by
PRACTICES IN IHECHIOWA THAT functional and structural arrangements that are
PROMOTES DIVORCE fairly standard and reflect specific image of
western development. Marriage institutions 6. Locking out a wife from the
represent established systems of authority and matrimonial home,
other phenomena derived from socio-cultural 7. Giving a spouse dry stick a wife
and historical processes with roots from the abandoning her matrimonial home to
culture. Such indigenous institutions reflect live with another man.
the knowledge, experiences and level of
Conditions that Result to Divorce in
development of the local people. The
Ihechiowa Community
Ihechiowa community has its own peculiar
actions and/ or behaviour that signal divorce. 1. Infidelity
2. Infertility/barrenness
For instance, infidelity, infertility, laziness and
3. Impotence probing a husband’s sexual
unhygienic behaviours are some of the major
causes of divorce in many societies and
4. Inability to reproduce male children
women with these attributes are usually
and/or large number of children
returned to their parents. Divorce is viewed as
5. Laziness in taking on assigned gender
a social prejudice used to subdue women in
roles including farming
most societies agrees with this opinion only in
6. Cooking late and/or inability to cook
the area of stringent gender roles, where
delicious food
women perform majority of roles in the
7. Disrespect to husband and his kinsmen
8. Deviant actions like stealing,
Local Taboos and Prohibitions that Point to prostitution, witchcraft, fighting
Divorce in Ihechiowa Community especially in public cases of leprosy,
tuberculosis, epilepsy, etc.
1. A husband pouring away or breaking
9. Sexually transmitted infections
the wife’s pot of soup,
including HIV
2. Asking a wife to fill a raffia basket
with water, In Ihechiowa, tradition supports divorcing
3. Putting broom inside a basket and women for the reasons listed above. It is a
telling a wife to carry it to her parents, taboo for a wife to ask her husband about his
4. Hanging a husband’s cloth over a extramarital sexual relationships even if she
wife’s shoulder , sees him with multiple sex partners, she is not
5. Taking a wife back to her parents with expected to probe, and otherwise, she gets
a jar of palm wine, divorced. In divorcing, the wife, the husband
will simply return her to her parents after

stripping her off resources accruing from the parts and yet, the soup could not be eaten by
marriage including custody of the children. In any one. It was embarrassing indeed because
addition, the husband will demand for the though, the soup is known as bitter leaf, it
refund of her bride prize. Important in the tastes good and it was expected to taste better
finding is the practice of the husband asking with chicken parts still, the expectation was
for a refund of bride prize from the parents of not met. As a result of that and the wife’s
the wife irrespective of who initiated the other dirty characteristics, he got another wife
divorce. The refund is usually through for himself and divorced the first.
prominent traditional rulers from the wife’s
side to the husband’s side. The handing over In contrast, men, more often than women,
of the bride prize signifies the end of that blame the divorce on external factors, such as
marriage. Because in Ihechiowa custom, sees work or problems with in-laws (Kitson 18).
marriage relationship as a private matter Some mother-in-laws do constitute parasites
where external influence is forbidden, on the son-in-laws’ purse. It is a problem
husbands and their kinsmen. when young man tries to have a settle home
by getting married to a maiden but could not
In Ihechiowa, just as among the Igbo, a wife is
comprehend the amount of demands being
expected to manage the home. In managing
experienced on daily bases from his wife’s
the home, she has to take care of the family by
making sure that the children do not lack any
thing; making sure that the husband and the
An interviewee responding to the
children do not go hungry and be sure of the
researcher’squestion, said that he separated
neatness of the household. If a wife lacks
with his wife due to strange character he
these characteristics, even the entire extended
started noticing in his wife immediately his
family of the husband will join hands in
mother-in-law left their house for home after
getting her packing where she never steps on
her visit to them during his wife’s period of
the sand of the family again. A respondent
enclosure (ọmụgwọ). He said that his wife’s
informed this study that he sent his wife
attitude changed immediately her mother left;
packing because she did not know how to
that he did not know that while she stayed
prepare a good soup. He narrated how his
with her mother as he was away for work, the
mother-in-law came to their house during his
mother tutored her on some evil behaviours
wife’s period of enclosure and prepared
and she never considered the love they have
olugbu (bitter leaf) soup (a popular type of
for each other and tried to practice what she
soup in Ihechiowa) with complete chicken
was taught. He queried, “… how could I have adultery against her. And if she divorces her
ignored her since we have been living husband and marries another man she
peacefully and happily before her mother’s commits adultery.”
visit.” He said, “I sent her packing and
Jesus also said “Man must not separate what
initiated for divorce since she could not realize
God has joined together” (Matthew 19:6 and
my move to show her love and she failed to
Mark 10:9) But in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus
understand.” “I am sure I did not marry to die”
gives a slightly different view: a man can
he said.
divorce his wife for unfaithfulness; so divorce
is sometimes acceptable. Anyone who
divorces his wife, except for marital
unfaithfulness, causes her to become an
There are certain biblical teachings concerning adulteress, and anyone who marries the
divorce. On a whole some of our respondents divorced woman commits adultery (Matthew
has argued that it is biblically wrong while 5:31-32). However, there is another view.
others say the bible approves of it. The later Jesus might have allowed separation (he
draws inference from the Old Testament. In would not have wanted people to be unhappy),
the Old Testament, divorce is allowed. If a but did not agree with people re-marrying
man wanted a divorce, then he had to give the while their husband or wife was still alive.
woman notice in writing. Nothing is said Historically, Jesus might have been trying to
about women divorcing their husbands protect women, because if their husbands left
(Deuteronomy 24:1). them, they would have nothing.

However, Jesus’ teaching was different. In Apostle Paul puts his view clear on this, “a
this quote, Jesus seems very clear marriage is married woman is her husband as
for life. Divorce is not allowed. Jesus replied, long as he lives. So then, if she lives with
“At the beginning of creation God “made another man while her husband is alive, she
them male and female”. For this reason a man will be called an adulteress; but if her husband
will leave his father and mother and be united dies, she is legally a free woman and does not
to his wife, and the two will become one commit adultery if she marries another man.”
flesh.” So they are no longer two, but one. (Romans 7:2-3). Although Jesus seems to be
Therefore, what God has joined together, let very firmly against remarriage, Christians
not man separate. Anyone who divorces his believe that the Bible needs to be seen as a
wife and a marries another woman commits whole. Some Christians will refer to Jesus’

teaching on forgiveness to show that a peaceful living in the areas where there are
divorced couple should be allowed a second less divorce records. The findings in this work
chance with someone else. The best example may suggest that with the increasing cases of
to use is the woman who committed adultery divorce as recorded in Ihechiowa, the
and was going to be stoned. Jesus didn’t churches may be drastically affected as
condone her actions, but he said: if you are children of the divorced parents may not count
without sin, cast the first stone. on the church as a place of solace since they
could not sustain their parent’s marriage when
From the above cited examples, it is no longer
troubles escalated.
a mere saying that the bible teaches against
divorce. Not only because of the effects on the
children, but also as a practice of chastity in
Having examined the reality of divorce in
worship. The researcher expressly will adopt
Ihechiowa, the researcher notes that there is
the biblical view about divorce and condemns
no need starting a marriage where there seems
the action both with its immediate and remote
to be problems or relationship red flags.
causes. The best and most profitable remedy is
Based on the above, the researcher
that in marriage one should be very careful in
recommends that:
choosing a partner to avoid divorce in the
 The church should enlighten its
members on the disadvantages of

Summarily, this work reveals that to very divorce on the church and the society at

great extent, divorce has a great effect on the large.

lives of the offsprings in Ihechiowa. Having  The church should organize a marriage

carried out this study, the researcher has noted counselling class to enlighten the

that there is a great difference between intending couples.

children of divorced parents and those whose  The church should form wings that will

parents are still together. It must be groom its teenagers before they are set

emphasized that marriage is a divine for marriage

institution of God for human society all over  The church should set up helping hands

the world. It is created to instill orderliness to groom children of divorced parents

and order in the children thereby affecting the to make them have the feeling of

society. marriages also for builds value system parents around them. If the church can

upon which a sound human society is created serve as parents, the children will still

this is the reason for the advancement in

measure up in the society as those good. Therefore, it is advised that anyone
whose parents are together. trying to marry should look before he lips.
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idea of what they are going to see in the business and therefore it calls for endurance at
marriage during the period of least for the protection of the children.
 Every relationship red flag should be
spotted and dealt with as soon as it is
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