2nd Lesson 8 Theme 3 ABA

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Teacher: ABA
School: Tidonte SSS Academic year: 2023-2024
Class: 2nd Duration: 3h40 min
Lesson 8: Solar Energy Class size: B: G:
Teaching Aids: Pictures, Books, students, teacher
References: Open English 2nd, Programme Educatif 2nd, Guide d’exécution 2nd, Monolingual and bilingual Dictionaries


USE Words and expressions related solar, energy, sunlight, electricity, power, renewable, generate,
generator,battery,switch on/off, bulb, light….The use of "how much is...?" To ask for price and tell
the colours


Listen A text related to solar energy

Write An Email to a friend to talk to him about the importance of solar energy nowadays;

Translate A passage related to solar energy in Africa including some vocabulary words and the structure
Competence 1: deal with communication situations related to listening

Learning situation: Your father has built a new house in a place where there is no electricity. He would like to install light; but he does not
know what to do. As a student of second, help him find out all he needs to have light without paying monthly. From the list below, choose the
words and expressions related to solar energy.

List of words and expressions: Generator, water, school, fuel, battery, bulb, king, solar panels, cables.

Do the work in pairs.


Stages/timing Teacher's role Students' role Note on board Materials

Pre- activities
-Greetings -greets students - -Answer Teacher
Checks presence
-Roll call -Answer Students
-Asks the date
-Date -Tell and write the date Date Chalk
-revises the
-Review previous lesson -revision Text book

-Strikes a song -Sing

-Warm up

Main activities
Activity 1 1-presentation stage -listen and repeat , I-Vocabulary ee
individually, in rows
I-Vocabulary Presents the new words in a and chorally 1- Solar energy (adj) (Exp) = energy coming
context using the appropriate from the sun
(The use of teaching strategies
3Ps) Ex: Solar energy is mostly used in areas
2-Practice stage where there is no light.

-Repetition drill: 2- Sunlight (n) (syn) = day light

Makes sentences containing the Ex: Sunlight enables solar panel to generate
new words and asks SS to energy.
3- Power (n) (syn) = electricity
- Substitution drill: -listen and repeat
Ex: power from water, sun and wind are
-makes sample sentences and renewable energies.
gives cues
4- Renewable (adj) (exp) = Able to be
renewed, replacable
Renewable =
3-Production -use the cues to
-Invites SS to make their own substitute words in
sentences sample sentences

- make their own


Activity 2 1-Presentation stage II-Grammar: the use of "Would rather…than/

Would prefer ….to/ Prefer … to"
II-Grammar: -introduces orally the new
the use of "
how much grammar point Model sentences
- asks Ss to read 1-Ali likes solar energy, Ali likes traditional lamps,
(3Ps) but he prefers solar energy to traditional lamps =
-asks comprehension questions -listen carefully and
on the structure provide answers to 2-Ali would rather solar energy than traditional
lamps = Ali would prefer solar energy to traditional
1- what does Ali like? the teacher’s
2-What does he like the most? 3- They would rather learn than sleep now
1-Solar energy and
3-When do we use Would traditional lamps
rather…than/ Would
prefer ….to 2-Traditional lamps FORMATION

3-It is used to show WOULD RATHER…..THAN/ WOULD PREFER… TO/

preferences. PREFER ….TO

-Would rather is used with a half infinitive verb for

2-Practice stage the same meaning as would prefer

-Repetition drill - Prefer…to is used to make a choice between two

-Makes sentences using the
PRACTICE : rephrasing
new grammar point
1a-Between mangoes and oranges, Adjo wants
3-Production stage mangoes
- The teacher asks the students -listen and repeat b-Adjo would rather ……….
to make their own sentences
2a- I have tchoukoutou and sodabi, which one do
using the structure. you take?
-asks ss to make their own b- I would prefer …..
sentences -make their own
sentences using the NB: Would rather + Subject+ Simple past.
words provided Ex: I would rather you ate mangoes than Oranges

Activity 3 -The teacher reads the - the students listen III- Listening
paragraph several times and carefully each time
III-Listening asks them to write down what the reads. Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun.
the remember Every day the sun radiates, or sends out, an
Dicto- -write down what enormous amount of energy. The sun radiates
composition -Reads once after writing for they have heard and more energy in one second than people have
correction. remember from the used since the beginning of time!

- Take note of the


Evaluation -asks some verification -answer questions
questions to Ss about the

Remedial work -corrects eventual - take note


1-Make three sentences

-Homework -writes the homework on -copy the homework in Power, solar energy, generator.
the board their excercise book

-warms the Ss down: - sing

-Warm down strickes a song


Stages/timing Teacher's role Students' role Note on board Materials

Pre- activities
-Greetings -greets students - -Answer Teacher
Checks presence
-Roll call -Answer Students
-Asks the date
-Date -Tell and write the Date Chalk
-revises the previous date
-Review lesson Text
-revision book
-Strikes a song
-Warm up

Main activities
Activity 1 1-presentation stage -listen and repeat , I-Vocabulary ee
individually, in rows
I-Vocabulary Presents the new words and chorally 1-Generator (n) (syn) = A machine that transforms mechanical
in a context using the energy into electrical energy
(The use of appropriate teaching
3Ps) strategies Ex: The generator stocks energy and provide light once there is no
2-Practice stage sunlight.

-Repetition drill: 2-To switch on (v) (dem/opp) # to switch off,

Makes sentences To switch on/off =To turn on/off

containing the new
words and asks SS to Ex: To save energy, I have to switch light off during sunlight.
repeat. -listen and repeat 3-Bulb (n) (realia)
- Substitution drill: Ex: My Father puts a bulb at the gate for security sake
-makes sample 4-Light (n) (exp/opp) = the brightness that comes from the sun, fire,
sentences and gives etc. and from electrical devices,
cues Light # darkness
Ex: The sunlight is streaming in through the open door.
-use the cues to
substitute words in
3-Production sample sentences
-Invites SS to make
their own sentences
- make their own

Activity 2 1-Presentation stage II-writing

II- writing: Puts a model email on -Follow the model Topic: You are Yendoubé, a student in second. Your friend Ali is
Email writing the board and presents and copy it. asked to sensitize people in a village where people use electronic
it to the students. generators that pollutes the air to get electricity. After having followed
(3Ps) a lesson on the theme solar energy, write an email to give him some
guidelines about the importance of solar energy and advise him to opt
for renewable energy.

The following words can be helpful: Greenhouses gas, the

environment, to pollute, protection, fossil fuels, save money, be
independent etc.
2-Practice stage
-answer questions Support Greenhouses gas
-Asks questions on the
different parts of an Sample of informal email
informal email.
Subject: the importance of solar energy
-The teacher
Copy the Dear Ali,
harmonizes and gives
harmonized version
the lesson to the
in their notebooks. How are you Ali, I hope you are getting prepare for you exams.
I am reaching out to you for two reasons. The first is to give you the
importance of solar energy. Thus, I would like you to know that our
3-Production stage environment is polluted. Greenhouses gas pollute water and the air.
-Take the topic and Therefore, solar energy is the solution, for it helps the environment
-Puts the topic on the because the power is from a renewable source. Moreover, with solar
try in groups.
board, explains and ask energy, you can save your money in the long run, because it promotes
them to try it. energy independence. It also creates jobs and spurs economic growth.
-the teacher goes round Secondly, since solar energy is reliable and cost-effective energy
to monitor. source, and unlike fossil fuels which are expensive to mine and utilize,
I advise you to opt for solar energy for us to save our planet.

I was hoping you might have availability to meet and go deeper in

details on this topic if your schedule permits.
Thanks you for your time

All the best,


1- To whom do we write an informal email?
2- What are the main features of an email?
3- What is the subject line ?
4- How do we greet?
5- What is the body composed of?
6- How is the closing statement written?
7- How do end an email?
8- Give the layout.

1- We usually write informal email to friends, family, or people we
know really well. It is also written to quickly communicate a
piece of information or share things with our coworkers.
2- A subject line that gets the reader’s attention, greetings,
content, closing Email signature and email banner.
3- The subject line of an email is the line of text that your recipient
will see in their inbox before opening the email, so it has to be
written in a way that quickly communicates what you want
them to do or why they should open the email.

Ex: request for more information, here’s the schedule, Check out this
article! Read this..Strategy meeting this Friday…Invitation for…..

4- Greeting with informal email, we don’t need to worry about the

way. We can just address them by the name with exclamation
points to express excitement and friendliness.

Ex: Hi +name, Dear+ name…

5- Write as much or little as we want. But, in term of practicality,

think about the reader. Share clearly the reasons of the mail
 Mention the actions you want your reader to take.

Ex. Let me know when you will be available to meet next week, please
review the following attachment before our next meeting….

6- Before you end the email, take a sentence or two to make sure
you allow your reader to ask questions or reply

Ex: Feel free to reach out if you have any question, let me know if you
need any clarification/have any feedback or suggestions.

7- The closing, or sign-off, should reflect your professionalism and

how familiar you are with the reader. Capitalize the first word of
the line.

Ex: Best, Warm regards, Regards, see you later, take care, Thank you,
Kind regards,

These expressions are followed by the name of the writer.

8- The layout

Subject line

Greeting (Hi +name, Dear+ name…)


Closing or sign-off (Warm regards, Regards, see you later, take care,
Thank you)

Signature (name)


Your friend Kodjo would like to have solar energy in his house, but he
does not know all the items needed for it. After your studies on solar
energy, help him with all the necessary items he needs: solar panels,
bulbs, generator, cables, light switch, plug, socket etc.

Write an email to kodjo

Activity 3 -The teacher forms -tray the translation English

groups and asks in pairs or groups
III- students to translate the using the technique Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun. Every day the sun
Translation first paragraph of the prescribes by the radiates, or sends out, an enormous amount of energy. The sun radiates
above text using the teacher. more energy in one second than people have used since the beginning
appropriate technique of time!

-He goes round to French

monitor the work of the L’énergie solaire est l’énergie qui provient du soleil et qui émet ou
students. envoie une énorme quantité d’énergie. Le soleil rayonne plus d’énergie
en une seconde que les gens n’en ont utilisé depuis la nuit des temps.

Evaluation -asks some verification -answer questions
questions to Ss about the

Remedial work -corrects eventual - take note



You are Ama kpatcha, there is a training on solar installation, write

-Homework -writes the homework on -copy the homework an email to your friend Sam informing him about the training and the
the board in their excercise importance for him to attend it.
-warms the Ss down: Support:
-Warm down strickes a song - sing
Essay Writing:

Topic: You are Yendoubé, a student in second. Your friend Ali is asked to sensitize people in a village where people use electronic generators
that pollutes the air to get electricity. After having followed a lesson on the theme solar energy, write an email to give him some guidelines
about the importance of solar energy and advise him to opt for renewable energy.

The following words can be helpful: Greenhouses gas, the environment, to pollute, protection, fossil fuels, save money, be independent etc.

Importance of solar energy: renewable source, cheap compare to fossil fuels, which are expensive to mine and utilize, protects the
environment, save money, independent, economic growth.
Advise him to adopt it

Relevance: 2.5 Coherence: 2.5 Accuracy: 2 Perfection: 1

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