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Alpharic Research Institute

Centre for Research in Philosophy, Theology and

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INTRODUCTION resurrection of the dead, and the instructions

The book of First Corinthians is the seventh and personal greetings. The author of this
book of the New Testament. The epistle to the book is Paul.
First Corinthians was written by the Apostle
Paul at the close of his three years residence in
Ephesus. There was an occasion of this Epistle The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians,
of a letter of inquiry concerning such things as probably written about 53–54 CE at Ephesus,
marriage and the use of foods offered to idols. Asia Minor, deals with problems that arose in
Paul was also greatly troubled by reports from the early years after Paul’s initial missionary
Corinth of deepening divisions, increasing visit (c. 50–51) to Corinth and his
contentions, and other problems, and by a case establishment there of a Christian community.
of incest that had not been judged by the The letter is valuable for its illuminations both
church. This Epistle can be divided into seven of Paul’s thoughts and of the problems of the
parts: 1) The divisions in the Corinthian early church. Saddened by reports of
Church. 2) The immorality rebuked; discipline dissension among the converts of various
commanded, 3) The sanctity of the body; Apostles, Paul begins his letter with a
Christian Marriage. 4) The things offered to reminder that all are to be regarded “as
Idols; Limitations of Christian Liberty. 5) The servants of Christ and stewards of God’s
Christian order and the Lord’s Supper. 6) The mysteries” (4:1). Then, while answering
Spiritual Gifts and their use in love. 7) The questions sent from Corinth, he addresses
matters of immorality, marriage and celibacy,
the conduct of women, the propriety of eating
meat offered to idols, and the worthy

reception of the Eucharist. To members of the that resulted in divisions. They were
community quarreling about the nature and fragmented by loyalties to particular church
distribution of spiritual gifts, Paul replies that leaders such as Paul, Peter, Apollos and Jesus.
jealousy among those working in the Spirit of They were divided against one another in
God is as irrational as jealousy between the lawsuits. And they had become arrogant
eye and the ear: both are essential to the well- toward the poor among them and to the poor
being of the body as a whole. Then, in one of in Jerusalem. Paul tackled this problem in a
the most significant of all Pauline texts few different ways.
(chapter 13), the apostle explains to his fellow
For example, he argued that if they had only
Christians that no gift of God—whether it be
looked to Jesus as their primary leader, and
the gift of tongues, faith that moves
regarded the apostles and teachers as Christ's
mountains, or knowledge of mysteries—has
servants, the Corinthians would not have
meaning unless it is accompanied by love. He
clashed over their preferences for certain
also reaffirms the reality of Christ’s
apostles and teachers. By honoring the
Resurrection—doubted or denied by some—
apostles and teachers of the church too highly
as the very foundation of Christian faith.
they had lost sight of Jesus who far outshined
Paul also wrote extensively on the total
The main body consists of two large ineptitude of worldly wisdom at handling
subsections. Chapter 1:10–6:20 includes spiritual matters. Evidently, the influential
Paul's responses to reports he had received minority in the Corinthian church was largely
from Chloe's household. And 7:1–16:12 composed of those whom the secular society
contains Paul's responses to the letter he had would have respected such as the wealthy and
received from the Corinthian church. the educated. Under their leadership the rest of
the church followed suit in adhering to
In the first of these two subsections,
worldly values. For example, in 1:19-20, he
Paul addressed three main issues that had wrote:
come to his attention through the messages
It is written: "I will destroy the wisdom
from Chloe's household: divisions within the
of the wise; the intelligence of the
church; immorality; and Christian
intelligent I will frustrate." Where is
associations. As onehave already seen, the
the wise man? Where is the scholar?
Corinthian church had a number of problems
Where is the philosopher of this age?

Has not God made foolish the wisdom "Everything is permissible for me" —
of the world? (1 Corinthians 1:19-20). but not everything is beneficial.
"Everything is permissible for me" —
Besides telling the Corinthians they were
but I will not be mastered by
foolish for thinking like the world, he also let
anything… The body is not meant for
them know that they were spiritually
sexual immorality, but for the Lord,
immature. In 3:1-2 he wrote:
and the Lord for the body (1
Brothers, I could not address you as Corinthians 6:12-13).
spiritual but as worldly — mere infants
As seen here, some Corinthians thought that
in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid
any sexual conduct was permitted now that
food, for you were not yet ready for it.
Jesus had come.
Indeed, you are still not ready (1
Corinthians 3:1-2). Now, elsewhere in chapter 6 Paul mentioned a
number of sexual sins that had characterized
In other words, while the divisive Corinthians
the Corinthians prior to their coming to Christ,
thought themselves superior for their wisdom
including fornication, adultery, male and
and maturity, in reality they knew little to
female prostitution, and homosexuality. It is
nothing, and were not even close to being
possible, though not certain, that his
qualified to lead the people of God. Their
statements about immorality were directed
worldly values had blinded them to spiritual
toward members of the Corinthian church who
still engaged in these activities. In any event,
Paul also took the Corinthians to task for the the church's toleration of the man who
immorality that had been reported to him. cohabited with his stepmother clearly
Onehave already mentioned the case of the demonstrated their laxity in this area.
man who was cohabiting with his stepmother.
Finally, Paul clarified some instructions he
Paul addressed that issue in 5:1-13. But he
had previously given to the church concerning
wrote more generally about the subject in
Christian associations. He wanted them to
6:12-20, where onelearn that the Corinthians
maintain their relationships with unbelievers
had apparently misappropriated the slogan:
in the world, but to distance themselves from
"Everything is permissible for me." Paul
gross sinners who claimed to be believers, but
responded directly to this error by qualifying
who brought disrepute to the people of God,
the slogan in verses 12 and 13:
such as the man who lived in a sexual
relationship with his stepmother. In such

cases, the Corinthian church was to practice asceticism and sexual abstinence even within
proper church discipline, even marriage. The tendency of some Corinthian
excommunicating the offenders if necessary. believers toward asceticism seems to have
He summarized these instructions in 5:9-11: given rise to questions about sexual behavior
within marriage and about the honorableness
I have written you in my letter not to
of marriage itself. In response to this, Paul
associate with sexually immoral people
affirmed both marriage and singleness, and
— not at all meaning the people of this
insisted that marriage must include a sexual
world… In that case you would have to
element. But he also taught that singleness is
leave this world. But now I am writing
more advantageous than marriage because
you that you must not associate with
singleness allows believers to focus more on
anyone who calls himself a brother but
"the things of the Lord," that is, on the
is sexually immoral or greedy, an
interests of Christ's kingdom. Some believe
idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a
that Paul advocated singleness over marriage
swindler (1 Corinthians 5:9-11).
only during situations of crisis, while others
The second major section of the main body equally apply his instructions to all believers
of 1 Corinthians runs from 7:1–16:12. at all times since the first coming of Christ.

This is where one find Paul's responses to the In chapters 8–10, Paul addressed the subject
Corinthian church's questions on the subjects of meat that had been sacrificed to idols.
of marriage in 7:1-40; in chapters 8–10, meat Already, it is seen that he had spoken of meals
sacrificed to idols; 11:2-34 deals with served in idols' temples, which is the main
questions about worship and is not identified topic of chapter 8. But in common practice,
as being responsive to questions from the pagan temples did not eat or serve all of the
Corinthians; in chapters 12–14 spiritual gifts; meat from the animals they butchered, and
chapter 15 introduces the subject of the they often sold the remainder. So, in chapter
resurrection of all believers; in 16:1-12 the 10, Paul wrote about meat purchased in the
collection for the church in Jerusalem and marketplace. He defended believers who ate
Apollos. this meat, so long as they did not do so as an
act of pagan worship or in violation of their
The first questions to which Paul responded
conscience. But he also taught them not to eat
dealt with marriage, remarriage and
when their actions were likely to be mistaken
singleness. Paul took up these subjects in 7:1-
for idolatry. In the intervening material of
40. Some believers in Corinth adopted
chapter 9, he explained his own willingness to
restrict Christian freedom, implicitly asking Finally, in chapter 14 he rebuked the
others to do the same. Corinthians for their disorderly worship
services, and gave instructions on how they
In chapter 11, Paul turned to two matters
were to restrain their use of gifts in public
relating to worship: gender roles, which he
addressed in verses 2-16, and the
mistreatment of the poor during the Lord's Chapter 15 introduces the subject of the
Supper, which he dealt with in verses 17-34. resurrection of all believers. Evidently, some
The same arrogance and egocentrism that had in the Corinthian church denied that believers
led to factions in the church, to lawsuits, and would be raised bodily from the dead. In
to stumbling weak Christians with food, had response to this error, Paul explained that
also produced believers that disrespected one Christ's resurrection was key to the gospel,
another in worship. Not surprisingly, Paul's and that in order for believers to receive final
solution was not just to stop the offending salvation, they would have to be raised just as
behaviors, but also to change the attitudes of Jesus was.
the heart.
Paul completed his answers to the Corinthian's
In chapters 12–14, Paul addressed problems questions in 16:1-12 by giving them
related to the use of spiritual gifts. In instructions on how to take up the collection
chapter 12 he explained that the Holy Spirit for the needy church in Jerusalem, and by
did not give gifts in order to enhance the status making a few comments about Apollos.
of those gifted, or as a reward to the righteous;
rather, he gifted people according to the needs
In chapter 13, which is commonly known as
the "love chapter," Paul explained that all  Division (Damaged Relationships)
spiritual gifts were to be used in love, and that
Paul addressed several different types of
if they were not used in this way, they were
damaged relationships in his letters to the
Corinthians, including such things as rival
factions within the church, lawsuits between
believers, disregard toward the poor among
them, and a failure to minister to the poor in
Jerusalem. Let's look first at the problem of

rival factions. Prior to writing 1 Corinthians, Sadly, the divisions in the church were not
Paul received a report that the believers in simply ideological; they also appeared in the
Corinth were turned against each other by ways that Christians in Corinth were taking
identifying themselves with whichever teacher each other to court. Listen to how Paul
they held in highest esteem. Listen to the way described the situation in 1 Corinthians 6:7-8:
Paul described their attitude in 1 Corinthians
The very fact that you have lawsuits
among you means that you have been
One of you says, "I follow Paul"; completely defeated already. Why not
another, "I follow Apollos"; another, "I rather be wronged? Why not rather be
follow Cephas"; still another, "I follow cheated? Instead, you yourselves cheat
Christ" (1 Corinthians 1:12). and do wrong, and you do this to your
brothers (1 Corinthians 6:7-8).
Paul was astounded at the pettiness that
divided these believers. After all, Paul, This lack of concern for one another was also
Apollos, Peter and Jesus all taught the same evident in the way the poor were mistreated in
thing, namely that Jesus was supreme and that the Lord's Supper. Paul rebuked this behavior
apostles and teachers like Peter, Paul and in 1 Corinthians 11:21-22:
Apollos were his servants. They did not seek
As you eat, each of you goes ahead
to build rival schools of thought, but to build
without waiting for anybody else. One
up the church of Jesus Christ. As Paul wrote
remains hungry, another gets drunk…
in 1 Corinthians 3:5, 11:
Do you despise the church of God and
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is humiliate those who have nothing? (1
Paul? Only servants, through whom Corinthians 11:21-22).
you came to believe — as the Lord has
Such selfish egoism also led to a fourth form
assigned to each his task … No one can
of damaged relationship among Christians,
lay any foundation other than the one
their failure to collect relief funds they had
already laid, which is Jesus Christ (1
promised to the needy Christians in Jerusalem.
Corinthians 3:5, 11).
Paul had instructed them to take up this
Peter, Paul, Apollos and other human leaders collection even before he wrote 1 Corinthians.
obeyed Jesus in all things. They did only what But by the time he sent 2 Corinthians to them,
Jesus had appointed them to do, which was to they still had not completed it. Listen to Paul's
preach his gospel and to build his church.

exhortation to them regarding this matter in 2 It is actually reported that there is
Corinthians 8:10-11: sexual immorality among you, and of a
kind that does not occur even among
Last year you were the first not only to
pagans: A man has his father's wife (1
give but also to have the desire to do
Corinthians 5:1-2).
so. Now finish the work, so that your
eager willingness to do it may be In this context, the Greek term echo, here
matched by your completion of it (2 translated "has," means "lives sexually with."
Corinthians 8:10-11). The Corinthians were so confused in their
theology that they actually took pride in
Paul commended them for expressing a desire
tolerating this man's sexual relationship with
to meet the need of the saints in Jerusalem, but
his stepmother.
he had to press the issue throughout 2
Corinthians 8 and 9 to get them to follow On the other hand, some believers in Corinth
through with their promise. went to the opposite extreme, preferring
asceticism and sexual abstinence, even within
marriage. Paul rebuked this view, as well,
 Sexual Misconduct because it violated the marriage covenant and
left both spouses open to great sexual
In addition to damaged relationships, several
temptation. As he wrote in 1 Corinthians 7:2-
different sexual problems were also evident in
the church in Corinth. In general, it seems that
many Corinthians believed that because Jesus Each man should have his own wife,
had come, sexual matters were no longer and each woman her own husband. The
significant. From this attitude, two divergent husband should fulfill his marital duty
approaches to sexuality seem to have arisen. to his wife, and likewise the wife to her
On the one hand, some in the church husband… Do not deprive each other
apparently adopted the perspective of sexual except by mutual consent and for a
license. This probably resulted in a variety of time… Then come together again so
problems, perhaps including homosexuality that Satan will not tempt you because
and prostitution. But Paul mentioned one of your lack of self-control (1
problem explicitly: a man was cohabiting with Corinthians 7:2-5).
his stepmother. Listen to Paul's rebuke of this
The Greek word echo appears in this text also,
situation in 1 Corinthians 5:1-2:
where it is translated "have" in the phrase

"have his own wife." As we have already There is also a lack of consensus as to the
noted, in this type of context echo means "live identity of the "head" that is dishonored. Some
sexually with." Paul exhorted married couples think "head" refers to that part of one's body,
to maintain appropriate, ongoing sexual while others believe that the man's head is
relations in order that they might fulfill their Christ and the woman's head is man. But
marriage covenant and protect themselves regardless of what these terms denote, the
from sexual temptation. underlying issue is clear: men and women
were acting dishonorably in worship, in part
 Abuses in Worship
by blurring the appropriate distinctions
A third major problem in the Corinthian between the genders.
church was misconduct in worship. We have
In the second place, Paul also dealt with the
already seen that one of these was the
use of Spiritual Gifts in worship. Evidently,
mistreatment of the poor during the Lord's
many Corinthian believers possessed
Supper. Beyond this, issues also arose with
spectacular gifts such as tongues and
regard to three other issues: gender roles, the
prophecy, and they used them so frequently in
use of spiritual gifts, and meat sacrificed to
worship services that disorder ensued. In 1
Corinthians 14:26-33, Paul addressed the
In the first place, Paul was concerned about situation this way:
the way men and women conducted
Everyone has a hymn, or a word of
themselves in public worship. One corrective
instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an
he gave pertained to the use of head coverings
interpretation… If anyone speaks in a
during prayers. In 1 Corinthians 11:4-5 he
tongue, two — or at the most three —
should speak, one at a time, and
Every man who prays or prophesies someone must interpret… Two or three
with his head covered dishonors his prophets should speak, and the others
head. And every woman who prays or should weigh carefully what is said.
prophesies with her head uncovered And if a revelation comes to someone
dishonors her head (1 Corinthians 11:4- who is sitting down, the first speaker
5). should stop… For God is not a God of
disorder but of peace (1 Corinthians
Scholars disagree as to whether Paul was
speaking of the use of prayer shawls or veils,
or whether he was referring to hairstyles.

From Paul's words here, it would appear that added to their weaker brothers' confusion. As
worship services in Corinth were confusing he wrote in 1 Corinthians 8:10, 12:
and disorderly, with many people speaking
If anyone with a weak conscience sees
simultaneously. Paul insisted that unless
you … eating in an idol's temple, won't
believers listen to one another and defer to
he be emboldened to eat what has been
each other, they do not benefit from the words
sacrificed to idols? … When you sin
the Spirit has given.
against your brothers in this way and
In the third place, it is mentioned about the wound their weak conscience, you sin
issue of meat sacrificed to idols. In the ancient against Christ (1 Corinthians 8:10, 12).
world, much of the meat sold in the
By failing to consider their fellow believers in
marketplace had previously been sacrificed or
this way, they were partly responsible for the
devoted to an idol, and meals could even be
sin of their weaker brothers. One can see that
obtained directly from pagan temples. Now,
Paul was deeply concerned with a variety of
Paul insisted that pagan worship practices did
abuses in the Corinthians' worship. But at the
not taint the meat, and that Christians could
root of all of these problems was the fact that
eat this food as long as they did not do it as an
they were selfish and arrogant. They refused
act of pagan worship. But he also warned that
to stop indulging themselves, even when their
believers committed idolatry when they ate
indulgence caused others to fall into terrible
with the wrong mindset. He addressed this
sins like idolatry. As one will later in this
issue in 1 Corinthians 8:7, writing:
lesson, this refusal to honor and respect others
Some people are still so accustomed to was so reprehensible that at times it rendered
idols that when they eat such food they their worship worthless.
think of it as having been sacrificed to
 Rejection of Paul's Apostolic
an idol, and since their conscience is
weak, it is defiled (1 Corinthians 8:7).
The fourth problem that was mentioned was
Put simply, by eating meat that had been
the rejection of Paul's authority as an apostle.
sacrificed to idols, Corinthian Christians with
This was perhaps their greatest problem. As it
a poor understanding of theology were mixing
has been seen already in 1 Corinthians 1:12,
the worship of Christ with the worship of
many in Corinth downplayed Paul's authority
pagan gods. Paul also pointed out that even
by choosing rival figureheads for their
mature believers sinned when their eating
factions. What one has yet to look at is the fact

that in both letters Paul also had to defend his Corinthians into sinful ways of thinking and
apostleship against those who sought to living. In 2 Corinthians 11:12-15, Paul
discredit him entirely. For example, in 1 criticized these wicked men in the harshest
Corinthians 9:1-3, he wrote: terms:

Am I not an apostle?… Even though I I will… cut the ground from under
may not be an apostle to others, surely I those who want an opportunity to be
am to you! For you are the seal of my considered equal with us… For such
apostleship in the Lord. This is my men are false apostles, deceitful
defense to those who sit in judgment on workmen, masquerading as apostles of
me (1 Corinthians 9:1-3). Christ. And no wonder, for Satan
himself masquerades as an angel of
And in 2 Corinthians 12:11-12, he said
light. It is not surprising, then, if his
servants masquerade as servants of
I ought to have been commended by righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:12-15).
you, for I am not in the least inferior to
Paul refuted these con-men in extremely
the "super-apostles"… The things that
strong language because he knew their lies
mark an apostle — signs, wonders and
could have deadly consequences. If the
miracles — were done among you with
Corinthians believed the false apostles and
great perseverance (2 Corinthians
rejected Paul's teaching, then they would deny
both Christ and the gospel.
Some of the Corinthians had become so full of
themselves that they actually denied the
authority of the very apostle who had From the above, one can see that Paul faced a
converted them. And in his place, they looked number of problems as he wrote to the
to so-called "super-apostles" who were really Corinthians. As it has been clarified, these
not apostles at all. problems occupied Paul's thoughts throughout
1 Corinthians, and as he wrote to clarify these
These counterfeit apostles claimed to have the
issues, theologies were being formed out of
same authority that Paul and the other
the responses of the Blessed Apostle Paul.
legitimate apostles carried. And they taught a
false gospel that was seducing many


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