Perils of The Herald of The Mystery of God

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Alpharic Research Institute

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“If you are not resting in the one true gospel, preaching it to yourself over and over again, you will
look to another gospel to meet the needs of your unsettled heart” (Paul David Trip, Dangerous
Calling 36). The Gospel is the salve (relieve, comfort) of the soul and the right interpretation &
application of the Scriptures, by the power of the Holy Spirit, is just as necessary for all, even the
preacher himself.

PERILS OF THE PREACHER be as secluded as a walled garden, yet it is not

what it appears to be. The preacher is always
Preaching as defined by Online Dictionary is
at the peril of losing his spirituality, his power,
“the delivery of a sermon or religious address
his vision, his usefulness and his life for God.
to an assembled group of people, typically in
church” ( BDAG defines it as “an The perils the preacher is exposed are as
official announcement, proclamation, of the follows:
content of a herald’s proclamation.”
A. Peril of Undue Familiarity with Divine
The preacher, his life and work is associated Things.
with perils. It is well known fact that perils are
When a preacher, who constantly handles
attendant on privilege. The greater the
divine things, loses the spirit of humble and
privileges, the greater the perils. Many think
reverential awe in the presence of the holy and
that a preacher is living in an atmosphere
glorious God whom he serves, he is in great
where little or no temptation can enter to mar
peril of being set aside as not worthy any
or dim his light. Though his life may appear to

longer to serve the living and true God. (Lev. needs of others. It is dangerous when a
10:1-3, 1 Thess. 1:9) preacher cannot appreciate and sympathize
with suffering humanity.
B. Peril of Inconsistent Living.
E. Peril of Compromise.
It is tragic to point the way to others and yet
not walk in the way oneself. This was the sin The danger of compromise arise when the
Christ charged the Pharisees. The mere preachers refuses to frankly and honestly face
holding and teaching of correct doctrine is not the unpleasant situations, truths and duties.
equivalent of correct living. He who thinks he The tact of diplomacy adopted destroys the
stands should take heed lest he falls. truth at the altar of comprise. The happens
(1Timothy 4:12, Titus 2:7). Immorality and either in relation to the preacher’s life or the
other sin are common to preachers. life of others and the ministry of the word.
The preacher must be courageous to stand and
C. Peril of Neglecting One’s Own Spiritual
uphold to the truth.
F. Peril of Popularity.
It is possible to guide others to the king’s
garden and yet remain outside the gate The problem of fame is also a peril to
yourself. A preacher may wax eloquent on the preachers. The lure of the limelight and the
fabulous riches of the Lord’s treasury, and yet courting of praises of men have ruined a lot
is poverty stricken in his spiritual life. The preacher. The desire for popularity provides a
preacher must read, mediate and study of fertile breading ground for the train evils of
God’s word for his personal spiritual growth envy and jealousy. God cannot share his glory
and not for sermon development. Many with any man. many preachers have sacrificed
preachers neglect their personal spiritual their spiritual power on the altar of secular
growth. popularity and lived to regret his abysmal
folly. The preacher must take heed and beware
D. Peril of Unconcerned to the Need of
lest, over exposure to the approval of men
blind him to the supreme importance of the
Just like a doctor can become hardened to the approval of God.
suffering of his patients the preacher can loose
G. Peril of Professionalism.
his capacity for compassion and become
callous to the pitiable spiritual and physical

There is the danger that a preacher may sin in a little one” (Matthew 18 & Luke 17)
become austere and intolerant of friendly becomes the lot of that preacher. Careful work
critics, and resent needed correction, and even with the Scriptures is an absolute necessity for
good advice from those in the position to give the work of interpretation and to neglect that
it. Such a one imagines that because he has is dangerous.
been wholly engaged in God’s work over a
 The Struggle of Application
period of years, he is now beyond the
possibility of criticism from colleagues or This does not mean that the preacher struggles
ordinary Christians. Preaching can easily on how to apply what the passage says to his
become a perfunctory affair while God is left audience, though a preacher can still
behind. encounter such problem. The struggle of
application begins with the preacher. It is a
Major Fears of the Preacher
trap that many preachers have fallen into.
 The Work of Interpretation
A preacher must first be his personal
For preachers or those who regularly exegete audience. He must first apply the Gospel to his
Scripture for a study of some sort, they own life. Ceasing personally from applying
understand not only the real labor that goes the glories of the Gospel to his own needy
into properly interpreting the Word for the soul can cause a collapse in the ministry.
consumption of another but also the reverent Needless to say, that descent leads down a
fear that accompanies misinterpretation. perilous road.

Truly, anyone can take a verse, paragraph, or  The Pain of Mortification

passage and starts a sermon. But, to take into
Mortification means killing sin week after
consideration the Testament, Genre, Author,
week. To most preachers, this is painful. Sure,
Audience, Purpose of the Book, Cultural,
every believer want to be “pruned that he
Historical, Grammatical, Christological,
might bear more fruit” just like the next Jesus-
Theological, and Applicational (of course, this
lover but to be honest, pruning is painful. Sin
list is not meant to be exhaustive) context of a
causes a big “But” in the life of a preacher.
passage is work; it is hard work. To
Sin in a preacher is sin that is most
misinterpret could very well led to
transferable. Thus, preachers must constantly
misapplication and very unfortunately Jesus’
be under the conviction of the Holy Spirit as
words about the “millstone, river, and causing

they study and as they teach/preach. The Law Conclusion

is meant to reveal sin but also to drive all to
In all things, preachers herald the Word of
Calvary and sometimes in the laborious and
God. They are the carriers of God’s mysteries.
perilous task of killing sin a preacher stops too
Consequently, the Devil will always want to
soon at the revelation of sin, wallow in fear
attack them with the above perils and fears in
and pity, then walk away feeling discouraged
their ministry but they can survive all of them
that he will never measure up.
and become victorious because Jesus did. That
is the Joy of the Gospel. Truly, most preachers
will never measure up but the One who not
only measured up but voluntarily gave up His
place of glory, sacrificially took their place of
shame, and victoriously defeated death that
they might be given His righteousness and not
be shackled by their hideously damning
unrighteousness; that is Jesus Christ.

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