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Performance management Exam

Ans 1. If I were Peterson, I would have 3 options that are to terminate him, accept his
demand or come up with an alternate solution. to come up with the decision I will consider
the following factors:
 The company policy: according to the company’s policy, a sales executive cannot
have an assistant unless he has many accounts to handle and is generating huge
revenue for the company. So as of now Wu was new and has only spent 8 to 10
months in the company, other than that he has only one client which shows his
request was unreasonable and if accepted then it will be not fair for the other
 From the business perspective: Wu was able to generate revenue which exceeded
his goals, so if Peterson terminated him then they could probably lose the business
from that client as that client has a personal relationship with Wu and there is not
much communication between the Chinese client and office staff. we can see in past
that when the employees were laid off, the clients of their employees also back off.
So, the business needs to have such employees who have the potential to generate
business in a few months.
 Wu’s behaviour:
 he was not participating in the sponsored events organised by the
AccountBack, he has shown negligence to communicate to her supervisor
about his inability to attend the conference even after reminders from his
 The office has been designed to have open communications, but Wu
never received or made any call while he was at the desk, he maintained
privacy while talking. this impacts the other employees who are following
the company’s guidelines.
 he was not attending the informal meetings that Peterson has arranged to
build their interpersonal relationships.
 He was inconsistent, as Petersen couldn't maintain daily contact with him
due to his absence from his desk. most of the employees were making
cold calls and completing their administrative work from the desk only but
Fred was not the same.
 Fred was familiar with their recently launched online sales management
tool so he guided other employees which indicates his extra role in the
growth of the company.
 His dedication for the first month, where he used to spend a lot of time in
the office to understand the products and services of the company was
He has shown both positive and negative sides of him while working but I
can infer that he doesn't like any interference in his dealings as he was
previously working as an entrepreneur who decides on his own like he
solely decided to give add-on services to the customer, he did not refer me
once before taking that decision. Looking into the above considerations I
would like to have a conversation with him about an alternate that will not
affect the other employees and also can be convenient for Fred.

Specific actions that can result in better performance and relations with Wu can be:
 Cultural awareness: Fred comes from Chinese culture which is very different from the
American culture also the office does not have employees from that background so it
becomes important to aware the staff about Chinese culture. in Chinese culture they
have an indirect style of communication which generates lots of ambiguity which leads
to the miscommunication between them.
 clear and direct communication: Peterson can have clear and direct communication
with Fred regarding the matters which she does not think are not appropriate Like his
absence from his desk and having long meetings and launching to establish a network
and her expectations of him are to behave in a certain manner or to follow a certain
code of conduct. At the same time listening to his viewpoints about his style of working,
maybe due to the cultural difference and to generate business from Chinese customers
he has to work in this way.

ANS 2.
Peterson's performance evaluation from a behaviour perspective:
 She has shown great leadership skills by giving ideas to employees and arranging
inside and outside specialists to train the employees. She arranged informal meetings
for the interpersonal relationships of employees although some lacking like she was
not able to understand the working style of Fred. there were some conflicts between
the two. she was unable to make personal relations with Fred. and also some
employees were bothered by her interference in their work. but she has a clear
understanding of her goals and how to achieve them.
 She was reluctant to listen to other employees and she terminated one of the
employees due to cross-questioning her, which led to the loss of the largest client. The
same was the case with Fred, she was not happy with his behaviour, but she was
reluctant to understand his culture and his style of working. the similarity between
both the employees is that they were generating high revenues for the company, but
their style of working was not aligned with the style of working of Peterson.
 she was unable to align the employees who have different cultures and different styles
of working with her.
 She was seeing the behaviour of Fred in a negative light but if she was a little aware
of the cultural differences then she can find strength in the working pattern of Fred
who was aware of the Chinese market.
Peterson's performance evaluation from a result perspective:
 Under her directions, the team exceeded the targets for new business by 15%.
 high revenue from her decision to invade the Chinese businesses, they were close to
generating bonuses by exceeding their goals.

Peterson's performance evaluation from a trait perspective:

 She has a hands-on approach and she was rarely seen at her desk rather she visits
employees’ desks to help them and give solutions. she provides help if she can and
was always ready to face the situations and not just give the solution but also to
implement it.

ANS 3.

 Peterson’s team was very diverse in nature, her team consists of 11 salespeople and 3
assistants. Petersen was young and want to have a close-knit team. Her team consists
of diverse age groups of people, some were veterans, and some were new. some
employees find her style of working to be very efficient as she was engaging with the
employees and giving them solutions and providing them with specialists for training,
but some were not liking her interference at all.
 The challenge she was facing is to manage the cultural disparity and different styles of
working of employees. she was unable to integrate the different cultures and working
styles with that of her. She want to generate bonuses for herself which acted as a key
to motivation, she wanted her team to work hard so she bought the specialists from
inside or outside the organization but she failed to understand the employee’s
emotions and whether they were able to adjust or not and also she wants to invade in
the Chinese market to increase the revenue.
 To maintain just and fair working in the Office, the employees should be given the
flexibility to work in their styles but to integrate their goals with the goals of the
company. In an organization where there are many cultures and diverse groups of
people, cross-cultural training is necessary which will indicate that employees with
different cultural backgrounds will be respected and given flexibility. As in the case
of Fred, where he likes to work in private and is not interested to open up with the
employees about his personal life and his style of dealing with customers.
 When the business grows to the different markets then it should adapt and adjust to
the different styles of cultures which persist in the market.

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