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Business cycle - The natural fluctuation of

economic activity over time, consisting of
1. Absorption costing - A method of periods of growth and recession.
accounting that includes all production 17. Benefit-cost ratio - A measure of the
costs, such as direct materials, direct labor, expected benefits relative to the costs of a
and overhead, in the cost of a product. project or investment.
2. Accounting rate of return - A measure of 18. Bond - A debt security in which an
the profitability of an investment based on investor loans money to an entity
its average annual profit divided by its (typically a corporation or government) for
initial investment. a defined period of time at a fixed interest
3. Adverse selection - A situation in which rate.
one party has more information about a 19. Capacity - The maximum amount of
transaction than the other party, leading to output that a system or process can
a potential imbalance of power. produce.
4. Amortization - The process of gradually 20. Capital - The resources that a company
paying off a debt over a set period of time uses to finance its operations and
through regular payments. investments.
5. Annualized cost - The total cost of a 21. Capital budgeting - The process of
project or investment, spread out over its analyzing and selecting investments that
expected lifespan and divided by the will provide the greatest return on
number of years. investment.
6. Asset - Any item or resource that has 22. Capital expenditure - The money spent
value and can be used to generate income. on assets that will provide long-term
7. Asset turnover - A financial ratio that benefits to a company, such as property,
measures the efficiency of a company's equipment, and machinery.
use of its assets to generate revenue. 23. Capital investment - An investment in
8. Auction - A method of selling goods or assets that will generate income or value
services to the highest bidder. for a company over a long period of time.
9. Average rate of return - The total profit 24. Capital investment - The money spent on
earned from an investment over its acquiring or improving long-term assets
lifespan, divided by the initial investment. such as buildings, machinery, and
10. Balance sheet - A financial statement that equipment.
shows a company's assets, liabilities, and 25. Capital structure - The mix of debt and
equity at a specific point in time. equity financing used by a company to
11. Benchmark - A standard of measurement fund its operations and investments.
used to compare the performance of 26. Cash flow - The amount of cash that flows
different investments or projects. in and out of a business over a specific
12. Break-even analysis - A method for period of time.
determining the level of sales at which 27. Cash flow statement - A financial
total revenue equals total costs. statement that shows the inflow and
13. Break-even point - The point at which outflow of cash from a business over a
total revenue equals total costs, resulting specific period of time.
in neither profit nor loss. 28. Certainty equivalent - The amount of
14. Budget - A financial plan that outlines a certain income that would be equivalent to
company's expected income and expenses the expected income from a risky
for a specific period of time. investment.
15. Business plan - A written document that 29. Coefficient of variation - A measure of
outlines a company's goals, strategies, and the relative risk of an investment,
tactics for achieving success. calculated as the standard deviation of the
investment's returns divided by its
expected return.

30. Collateral - An asset that is pledged as 47. Cost of quality - The cost of ensuring that
security for a loan. a product or service meets quality
31. Commercial paper - Short-term standards.
unsecured promissory notes issued by 48. Cost-volume-profit analysis - A method
corporations to finance their short-term of analyzing the relationship between a
credit needs. company's sales volume, costs, and profits.
32. Competitive bidding - A process in which 49. Coupon rate - The interest rate paid on a
suppliers compete for a contract by bond.
submitting bids. 50. Debt - Money that is borrowed and must
33. Competitive market - A market in which be repaid with interest.
many suppliers compete for customers. 51. Debt financing - The process of obtaining
34. Compound interest - Interest that is funds by borrowing money.
earned on both the principal and the 52. Debt service - The amount of money
accumulated interest of an investment. required to pay off debt, including
35. Constrained optimization - The process principal and interest.
of optimizing a function subject to certain 53. Decision analysis - A systematic approach
constraints. to making decisions based on their
36. Consumer surplus - The difference potential outcomes.
between the maximum amount that a 54. Depreciation - The decrease in value of an
consumer is willing to pay for a good or asset over time due to wear and tear or
service and the actual price paid. obsolescence.
37. Contingency plan - A plan for dealing 55. Direct cost - A cost that can be directly
with unexpected events that could affect attributed to a specific product or service.
the success of a project or investment. 56. Discount factor - A number used to
38. Contribution margin - The amount of convert future cash flows into their present
revenue that is left over after variable costs value equivalents.
are subtracted from sales revenue. 57. Discount rate - The rate at which future
39. Conversion cost - The cost of converting cash flows are discounted to their present
raw materials into finished goods. value.
40. Corporate social responsibility - The 58. Dividend - A distribution of a portion of a
responsibility of a company to act in the company's profits to its shareholders.
best interests of society as a whole, not 59. DuPont analysis - A method of analyzing
just its shareholders. a company's return on equity by breaking
41. Cost - The amount of money that is spent it down into its components.
to produce a good or service. 60. Economic life - The period of time during
42. Cost accounting - The process of tracking which an asset is expected to provide
and analyzing the costs of producing economic benefits.
goods or services. 61. Economic order quantity - The optimal
43. Cost benefit analysis - A method of quantity of inventory to order at one time
evaluating the costs and benefits of a to minimize costs.
project or investment to determine its 62. Economic value added - A measure of a
overall value. company's financial performance that
44. Cost of capital - The cost of obtaining takes into account the cost of capital.
financing for a project or investment. 63. Efficiency - The ability to produce output
45. Cost of goods sold - The direct costs of with a minimum amount of inputs.
producing and selling a product, such as 64. Elasticity - The responsiveness of demand
raw materials and labor. or supply to changes in price.
46. Cost of living - The amount of money 65. Equity - The ownership interest in a
needed to maintain a certain standard of company, represented by its stock.
living. 66. Escalation clause - A provision in a
contract that allows for the adjustment of

prices based on changes in certain 84. Inflation - The rate at which the general
variables. level of prices for goods and services is
67. Expected value - The weighted average of rising over time.
the possible outcomes of an event, based 85. Interest - The cost of borrowing money,
on their probabilities. or the compensation for lending money.
68. Factor cost - The cost of the factors of 86. Internal rate of return - The discount
production, such as labor, capital, and raw rate that makes the net present value of an
materials. investment equal to zero.
69. Feasibility study - A study that evaluates 87. Inventory - The stock of goods or
the potential success of a project or materials that a company has on hand.
investment. 88. Investment - The purchase of assets with
70. Financial analysis - The process of the goal of generating income or
analyzing the financial statements of a appreciation.
company to evaluate its financial health. 89. Learning curve - A graphical
71. Financial leverage - The use of debt to representation of the relationship between
finance a project or investment. unit production time and the cumulative
72. Financial statement - A document that number of units produced.
summarizes a company's financial 90. Leverage - The use of borrowed funds to
transactions and condition. increase the potential return on an
73. Fixed cost - A cost that does not vary with investment.
the level of production or sales. 91. Life cycle cost - The total cost of owning
74. Forecasting - The process of predicting and operating an asset over its entire life.
future events or trends. 92. Liquidation value - The value of an asset
75. Forward contract - A contract to buy or if it were sold quickly, typically at a
sell an asset at a specified price and date in discount.
the future. 93. Liquidity - The ability to convert an asset
76. Future value - The value of an investment into cash quickly and easily.
at a specified future date, based on the 94. Loan amortization - The process of
assumption of compound interest. paying off a loan in regular installments
77. Gross domestic product - The total value over a set period of time.
of goods and services produced within a 95. Marginal cost - The cost of producing one
country in a given period of time. additional unit of a good or service.
78. Gross margin - The amount of revenue 96. Marginal revenue - The additional
that is left over after cost of goods sold is revenue generated by selling one
subtracted from sales revenue. additional unit of a good or service.
79. Growth rate - The rate at which a 97. Market demand - The total demand for a
quantity is increasing over time. good or service in a given market.
80. Hedging - The process of reducing risk by 98. Market price - The price at which a good
taking a position in a financial instrument or service is sold in a given market.
that offsets the risk of another position. 99. Market segmentation - The process of
81. Holding cost - The cost of holding dividing a market into smaller groups with
inventory, such as storage, insurance, and similar needs or characteristics.
depreciation. 100. Market share - The percentage of
82. Income statement - A financial statement total market sales held by a company or
that shows a company's revenues, product.
expenses, and profits over a period of 101. Markup - The difference between
time. the cost of a good or service and its selling
83. Incremental analysis - The process of price.
analyzing the costs and benefits of a 102. Net present value - The
decision by comparing the expected difference between the present value of the
outcomes of each alternative.

cash inflows and outflows associated with 120. Profit margin - The difference
an investment. between the selling price of a product or
103. Nominal interest rate - The service and its cost of production.
stated interest rate on a loan or investment. 121. Profit-maximizing output - The
104. Non-recurring cost - A cost that level of output at which a firm's profit is
is not expected to recur in the future. maximized.
105. Operating cost - The cost of 122. Project management - The
operating a business, including salaries, process of planning, organizing, and
rent, utilities, and supplies. controlling resources to achieve specific
106. Opportunity cost - The value of goals.
the best alternative forgone when a 123. Public goods - Goods that are
decision is made. non-excludable and non-rival in
107. Option - The right, but not the consumption.
obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a 124. Purchase order - A document that
specified price and date in the future. authorizes a purchase transaction.
108. Payback period - The length of 125. Purchasing power parity - The
time required for the cash inflows from an theory that exchange rates between
investment to equal its initial cost. currencies should adjust to equalize the
109. Perfect competition - A market purchasing power of each currency.
structure in which many small firms 126. Pure competition - A market
compete to sell an identical product. structure in which many small firms
110. Price discrimination - The compete to sell an identical product.
practice of charging different prices to 127. Pure monopoly - A market
different customers for the same product. structure in which there is only one
111. Price elasticity of demand - The supplier of a good or service.
responsiveness of demand to changes in 128. Quality control - The process of
price. ensuring that a product or service meets
112. Price floor - The minimum price certain standards of quality.
at which a good or service 129. Quantity demanded - The
113. Price leadership - A pricing amount of a good or service that buyers
strategy in which a dominant firm sets the are willing and able to purchase at a given
price for an entire industry. price.
114. Price skimming - A pricing 130. Quantity supplied - The amount
strategy in which a firm charges a high of a good or service that sellers are willing
price for a new product or service, with the and able to offer for sale at a given price.
intention of reducing the price over time. 131. Quasi-rent - The economic rent
115. Price-taker - A firm that must that arises from a short-term imbalance
accept the market price for its product or between the supply and demand for a
service. factor of production.
116. Principal - The amount of money 132. Rate of return - The ratio of
borrowed or invested, on which interest is profit or loss to the amount of investment.
paid or earned. 133. Real interest rate - The nominal
117. Private goods - Goods that are interest rate adjusted for inflation.
both excludable and rival in consumption. 134. Real interest rate - The nominal
118. Production function - A interest rate adjusted for inflation.
mathematical relationship between inputs 135. Recurring cost - A cost that is
and outputs in a production process. expected to occur regularly in the future.
119. Profit - The difference between 136. Regression analysis - A statistical
revenues and costs. technique for analyzing the relationship
between two or more variables.

137. Regression equation - A 154. Speculative motive - The demand
mathematical formula that represents the for money based on the expectation that its
relationship between two or more value will increase in the future.
variables. 155. Standard deviation - A measure
138. Relative price - The price of a of the dispersion of a set of data from its
good or service in terms of another good mean.
or service. 156. Stationary costs - Costs that do
139. Rent - The payment for the use of not change with changes in output.
a factor of production. 157. Stock - A share in the ownership
140. Replacement cost - The cost of of a company.
replacing an asset with a similar asset at 158. Strategic planning - The process
current prices. of developing and implementing long-term
141. Residual value - The value of an plans to achieve organizational goals.
asset at the end of its useful life. 159. Substitutes - Goods or services
142. Return on investment (ROI) - A that can be used in place of one another.
measure of the profitability of an 160. Supply - The amount of a good or
investment, calculated as the ratio of the service that sellers are willing and able to
net income generated by the investment to offer for sale at a given price.
the amount of the investment. 161. Supply curve - A graph that
143. Return on investment - The ratio shows the relationship between the price
of profit or loss to the amount of of a good or service and the quantity
investment. supplied.
144. Revenue - The total amount of 162. Supply elasticity - A measure of
money earned from sales of goods or the responsiveness of the quantity supplied
services. to changes in price.
145. Salvage value - The value of an 163. Supply schedule - A table that
asset at the end of its useful life. shows the relationship between the price
146. Satisficing - A decision-making of a good or service and the quantity
strategy in which the decision maker seeks supplied.
a satisfactory solution rather than the 164. Surplus - The amount by which
optimal solution. the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity
147. Scale economies - The cost demanded at a given price.
advantages that arise from producing a 165. Tangible assets - Assets that have
larger volume of output. physical form, such as buildings,
148. Scarcity - The condition in which machinery, and inventory.
there are not enough resources to satisfy 166. Tariff - A tax on imported goods.
all human wants and needs. 167. Taxable income - Income that is
149. Sensitivity analysis - The process subject to taxation.
of analyzing how changes in key variables 168. Time preference - The preference
affect the outcomes of a decision. for present consumption over future
150. Sinking fund - A fund set up to consumption.
accumulate money over time for a specific 169. Time series analysis - A statistical
purpose. technique for analyzing time series data.
151. Social benefit - The total benefit 170. Total cost - The sum of fixed
of consuming a good or service, including costs and variable costs.
external benefits. 171. Total revenue - The total amount
152. Social cost - The total cost of of money earned from sales of goods or
producing a good or service, including services.
external costs. 172. Trade deficit - The amount by
153. Special order - A one-time order which a country's imports exceed its
for exports.

173. Trade surplus - The amount by 190. Wealth - The total value of a
which a country's exports exceed its person's assets, including property,
imports. investments, and other possessions.
174. Transfer payment - A payment 191. Weighted average - An average
made by the government that does not that takes into account the relative
involve the production of a good or importance of different values.
service. 192. Whole life cost - The total cost of
175. Transmission line - A structure owning and operating an asset over its
that transmits electricity over long entire life.
distances. 193. Windfall gain - An unexpected
176. Transportation problem - A gain or profit.
problem in which goods must be 194. X-efficiency - The degree to
transported from several sources to several which a firm is able to minimize its costs.
destinations, subject to certain constraints. 195. Yield - The annual rate of return
177. Truncation error - An error that on an investment.
arises from rounding off numbers during a 196. Yield strength - The stress at
calculation. which a material begins to deform
178. Uncertainty - The state of not plastically.
knowing the outcome of a decision. 197. Yield to maturity - The rate of
179. Unit cost - The cost per unit of return earned on a bond if it is held to
output. maturity.
180. Unit elastic demand - A situation 198. Zero-based budgeting - A
in which a given percentage change in budgeting approach that requires every
price leads to an equal percentage change expense to be justified from scratch every
in quantity demanded. year, regardless of past budgets.
181. Unit elastic supply - A situation 199. Zero-sum game - A situation in
in which a given percentage change in which one person's gain is exactly
price leads to an equal percentage change balanced by another person's loss.
in quantity supplied. 200. Zone of indifference - The range
182. Utility - The satisfaction or of prices for which a buyer or seller is
happiness that a person derives from indifferent to making a transaction.
consuming a good or service.
183. Value engineering - The process
of improving the value of a product or
service by reducing its cost or improving
its performance.
184. Variable cost - A cost that varies
with changes in output.
185. Variable interest rate - An
interest rate that fluctuates over time.
186. Variable pay - Compensation that
is based on performance or productivity.
187. Vertical integration - The
integration of firms at different stages of
the production process.
188. Volatility - The degree of
variation of a financial instrument's price
over time.
189. Wage rate - The rate at which
workers are paid for their labor.

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