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C RBC WBC (Leukocytes) Platelets

Enucleated (Have no
Nucleus nucleus)
Nucleated (Have nucleus) Non-Cellular (Not a cell)
Bone Marrow
Made in Bone Marrow Lymphatic System Bone Marrow
Bone Marrow
Destruction Spleen
(Reused to make bile juice)
100 Million RBC/Min 7000 cell/mm3 of blood
250,000 cell/mm3 of
Count increase --> High landers Increase --> In
inflammation - Disease -
decrease --> anemia Pathogen
Age 4 Months 13 - 20 Days 10 Days

1- Attacking microbes
1- Transport O2 from the
2- Stop foreign substances Formatoin of blood clot
lungs (Oxyhaemoglobin)
produced by microbes (have a role in blood
Function 2- Transport CO2 from
3- Get rid of dead cells coagulation) after and
and other wates injury --> To prevent
body cells (Carbo-
4- Produce antibodies bleeding

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