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Lesson No. Topics Page No.

Lesson 01 Introducing Economic Development: A Global Perspective……………...01

Lesson 02 Comparative Economic Development …………………………………… 10
Lesson 03 Comparative Economic Development (Continued)……………………….20
Lesson 04 Classic Theories of Economic Growth and Development………………...30
Lesson 05 Classic Theories of Economic Growth and Development (Continued1)….35
Lesson 06 Classic Theories of Economic Growth and Development (Continued2)….41
Lesson 07 Poverty, Inequality and Economic Development………………………….50
Lesson 08 Poverty, Inequality and Economic Development (Continued1)…………...57
Lesson 09 Poverty, Inequality and Economic Development (Continued2)…………...63
Lesson 10 Population Growth and Economic Development: Causes, Consequences and
Lesson 11 Population Growth and Economic Development: Causes, Consequences and
Controversies (Continued1)………………………………………………..78
Lesson 12 Population Growth and Economic Development: Causes, Consequences and
Controversies (Continued2)………………………………………………..84
Lesson 13 Population Growth and Economic Development: Causes, Consequences and
Controversies (Continued3)………………………………………………..90
Lesson 14 Human Capital: Education and Health in Economic Development………..95
Lesson 15 Human Capital: Education and Health in Economic Development
Lesson 16 Human Capital: Education and Health in Economic Development
Lesson 17 Human Capital: Education and Health in Economic Development
Lesson 18 Exogenous and Endogenous Growth Theory……………………………...122
Lesson 19 Production Function Approach to the Analysis of Growth………………..129
Lesson 20 Contemporary Models of Development and Underdevelopment………….134
Lesson 21 Contemporary Models of Development and Underdevelopment
Lesson 22 Urbanization and Rural Urban Migration: Theory and Policy…………….151
Lesson 23 Urbanization and Rural Urban Migration: Theory and Policy
Lesson 24 Urbanization and Rural Urban Migration: Theory and Policy
Lesson 25 Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development……………………..173
Lesson 26 Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development (Continued1)………179
Lesson 27 Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development (Continued2)………184
Lesson 28 Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development (Continued3)………192
Lesson 29 The Environment and Economic Development…………………………….199
Lesson 30 The Environment and Economic Development (Continued1)……………...204
Lesson 31 The Environment and Economic Development (Continued2)……………...210
Lesson 32 The Environment and Economic Development (Continued3)……………...216
Lesson 33 The Environment and Economic Development (Continued4)……………...223
Lesson 34 International Trade Theory and Development Strategy…………………….228
Lesson 35 International Trade Theory and Development Strategy (Continued1)……...234
Lesson 36 International Trade Theory and Development Strategy (Continued2)……...241
Lesson 37 International Trade Theory and Development Strategy (Continued3)……...249
Lesson 38 International Trade Theory and Development Strategy (Continued4)...……255
Lesson 39 International Trade Theory and Development Strategy (Continued5) ……264
Lesson 40 Balance of Payments, Debt, Financial Crises and Stabilization Policies….274
Lesson 41 Balance of Payments, Debt, Financial Crises and Stabilization Policies
Lesson 42 Balance of Payments, Debt, Financial Crises and Stabilization Policies
Lesson 43 Foreign Finance, Investment, and Aid: Controversies and Opportunities…300
Lesson 44 Foreign Finance, Investment, and Aid: Controversies and Opportunities
(Continued) ………………………………………………………………..311
Lesson 45 Finance and Fiscal Policy for Development……………………………….318

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