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The cantroller ct Exanination

Dote 05 l07 |2023
bukject g& Appliaion for cut ot syllabus qestan
Respected sir|madam
Thraugh this letter, We wauld like to
intorm yau that
thot e are student of Governmnt
college (sTWAN )-3rd Semester-(EE)
Engineering letter S n refterenE
to the exminatan that wos held ch os 07 |2023
pvaminatian wos held at (HEC SIhIAN) er
ssbject bearing sejet cadE
Ergineering Mecharnis that the gcestas invole
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aftectng the perfor
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Than king yo Registratien hamber
1> Abhihek Kumor 911031S008
2) ShoStoat 22)031S1972
4) Nishent kumar 21103151005
s> Bhand usazpyasad 21lo31Slol3
)chandan K cheunasya 2||0S|S|D|9
None at student Registtatish Numbr

a Puiganbu kr Lingh 221031S1951

> Sutit Sagar 22/03 Igi91
loTRiPURARIkumne 22103151935.
12> Navin ku ma
22 |031S)918
Rela. 92 lo 3) S I 72
4) Adthyq Patel 22 lo3/5S/920
I7) Mani fh kumar 2)03/S) 0o 6
I9> Vasun Kunan 22 \63|SI924
221d31 S926
19) Jayant (umanr Qao3IS|q33
20)kumar trJn 2l0aiSI902
21yShubhama Kyrman Q2103132961
22 I03|s) 9S6
eé) BIPul KOMgo
23) Mituje amer
24} hahul kuma 22) 031 S91|

25) Qefák Muma 22103/S/32

24) Shu6ham Kumar 22 103 IS90

27 Paakasth kmay 21) D3I5)003

8) Reye kabt humaz

2110 3151004
29) Uneshurar yaday 244034SAO62
90)ence mar 22103 1S| 14
1) Chana Chatiy 22 \o3|s13o:
22 lo315) g24
34) Ak Quh kuMan
ame of ttudenta
29 Anuoi Singh 22 (031519 SS
3 Sindhu kumai 221031SIg3I
4) Anishq kymayi 22 |03161944

5\Pooji kumari > 21O31S|O 2(

21|031S) o 1)

221031 Sl g40
Smala kumang
Swechchla' kumari 22103ISI 36 &
nuibha 2210315)959
JHerna Jhumari 221031ISI962
11 Komar Bhati 22103151 360
(Ragini eumai 221031S19 29
22 103I51304

15. Anchal kou 21|0315 |009

I Mocdhwi jaio
22103I S1 364

19 y kumom'
al: Neha Kumesi
22- Aranga Raj
29 Pallan kmn 22l03)S9y
22 103151925
24 Senha Ku moi
ESC 201 Engineering Mechanics 3L:1T:0P 4 credits

Course Outcomes:At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
Understand the concepts of co-ordinate systems.
Analyse the three-dimensional motion.
Understand the concepts of rigid bodies.
Analyse the free-body diagrams of different arrangements.
" Analyse torsional motion and bending moment.
Module 1: Introduction to vectors and tensors and co-ordinate systems (5 hours)
Introduction to vectors and tensors and coordinate systems; Vector and tensor algebra; Indical notation;
Symmetric and anti-symmetric tensors; Eigenvalues and Principal axes.
Module 2: Three-dimensional Rotation (4 hours)
Three-dimensional rotation: Euler's theorem, Axis-angle formulation and Euler angles; Coordinate
transformation of vectors and tensors.

Module 3: Kinematics of Rigid Body (6 hours)

Kinematics of rigid bodies: Dentition and motion of a rigid body: Rigid bodies as coordinate systems;
Angular velocity of a rigid body, and its rate of change: Distinction between two-and three
dimensional rotational motion; Integration of angular velocity to find orientation; Motion relative to a
rotating rigid body: Five term acceleration formula.
Module 4: Kinetics of Rigid Bodies (5 hours)
Kinetics of rigid bodies: Angular momentum about a point; Inertia tensor: Dentition and computation,
Principal moments and axes of inertia, Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems; Mass moment of
inertia of symmetrical bodies, cylinder, sphere, cone ctc., Area moment of inertia and Polar moment
of inertia, Forces and moments; Newton-Euler's laws of rigid body motion.

Module 5: Free Body Diagram (1 hour)

Free body diagrams; Examples on modelling of typical supports and joints and discussion on the
kinematic and kinetic constraints that they impose.
Module 6: General Motion (9 hours)
Exampless and problems. General planar motions. General 3-D motions. Free precession, Gyroscopes,
Rolling coin.
Module 7: Bending Moment (5 hours)
Transverse loading on beams, shear force and bending moment in beams, analysis of cantilevers,
simply supported beams and overhanging beams, relationships between loading. shear force and
bending moment, shear force and bending moment diagrams.
Module 8: Torsional Motion (2 hours)
Torsion of circular shafts, derivation of torsion equation, stress and deformation in circular and hollow

Module 9: Friction (3 hours)

Concept of Friction; Laws of Coulomb friction; Angle of Repose; Coefficient of friction.
Text / References:
1. J. L Meriam and L. G. Kraige, "Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics", Wiley, 2011.
2. M. F. Beatty, "Principles of Engineering Mechanics", Springer Science & Business Media, 1986.
19 | Page
Bihar Engineering University, Patna
End Semester Examination - 2022
Course: B.Tech. Semester:III
Time: 03Hours
Code: 100310 FullMarks: 70
Subject: Engineering Mechanics
(i) The murks are indicaled in the right-hund
(i) There are NINE questions in this
(ii) Atempt FIVE questions in all.
fiy) Question No. I is conpulsory.
0.1 Choose the correct anSwer of thefollonwing (Any seven question only): [2 x7=14|
under its
(a) The angle of inclination of the plane at which the body begins to move down the plane
own weight is called:
(i)Angle of Friction Ai)Angle of Repose
(ii) Angle of Projection (iv) None of these
(b) The bending moment on a section is maximum where shearing force is
(i) minimum Aii)maximum
(iii) zero (iv) equal
(c) Mass moment of inertia of circular disc
(i) 0.0981 md? (ii) 0.25md?
(iii) 0.5md? (iv) None of the above
(d) Asimply supported beam of span (|) is carries a point load (W) at the centre of the beam. 1ne
bending moment diagram will be a
() parabola with maximum ordinate at the centre of the beam
(i)parabola with maximum ordinate at one end of the beam
Aiii) triangle with maximum ordinate at the centre of the beam
(iv)triangle with maximum ordinate at one end of the beam.
(e) Continuous beams are
(i)Statically Determinate Beam -(ii) Statically Indeterminate Beam
(iii) Frame Beam (iv) None of these
() Principle of transmissibility can be applied only when the body is treated as
()) Aparticle (i) A rigid body
(iii)deformable (iv) a continuum
For perfect elastic collision, coefficient of restitution is
(i) 0 (ii) 1
(ii) Oto I (iv) Less than 1
(h) A hinge support constrains
(i) Translational motion along x-direction only
(ii) Translational motion along y-direction only
(iii)Rotational motion perpendicular to the x and y axis
(iv) Translational motionalong both x and y direction
The centre of mass is the ratio
()The product of centroid and mass to the total
total wejght
(ii) The addition of centroid and weight to the
the total weight
(ii)The subtraction of centroid and weight to mass
masS to the total
(iv)The product of centroid and
of rigid body
Centre of mass and centre of gravity or may be not coincide
() Always coincide " (i) May be
(iv) None of these
(iii) Never coincide

Page 1 of 3
vector [14|
parallelogram law of
Q.2 (a) What arc sclar. vector and tensor quantities? Explain
addition. Describe a sccond order tensor quantity.
along the [7]
Q.3 (a) Four forces of magnitude 1ON. 20N, 30N and 40 Nare acting
1our sides asquare ABCD as shown in fig.I below.
A 20N

10 M

Fig. I
C. Each side of square is given Im.
Determinc the resultant moment aboul the point the forces is [7]
(b) four coplanar forces are acting at a point as shown in Fig 2. One of
unknown and its magnitude is shown by P. 200N

= 500N

200 N

Fig,2 Determine the

resultant is having amagnitude 500 N and is acting along x-axis.
The inclination with x-axis.
unknown force P and its

moving in a straight line is given by

0.4 (a) Theequation of motion of particles= 15/+3
at the end of t
from the starting point in metre
where s is the distance covered
the velocity and acceleration at
the particle reaches its maximum velocity, and
(i) thetime, whenvelocity of the particle
(iii) the maximun upwards with avelocity of 29.40m/s from the top of
a [7]
A stone is thrownCalculate:
lower 49 m high. the ground,
(i) time required for the stone to reach travel at the point in the same level as
the stone in its downward
(i) velocity of projection , and
the point of its flight.
the maximum heighttowhich the stone will rise in
given below [7]
shaft when subjected to torsion as
.5 (a) Derive the relation for acircular GO
Where T=Torquc transmitted,
of inertia.
J=polar moment
Max. slhear stress,
r=Radius of the
G-Modulus of rigidity,
9=Angle of twist,

Page2 of3
L-Length of the shaft.
(b) Explain the term - work, virtual displacement & virtual work. |7]

L0 (a) Explain the type of loadings and support reactions. V

(b) 19]
Two identical rollers, cach of weight 50 Nare supported by an inclined plane an
vertical wall as sh0 wn in Fig.3. Find the reaction at the point of supports A, 5
C. Assume all the surfaces to be snooth.


What is the advantage of the method of section over the method of joints? How will [5]
Q.7 (a)
you use the method of section in finding forces in the members of a truss?
in [91
(b) A truss of span 7.5m is loaded as shown in Fig. 4. Find the reactions and forces
the members of the truss.



Fig. 4
the friction force [7]
.8 (a) State the laws of Coulomb's friction. Discuss the factors which
newton taw
depends on.
plane the angle of [7]
(b) Briefly explain the origin of friction. Show that in an inclined
friction is equal to the angle of repose.
gravity through a height of 6 cm as [7]
Q.9 (a) A small ball of mass 10 kg, falls under the it through an distance of
shown below (fig. 5), the balls hits the spring10and
constant is
y. Find the value ofy, ifspring

Fig. 5
horizontal axis (in the
of inertia of a circular section about athe section is [7]
(b) Proye that the moment throughthe CG of given by
of the circular section) and passing

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