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In Business: To communicate across national borders and maintain correspondence with overseas

business parties or professionals, English is essential.

In Education: English is important for higher education and specialized training. English is the
medium of instruction in Education in most universities and higher education institutes of the world.

Getting Job: English is essential for getting a good job and better salaries. Multinational business
organizations and many international corporations ask for people who have a good
working knowledge of English. Even job advertisements in the local market also require English
knowing people. People who go abroad for work also need to know English. English is a need for a
variety of jobs as …….

In Media and Entertainment: English is important for access to world media and Entertainment.
Games and sports are telecast live and their commentaries are also broadcasted in English. Cinemas,
cartoons, and other media productions are available in English.

Most people are using this language in daily life. It is an important language because we use this
language to communicate with other countries people. English is a common language and you can
use English to become an international person. In this global era, people are urged to be able to
communicate globally

Importance of social media in daily life

-Information -2)Global communication

2)It enables us to stay connected with people from far and wide all the time. When people share
updates about their lives on social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter, we get to know
what they are doing, where they are enjoying tier holidays, and even what they are eating. Social
media has enabled us to communicate visually, which enables us to take an active part in each
other’s lives.

Voicing our opinion

Social media is today being hailed as a platform for voicing our opinion. We can tell people what we
are feeling about certain things that are happening all around us through social media websites.
Facebook and Twitter are today filled with news items from all across the world that provoke us to
express outrage or makes us clap in approval, and we can do both on the global platform that is
social media. We can tell people that we approve certain measures taken by the government, and
Social change

Social media is not just a platform for empty expressions. This is a great platform for bringing about
social change. When a significant section of the society expresses disapproval against something, or
hails something as an important change for the betterment of the society People are being made
more aware of what is happening in the world, and of the consequences of certain measures taken
by the ruling or governing bodies.

Platform for talent

Social media has enabled people to let the world know of their talents through sharing videos of
themselves on social media. Sites like YouTube are filled with recordings of extremely talented
singers, actors, makeup artists, and painters. It is a very positive platform for budding artists to
expose their talents to the world, gain constructive criticism and feedback, and in the process
improve their performance.

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