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The Visitor,
Your Eminence, the Most Rev. N. N. Eke;
The Principal Officers of the General Assembly,
The Vice Chancellor, Abia State University,
Prof. Onyemaechi Maxwell Ogbulu;
The Acting Chairman of College Council,
Eld. Engr. Nnamdi Udoh;
The Moderator, East Synod,
Rt. Rev. Osondu K. Ukpai;
The Moderator, Arochukwu Presbytery,
Rt. Rev. Godwin Eyibio Okon;
Our Landlords,
The Okoni Na Akoro Kindred;
The Rector, HGLTTIA,
Rev. Dr. Olo Ndukwe,
The Registrar, HGLTTIA,
Rev. Jones Otisi Kalu;
Lecturers and Research Assistants;
Fellow Graduands;
Invited Guests;
Brothers and Sisters in the Lord.
I feel highly honoured and humbled to stand here as the class valedictorian for the graduating class of
2021 of Hugh Goldie Theological Institution, Arochukwu - Citadel of Godly Learning and Relevance. O
yes, we have conquered; this day is a great one.

I will not fail to say "many, many congratulations" to us - the graduating class, the class of 2021. Well,
we made it. We made it through periods of Greek and Hebrew classes, through periods of hermeneutics
and exegesis classes, through weeks of systematic and public theologies, through periods of Old and New
Testament theologies and of course, classes of church histories. We have achieved one of the major
milestones of our lives: graduation from a theological institution. This is a major step in the journey of
our lives, one that should be recognized for its immense significance.

On a historic day like this, I reflect on how it all began four years ago. We all came through the
prestigious gate of this school as individuals from different backgrounds, full of hopes and aspirations.
Most of us did not know our way around and were uncertain what our years in this school would bring.
We had a good journey with some challenges along the way but we are grateful that we are seated here
this afternoon not as strangers but as a family. Those assignments, term papers, seminars, fees and exams
which we thought will make us not to be part of this day brought strengths to us instead. To this, I re-
echo the words of Apostle Paul, "Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming
from ourselves, but our adequacy comes from God.” We are thankful to God for thus far He has brought
us as individuals and as a class.

To our lecturers and all the College staff, you deserve a salute and a bow for your hard work and
dedication. We came to this school very rough and raw but we are leaving refined and polished for the
work of God in the world. You taught us with so much zeal and joy, making sure that we become better
persons. Even when you were owed for months, you would not relent to pass on knowledge to us. With
Valedictory Speech by Ufere, Godswill Ome (Class of 2021), Hugh Godie Institution, Arochukwu :::: 25th June, 2021. Page 1
Jesus joy in our hearts, we say more grease to your elbows. As we look at these four quickly passed
amazing years, it is easy to say and see that Hugh Goldie Institution has played an instrumental role in
helping to shape us into the pastors and theologians we are today and each of you was one of the secret
behind it.

To our lovely parents and family members, you deserve a tap on the shoulder for your support, care and
valuable advice. You never abandoned us while we disturbed you with calls for one payment or the other.

More so, our lives as students would have been woefully incomplete without course mates, friends, and
acquaintances we made along the way and at best fellow pastors in-training from year one to year four
classes. There is something truly wonderful about the students of this citadel. There is something
amazing about the refectory (no eating of food there, but Goldians can explain better), the sports days,
the hostel life, fetching of waters from streams with fascinating names and walking down the school and
being able to name each and every face. It was wonderful.

Four years ago, we were tagged “Year Ones.” In 2017, I can remember, we sat in this same chapel for
orientation in preparation for our entrance exams and for matriculation later, but here we are today ready
to venture into the world in order to achieve new milestones in spite of the challenges, discomforts,
sleepless nights and the fear of the unknown. We persisted because we believed that obstacles and trials
are inevitable; really, when we overcome them, we only grow stronger and better. Sadly, not all of us
survived till this day; for instance, out of 61 of us that matriculated on 10 November, 2017, not all are
graduating today. It can only be God’s mercy.

Throughout my stay in this school, till now that am standing here, “excellence guided by Godly
discipline” was my watch-word. I sought for this in all areas: faith, character and learning. So, to the year
one, two and three students who we are leaving behind, we encourage you to seek excellence in all.
Remember the motto of the school, “Study to show thyself approved….” This motto as well calls for
excellence in your character, faith and studies. The more you think about it through these years, the more
it will become real. Therefore, shun mediocrity and embrace excellence in your studies, even as God will
help you.

To my fellow graduands, today, we are leaving this citadel of godly learning and relevance as better
individuals, not just because we possess Diplomas in Theology or Bachelors of Divinity and Bachelors of
Arts but because vital principles such as discipline, integrity, humility, hardwork and perseverance have
been instilled in us. As we prepare to begin a new chapter of our lives, let us continue with these virtues.
I entreat us to value and maintain the relationships we have built with each other over the years.

At this point, I would conclude by giving this word of advice: we each have our unique strengths and
abilities. If a fish was judged by its ability to fly or walk, it would be considered a failure. Thus, we
should not measure our success by what others are able or unable to do, instead we should utilize our
God-given gifts and talents and set standards that will make us proud as alumni of Hugh Goldie
Lay/Theological Training Institution.

Congratulations, class of 2021.

God bless Hugh Goldie Institution.
God bless us all. Thank you.

Valedictory Speech by Ufere, Godswill Ome (Class of 2021), Hugh Godie Institution, Arochukwu :::: 25th June, 2021. Page 2

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