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Alpharic Research Institute

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JULY, 2021

Martin Luther and His Beginning that sins could be forgiven by paying money,
then called indulgences. Thatcher Oliver
Martin Luther was born on November 10,
wrote that Martin Luther believed that the
1483 to Hans Luder and MargarethLindemann
right thing to do was to confess and ask for
in Eisleben, Germany, which was part of the
forgiveness from God. He believed that
Holy Roman Empire. Martin Luther was a
salvation could be achieved by God’s grace
German priest, a professor of theology, and an
only. He protested and as a result was he was
iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation.
exiled from his native land. Luther influenced
Breezy Aaron explained that when he was
the German language through his translation
younger, he dedicated himself to a monastic
of the Bible and the writing and publishing of
life, fasted, prayed a lot, and always confessed
hymns in “Hochdeutsch.” His influence is
to keep himself clean from sin. Later on in his
even felt even today.2
life, one of his superiors by the name of
Johann von Staupitz encouraged him to get an On His Theological Witness
academic career, so he became an ordained
When Martin Luther posted his “95 Theses”
priest and taught theology at the University of
on the church door in Wittenberg in 1517, no
Wittenberg. Sometime after becoming an
one expected the breadth of evangelical
ordained priest, Luther led the protest against
reforms in Christian teaching and practice that
the doctrines and rituals of the Catholic
followed. In every dimension of Christian
Church in a movement (later) called the
faith a renewed trust in God’s forgiving mercy
Reformation1. He did not agree with the fact
The Library of Original Sources (Milwaukee: University
Aaron Breezy’s Illustration on the Reformation Period and Research Extension Co., 1907), Vol. V: 9th to 16th
the Role of Luther. 15 (blog) 09/02/2021 Centuries, pp.119-127.

replaced a reliance on teachings and practices since healed, Luther rebelled against the
of the Roman Catholic church, like the sale of Roman Catholic Church of that time. Today
indulgences, abuse and corruption. Preaching we see that there’s much more that binds us
a few years later, Luther said, “I opposed together, that we have in common, than what
indulgences ... but never with force. I simply separates us.
taught, preached, and wrote God’s Word;
As ArkenbergHallsall noted, prior to the
otherwise I did nothing. I did nothing; the
Protestant Reformation, Roman theology
Word did everything.” When he began to
stated that faith alone cannot justify a man as a
propose reforms in worship, he wrote similar
good Christian. The Roman Catholics
words. “This is the sum of the matter: let
believed that justification depended on faith
everything be done so that the Word may have
by charity and good works. 4 However,
free course.” 3
Buchheim C.A. said that the benefits of good
The Bible Luther translated from the original works on earth can be obtained by donating
languages into colloquial German, was printed money to the church, rather than actually
and distributed across Europe, changing doing something charitable and that is what
history forever. The bible is ever since the Martin Luther protested against.5 Martin
most published, printed and read book in the Luther had no real intention of confronting the
entire world. Protestant dialogue is still church but he saw his dispute with their values
ongoing. Each moment of study of the as a scholarly objection to the church’s
personality of Martin Luther is another practice. He meant his tone whenever he said
opportunity to examine Luther’s failings as anything or wrote anything as more of a
well as his triumphs. As Margot Kässmann ‘searching’ tone more than a ‘doctrinaire’
says, “One of the greatest achievements of tone. This became clear in Luther’s letter to
Reformation was that you need educated the Bishop Albert of Mainz on October 31,
faith," she argues. "You can ask questions. 1517 which was also All Saints Day. When he
You can be critical about the church. You wrote his letter, it originally was just a letter
yourself should read the Bible and sharpen but it later became his signature mark on the
your conscience, as Luther would have said." 4
“Martin Luther: Against Catholicism, 1535.”Web. 09 Feb.
Kässmann also points out that some of 2021.
Luther's other theological battles have long 5
Martin Luther: Address to the Christian Nobility of the
German Nation respecting the Reformation of the Christian
3 Estate. Nashville: Parsdoy Press, 1883. Print. 134.

reformation which was titled The Ninety-Five was later made an outlaw by the Emperor
Theses. Charles V who made it known in the whole
Holy Roman Empire that he wanted Luther to
be punished as a heretic and also made it a
The Ninety-Five Theses centered on practices crime to feed or shelter Martin Luther. He also
from Catholic churches about baptism and made it legal for anyone to kill Martin Luther
absolution. It rejected the validity of freely if they pleased to do so.
remissions of temporal punishment due for
sins which have been forgiven which were at
Eight years after the Protestant Reformation,
that time called ‘indulgences’. Martin Luther
something happened to him that he never
also did not believe in the fact that
would imagine. He got married to Katharina
‘indulgences’ should be sold because he did
Von Bora in June of 1525. She was one of the
not agree with the part that one person could
12 nuns he helped escape from the Nimbschen
pay off his or her sins. He felt that the people
Cistercian Covent. He wrote about how God
who committed sin should confess to God
plunged him into marriage after he got
only. After Martin Luther wrote this, he
married. Many people were appalled at this
attached these theses on the Castle Church
marriage and called Martin Luther reckless for
door in Wittenberg, Germany because that
doing so but Luther set the example for
was where he taught. The church held one of
clergymen to get married, as the Bible teaches.
Europe’s largest collections of holy relics at
the time. Not long after the Pope read The Martin Luther organized the new church in
Ninety-Five Theses, Pope Leo X wrote a 1526. He wanted to start both a confessional
rebuttal titled ExsurgeDomine also translated and a territorial church. This one church laid
as “Arise, O Lord.” The pope basically out a new form of worship service. He wrote a
highlighted where Martin Luther disagreed German order of service so even the simple
with the Roman Catholic Church. What was people could understand. The idea was
special about this letter from Martin Luther through the use of the local vernacular more
was the fact that it became a declaration of people could become Christians. The latter
independence from papal authority in one was an attempt to restore Biblical
Northern Europe. It started the decline of the discipleship. But the confessional, territorial
feudalism system of suppressing the poor and and discipleship issues clashed and Luther
started the up-rise of commercialism. Luther retracted from the whole. During the church

service the celebration of the Lord’s Supper Supper, the Table) is administered. Luther’s
was a big change. The participants where to underlying critique of the administration of
drink the wine and eat the bread. the Lord’s Supper in the Roman Catholic
Church is not so much in the administration of
Another one of Martin Luther’s amazing
the sacrament itself. His critique is primarily
achievements was when he published a
concerned with the false authority that the
German translation of the New Testament in
church places on its pyramidic structure of
1522 and when he published a translation of
authority. For Luther, the root issue was
the Old Testament in 1534. Luther was not the
apostolic succession. Apostles were elected by
first person to do this, but before almost
God, whereas bishops are appointed by man.
everyone had to read the Bible in Latin, and
According to Luther Apostles never had
because only 1 to 2% of the people could read
“supremacy” over each other, one another and
it, Christianity did not grow up to its potential
neither should priests, especially over the
until Martin Luther came along. Before Luther
church and the sacrament.
nailed his theses on the church door in
Wittenberg, more than 100 editions of German As for the administration of the sacrament
translations of Bible parts had been published. itself, Luther takes issue with “elevation,” at
The translations were in different dialects of which point the body and blood of Christ is
the German language and never fulfilled the transubstantiated through the priests words
role of replacing the Latin versions of the “hoc est corpus meum” (“this is my body”).
Bible. Luther’s translation of the Bible got Luther calls this doctrine “mere idolatry.”
over 50 reprints during his lifetime. Even Luther still believed Christ’s presence is
today his translation is still in use in Lutheran somehow in the elements, but not because of
churches all over the world.6 Overall Martin the priest’s words. It is rather through Christ’s
Luther was an extremely influential figure and word and institution that he is present in the
he changed Christianity as a whole for good. bread and cup. Therefore, Luther fights
against the meaning behind the practice, while
In his “Of the Sacrament of the Lord’s
not finding it necessary to change the tradition
Supper” in Table Talk, Martin Luther
itself. And James Pruch would write thus,
disagrees with the Roman Catholic view of
“This immediately gets the modern
how the sacrament (i.e. communion, Lord’s
evangelical’s blood boiling. Jesus literally in
“Martin Luther.” Web. 09 Feb 2021. the bread and cup! No! It is true, for Luther

does not dispute the fact that Christ is Jesus at the Last supper (words of institution):
somehow present in the elements; it is simply “This is my body given for you; this cup is the
not the priest’s words that cause Christ’s new covenant in my blood shed for you and
presence to be there. Luther believes that for all people for the forgiveness of sins.’
Jesus body and blood are in the “present Third, in accord with these words and the
administering, although they may be pattern of the Last supper, wine was not
understood as fulfilled on the cross.”7Unlike reserved for the priest but given after the
the Catholic priests, who believed that the bread to the laity who presented themselves.
Lord’s Supper gave grace through performing This reception of either element (or both
the act, Luther held that it was for “the ‘kinds’) was the most moving alteration for
strengthening of our faith, not doubting that some laypeople who took the cup, which they
Christ’s body and blood were given and shed had never before touched, with trembling
for us, and that our sins by Christ’s death hands. The mass was no longer a spectacle to
certainly are forgiven.” In short, Luther be watched but a meal to be received by
believed that the fruit of the sacrament was the hungry souls with contrition, thanksgiving,
assurance of forgiveness. He did not believe and joy. Consequently, not everyone present
the sacrament was the cause of grace.”8 at worship was expected to receive the
sacrament, at least not in Lutheran
Scott H. Hendrix states it this way “For
churches.”Luther strongly rejected the
Luther, the Lord’s supper was not sacrificial
medieval interpretation of the communion as a
but sacramental, that is not an offering to God
repetition of the sacrifice for sin made by
but God’s gift to the recipient” “Luther and
Jesus on the cross, and he was angered by the
other Protestants made profound changes to
abuses, like the multiple Masses, which that
the way it was celebrated. First, the Mas of
interpretation made possible.
Protestant communion service was celebrated
in the vernacular instead of Latin. Second, the It can be said that Martin Luther led the
long prayer that accompanied the offering of movement to bring a new, biblical focus into
elements was replaced by the simple words of the Church during the reformation. The means
7 by which Luther ushered this new focus into
the church was the introduction of his own
reforms and liturgies that were currently being
used by the Roman Catholic Church. In this

reform, especially in the liturgical aspect, was purposeful in making the Word of God
there are several observable principles by available to the common man, when before it
which Luther operated. First, Luther operated had only been available to the clergy. Fourth,
with caution, attempting to keep the changes Luther sought to make the Word of God
respectful and gradual. Second, the changes central to the worship service, hoping to
were based primarily on what he believed the eliminate all extraneous and erroneous
teachings of Scripture dictated. Third, Luther practices in the process.

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