Reflect On A Difficult or Challenging Experience PDF Rewritten

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Reflect on a difficult or challenging Experience and

what I learned from it .

Traveling and vacation usually is an escape from reality and

challenges we face in our routine life but not for me .It was the trip where
we planned to hike Himalaya on post SPM holidays Even though we are
not a nomadic family, we managed plan it quite well and the plan was set .

We took a flight from Malaysia to Delhi and booked a van to go to

the base of Himalaya from the airport . The travel to there was one of
most the spine chilling experience I have ever had. The roads are so
narrow , it is a one slip away from death . The risks and dangers of
pathway that we travel must be studied early to get us ready for it .
Preparation is vital for travelling .

We reached and I was stunned by the fascinating view and

shocked to learn that they have extended the hike pathway , the floods
being the reason. The hike was 21 km long .We started at 8 am and
reached around 2 am . This taught us researching before we travel is
crucial because we must be updated about their current happenings and

It was frosty but manageable hike until 9 pm . At 9 pm they

switched of the light and it was pitch black . The mountain is filled with
wild animals . Moreover, I was knackered at the halfway. My parents
didn’t give up on me, were motivating me to continue and didn’t leave on
the trail. I learned that family always have your back. After the 13 hours
hike, I enjoyed a breathtaking view . It shows hard work always pays off.

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