The Peril of Insecurity in Nigeria and The Church's Character and Psalms 91

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The Nigerian society is really experiencing a high level of insecurity in both the northern
and southern part. This has become a major issue for the country since 1990 when the
activities of the Niger Delta militants started until recent times when Boko Haram
insurgents arose in the Northern part of the country. Since then, Nigeria has witnessed
unprecedented security challenges. These challenges ranges from kidnapping, suicide
attacks, bombings, ritual killings, assassinations, armed robbery, and this has led to the
destruction of lives and properties, hindered business activities, discouraged local and
foreign investors, increases government expenditure on security, all of these stifles and
retards Nigeria’s socio-economic development. Many lives and properties have been lost
and a large number of citizens rendered homeless. Families have lost their loved ones.
Many women are now widows. Children become orphans with no hope of the future.
Recent events of insecurity across the globe especially the current wave of it Nigeria, has
focused many minds on issues of insecurity. By doing an exegetical study of Psalms 91:1-
16, the research aims at looking into the reality of insecurity in Nigeria and the response
of the Church should be in the face of this threat in the country of Nigeria.

INTRODUCTION bombing, kidnapping/hostage taking, destruction

of property, creation of fear, to mention but a few.
It is a known fact that insecurity is detrimental to
This paper therefore examines the causes,
general wellbeing of the people with its resultant
government efforts at fostering peace as well as
effects in the areas of illnesses; low life
the effect of insecurity on human being and the
expectancy; low quality of life and even death. On
nation economy.Other matters of concern include
the economy, insecurity has led to the destruction
intra/inter-party acrimony; porous boundaries;
of business, properties and equipments; relocation
unemployment, jobs racketeering and illiteracy.
and closing down of businesses.Insecurity has
This is targeted at minimally debunking the usual
become a dangerous monster which security
argument about religion being the major cause of
agents in Nigeria appear incapable of handling
insecurity in Nigeria. This paper suggests that
vis-a-vis its multifaceted manifestations like

since Christians in Nigeria should not be afraid Security has long been a part of human existence
but be encouraged knowing that God shall surely and sustenance and could be aptly viewed as
deliver them as the Psalmist prayed in Psalms freedom from threat or violence which could lead
which was used for exegesis in this paper. to the loss of lives and properties. That is, security
is a situation in which citizens are free from any
threats to their life and means of livelihood, safe
One of the fundamental human rights of the from bodily harm, diseases, unemployment, and
people in any given state is the right to security human rights violations wherever they may find
and this is why it is always provided for in the themselves within a sovereign nation.
constitution of most sovereign states. Nigeria is
Various scholars across the globe have postulated
not an exception, thus Section 14 (2)(b) of the
differing viewpoints on the concept of security;
Nigerian 1999 constitution states clearly that “the
according to the United Nations Development
security and welfare of the people shall be the
Programme (1994) human security could be
primary purpose of the government”. Although
defined as protection from hidden and hurtful
the problem of insecurity is not new in Nigeria,
disruptions in the daily activities, at homes,
however since the confirmation of Goodluck
offices or communities. That is, security is the
Jonathan in February 2010 as the President and
state of being safe and secure from danger, it
Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of the
could also be protection from chronic threats such
Federal Republic of Nigeria following the
as hunger, disease and repression. For the
hospitalization and eventual death of President
Commission on Human Security (2003), human
Yar’adua the nation has been witnessing
security is the protection of important aspect of
unparalleled security challenges. Now, hardly a
human lives in a way that would enhance human
day goes by without a report of one security
freedoms and fulfillment. Human security
challenge or the other. Unfortunately, ordinary
encompasses freedom from want, harm, fear and
citizens as well as the nation’s economic resources
the freedom to take appropriate actions without
are at the receiving end of this wanton destruction.
any form of hindrance. It is also the assurance of
The series of bombings and killings in the north;
future well being and freedom from threat.
kidnapping and armed robbery attack in the south;
Williams (2008) who sees security from the socio-
political and economic related assassinations as
political perspective averred that security involves
well as the politically influenced communal wars
the capacity to pursue cherished political and
has become a multi-hydra headed monster which
social ambitions. That is, security is socio-
security agents in Nigeria appear incapable of
political in nature as without security there can be
no political stability and consequently social
activities will be in chaos.

Palme (1992) argues that there is a connection order. By this, state could be secured against
between security and survival. For him, security is threats which may include low-level civil
a basic condition for the survival of human beings. disorder, crime, organised violence, or even an
Thus, security is synonymous to freedom from armed insurgency (El-Rufai, 2012).
danger, fear and doubt among others. Security,
Nwagboso (2012) argues is an essential concept EXEGESIS OF THE TEXT: PSALMS 91:1-16
which is commonly associated with the alleviation
 Background:
of threats to the survival of individuals or groups.
Thus, for him, security can be equated with The Septuagint (LXX: Greek version of the Old
freedom from present and future danger, harm or Testament) attributes this psalm to David, but that
anxiety however, security may not be the absence remains in question. Scholars are not certain of the
of threats but it is the ability to respond to these time and circumstances of its writing. The
threats with appropriate skill and expertise. psalmist wrote it to assure Israel that Yahweh
would keep them safe through all trials if they put
In the views of Otto and Ukpere (2012), security
their trust in him and tried to live faithfully in
relates to the presence of peace, safety, happiness
accord with Yahweh’s will (Anderson,
and the protection of human and physical
resources or the absence of crisis. For Akin (2008) Such a message is timeless. It would have served
security is any laid down procedures toward the Israel well during David’s reign, when Israel was
protection of persons and property against hostile beset by many enemies. It would have served
persons. It is a situation where by a conducive them well during the Babylonian Exile, when only
atmosphere is created within which people in the the eyes of faith could see the possibility that they
state can go about their normal daily activities would ever again see Jerusalem. It would have
without threat to either their lives or properties. served them well when King Cyrus of Persia
Thus, security encompasses all approach toward defeated Babylon and freed Israelites to return to
safeguarding human as well as material resources Jerusalem and rebuild the city, where they found a
in the state against all forms of aggressions or ruined city and were faced with many enemies
violent conduct. Critically appraising Nigeria’s (Clifford 1432).
security problems Omoyibo and Akpomera (2012)
 Exegesis:
avowed that security in Nigeria is synonymous to
an individual who put iron bars across his or her Verse 1a says, “He who dwells in the secret place
windows which eventually prevents the individual (Hebrew: seter) of the Most High” (v. 1a). The
from escaping a fire outbreak. For them, the only Hebrew word seter means a secret place or hiding
condition for the maintenance of peace and the place. As is customary with poetry, the psalmist
guarantee of security is by upholding law and

doesn’t amplify on the meaning of seter, but again, the idea is of the protection afforded by the
instead leaves it up to us to tease out the Almighty God.
possibilities. “The secret place of the Most High”
• Yahweh is the psalmist’s manseh (refuge or
could be: shelter).

• The temple. • Yahweh is his mesudah (hiding place,

stronghold, fortress).
• A quiet place where we can go to God in
prayer––our bedroom or prayer closet. The Hebrew word batah (trust) means “to feel
secure” or “to have confidence in.” The psalmist’s
• A church sanctuary, hospital chapel, or airport
prayer room. faith in God gives him confidence and a feeling of
• The seashore or forest where nature calms our security.
souls and draws us to God.
“For he will deliver you from the snare (Hebrew:
The important thing is not the place but that we
pah) of the fowler” (v. 3a). The word “For”
meet the Most High there.
connects this verse with verse 2. The psalmist can
The Psalmist continued, “will rest (Heb. lin) in the feel secure, because he is confident that Yahweh
shadow (Hebrew: sel) of the Almighty” (v. 1b). will deliver him from the snare (pah) of the fowler
The Hebrew word lin (rest) means to lodge or (a person who sets traps to catch birds, usually for
dwell or tarry or rest, and can designate either a eating). He assures us that we can enjoy the same
temporary or permanent lodging. In this verse, confidence if we “dwell in he secret place of the
resting in the shadow of the Almighty is the Most High” (v. 1).“and from the deadly
blessing that the faithful person experiences for pestilence” (Hebrew: deber) (v. 3b). The word
dwelling in Yahweh’s presence. The Hebrew deber means plague or pestilence. In this case, the
word sel means shadow of shade. In Hebrew psalmist emphasizes its deadly character.
thought sel is most often welcoming shade from Historically, more soldiers have died from disease
noonday sun or protection afforded by the shadow than from swords, spears, and bullets. The
of Yahweh’s wings (Psalm 17:8).However, the psalmist is talking about a serious threat when he
words shadow and shade also acknowledge that uses the word deber. But he is confident that
the faithful person dwells in a world that is Yahweh will deliver him from plagues and
sometimes dark. Even there, God is present. pestilence, because he “dwells in the secret place
of the Most High.”“He will cover you with his
Verse 2 says, “I will say of Yahweh, ‘He is my
feathers. Under his wings you will take refuge”
refuge (Hebrew: manseh) and my fortress
(v. 4ab). Chicks taking refuge under their
(Hebrew: mesudah); my God, in whom I trust'”
mother’s wings serve as a metaphor for people
(Hebrew: batah) (v. 2). This verse repeats the idea
finding refuge in God’s presence.
of verse 1b, but with different imagery. Once

“His faithfulness (‘emet––truth) is your shield the connotation of deserved punishment. That is
(Hebrew: sinnah) and rampart” (Hebrew: true in this verse, where we see the wicked being
soherah––buckler) (v. 4c). The word ‘emet is punished.
usually translated truth. Truth is real, dependable,
“Because you have made Yahweh your refuge,
stable––that which we can trust. Truth doesn’t
and the Most High your dwelling place, no evil
shift with every passing folly. Truth is faithful.
shall happen to you, neither shall any plague
We can count on it. We can put down our foot on
come near your dwelling” (vv. 9-10). These verses
truth, and it will prove solid––won’t collapse
include conditional promises. The promises are
under our weight.Yahweh is like that. Yahweh is
that “no evil shall happen to you” and “neither
the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The
shall any plague come near your dwelling.”But
wonderful thing is that “God is love” (1 John
those promises are conditional on making
4:16). God loved us yesterday, and will love us
“Yahweh your refuge” and “the Most High your
dwelling place.” Verse 9 assumes that the reader
The psalmist assures us that, with God at our side, has complied with these conditions, so the
we have nothing to fear. That seems to overstate promises apply. However, the conditional nature
the case. I believe in God and depend on him for of the promises serve as a warning that the
deliverance, but I nevertheless find myself afraid. promises will no longer apply if we disassociate
It might be chinks in my faith that leave me ourselves from Yahweh.“For he will put his
vulnerable to fear––but I don’t know anyone who angels in charge of you, to guard you in all your
has no chinks in their faith.Whatever the case, ways. They will bear you up in their hands, so
these verses assure us that God will deliver us. To that you won’t dash your foot against a stone” (vv.
the extent that we believe that, it will allay our 11-12). Angels are God’s messengers (Hebrews
fear. 1:14; Revelation 1:1)––part of the created order
and therefore wholly subordinate to God. They are
He says, “A thousand may fall at your side, and
mighty (Psalm 78:25), and serve by doing God’s
ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not
will (Psalm 103:1). They sometimes appear in
come near you” (v. 7). These thousands and tens
human form (Genesis 18:2; Ezekiel 9:2).
of thousands are most likely the victims of
However, we must guard against angel worship
pestilence and destruction mentioned in verse 6?
and the trivialization of angels popular in some
The principle, however, can be extended to fit any
circles today. Angels are not appropriate objects
situation. In that, “You will only look with your
of our worship.
eyes, and see the recompense (Hebrew:
sillumah––punishment) of the wicked” (v. 8b). “You will tread on the lion and cobra. You will
The word sillumah means punishment, but carries trample the young lion and the serpent underfoot”

(v. 13). Note the contrast between “dash your feet The first of those meanings (deliver) has God
against a stone” (v. 12b) and “tread on the lion pulling the person out of the troubled situation, a
and cobra” and “trample the young lion and scenario where the troubled person plays only a
serpent” (v. 13). Lions serve as a metaphor for passive role. The second meaning (equipping, to
powerful forces that can take us apart with one include equipping for war) has God providing us
swipe of their claws. Cobras and serpents serve as with the resources to handle the situation
a metaphor for smaller but equally deadly forces ourselves. God does both––delivering us and
that appear suddenly, seemingly from nowhere. equipping us.
We will do well to avoid such dangers, but the
At the end, God promised thus: “I will satisfy him
promise is that Yahweh will enable us to tread on
with long life, and show him my salvation” (v.
and trample them without fear.
16). Long life is usually a blessing (unless it
The Psalmist also says, “Because he has set his involves prolonged suffering, dementia, or
love (Hebrew: hasaq) on me, therefore I will something else that inhibits the quality of life).At
deliver him” (v. 14a). The voice shifts with this the time that the psalmist wrote this psalm, the
verse. Until now, we have been listening to the Israelite people had not yet developed a strong
psalmist as he conveys Yahweh’s promises. belief in eternal life, as we know it in the New
However, now we begin to hear from Yahweh Testament––so the salvation mentioned here
directly. The Hebrew word hasaq (set his love) probably meant to the psalmist only deliverance
means to attach, love, delight, or bind. Yahweh is from trouble. But in these words, the psalmist is
speaking about those who attach themselves to quoting Yahweh, who would help his people to
him––bind themselves to him––love him––take develop a strong belief in eternal life. Therefore
delight in him. He will deliver those people. the psalmist is probably saying more than he
understood––deliverance from trouble and
“He will call on me, and I will answer him. I will
salvation to eternal life.
be with him in trouble” (v. 15ab). Yahweh is an
accessible God, who answers when called and CAUSATIVE FACTORS OF INSECURITY
walks with people in the midst of their troubles.“I IN NIGERIA
will deliver (Hebrew: halas) him, and honor
Factor that have and is causing insecurity in
(Hebrew: kabed) him” (v. 15c). The word halas
Nigeria are:
(deliver) has several meanings, at least two of
which fit here. It means delivering from danger,  Political Factors
which is how this translation sees it. It also means
The unexpected power shift from the northern
preparing, to include equipping for war.
hegemony to a minority geo-political zone of
South-south, as a result of the death of President

Yar’adua could be linked to the high tempo of  Unemployment Factor

insecurity. That is, the death of President
Idle hand, they say is the devil workshop so as the
Yar’adua resulted in an alteration of the northern
rate of unemployment continues to rise so does
perpetual claim on political power in Nigeria. In
the wave of crime and its attendant effect. The
addition, the refutation of the North-South
Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) cited in
agreement on rotational presidency within the
Ogahet al., (2011) puts unemployment in Nigeria
People’s Democratic Party (PDP) is also another
at 23.9 per cent and still raising. These
major factor, thus the death of Yar’Adua and the
unemployed people now employ themselves by
ascendancy of Goodluck Jonathan as the president
engaging in illegal activities such as kidnapping,
upset careful political arrangement (Ferrell, 2012).
robbery, bunkering, and other nefarious activities.
Other forms of insecurity include politically
related assassinations. In addition to this is the Other reasons may include- growing poverty, poor
continuing rancour among political leaders even infrastructural facilities, high illiteracy level
within same party and rancour between the ruling (especially in northern Nigeria), social dislocation
party and the opposition (Wali, n.d.). There are as a result of rural/urban migration and the
also several economic related assassinations all breakdown of societal values, community unrest
over the nation which creates danger to the and the inefficient and ineffective security agents
nation’s economy. Furthermore, there is the power which are saddled with the responsibility of
play and over-ambition of politicians who guaranteeing security to the citizens (Daniel,
willfully encourage the procurement of weapons 2011).
in order topursue their inordinate political
ambition (Egbewole, 2013).
Insecurity paranoia is continuing to haunt all
 Leadership Factor
inhabitants of Nigeria as it is already fast dawning
The Nigerian state for sometimes now has not had on them that government cannot effectively
the benefit of being administered by good leaders guarantee the security of lives and properties. The
as most of the political leaders are in office for state security agents who are saddled with the
pecuniary gains. Often, sadly, these crops of responsibility for the security of life and property
political leaders oppress the citizens with the which include- the police, state security agencies,
looted money, train thugs and hooligans who later the military, immigration, and prison service have
turn to robbers or engage in other forms of crime all performed abysmally in the discharge of their
when they are dumped by the politicians after duties. The level of insecurity in Nigeria is
elections thus constituting a major threat to the multifaceted as such one cannot accurately
security of the nation. categorise the patterns of insecurity. Agomuo

(2013) posits regarding the nature of insecurity in South and South- East which is the oil base of the
Nigeria that nation, kidnapping is rampant and the activities
cover every part of the zone with victims of all
At different times in the past, these
ages and all walks of life; in the North, robbery
different groups have held the Nigerian
across the border coupled with Boko Haram
nation to ransom. In each of these different
insurgence is the security challenge.
times, the groups reigned, the nation’s
security agencies were unable to deal with The menace of the Boko Haram for sometimes
them or quell their lawless conduct now has constituted a thorn in the flesh of
through superior fire power. The Nigerians; from the first time they struck in Borno
government has always reached a form of State part of Nigeria in 2009, over 4000 people
settlement with these organisations. The including Nigeria citizens as well as expatriates
trend is that each time the government has been killed in violent deadly attacks targeting
reached a compromise with these lawless Christian churches, police, a few mosques,
groups, it became weaker and new groups military installations, Western-type educational
emerged to use violent means to extract a institutions with innocent students and even
commitment from government. In a typical children (Edukugho, 2012). They have also
behaviour of a nation that thrives on a rent carried out a series of deadly and costly bombing
economy, the government has always campaigns in the country - the Independence
sought to buy peace and always ended anniversary bombing, the bombing of the United
with the peace of the graveyard like the Nations office in Abuja, the bombing of the Police
current situation in the Niger Delta where Headquarters in Abuja, the bombing of the
former militants have been transformed military base in Kaduna (cited in Egbewole,
into either top level government 2013). And many other cases that depict
contractors or emergency crude oil refiners insecurity in Nigeria.
in the creeks or kidnap merchants, despite
an amnesty programme that still costs the
government billions of Naira every year
OF PSALMS 91:1-16
2021). To begin with, the Book of Psalms also attest to
the fact that God is the source of our ultimate
There are different forms of insecurity in Nigeria.
peace and security. The arm of flesh will surely
For example in the South-West geo-political zone,
fail. Psalm 91 verse 1-12 explains that God is the
armed robbery is prevalent especially in cities like
peace and security of the godly and the church
Lagos, Ibadan, Akure and Abeokuta; in the South-
must uphold this. The Psalmist says,

For he will deliver you from the snare of instructions in our schools. Dignity of labour
the fowler and from deadly pestilence. He reward for handwork has to be promoted while
will cover you with his pinions and under adequate punishment for laziness, bribery and
his wings you will find refuge, his corruption is enshrined. It is important that the
faithfulness is a shield and buckler.You entire populace must be security conscious and be
will not fear the terror of the night nor the ready to make necessary report to the police and
arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence equally be ready to stand in any court of law to
that stalks in darkness nor the destruction stand as witness against culprits. Since security is
that wastes at noonday (Ps. 91:3-6). a collective responsibility, it is important that all
are determined to join various security watch
Looking at the bad nature of security in Nigeria,
outfits in the various communities, so that peace
the church should not compromise its role as
and security will reign.
social watchdog by playing “spiritual advisers” to
deadly politicians who camouflage as “friends of More so, the practice of conferring honours and
the masses”. Rather, it should be aggressively awards on personalities in appreciation of their
involved in preaching against the maltreatment of contribution to the church or the society should
the masses by the government. The pulpit should not be monetized. This would definitely reduce
be effectively used to combat the ills in the corruption and promote decent living among the
society, just as many great preachers did in people in government. Hence, pleasers of men
history. rather than God, corruption and injustice will be
The church should let them know that all evil
practices if not checked/corrected, will be CONCLUSION
punished by God here on earth and in the
The insecurity challenge in Nigeria has assumed a
hereafter. If therefore, politicians and leaders can
formidable dimension that not only requires a
rule according to God’s words, the society will
multi-stakeholder approach, as it is being touted in
enjoy peace and security. The religious leaders in
various quarters, in quelling this conflagration
the country should shun the „gifts of money‟ and
threatening Nigeria’s statehood, but also
position in government and show good examples
necessitates a revival and reinforcement of moral
to their followers.
values and virtues. The thirst for blood and the
The church must teach that ultimate security is of preference for violence in expressing pent-up
God but as citizens of this nation, a religious frustration and disenchantment with the state, its
nation has prominent roles to play both citizens may be a pointer to the need to revive
individually and collectively. Emphasis has to be moral values and virtues within the
placed on the teaching of Religious and moral socioeconomic, political, religious and

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