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I think the Philippines is in the tectonic plate theory because it is

constructed by mainly by plates. According to what I have read it is called

the Subduction tectonics of Philippines which is the progressive
converging of plates towards each other in multiple directions.
Subduction results in forming trenches. Examples of trenches in the
Philippines are the Philippine Trench and Manila trench and etc. The
subduction of tectonic plates here in the Philippines is active that is the
reason why it is many of its volcanoes are active like Mayon Volcano and
also active in earthquakes. But because of this it made the Philippines
one of the visited country because of its Natural wonders like Islands and
Beaches. The Philippines consistently tops the best beaches and islands
lists in the world by international publications. With over 7,000 islands
and white sand beaches that stretch from coast to coast, you can’t deny
the fact that the Philippines is gifted with the magic of nature’s wonder.
Speaking of it Natural wonders let’s not forget about the Chocolate Hills
in Bohol, thousands of hills that look like giant chocolate Kisses.
Chocolate hills in Bohol actually resulted from coral deposits through rain
and erosion. Or the the Rice Terraces of the Ifugao, an indigenous group
of people living in the Cordillera mountains. This spectacular mountain
landscape with terrace after terrace of man-made rice fields dates back
to pre-colonial Philippines and is considered a repository of Philippine
culture, tradition, and craftsmanship and is one of the must visit Luzon
Tourist Spots. These places are some of the results of this tectonic
plates subducting.

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