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Communication Skills
1. Communication is of information between two or more
individuals or within the group to reach a common understanding. a.
Sharing b. Receiving c. Listening d. None of the above

2. The word ‘communication’ comes from the word.

a. Latin b. French c. Australian d. None of the above

3. Communication skills are needed to .

a. Inform b. Influence
c. Express feelings d. All of the above

4. are ideas, views, or fixed ways of thinking.

a. Gestures b. Perspectives
c. Barriers d. None of the above

5. Effective communication can be abbreviated as

a. 6 Cs b. 7 Cs c. 8 Cs d. 9 Cs

6. What is the purpose of communication?

a. Inform (tell someone about something)
b. Influence (get someone to do something you want)
c. Share thoughts, ideas, feelings
d. All of the above

7. Which of the following method is used to receive information fromthe

a. Listening b. Speaking c. Telling d. Writing
8. Most people are nervous of speaking in front of a large gathering.You can
use the method to get over your fears, and become a
confident and effective speaker.
a. Prepare b. Practice c. Perform d. All of the above
9. communication is the message we send to otherswithout
using any words.

a. Verbal Communication b. Visual Communication

c. Non – Verbal Communication d. All of the above
10. Which of these facial expressions is a positive (good) one?
a. Staring hard b. Nodding while listening
c. Wrinkled forehead d. Looking away from the speaker
11. If your best friend is upset. You are tired from the day’s work. The phone
rings and the caller I.D. show your friend’s name in thatsituation. What
should you do?
a. Because you’re tired, ignore the call.
b. Answer the phone and speak with her for as long as she wants.
c. Tell her that you are too tired and she should call someone else
d. Listen to her for some time and then tell her that you will talk again
12. What is a sentence?
a. It is collection of group of ideas
b. A collection of words that expresses a whole thought
c. A set of guidelines that must be followed in order to write properly
d. All of the basic punctuation signs and contained in this set of words.
13. Communication is a _____________ process of sharing.
a. Three – way process
b. Two – way process
c. One – way process
d. None of the above

14. ________ communication is important and you have to use the appropriate
word. If you do not use the appropriate word then it will create confusion and
you will not be able to communicate properly.
a. Non – verbal
b. Verbal
c. Visual
d. None of the above
15. What words should we use when communicating verbally?
a. Use straight words
b. Use simple words
c. Use tough words
d. Use fixed words
1. What is communication?
Answer – The word ‘communication’ comes from the Latin word
commūnicāre, meaning ‘to share’. Communication is the ‘sharing’ of
information between two or more individuals or within the group to reacha
common understanding.

2. What is non-verbal communication?

Answer – Without using word if you are sending some information toothers
is known as non- verbal communication, Some of the non – verbal
communication is –
 Eye contact, Gestures
 Expressions
 Posture
 Space
 Para Language
 Touch

3. What do you mean by supporting parts of Speech?

Answer – We are using many words, phrases, clauses or sentences toconnect
words, these words are known as supporting parts of speech. Supporting parts
of speech examples are –
a. Articles
b. Conjunctions
c. Prepositions
d. Interjection

4. What is greeting? Explain type of greeting.

Answer – There are many ways to greet a person. Greeting is simply away of
saying hello to someone else. There are two ways of greeting someone else.
a. Formal greetings – If you do not know the person, and if you are
greeting that is known as formal greetings. It is used to greet senior,
elderly people or people with whom we have formal relations like
teachers or customers.
b. Informal greetings – If you are knowing someone and you are
greeting him/her is known as informal greeting. for example friends,
family or a known person.

5. What are the different types of questions?

Answer – A question is a type of sentence, group of words, or phrasethat
either requests information or tests someone’s knowledge.
There are two types of questions
a. Close – ended questions – if the questions answered with “yes” or a“no”
are called close ended questions.
b. Open – ended questions – Questions that can be answered withmore
details are called Open – ended questions.
6. What are the Factors Affecting Perspectives in communication?

Answer – Sometimes, we are not able to communicate clearly because of barriers that
stop us from sharing and understanding messages.
Factors Affecting Perspectives in Communication

 Language
 Past experience
 Visual Perception
 Feelings
 Prejudice
 Personal factors
 Environment

7. What is verbal communication? Write the advantages and

disadvantages of verbal communication.
Answer – Communication is a two-way method for exchanging information,
thoughts, ideas, and feelings. In verbal communication we can share ideas or thoughts
in the form of sound and word, it is also known as face – to – face communication.

Advantages of Verbal communication

a. Time Saving – We can express our thoughts easily and quickly and it is an easier
form of communication.
b. Quick Feedback – We can get a quick response from the listener.

Disadvantages of verbal communication

a. Cultural Difference – The cultural difference is the main disadvantage of

verbal communication
b. Language barriers – Difficult to share thoughts or ideas in different

8. What is public speaking?

Answer – Speaking face – to – face to a live audience or in front of a large

group is known as public speaking, you can use the 3Ps method to get over your
fears, and become a confident speaker.
The 3Ps method is –
a. Prepare
b. Practice
c. Perform
9. What is assertive communication?

Answer – Being aggressive is a better way to communicate. It involves

 expressing your thoughts without hurting others or yourself,

 respecting others,
 expressing yourself and your goals in a clear and concise manner,
 being receptive to other people’s opinions, and
 finding a balance between your needs and the needs of others

10. What do you mean by supporting parts of Speech?

Answer – We are using many words, phrases, clauses or sentences to connect

words, these words are known as supporting parts of speech.
Supporting parts of speech examples are –
a. Articles
b. Conjunctions
c. Prepositions
d. Interjections

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