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111-117 E. Chestnut Street,



MANUFACTURE OF VINEGAR has been out of print for sometime,
and there being no recent work to take its place notwithstand-
ing the constant demand for a book on the various important
branches of industry treated of, the publication of a new edition
was deemed advisable.
Like the previous editions the volume is divided into three
Part I. is devoted to the Manufacture of Vinegar, and in-
cludes the production of wood vinegar and other by-products
obtained in the destructive distillation of wood, as well as the
preparation of acetates.
Part II. contains the Manufacture of Cider, Fruit Wines,
etc., and Part III. the Preservation by various methods of
Fruit and Vegetables, and of Meat, Fish and Eggs.
In this, the third edition, no essential changes have been
made arrangement of the book, bait it has been thor-
in the

oughly revised and largely re-written, old and obsolete matter

having been eliminated and new material introduced. The
best authorities have been diligently consulted and freely
drawn on, for which due credit has, whenever possible, been
given in the text.
It is hoped that this new edition will meet with the same
favorable reception as the previous ones, and that it will be of
practical utility.
A copious table of contents as well as a very full index will
render reference to any subject in the book prompt and easy.
PHILADELPHIA, November 16, 1914.

W. T. B.






Nature of vinegar; Early knowledge of vinegar; Use of vinegar as a medicine

dissolving rocks.
by Hippocrates; Anecdote of Cleopatra; Use of vinegar by Hannibal for

process of increasing the strength of vinegar by distillation described by


Gerber in the eighth century; Other early historical data about vinegar;

. .......
Stael's method of strengthening vinegar; Count de Laragnais and Marquis
de Courtenvaux' experiments.
Loewitz's method of strengthening vinegar; Glacial acetic acid; Historical

data regarding the formation of an acetic body in the destructive distilla-

tion of wood; Determination of the exact chemical constitution of acetic
acid by Berzelius, and that of alcohol by Saussure; Historical data relating
to the generation of acetic acid; Introduction of the quick process of manu-

from wine made known by Boerhave, in 1732 ......

facturing vinegar, in 1823, by Schiitzenbach; Method of making vinegar

Schiitzenbach' s original plan of working still in use in some localities; Neces-


sity of progress in making vinegar by the' quick process; Great purity of

uses ..... ..........
acetic acid as at present prepared from wood; Vinegar essence" and its

Difference between the pure acetic acid produced from wood and vinegar pre-

pared from various materials; Principal defects in the process of making

vinegar by the quick process in general use 5

from its elements .........

Probability of the discovery of a process for the production of acetic acid



Chemical processes by which acetic acid in large quantities is formed . . 7

Liebig's theory of the formation of vinegar; Present view of the formation of

vinegar; Pasteur's theory; Difference between Pasteur's and Nageli's views;

ferment .............
Nomenclature of organisms producing fermentation; The vinegar or


Occurrence of acetic acid in nature; Formation of acetic acid by chemical
processes; Formation of acetic
platinum upon alcohol ....
acid by the action of very finely divided
. . . . . 9
Development of mother of vinegar; Pasteups investigations regarding the
relation of mother of vinegar to the formation of vinegar; Botanical na-
ture of the organisms causing the formation of vinegar ... .11
Disease causing bacteria; Hansen's investigations of the species of bacteria .



The vinegar ferment,origin and its distribution; Fluid especially adapted

for nutriment; Experiment showing the conversion of wine into vinegar

by the vinegar ferment .13

Difference between the living and dead ferment as seen under the micro-
scope; Requirements of the ferment for its propagation . . . .15
Results of the withdrawal of oxygen from the ferment; Experiment showing
the great rapidity of propagation of the vinegar ferment; Conditions for
the nutriment of the ferment; Factors required for the settlement of the
vinegar bacteria upon a fluid and for their vigorous propagation 1& . .

Composition of the nutrient fluid; A large content of alcohol in the nutrient

fluid detrimental to the vegetation of the vinegar ferment; Experiment

showing that the ferment cannot live in dilute alcohol alone .17 . .

Preparation of a fluid containing all the substances essential to the nutriment

of the ferment; Sensitiveness of the ferment to sudden changes in the com-
position of the fluid upon which it lives; The process of nutriment of the
vinegar ferment. . . . . . . . . . . .18
Supply of air required for the ferment; Limits of temperature at which the
propagation of the ferment and its vinegar-forming activities are greatest;
Effect of low temperature upon the ferment. . . . . .19
Reason why acetic degeneration is not known in cold wine cellars; Reasons

. .........
for the frequent occurrence of disturbances in the formation of vinegar at
a high temperature.
of vinegar; Origin of the term; Different opinions regarding the na-

ture of mother of vinegar; Formation of mother of vinegar. . . . 21

Summary of the theoretical conditions of frhe formation of vinegar. . . 22



The regular propagation of the ferment the main point of the entire
facture; Loss of alcohol in the production. ......
Substances, besides alcohol and carbonic acid, formed in vinous fermentation.

Characteristic properties imparted to alcohol by fusel oils; Aromatic sub-

stances which reach the vinegar through the conversion of fusel oils;
Acetic aldehyde or acetaldehyde, commonly called aldehyde. . .24
Preparation of pure aldehyde; Acetal and its preparation. . . 25

Composition and nature of pure acetal
Acetic acid and its properties. .........
Peculiar behavior of mixtures of acetic acid and water in regard to their

egar; Composition of acetic acid.

Theoretical yield of acetic acid. .
cific gravity; Vinegar essence and its use for the
preparation of table vin-

. . . . . . 29
Manner of calculating the theoretical yield of acetic acid from alcohol. . 30
Quantity of oxygen required to form acetic acid and water from alcohol;
Quantity of alcohol which can daily be converted into vinegar by a gene-
rator 31

Calculation of the quantity of heat liberated by the conversion of alcohol in-

to acetic acid; What the manufacturer can learn from theoretical
nations . 32
The acme of temperature and what
acid by evaporation and its reduction.
is meant by
....... it;

Conditions on which the most advantageous working depends; Yields of acetic

Loss of alcohol and acetic

acid obtained in practice . . . . . . . . . . 34

Comparison of a vinegar generator to a furnace . . . . . .35

for the preparation of vinegar .........

Designation of the various methods employed; Substances which may be used

Alcohol the ultimate material for the manufacture of vinegar; The old or

slow process and modifications of it 37

Difference in the properties of vinegar derived from various sources . . 38



Invention of Schiitzenbach and analogous processes; On what the principle

Generators; Best form of the generator. .......

involved depends; Comparison of the generator or graduator to a furnace . 39
Kinds of wood suitable for of generators
Variations in the dimensions of the generators ......

Dimensions of the most suitable generator; Cover of the generator


. .41

Disadvantage of a number of obliquely bored holes below the false bottom;
Scheme of incorrect conduction of air in generators ..... 44

the generator ............

Contrivances for the discharge of vinegar collected in the lower portion of

Arrangement of the perforated false head of the generator . . . .

Arrangement for regulating the inflow of air from below . . . .47
Modification of the false head . . . . . . .48
sparger .............

Principal requisite for the correct working of the sparger . . . .51


ators, and materials used for this purpose. ......
thermometer an indispensable adjunct to a generator; Filling the gener-

General use of beech shavings, their advantages and preparation; Volume


for such shaving. 53

represented by a shaving in a rolled state; Space required
Freeing the shavings from extractive substances by water and by steaming;
Drying the steamed shavings 54

ing all the generators of the same size. .......

Swelling the shavings and placing them in the generator; Advantage of hav-

Principal requisites to be observed in a suitable arrangement; Provisions for
the maintenance of a uniform temperature .58

Materials for the floor; Heating of the workroom, and apparatus for this pur-

of the use of maximum and minimum thermometers . . .59


Location of the reservoirs in factories arranged according to the automatic

system 60



English process of sucking a current of air from above to below through

every generator; Incorrectness of this method 61
Principal reason advanced for the use of a current of air from above to
Schulze's ventilating apparatus and generator ...... - 62

Generators with constant ventilation and condensation;
adapted for the purpose

Proposed method of regaining the vapors; Objection to this method

apparatus well

. .
4Singer* s general >r

Michaelis' revolving generator ......... 69




Principal work which has to be performed in a vinegar factory; Disadvan-

tages of pouring at stated intervals the alcoholic fluid into the generators. 73
Debilitation of the vinegar ferment in
consequence of repeated reduction of

the temperature in the generators; Explanation of
plicable disturbances
to be derived
many apparently inex-

from the use of simple automatic contrivances;


Continuously-acting apparatus; The terrace system . . . .75.

system ...........
Arrangement of a factory according to the terrace system; Drawback of this

Mode ofworking according to the terrace system 78
Lenze's chamber generator, and the principles upon which its construction is

based 80
Mode of operating Lenze's chamber generator; Plate generator, patented by
Dr. Bersch 82
Periodically working apparatus; The three-group system; Mechanical appli-
ances for admitting at certain intervals a fixed quantity of alcoholic fluid
into the generators; Modification of the tilting trough . . . .86
The siphon barrel 88
The bell-siphon Example
for calculating the space required beneath the
false bottom for the reception of the vinegar 89
Arrangement of a vinegar factory working according to the automatic prin-

ciple; Arrangement of the generators in groups. . . . . .90

Manner of working in such an establishment.
Apparatus for heating the alcoholic liquid
Description of a periodically-working establishment with 24 generators.

. 91



Acetification of the generators; Quantities of vinegar required for complete
acetitication . . . . . . . . . . . .96
illustrating the gradual
celerated acetification
commencement of regular production; Ac-
are effected ............
the removal of water from the shavings and its substitution by vinegar
of artificially dried shavings; Induction of the operation with an
cial culture of vinegar ferment.
Pure culture of vinegar ferment and best fluid for the purpose. . .

. 100
Preparation of nourishing fluid; Manner of cultivating vinegar ferment. 101 .

Abortive culture of vinegar ferment 102

their prevention. ...........

Disturbances by suddenly changing the nutrient fluid of the ferment, and



Definition of the term 'alcoholic liquid;" Reason why a content of vinegar
in the alcoholic liquid exerts a favorable effect upon the formation of vin-

Proof that the alcoholic liquid does not require any considerable quantity of
acetic acid for conversion into vinegar.
its . .....

preferable to gradually increase the content of alcohol

Reason why it is in

the alcoholic liquid; Experiment showing the destruction of acetic acid by

the vinegar ferment in the absence of alcohol 106

Limit of acetic acid vinegar should have Conditions on which the advanta-

geous manufacture of high-graded or weak vinegar depends Quantity of ;

beer to be added to the alcoholic liquid .107

Quantity of finished vinegar to be added to the alcoholic liquid; Table of
the theoretical yield of acetic acid from alcohol .308
. . .

lleason why practically less vinegar with a smaller percentage of acetic an-
hydride is obtained Table showing the content of alcohol required in an

alcoholic liquid for the production of vinegar with a certain content of

acetic acid ; Calculation for finding the number of gallons of water which
have to be added to alcohol of known strength to obtain an alcoholic liquid
with the desired- percentage of alcohol 109

Examples of the composition of alcoholic liquid . . . . . .110

Use of low wine for the preparation of alcoholic liquid . . . . .111
Determination of the content of alcohol in spirits of wine ; Compilation show-
ing the manner of preparing alcoholic liquid according to rational princi-
ples ,
Determination of acetic acid in vinegar; Constitution of the fundamental
materials used in the preparation of alcoholic liquid
suitable and unsuitable for the preparation of vinegar; Behavior of
. ....
mixtures of water and alcohol . . . ..114. . . .

River water and the possible introduction of vinegar eels by it; Importance
of the constitution of the spirits of wine used 115
Advisability of using a mixture of rectified and crude potato alcohol 116 . .



Simplicity of the work; Reduction of alcohol with water .117 . . .

Quantity of fluid to be worked in a generator in the course of a day; Gradual

strengthening of the alcoholic liquid with alcohol
Temperature to be maintained in the interior of the generators; Determina-

tion of acetic acid and of alcohol in the fluid running off from the gener-
Plan of operation as resolved from the results of tests ..... 119
triple vinegar ............
actual prodoction according to the old method; Production of so-called

Group system; Principle of the operation; Operation with three groups of


generators. . . . . . . . . . . . .122
Taking samples for determining the content of acetic acid and alcohol; Cross-
ing the generators . . . . . . . . . . .124
Group system with automatic contrivances; Preparation of the alcoholic
liquid for 12 per cent, vinegar . . . .125
. . . . .

Regulation of the automatic contrivances; Operation with the automatic

system . 126
Recognition of a disturbance in any one of the generators, and its preven-
tion . .127



ing substances of the ferment, and how to remedy them
Sweet beer wort or malt extract for strengthening weak-working generators;
serious disturbances can be avoided; Irregularities due to the nourish-

Favorable effect of phosphates; Disturbances ascribable to the quantity of

newly-formed acetic acid . . . . . . . . . .129
Controlling the working of the generators by frequent determinations of the
acetic acid; Phenomena indicative of the generator not being able to mas-

state of working ...........

ter the alcoholic liquid introduced; Restoration of the generator to a proper

Cause of the heating of generators; Sliming of the shavings in generators

131 .

Causes of sliming; Alteration which takes place in the shavings 132 . . .

Constitution of the slimy coat; How sliming can be remedied at the com-
mencement of the evil .

Disturbances due to vinegar eels .........

. .

. . . . . . . 133
Remedies for the suppression of vinegar eels.
Sulphuring the generator and apparatus for that purpose
Disturbances due to vinegar lice (vinegar mites) . .
.... .
Vinegar flies 142


Indications of the
Utensils required, Induction of the formation of vinegar;

commencement of acetification;
The wash and

Excitation of


barrels 144
Time required
for acetification; Barreling
cations of the slow process.
Household manufacture of vinegar .
and storing the vinegar; Modifi-

. . . . . . .147

Preparation of vinegar with the assistance of platinum black . . .. 148

Odor of freshly-prepared vinegar, and on what it depends; Filling the
Means of improving the odor of vinegar ..'..... 149

Drawing oft' the vinegar from the sediment
vinegar brought into storage barrels
in the barrel; Constituents of the

Storing of vinegar; Processes which take place during storing. . . .


vinegar, and apparatus used. .........

Filtering vinegar before bringing it into the storage barrels;

Filtration of vinegar and filters for this purpose

Heating the

Sulphuring of vinegar. .

Fining vinegar; Coloring vinegar. ........ 158


Formation of diastase; How vinegar may be made from starch. . . . 160
Beer-wort not a suitable material for vinegar. . . . .161. .

Fermented whiskey mashes for the manufacture of vinegar; Manufacture of

malt or grain vinegar. 162
Most suitable variety of malt for making vinegar 163
Theoretical part in mashing; After-effect of the diastase 164

"Doughingin" 165
On what the strength of the vinegar to be made depends; Setting the mash

fermented "ripe" mash; Heating the mash.

Conversion of the fermented malt-wort into vinegar.
with yeast; Preparation of compressed yeast; Treatment of the completely

. .
.167. .

Filtration of malt vinegar in rffininy or rape vessels; Manufacture of malt

vinegar by "fielding" Utilization of sour ale and beer for vinegar.

168 . .

Vinegar from sugar beets, and from sugar, fruits and berries. 169. . .

Making vinegar on a small scale for domestic use. . . .170

. .

Table showing the average content of sugar and free acid in the most com-

Preparation of vinegar from other berries.

Peaches as vinegar stock; Cider vinegar.
mon varieties of fruits; Treatment of currant juice for making vinegar.


Use of a generator for the conversion of cider into vinegar; Directions for
home-made cider vinegar, by Mr. Walter G. Sackett 174

Groups of
of dissolving volatile oils in vinegar ......
Perfumed vinegar; Aromatized vinegar . . . 178

vinegar; Aromatic vinegar .........

Preparation of aromatized vinegar; Toilet vinegars; Mohr's volatile

Henry's vinegar; Vinaigre des quatre voleurs; Hygienic or preventive vine-

spirits of

gar; Cosmetic vinegar; Table vinegars; Anise vinegar . .181

. .

Anchovy vinegar; Tarragon vinegar; Compound tarragon vinegar; Effervesc-

ing vinegar 182
Herb vinegar; Pineapple vinegar; Celery vinegar; Clove vinegar; Lovage
vinegar; Raspberry vinegar 183
Preparation of acetic ether. 184

Materials for wine-vinegar; Theoretical and actual yield
Reasons why wine-vinegar is superior to the ordinary products
.... . , ; .
Table showing the composition of wine and of the vinegar formed from it;

"Sick" wines
Lactic acid and acetic degenerations of wine

Young wine attacked by acid degeneration for

...... making vinegar; Preparation

of after-wine, according to Petiot

Use of this wine for making vinegar

. . . .

Older method of making wine vinegar; Orleans or old French process of


. .190

making wine-vinegar .193

Pasteur's or modern French method of preparing wine-vinegar 196
. . .

pear in the conversion of wine into vinegar ......

Pasteurization and apparatus used; Undesirable phenomena which may ap-
Claudon's method of making wine-vinegar described by Frederic T. Bioletti. 200
Bersch's method of making wine-vinegar; Culture of pure vinegar ferment 201 .

Apparatus for making wine vinegar

Operation in a wine-vinegar factory
Variety of wine most suitable for making vinegar

. . . . . 203
Disturbances in the production of wine-vinegar; Filtering wine-vinegar . 208

ratus for that purpose

Wine-vinegar by the quick process . . .

Storing and bottling wine-vinegar; Pasteurizing bottled vinegar and appa-
. . . . .210

Wine-vinegar from marc . . . . . . . . . .211

Determination of sugar ..........
Determination of alcohol; The alcoholometer
Determination of the alcohol by the distilling test, and apparatus used. . 215

Determination of the alcohol by the ebullioscope
Vidal-Malligaud's ebullioscope
Determination of the content of acetic anhydride in vinegar, or acetometry:

Titration or volumetric analysis, and apparatus for that purpose . 220


Calculation of the quantity of acetic acid in the vinegar examined; Determi-

nation of the strength of vinegar by the vinegar tester, described by Fred-
.eric T. Bioletti . 224

Detection of acids; Sulphuric acid 227
Hydrochloric acid; Nitric acid; Lactic acid; Sulphurous acid . . . 228
Detection of metals; Iron; Copper; Tin
Determination of the derivation of a vinegar ...... 229

Constitution of wood; Specific gravity of different woods .... 233
Average composition of air-dry wood; Decomposition of
Effect of heating on wood; Effect of acids on wood
Effect of dilute aqueous solutions of alkalies on cellulose
..... wood . . . 234
Products of destructive distillation; Gaseous products of distillation . . 237
Table showing the order in which the gaseous combinations are formed
different temperatures; Composition of wood gases. .... at
Origin of many
tion of wood.
bodies which appear
. . .

Quantity of gas yielded by wood by destructive distillation.

. .......
among the products of the decomposi-

. . .
Liquid products of distillation; Wood vinegar; Fatty acids in wood vinegar 242
Production of methyl alcohol from marsh gas; Formation of acetone. 243 .

Variation in the quantities of the bodies of which wood-vinegar is composed;

Tar . i>44

Composition of the larger quantity of the tar products; Combinations which

are definitely known. . . . . .

"Yield of tar obtained in the destructive distillation of wood; Table of bodies

245 . . ...
of technical importance appearing in the destructive distillation of wood. 246
'Character of wood tar
Retort tar Boiled tar ; . . 247 -

Properties of the combinations formed in wood tar; Acetic acid; Acetone. . 248
Methyl acetate; Aldehyde or acetaldehyde; Methyl alcohol or wood spirit 249
Tar products hydrocarbons of the series C n H 2n -6 250
Naphthalene and paraffin. . . . 251 . . . . . .

Tar products containing oxygen (creosote); Properties of wood-tar creosote 252

tar mentioned by various chemists. ........

Illuminating gases from wood; Complete series of compounds occurring in wood


wood in a thermo-chemical way.

Processes by which acetic acid on a large scale can be prepared.
Selection of the apparatus for the installation of a plant for the utilization of

. .
Kilns or ovens and retorts; Charring of wood in heaps or pits.
Schwartz's oven
Reichenbach's oven


. .

. . . .



Swedish oven 260
Carbo-oven Retorts
Horizontal retorts; Wrought-iron retort of suitable construction . . . 263
Manner of bricking in six retorts 2(54

Utilization of the gases escaping from the condenser for heating . . . 266
-Oven-retort largely used in this country; Coolers; Vertical retorts
-Arrangement of the retort-ovens and the lifting apparatus .... . . 267

Distilling apparatus for wood waste; Halliday's apparatus

Apparatus suitable for the distillation of sawdust and waste of
.... wood in gen-

eral 273
On what the selection of apparatus for the destructive distillation of wood
Coolers; Counter-current pipe cooler ........
Most suitable way of connecting two pipes
Prevention of obstruction in the pipes.
Box cooler; Collection of gas
Reservoirs for the product of distillation 279
Collecting boxes 281
Utilization of the gases . . . . . . . . . 282

Operation with a larger number of retorts;
distillation has to be continued depends
On what

of placing a thermometer in one of the retorts.....

the time during which


Use of antimony in determining the commencement of the end of distillation. 286

Size of vats for the reception of the distillate; Collecting boxes sunk in the

ground 287
Yield of products; Manner in which accurate data regarding the quantities

experiments ............
of wood-vinegar and tar from a variety of wood may be obtained;

Results obtained by Assmus in manufacturing on a large scale; Yields ob-


tained with retorts, according to Klar 289

Uses of crude wood-vinegar; Separation of acetic acid.
Separation of the wood-vinegar fr m
the tar; Methods by which concentrated

Distilled wood-vinegar
F. H. Meyer's system
acetic acid can be obtained from crude wood-vinegar. . . . . 291

of distilling the crude wood-vinegar in multiple evap-


orators in vacuum; Properties of freshly-distilled wood-vinegar. . . 293

Various methods proposed for the purification of wood-vinegar . . . 294

acetate .............
Production of pure acetic i cid from wood-vinegar; Preparation of calcium

Evaporating pans........... 296


Klar's continuously. working apparatus for evaporating and drying the cal-
cium acetate
......... 298

Preparation of sodium acetate
Filter for obtaining pure sodium acetate
Mode of obtaining sodium acetate for the preparation of perfectly pure acetic

acid . 302

Preparation of sodium acetate from calcium acetate 304
Preparation of
acid process ............

Sulphuric acid process.

acid from

the acetates; Processes used; Hydrochloric

Plant arranged for the sulphuric acid process
Preparation of glacial acetic acid.
process for obtaining highly concentrated acetic acid . . .310

Preparation of glacial acetic acid of the highest concentration . . .311

Properties of acetates
Potassium acetate
........... 313
Potassium acid acetate or potassium diacetate; Sodium acetate; Ammonium
acetate, neutral acetate of ammonia . . . . . . .316

Magnesium acetate ...........

Calcium acetate; Barium acetate. . . . . . . . . 317
tate; Basic

Normal or f
g acetate
aluminium acetate; Basic aluminium ace-

Chromium acetate;
Iron acetate; Ferrous acetate, black mordant
Neutral ferric acetate, sesquiacetate of iron.
Chromous acetate; Nickel acetate; Cobalt acetate . .
Zinc acetate; Copper acetates; Cuprous acetate; Neutral cupric acetate, crys-
tallized verdigris
Basic cupric acetates; Sesquibasic cupric acetate
Tribasic cupric acetate; French and English verdigris.
Stein's method,

Crystallizing pans
and ......
acetates; Neutral acetate of lead (sugar of lead); Volkel's

distilling apparatus used
method . 335

Brown acetate of lead .

Properties of acetate of lead
Preparation of sugar of lead from metallic lead, according to Berard

. . 340

method; Lead vinegar or extract of lead..

Lead sesquibasic acetate, triplumbic tetracetate
Basic lead acetates; Manufacture of white lead according to the French

...... 344

curous acetate. ...........

Sexbasic acetate of lead; Uranium acetate; Tin acetate;

Mercuric acetate; Silver acetate

Bismuth acetate; Mer-


Preparation of
merce; Wood
wood spirit; Constitution of

spirit for denaturing purposes ......

the crude wood spirit of com-


and still for the purpose ..........

Constitution of pure wood spirit; Rectification of crude

Preparation of wood spirit suitable for denaturing purposes
wood spirit solutions,


Preparation of acetone; Properties of acetone; Decomposition of the calcium

acetate, and apparatus for this purpose 352

tion of acetone. ...........

Rectification of the crude distillate;

Manufacture of pure acetone according

Arrangement of a plant

H. Meyer's system; Working

to F.
for the produc-

Yield from tar of hard woods by distillat on

Rectification of the oils; Manner
the wood tar; Preparation of creosote and tar oils; Distillation of wood tar 355

of obtaining creosote from the distillate

. 357
Working the heavy oils; Results of experiments regarding birch-tar oil . 358




Ripening of fruits ...........

Definition of the term wine; Ingred ents which are added to artificial wines;

Occurrence and behavior of pectose; Formation and properties of pectine

. 3(51

Properties of metapectine; Constitution and action of pectose . . . 302

Pectous fermentation; Formation and properties of pectic acid . . . 363
Formation of metapectic acid; Definition of the term isomeric 304 . . .

Development and ripening of a fruit viewed as a chemical process; Results

opment and perfection ..........

of chemical researches into the changes fruits undergo during their devel-

Stages a fruit passes through during development and ripening . . .


Fruits used for the preparation of fruit wines; Table of the average percen-
tage of sugar in different varieties of fruit . . .

Tables of the average percentage of free acid expressed in malic acid, and
of the proportion between acid, sugar, pectine, gum etc., and of the pro-

portions between water, soluble and insoluble substances . 309 . . .

Tables of the composition of the juice according
tine, etc., and of the content of five acid

Urape sugar or glucose; Acids

to the content of sugar, pec-

Albuminous substances; Pectous substances;

Tannin; Pathological and physiological tannins
Inorganic constituents; Fermentation
and vegetable mucilage . 372

Succinic acid; Glycerin

Carbonic acid; Alkaloid in wine
Chief products of vinous fermentation

. . . . . . . . 375

Methods of obtaining the juice or must from the fruit; W. O. Hickock's

portable cider mill . . . . . . . . . . 378

Crushing mill; Davis's star apple grinder 379
Farmer's cider press
Extra-power cider press
Revolving platform of the extra-power cider press; Improved racks . . 383
Plain racks
Apple elevator ............
Arrangement of a plant for making cider on a large scale

Testing the must as to the content of acid and sugar; Determination of
Determination of sugar
acid. 387
Determination of the content of pure sugar in glucose 391

Anthon's table for finding the content of anhydrous sugar in saturated solu-
tions of glucose; Cider from apples 392
of composition for pure ciders; Analyses of ciders by the United States

Agricultural Department
Choice of varieties of apples for making cider
Composition of the apple 395
Juice constituents of the apple; Gathering and sweating apples for the pre-
paration of cider . . . . . . . . . . . 396

gards the crushing of the seeds ........

Reduction of the apples to an impalpable pulp; Diversity of opinion as re-


and cotton press-cloth for straw in laying the cheese. ....

Pressing; Primitive method of laying the cheese; Substitution of hair cloth

Extraction of the juice by diffusion; Objections urged against pasteurizing


or sterilizing fresh apple juice; H. C. Gore's experiments to develop a
method for sterilizing apple juice
Conclusions arrived at regarding the carbonating of fresh apple juice; Addi-

tion of benzoate of soda to apple juice sold in bulk; H. C. Gore's investiga-
tions of the cold storage of cider

Testing apple juice to be fermented; Filling the fermentation casks .402 .


Fermentation of the apple juice, and pure cultures of yeast for this purpose. 403

Fermentation funnel or ventilating funnel 404

Clarification of cider ...........

First or tumultuous fermentation.

Additions to cider intended for export. 407

Preparation of cider in the same manner as other fruit wines; Red apple wine
or red wine from cider Dr. Denis Dumont's directions for bottling cider
408 .

Manufacture of cider in the island of Jersey. . . . . . . 409
Devonshire cider.
Cider as a basis for




Burgundy; Malaga wine; Sherry wine; Diseases of cider

. . . .





Acidity in cider; Viscosity or greasy appearance of cider . . . .413

Turbidity or lack of clarification of cider; Adulteration of cider; Minimum

for the composition of pure cider
Manufacture of brandy from cider
... . .

Preparation of the juice for distillation; Brandy from plums, damsons,

. . . .


Pear cider; Preparation of " port wine " from cider
Quince wine

From small fruits; Means of preventing the wine from turning . . . 419

Advantage of using a mixture of various
and keeping qualities of the wine
juices; Means of improving the flavor

and drawing, .........

Selection of the fruit; Expression of the juice; Fermentation; Clarification

off into bottles 421
Currant wine
Strawberry wine. ...........
Gooseberry wine.
Gooseberry champagne
Raspberry wine .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Blackberry wine 430
Mulberry wine; Elderberry wine; Juniperberry wine . . . . . 431
Rhubarb wine; Parsnip wine; Wine from various materials.
From stone fruits; Cherry wine; Morello wine; Plum wine
Sloe or wild plum wine
.... . . . 432



Rules applying to all methods of preserving fruit 435

without boiling. . . ...... ...

French method known as Baine-Marie; Preservation of the flesh of the fruit

Preparation of the
fruit for preserving;

servation in air-tight cans.

Preservation of fine table pears; Pre-

Groups of canned articles embraced in the American trade lists; Fruits suit-

able and unsuitable for canning

Various styles of cans and jars .........
Manner of coating and lining the inside of tin cans; Manufacture of tin cans

in the United States canneries 441

Division of labor in the canneries; Preparation of the syrup. 442 . . .

Apparatus for the expulsion of the air by heating the cans; Cleansing and
testing the cans.
Canning of tomatoes; Selection of a site for
a canning establishment 445
. .

contracts for a supply of tomatoes are made;

factory; Scalding the tomatoes

Skinning the tomatoes; Machines for filling
Arrangement of a canning

the cans; Cappers and their


Labeling the cans..........
. . . . . .

. 447
Tomato catchup
Walnut catchup
and vexations of a canner's

life; Catchup 449
Gooseberry catchup;
jellies; .....
Horseradish catchup

Fruit butter; Manufacture of apple butter
Preparation of raisine ; Marmalade
Fruit butter, marmalades and

scale. .............
Derivation of the wood marmalade; Manufacture of marmalade on a large

Quantity of sugar to be used; Secret of the great reputation the products of


the principal American factories enjoy; Selection of fruit for marmalade 456 .

Apple pulp as a foundation for marmalade, and its preparation; Storage of

fruit pulp 457
Tutti-frutti; English marmalade; Jelly; Erroneous opinion regarding the
quantity of sugar required in making jelly; Apple jelly without sugar . 458
Use of the saccharometer in jelly boiling; Jellies from pears, mulberries and
other small fruit 459
Preparation of jelly from stone-fruit, quinces, rhubarb, etc ;
French perfumed
jelly 460
Manufacture of apple jelly in one of the largest plants for that purpose; Ar-
rangement of the factory 461

The evaporator ............

Grating the apples and expressing the juice; The defecator and its object 462

Proper consistency for perfect jelly; Yield of jelly from a bushel of fruit
Saving of the apple seeds
464 .


The Alden Patent
Theory of evaporating
for evaporating fruit.
....... 465

Absorption of moisture by the air. ........

lieason why drying fruit in the oven must yield unsatisfactory results
468 . .

Chemical analysis of a parcel of Baldwin apples, showing the changes in the

composition of the fruit by drying in the oven, and by evaporation
Tower evaporators; The improved Alden evaporator ..... . . 4('9

The Williams evaporator .

Manner of operating the Alden evaporator

. .

. . .

Table of intervals of time at which the trays must be placed in the evapora-
. . . . 472

tor; Handling and packing the evaporated fruit 475

Kiln evaporators, described by H. T. Gould; Construction of a kiln 476 . .

Heating the kiln and appliances for that purpose
Arrangement of an evaporator having four or five kilns
. 477
. . . .

ples; Types of bleachers

Temperature to be maintained
Selection of the varieties of fruit to be evaporated; Paring and bleaching ap-

in the kiln
Manner of placing the fruit in the trays when drying in the tower evapora-
tor; Treatment of plums after evaporating; Conversion of grapes into rais-

ins; Mode of obtaining Malaga grapes; Evaporation of tomatoes

Evaporation of various vegetables, and of potatoes
482 . .

Sun-drying apparatus
French method of drying fruit in the oven ... .... 485

Pickles; Manner of packing pickles; General rule for the preparation of pick-

Preparation of spiced vinegar

"Greening" pickles; Fruits
and vegetables chiefly used for the preparation

of pickles 489
Mixed pickles; Pickled gherkins
Picalilli; . . ...
490 .

and tomatoes ............

Gherkins in mustard; Pickled mushrooms; Pickled onions, peaches, peas,

Pickled walnuts; Mustard; English method of preparing mustard; Substan-
ces used for seasoning mustard 492

Ordinary mustard ...........

Gumpoldskircher must-mustard; Moutarde des Jesuites, French mustard;

dorf mustard; Sour Diisseldorf mustard .......

Frankfort mustard; Wine mustard; Aromatic or hygienic mustard; Diissel-

Apices; Moutarde aromatisee; English mustard. .....

Sweet and sour Kremser must-mustards; Moutarde de maille; Moutarde aux

Appert's method of canning meats; Cans used; Placing the prepared meats in
the cans; Heating the cans and steam-chamber for the purpose 496 . . .

Object to be attained in operating according to Appert's method . 497 . .

Soup tablets
Preparation of corned beef according to Appert's method; Meat biscuit ac-
cording to Gallamond 498-
Beef extract; Quick salting of meat by liquid pressure; Quick process of
smoking meat ^ 500

Preservation of eggs . ..........

Preparation of powdered meat; Preservation of fish 502

Table I.Hehner's alcohol table. . 506
Table which indicates the specific gravity of mixtures of alcohol and

water 509
Table III. Proportion between the per cent, by weight and by volume of
alcoholic fluids at 59 F 510

Table V.
Table IV. The actual content of alcohol and water in mixtures of both fluids
and the contraction which takes place in mixing
For'comparing the different aerometers with Tralles's alcoholo-

meter 512
Determination of the true strengths of spirit for the standard temperature of
59 F 5ia
Table VI. Determination of the true strengths of spirit for the standard
temperature of 59 F. (15 C.). 514
Explanation of Table VI 519
Table VII. Determination of the true volume of alcoholic fluids from the
apparent volume at different temperatures; Explanation of Table VII. 520 ,

wine. t .........
Table VIII. Preparation of whiskey of various strengths from spirits of
Table IX. For the reduction of specific gravities to saccharometer per cent. 523

Table X. Comparative synopsis of the aerometers for must generally used 526 .

Table XL Table to Oechsle's aerometer for must 527

Table XII. Table to Massonfour's aerometer for must 527
Table XIII. For comparing per cent, of sugar with per cent of extract and
specific gravity 527
Table XIV. For determining the content of per cent of acetic acid contained
in a vinegar of specific gravity (according to A. C. Oudemans) . 528 .

Table XIV. For determining the content of per cent, of acetic acid con-
tained in a vinegar of specific gravity (according to Mohr) . . . 529
Table XVI. Comparison of the scales of Keaumur's, Celsius's and Fahren-
heit's thermometers 530
Index . . 531



Ordinary vinegar consists of a weak solution of acetic acid

in aqueous fluids prepared by the oxidation of alcoholic liquors

by means of acetic acid bacteria, Bacterium aceti, of which

there are many varieties, the best races being propagated by

pure culture methods, and used for impregnating the alcoholic

liquors to be fermented. The color of vinegar and, to a cer-
tain extent, also its odor and taste are influenced by the ma-
terials from which it is prepared. In this form it has been
known from the earliest times, and it must have been used
contemporaneously with wine, because it is evident that at the
temperature of the Eastern countries, where the first .experi-
ments with the juice of the grape were made, fermentation
must have set in rapidly and the wine been quickly trans-
formed into an acid compound. Vinegar is mentioned in the
Old Testament, and Hippocrates made use of it as a medicine.
That the solvent effects of vinegar were understood by the
ancients, is shown by the well-known anecdote of Cleopatra,
related by Pliny. To gain a wager that she could consume
at a single meal the value of a million sesterces, she dissolved

pearls in vinegar which she drank. This is also shown by

the equally well known, but exaggerated account by'Livy and
Plutarch, that Hannibal overcame the difficulties offered by

the rocks to the passage of his army over the Alps, by dissolv-
ing them with vinegar. Admitting the exaggeration, or the
explanation which some give, viz.: that Hannibal used the
vinegar by way of strategem, to incite his men to greater ex-
ertion by the belief that the difficulties of the path were
diminished, the case nevertheless shows that the solvent action
of vinegar upon certain substances was well known at that

Vitruvius also states that rocks which cannot be attacked
by either fire or iron, will yield when heated and wet with
Although there can be no doubt that vinegar was in very
general use at an early period, there was no definite knowledge
as to the cause of its production and the mode of its formation,
and we are indebted to the much-abused alchemists for the
first knowledge of its purification and concentration by dis-


Gerber, who flourished in the eighth century, gives us the

earliest description of the process of increasing the strength of

wine-vinegar by distillation, and Albucases, about 1100, stated

the fact that vinegar to be colorless has to be distilled over a
moderate fire. Basilius Valentinus, a monk and celebrated
alchemist of the fifteenth century, knew that by the slow dis-
tillation of vinegar, first a weak, and then a stronger product
is obtained, and he was probably also acquainted with the
process of obtaining strong acetic acid by distilling cupric ace-
tate (verdigris.) In fact, for a long time this was the only way
of preparing acetic acid, the result of the further rectification of
the product being termed radical vinegar, spiritus Veneris,
Venus' s vinegar, spiritus aeruginis, etc.
Stael, in 1697, strengthened vinegar by freezing out some of
its water. In 1702, he taught the method of obtaining strong
acetic acidby neutralizing vinegar by an alkali, and distilling
the acetate thus formed with oil of vitriol. The Count de
Laragnais (1759), and the Marquis de Courtenvaux (1768),
showed that the most concentrated acetic acid obtained from

verdigris was capable of Loewitz (1789)

taught how pure, but weak might be strengthened
acetic acid

by passing it repeatedly over charcoal powder. It may thus

be deprived of so much of its water that it crystallizes by cold.
This crystallizable acetic acid is the strongest which it is pos-
sible to obtain. Durande (1777), gave to it the name which
it still bears, of glacial acetic acid.
The formation of an acid body in the destructive distillation
of wood was known as early as the seventeenth century. How-
ever, it was for a long time not recognized as acetic acid, but
considered a special acid (pyroligneous acid). Fourcroy and
Vauquelin, in 1800, were the first to recognize this acid as
acetic acid, and Thenard, in 1802, demonstrated the presence
of acetic acid among the products formed in the destructive
distillation of animal substances.
Berzelius, in 1814, determined the exact chemical constitu-
tion of acetic acid, and Saussure, in the same year, that of alco-
hol. Dr. observed that spongy platinum, in contact
J. Davy
with vapor of alcohol, became incandescent and generated
acetic acid. Dobereiner further studied the nature of the acid,
and proved that the alcohol was oxidized at the expense of the
atmospheric air, producing acetic acid and water, and that no
carbonic acid was formed, thus pointing out the fallacy of the
opinion held by the chemists of his time that carbonic acid
was one of the products of acetic fermentation.

Schiitzenbach, in 1823, one year after the establishment by

Dobereiner of the now generally accepted theory of the forma-
tion of acetic acid from alcohol, introduced the quick process
of manufacturing vinegar.
Without detracting from the credit due to Schiitzenbach for
the introduction of his method and the improvement in the
process of manufacturing vinegar, it may be mentioned that as
early as 1732, nearly a century before, the celebrated Dutch
chemist and physician, Boerhave, made known a method for

making vinegar from wine, which contained the principles of

the quick process.

Although it is now more than ninety years since the intro-

duction of Schiitzenbach's process into practice, the manufac-
ture of vinegar from alcohol remains nearly the same. While
no change can be made as regards the theoretical part of the
process, it being erected on a foundation clearly indicated by
a knowledge of natural laws, many important improvements
may surely be introduced in the manufacture of vinegar on a
large scale, this being especially the case where it is uninter-
ruptedly carried on with the use of suitable apparatus. Many
manufacturers work according to Schiitzenbach's original

plan, e., they

i. use an ^immense amount of labor for a per-
formance which can be attained in a much simpler manner.
Progress is essential in every business, but for several reasons
especially necessary for the manufacturer engaged in mak-
it is

ing vinegar by the quick process. Alcohol in every form

whiskey, beer, wine is everywhere subjected to a high tax, and
the constantly increasing taxation of this fundamental material
for the manufacture of vinegar, of course increases the price
the manufacturer has to pay for it. Another reason why the
production of vinegar from alcohol becomes constantly more
difficult isfound in the great competition arising from the
continued improvements in the manufacture of pure acetic
acid from wood. Not many years ago it was considered im-
possible to obtain entirely pure acetic acid from wood when
manufacturing on a large scale, but the article produced at
the present time may be almost designated as chemically
pure in the true sense of the word, it containing, besides
acetic acid, only water, and the most accurate analysis cannot
detect a trace of the products of tar, which render unpurified
wood vinegar unfit for use.
For consumption on a large scale, especially where only a
body of an acid taste is required, the use of so-called
essence," pure 80 to 90 per cent, acetic acid, obtained from
i. e.,

wood, and which, when properly diluted, furnishes ordinary

vinegar, will undoubtedly gradually supersede vinegar pre-
pared from alcohol, it being considerably cheaper. And not-

withstanding that the price of wood vinegar is declining every

year, in regions where wood is plentiful and cheap its manu-
facture is a remunerative industry on account of the many
valuable by-products tar, wood spirit, charcoal obtained
besides acetic acid. At the present
time, for all industrial pur-
poses where acetic acid is required, as for instance in the man-
ufacture of tar colors, that obtained from wood is used, and
the quantities consumed in the production of vinegar for do-
mestic purposes becomes larger every year.
But the manufacture of vinegar from alcohol and alcoholic
liquids will nevertheless continue to flourish, because the pro-
duct obtained from them possesses different properties from
the pure acetic acid prepared from wood. Vinegar obtained
from alcohol, and still more so that from fermented fruit juices,
such as wine, cider, skins of pressed grapes, or from malt, con-
tains, besides acetic acid and water, small quantities of bodies

which, on account of their being analogous to those occurring

in wine, may be designated as " bouquet bodies," and which

give to the vinegar an agreeable smell and taste entirely want-

ing in acetic acid prepared from wood. These properties are
so characteristic that any one gifted with a sensitive and prac-
ticed sense of smell can at once distinguish pure acetic acid
vinegar from that prepared from wine, cider, beer, etc.
By the addition of volatile oils or compound ethers an agree-
able odor may, of course, be imparted to vinegar obtained by
diluting pure wood acetic acid with water, but it is impossible
to produce the harmonious bouquet peculiar to vinegar pre-
pared from alcohol or fruit juices, a similar relation existing
here as between genuine and artificial wine. The latter may
be made so that, as regards taste and smell, it nearly ap-
proaches genuine wine, but a connoisseur will at once detect
the difference.
The principal defects of the manner of manufacturing vine-
gar by the quick process in general use are not in the method
itself, for that, as already indicated, corresponds entirely to the

theoretical conditions, and yields as good a product as can be


obtained from the raw material used. The weak point of the
process is found in practical execution of it, the losses of
material being much more considerable and greater than
absolutely necessary : the consumption of labor is large, and, as
every manufacturer knows from experience, interruptions in the
regular process of working are of too frequent occurrence.
All these disadvantages can be reduced to a minimum, if not
absolutely overcome, and it is hoped sufficient hints how this
can be done will be found in the following chapters.
As will be explained later on acetic acid contains the same
elements found in carbonic acid and water, and to judge from
the results already attained by chemistry in building up com-

pounds from their elements, a method will no doubt be found

by which acetic acid can on a large scale be produced from its
elements. It is difficult to predict the effect the discovery of
such a process would have upon the life of all other methods
of vinegar manufacture. In fact, acetic acid has already been
prepared in this manner, but the method employed is not
adapted for operations on a large scale.



INDEPENDENT of the formation of acetic acid by destructive

distillation,the chemical processes by which acetic acid in
larger quantities is formed are at present quite well understood,
and may be briefly explained as follows :

As previously mentioned, Dobereiner, in 1822, established

the theory of the formation of acetic acid from alcohol, and the
processes taking place thereby may be expressed by the fol-
lowing formula :

C2H6 + 2
=C H 2 4 2 +H 2
Alcohol. Oxygen. Acetic acid. Water.

According to the above formula, acetic acid and water are

formed by the action of oxygen upon alcohol, and hence the
formation of acetic acid takes place by a partial combustion or
oxidation of the latter. Alcohol and acetic acid are, however,
only two members of the process, and that besides them other
bodies are formed from the alcohol, can in a
vinegar manufac-
tory be. readily detected by the sense of smell.
By treating alcohol with pyrolusite and sulphuric acid
hence by the action of oxygen at the moment of its liberation
from a combination, i. e., in its nascent state Dobereiner ob-
tained a body which he called " light oxygenated ether "

(leichter Sauerstoffather). Liebig later on studied this com-

bination more accurately, and found that, as regards its com-
position, it differed from that of alcohol only by containing two
atoms less of hydrogen. He applied to it the term ''alde-
hyde." Aldehyde is composed of C 2
H 4 0, and its formation is

represented by the formula

C2H6 + 2
=C H 2 4 2 +H 2
Alcohol. Oxygen. Aldehyde. Water.

In the examination of the properties of aldehyde it was

shown that readily converted into acetic acid by the ab-
it is

sorption of oxygen and, based upon these facts, Liebig estab-

lished a theory of the formation of vinegar which was for many

years considered correct.

Essentially Liebig's theory is as follows :
By the exposure,
under suitable conditions, of alcohol to the action of the atmos-

pheric oxygen, one-third of the entire quantity of hydrogen

contained in it is withdrawn, and aldehyde is formed. The lat-
ter, however, immediately combines further with oxygen, and
is converted into acetic acid ;
the formation of vinegar from
alcohol being, therefore, a partial process of combustion.
From the present standpoint of our knowledge regarding the
formation of acetic acid from alcohol, the correctness of this
theory is about parallel with that according to which alcohol
and carbonic acid are formed by the alcoholic fermentation of

sugar. The latter process can also be illustrated by an equa-

tion in 'as simple a manner as the conversion of alcohol into
acetic acid by aldehyde.At the present time, the processes
taking place in the formation of acetic acid from alcohol must,

however, be considered as far more complicated than supposed

by Liebig. According to the latter, a simple oxidation, i. e., a
simple chemical process, takes place. But, according to the
now universally accepted view, the formation of vinegar is due
to a chemico-physiological process with the co-operation of a

living organism. Alcohol and oxygen alone do not suffice for

this purpose, the presence of nitrogenous bodies and salts, be-
sides that of an organism, being absolutely necessary.
The French chemist,, Pasteur, was the first to establish the
formation of vinegar as a peculiar process of fermentation, and
he maintains that a certain organism, the " vinegar ferment"
or " vinegar yeast," consumes the alcohol, nitrogenous sub-
stances and salts, and separates acetic acid, aldehyde, etc.,
as products of the change of matter taking place in the living

organism. On the other hand, the German chemist Niigeli is

of the opinion that the role of the organism is to bring the

particles of the substance to be fermented in this case alcohol

lying next to it, into such vibrations as to decompose them

into more simple combinations in this case, acetic acid,

aldehyde, etc.

The scientific dispute over these two different views is not

yet settled, though the majority of chemists are inclined to
accept Pasteur's theory. For the practical man it is of no
consequence which of these views will be finally accepted as
the correct one; the fact that the process of the formation of
vinegar is connected with the living process of an organism
being alone of importance to him.
As is well known, organisms producing fermentation are
named after certain products which they form in larger quan-
tities,the organisms forming alcohol from sugar being, for in-
stance, briefly termed "alcoholic ferment." In this sense we
may also speak of a vinegar or acetic ferment, since a definite

organism causing the formation of larger quantities of acetic

acid from alcohol is known, and the cultivation of this ferment
is one of the principal tasks of the manufacturer of vinegar.
Numerous observations have established the fact that the
properties of forming large quantities of acetic acid are inher-
ent only in this ferment. Small quantities of acetic acid are,
however, also, constantly formed by other ferments, so that
in examining products due to the process of decomposition
induced by organisms, acetic acid will generally be found
among them. In the alcoholic fermentation, at least in that
of wine and bread dough, acetic acid is always found. It

originates in the germination of many seeds, and generally

appears in the putrefaction of substances rich in nitrogen, such
as albumen, glue, etc. It appears also in the so-called lactic

fermentation, the lactic acid formed by the specific ferment of

this species of fermentation being by farther processes of fer-
mentation decomposed into butyric and acetic acids.
Acetic acid is found in many animal juices, for instance, in
meat juices, milk, sweat and urine. It also occurs in the
fresh fruit of the tamarind. The processes which take place
in formation in these cases are not known, though it is

very likely directly formed from certain varieties, of sugar.

There is quite a large series of X'hemical processes in which
certain quantities of acetic acid are formed. Sugar, starch,
woody fibre and, in general, all compounds known as carbo-

hydrates, when fused with caustic alkalies, yield certain quan-

tities of acetic acid, by themselves when subjected to
and also
destructive distillation. the processes by which acetic
acid is produced in a purely chemical manner, i. e., without
the co-operation of organisms, the most interesting is that by
which its formation is effected by the action of very finely
divided platinum, the so-called platinum black, upon alcohol.
Platinum black is readily prepared by boiling a solution of
platinic chloride, to which an excess of sodium carbonate and
a quantity of sugar have been added, until the precipitate
formed after a little time becomes perfectly black, and the

supernatant liquid colorless. The black powder is collected

on a filter, washed and dried by gentle heat. On account of
the minute state of its division, this substance condenses within
it several hundred times its volume of oxygen, and conse-

quently when the vapor of alcohol comes in contact with it, a

supply of oxygen in a concentrated state is presented to it,
and the platinum, without losing any of its inherent proper-
ties, effects chemical combination, the alcohol undergoing slow

combustion and being converted into acetic acid. In order

that the reaction may continue it is, of course, necessary to

present fresh oxygen to the platinum to replace that which

has been withdrawn. The two actions then go on side by
This can be illustrated by an apparatus similar to Fig. 1.
It consists of a glass bell through
FIG. 1.
the mouth of which a long funnel

passes. The lower end of this funnel

terminates in a fine point so that the
alcohol may percolate very slowly.
The vessel is placed upon supports
within a dish in which is a saucer
or small shallow basin containing
the platinum black. The interspace
between the bottom of the dish and
the glass bell serves for the circula-
tion of air in the latter. A short,
time after the alcohol has been
poured into the funnel an odor of
acetic acid, arising from the acetic
acid vapors which are generated, is

perceived at the mouth of the bell.

These vapors condense on the walls of the bell and trickle to
the bottom, where they collect in the vessel in the dish. It is

of advantage, for the success of the experiment, to have the

alcohol heated to about 90 F. before pouring it in. By
washing and igniting the platinum used for the oxidation of
it can be
the alcohol, again employed for the same purpose.

Independent of the purely chemical methods which, with

the exception of that by which acetic acid is produced by the
destructive distillation of wood, are of no practical importance,
the formation of vinegar, no matter what method may be
adopted, can only be effected in the presence of certain organ-
isms. It has long been known that organisms to which the

term mother of vinegar has been applied, develop upon liquids

containing, besides alcohol, certain other substances, for

Instance, upon weak wine or beer, and this mother of vinegar

has also been used for making vinegar on a large scale. To
Pasteur, however, belongs the incontestable merit of having
more accurately examined the relations of these organisms to
the formation of vinegar. These examinations gave rise to
his experiments on the diseased alteration of wine, which were
later on superseded by his researches on the formation of wine
Pasteur found that upon the surface of every fluid capable,
by reason ofits composition, of being converted into vinegar,

organisms develop immediately after the commencement of the

formation of vinegar. He recognized these organisms as fun-
goid plants of a low order and called them Mycoderma aceti.
More recent researches on the botanical nature of these plants
show them to belong to the group of lowest fungoid organisms,
to which the term bacteria or schizomycetes has been applied.
The Bacterium aceti, the name applied to this organism,
consists of a single, generally globular or filiform cells, its

special characteristic being its mode of propagation, which is

effected by the division of the cell into two, and then a separa-
tion or splitting of both.
The exceedingly minute size of the schizomycetes and their

great resemblance to each other make their accurate determina-

tion very difficult, and hence it is customary to name the better
known species in accordance with the chemical products they
form or in accordance with the phenomena they produce.
Among the first kind may be classed those which effect the
formation of acetic, lactic, butyric acids, while other very little

known must be considered as the cause of the so-

called nitric acid fermentation, and again others appear in
putrid fermentation. A special group of bacteria reaches de-
velopment in animal organisms and gives rise to terrible dis-
eases, some causing rinderpest, others tuberculosis and various
other maladies. Cholera and other epidemics have been found
to be due to certain bacteria.
Thebacteria causing disease are of course very interesting
to the physician, but to the manufacturer of vinegar a thorough

knowledge of the conditions of life governing the vinegar

bacteria is of the utmost importance in order to conduct the

manufacture in such a manner that disturbances shall rarely

occur, and should they happen, that he may be able to remove
them. It may therefore be said that the entire art of the man-
ufacture of vinegar consists in an accurate knowledge of the
conditions of life of the vinegar bacteria and in the induction
of these conditions of life. As long as the latter are main-
tained the process of the formation of vinegar will go on with-
out disturbance, and the origination of new generations of
vinegar ferment be connected with the conversion of certain
quantities of alcohol into vinegar.
Pasteur regarded the bacterial growth mentioned above as
consisting of a single species. Hansen, however, showed in
1878, that in the spontaneous souring of beer at least two dif-
ferent species of bacteria cancome into action, one of which
he named Mycpderma aceti and the other Mycoderma Pasteur-

ianum. At the suggestion of W. Zopf, he afterwards changed

these names to Bacterium aceti and Bacterium Pasteurianum re-

spectively. The number of species has been further increased

by recent investigations, and among these acetic acid bacteria
there are several, the activity of which is distinctly different,
and the employment of a pure culture of systematical!^ selected
species would be desirable in the manufacture of vinegar.
Searching investigations into the chemical activity of the dif-
ferent species of acetic acid bacteria would be not
only oppor-
tune in the interests of science, but also highly important in the
practice of the vinegar industry.



A. The Vinegar Ferment While but little is known about

the origin of the vinegar ferment, experiments have shown
these organisms to be everywhere distributed throughout the
air and to multiply at an enormous rate when fluids of a com-
position suitable for their nutriment are presented to them.
A fluid especially
adapted for this purpose is, for instance,
throughly fermented ripe wine, its exposure in a shallow vessel
at the ordinary temperature of a room being sufficient to in-
duce the propagation of the vinegar bacteria reaching it from
the air.

The experiment is, however, certain of success only when

made with ripe wine, by which is meant wine which shows but
little turbidity when vigorously shaken in contact with air and

exposed in a half-filled bottle to the air. Young wine contains

a large quantity of albuminous substances in solution, and- is

especially adapted for the nutriment of an organism, the sac-

charomyces mesembryanthemum belonging to the saccharomy-
cetes. It develops upon the surface of such wine as a thick
white skin, which later on becomes wrinkled and prevents the
growth of the vinegar ferment. A fluid well adapted for the
nutriment of the vinegar ferment and which may be substituted
for wine for its culture is obtained by adding 5 to 6 per cent.
of alcohol and about J per cent, of malt extract to water.

By exposing this fluid, or ripe wine at the ordinary tempera-

ture of a room, best in a dish covered by a glass plate resting

upon small wooden blocks to prevent the access of dust, the

formation of a thin veil-like coating upon the surface will in a
few days be observed. The wine soon exhibits the character-
odor and taste of acetic acid, and in a few days assumes a

somewhat darker color, and deposits a slight brownish sedi-

ment consisting of decayed vinegar ferment. In 14 to 21 days

the fluid is entirely converted into vinegar, i. e., it contains no

more alcohol, but in place of it the corresponding quantity of
acetic acid.

By exposing the vinegar, thus obtained for a longer time to

the air, a thick white skin of mold may happen to form on the

surface, and on testing the fluid, it will be found that the con-
tent of acetic acid steadily decreases, the mold which is able to
convert the alcohol into water and carbonic acid possessing
also thepower of forming the same products from acetic acid.
The process above described of the destruction of the wine
FIG. 2

and conversion into vinegar by a veil-like coating of vinegar


ferment occurs most frequently, though a thick spume, the so-

called mother of vinegar,
may also happen upon the surface.
This phenomenon will be referred to later on.
On examining under the microscope a drop taken from the
surface of the wine when the veil of vinegar ferment com-
mences to form, a picture like that shown in
Fig. 2 presents
itself. In a somewhat more advanced
stage, formations re-
sembling chains and strings of beads appear more frequently,
and when finally the development of the ferment is in full

progress, appears as an aggregation of numerous single cells


mixed with double cells and many other cells strung together
like beads. The
field of vision of the microscope is then com-

pletely filledwith a large number of colorless globules, which

are present either singly or in combinations of two, formations

resembling chains or strings of beads being of rare occurrence.

In many of theseparately-occurring formations oval forms, gen-
erally slightly contracted in the centre, are observed, this con-
traction indicating the place where the splitting of one cell
into two new cells takes place. By vigorously shaking the
fluid before viewing it under the microscope, very few of the
above mentioned bead-like formations will be found, but more
frequently the contracted ones. By observing for hours a drop
of the fluid containing the ferment in an advanced state of de-

velopment, the globules strung together will be noticed to fall

apart when at rest. Hence it may be supposed that in the
propagation of cells by splitting, the newly formed cells ad-
here together up to a certain stage, and later on separate in the
fluidwhen in a quiescent state. Like every other organism
the vinegar ferment only lives for a certain time, and after

dying sinks below the fluid and forms upon the bottom of the
vessel the above-mentioned sediment. The latter appears
under the microscope in "the same form as the living ferment,
but differs from it in being less transparent, and of a brownish
color. The propagation of the vinegar ferment takes place

very rapidly, and it will be found in a few hours after the com-
mencement of its development in all stages of life upon the sur-
face of the fluid, it being possible to distinguish cells of from
1.5 to 3.5 micromillimeters.*
The vinegar ferment requiring free oxygen for its propa-
gation, grows exuberantly only upon the surface of the nutrient
fluids. By filling a bottle about four fifths full with wine, and
after allowing the vinegar ferment to develop, closing the mouth
of the bottle with the hand, and submerging the neck of the

* One micromillimeter = j^ millimeter.


bottle in water, the fluid will be seen to rise for some time in
the bottle, and then remain stationary. A determination of the
content of acetic acid immediately before the commencement
of this experiment, and a few days after, shows but a slight in-
crease in acetic acid, because the ferment has consumed the
free oxygen present in the bottle, the essential condition for its
further development is wanting, and it must cease its. activity,
without, however, perishing. It may here be remarked that

the vinegar ferment, like the majority of bacteria, possesses an

extraordinary vitality. Under unfavorable conditions it passes
into a kind of quiescent state, during which no perceptible in-
crease of cells takes place, and it may remain in this state for
a long time without suffering destruction, but as soon as the
conditions forits nutriment are again presented, propagation

in a normal manner recommences.

The great rapidity of propagation of the vinegar bacteria
is shown by an experiment of some importance to the practice.
Pour into a shallow vat, about three feet in diameter, a fluid
suitable for the nutriment of the bacteria, and divide upon the
surface by means of a thin glass rod small drops of wine, upon
which the frequently mentioned veil has been formed. In a
few hours the entire surface of the fluid in the vat will be
covered with vinegar bacteria, spreading concentrically froni
the points where the drops of wine have been distributed.
From this it will be seen that the culture of the ferment for
the purpose of manufacturing vinegar offers no difficulties,
provided all conditions for its propagation be observed.
7?. Conditions for the Nutriment of the Vinegar Ferment. The
conditions most favorable for the development of the vinegar
ferment, and for converting in the shortest time the largest
quantity of alcohol into acetic acid, have been determined by
many observations and long experience in the practice. These
conditions will first be briefly enumerated, and then the sep-
arate points more fully discussed.
For the vinegar bacteria to settle upon a fluid, and for their

vigorous propagation, the following factors are required :


1. A fluid which, besides alcohol and water, contains nitro-

genous bodies and alkaline salts. The quantities of
these bodies must, however, not exceed a certain limit.
2. The fluid must be in immediate contact with oxygen
(atmospheric air).
3. The temperature of the fluid and the air surrounding it

must be within certain limits.

As regards the composition of the nutrient fluid itself, it

must contain the substances required for the nutriment of


a plant of a low order, such substances being carbohydrates,

albuminates and salts. Alcohol must be named as a specific
nutriment of the vinegar ferment, provided the supposition
that the latter consumes the alcohol and separates in its place
acetic acid, is correct. The quantity of alcohol in the fluid
intended for making vinegar must, however, not exceed a
certain limit, a content of 15 per cent, appearing to be the
maximum at which acetic fermentation can be induced.
But even a content of 12 to 13 per cent, of alcohol
is not very

favorable for the vegetation of the vinegar ferment, and every

manufacturer knows the difficulty of preparing vinegar from
such a fluid. Asmall quantity of acetic acid in the nutrient
medium exerts also an injurious influence upon the vinegar
ferment. a fluid containing 12 to 13 per cent, of acetic
acid and per cent, of alcohol, the ferment vegetates only
1 to 2
in a sluggish manner, and considerable time is required to con-
vert this small quantity of alcohol into acetic acid.
That the vinegar ferment cannot live in dilute alcohol alone
may be shown by a simple experiment. By impregnating a
fluid consisting only of water and alcohol, a very small quan-

tity of acetic acid is formed to be sure, but the ferment perishes

in a short time it starves to death. A fluid suitable for its
nourishment must, therefore, contain the above-mentioned
nutrient substances, sugar, dextrine, or similar combinations
occuring in wine, malt extract, and beer, being generally em-
ployed as carbohydrates. These fluids further contain nitro-
genous combinations which may serve as nutrient for the fer-

inent, also considerable quantities of phosphates. Hence, by

an addition of wine, malt extract, beer, or any fruit wine (apple
or pear cider) to a mixture of alcohol and water, a fluid can
be prepared that contains all the substances essential to the
nutriment of the ferment.
necessary quantity of these nutrient substances, as com-
pared with that of alcohol, is very small, since the quantity by
weight of vinegar ferment required for the conversion of a very
large amount of alcohol into vinegar is only a few fractions of
one per cent, of the weight of alcohol used. Hence the manu-
facturer may be very sparing with the addition of nutrient
substances to the fluid to be converted into vinegar, without
having to fear that the ferment will be stinted.
The vinegar ferment is very sensitive to sudden changes
in the composition of the fluids upon which it lives, and suf-
fersinjury by such changes which are recognized by dimin-
ished propagation and a decrease in the conversion of alcohol
into acetic acid.

By transferring, for instance, vinegar ferment which had nor-

mally vegetated upon a fluid containing only 4 to 5 per cent,
of alcohol, to one with a content of 10 to 11 per cent., its pro-

pagation, as well as its fermenting energy, decreases rapidly

and remains sluggish, until a few new generations of cells have
been formed which are better accustomed to the changed con-
ditions. By bringing, on the other hand, a ferment from a
fluid rich in alcohol upon one containing a smaller percentage,
the disturbances in the conditions of the ferment can also be
observed, but they exert a less injurious influence upon the
process of the formation of vinegar than in the former instance.
The process of nutriment of the vinegar ferment, however,
must not be understood to consist simply in the consumption
of sugar, albuminates and salts. It differs according to the

composition of the nutrient medium, and is so complicated as

to require very for its explanation.
thorough study If, for in-

stance, wineconverted into vinegar, and the composition of


the latter compared with that of the original wine, it will be


found that not only the alcohol has been converted into acetic
acidand the fluid has suffered a small diminution of extractive
substances and salts, which might be set down to the account
of the nutriment of the ferment, but that the quantity of tar-

taric, malic and succinic acids has also decreased, as well as

that of glycerine, and of the latter even nothing may be pres-
ent. Hence it must be supposed that the vinegar ferment
derives nutriment also from these substances, or that the fer-

menting activity acts upon them as well as upon the alcohol.

There is finally the fact of great importance for the practice,
but which has not yet been sufficiently explained, that the
vinegar ferment develops more rapidly upon a fluid which,
besides the req-uisite nutrient substances, contains a certain

quantity of acetic acid, than upon a fluid entirely destitute of

Regarding the supply of air, it may be said that, while
for mere existence the vinegar ferment requires comparatively
little air, large quantities of it are necessary for its vigorous
propagation and fermenting activity. In the practice it is
aimed to accomplish this by exposing the fluid in which the
ferment lives in thin layers to the action of the air, and, in
fact, upon this the entire process of the quick method of man-
ufacture is based.
Besides the above-mentioned factors, the temperature to
which the ferment is exposed is of great importance as regards
itsdevelopment. The limits at which the propagation of the
ferment and its vinegar-forming activity are greatest, lie be-
tween 68 and 95 F. Above this limit the formation of
vinegar decreases rapidly, and ceases entirely at 104 F.

However, when the temperature is again reduced to 86 F.,

the ferment reassumes its activity. At a temperature exceed-
ing 104 F. the ferment suffers perceptible injury heated to ;

103 F. it becomes sensibly weaker, and at first propagates

very slowly, regaining its original vigorous development only

after several generations. When the temperature of the fluid
is raised to 122 F. the ferment perishes.
The ferment appears to be less affected by low temperatures.

If the temperature of a fluid which shows an exuberant vege-

tation of fermentis reduced to 50 F., the formation of vinegar

continues, though at a much reduced rate. Special experi-

ments have shown that when wine with a vegetation of fer-
ment is converted into ice by being exposed to a temperature
of 14 and then melted and heated to 59 F., the ferment
recommences to grow and to form acetic acid. It must, how-
ever, be remarked that while vinegar ferment in a state of
development keeps up a slow vegetation when the fluid is re-
duced to a low temperature, it is extremely difficult to culti-
vate it upon a cold fluid. This is very likely the reason why
acetic degeneration is not known in cold wine cellars, while
in cellars with a temperature of over 59 F., this dreaded pro-
cess can only be guarded against by the greatest care.
Since the propagation of the ferment and its fermenting
activity increase with a higher temperature, it would appear
most suitable to keep the temperature of the fluid to be con-
verted into vinegar as near the uppermost limit of 95 F. as

possible. Experience, however, has shown that at this temper-

ature disturbances are of frequent occurrence in -the genera-
tors, and for this reason one of 86 to 89 F. is generally

preferred. The process of the formation of vinegar itself ex-

plains why may easily occur at a high tempera-
ture. a
It ischemical (oxidizing) process in which a certain
quantity of heat, depending on the quantity of alcohol to be
oxidized within a certain time, is always liberated. If now

by the use of a temperature close to 95 F., the activity of the

ferment isstrained to the utmost, a large quantity of alcohol
is in a short time converted into acetic acid, and consequently
so much heat is liberated that the temperature in the gener-
ator rises above the permissible maximum and the ferment
immediately ceases its activity. Thus it may happen that in
a generator which has satisfactorily worked for some time,
tne formation of vinegar ceases all at once, and on examining
the thermometer placed on the apparatus the cause will be
generally found to be due to too high a temperature.

Mother of Vinegar In connection with the description of

the conditions of life of the vinegar bacteria, a peculiar form-

ation, playing in many cases a role in the practice of making

vinegar, has to be mentioned. This is the so-called mother of
vinegar, the term having very likely been applied to it on ac-
count of its causing acetification when brought into a fluid
suitable for the formation of acetic acid. The first botanical

investigation of this substance was made in 1822 by Persoon,

who described the organized skin developing on various fluids,
and gave it the general name of Mycoderma, i. e., mucinous
skin or fungoid skin.
" mother of
Kiitzing, in 1837, showed that the vinegar" is
constructed of a number of minute dot-like organisms which
are now called bacteria arranged together in the form of
chains. These he and named them Ulvina
classified as algae,

aceti, and asserted quite positively that alcohol is converted

into acetic acid by the vital activity of these organisms.

Kiitzing's results, however, attracted but little attention because

two years after their publication, Liebig appeared on the scene
with his theory of acetic fermentation, which has already been
referred to, inwhich no mention was made of the potency of
" mother of "
living organisms, but the vinegar was asserted to
be a formation devoid of life,a structureless precipitate of
albuminous matter. One of the reasons put forward in sup-
" mother of
port of this view was a chemical analysis of the
vinegar" by the Dutch chemist, G. Mulder, who because he
failed to discover the presence of any ash constituents, thought
that it must be regarded as a compound of protein and cellu-
lose. Mulder's statement was refuted in 1852 by R. Thomson,
who showed that a. sample of " mother of vinegar" contained
94.33 per cent, water, 5.134 per cent, organic matter and 0.336
per cent. ash.
The formation of mother of vinegar can always be success-
fully attained by exposing young wine to the air until the
commencement of the formation of mold is indicated by the
appearance of white dots and then transferring the wine to a

room having a temperature of 86 F. At

temperature the

development of the vinegar ferment proceeds so vigorously

that it suppresses the mold ferment, and the peculiar mass con-

stituting the mother of vinegar soon forms upon the surface.

Mother of vinegar occurs so generally in young wine which
is largely used for the preparation of wine vinegar, that its
formation was considered as inseparably connected with that of
acetic acid from alcohol, while actually it is only due to the

peculiar constitution of the fluid to be converted into vinegar.

In many places this opinion is still entertained, and especially

where, as is generally the case, the manufacture of vinegar

from wine is yet carried on in the primitive way of centuries
ago. In speaking of the preparation of vinegar from wine, it
will be shown that the conversion can be effected by means of
the ordinary vinegar ferment without the appearance of mother
of vinegar.

Briefly stated, the points of the theoretical conditions of the
formation of vinegar of importance to the manufacturer are :

1. Acetic acid formed during many chemical conversions.


However, for the manufacture of acetic acid, and con-

sequently of vinegar on a large scale, only two methods
are available, viz., the preparation of vinegar from al-
cohol by fermentation, or the production of acetic acid
by the destructive distillation of wood.
2. All alcoholic fluids formed by vinous fermentation of
sacchariferous plant juices or fermented malt extracts
are suitable for the preparation of vinegar by fermenta-
tion. Specially prepared mixtures of water, alcohol
and vinegar may also be used for the purpose, provided

they contain small quantites of certain organic sub-

stances and salts,. and not over 14 per cent of alcohol.
3. Acetic fermentation is induced by a microscopic organ-
ism belonging to the bacteria, and the conversion of the
alcohol into acetic acid is in a certain ratio to the
pagation of this organism.

4. Besides the substances mentioned in 2, the vinegar fer-

ment requires for its vigorous development free oxygen
and a temperature lying between 68 and 95 F.
5. In the acetic fermentation the greater portion of the al-

cohol is converted into acetic acid and water ;

these, small quantities of other products are formed
which are in a measure not yet thoroughly known. In
the conversion of wine, beer, etc., other combinations
contained in the fluids, besides alcohol, are also essen-
tially changed.



THE formation of vinegar by fermentation being a chemico-

physiological process, many and complicated chemical pro-
cesses must take place in the fluid to be converted into vine-
gar in order to produce all the combinations required for the
propagation of the ferment. Attention cannot be too fre-
quently called to the fact that from the standpoint of the manu-
facturer, the regular propagation of the ferment is the main
point of the entire manufacture, the quick conversion of the
alcohol contained in the fluid being a necessary consequence
of it.
The body of the ferment, however, contains cellulose, albu-
minous substances, very likely fat and other combinations not
yet known, all of which must be formed from the
substances (sugar, dextrine, albuminous substances, etc.),
present. It being very probable that a portion of the alcohol
contained in the fluid is consumed for this purpose, a small
but nevertheless perceptible loss of alcohol will occur in the
production. It would be erroneous to suppose that the con-
version of alcohol into acetic acid and water is effected accord-

ing to the formula given on p. 6, since a certain portion of it

is always converted into other combinations, the nature and

formation of which can only be, to a certain extent, explained.

In the vinous fermentation, which of all fermenting pro-
cesses has been most thoroughly studied, it is found that from
the sugar, besides alcohol and carbonic acid, large quantities
of glycerine and succinic acid and probably other bodies ,are
formed, which must undoubtedly be classed among the pro-
ducts of vinous fermentation. Similar processes, no doubt,
take place in acetic fermentation, and besides acetic acid and
water other little-known products of fermentation are regularly
According to the nature of the sacchariferous fluids sub-
jected to vinous fermentation, small quantities of certain
bodies called fusel oils are formed which are decidedly pro-
ducts of fermentation. They impart to the fermented fluid,
as well as to the alcohol distilled from it, such characteristic
properties that from the odor of the alcohol a correct judg-
ment can be formed as to the material employed in its prepa-
In the conversion of such a fluid, or of alcohol prepared
from into vinegar, the fusel oils are also changed
it, very
likely oxydized and with some experience the material (wine,
beer, malt, etc.), from which the vinegar has been made can
be determined by the sense of smell. The quantities of aro-
matic substances which reach the vinegar in this manner are,
of course, very small, but they must nevertheless be classed

among the most important products of acetic fermentation,

they being characteristic as regards the derivation of the vine-
gar. Of the products of acetic fermentation, besides acetic
acid, aldehyde and acetal are best known, these combinations
appearing always, even in small quantities, in making vinegar
according to the methods customary at the present time.
Acetic Aldehyde or Acetaldeliyde, commonly called simply

aldehyde (from alcohol dehydrogenatum), is obtained by oxidiz-

ing spirits of wine by means of manganese dioxide (pyrolu-

site) and sulphuric acid, or platinum black, in the presence

of air, or if alcohol or ether be burning without a sufficient

supply of It is also formed by heating a mixture of cal-


cium acetate and calcium formate. It is contained in con-

siderable quantities in the first runnings obtained in the
manufacture of spirit of wine.
To prepare pure aldehyde, 3 parts of potassium dichromate
in small pieces are placed in a flask surrounded by a freezing
mixture and a well-cooled mixture of 2 parts of spirit of
wine, 4 of sulphuric acid, and 4 of water added. After con-
necting the flask with a condenser the freezing mixture is re-

moved ;
a violent reaction soon sets in, and the liquid begins
to boil. The vapors have first to pass through an ascending
tube surrounded by warm water at about 122 F. Alcohol
and various other products are condensed and flow back, while
the vapor of the aldeh}T de, after having passed through a de-
scending condenser, is absorbed in anhydrous ether.
Pure aldehyde thus obtained is a colorless liquid of the

composition C 2
H 0.
Its specific gravity is 0.800, and it boils
at about 71.5 F. It has a pungent and suffocating odor,
and readily soluble in water, alcohol and acetic acid.
is Like
all the aldehydes it is very easily oxidized and acts, therefore,

as a powerful reducing agent. Thus, on heating it with a

little ammonia and nitrate of silver, metallic silver separates

outj coating the sides of the vessel with a bright mirror. It

combines with ammonia, and forms a crystalline compound
which has the peculiar odor of mice.
Though it is likely that in the manufacture of vinegar by the
quick process, besides aldehyde, acetic and formic ethers are
formed, they are of comparatively little importance for our
purposes. Of more importance, however, is acetal, the forma-
tion of this combination affording an interesting insight into
acetic acid.
Acetal is best prepared by distributing pieces of pumice,
previously moistened with 25 per cent, alcohol, over a large,
glass plate, placing watch crystals containing platinum black

upon the pieces of pumice, and covering the whole with a large
bell-glass. The alcohol absorbed by the pumice being con-
verted into acetic acid, 60 percent, alcohol is poured upon the
plate and the air in the bell-glass from time to time renewed.
In a few weeks quite a thick fluid of an agreeable odor has
collected upon the glass plate. This is collected and dis-
tilled, the portion passing over at 219 F. being collected by

Pure acetal is composed of C 6 H 14 2

. It is a colorless

liquid, has a specific gravity of 0.821, and boils at 219.2 F.

It has a refreshing odor, calling to mind that of fruit ethers.

By oxidizing agents it is rapidly converted into acetic acid.

Nitrate of silver in the presence of ammonia, however, is not
reduced by it, and it remains unchanged on boiling with
potash lye. From its composition acetal may be considered
from several points of view. It may be regarded as an ethyl
alcohol (glycol) C 2 H 6 2 in which two atoms of hydrogen

have been replaced by two molecules of the radical ethyl

C 2 H 5 hence thus

" __
C6 H U O 2

This view of the composition of acetal is supported by the

fact that methyl or amyl can be substituted for either one or
both molecules of ethyl in the combination.
According to other opinions, acetal may be considered as a
combination of aldehyde and aldehyde ether :

C H,O aldehyde

C4 H 10 aldehyde ether
C6 H^6 acetal,

or as a combination of aldehyde with ethyl alcohol, one mole-

cule of water in the latter having been replaced by the alde-
hyde :

Ethyl alcohol: 2(C 2 H 6

H 0=C H O
2 4 10

aldehyde C 2 H 4 O
acetal C4 H M 2

By keeping in view the fact that the process of the formation

of vinegar is an oxidation of the alcohol which does not pro-
ceed with equal energy in all parts of the apparatus, it will be
understood that during this process aldehyde, acetal, and acetic
ether may be formed which, if the operation be correctly con-
ducted, will be finally converted into acetic acid, though small
quantities of them will be found in the vinegar when just fin-
ished and exert an influence upon its constitution.
Pure acetic acid, H
C 2 4 2 cannot be directly obtained from

vinegar, but only from acetates by methods which will be de-

scribed later on. The strongest acetic acid which can be pre-
pared is known as glacial acetic acid, from its crystallizing in

icy leaflets at about 40 F. Above about 60 F. the crystals

fuse to a thin, colorless liquid of an exceedingly pungent and
well-known odor. Pure acetic acid is a powerful restorative
when applied to the nostrils in impending fainting. It is the

strongest of organic acids and nearly as corrosive as sulphuric

acid. Applied to the human skin it acts as an irritant, causing
redness and swelling, followed by paleness of the part, and, if
its application be prolonged, it is followed by vesication and

desquamation of the cuticle. It first whitens mucous mem-

branes, then turns them brown, causing meanwhile a severe
burning pain. Highly concentrated acetic acid is a solvent of
many and resins, and in practice its high con-
volatile oils
centration is tested by its ability to dissolve lemon oil, since in
the presence of only 2 per cent, of water in the acid, lemon oil
is no longer dissolved by it.

The specific gravity of pure acetic acid is at 59 F.:

According to Oudemans
....... 1.0553
" 1.0590
Mendelejeff 1.0607
" Mohr . . 1.0600

According to Mohr's determinations, the specific gravity of

pure acetic acid varies much at different temperatures, it being

1.0630 at 54.5 F.
" 59.0 "
u 68.0 "
1.0198 77.0 "
1.0480 79.0

Mixtures of acetic acid and water show a peculiar behavior

in regard to their specific gravity, the latter rising steadily
until the content of water amounts to from 20 to 23 per cent.
The density of the liquid then diminishes so that a mixture
containing 46 per cent, of water shows the same specific
gravity as the anhydrous acid. From this point on, the
specific gravities of the mixtures decrease with the increase in
the content of water.
This peculiar behavior of the mixtures renders the accurate
determination of the content of acid in a concentrated mix-
ture, by meansof the aerometer, impossible. There are a
number of determinations of specific gravities of acetic acid
with varying contents of water (by Mohr, von der Toorn,
Oudemans, etc.), differ considerably from each other,
but they
like the tables at the end of this volume, so that, while the
specific gravity test answers very well for the determination
of the amount of anhydrous acid in dilute solutions, it is very
fallacious when the acid increases in strength, and an accurate
determination can only be effected by chemical methods.
Highly concentrated acetic acid has found considerable ap-
plication in photography and surgery, and frequently occurs
in commerce in the form of so-called vinegar essence. The acetic
acid occurring under this name is generally prepared from
wood vinegar, and is only fit for the preparation of table
vinegar when a chemical examination shows no trace of tar
products, which, besides acetic acid, are formed in abundance
in the destructive distillation of wood.
In regard to the composition of acetic acid, it may be men-
tioned that one atom of hydrogen can be readily replaced by

univalent metals or univalent compound radicals which may

be expressed by
H '\0
C2 H 3 J

TT -|

whereby the acetic acid is considered as water

V in which
one atom of hydrogen is replaced by the compound radical
C 2
H 3
= acetyl.
If the one atom of hydrogen standing by itself be replaced

by a univalent metal, a neutral acetate is formed, for instance :

C 2
H 3

or sodium acetate.
If this atom of hydrogen is replaced by a univalent com-
pound radical, for instance, by methyl CH 3 ,
or ethyl C2H 5 ,

the so-called compound ethers are formed.

CH 3

C 2
H 3
Acetic acid methyl ether. Acetic acid
ethyl ether.

If a bivalent metal or compound radical yields a neutral

combination with acetic acid, the substituted hydrogen in two
molecules of acetic acid must evidently be replaced by this
bivalent metal, for instance :

Ca \ Q
2(C 2 H 8 0)
Neutral calcium acetate.

Theoretical Yields of Acetic Acid In industries based upon

chemical processes a distinction is made between the theoreti-
cal and practical yields.
By understood the quantity of the body
theoretical yield is
to be manufactured which would result if no losses of substance
were connected with the chemical process; the practical yield,
on the other hand, is that in which such losses are taken

into account^ the average being ascertained by long-continued


comparison of daily yields. The closer the practical yield ap-

proaches the theoretical one, the more suitable the method

pursued in the production evidently is, and thus the manu-

facturer, who has a clear idea of the theoretical yield, can
readily judge of the value of his method by comparing it
with the practical yield attained.
Now suppose no loss of substance (by evaporation or forma-
tion of other combinations) occurs in the conversion of alcohol
into acetic acid, it can be readily calculated from the composi-
how many parts by weight of acetic acid
tion of the two bodies
can be formed from a determined number of parts by weight
of alcohol.
Alcohol has the composition C 2 H 6 0, or an atomic weight
of 46, because :

C 2
= . . .24
H = 6
= . . .16
Make . .46
The composition of acetic acid is C2 H4 2
and its molecular
weight 60, because :

C = 2

. .24
H = 4
. . . 4
= 2
. . .32
Make . . 60

Hence from 46 parts by weight of alcohol 60 parts by

weight of acetic acid may be formed, or by taking 100

parts of alcohol it follows that 100 parts by weight of alcohol

must yield 130.43478 parts by weight of acetic acid. This in-
crease in weight has to be attributed to the
absorption of one
atom of oxygen, atomic weight 16, against the loss of two
atoms of hydrogen, atomic weight 2. Since these two atoms
of hydrogen are themselves oxidized to water
by the absorp-

tion of oxygen, the total yield from 100 parts by weight of

alcohol would be :

Acetic acid . . . 130.43478 parts by weight.

Water 39.13043 " "

Total. . 169.56521 parts by weight.

The quantity oxygen required to form acetic acid and

water from 46 parts by weight of alcohol, amounts to 32 parts
by weight, hence for 100 parts to 69.562 parts by weight. The
oxygen is conducted to the alcohol in the form of air, and it
can be readily calculated how much of the latter is required to
convert a given quantity of alcohol, for instance ,100 grammes,
into acetic acid. In round numbers the air contains in 100
parts by weight 23 parts by weight of oxygen. Since 1 liter
of air of 68 F., i. e., of that temperature which should at the
leastalways prevail in the vinegar generators, weighs 1.283
grammes, the oxygen contained in it weighs 0.29509 grammes.
Since, as above stated, 69.562 parts by weight are necessary
for the conversion of 100 parts by weight of alcohol into acetic

acid, it follows that 235.70 liters of air are required for the
same purpose.
Examinations as to the content of oxygen in the air escap-

ing from well-conducted vinegar generators have shown that

on an average only one-quarter of the entire content of oxygen
is consumed in the formation of vinegar, hence four times the

theoretically calculated quantity of air must pass through the

apparatus to completely convert the alcohol into acetic acid.
Hence 100 grammes of alcohol require at least 942.92 liters of
air for their conversion into acetic acid, and, without being far

wrong, it may be assumed that in a vinegar factory, in round

numbers, 1000 liters, or one cubic metre of air, are required
for every 100 grammes of alcohol to be converted into acetic
A vinegar generator, on an average, converts daily 3 litres

of alcohol into acetic acid ;

3 litres of absolute alcohol (specific

gravity 0.794) weigh 2382 grammes. Now, if, as stated above,

1 cubic metre of air is required for every 100 grammes of

alcohol, it follows that 23.82 cubic metres, or 23,820 liters of

air must pass daily through each vinegar generator in opera-
tion. *

Calculated to 16 working hours a day, somewhat more than

0.4 liter (more accurately 0.413 liter) must pass every
second through the generator in order to supply the quantity
of oxygen required for the conversion of alcohol into acetic
Since the formation of vinegar has theoretically to be con-
sidered as a process of combustion, in which of 4G parts by

weight of alcohol, 2 parts by weight of hydrogen, or of 100

parts by weight of alcohol 4.34782 parts by weight of hydro-
gen, are consumed, the quantity of heat liberated by the con-
version of 100 parts by weight of alcohol into acetic acid can
also be calculated. By combustion, 1 gramme of hydrogen
yields 34.126 units of heat, and hence 4.34782 grammes of
hydrogen, 148.373 units of heat, i. e., in the conversion of 100
grammes of alcohol into acetic acid sufficient heat is liberated
to heat 148.373 kilogrammes of water from C. to 1 C., or
1.48 kilogrammes from C. to boiling, and thus a consider-
able development of heat is caused by the rise of temperature
in the apparatus, in which a vigorous formation of vinegar
takes place.
In answer to the question, what can the practical manufac-
turer of vinegar learn from these theoretical explanations, it
may be said there are many points of great importance for the
execution of the work. The calculation of air shows that the
alcohol requires a large supply but the generators in general

use in the quick process are by no means so arranged as to be

adequate to the theoretical demands. In fact it may be said
that most of them allow only a limited change of air and con-

* It is
always supposed that the manufacture of vinegar is effected in generators
used in the quick process.

sequently work slower than they actually should. That the

generators now in use are deficient is conclusively proved by
the numerous constructions which have been proposed, especi-
ally in modern times, whose chief aim is to afford a free pas-

sage to the air.

The fact that considerable heat is developed in the interior
of the generator deserves consideration in connection with the

heating of the manufactory. If the temperature in the latter

isso high as nearly to approach the acme, i. e., the temperature
most favorable for the formation of vinegar, it may easily
happen that, in consequence of the vigorous oxidation of the
alcohol, the temperature in the interior of the generators be
increased to such an extent as to exceed this acme, and the

activity of the vinegar ferment would immediately diminish

and even cease altogether.
If, on the other hand, the temperature of the workroom is

kept too low, the generators act sluggishly and do not produce
so much as when the correct conditions are observed. Bat
while by raising the temperature of the workroom the activity
of the generators is increased, too low a temperature is less

injurious to the regular course of the process than too high a

The acme of the formation of vinegar is at about 86 F.,
and hence the aim should be to maintain this temperature as

nearly as possible in the interior of the generator. The tem-

perature of the workroom must, however, be kept sufficiently
low, so that the acme in the interior of the generator may not
be exceeded.
Another factor may here be mentioned. The closer the

temperature in the interior of the generator approaches the

acme and the quicker the supply of air, the more alcohol and
acetic acid are lost by evaporation, or in other words, the
smaller the yield of acetic acid. By the skillful utilization of
conditions the manufacturer must aim to reduce this loss to a
minimum, and this can be best effected by a suitable arrange-
ment of the workroom. By regulating the change of air so

that it is not greater than absolutely necessary, the air will

soon become so saturated with vapors of alcohol and acetic

acid that no further loss will take place until the renewing of
workroom appears necessary. In which manner
the air in the
the manufacturer is to work in order to carry on the business
most advantageously depends on the conditions of trade. If
large orders have to be filled, he will endeavor to increase the
capacity of the generators to the utmost by maintaining the
acme of temperature and a vigorous change of air in them,
and in this case must submit to the increased losses insepar-
ably connected with this high performance. If, on the other

hand, he works for stock, he will not force the capacity of the
generators to the utmost, but in order to work as cheaply as
possible direct his attention to reduce the losses to a minimum.
Yields of Acetic Acid Obtained in the Practice By keeping
for some time an accurate account of the actual yields and
comparing them with those theoretically obtainable, the
former will be found to fall more or less short of the latter,
and the difference will be the smaller, the better the method
of production in use.
In a vinegar factory occur many unavoidable losses, the
sources of which have been indicated in the preceding explana-
tions ;
alcohol and acetic acid evaporate, and further a portion
of them entirely destroyed by
is too much
oxidation. Now a
loss by evaporation, etc., of ten per cent, of the quantity of
alcohol originally used must no doubt be considered a large
one ;
but from numerous observations it may be asserted that
even 'with the greatest care in working, the loss in some vine-
gar factories is not less than from 15 to 20 percent., and may
even be as much as 30 per cent.
These enormous losses of material conclusively prove the
defectiveness of the processes in general use and the urgent

necessity for reformation. The experiments made for this

purpose, and which have been especially directed towards a
remodeling of the apparatus used, cannot be considered en-
tirely satisfactory, though they were partially instituted by

practical manufacturers, who, however, lacked the necessary

theoretical knowledge.
The principal requirement is to provide the generator with
a suitable ventilator, which will allow of the passage of ex-

actly the quantity of air required for the conversion of the

alcohol into acetic acid, and is so constructed that the vapors
of alcohol and acetic acid (or at least the larger portion) car-
ried away by the current of air are condensed and thus re-

A vinegar generator has frequently been compared to a fur-
nace, and in continuation of this comparison it may be said,
that the construction generally used is a furnace lacking every

arrangement for the regulation of combustion. In such a fur-

nace as much fuel is burned as corresponds to the quantity of

oxygen entering, while in a furnace of suitable construction

the combustion of fuel can be accurately regulated by increas-
ing or decreasing at will the supply of air by means of a
simple contrivance.
A vinegar generator of suitable construction should be pro-
vided with a similar arrangement. If the thermometer on the

apparatus shows too low a temperature hence too slow a pro-

cess of oxidation the course of the operation can in a short
time be accelerated by the production of a stronger current of
air,and the temperature correspondingly increased. If, on the
other hand, oxidation proceeds too rapidly, which on account
of the high temperature then
prevailing in the apparatus is
accompanied by considerable loss of substance, it can be
quickly reduced to within the correct limits by decreasing the
current of air. An apparatus unprovided with a ventilator is
left more or less to itself, while one
provided with such an
arrangement is under the entire control of the manufacturer.



FROM what has been previously said, two methods of man-

ufacturing vinegar can only be distinguished, namely, by
fermentation and by destructive distillation. It has, however,

been deemed advisable to describe separately the old or slow

process by fermentation and the new or quick process. The
The various methods employed for the manufacture of vine-
gar may therefore be designated as follows :

1. By fermentation according to the old or slow process.

2. By the quick process, or manufacture by fermentation
with the application of improved methods in keeping with
our present knowledge of chemistry.
3. Manufacture of wood vinegar, or the preparation of acetic

acid by destructive distillation.

4. The preparation of pure acetic acid from acetates.

It would seem proper to commence the description of the

manufacture of vinegar with the old or slow process, but for
reasons of an entirely practical nature, it has been concluded
not to do so, and the quick process will be first considered.
Since alcoholic fluids, directly formed by the vinous fer-
mentation of sacchariferous plant juices, possess the property
of changing, under circumstances favorable to acetic fermenta-
tion, into vinegar, it is evident that the latter can be prepared
from them and, in fact, it is possible to prepare it from all
sweet fruits and parts of plants, such as cherries, strawberries,
figs, bananas, etc.,
as well as from the juices of the sugar cane,

beet, chicory root, etc.

Honey, which represents a concentrated solution of ferment-
able sugar, as well as crystallized cane sugar, can likewise be
indirectly used for the preparation of vinegar, since solutions
of either can be brought into vinous fermentation, and the re-

sulting alcohol converted into acetic acid.


By malting grain, a peculiar body called diastase is formed,

which possesses the property of converting starch into ferment-
able sugar, and upon this fact is based the manufacture of beer
and alcohol. In an indirect manner the starch having to be
converted first into sugar, and the latter into alcohol -it is
therefore possible to prepare vinegar from every substance

containing starch, and for this reason, we can speak of grain

and malt vinegars. The beer prepared from the malt con-
tains a certain quantity of alcohol, and can thus be directly
converted into vinegar.
Alcohol forming ultimately the material for the manufacture
of vinegar, the direct use of dilute alcohol became obvious.
By the employment of a suitable process, i. e., one correspond-
ing to the laws of acetic fermentation, it was found that the
conversion of dilute alcohol into acetic acid could be effected
in a much shorter time than by the old method, and upon
this process is based the quick process now in general use.

Hence, as previously stated, two principal methods of manu-

facture may be distinguished, viz. : the old or slow process,
which requires more time, and the new, or quick process.
In the old process many modifications are found, which are
partially based upon old usage and partially upon the differ-
ence in the chemical composition of the raw material used.
Beer, for instance, which contains only about 4 per cent, of
alcohol and a large quantity of extractive substances (sugar,
dextrin, salts, etc.), requires a different treatment from wine,
which contains on an average 10 per cent, of alcohol, but
scarcely 2 per cent, of extractive substances. Fruit-wines,
(cider, etc.), with only 5 to 6 per cent, of alcohol but a large
quantity of extractive substances, again require different treat-
ment from grape wine, etc., so that, in a certain sense, it may
be said there are as many different methods of making vin-
egar as there are fundamental materials, and by taking into
consideration the difference in the chemical composition of the
latter, it is evident that there must be just as many varieties
of vinegar. Besides acetic acid and a certain amount of water,

every vinegar contains other substances, which, though fre-

quently only present in very minute quantities, nevertheless

exert considerable influence upon its properties.
Even vinegar obtained from dilute alcohol shows differ-
ences in odor, which depend on the material used in the pre-
paration of the specific alcohol. Potato alcohol always con-
tains traces of potato fusel oil (amyl alcohol), while other fusel
oils are found in alcohol prepared from grain or molasses.

In the oxidation of the alcohol by the vinegar ferment, these

fusel oils are also oxidized and converted into combinations

distinguished by their peculiar and very strong odor.

Though these bodies occur in vinegar in such minute quan-
tities that they can scarcely be determined by chemical analy-

sis,an expert can detect them by the sense of smell, and from
the specific odor of the vinegar form a conclusive judgment as
to the material used in its preparation.
Thedifferences in vinegar from wine, fruit, beer and malt
are still more pronounced, and extend not only to the odor,
but also to the taste. Besides a specific odoriferous principle,
every kind of wine contains oenanthic ether, tartar, tartaric
and succinic acids, glycerin, and a series of extractive sub-
stances not thoroughly known. The odoriferous substances
and the oenanthic ether also undergo alteration in the oxida-
tion of alcohol, and are converted into other odoriferous com-
binations with suclx a characteristic odor that wine vinegar
can at once be recognized as such by it. On account of the
presence of so many substances each possessing a specific taste,
that of the wine vinegar must, of course, differ from that of

pure dilute acetic acid.

Similar conditions prevail in fruit-wine, beer, malt extract,
etc., and hence vinegar prepared from these fluids must pos-
sess definite properties.



IN 1823 Schiitzenbach conceived the idea that by greatly

enlarging the relative surfaces of contact Of the alcoholic solu-
tion and air containing oxygen, the process of acetification
would be greatly facilitated. His experiments proved suc-
cessful, and soon after the quick vinegar process was generally

adopted. Analogous processes were nearly at the same time

invented, in Germany by Wagmann, and in England by Ham.
The principle involved of course depends on an extreme
division of the liquid being effected. This is very skilfully
contrived. By making the alcoholic solution percolate slowly

through, and diffuse over, a mass of shavings, wooden blocks,

pieces of coal or cork, etc., it forms a very thin layer, present-
ing a large surface, and is therefore better adapted for the
chemical appropriation of the oxygen in the current of air
which is transmitted over it. The mass of shavings, etc.,
serves not only for the division of the liquid into fine drops,
but also as a carrier of the vinegar ferment.
It willbe readily understood that this arrangement presents
in a high degree all the conditions required for the formation
of vinegar, the vinegar ferment upon the shavings acquiring
from the liquid the substances required for its nutriment

and propagation, and by the current of air passing through

between the shavings is enabled to oxidize the alcohol to acetic
acid. This process taking place simultaneously on thousands
of points in a normally working generator explains why a

large quantity of alcohol can in a comparatively short time be

converted into acetic acid. The term quick process is hence
it differing from the older
very appropriate for this method,
slow process only in less time being required for its execution,
the chemical processes being the same in both cases.
It will be seen that the generator, technically called "grad-
uator," used in the quick process may be compared to a fur-

nace in which the fuel (in this case the alcoholic fluid) is in-
troduced from above and the air from below. The spaces
between the shavings, etc., may be compared to the interstices
of a grate, combustion taking place on the points of contact of
the alcoholic fluid, vinegar ferment and air. The product of
(partial) combustion the vinegar collects in a reservoir in
the lower part of the generator.
Each generator, as previously stated, requires about 0.4 liter
of air per second, which must ascend uniformly from below

through the mass of shavings, etc. At the first glance this

would seem very simple, but its practical execution is accom-
panied by many difficulties, and hence a large number of vari-
ous constructions of generators have been proposed by which
this object is claimed to be best attained.
Generators A peculiarly constructed vessel, called the gen-
erator, is required for the production of vinegar by the quick
process. into three spaces above one another,
It is divided
the uppermost serving for the division of the alcoholic liquid
into many small drops in the center one, which forms the

largest part of the apparatus, the alcoholic liquid is converted

into vinegar, while the lower one serves for the collection of
the vinegar.
The best form of the generator is that of a truncated cone.
This form offers to the alcoholic liquid in its passage from the
upper part of the generator the opportunity of spreading over
a constantly increasing surface, and by thus coming in con-
tact with the fresh air entering the lower part of the apparatus
its oxidation must evidently be promoted. The current of air
in passing from below to above yields a certain portion of its

oxygen in the lower part of the apparatus, and if it were

allowed to ascend in a vessel of a purely cylindrical shape, the
alcoholic fluid running down would come in contact with air

quite poor in oxygen. Hence this evil must be sought to be

overcome by the acceleration of the motion of the air upwards,
which is accomplished by giving the vessel the form of a

slightly truncated cone.


Fig. 3 shows a common form of generator. It consists of

the wooden vat K provided with a perforated false bottom L
a few inches from the bottom, and another S, similar in struc-
ture, at the same distance from the top. The aperture A
serves for the discharge of the fluid collecting underneath the
false bottom L. The cover D, the arrangement of which will

be described later on, serves for regulating the drought of air

in the generator. In the lower part of the generator, holes, O r

are bored.These holes are intended for the entrance of air,

and in number may be as many as desired, since the regula-
tion of the current of air is not to be effected on the lower
portion of the apparatus, but on the cover.
For the construction of the generator wood thoroughly
seasoned and as free as possible from knots should be used.
Formerly oak was largely employed for the purpose but, be-
sides its being too expensive, it has the disadvantage of be-

ing so rich in extractive substances that a generator con-

structed ofit, has to be several times lixiviated with water

before use, as otherwise the vinegar prepared in it would for

a long time acquire a disagreeable tang and dark color.
Larch is an excellent wood for the construction of generators.
In this country pitch pine is largely used, and is well adapted
for the purpose, as it cheap and readily obtainable every-

where. It is claimed by some manufacturers that the pitch

pine protects fermentation in generators constructed of it from
the influence of rapid variations in temperature which are of
frequent occurrence in portions of this country.
The hoops of the generators, as well as all other metallic
parts in the factory, should be coated with good linseed-oil
varnish or asphaltum lacquer, and care should be had imme-
diately to repairany injury to this coating, as otherwise heavy
rusting is caused by the vapors of acetic acid contained in the
air of the work room.
There is considerable variation in the dimensions of the
generators, some having only a height of 5 feet, with a lower
diameter of 3 feet 3 inches, and others again a height of 20 feet
or more, with a diameter of up to 6J feet. The small gen-
erators have the disadvantage of rapidly yielding heat to the
exterior, and hence a correspondingly high temperature must
be maintained in the workroom in order to keep up the proper
degree of heat in their interior. On the other hand, generators
of considerable height have the drawback of the shavings,
etc., with which the center space is filled, becoming strongly
compressed by their own weight, thus obstructing the proper
passage of the air. It has been sought to overcome this evil

by placing several false perforated bottoms in the generator, in

order to divide the weight of the filling into as many smaller
weights as there are false bottoms. But this arrangement is
also attended with inconveniences, it being difficult to main-
tain a sufficiently strong draught of air in generators of such

Some manufacturers hold that the production of very

acid is
strong vinegar containing 11 to 12 per cent, of acetic
only possible in very tall generators. This opinion is, how-
ever, unfounded, the manufacture of very strong vinegar being
just as well or rather better effected in small generators
in those twenty feet or more high, which besides are very

The manufacture of vinegar should be carried on in a room
with a low ceiling, since even with the best heating arrange-
ment the temperature near the ceiling is always much higher
than on the floor. However, with the use of generators 20
feet high, the ceiling of the work room must be at least 26
feet high, which makes it impossible to maintain a uniform

temperature, as the difference between the upper and lower

parts would frequently amount to more than 25.
The most suitable generators are very likely those with a

height not exceeding 10 feet, and a lower diameter of about 45

inches and an upper one of about 35 inches. A
large diameter,
to be sure, contributes towards the maintenance of a uniform
temperature in the generator, but it has the disadvantage of
making it difficult for the air to ascend uniformly through all
parts of the filling. This drawback is sought to be evercome.
by placing in the center of the generator a tube open above and
below and provided on the sides with holes. Such tube, how-
ever, does not produce the intended favorable effect upon the
draught of air in the parts of the filling
surrounding it, expe-
rience having shown that the greater portion of the warm cur-
rent of air ascending in the interior takes the nearest road to
the top, i. e., through the tube, without passing sideways into
the filling. Every generator of suitable construction should be

provided with a well-fitting cover. In this cover, Fig. 4, are

bored, in concentric circles, holes which are intended for

draught apertures. If the draught of air in the interior is too

great, it can be at once diminished by closing a number of
these holes, it being even possible to direct it towards a cer-
tain portion of the filling. This arrangement is, however, only
available when the false bottom to be described later on is

either not used or provided with a number of short vertical

tubes which permit the passage of the air.
Many generators are provided with a number of obliquely
bored apertures below the false bottom through which the air
can escape. This is, however, attended with the disadvantage
that a regular draught of air only takes place in the outer layers
of filling next to the walls, while it is not sufficiently strong
in the center of the apparatus. It is also incorrect to have but

one air aperture in the cover, which can be made larger or

smaller by means of a slide. In a generator thus arranged, the

FIG. 4.

current of air entering below will naturally pass chiefly through

the conical portion of the filling, the base of which is formed
by the lower false bottom and the apex by the draught aper-
ture in the cover. The lower portion of the filling, which
embraces this cone, remains without sufficient ventilation and
is ineffective as regards the oxidation of alcohol.
In Figs. 5 and 6 the hatched surfaces terminated by the
dotted lines illustrate the portions of the generator in which,
with the use of many apertures below the false bottom and a
single one in the center of the cover, the. regular current of air

from below to above passes. Although a current of air takes

too weak, and
place outside of these lines, it is in most cases
consequently the entire available space of the generator is not
sufficiently utilized.

FIG. 5. FIG. 6.

Each generator may also be entirely open below and stand

in a shallow tub, which serves for the collection of the vinegar.

Generally, however, the lower portion of the generator itself is

used for this purpose, and is provided with an arrangement for

FIG. 7.

the occasional discharge of the collected fluid. This can be

effected either by a spigot fixed immediately above the bottom
or, as in Fig. 7, by a glass tube, which bends upwards nearly
as high as the air-holes and then curves downward so as to dis-

charge the liquid, when it rises as high as the shelf in the

interior of the apparatus, into an appropriate vessel placed to
receive it. Simple as this arrangement is, it is scarcely suit-
able in the practice on account of its being too liable to break-

age, and hence it is better to provide the generator with an

ordinary spigot, and prevent the vinegar from rising too high,
by boring about J inch below the draught apertures a hole
in which a pipe leading to a tub.
is fitted The vinegar rising
to the height of this pipe will commence to run off, and thus

give warning to empty the generator by opening the spigot.

In generators of older construction a strong hoop is fixed

about one foot from the top, on which is placed a perforated
disk which serves for distributing the alcoholic fluid as uni-

formly as possible over the entire filling. The disk, Fig. 8, is

perforated with numerous holes (about 400 with a disk diam-
eter of 3 feet) arranged in concentric circles. These holes are
loosely filled with cotton wick or packthread, a knot being
made at the top end to keep them from falling through. The
threads reach down to the shavings, and serve the double
purpose of conducting the liquid equally through the body of

the generator and also of stopping from passing too rapidly


through it (see Fig. 9). It is important to pack the disk so

tightly against the walls of the generator that none of the
liquid can percolate, which is best effected by a packing of tow,
and coating this with a mixture of equal parts of wax and
rosin. The dripping of the alcoholic fluid through the disk

taking place uniformly only when the latter lies perfectly hori-
zontal, great care must be exercised in placing the generator.
To prevent warping several strong cross-pieces are inserted in
the lower side of the disk.
As previously mentioned the current of air must pass through

FIG. 9.

all portions of the and for this purpose seven short glass
tubes, r (Fig. 8), about f inch in diameter, are inserted in the
disk. These tubes are so arranged that one is in the center of
the disk and the others in a circle equidistant from the center
and the periphery. Upon the disk is placed the well-fitting
cover, provided with an aperture for the passage of the air.
This aperture, about 3 inches square, is provided with a well-
fitting slide, so that it can be made larger or smaller at will.

As previously stated, it is more suitable to provide the cover

with a large number of draught holes arranged in concentric
circles and to fit each hole with a wooden stopper. By with-
drawing or inserting the stoppers the draught of air can then
be properly regulated.
To effect the influx of air from below in such a manner that
ittakes place not only through the draught holes in the circum-
ference, but also assures its conveyance to the center of the
apparatus, it is recommended to insert in the center of the
lower part in which the fluid collects a tube, R, Fig. 10, open

at both ends and protected above by the hood H against the

dropping in of alcoholic liquid.
A uniform distribution of the alcoholic liquid upon all por-
tions of the filling of the apparatus would be effected if about

FIG. 10.

the same quantity of liquid dripped from all the threads. This
being, however, difficult to attain, it has been sought to give
the disk a more suitable arrangement, which consists, for in-
stance, in the insertion of small wooden tubes with a small

FIG. 11.

aperture on the side (Fig. 11). This arrangement, though

very suitable in itself, becomes, however, useless in case of the
slightest warping of the disk, a number of the tubes being
then raised so high that no fluid runs through them, while it

passes in a full stream through the others.


These drawbacks connected with the use of a disk can be

somewhat diminished by the employment of a so-called " tilt-
ing trough (Figs. 12 and 13), which is arranged as follows :

Upon a perfectly horizontal axis is placed a rotatory, trough-

like vessel divided by a partition into two equal parts.
If the tilting trough is in the position shown in Fig. 12, the
alcoholic liquid runs through the cock, placed above, into the

partition marked 1.

As soon as this partition is filled to a certain height it turns

ovef in consequence of the disturbance of the equilibrium of
the trough and assumes the position shown in Fig. 13. In
this position partition 2 is gradually filled with alcoholic
liquid ;
the trough then tilts back into position 1, and so on.

FIG. 12. FIG. 13.

It will be seen that with the assistance of such a

trough the same quantities of liquid can always be poured out
at certain intervals, and that this
arrangement can be used for
distributing the alcoholic liquid upon the disk, the latter in
this case being best provided with holes
having the form of an
inverted cone. The apex of this cone forms a very narrow
aperture through which the alcoholic liquid poured upon the
disk trickles in very thin jets upon the filling of the
But even this arrangement is not free from objections, it
working entirely satisfactorily only as long as the disk remains
in a perfectly horizontal position. In the more modern con- >

structions of vinegar generators the disk is

generally entirely I


omitted and the distribution of the alcoholic liquor effected by

a so-called " sparger," similar to the one used in beer brewing
for sprinkling malt residues. The sparger is arranged like a
is moved by reaction
simple turbine, and in the direction

opposite to that in which the discharge of the fluid takes place.

Spargers used in vinegar factories can be constructed only of a

material indifferent to the action of acetic acid, such as wood,
glass, hard rubber, etc. Their construction will be understood

FIG. 14.

from Figs. 14 and 15, showing a view from above and a cross-

Into a hollow cylinder of wood are screwed four thin wooden
tubes, closed at both ends and perforated ^lengthwise with
numerous small holes. The tubes are so arranged that all the
holes are directed toward one side. The basin in the center is

closed on top by a glass tube about 20 inches long and of

sufficient width to allow of the passage of as much fluid as can
at one time run off through all the lateral tubes.

The principal requisite of the correct working of the sparger

is that it revolves with ease around its vertical axis. This is
effected by placing in the center of the vessel a glass pin drawn
out to a fine point and running in a small glass step. The

FIG. 15.

vertical glass tube is guided in a sharp-edged wooden ring

fastened to a stay placed upon the cover of the generator (Fig.

16). The
sparger finds its center of motion upon a strip in-
serted in the direction of the diameter of the generator. This
strip is placed at such a height that the sparger can move


freely between it and the cover of the generator. The sparger

being in position as shown in Fig. 16, a funnel-shaped vessel,
through which the alcoholic fluid is poured in, is placed upon
the glass tube.

By now pouring through this funnel-shaped vessel the alco-

holic liquid in a sufficiently strong stream, so that during its
influx the glass tube remains filled, it passes in fine jets

through the lateral openings, and, the sparger revolving in an

opposite direction, is distributed in the form of a fine spray
over the filling in the generator.
The use of the sparger overcomes the difficulties frequently
occurring with the disk, especially as regards the position of
the latter, and the circulation of air through the apparatus also
takes place in a perfectly uniform manner. A number of
apertures in the cover of the generator serve also here for the
regulation of the current of air.
A thermometer an indispensable adjunct to a generator,

and should be so placed that the temperature prevailing in the

apparatus, and especially in the center, can be readily read
off. This is best effected by introducing at about half the
height of the apparatus, through an obliquely bored hole in
one of the staves, a glass tube closed at the lower end and
reaching to the center of thefilling. This tube serves for the
thermometer fastened to the lower end of a stick
reception of a
of wood. The latter projects from the glass tube, so that the
thermometer can be quickly drawn out and the temperature
read off.

Filling the generators. The space between the upper disk

and lower false bottom with a material offering a large
is filled

surface for the distribution of the alcoholic liquid. Pieces of

charcoal and of pumice washed in hydrochloric acid and well
rinsed in water to remove empyreurnatic substances, which
would render induction of acetic fermentation impossible,
have been used for the purpose. Small pieces of cork and
cork waste have also been recommended for filling. This
material absorbs liquids like a sponge, but when sucked full
does not press evenly together, dry places being thus formed
during the operation. Corn cobs thoroughly dried and finely
divided be used to advantage, especially in the manufac-
ture of wine and cider vinegar. Grape stems are still occa-

sionally used. actually present a very large surface

but, independent of the fact that they cannot be everywhere
obtained in sufficient quantities, they have the drawback of
becoming in a short time so firmly compressed as to prevent
the free passage of air.

Beechwood shavings, however, are now almost generally em-

ployed for filling the generators. Indeed, beechwood presents
many advantages: It can be had easily and is cheap; it curls
well and stands without breaking for a length of time. White
woods will curl as well, but they will not stand so well as
beech resinous woods are not porous enough, and besides

their rosin is objectionable, as it may partly dissolve in the

vinegar oak wood does not curl as well and contains too

much coloring matter and tannin.

The beech shavings are generally made in special factories.
They consist of wooden bands about 0.02 inch thick, 1 J inches
wide, and 16 to 20 inches long. They are rolled into close
spirals by a special machine, and each shaving, according to
the above dimensions, presents a surface of about 62 square
inches. Now, as a generator of moderate size contains many
thousands of such shavings, it will be readily seen that the
surface over which the alcoholic fluid is distributed is an

extraordinarly large one.

A shaving of the stated dimensions represents in a rolled
state a cylinder with a volume in round numbers of 1.7 cubic
inches. By allowing an interspace of .85 cubic inch between
the shavings, 1.7 -f- 0.85 = 1.92 cubic inches space is required
for each shaving. The space to be filled with shavings in a
generator 3.28 feet in diameter and 6.56 feet high is equal to
55.44 cubic feet, and hence 58,000 shavings, with a total sur-
face of 22,733.56 square feet, are required for the purpose.
Now suppose only 5 per cent, of this surface is continually
active in the formation of vinegar, wehave still a surface of
over 1075 square feet at our disposal. But the active surface
would seem to be actually much smaller even with the most
favorable working of the generator, as otherwise the average

quantity of alcohol daily converted into acetic acid in a gen-

eratorwould be much larger than is actually the case.
Beechwood shavings contain a considerable quantity of ex-
tractive substances, which if not removed, would for a long
time impart a disagreeable tang (woody taste) to the vinegar.
Hence it is recommended to lixiviate the shavings in water
repeatedly renewed, in order to get rid of the substances
soluble in cold water, and remove the last traces of them by
treatment with steam.
This steaming is best effected in a large tub or vat, which is
later on to be used as a generator. The shavings are thrown
in loosely and covered with a loaded lid. A steam-pipe is
introduced through a hole near the lid, and the tap-hole near
the bottom is opened. The steam-pipe being connected with a
boiler, inwhich prevails a tension of 1J to 2 atmospheres, the
steam-cock is at first opened but slightly, to prevent the steam
entering with great force from throwing off the lid, or even
bursting the vessel. In the commencement of the operation
the steam condenses on the shavings, but after some time the
vessel becomes very hot, and a dark-colored fluid, consisting
of almost boiling water charged with extractive substances of
the wood, begins to run off. After continuous steaming for
about 20 to 60 minutes according to the size of the vessel
the fluid running off becomes clearer until finally clear water
is discharged, which is indicative of the removal of the
extractive substances soluble in water.

Although not absolutely necessary, it is advisable to dry the

steamed shavings. When air-dry they stillcontain about 20
" "
per cent, of water, which in the subsequent acetification of
the generator must be replaced by vinegar. Hence it is
recommended to dry the shavings completely by exposing
them for some time to a current of air of 194 to 212 F.
In a factory provided with a central heating apparatus * in
the cellar, this drying of the shavings can be effected without

*The arrangement of a central heating apparatus will be described later on in

speaking of the arrangement of the factory.

difficulty, it only being necessary to put them in a vessel with

a perforated bottom and open on top, and place the vessel
over an aperture of the register through which the hot air
from the heating apparatus ascends, closing all other apertures.
As perfectly dry wood absorbs with avidity moisture from
the atmosphere, the shavings thus dried should immediately
be brought into another vessel and, while still hot, moistened
with the vinegar intended for acetification.
Before using the shavings for filling the generators, it is
necessary to allow them to swell by placing them in water or
alcoholic liquid. If this were omitted and the shavings in-
troduced in a dry state, they would rise above the generators
as soon as moistened, on account of the increase in volume
by swelling.
In most factories customary simply to pour the shav-
it is

ings into the generator, but for a uniform distribution of the

alcoholic fluid it is advisable to proceed with the filling in a
certain order. First place the shavings in three or four regu-
lar layers upon the false bottom, then pour them in loosely to
a height of 8 to 12 inches, and after leveling the surface as
much as possible pour in again, and continue in this manner
until the generator is filled. The uppermost portion should
again consist of three or four regular layers.
All the generators used in a vinegar factory should be of
the same size and charged with the same number of shavings,
which is best effected by filling them with the same quantity
by weight. The total surface of shavings being thus nearly the
same in all generators, the latter will work uniformly, i. e., with
an equal temperature and draught of air; and in the same time
convert equally large quantities of alcohol into acetic acid.



THE arrangementof the manufacturing rooms formerly cus-

tomary even in large factories is by no means a suitable one.

The generators were generally simply placed in a room adapted
for the purpose by its size, while the high temperature re-

quired was sought to be maintained by heating. By con-

sidering, however, that every considerable variation in the
temperature causes also a disturbance in the formation of
vinegar, it will be seen that the object of keeping up an undis-
turbed working of the factory cannot be attained by such
primitive means. A suitable arrangement of the room in
which the vinegar is to be manufactured is, therefore, abso-
lutely necessary.
The principal requisites to be observed are : The mainten-
ance of a uniform temperature in the room and a suitable
arrangement for ventilation. Further, simple devices for the
conveyance of the raw materials and the finished product
must be provided for, and means devised for regaining the
acetic acid, with the vapors of which the air in the manufac-
turing room is constantly saturated.
For the maintenance of a uniform temperature in the work-
room, which should remain almost constant even in the cold-
estseason of the year and during abrupt changes in the outer
temperature, the waljs should be of more than ordinary thick-
ness and the number of windows and doors sufficient only for
the necessary light and communication, and so arranged that
no unintentional ventilation can occur. The windows and
doors should, therefore, be double, and the latter so placed
that one can be closed without opening the other. The walls
and ceilings should be plastered and preferably papered with
heavy packing paper asbestus shingles are also highly recom-

mended for this purpose.


Asphaltum being impermeable and also indifferent to the

action of acetic acid, is undoubtedly the best material for the

floor of the workroom, though it may also be constructed of

large slabs of sandstone with the joints filled in with asphal-

tum. Cement can only be recommended provided they

are immediately after their construction coated with silicate of

soda until they cease to absorb it. In constructing the floor
care must be had to give it such an inclination that the entire
surface can be cleansed by a simple jet of water. If the heat-

ing channel is conducted lengthwise through the workroom,

gutters for the rinsing water to run off must be arranged on
both sides.

The height of the room depends on that of the generators.

Heating of the Workroom Heating by a stove placed in the
workroom itself can only be recommended for very small fac-
tories in larger ones a special heating apparatus should always

be provided. Where stoves are used it is recommended to

arrange them so that the fuel can be supplied and the ashes
removed from the outside, i. e., from a room adjoining the
actual workroom. In attending to the stoves fine particles of
ashes will unavoidably reach the air, and from the latter they
may get into the generators, and being soluble in acetic acid
may injure the vinegar ferment.
For large factories a heating apparatus similar to the one
shown in Figs. 17 and 18 can be recommended. The heater,
provided with the feeding-door H
and the air-regulating door
A, stands in a vault beneath the center of the room to be
heated. It is surrounded on all sides by the sheet-iron jacket
M t reaching from the floor of the cellar to the top of the vault.
In the vault a circular aperture, 0, for the reception of the

flues C and
Ci. The latter ascending slightly, run along the
center of the room to be heated. Above they are covered by
cast-iron plates, P, and by pushing these plates apart or sub-
stituting a lattice plate for one of them in any part of the flue,
warm air can be admitted to the room. If the room is to be
heated without renewing the air, the register in the flue L,

which communicates by a flat iron pipe with the lower part of

the jacket, is opened. The furnace being heated, the air in the
room is sucked in the direction of the arrow through 'the flue
L, and passing between the jacket and the furnace, ascends
strongly heated through and penetrates through the open-
ings in the flue, air being again sucked through L, and so on.

FIGS. 17, 18.

however, the air in the workroom is to be entirely re-


newed, the air-flue L is closed and a register (not shown in

the illustration) in the lower part of the jacket opened. In
this case the air in the cellar is sucked in, heated and distrib-
uted through the flues C and Cj. By partially opening this

and that in L, a portion of the air can be renewed at

In order to be able to form a correct idea of the state of the
temperature prevailing in the room, it is
FJG. 19.
advisable to have several ordinary thermom-
eters and also a maximum and minimum
thermometer. If the latter shows no greater
variation than from 4 to 5, the process of

heating may be considered as satisfactory.

very suitable apparatus for controlling
the temperature in a vinegar factory is an
electrical thermometer, which is so arranged
that a bell rings in case the temperature
rises above or falls below a certain degree.

By placing two such thermometers in the 45

room, the bell of the one indicates the rise
of the temperature above the limit, and that
of the other that it has fallen below it.

Fig. 19 illustrates the principle of a maxi- -20

mum electrical thermometer, i. e., one which

rings a bell when the temperature of the
room exceeds a certain limit. Into the bulb
of an ordinary mercury thermometer is
melted a platinum wire another platinum

wire. is inserted in the tube up to the mark

indicating the temperature not to be ex-
ceeded, for instance, 35 C. The ends of
the platinum wires projecting from the ther-
mometer are connected by insulated copper
wires with a galvanic battery consisting of several elements,
an ordinary door-bell being inserted in one part of the con-
ductor. If now, in consequence of a continued increase in the
temperature, the mercury rises to the point of the platinum
wire at the figure 35, the circuit of the battery is closed at
the same time by the column of mercury, and the bell rings
and keeps ringing until the circuit is again opened by the
mercury falling below 35.

The minimum electrical thermometer, used for indicating

the falling of the temperature below a certain degree, is so

arranged that one platinum wire is melted into the bulb of the
thermometer and the other in the tube at the point below
which the temperature is not to fall. As long as the mercury
remains above this point a battery, which changes a piece of
iron to an electro-magnet, whose armature opens a second bat-

tery which is connected with an electric bell, remains closed.

If the temperature falls below the minimum, the circuit of
the first battery is opened, and the armature of the electro-
magnet falling down effects the closing of the second battery
and sets the bell ringing.
By placing such thermometers not only in the working
room but also in every generator, the control of the entire
process would be immensely facilitated, but at the present
time these useful and at the same time inexpensive instru-
ments are but little used in vinegar factories.
In factories arranged according to the automatic system, the
alcoholic liquid is contained in vessels placed at such a level
that their contents can run directly into the generators. The
alcoholic liquid having to be correspondingly heated, adequate

provision must be made for heating the space in which the

reservoirs are placed. In order not to increase the height ot
the entire room, it isrecommended to place these vessels in
the center and give only to this portion the required height.
This has the further advantage that the alcoholic liquid can
be pumped up by the use of a with a short rising-pipe,
and the liquid can be readily conducted from the reservoirs
to the separate generators by means of pipes.



THE experiments in conveying direct air to every gen-


erator were made in England but though this step towards


improvement in making vinegar must be considered an

important advance, the English process failed of being ac-
cepted in practice on account of the inadequacy of the
apparatus used.
In the English factories by a special apparatus a current of
air was sucked from above to below through every generator.
As shown in Fig. 20, the tall generator is open on top and
divided into several partitions by false bottoms, upon which the
shavings, etc., rest. Above each false bottom holes are bored
in the circumference of the generator. In the bottom of the
generator is inserted a pipe which is connected with an

arrangement for sucking in the air, a blower or air-pump

being used for the purpose.
As will be seen from the illustration, the suction of air
through all parts of the generator cannot be uniformly effected
by the use of this apparatus, the current of air being much more
checked in the upper portions by the false bottoms and holes
in the circumference, than in the lower. Hence the effect of
the air-pump or blower will chiefly assert itself in the lowest

partition. This drawback might be remedied by leaving out

the false bottoms and placing no air-holes in the circumference
of the generator entirely open at the top. By this means the
air would be forced to pass in a uniform current through the
entire layer of the filling material.
That the passage of the current .of air from above to below
isentirely incorrect, because contrary to all theoretical require-
ments, can readily be explained: In a generator in full activity,
oxidation of alcohol must already take place in the uppermost
portion, and hence a certain quantity of oxygen is withdrawn

from the air. This process being also continued in the lower
parts of the generator, a current of air already deprived of a
portion of its oxygen, and hence less suitable for the further
formation of acetic acid, would be
FIG. 20.
sucked in the same direction which
the drops of alcohol take.
The principal reason advanced
for the use of a current of air from
above to below is that by these
means a uniform temperature is

maintained in all parts of the gen-

erators, while it rises considerably
in the upper part of those in which
the air passes from below to above.
This rise of temperature is, however,
agreeable to nature. The air enter-

ing from below oxidizes the alcohol

to acetic acid, becoming thereby
poorer in oxygen and again heated.
By the higher temperature it ac-
quires, however, capable of a
it is,

more vigorous chemical activity, so

that it will induce the process of the
formation of vinegar, even in the
uppermost portions of the genera-
tor. Besides, the warmer current
of air moving upwards has the fur-

ther advantage of yielding heat to

the drops of alcoholic fluid trickling down. With the use of
generators of moderate height, and with a suitable regulation
of the draught of air, the maximum temperature will not be

exceeded, even in the uppermost portions of the generator.

If no rise of temperature is observed in the lower portions
of a generator in which the air passes from above to below, it
only proves that the air has lost too much oxygen to further
effect a vigorous oxidation of the alcohol. It will be readily

understood that under these conditions a diminution in the

loss of substance can, to a certain degree, be effected, but it i&

doubtful whether the generators are utilized in the manner

they should be besides, the diminution in loss of substance

cannot be very considerable. Since a high temperature also

prevails in ventilated generators, the current of air passing
downward will be loaded with as much vapor of alcohol or of
acetic acid as can absorb at this temperature, and, hence, it

would seem, no diminution in loss by evaporation could be

effected. To render this possible, the current of air sucked
from the generator would have to be sufficiently cooled off by
a suitable arrangement to allow of the greater portion of the

vapors carried away by the current of air being condensed to

a fluid.
Schulze's Ventilating Apparatus. The ventilation of the vine-
gar generators, according to the previously described method,
requires the presence of an uninterruptedly acting power for
working the air-pump, blower, etc. As is well known, a cur-
rent of air can, however, be also produced by heating the air

passing through an ascending pipe, by which it becomes

specifically lighter and ascends, while denser air enters from
below, etc. Schulze, as will be seen from Fig. 21, has applied
this method to the ventilation of vinegar generators.
Schulze's generator differs somewhat from the ordinary con-
struction, and is arranged as follows The vat has a height of

about 8 feet, and a diameter of 2 feet 6 inches. In the upper

part it is terminated by a false head, fitting air-tight, and is
further provided with a cover, in the center of which is an

aperture about 2J inches in diameter, which serves for the

entrance of while another aperture on the side serves for

pouring in the alcoholic liquid. In the false head are in-

serted four glass tubes, open at both ends, and about f inch in

diameter, which afford a passage to the air. The generator is

filled with pieces of washed and assorted charcoal, so that

pieces of the size of a nut are placed upon the false bottom,
and upon this smaller pieces, gradually decreasing in size

until those on the top are only that of a pea. In the center
of the bottom is inserted a wooden tube, open at both ends

and provided on top with a hood prevent the trickling in

of vinegar (see Fig. 10). By a suitable intermediate piece,
this tube is connected with the draught-pipe (see Fig. 21), in
which the ascension of the air by heating is effected.

The draught-pipes are of cast-iron, and are about J inch

thick and about 4 \ feet long, with a clear diameter of 2 inches.

FIG. 21.

They are placed, strongly inclined, over the flues of a heating-

apparatus and covered above by a double course of stone. The

air in the iron draught-pipes, being heated by the escaping
gases of combustion, ascends and effects the passage of a cur-
rent of air from above to below in the generators. For keep-
ing up a constant ventilation it is claimed to be sufficient to
heat the furnace only once a day. With this construction it
is necessary to have as many draught-pipes as there are gener-
ators. The same effect might, however, also be attained by
connecting the pipes leading from several generators with a
draught-pipe of a somewhat greater diameter and length.

not difficult to prove that a uniform ventilation of the

It is

generators cannot be obtained by the use of this construction.

As long as the draught-pipes are strongly heated, a very rapid
current of air will pass through them and the generators con-
nected with them, which will, however, decrease in the same
degree as the pipes cool off. Hence, in the first case, a too
rapid current of air, accompanied by a correspondingly strong
evaporation of alcohol, would pass through the generators, and
in the latter, ventilation would be so sluggish that the process
of the formation of vinegar would not proceed in a normal
Generators with Constant Ventilation and Condensation. The
object to be attained by the use of special ventilating contriv-
ances is a double one To conduct a constant current of air

through the generators, and, further, not to allow the tem-

perature to rise above a certain limit, so as to decrease by
these means the loss by evaporation of alcohol and acetic acid.
This object can, however, be attained only by the use of an
apparatus which allows of the most accurate regulation of the
current of air passing through the generator, and is connected
with a contrivance by which the vapors of alcohol and acetic
acid carried along by the current of air can be condensed as
much as possible. The apparatus described below is well
adapted for the
purpose. Its principal parts consist of the

generator, the apparatus for condensing the vapors, and the

The construction of the lower part of the generator, Fig. 22,
is the same as of those previously described. The cover fits
tightly upon the upper edge of the vat, the joint being made

air-tight by strips of paper pasted over it. In the center of

the cover is a square aperture, from which rises a
ular pyramid, P, constructed of boards, upon which sits a low
prism, A. The sparger D
has its center of motion upon the
strip L, placed in the uppermost portion of the generator, and
is guided above in the short
strip L v which carries the sharp-
edged ring described on page 51. E is the glass tube through

which the alcoholic liquid flows into the funnel of the sparger.
On the point where the pyramid passes into the prism A, is a
bottom provided with a circular aperture, 0, 2J to 3 inches in
diameter. Upon the top of the prism A is placed a nut, in
which runs a wooden screw, provided on the lower end with
a wooden disk, S, of a somewhat greater diameter than the
aperture 0. raising or lowering this screw, the aperture
can be closed more orless or entirely, and thus the strength

of the current of air regulated at will in every generator. The

prisms A of all the generators are connected with each other

by the conduit R, constructed of boards.

FIG. 22. FIG. 23.

This conduit R is connected best in the center between

an equally large number of generators with the condensing
apparatus, the chief feature of which is a worm similar to
that used in a still. Fig. 24 shows the apparatus in cross-
In a sheet-iron vessel of the same height as the generator is

placed another vessel, so that there is a distance of about 5}

inches between the walls. From a reservoir situated at a
higher level cold water runs into the apparatus through the
pipe K, and off through the short pipe W. In the space be-
tween the walls of the two vessels lies a tin coil with very thin

walls and a diameter of at least 2J inches. On top this tin

coil is connected with the wooden tube R (Fig. 23) and below
with the iron pipe R, which leads to the ventilating appa-
ratus. C is a glass tube about 16 inches long and J to f inch

FIG. 24.

in diameter, which reaches nearly to the bottom of the flask

half filled with water.
The ventilating apparatus consists of an ordinary self-feeding
stove, but its jacket is closed below so that air can
only pass in
between the heating cylinder and the jacket through the
R lcoming from the condensing apparatus.
The apparatus works as follows According
: as combustion
in the stove proceeds
slowly or quickly by the corresponding
position of the regulating register, the air between the heating

cylinder and the jacket becomes less or more heated and as-
cends with corresponding velocity. But as the further entrance
of air can take place only through the pipe R
ly the tin coil, and

the wooden tube R, a uniform current of air from below to

above must pass through all the generators. To regulate the
strength of the current for each generator, it is only necessary
to close the aperture (Fig. 22) more or less by raising or
lowering the screw.
The current of air passing from the wooden tube R into the
tin coil carries with it the total amount of evaporated alcohol
or acetic acid. By passing through the tin coil, which is cooled
by the water, the air itself becomes cooled off, and the greater

portion of the vapors held by it condense to liquid and run off

through the tube C into the bottle. The fluid thus obtained
consists chiefly of alcohol, water, and acetic acid, and is again
used for the preparation of alcoholic liquid. On account of the
peculiar form of the cooling vessel but little water is required
for feeding it. As the quantity of vapor separated from the air

will, however, be the greater the more energetically the tin coil
is cooled off, it is recommended to reduce the temperature of

the water to nearly 32 F. by throwing in pieces of ice.

has been proposed to regain the vapors by conducting the

air containing them into a large vessel in which water in the

form of a fine spray trickles down or is injected. It is, of

course, possible in this manner to condense the greater portion

of vapors of a higher temperature and tension, but with vapors
of at the utmost 95 F. little success would be attained. The
greater portion of the vapors remaining uncondensed, a very
large quantity of fluid containing but little alcohol would be
obtained in the course of a day, and this fluid could at the best
be used only instead of water for the preparation of alcoholic
liquid. The value of the material thus regained would not
cover the working expenses of the apparatus. By working,
however, with the condensing apparatus described above, the
condensed alcohol does not even contain the total quantity of
water evaporated with it, and it need only be compounded

with the corresponding quantity of water and vinegar again

to yield alcoholic liquid.
The generator manufactured by Singer, of Berlin, shows an
essential difference in construction from those previously de-
scribed. It consists of several shallow wooden vessels arranged

one above the other and connected with each other by wooden

FIG. 25.

tubes so that the alcoholic fluid runs drop by drop from one
vessel into the other, passing thereby through the tubes. In
order to distribute the fluid as much as possible, the tubes are
inside provided with horizontal gutters, whereby the surface of
the fluid passing through is greatly increased. In addition,

each of the tubes provided in the center with a slit running


length-wise, allowing of a free passage of the air. The latter

encounters in the tubes the finely-divided fluid and effects the
oxidation of the alcohol to vinegar. This is repeated four
times and oftener before the alcoholic fluid has passed through
the apparatus, whereby, it is claimed, a very complete forma-
tion of vinegar is attained. The entire apparatus stands in a
case which protects it from cooling off and from too great an
access of air, and which can be heated in winter.

Fig. 25 shows Singer's generator in cross section, and Fig.

26 the separate vessels and their connection by drip tubes.
Fig. 25 represents five shallow vats standing one above the
other, at uniform distances, the
FIG. 26. latter being effected by elongated
In the bottoms of the vats A
and A 1 are inserted 37 tubes, a, b,
by which they are connected with
the vats B and B 1 below. The
bottoms of thelatter are provided

only with 32 tubes, which above

connect the vat B with A 1 and
below pass into the vat C.
As will be seen from Fig. 26,
the sections of the tubes through
which the alcoholic fluid is to run
slowly are provided above with
six annular gutters. Above these

gutters are four apertures for the

entrance of the alcoholic fluid. In the center the tubes are
slitlengthwise for the free admission of air. The lower end of
each tube is also provided with two gutters. On top each tube
is lid, but the end entering the vat below is open.
closed with a
Of the five vats only the upper one, A, is provided with

a cover, and upon the latter is fixed a holder, /, for securing

the tube g. Above, the latter is connected with the reservoir

E, filled with alcoholic fluid and below ends in the short pipe
h, which permits the alcoholic fluid to run into the upper vat
A. In addition to the drip-tubes, every two vats standing one
above the other are connected with a knee. The upper one ,

of these knees i issues from the bottom of the vat A and enters
the vat B close to the bottom. The second tube connects in
the same manner, B with J.
the third, A 1 with B 1 and
, ,

lowest one, B 1
with C. Each of these tubes is provided with
a cock to allow of the separate vats being connected or discon-
nected at will. The lowest vat, (7, is provided with two dis-
charge pipes, one, i, at the bottom, and the other, k, about 1J
inches higher up.
The five vats rest upon the reservoir, D, which serves for
the reception of the total quantity of alcoholic liquid which
has passed through the apparatus. It is provided with the
opening, #, which is connected by a rubber tube with the
cock, J, on C. In addition, D, is provided with a glass gauge,
PJ which by turning it downward, serves for discharging the
fluid from D.
Thecase enclosing the apparatus is constructed of wood and

glass, the rubber tube, g, passing through the roof of the reser-
voir E, holding the alcoholic fluid. On top the roof is pro-
vided with a trap, m, which can be opened and closed at will
by means of a rope. Below the case is provided with slides
n n. By opening the slides and the trap, the admission of air
can be regulated.
In the commencement of the operation the cock on E is
opened and the alcoholic fluid is allowed to run through the
tube g, and the short pipe h, until it stands 1 J to 2J inches
deep over the drip-tubes. The cock on the pipe i is then
closed. The alcoholic fluid now penetrates into the drip-tubes,
and runs through them into B, which is soon filled so far that

the openings of the drip-tubes are reached by the level of

the fluid. As the admission of alcoholic fluid continues un-
interruptedly, one vat after another is filled, and the alcoholic
fluid is in the separate drip tubes distributed over a

tively very large surface, being at the same time brought in

intimate contact with fresh air.
The admissionof alcoholic fluid can readily be regulated,
so that on reaching the lowest vat it is converted into vinegar.
When the apparatus is once in operation, the formation of
vinegar progresses without interruption, it being only neces-
sary regularly to fill the reservoir with fresh alcoholic fluid,
and to draw off the finished vinegar into barrels. If for some
reason the operation is to be interrupted, the alcoholic fluid
still contained in the vats is drawn off through the respective

knees, and the apparatus is filled with water to prevent dry-

ing out. When
manufacture is to be recommenced, the water
is drawn and alcoholic fluid admitted.

It is doubtful whether this apparatus possesses advantages

over the ordinary generator, since the surface over which
the alcoholic fluid is distributed is much smaller than in gen-
erators filled with shavings.
Michaelis' revolving generator consists essentially of a strong

barrel, 3 feet 3 inches in diameter at the widest point, and a

space of 3 feet 3 inches between the two bottoms. The barrel

rests horizontally upon two supports, so that it can be rolled to
and fro upon them. The interior of the barrel is divided by a
horizontal lath-grating into two partitions, .the upper smaller
one being filled with shavings. Below the lath-grating in the
bottom of the barrel is a horizontal tube for the admission of
air, and above in the side of the barrel a cock for its escape.
The alcoholic fluid is poured in close to the lath-grating by
means of a funnel, the air-cock is closed and the barrel re-
volved to allow of the shavings to become thoroughly saturated
with the alcoholic liquid. In about 15 minutes the barrel is
brought back to its original position, and the air-cock opened.
The commencement of the formation of vinegar will soon be

recognized by the increase of temperature in the shavings,

and the operation is then in full progress.
For the constant continuation of the formation of vinegar, it

is only necessary to revolve the barrel for a few moments sev-


eral times a day to saturate the shavings with the alcoholic

fluid. progress of the formation of vinegar is shown by
a thermometer placed in the bottom of the upper space, the
lowering of the temperature indicating the completion of the
The apparatus is cleaned by rinsing the shavings, without
taking them from the barrel, with hot water, and filling the
barrel with strong vinegar, which is drawn off in 24 hours.
The advantages of this generator consist, according to the
inventor, in cheapness of first cost, simple operation, larger
yield, saving of alcohol, and better quality of the product.



THE principal work to be performed in a vinegar factory

consists in pouring at stated intervals the alcoholic fluid into
the generators. In a large factory several workmen are con-
stantly engaged in this work, and losses by spilling are un-
avoidable. Further, it is almost next to impossible always to
pour in the same quantity at exactly the same intervals, and
sometimes a generator may even be entirely overlooked, and
thus remain inactive until the next supply of alcoholic liquid
is poured in.

The greatest disadvantage is, however, the interruption for

several hours daily, of the formation of vinegar in all the gen-

erators, so that, for instance, in a factory working 16 hours a

day, one-third of the time is lost. Independently of the small

return on the capital invested, these interruptions are accom-
panied by many other conditions injurious to the regular run-
ning of the factory.
greatest of these evils is that with the cessation of the
supply of alcoholic fluid the propagation of the vinegar fer-

ment diminishes and finally ceases altogether. Further, the

development of heat in the interior of the apparatus at the
same time ceases and the temperature is reduced several de-
grees, this phenomenon appearing even in factories provided
with the best heating apparatus and keeping up a constant
temperature in the workroom during the night.
In the morning when work is resumed, it is in most cases
necessary to vigorously air the apparatus by opening all the
draught holes, in order to gradually restore the temperature
to the required degree, and it will be some time before the

apparatus again works in a normal manner.

The vinegar ferment, however, is very sensitive to changes
of temperature, as well as to the concentration of the nourish-
ing substances surrounding it, and there can be no doubt that
its propagation is prejudiced by the continuous variations of
temperature to which it is exposed
during the interruptions of
several hours a day. That such is actually the case is shown
by the fact that the quantity of vinegar ferment formed in the
generators is small as compared with that which, under con-
ditions favorable to the ferment, forms in a short time upon
alcoholic liquids.
Besides the debilitation of the vinegar ferment and the con-
sequent disturbance in the regular working of the factory, the
repeated reduction of the temperature in the generators has the
further disadvantage that, besides the vinegar ferment, other fer-
ments whose development a low temperature is more favor-
able be formed, and these ferments may increase to such
an extent as to entirely suppress the vinegar ferment. There
can scarcely be a doubt that the many apparently inexplicable
disturbances in the working of the generators, such as their
remaining cool notwithstanding an increased current of air,
the vinegar becoming suddenly weaker, or the entire cessation
of its formation, find their easy explanation in the daily

interruptions lasting for hours in the regular working of the

Besides the increase in the capacity of the factory, disturb-

ances are, therefore, less likely to occur where the work is

carried on uninterruptedly, but in order to do this there must
also be a corresponding increase in the number of workmen
employed in pouring alcoholic liquid into the generators.
Bythe use of simple automatic contrivances for the regular

pouring out of the alcoholic liquid, the number of workmen

employed in a vinegar factory can, however, be reduced to the
attendance required for looking after the heating apparatus,
raising the alcoholic liquid to a certain height, and an occa-
sional control of the temperature in the interior of the genera-
tors. A thus arranged requires but little attendance,
as when once in good working order it may be left to itself for

many hours without the occurrence of any disturbance.

According to the characteristics which distinguish the differ-

ent constructions of continuously working apparatus from each

other, they may be divided into two principal systems, viz.,
into those with an uninterrupted, and those with a periodical,

pouring out of the alcoholic liquid, but in either case the latter
has to be brought into a reservoir placed at a certain height
above the generators.


The Terrace System. The alcoholic liquid, as is well known,
cannot be converted into finished vinegar by passing once
through the generator, a repeated pouring into several, gen-
erally three, different generators being required. To avoid
the necessity of raising the alcoholic liquid three times, three
rows of generators have been arranged one above another, so
that" the alcoholic liquid coming from a reservoir placed at a
higher level flows first into the uppermost generator, and pass-
ing through this, runs directly into the second, and from
there into the third, which it leaves as finished vinegar. Fig.
27 shows a vinegar factory arranged according to this system,
/. II, III,
representing the three rows of generators placed one
above another, V 1
the reservoir for the alcoholic liquid, P the
arrangement for pumping the alcoholic liquid into the reser-

voir, V the
distributing vessel for the alcoholic liquid, 8 the
collecting vessel for the finished vinegar, .fiTthe heating
ratus for the entire establishment.
For a uniform supply of alcoholic liquid to the generators

FIG. 27.

standing on the same level a conduit, L, from which the alco-

holic liquid flows into each generator, runs above the upper-
most row. Another conduit, L l
common to all the genera-

tors, serves for the reception of fluid (finished vinegar) running

off from the lowest row, and conducts it to the collecting ves-

sel, S. The arrows indicate the course the alcoholic liquid

has to traverse.
From appearances the arrangement of a factory according

to the above-described system would be most advisable, there

being actually nothing to do but to raise the alcoholic liquid

once and to remove the finished vinegar from the collecting
vessel. In practice, however, this so-called terrace system pre-
sents many difficulties not easily overcome, the greatest un-

doubtedly being the solution of the heating problem. Experi-

ence shows that the temperature in a generator must be the
higher the more acetic acid the alcoholic liquid contains.
According to this, the highest temperature should prevail in
the lowest series of generators (///, Fig. 27) and the lowest in
the uppermost (/).
But in practice just the reverse is the case even with the
use of the best heating apparatus, the highest temperature

prevailing in I and the lowest in III, as, according to natural

law, the warm
air being specifically lighter than the cold

constantly strives to ascend.

To overcome this drawback nothing can be done but to place
the series J, // and III of the generators in as many different
stories entirely separated from each other, or, in case there is a
central heating apparatus in the cellar, to correctly distribute
the warm air in the separate stories by suitably arranged reg-
isters. The solution of this problem offers no insuperable
difficulties, but requires the arrangement of the entire factory
to be carefully planned in accordance with the laws of physics.
An unavoidable drawback of the terrace system is the cost-
liness ofthe factory building, and, finally, that a disturbance
occurring in one of the generators must simultaneously affect
two others of the vertical series, which must necessarily remain
idle until the disturbance is removed.
Considering all the
disadvantages connected with the terrace system, though it is
seemingly so suitable, it is but little adapted to practice, it
being much preferable to place all the generators on the same
level and to divide them into three groups, each of which is

provided with a reservoir for the alcoholic liquid and a col-

lecting vessel.
The mode of working according to this system is as follows :

The alcoholic liquid is pumped into a reservoir, from which it

passes through group / of generators and collects in a vessel.

From the latter pumped into a second reservoir placed on
it is

the same level with the first, and runs through group II of
generators into another collecting vessel from there it is again

pumped into a third reservoir, and after passing through group

/// of generators finally collects as finished vinegar in a third
collecting vessel.
Though the arrangement of all the generators on the same
level renders it necessary to raise the alcoholic liquid three
times, it would seem more suitable than the terrace system for
the following reasons: 1. By a suitable regulation of the heat-

ing apparatus the required temperature can be readily main-

tained in the separate groups of generators. 2. In case of a

disturbance in one of the groups, the generator in question can

be left out without causing an interruption in the work of the
other groups. 3. The power required to pump the alcoholic
liquid three times into the reservoirs V l 2 and ,
V ,
F3 ,
is not
much greater than that which has to be used to raise it to the

height of the reservoir in factories arranged according to the

terrace system. 4. Notwithstanding the greater area required,
the erection of a one-story factory is less expensive than that
of a three-story building with complicated heating apparatus
and very strong, solid floors, which are required on account of
the great weight of the generators.
The uniform distribution of the alcoholic liquid into each
generator is very simple in factories arranged according to the
terrace system, and can be effected in the following manner :

The false heads are fitted water-tight in the generators ;

they are provided either with narrow holes alone, or with aper-
tures loosely filled with cotton-wick, pack-thread, etc. The
pipes ascending from the vinegar-forming space, which is filled
with shavings, are inserted water-tight in the false bottoms.

On the reservoir containing the alcoholic liquid is a spigot

which can be accurately adjusted, and securely connected

with the conduit leading to the separate generators. At the

place on the conduit where the alcoholic liquid is to be intro-
duced into the generator is a discharge-pipe also provided with
a spigot.
When the factory is to be put in operation the reservoir is
first filled with alcoholic liquid, the spigots on the several gen-
erators being entirely open, but the principal spigot closed.

Now, by suddenly opening the latter, the air in the conduit i&
expelled by the alcoholic liquid flowing in, and the latter
rushes in a full stream from the spigots connecting the conduit
with the generators. These spigots are then closed so far that
only the quantity of alcoholic liquid required for the regular
process of the formation of vinegar can enter the generators.
To prevent the force of pressure from varying too much in the
conduit by the lowering of the level of the fluid in tire reser-
voir, it is recommended to give the latter only a slight height
but a large bottom surface.
From the lower portion of the uppermost series of genera-
tors the alcoholic fluid then gradually reaches through a pipe
the false bottoms of the next series, and from this the lowest

series, from which it runs off as finished vinegar into the col-
lecting vessel.
It will readily be seen that some time for
experimenting is
required before a factory arranged according to this system
can be brought into regular working order, it being necessary
to test the fluids running off from the different groups of gen-
erators as to their contents of acetic acid in order to find out
whether too much or too little or just enough alcoholic liquid
reaches the generator, so that the liquid running off from the
lowest series contains no alcohol and may be considered a&
finished vinegar. Any fault in the working of the generators
can in this case be overcome by a corresponding adjustment
of the spigots so as to regulate the influx of alcoholic liquid.

Theoretically no more simple or convenient process for


making vinegar than the terrace system could be devised.

Provided the spigots supplying the separate generators be once
correctly adjusted and the temperature of the different stories

suitably regulated, it is only necessary constantly to supply

the reservoir with alcoholic liquid, and the heating apparatus
with fuel, in order to carry on the work for any length of
time desired. The disadvantages connected with this system
having been already explained need not be further referred to.
Lcnze's chamber generator : * This apparatus is a Schuetzen-
bach generator of logically improved construction, and not, as
might be supposed at the first glance, an arbitrary modifica-
tion of the exterior shape. Its construction is based upon the
following principles :

1. Saving of space and volume. 2. Simplification of the

work and facility of control. 3. Utilization to the best ad-

vantage of the square fermentation-surface. 4. The process is

carried on without being separated by partitions in many iso-
lated narrow columns of shavings. 5. Surface-fermentation
with little
height. 6. Large producing capacity.

The average height of the apparatus is about 7 feet. It is

rectangular in form, is built entirely of wood, no hoops what-

ever being used, and is of solid and massive construction. It

is made Fig. 28 shows a No. 3 apparatus with

in three sizes.
a base of about 107 square feet, length 10 feet, width 6 feet,
and a capacityof producing 20 to 25 quarts of 13 per cent,

vinegar per 10J square feet of shavings-surface (base of gen-

The alcoholic liquid is periodically supplied at fixed inter-
vals, but the operation may also be carried on continuously

day and night.

The attendance of the apparatus is entirely mechanical, by
means of a pump operated by hand or power. Losses of
material by spilling or otherwise are impossible since the
alcoholic liquid moves in closed tin pipes and the finished

vinegar is conveyed in the same manner.

*.J. Lenze, Iserlohn, Westfalen, Germany.


The apparatus is furnished with a lath-bottom and a per-

forated head, the intermediate space being packed with beech

shavings. The air-holes are between the actual bottom and

the lath-bottom and the air-outlets below the perforated head.
The alcoholic liquid is very uniformly distributed over the
entire large surface of shavings by the perforated head. The
latter is tightly covered with cloth, divided into square fields,

FIG. 28.

and so secured that it cannot warp or get out of position.

Notwithstanding its large superficial area the perforated head
isthe coolest place in the apparatus and this
evidently con-
tributes towards reducing the loss by evaporation to a mini-

mum, and such loss can be still further limited by the use of
a cover fitting almost air-tight. The upper layer of shavings
is also not
impaired by higher degrees of heat, because the as-
cending air which has been heated and exhausted, is con-

by the pourings of alcoholic liquid and partly

stantly cooled
condenses on the lower surface of the perforated head, and
thus cooled, escapes through a pipe-system below the perforated
The mode of operating such an apparatus and its attend-
ance is illustrated by Fig. 28.
alcoholic liquid is contained in the vat C and a suffi-
cient quantity of it is by means of thepump P conveyed to
the vat A, where it is diluted to a weak wash. When the
operation is carried on with back pourings, the vat B contains
the vinegar; otherwise it is omitted. The intermediate vat
E effects automatically by suitable contrivances the measuring
off of the separate pourings, so that after pumping the entire

quantity of alcoholic liquid required for one day, the actual

labor is finished, which requires about one hour's consump-
tion of time and power, no matter whether one or several ap-
paratuses are operated, larger pumps being used in the latter
For the accurate control of the operation a contrivance is
provided which indicates in the office whether and at what
time the separate pourings have been effected.
The product running off from the apparatus collects in the
course of the day in the vat D. When the latter is full, the
overflow passes through a pipe to the storage-vat. By this
arrangement the danger of any of the vats running over is
Plate Generator. This generator, patented by Dr. Bersch, of
Vienna, Austria, isso arranged as to render the formation of

aldehyde as well as the destruction of acetic acid already

formed impossible, and the loss by evaporation is reduced to
a minimum. As will be seen from the description, the
arrangement of the apparatus is such that on all portions of
the surface of the plates air and alcoholic liquid are in undis-
turbed contact. Hence the formation of vinegar takes place
constantly and the regulation of the current of air can be
effected with the utmost accuracv. Since the effective surface

of each apparatus, i. e., the surface upon which the formation

of vinegar actually takes place, is more than 10,764
feet, the performance of this generator is extremely sur- large,
passing by far that of a generator packed with shavings.
This generator is provided with a contrivance which auto-
matically attends to the pouring-in of alcoholic fluid with the
regularity of clock-work, and thus the work of a factory using
a large number of generators can be done by a single work-
man, he having nothing else to do than to fill once a day the
reservoir for alcoholic fluid.
In its most recent construction the plate-generator consists
of a vat filled inside with layers of extremely thin plates of
wood arranged in such a manner that the separate layers are
fixed crosswise at right angles one above the other. Since
every two plates in the layers lying alongside each other are

kept apart by prismatic wooden rods, fluid can run down on

both sides of the plates, and air ascend undisturbed between
Since the total surface of 'the wooden plates in a generator
about 8J feet high is more than 10764 square feet, and for-
mation of vinegar takes place uninterruptedly upon this
entire surface, the efficacy of the plate generator as regards

producing capacity is the highest attainable.

Through a pipe, open at both ends, in the bottom of the
generator, air is admitted to the interior. The upper portion
of this pipe is furnished with a hood to prevent fluid from

dropping into it, and the lower opening is covered with fine
gauze to exclude the entrance of vinegar lice (vinegar mites).
strength of the current of air in the generator is regu-
lated by a register-bar in the cover of the apparatus, in which
is also fixed a thermometer. In the commencement of the
operation the register-bar is so set that the thermometer indi-
cates the temperature about 91 to 93 F. suitable for the
formation of vinegar. So long as alcoholic liquid runs in
and the temperature of the workroom remains the same, the
same temperature will be indicated by the thermometer, be-

cause in equal periods of time the same quantity of vinegar

will always be formed and a quantity of heat corresponding
to it developed.
The uniform distribution of the alcoholic fluid in the form
of very fine drops over the plates in the interior of the gen-
erator is effected by a sparger fixed over the uppermost layer
of plates.
apparatus, like every other generator, can be charged
by pouring in the alcoholic liquid by hand. However, to
make it entirely independent of the workman, and especially

to keep it working regularly day and night without interrup-

tion, it is provided with an automatic pouring contrivance.
This contrivance consists of a vat of such a size as to be capa-
ble of holding the fluid required for supplying for 24 hours
one generator or a group of two, three, four or more genera-
tors. In this supply-vat floats in a suitable guide a wooden
float-gauge,|which rises and sinks with the level of the fluid.
To this float-gauge is secured a siphon, the longer leg of which
is furnished with ^a [checking contrivance which has to be

accurately regulated. By shifting this checking contrivance,

the quantity of fluid discharged in a certain unit of time, for
instance, in one hour, can be determined. Since the siphon
sinks with the level of the fluid, andits length remains un-

changed, the fluidalways runs off under the same pressure.

The liquid running from the siphon passes into a distribut-
ing vessel underneath. The latter should be of sufficient
capacity to hold the total quantity of liquid required for one

FIG. 30.

pouring upon all the generators in a battery. If, for instance,

is to receive a
every generator in a battery of twenty-four
should have a
pouring of 3 quarts, the distributing vessel
capacity of at least 3 X 24
= 72 quarts. The automatic pour-
ing contrivance is fixed in the distributing vessel. When the
latter contains the quantity of alcoholic liquid required
one pouring for a determined number of generators, the time
fixed between every two pourings has elapsed. The auto-
matic pouring contrivance then opens the distributing vessel
and the alcoholic liquid passes through the conduits to the

generators. When
the distributing vessel has been emptied,
the discharge-contrivance closes automatically, the distribut-
ing vessel is filled within the determined time, and is again
emptied when this time has elapsed. The automatic distribut-
ing contrivance thus continues working without interruption
so long as liquid is contained in the supply-vat. If the latter
is of sufficient capacity to hold enough alcoholic liquid for 24
hours, it is only necessary to fill it in the
Figs. 29 and 30 show the arrangement of the separate parts
of a plant for automatically working plate generators. Fig.
29 a view from above and Fig. 30 a side view.
is V is the
supply-vat for the alcoholic liquid, S the float-gauge to which
is secured the siphon H. A is the automatic. distributor, and
J the conduits conveying the alcoholic liquid to the separate
plate-generators P. The dotted line aa represents the level of
the fluid in the supply-vat.


The Three-group System. In the second system of automatic
generators it has been sought to imitate the ordinary working
of a vinegar factoryby providing the apparatus with certain
mechanical appliances which allow of the distribution at cer-
tain stated intervals of
any desired quantity of alcoholic liquid
into the generators. The term " periodical " may be applied
to this system of automatic apparatus.
The mechanical appliances used for the purpose of admitting
at certain intervals a fixed quantity of alcoholic fluid into the

generator may be constructed in various ways, the tilting

trough, shown in Figs. 12 and 13, p. 49, being an example.

By a modification of the apparatus, as shown in Fig. 31, any

desired quantity of fluid can with its assistance be at certain
intervals admitted to the generator. The fluid may be either
poured out upon the false head, or, what is more suitable
for its better distribution, used for feeding a sparger.
As seen from the illustration a prismatic box with a bottom
formed of two slightly inclined planes, stands at a suitable

height over each generator. In this box a tilting trough is

placed so that its axis of revolution runs parallel with the line
formed by the two bottom surfaces of the box. On the point
of contact of the two, a pipe is inserted which extends to the
false head or to the funnel of the sparger. Above the box is
a spigot connected by a pipe with a reservoir for the alcoholic

FIG. 31.

fluid placed at a higher This reservoir serves

level. for sup-

plying a large number of generators, and can be shut off by a

carefully adjusted spigot. From the latter a vertical pipe
leads to the conduit running in a horizontal direction over the

generators. The pipe is provided with small spigots which

discharge the fluid into the tilting troughs.

giving each tilting trough such a capacity that, for in-

stance, each partition holds 5 quarts, and adjusting the spigot
so that 30 minutes are required for filling one partition, the
trough will, at the expiration of this time, tilt over and empty
the fluid inclined planes.
upon the From here it runs into
the sparger, and setting the latter in motion is poured in the
form of a fine spray over the shavings. Since the other parti-
tion of the tilting trough has the same capacity, as the first,
and the quantity of the alcoholic fluid remains the same, the

FIG. 32.

trough will, after the expiration of 30 minutes, again tilt over,

and again empty 5 quarts of fluid, this being continued as

long as the reservoir contains any fluid.

In place of the tilting trough the so-called " siphon-barrel,"
Fig. 32, may be used for effecting the discharge of a certain
quantity of fluid at a stated interval. In a spherical vessel
placed at a higher level than the edge of the funnel of the
sparger is a siphon, the longer leg of which passes through the
bottom of the vessel into the funnel. On the edge of the vessel

is a spigot which connected with the pipe conveying the


fluid, and so adjusted that within a previously determined space

of time the vessel is filled with fluid up to the height indicated

by the dotted line. As soon

as the fluid reaches that height,
action of the siphon commences, and the content of the vessel
runs through the longer leg into the funnel of the sparger until
itslevel is sunk to the edge of the shorter leg. The action of
the siphon then ceases until the vessel is again filled up to the

line, when it recommences, and so on.

The siphon of bent glass tubes being very
liable to breakage,
it is
frequently replaced by the so-called bell-siphon, the ar-
rangement of which is shown in Fig. 33. It consists of a glass
tube which forms the longer leg of
Fro. 88.
the siphon, while a glass cylinder
secured to this tube by means of a

perforated cork, represents the other

leg. The action of this siphon is
the same as the other.
In working with automatic appa-
ratus, fixed quantities of fluid being
at stated intervals introduced, pro-
vision for the reception of the fluid
must be made in the apparatus itself,
or for its being conducted to a spe-
cial reservoir at the rate at which it

tricklesfrom the shavings. In the

case the space beneath the false

bottom must be of sufficient size to

receive the fluid passed through the apparatus in a certain
time. This time being suitably fixed for 12 hours, the appa-
ratus can during this time work without further attendance,
so that the required space beneath the false bottom can be
calculated by multiplying the number of pourings with the

quantity of fluid poured in at one time.

Example : The generator receives at intervals of 30 min-
utes a pouring of 5 quarts, hence in 12 hours 24 pourings of

5 quarts each =
120 quarts. The space beneath the perfo-
rated false bottom must therefore be of sufficient capacity to
receive up to the height of the draught-holes at least 120
quarts of fluid.
As will be seen from the following general description of a
vinegar factory, arranged according to the automatic principle,
it is
decidedly preferable to arrange the generators so that the
fluid trickling from the shavings is at once conducted to a

collecting vessel.
Arrangement of a Vinegar Factory Working According to the
Automatic Principle. As previously stated, it is not possible to
convert all the alcohol contained in the liquid into acetic acid
by one pouring only a portion of the alcohol being converted,

and this semi-product is brought into a second generator, and,

if the liquid used is very rich in alcohol, into a third. In the
second apparatus another portion of the alcohol is converted
into acetic acid, and the process finished in the third.
It being in all cases advisable to prepare vinegar with a

high percentage of acetic acid, most manufacturers now pass

the alcoholic liquid successively through three generators. In
practice it is recommended to place the generators which are
to receive alcoholic liquid of the same content of acetic acid

alongside each other, which leads naturally to the division of

the generators into three groups. If, for instance, a factory

contains 48 generators, each group contains 16 group I is ;

charged with freshly prepared alcoholic liquidthe generators


of group II contain the alcoholic liquid which has already

passed through those of group I, and group III is charged

with the fluid yielded by group II.

Besides the easy control of the work, this arrangement into

groups has another advantage. The generators in which the
lastremnants of the alcohol of a quite strong fluid are to be
converted into acetic acid are best kept at a somewhat higher
temperature and with a suitably arranged heating apparatus

and the eventual use of curtains by which the workroom can

be divided at will into two or three partitions, it can be readily

arranged to convey somewhat more heat to the second group

of generators and the greatest quantity of it to the third.
The height of the actual workroom of the factory should not
be greater than required by that of the generators. The reser-
voir is placed under the roof of the workroom, while the col-

lecting vessels are either sunk in the floor or placed in the


Below given a description of a periodically working estab-


lishment with 24 generators. The generators are arranged in

three groups, I, II, and III, the following articles belonging
to each group :

8 generators ;

1 reservoir;
1 collecting vessel ;

8 apparatuses for the distribution of the alcoholic liquid into

the generators ;

Conduits for the alcoholic liquid to be poured in ;

Conduits for the alcoholic liquid running off.

For the three groups in common :

A pump to convey the alcoholic liquid from the collecting

vessels to the reservoirs.
A flue for the conveyance of warm air from the heating
for its distribution in the work-
apparatus in the cellar and
An apparatus for heating the alcoholic liquid.
The three reservoirs rest upon the joists of the ceiling of the
workroom, each being enclosed by a small chamber con-
structed of boards which are papered. In the floor of each
chamber is a man-hole for access to the reservoir. The man-
holes should not be furnished with doors, it being of import-
ance that the reservoirs should constantly be surrounded by
warm air which ascends through the man-holes. To prevent
loss by evaporation the reservoirs should be provided with

well-fitting covers.
To retain solid bodies such as shavings, flakes of mother of
the fine aper-
vinegar, etc., which might eventually obstruct

tures in the false head or sparger, a filter is placed on the

end of the pipe through which the alcoholic liquid passes into
the reservoirs. A
suitable filter for the purpose is a horse-hair
sieve containing a linen bag, the latter being from time to
time replaced by a new one.
The conduits for the conveyance of the alcoholic liquid to
the distributing vessels and from there to the generators are
best constructed of thick glass tubes, the connection of two

pieces being effected by pieces of rubber hose pushed over the

ends and secured with twine.
Each generator may be furnished with a vessel containing the
automatic arrangement, it being, however, in this case neces-
sary to provide for each a special conduit from the reservoir,
which number of generators is
for a factory containing a large
rather expensive. Hence it is recommended to use for each
group only one or at the utmost two distributing vessels, and
from them to extend smaller conduits to the separate -gene-
rators. Eachof the principal conduits is provided, at the place
where enters the distributing vessel, with a spigot, which is

adjusted for the discharge of a certain quantity of alcoholic

liquid. If, as above mentioned, every generator is to receive

a pouring of 5 quarts of alcoholic liquid every 30 minutes, the

distributing vessel serving for a group of 8 generators must
have a capacity of 40 quarts, and the spigot has to be so
adjusted that exactly this quantity passes through it in 30
The discharge-pipe of the automatic arrangement must enter
a space in which are inserted eight pipes having the same
diameter, which conduct the alcoholic liquid to the separate
generators. this arrangement all the generators receive
simultaneously a pouring of an equal quantity of fluid which
either sets the sparger in motion or gradually trickles through
the apertures in the false head. The alcoholic liquid which
has passed through the generators collects either in the space
under the false bottom or runs directly through conduits to
the collecting vessels.

The conduits placed before the discharge apertures of the

generators are intended to conduct the alcoholic

liquid to the
reservoirs, and there being no pressure of fluid in them they
might be merely open gutters. For the sake of cleanliness and
to avoid losses by evaporation it is, however, advisable to use

glass tubes for the purpose. At the places where the dis-
charge-pipes of the generators are located, the connection of
two glass tubes is effected by a wooden joint with an aperture
on top in which is placed a glass funnel. For collecting ves-
sels for the alcoholic fluid running off from the generators of
one group, vats provided with lids are used. They have to be
placed so low that some fall can be given to the conduits, and
in each of them is a pipe provided with a spigot, which serves
as a suction-pipe for the pump intended to raise the alcoholic

The manner of working in a factory thus arranged is as

* The
follows :
collecting vessel Ci serves for the preparation
of the alcoholic liquid, which is then pumped into the reser-
voir Ri, from whence it runs through the first group of gen-

erators, Gi, to the collecting vessel, Cn. From this it is

pumped into Rn, and runs through the second group of gen-
erators, Gn, into the collecting vessel Cm. On being pumped
up the third time it runs from the reservoir Rm through the
third group of generators Gm, and passes as finished vinegar
either into a fourth collecting vessel or is at once conducted
into storage barrels.
The distance the alcoholic liquid has to be raised from the
bottom of the collecting vessels to the reservoir amounting to
not more than from 23 to 25 feet, an ordinary suction-pump
may be used for the purpose, though a forcing pump is better,
it doing the work more rapidly. The pump must be con-
structed of material entirely indifferent to acetic acid (wood,
silvered metal).
glass, hard rubber, tin,, or thickly

*Toavoid repetition the collecting vessels are designated :

Ci, n, in ;
the res-

ervoirs Ri, iiTand.iii .; the groups of generators Gi, n, in.


Any metallic vessels used in the factory should be of pure

tin, i. e., unalloyed with other metals, it being the only metal
entirely indifferent towards acetic acid, but unfortunately it is

too soft to be suitable for the construction of pumps.

The pump is generally located in the immediate neighbor-
hood of the collecting vessels, and the three branches of its
suction pipe pass into the latter. When one of the collecting

FIG. 34.

vessels is to be emptied, the spigot of the branch pipe entering

it is opened and the spigots of the other branch pipes are

Ordinary well or river water being used in the preparation

of the alcoholic liquid, the temperature of the latter does not

generally exceed 54 F., and if it were thus introduced into

the generators acetification would be very sluggish until the
temperature rises to above 68 F. Independently of the loss

of time, there would be the further danger of injuring the de-

velopment of the vinegar ferment hence it is necessary to heat

the alcoholic liquid to the temperature required. This is best

effected by passing it through a coil surrounded by hot water.
Fig. 34 shows an apparatus especially adapted for heating the
alcoholic liquid. In a copper or iron boiler filled with water,
which can be heated from below, is a coil, S, of pure tin it ;

enters the boiler above at a and leaves it at 6, so that the

of inflow is at the same level with that of outflow. With
this form of construction the coil of course remains
filled with liquid, which with the use of
pure tin is, however,
of no consequence besides, this can be remedied
by placing
on the lower coil a narrow pipe, R, which projects above the
edge of the boiler and is bent like a siphon. By opening the
spigot h the fluid contained in the coil runs off through R.

^The rising pipe of the forcing-pump is provided with an

arrangement by which the alcoholic liquid can be brought
either directly from the collecting vessel into the reservoirs, or
firstforced through the heating apparatus. It consists of a

prismatic wooden body provided with three spigots. By clos-

ing spigots 2 and 3 and opening 1, the alcoholic liquid is
immediately conveyed from the collecting vessels to the reser-
voirs. closing spigot 1 and opening 2 and 3, which are
connected by short pieces of rubber hose with the ends of the
coil, S, the alcoholic liquid forced upward from the collecting
vessels by the pump must pass through the heating coil, and
after being heated it returns to the rising pipe, which conveys
it to the reservoirs. The arrows in the illustration indicate
the course of the alcoholic liquid has to traverse when spigots
2 and 3 are open and 1 closed.
The diameter and length of the tin coil depends on the
quantity of fluid which is to pass through it, though one with
a clear diameter of 12 to 14 inches and a length of 23 to 26
feet will, as a rule, suffice. Besides by slower or quicker

pumping the fluid can be forced with less or greater velocity

through the coil and correspondingly more or less heated.

The walls of the coil should be as thin as possible so as to

yield heat rapidly.

The heating of the alcoholic liquid, of course, can also be
effected by heating one portion more strongly than necessary
and reducing it to the required temperature by mixing with
cold fluid. In working, however, with a fluid containing living
vinegar ferment and such, as will be explained later on, is
claimed to be already contained in freshly prepared alcoholic
fluid care must be had not to heat the liquid above 120 F.,
this temperature being destructive to the ferment.



Acetification of the Generators. The object of acetification is

to thoroughly saturate the filling material shavings, char-
coal, etc. of the generators with vinegar and to cause the

development of the vinegar ferment upon it. The generators

are first filled with the filling material, the false heads or
the spargers are next placed in position, and the temperature
of the workroom is brought up close to 86 F. For acetifica-
tion, i. e., saturating the shavings, vinegar of the same
strength, i. e., with the same content of acetic acid as that

which is to be prepared in the generators, is used. For every

35J cubic feet of the space filled with shavings or charcoal are
required for complete acetification the following quantities of
vinegar :

For shavings loosely poured in 60| to 71 gallons.

For shavings piled up one alongside the other ..90 to 105 gallons.
For charcoal, the size of a walnut 142J to 211 \ gallons.

The value of the vinegar used for acetification has to be

considered as dead capital.

The vinegar running off from the generators is not only


considerably weaker than that used for acetification, but, not-

withstanding the previous lixiviation of the wood, has a dis-
agreeable taste so as to render it unfit for the preparation of
table vinegar, and can only be utilized, for instance, in the

preparation of acetate of lead, etc. When the vinegar running

off exhibits a pure taste, it is collected
by itself and later on
converted into a product of greater strength by mixing it with
alcohol and passing again through the generators. By this
saturation of the shavings with vinegar, the vinegar ferment
locates in abundance upon the surface of the
shavings, and
the generators are fit for the formation of vinegar.
Regular production, however, can be commenced only grad-
ually, which may be illustrated by an example as follows :

At first, for instance, alcoholic liquid is introduced only

once a day, either early in the morning or in the evening.

In about eight days, or under certain conditions even later,
the temperature in the generators has risen to from 86 to 95
F., and alcoholic liquid may now be introduced twice daily,
for instance, early in the morning and in the afternoon. The
fact that the generator is working is recognized by the in-
creased temperature and by the flame of a candle held near a
draught-hole being drawn inwards. After eight to fourteen
days more the thermometer shows 96 to 98 F., and then
alcoholic liquid is introduced three times daily, for instance,

early in the morning, in the forenoon and in the afternoon,

whereby the temperature rises to 102 or 104 F. If now the
vinegar running off shows the desired strength, the generators
are in good working order, and are subjected to the regular
Accelerated Acetification. By closely considering the process
which must take place in acetification and the first stage of
the operation, it will be plainly seen that the above-described
method cannot be called a rational one, there being a waste of
time as well as of material, and the commencement of regular
working being largely dependent upon accident.

object of Rectification is, as previously stated, first to
thoroughly saturate the shavings with vinegar and next to
develop the vinegar ferment upon them. This can, however,
be attained in a more suitable and a quicker manner than by
the above process.
Air-dry wood contains on an average 20 per cent, of water,
and during acetification this water must be gradually replaced
by vinegar hence the vinegar trickling from the generators

will remain poor in acetic acid and rich in water until the
shavings are entirely saturated with pure vinegar and the
water has been expelled.
The removal of the water from the shavings and its substitu-
tion by vinegar are effected by osmose, i. e., the cells of the
wood surrounded by vinegar yield a fluid consisting of water
and extractive substances of the wood and absorb sufficient of
the exterior fluid until both liquids have the same composition.
Now, by pouring only a small quantity of vinegar at one time
over the shavings in the generator, as is done in acetification
according to the old method, the course of the process is very
slow, 14 days or more, as already mentioned, being required
before the vinegar running off' shows no longer a change in its

In a generator in a stage of acetification an uninterrupted,
though slight, current of air upwards takes place, since even
with the use of the best heating apparatus the air in the upper
layers is warmer than in the lower. This current of air be-
comes stronger with the development of larger quantities of
vinegar ferment and causes a large absolute loss of vinegar.
The greater portion of this loss must be set down as being due
to evaporation, which must be considerable on account of the

great surface over which the vinegar is distributed, and the

smaller portion, to consumption by the vinegar ferment.
By placing the shavings in vinegar the above-described pro-
cess of substitution of vinegar for the fluid contained in the
cells of the wood takes place very quickly, and, theoretically,
it would therefore seem to be advisable to follow the same

course on a large scale, i. e., to saturate the shavings with

vinegar before placing them in the generators. By using
artificially dried shavings (see p. 54) the saturation is effected
in the course of a few hours, the dry" woody tissue absorbing
the fluid like a sponge.
The shavings, while still hot, are brought into a vat and
covered with the vinegar to be used for acetification. In about
12 hours they are thoroughly saturated. The excess of vine-
gar is drawn off through the tap-hole in the bottom of the vat,

and having absorbed neither water nor extractive substances

from the steamed and thoroughly dried shavings can be imme-
diately re-used for the saturation of another portion of shav-
ings. The saturated shavings are at once used for filling a
generator, and the latter, which may now be considered as
completely acetified, can at once be employed for the process
of the formation of vinegar according to the method described
Instead of in a vat, the shavings can also be saturated
directly in the generator. For this purpose the shavings,
after having been artificially dried, are immediately brought
into the generator, and vinegar is poured over them either by
means of the false head or the sparger until a considerable

quantity has accumulated in the space below the false bottom.

This accumulation is then drawn off and again poured over
the shavings, this being continued until they are thoroughly
saturated, which is effected in a comparatively short time.
Induction of the Operation with an Artificial Culture of Vinegar
Ferment. In the process of accelerated acetification of the
generators no development of vinegar ferment can of course
take place, since by heating the shavings to about 212 F.

any fermenting organisms accidentally adhering to them are

destroyed. The vinegar ferment increases with astonishing

rapidity provided it finds nutriment suitable for its develop-

ment. Vinegar is, however, a very poor material for this
purpose, and this is very likely the reason why weeks are

quired before production can be commenced in generators


acetifiedaccording to the old method. The ferment can y

however, be so rapidly propagated in the generator that pro-

duction can be commenced almost immediately after acetifi-
cation is complete.
For this purpose a method similar to that employed in the
manufacture of alcohol and yeast has to be pursued and vigor-
ous ferment obtained by cultivation. As previously mentioned,
the ferment causing acetic fermentation is widely distributed

throughout nature and is most abundantly found in the air of

thickly populated regions.
The "pure culture" of the vinegar ferment, i. e., in which
no other than the desired ferment is developed, is not diffi-
cult, it being only necessary to prepare a fluid especially

adapted for its nutriment and allow it to stand at a suitable

temperature in a few days a vigorous

order to obtain in

growth produced by a few individual germs reaching the fluid

from the air. The best fluid for the purpose is one which con-
tains, besides a large quantity of water about 85 to 90 per cent.
a certain amount of alcohol and and very small
acetic acid,

quantities of nitrogenous substances and mineral salts. Hence

itspreparation is not difficult, it being only necessary to mix
ordinary vinegar and alcohol in suitable proportions and add a
small quantity of a fluid containing nitrogenous substances
and mineral salts, such as wine, cider, beer or malt extract.
Numerous experiments have shown that a fluid containing
from 4 to 6 per cent, of acetic acid and the same quantity of
'alcohol with the addition of a small quantity of one of the
above-mentioned fluids is best adapted for the vigorous nour-

ishment of the vinegar ferment. Ordinary table vinegar con-

tains as a rule from 4 to 6 per cent, of acetic acid the average ;

percentage of alcohol is in wine from 8 to 10 in cider from ;

4 to 6 and in beer from 3 to 5. Taking this statement as a


guide, the preparation of a fluid containing from 4 to 6 per

cent, of acetic acid, 4 to G per cent, of alcohol, and the required

nitrogenous combinations and salts will not be diflicult.

Fluids of this composition are obtained by mixing, for in-

stance, equal parts of cider and vinegar, or one part of wine

with two of vinegar, or one part of beer with three of vinegar,
and adding 5 per cent, of 90 per cent, alcohol to the mixture.
Such mixtures, possessing the power of vigorously nourishing
the vinegar ferment, can at the same time be considered as

types for the preparation of alcoholic liquid of suitable com-

To assure the exclusive development of vinegar ferment

upon any of the above-mentioned mixtures it is best to heat

it to the
boiling-point of water. Young wine as well as cider
contains considerable quantities of albuminous substances in
solution, and fluids of this nature being well adapted for the
nutriment of the mold ferment, the development of the latter
might increase to such an extent as entirely to suppress the
vinegar ferment and thus render its cultivation a failure.
Beer is also very suitable for the nutriment of the mold fer-
ment, though in a less degree than young wine, and besides
living yeast, contains alcoholic ferment.
By heating wine or beer only for a moment to about 158
P., a large portion of the albuminous substances in solution
becomes insoluble, and on cooling separates as a flaky precipi-
tate, all ferments present in the fluid being at the same time

destroyed. Hence for the preparation of a fluid especially

adapted the cultivation of pure vinegar ferment, it is
recommended quickly to heat to the boiling point 1 quart of
ordinary white wine in a covered porcelain vessel, and after
cooling to the ordinary temperature, to mix it with 2 quarts
of vinegar. To remove the separated insoluble albuminous
substances, filter
through blotting paper.
To prepare a nourishing fluid from beer, heat a quart of it
to the boiling point, mix it after cooling with 3 quarts of
vinegar, add J quart of 90 per cent, alcohol, and filter.
Distribute this fluid in a number of shallow porcelain vessels
and place the near a window in the heated workroom.
To prevent dust from falling into the fluid, cover each dish with
a glass plate resting upon two small wooden sticks placed

across the dish. In two or three days, and sometimes in 24

hours, the commencement of the development of the vinegar
ferment be
will recognized by the stronger odor of vinegar than
that possessed by the original fluid and by the appearance of
the surface of the liquid. By observing the latter at a very
acute angle, dull patches resembling grease-stains and consist-
ing of a large number of individuals of the vinegar ferment
will be seen. In a few hours these patches will have increased
considerably, until finally the entire surface appears covered
by a very delicate veil-like layer of vinegar ferment.
By touching the surface with the point of a glass rod a cer-
tain amount of the coating adheres to it, and by rinsing it off
in a fluid of similar composition not yet impregnated, the fer-
ment quickly develops upon it. By placing a drop of the fluid
under the microscope a picture similar to that shown in Fig.
2, p. 14, presents itself, the entire field of vision being covered
with germs of vinegar ferment.
By the development of mold ferment the cultivation of pure
vinegar ferment may sometimes result in failure even with the
use of the above-mentioned fluids. The development of this
ferment is recognized by the appearance of white dots
the fluid, which quickly increase to white opaque flakes, and if
left to themselves finally combine to a white skin of a peculiar

wrinkled appearance. Fig. 35 shows a microscopical picture

of such abortive culture of vinegar ferment. By observing
at the commencement of this phenomenon the fluid with the

microscope, very small individuals of vinegar ferment, 6, will

be observed alongside of the much larger oval cells a, of the
mold ferment. Such fluid being not adapted for our purposes
has to be thrown away and the dish rinsed off with boiling
When is entirely covered with pure
the fluid in the dishes
vinegar ferment, it is
poured into a vessel containing the
greater portion of the alcoholic fluid intended for the first
charge of the generators, and in the course of 10 hours the
entire surface of this fluid is covered with vinegar ferment.

This being poured into the sufficiently acetified genera-

tors and trickling gradually through them, the greater portion
of the ferment adheres to the shavings, and increases with
such rapidity that the great rise of temperature in the interior
of the generators shortly indicates the regular beginning of
their activity, and the pouring in of alcoholic liquid can at
once be commenced.
Vinegar ferment developed upon one of the above-mentioned
fluids is evidently so constituted that it can be thoroughly

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nourished by it, and hence the generators might be continued

to be charged with alcoholic liquid of a corresponding com-

position. It being, however, as a rule, desired to manufacture

as strong a product as possible, an alcoholic liquid much richer

in alcohol than the above-mentioned nourishing fluids has to
be used.
fluid of the
By, however, suddenly changing the nourishing
fluid containing only 4
vinegar ferment, for instance, from a
to 6 per cent, of alcohol to one with 12 to 13 per cent., the
action of the ferment would very likely be sluggish before it

became accustomed to the new conditions. Further, its

activity might suffer serious disturbance and its propagation

decrease very sensibly, so that notwithstanding strong heating
of the workroom and thorough ventilation of the generators,
the temperature in the latter would suddenly fall, and would
only be restored to the required degree after the ferment had
become accustomed to the new conditions and recommenced
its vigorous propagation.
To overcome such annoying disturbances, 'it is only neces-
sary to
gradually change the composition of the nourishing
fluid to that which the alcoholic liquid to be worked in the

generators is to have. Commencing, for instance, with an alco-

holic liquid containing 5 per cent, of alcohol, the next day
one with 6 per cent, is used, the succeeding day one with 7
per cent., and so on until the maximum percentage of alcohol
the liquid is to have is reached.



the term " alcoholic liquid" is to be understood every

kind of fluid to be converted into vinegar which, besides water
and small quantities of nourishing salts and albuminous sub-

stance, does not contain over 14 per cent, of alcohol. The

" "
term " wash or " mixture is frequently applied to the alco-
holic liquid. In the directions generally given for the prepa-
ration of such liquids, vinegar is mentioned as an indispensa-
ble constituent. While it cannot be denied that a content of
vinegar in the alcoholic liquid exerts a favorable effect-upon
the formation of vinegar, it must be explicitly stated that it is
not the acetic acid in the vinegar which in this case becomes
active, but the ferment contained in it.
In a vinegar factory, vinegar just finished and quite turbid
is as a rule used in the preparation of alcoholic liquid, and a

microscopical examination shows such vinegar to contain in-

numerable germs of vinegar ferment. This ferment on com-
ing in contact with much air in the generators will evidently
increase rapidly and contribute to the rapid acetification of the
alcohol. That it is actually the ferment in the vinegar used
which exerts a favorable effect can be shown by a simple ex-

periment. By adding vinegar previously heated to from 140

to 158 F. to the alcoholic liquid, the formation of vinegar in
the generators proceeds more slowly, the ferment contained in
the vinegar having been killed.
The best proof, however, that the alcoholic liquid does not
require any considerable quantity of acetic acid for its conver-
sion into vinegaris furnished by the behavior of wine. Prop-
erly prepared wine of a normal composition contains only a
few ten-thousandths of its weight of acetic acid, and this must
very likely be considered as ar product of vinous fermentation.
If such wine be stored for years in a cool cellar, its content of
acetic acid does not change. By, however, exposing it in a
shallow vessel to the air at from 66 to 78 F., microscopical
examination will show the development of vinegar ferment upon
it, and a chemical analysis a constant increase, soon amounting

to several per cent, of acetic acid. A

composed of 5 to &

per cent, of alcohol, 94 to 95 per cent, of water, and a very

small quantity of malt extract, acts in a similar manner. In

many cases the vinegar ferment is developed without the fluid

containing acetic acid.
The alcoholic fluid to be used may from the start contain a
to the de-
sufficiently large percentage of alcohol to correspond
sired strength of the vinegar to be made, and in this case the
fluid has to be poured several times into the generators, it
alcohol into
being impossible to convert a large quantity of
acetic acid by passing it through but once. By another
method an alcoholic liquid is first prepared containing but
little alcohol, which is almost completely converted into acetic
acid by one passage through the generators. The fluid run-
ning off from the generators is then further
mixed with a cer-

tain quantity of alcohol, and being poured into a generator in

which the vinegar ferment is already accustomed to larger
quantities of alcohol and vinegar, is also converted into acetic
acid. More alcohol can then be added, and so on. The last

method is evidently the best as regards the conditions of life

of the vinegar ferment, and actually the only one by which

the strongest vinegar (with from 12 to 13 per cent, of acetic

acid) can be obtained in generators.

That it is advisable only gradually to increase the content
of alcohol in the alcoholic liquid is shown by the behavior of
the ferment towards alcohol and acetic acid. Both bodies, if
present in large quantities, are decidedly inimical to the prop-
agation of the ferment, a fluid containing from 14 to 15 per
cent, of alcohol, or as much acetic acid, being capable of check-
ing it to such an extent as to disturb the process of production.
Another argument against the use of the total quantity of al-
cohol in the preparation of the alcoholic liquid to be employed
for the first pouring, is the fact that evidently more alcohol will
be by evaporation than by commencing with a fluid con-

taining less alcohol, and adding a corresponding quantity of

the latter after the fluid has once passed through the genera-
tors. The quantity .of alcohol for the first pouring should be so
chosen that the fluid running small quantity
off still contains a
ofunchanged alcohol, this being an assurance that only alcohol
and not unfinished acetic acid has undergone an alteration.
So long as alcohol is present in the alcoholic liquid the vinegar
ferment is almost entirely indifferent towards acetic acid, but
after the oxidation of all the alcohol, it attacks the acetic acid
and decomposes it to carbonic acid and water. This can be
shown by a very simple experiment. If finished vinegar, in-
stead of alcoholic liquid, be poured into a generator in full

operation, the vinegar running off shows a smaller percentage

of acetic acid than that poured in, the acetic acid missing

having been destroyed by the ferment.

To what an extent even smaller quantities than 14 to 15
per cent, of alcohol or acetic acid exert a restraining influence

upon the propagation and activity of the vinegar ferment can

be seen in generators charged with alcoholic liquid of different
strengths, those containing less concentrated liquid can in the
same time form a much larger quantity of acetic acid than
those in which a liquid is used which already contains certain
quantities of acetic acid. Hence, the greater the quantity of
acetic acid already contained in the alcoholic liquid, the slower
the conversion of the alcohol present in the acetic acid.

It may, therefore, be laid down as a rule that the manufac-

turer should not strive to prepare vinegar with more than about
12 per cent, of acetic acid. Though in exceptional cases a
product with 13 per cent, can be obtained, it will also be ob-
served that the respective generators gradually yield a weaker
product, or that their activity suddenly ceases to such an
extent as to require them to be placed out of operation.
The preparation of high-graded vinegar being undoubtedly

subject to greater difficulties than that of a weaker product,

the question might be raised whether the manufacture of weak
vinegar only would not be the most suitable. This must be
largely decided by local conditions. For a manufacturer
custom lies in the immediate neighborhood, for instance, in a
large city, the production of weak vinegar only would
be advis-
able; but if he has to send his product a considerable distance,
the fact that the more freight has to be paid on what is of no
value, the weaker the vinegar is, and that the expense of trans-
deserves considera-
porting a strong article is relatively less,
tion. The consumer can readily prepare vinegar of any
described strength by diluting the strong product with water.
The quantity of beer required for the purpose of offering
suitable nutriment to the vinegar ferment is very small, an ad-
dition of 1 per cent, to the alcoholic liquid being ample. Sour
or stale beer can of course be used. The reason for the em-

ployment of larger quantities of beer in mixing the


fluids is found in the fact that the vinegar prepared from such
mixtures sooner acquires a pure taste than that made from
fluids containing but little beer. The addition of beer should,

however, not exceed 15 per cent, of the total quantity of alco-

holic liquid, as on account of the comparatively high percent-

age of albuminous substances and the maltose, dextrin, and

extractive matters of hops it contains, a larger quantity would
be injurious to the process of acetic fermentation, the genera-
tors being frequently rendered inactive by the so-called slim-

ing of the shavings." The production of the latter is due to

the fact that by being partially excluded from contact with the
air by the comparatively thick fluid passing over it, the vine-

gar ferment deposited upon the shavings assumes the form of

mother of vinegar which adheres to the shavings as a slimy
The quantity of finished vinegar added to the alcoholic

liquid varies between 10 and 33 per cent. The use of large

quantities however decidedly inexpedient, since the only


effect produced by the vinegar is, as previously stated, due to

the ferment contained in it. Of freshly prepared, turbid vine-
gar, 10 per cent, is ample for the preparation of alcoholic

liquid, and a greater quantity can only be considered as use-

less ballast.

Theoretically a certain quantity of alcohol yields exactly a

certain quantity of acetic acid. The following table shows the
proportions between the two bodies:

Practically less vinegar with a smaller percentage of acetic

anhydride is, however, always obtained, this being due to losses
of material caused partially by evaporation and partially by
the oxidation of the alcohol extending beyond the formation
of acetic acid. In preparing the alcoholic liquid these un-
avoidable losses must be taken into consideration, and more
alcohol has to be used for the production of vinegar with a de-
termined percentage of acetic acid than is theoretically re-
quired. How much more has to be taken depends on the
kind of apparatus used and on the strength the vinegar to be
prepared is to show. The higher
the percentage of acetic acid
which is to be obtained, the greater the losses will be, and con-
sequently the greater the content of alcohol in the alcoholic
liquid must be. Theoretically one per cent, of alcohol yields
one per cent, of acetic acid, but practically the proportions are
as follows :

For the production of Is required an alcoholic

vinegar with a con- liquid with a content
tent of acetic acid of of alcohol of

5 per cent . 5.4 to 5.5 per cent.

6 6.5" 0.6
k '

7 7.6 7.7
8 8.7

^ 11.0
" 12.1
" 13.2

The strength of commercial alcohol varying considerably,. it

be able to calculate in
is of importance to the manufacturer to
a manner how many gallons of water have to be added
to alcohol of strength in order to obtain
known an alcoholic
of alcohol. The calcula-
liquid with the desired percentage
tion is executed as follows :

Suppose :

p = per cent, of alcohol in the spirits to be used.

E = per cent, of alcohol in the alcoholic liquid to be pre-

pared, the quotient obtained by dividing

P by E gives the
volume to which the spirits have to be reduced by the addi-

tion of water in order to obtain alcoholic liquid with the de-

sired percentage of alcohol.

Example :

From spirits of 86 per cent. Tralles', alcoholic liquid with

11 per cent, of alcohol is to be prepared.

P = 86 ;
E = 11 ?
= 7.818.

Hence one volume of the spirits to be used has to be brought

to 7.818 volumes, or to one gallon of spirits 6.818 gallons of
water have to be added.
Examples of the composition of alcoholic liquid :

A. Alcoholic liquid from alcohol, water, and vinegar :

For vinegar with about 7 per cent, of acetic acid. Alcohol of

90 per cent. Tr. 10 parts by volume, water 107, vinegar with
7 per cent, of acetic acid 12.
For vinegar with about 12 per cent, of acetic acid. Alcohol of
90 per cent. Tr. 10 parts by volume, water 65, vinegar with
12 per cent, of acetic acid 7.
It is advisable to add about 1 per cent, of the entire volume
of beer to the above alcoholic liquids.
B. Alcoholic liquid from alcohol, water,
vinegar, arid beer.
For vinegar with about 5 per cent, of acetic acid. Alcohol of
90 per cent. Tr. 10 parts by volume, water 107, vinegar with
5 per cent, of acetic acid 13, beer 14.
C. For vinegar with about 8 per cent, of acetic acid Alcohol
of 90 per cent. Tr. 10 parts by volume, water 92, vinegar with
8 per cent, of acetic acid 10, beer 9.
In many factories it is
customary not to determine the com-
position of the alcoholic liquid by calculation, but simply to
work according to certain receipts. Vinegar of a certain per-
centage is obtained, but its strength cannot be predetermined
with the same nicety as by calculating the percentage of alco-
hol in the alcoholic liquid by the above formula. The follow-
ing may serve as examples of such receipts :

D. Alcohol of 50 per cent. Tr. 100 quarts, water 600,

vinegar 900.
.E. Alcohol of 90 per cent. Tr. 100 quarts, water 1200,
vinegar 300.
F. Alcohol of 90 per cent. Tr. 100 quarts, water 1350,
vinegar 175, beer 175.
G. Alcohol of 90 per cent. Tr. 100 quarts, water 1400,

vinegar 300, beer 100.

H. Alcohol of 80 per cent. Tr. 100 quarts, water, 850,
beer 750.
I. Alcohol of 50 per cent. Tr. 100 quarts, water 100, beer
The mixtures A, B and C are only given as examples of how
alcoholic liquids which yield vinegar containing the desired

percentage of acetic acid are prepared according to receipts.

Though it may be very convenient for the manufacturer to
work according to such receipts as are given under to I, D
their use without a previous examination cannot be recom-
mended. It is far better for the manufacturer to prepare the
alcoholic liquid according to a receipt of his own, and not
shrink from the slight labor it involves. He has then at least
the assurance of obtaining vinegar with exactly the percent-

age of acetic acid desired, and is in the position to obtain an

accurate view of the entire process of the operation.
In the United States low wine containing 12 to 15 per cent,
by volume of alcohol is as a rule used for the preparation of
the alcoholic liquid. Some manufacturers prepare the sac-
chariferous mash themselves, allow it to ferment by the addi-
and then distil off to between 12 and 15 per cent,
tion of yeast,

by volume. As the manufacture of yeast is frequently com-

bined with that of vinegar, the distillates obtained from the
fermented liquors are after skimming off the yeast utilized for

vinegar manufacturing purposes.

Alcohol being the initial material in the preparation of
alcoholic liquid, it is necessary to know exactly the per cent,
by weight of alcohol it contains. With the assistance of the

tables at the end of this volume, the content of alcohol in

spirits ofwine can be readily determined by means of the
alcoholometer and thermometer.
With the temperature of the spirits of wine at exactly 59 F.,
it suffices to determinespecific gravity by testing with an

aerometer and to find the indicated figure in Table I (Hehner's

alcohol table). The figure in the next horizontal column gives
the per cent, by weight, and the next the per cent, by volume
of alcohol contained in the spirits of wine examined. Tables
II, III and IV give data relating to the proportion between
the specific gravity and per cent, by weight and volume of
spirits of wine of various concentration, as well as the decrease
in volume by mixing with water. Table V shows the relation
between the statements of Tralles' alcoholometer and a few
others used in different places.
The specific gravity as well as thevolume of spirits of wine
varies with the temperature, and the statements of the aero-
meter for temperatures above the normal of 59 F. requires a
corresponding correction, the execution of which is simplified
by the use of Tables VI and VII. It being desirable, especially
during the cold season of the year, to raise the temperature of
the spirits of wine by mixing with water, Table VIII shows
how much water has to be added in order to obtain from
105.6 quarts of spirits of wine of known strength, whiskey of
any desired concentration.
In order to know exactly the yield of acetic acid which is
obtained from a given quantity of alcohol, the acetic acid con-
tained in the vinegar added must necessarily be taken into
account as well as the alcohol in the beer, which is, of course,
converted into acetic acid. It is best to make the content of
alcohol in the alcoholic liquid so that it produces vinegar
whose strength corresponds with that of the vinegar added.

If, for instance, vinegar with 7 per cent, of acetic acid is used,
alcohol of 7.G to 7.7 per cent, by weight would have to be

employed according to the table on page 109. The following

compilation shows the manner of preparing alcoholic liquid
.according to rational principles.

Suppose vinegar with 7 per cent, acetic acid is to be pre-

pared. There would be required

Spirits of wine of 7.6 to 7.7 per cent, by weight 105.6 quarts.

Vinegar with 7 per cent, of acetic acid 10.56 "
Beer .
10.56 "

Suppose the beer contains, for instance, exactly 3 per cent,

by weight of alcohol, hence 10.58 ounces in 10.56 quarts.
According to this, a result of 126.78 quarts of vinegar with
exactly 7 per cent, of acetic acid could not be expected, since
10.56 quarts of the alcoholic liquid do not contain, as should
be the case, 26.82 to 27.18 ounces of alcohol, but only 10.58
ounces. Hence
actually to obtain vinegar with 7 per cent, of
acetic aci$ a sufficient quantity of spirits of wine will have
to be added to the alcoholic liquid to increase the content of
alcohol by 16.22 to 16.57 ounces, or spirit of wine with more
than 7.6 to 7.7 per cent, by weight will have to be used from
the start.

It will, of course,be understood, that the data given above

hold good only for the quality of the vinegar in reference to
its content of acetic acid, the factor of the qualitative yield

being left out of consideration. The material lost in the

course of production amounts, as previously stated, to at least
15 per cent., and in determining the quality of the vinegar
to be produced this circumstance has to be taken into con-
The content of acetic acid in vinegar can be determined with

great ease and accuracy (up to T 5^ per cent.) by volumetric

analysis, and from the result of such determination it can be
readily seen how near the correct proportion of alcohol in the
alcoholic liquid has been attained, and should the latter con-
tain too little of it, it can be readily brought up to the deter-

mined percentage by the addition of some strong spirit of wine,

or, if too much, by the addition of some water.
Constitution of the Fundamental Materials used in the Prepara-

tion of Alcoholic Liquids. Spirits of wine, water, vinegar, and


in most cases beer, constitute the fundamental materials for

the preparation oi alcoholic liquids.

Any kind ofwholesome drinking water is suitable for the

manufacture of vinegar. Water containing a large amount of
organic substance or living organisms, or which possesses a
specific taste from the admixture of salts, should not be used
under any circumstance.
Many well-waters are very hard, i. e., they contain a com-
paratively large quantity of calcium carbonate in solution. If
such water be used in the preparation of alcoholic liquid, the
calcium carbonate is decomposed by the acetic acid and the
vinegar contains a corresponding quantity of calcium acetate
in solution. Other well-waters contain a large quantity of
gypsum (calcium sulphate) in solution. This salt is not

changed by acetic acid, but remains partially dissolved in the

finished vinegar.
When water very rich in gypsum is mixed with alcohol the
fluid, at first entirely clear, becomes in a short time opalescent
and finally perceptibly turbid. After long standing a very
delicate white sediment separates on the bottom of the vessel,
the fluid becoming again clear. This phenomenon is ex-
plained by the fact that gypsum, while soluble in water with
comparative ease, is next to insoluble in a fluid containing
alcohol, and hence gradually separates in the form of minute
Water containing no gypsum but much calcium carbonate
shows after mixing with spirits of wine a similar behavior it ;

at first becoming turbid and again clear after separating a deli-

cate white precipitate. Calcium carbonate is soluble only in
water containing a corresponding quantity of carbonic acid ;

on standing in the air the carbonic acid escapes and the cal-
cium carbonate separates.
This behavior of water when mixed with alcohol and stand-
ing in the air can be utilized for the almost complete separation
of the gypsum and calcium carbonate. Mixtures of water and

alcohol, in the proportion the alcoholic liquids are to have, are


prepared and the fluid stored in barrels in a warm apart-


ment near the workroom. The mixtures at first turbid be-

come clear after some time, and are then drawn off from the
sediment by means of a rubber hose. A comparative exami-
nation of the water and the mixtures shows that the latter
contain only very small quantities of gypsum and calcium
carbonate in solution.
River water, though generally soft, i. e., poor in the above-
mentioned salts, is seldom sufficiently clear to be used without
previous filtration. It is further very likely that the small
worms, known as vinegar eels, which frequently become very
annoying in vinegar factories, reach the alcoholic liquid
through the use of river water, and, therefore, the use of well-
water wherever possible is recommended.
The constitution of the spirits of wine used in the prepara-
tion of the alcoholic liquids is of great importance, the bouquet
of the vinegar to be prepared depending on it. Commercial
wine always contains certain foreign bodies known as
spirits of
" fusel which have a very intense odor and can only be
removed by careful rectification. For the vinegar manufac-
turer of great importance to know the behavior of spirits
it is

of wine containing fusel oil when converted into acetic acid,

and a number of experiments with different varieties (from
potatoes, grain, wine) have shown the respective vinegar also
possessed of a specific odor, differing, however, from that of
the original fusel oil and developing by storing into a bouquet
of a peculiar but agreeable odor. This phenomenon is ex-
plained by the fact that the energetic oxidizing process which
takes place in the generators extends not only to the alcohol
but also to the other bodies present, and the greater portion of
the fusel oils is thereby converted into odoriferous combina-
tions or compound ethers.

By treating potato fusel oil (amyl alcohol) with sulphuric

acid and an acetate, amyl acetate is formed which in a diluted
state smells like jargonelle pears and is used by confectioners
" "
under the name of pear essence for flavoring so-called fruit

bonbons. The same process would seemtake place by


passing spirits of wine containing potato fusel oil through the

generators, the vinegar prepared from such spirits of wine
showing an agreeable odor immediately when running off
from the generators, while vinegar prepared from entirely pure
spirits of wine has at first a stupefying smell and acquires a
harmonious odor only by long storing.
It would, therefore, be advisable for the manufacturer who
works with potato alcohol not to use the highly rectified pro-
duct, but a mixture of it and of crude spirits containing fusel
oil, the vinegar prepared from such a mixture acquiring a
more agreeable odor than that obtained from the rectified pro-
duct. How much of the crude has to be used can only
be determined by experience, but, as a rule, only enough
should be taken to assure the conversion of the entire quantity
of amyl alcohol present.
The fusel oil contained in spirits of wine from grain consists

largely of a mixture of fatty acids, and offers far greater resist-

ance to oxidation in the generators than amyl alcohol. The

same may be said of cenanthic ether, the fusel oil of brandy.
In working with alcoholic liquid prepared with a large quan-
tityof grain spirits containing fusel oil, the smell of un^

changed fusel oil is perceptible in the vinegar besides the odors

of the products of its decomposition. With the use of small

quantities of grain spirits containing fusel oil, vinegar possess-

ing a more agreeable odor than that from entirely pure spirits
is obtained.



WHEN the factory is in proper working order the further

execution of the operation is very simple, it being only neces-

sary to admit at stated intervals to the generators a previously


determined quantity of alcoholic liquid and to collect the

vinegar running off. With the operation running its proper
course, attention has only to be paid to the maintenance of the
correct temperature in the workroom and in the
the chemical process proceeding regularly without further
assistance. In many cases, however, deviations from the reg-
ular order occur, and are due to external influences, such as

changes in the temperature in the generators, variations in

the composition of the alcoholic liquid, etc. They will later
on be discussed in a special chapter.
The capacity of a factory depends on the number of gen-
erators in operation. A
regularly working generator is sup-
posed to be
capable of daily converting 3 liters (3.16 quarts)
of absolute alcohol, and this quantity will be taken as the basis
for calculating the execution of the operation. If, for instance,

vinegar with 8 per cent, of acetic acid is to be manufactured,

alcohol of 8.8 per cent, by weight has to be used, and to pre-

pare this, 3 liters of 100 per cent, alcohol have to be reduced

with water, so that, according to Table I, the fluid shows a
specific gravity of 0.9858 at 59 F. According to Table III,
8.98 liters of water have to be added to every liter of 100 per
cent, alcohol to obtain spirits of wine of 8.8 per cent, by

weight ;
hence 3 liters have to be compounded with 2G.94
liters ofwater (according to Table III, alcohol with 90 per
cent, of alcohol contains 11.80 per cent, by volume
by volume
of water, 80 per cent, alcohol 22.83, etc., which has to be
taken into consideration in making the dilution).
According to Table III, the contraction in this case amounts
to 0.799 part by volume for every 100 parts by volume of the
fluid. Hence the 3 liters of 100 per cent, alcohol yield, when
diluted to spirits of wine of 8.8 per cent, by weight, 26.94 3 +
= 29.94 liters of fluid. Actually the quantity is somewhat
smaller, as in mixing alcohol with water a decrease in vol-
ume takes place. If the alcoholic liquid is to contain 10 per
cent, each of vinegar and beer, the quantity of fluid is as
follows :

Dilute spirits of wine........

Vinegar with 8 per cent, acetic acid


Hence the quantity to be worked in a generator in the course

of a day amounts to 35.928 liters, or taking into account the

quantity of alcohol (about 90 grammes or 3.17 ozs.) contained

in the beer, to about 36 liters. This quantity has to be divided
among the separate pourings so that in a working time of 15
hours, 2.4 liters would have to be poured every hour. How-
ever, by this method, too much
alcohol would, on the one
hand, be by evaporation, and, on the other, the work of

the generators would be comparatively slow, since, as is well

known, the conversion into acetic acid is effected with greater
rapidity when the liquid contains less alcohol.
Hence it is advisable to use in the commencement of the oper-
ation a fluid which contains only about one-half or two-thirds
of the total quantity of alcohol, and to add a corresponding

quantity of strong alcohol to every fresh pouring.

When all the alcohol has been converted into acetic acid,
the vinegar ferment, as previously mentioned, commences^with

great energy to oxidize the latter to carbonic acid and water,

and hence the quantity of spirits of wine added to the alcoholic
liquid must be sufficiently large for the vinegar running off to
contain always a minute quantity of it.
Much has been written about this gradual strengthening of
the alcoholic liquid with alcohol, and explicit directions are
given as to the original composition of the alcoholic liquid, as
well as to how much, how often, and when the alcohol is to be
added. These directions may have proved useful in many
cases, but local conditions exert too great an influence upon
the process of manufacture for them to be of general value.
Besides the content of alcohol in the alcoholic liquid, the size
of the generators, the strength of the draught in them, the

temperature prevailing in the workroom and in the interior of

the generators, are factors which must be taken into consider-

ation in determining on a plan of operation actually adapted

to existing conditions.
The size of the generators is, of course, fixed once for all.
In a proper state of working the strength of the current of air
must be so regulated that the temperature in the interior of the
generators is only about 4.5 F. higher than that of the work-
room, which is readily accomplished with a suitable central
heating apparatus. There still remains the determination of
the most favorable proportion of the content of alcohol in the
alcoholic liquid to be first used and its gradual strengthening

by the addition of spirits of wine, which can only be effected

by a chemical examination of the fluid running off from the
This chemical examination is restricted to the accurate de-
termination of the quantity of acetic acid in the fluid and to
that of the alcohol to 0.1 per cent. The determination of the
acetic acid is effected by volumetric analysis, and with some
experience requires four to five minutes for its execution. For
the determination of the alcohol an examination with the
ebullioscope suffices, which can also be accomplished in four to
five minutes.* These two determinations, which every vine-
gar manufacturer should be able to make, are the only means
of obtaining an accurate control of the working of the factory,
and also serve, of course, for settling the exact plan of opera-
tion from the start.

If, with reference to the example given above, vinegar

8 per cent, of acetic acid is to be prepared, the alcoholic liquid
must contain a total of 8.8 per cent, by weight 'of alcohol.
Now if the manufacture is commenced with an alcoholic liquid
containing the total quantity of water, vinegar, and beer, but,
for instance, only 5 per cent, by weight of alcohol, the follow-

ing method will have to be pursued in order to accurately

determine when and how much alcohol has to be added.
The first portion of the alcoholic liquid being poured

* The manner of
executing these determinations will be described later on.

the generator, the fluid running off is tested as to its content

of acetic acid and alcohol, the test being repeated after the
second and each successive pourings. Each test must show an
increase in the content of acetic acid and a decrease in that of
alcohol, and the latter must finally have disappeared so far
that a new addition of alcohol seems to be in order. If the
test afterthe third pouring shows the fluid to contain only 0.3
to 0.4 per cent, of alcohol, this quantity would be quickly and

completely oxidized in the fourth pouring, and a certain quan-

be at the same time destroyed. Hence it is
tity of acetic acid
necessary to add, for instance, 2 per cent, by weight of alcohol
to the alcoholic liquid before the fourth pouring. When this
2 + 0.3 or 2 -f- 0.4 per cent, of alcohol, which the alcoholic

liquid now is again reduced, after the sixth or

seventh pouring, to 0.3 or 0.4 per cent., the last addition of
1.8 per cent, of alcohol is made, the total quantity of alcohol,
5 + +
2 1.8 =
8.8 per cent, having now been used.
When, after a certain number of pourings, a test of the fluid

running off shows a content of 8 per cent, of acetic acid and

only 0.1 or 0.2 per cent, of alcohol (a small remnant of alcohol

should always be present) the process is considered as finished,
and a further pouring into the generator would not only be
useless labor, but contrary to the end. in view, since, after the

complete oxidation of the last remnants of alcohol, that of

acetic acid would immediately commence, and weaker vinegar
would be obtained after each pouring.
If a generator works up the quantity of alcoholic liquid in-
tended for 12 or 15 hours in 10 or 12 hours, it is more proper,
on account of the diminished loss by evaporation, to induce
slower work by decreasing the draught of air in order to
maintain the rule that a generator has to work up 3 liters of
absolute alcohol in the working time of a day.
After controlling for several days the work of a generator,
by examining the products as to their contents of acetic acid
and alcohol, the plan of operation resolves itself from the
results of these tests, since then it is accurately known after

how many pourings of an alcoholic liquid of known composi-

tion an addition of alcohol is required further, after how many

pourings a finished product present, so that directions for


the progress of the operation can be given to the workmen ac-

cording to time and quantities. The normal working of the

generators can always be controlled by from time to time re-
peating the test of the products.
Now, suppose the work in a newly arranged factory having
reached the point at which acetification is complete, the actual
production, according to the old method, will be gradually
commenced by pouring in alcoholic liquid of corresponding
The shavings of the generator having been saturated with

acetifying vinegar, the latter is partially replaced by the fluid

poured in, and as much as is expelled runs off. If the gener-
ator should at once commence to work regularly, the tempera-
ture in its interior would be observed to rise, though it would
at first be impossible to establish a change in the composition
of the fluid running off. Slight variations in the content of
acetic acid and a small percentage of alcohol could be deter-
mined in the fluid only after the acetifying vinegar originally

present has been entirely expelled by a series of pourings.

With the progress in the manufacture of vinegar, it became
customary to produce the strongest vinegar possible, the so-
called triple vinegar, with about 12 per cent, of acetic acid.
On account of its greater commercial value, this article could
be sent greater distances, the consumer reducing it to a weaker
product by the addition of water.
To prepare of
directly vinegar with such a high percentage
acetic acid, it would, however, be necessary to acetify all the

generators with vinegar of the same strength, and to use


holic liquid very rich in alcohol. By this method the losses of

alcohol by evaporation, and also of acetic'acid, would, however,
be so great as to make
the product too expensive. Further-

more, the work would require most careful and constant atten-
tion on account of the with which oxidation takes

place in alcoholic liquid containing much acetic acid, and it

might only too readily happen that the generators suddenly
worked with less vigor, i. e., that the content of acetic acid in
the vinegar running off would decrease, and the quantity of
alcohol remaining unchanged correspondingly increase.
On account of these difficulties, it has become customary to
charge the greater number of generators with alcoholic liquid
yielding the so-called double vinegar with about 8 per cent, of
acetic acid, and to work this vinegar with the addition of the
required quantity of strong spirits of wine in a number of
generators, which, of course, must be acetified with 12 per
cent, vinegar.
It willbe readily understood that the employment of this
method not only advantageous for the production of vinegar

with the highest attainable content of acetic acid, but also for
general purposes. Passing the alcoholic liquid but once
through the generators does not suffice, even for vinegar with
only 5 to 6 per cent, of acetic acid, an examination always
showing a considerable quantity, J per cent, and more, of un-
converted alcohol in the vinegar running off. The conversion
of alcoholic liquid with a small content of alcohol into vinegar

by one pouring can, to be sure, be accomplished, but it neces-

sitates theuse of very tall generators and a constant struggle
with difficulties on account of the irregular draught of air,
caused by the packing together of the shavings.
Group System. Theoretically, as well as practically, the
group system may be considered as the perfection of the quick
process. The
principle of the operation consists in the divi-
sion of the generators into two or three groups, each group

preparing vinegar of determined strength. In factories which

do not produce vinegar of the greatest attainable strength (12
per cent, vinegar), but only double vinegar with about 8 per
cent, of acetic acid, two groups might suffice. The manufac-
ture of a product of the greatest attainable strength being,
however, advisable in most cases, it is recommended to ar-
range the factory for continuous work with three groups of

For purpose the number of generators must be divisible


by three; Hence 3, 6, 9, 12, etc., generators have to be pro-

vided, of which 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., form one group, so that, for in-
working with 24 generators belonging to
stance, in a factory
one group with the same number, we have groups I, II and
III, and in acetifying and operating, the generators belonging
to one group are treated in the same manner.
For the preparation of the strongest vinegar (12 per cent.)
the generators belonging to group I can, for instance, be acet-
ified with vinegar of 6 per cent, acetic acid, those of group II
with 9 per cent, vinegar, and those of group III with 12 per
cent, vinegar. The process of operation is then as follows :

Group I'. The

generators belonging to this group are
charged with an alcoholic liquid which yields vinegar
with a content of 6 per cent, acetic acid, and the fluid
running off is poured back into the generators until a
test shows the alcohol, with the exception of a small

remnant, to have been converted into acetic acid. To

this vinegar is then added sufficient strong alcohol to
form an alcoholic liquid which will yield 9 per cent,
Group II. The alcoholic liquid for 9 per cent, vinegar- is
poured into the generators belonging to group II, the
pourings being repeated until all but a very small quan-
tity of the alcohol is oxidized. The vinegar running
off isagain compounded with sufficient alcohol to form
alcoholic liquid for 12 per cent, vinegar, and is brought
Group III. The pourings are here repeated until the oxi-
dation of alcohol is nearly complete. The finished
product is then stored or clarified.

As will be seen from the above, in operating according to

the group system, the entire factory is, so to say, divided into
three factories, I, II, and III, of which I produces vinegar of
6 per cent., II vinegar of 9 per cent., and III vinegar of 12

per cent. The product of I, after having been converted by a

suitable addition of alcohol into alcoholic liquid adapted for
the preparation of 9 per cent, vinegar, is directly used for
charging the generators of group II, and that of II for charg-

ing III.
The generators belonging to one group having been aceti-
fiedwith vinegar of the same strength, the fluid running off
from one generator need not necessarily be returned to it.
The work can, therefore, be simplified by conducting the fluid,
running off from all the generators by means of a suitable
pipe-system into a common receiver instead of allowing the
fluid, which has passed through a generator, to collect under
a false bottom and then drawing it off and returning it to the
same generator. If, for instance, 8 generators belong toone
group and 3 litres have at the same time been poured into
each, the passage of the liquid through all the generators will
be shown by a measuring scale placed in the common receiver,
indicating that the latter contains 3x8=24 litres.
The samples for determining the content of acetic acid and
alcohol are taken from the common receiver, and the latter
also serves for the conversion of the vinegar, after it has ac-

quired the percentage of acid attainable in that group, into

stronger alcoholic liquid by the addition of alcohol. In order
to effect an intimate mixture, and at the same time prevent
the vinegar ferment floating in the fluid from suffering injury
by coming in contact with the highly concentrated spirits of
wine, the required quantity of the latter is introduced in a
thin jet and with constant stirring.
In many factories it is
customary from time to time to alter-
nate with the pourings in the groups or " to cross the genera-
tors." By this " crossing the alcoholic liquid, which, accord-
ing to the above method, would, for instance, pass from group
II to group III, is poured into group I, so that after some time
the generators of this group are converted into generators of
group III (with 12 per cent, acid), and group III becomes
group I, it now containing the weakest alcoholic liquid (with 6

per cent. acid). Crossing, however, cannot be recommended,

because a sudden change in the constitution of the nourishing
fluid always exerts an injurious influence upon the
tion of the vinegar ferment.
Recourse to crossing is most frequently had for the purpose
of " strengthening the vinegar ferment by working weaker
alcoholic liquid in the generators of one group generally that
which yields the strongest vinegar when their activity dimin-
ishes. This strengthening of the ferment can, however, be
effected in a more simple and suitable manner by diminishing
the quantity of alcoholic liquid poured in at one time and by
increasing the draught of air, and the consequent change of
temperature in the generators, so that the principal reasons for
" "
crossing the generators (which many manufacturers consider
indispensable) have no force.
Group System with Automatic Contrivances. If the pourings
of the alcoholic liquid are to be effected at determined inter-
vals by an automatic contrivance, the group system as de-
scribed on p. 122 et seq. should be used. The operation of
such a factory is very simple. As seen from the description
of the arrangement, the generators are divided into three
groups, I, II, and III. Besides the generators each group must
be provided with a reservoir, which may be designated R, and
a collecting vessel (The other component
C. parts, distribu-
ting arrangements and conduit, can here be left out of con-

For the production of 12 per cent, vinegar in such a factory
it is the best so to prepare the alcoholic liquid for the several
groups that

Group I contains alcoholic

liquid with . . . 6 p. . c. acetic acid and 6.5 to 6.6 p. c. alcohol.

Group II contains alcoholic

liquid with .... 9
+3.2 to 3. 3

Group III contains alco-

" " to 3.3
holic liquid with . . . 12 +3.2

Group I having been acetified with 6 per cent, vinegar,

group II with 9 per cent, vinegar, and group III with 12 per
cent, vinegar, the fluid running off from group I, after being

compounded with 3.2 to 3.3 per cent, of alcohol, is used in

group II as alcoholic liquid for 9 per cent, vinegar,and yields
9 per cent, vinegar, which after being again compounded with
3.2 to 3.3 per cent, of alcohol, yields 12 per cent, vinegar after

having passed through group III.

The uninterrupted working of the generators constituting
one of the principal advantages of the automatic system, it is
advisable to regulate the automatic contrivance so that but a
small quantity of alcoholic liquid be at one time poured out,
and to fix the intervals between two pourings so that the sec-
ond pouring takes place after about one-half of the first has
run off. Under these conditions there will be in the lower
half of the generator an alcoholic liquid in which the alcohol
is nearly as much oxidized as it can be by one passage through

the generator, while in the upper half will be fresh alcoholic

liquid in which oxidation is continued without interruption.
A further advantage obtained by this is that a generator will

yield quantitatively more than one working only 15 to 16

hours further, the conditions of temperature in the interior

of the generator remain always the same, and the ferment con-

stantly finds nutriment.

The alcoholic liquid for group I is pumped into the reser-
voir B^ and passes through the generators of group I into the

collecting vessels Cr All the alcoholic liquid having run off

from RV the fluid collected in Cv after having been tested as
to its content of acetic acid, is for the second time pumped in-
to R! and passes again through the generators of group I. The
automatic contrivance is so regulated that the alcoholic liquid,
after being twice poured in, contains but a very small remnant
of alcohol.
To the vinegar of 6 per cent, collected in Gl
is now added
3.2 to 3.3 per cent, by weight of alcohol, best in the form of
80 to 90 per cent, spirits of wine. The resulting stronger alco-

holic liquid is at once pumped into J?2 and

passing through

the generators of group II reaches the collection vessel C2 It .

is then tested, pumped back and again collected in C

into .7? 2 ,

If it now shows the required strength, it is mixed with the

second portion of 3.2 to 3.3 per cent, by weight of alcohol and
is pumped into J?3 and after passing twice through the
rators collects as finished vinegar in (73 .

It will be seen from the above description of the process that

in making the tests, the product of all the generators of one

group is treated as a whole. A

disturbance may, however,
occur in either one of the generators, and it would take consid-
erable time before its existence would be detected by a change
in the constitution of the entire product. The thermometer
with which each generator is provided however, a reliable

guide as to the activity of the latter, and if it shows in one of

them a temperature varying from 37 to 49 F. from that pre-

vailing in the others, it is a sure sign of the respective generator

not working in the same manner as the others, and the product
running from it should be tested by itself as to its content
of acetic acid and alcohol.
Generally it will contain either no alcohol or very much of it.
In the first case the temperature of the respective generator is
higher than that prevailing in the others, and its activity has
to be moderated by decreasing the admission of air; in the
other case, the generator works too sluggishly, and the differ-
ence is sought to be equalized by increasing the current of air
somewhat warmer alcoholic liquid.
or giving a few pourings of
With a good heating apparatus producing a uniform tempera-
ture in the workroom such disturbances will, however, but
seldom happen, and by the use of the above means the normal
working of the generators can be restored.



IN no other industry based upon the process of fermentation

are irregularities and disturbances of such frequent occurrence
as in the manufacture of vinegar. Besides the nourishing sub-
stances dissolved in the fluid and free oxygen, the vinegar fer-
ment requires a certain temperature for its abundant propaga-
tion, by which alone large quantities of alcohol can in a short
time be converted into acetic acid. exercising the neces-
sary care for the fulfillment of these conditions serious dis-
turbances can be entirely avoided, and the slighter ones due
to insufficient acetic fermentation of the ferment readily re-
As regards- the nourishing substances of the ferment, irregu-
larities can actually occur only in working continuously with
an alcoholic liquid composed exclusively of water and alcohol.
In such alcoholic liquid the nitrogenous substances necessary
for the nutriment of the ferment are wanting, nor are the phos-

phates present in sufficient quantity. The consequences are

the same as in every insufficiently nourished ferment-organism
The fermenting activity suddenly diminishes, propagation pro-
ceeds sluggishly and ceases entirely if abundant nutriment is
not introduced. Hence it may happen that from a generator

containing alcoholic liquid composed only of water, alcohol,

and vinegar, the greater portion of the alcohol suddenly runs
offunchanged, the temperature in the interior of the generator
at the same time falling, and the draught of air ceasing soon
afterwards. When these phenomena appear it should first be
ascertained whether the disturbance is not due to too slight a
current of air. For this purpose the draught-holes are entirely
opened, and if the temperature rises the generator gradually
resumes its normal working. If, however, no improvement is
observed, the disturbance is due to defective nutriment, and the
composition of the alcoholic liquid has to be changed, which is

best effected by the addition of a few per cent, of beer or of

fermented alcoholic mash, either one of them
containing a suffi-
cient quantity of phosphates and albuminous substances. The
use of sweet beer wort or malt extract has also been
recommended for ''strengthening
weak-working generators."
These substances also furnish albuminous bodies and phos-
phates to the alcoholic liquid, but they also contain maltose and
dextrin, and as it has not yet been ascertained whether the
latter and the carbohydrates in general can be consumed and
digested by the ferment, they possibly may pass unchanged
into the vinegar. Honey and glucose are also sometimes used
for strengthening purposes, but while the former
might be
useful on account abundance of salts and nitrogenous
of the
substances it no substances of any value to the fer-
ment are present in the latter. At any rate the addition of
beer, mash, or malt extract is to be preferred.
An addition of phosphate to the alcoholic liquid is also
claimed to produce a favorable effect upon the propagation of
the ferment. Commercial phosphoric acid is dissolved in
water and the solution neutralized with potassium, a solution
of potassium phosphate being in this manner obtained. The
vinegar ferment being very sensitive towards this salt, a very
small quantity of the solution, about 10 ouo of the weight of the
alcoholic fluid may be added. The experiment must, how-
ever, be made very cautiously, and the effect upon the working
of the generator carefully noted.
Disturbances ascribable to the quantity of newly formed Acetic
Acid. Under proper working conditions the alcoholic liquid

brought into the generators should be completely converted

into vinegar, and theoretically, the product running off show
the same strength a? the vinegar used for acetification. Act-

ually there are, however, slight variations not exceeding a few

tenths of one per cent. Should greater differences appear, a
disturbance actually exists and may show itself in various ways.
The generator may work too feebly or too vigorously. In the
first case the content of acetic acid in the fluid running off de-

creases considerably, while that of alcohol increases. The

process of the formation of vinegar is, so to say, only half
carried through, a great portion of the alcohol being converted,
not into acetic acid, but into aldehyde. The greater portion
of this combination is lost to the manufacturer on account of
itslow boiling point (71.6 F.), it escaping in the form of vapor,
the stupefying odor of which when noticed in the air of the
workroom is accepted by all manufacturers as indicative of a

disturbance in the regular working of the generators. This

odor, however, becomes perceptible only after the disturbance
has continued for some time, with the loss of a considerable
quantity of alcohol. Hence the control of the working of the
generators by a frequent determination of the acid becomes
necessary. Repeated observations of the thermometer also
furnish valuable hints about the progress of the chemical pro-
cess. The temperature in this case remains only for a short
time unchanged and soon falls, far less heat being liberated in
the mere conversion of alcohol into aldehyde than when oxi-
dation progresses to the formation of vinegar. These phe-,
nomena are indicative of the generator not being able to master
the alcoholic liquid introduced, and may be due to the pourings
being too large, or the temperature of the alcoholic liquid
poured in being too low, or finally to an insufficient draught
of air.
restore the generator to a proper state of working, it is
best to try first the effect of smaller pourings, and then an in-
creased draught of air. If the disturbance was due to an in-
sufficient draught of air, the temperature soon rises and the

generator will be able to work up the regular quantity of alco-

holic liquid. By the use of alcoholic liquid of a somewhat
higher temperature the restoration of the normal conditions
can be accelerated.
decrease in the content of acetic acid in the fluid running
off from the generators without the presence of alcohol being
shown, indicates a too vigorous process of oxidation, the alco-
hol being not only oxidized to acetic acid, but the latter further

into carbonic acid and water. The temperature in the interior

of the generators rises considerably, about 45 F., above that
of the workroom.
In this case the restoration of the respective generator to a
proper state of working is not difficult and can be effected in
two ways, either by considerably decreasing the ventilation ot
the generator, or by pouring in a larger quantity of alcoholic
liquid than previously used.
Heating of the generators is generally due to faulty con-
struction. Generators of large dimensions, as a rule, become
too warm much
easier than smaller ones, the phenomenon also

appearing more frequently in summer than in winter; and

" "
too warmbeing just as injurious to the efficacy of the gen-
erators as too cool," they must, during the warm season of
the year, be as carefully protected against too high a tempera-
ture as against cooling during the cold season. This is effected,
on the one hand, by a suitable ventilation of the workroom
during the night, and, on the other, by the use of alcoholic
liquid of a somewhat lower temperature during the hottest
season of the year. Moreover, disturbances from too high a
temperature of the exterior air need only be feared in coun-
tries with a very warm climate.

has been frequently proposed to counteract a too vigorous


activity of the generators by the addition of a little oil of cloves

or salicylic acid which have the property of checking fermenta-
tion. Salicylic acid, especially,, is an excellent corrective for
the faulty working of a generator. It has to be used, however,

with great caution and only be added by the TTOOITO f the

weight of the alcoholic liquid, and just in sufficient quantity
to attain the desired result. A large amount is injurious to
the ferment and might kill it.

" "
Sliming of the Shavings in Generators. This disturb-
ance sometimes occurs in a vinegar plant, and its progress gen-
erally ends in throwing the entire operation into complete
disorder so that finally no more vinegar can be produced.
After fruitless experiments nothing remains but to empty the

generator,wash the shavings with hot water and, after drying

and steeping them in hot vinegar, return them to the gen-

Sliming may be due to infection by foreign bacteria and

fungi, as well as to super-oxidation and the accumulation of

larger quantites of alcohol in the shavings which affects the

bacteria to such an extent that they have no longer the power
of forming acetic acid or only very sinall quantities of it, but

only aldehyde, the intermediate product between alcohol and

acetic acid.
The trouble begins to show itself by the generators commenc-
ing to work irregularly. While formerly a certain quantity of
alcohol was number of pourings converted into
after a fixed
acetic acid, a large number of pourings are. now required to
attain the same result. The generators work slower and the
heat in their interior decreases. By heating the workroom
more strongly only a temporary improvement is brought about,
and the production of the generators becomes less and less, and,
finally, so low that work has to be interrupted. When the
disturbance has progressed thus far a disagreeable musty, in-
stead of the characteristic acid odor, is perceived in the work-
room. By allowing one of the faulty working generators to
stand for a few days without charging it with alcoholic liquid,
the temperature in the interior may rise considerably and pro-
ducts of putrefaction be developed to such an extent as to
taint the air of the workroom.
Long before this phenomenon becomes apparent, an altera-
tion takes place in the shavings. A shaving taken from a
normally working generator has the ordinary appearance of
wet wood but one taken from a generator working in the

above-mentioned faulty manner is coated with a slimy mass,

which is somewhat sticky, and can be drawn into short threads.
Viewed under the microscope this slimy coating presents a
structureless mass, throughout which numerous germs of vine-

gar ferment are distributed and sometimes the vinegar eels.

Independently of the presence of the latter, this slimy coating

presents the same appearance as the so-called mother of vine-

gar. By placing a shaving coated with slime upright in a shal-
low dish, and filling the latter f the height of the shaving with
alcoholic liquid, the previously described delicate veil of vine-

gar ferment develops upon the surface, while the portion of the
shaving covered by the fluid is surrounded by flakes distin-
guished by nothing from mother of vinegar. Hence there can
scarcely be a doubt that the slimy coating actually consists of
the same structure to which the term mother of vinegar (see
p.21) has been applied, and in searching for the cause of the
formation, it will generally be found to be due to conditions
similar to those which give rise to the formation of the latter.
An alcoholic liquid overly rich in young beer containing much
albumen, or one to which much malt extract or young fruit-
wine has been added, is apt to give rise to the formation of
mother of vinegar in the generators. The slimy coating thus
formed upon the shavings envelops the vinegar ferment and
prevents its immediate contact with the air ; consequently the
alcoholic liquid does not encounter as much ferment as is re-

quired for the complete oxidation of the alcohol, and the gen-
erators become weaker. This decrease in the production is, of
course, followed by a lower temperature in the generators, and
consequently by a decrease in the propagation of the ferment,
these unfavorable conditions finally becoming so great as to

bring the activity of the generators to a standstill.

The settlement of vinegar eels upon the surface of the mother
of vinegar has no connection with sliming. Should, however,
to die in the genera-
large masses of these animalcules happen
tors for want due to the constantly decreasing draught,
of air,
they quickly putrefy on account of the high temperature,
give rise to the most disagreable odors.
A careful manufacturer will observe sliming at the com-
mencement of the evil, when it can be remedied without much
difficulty. the composition of the alcoholic liquid
First of all,

must be changed by discontinuing the use of fluid containing

many carbohydrates and albuminous substances, such as

young beer, malt extract, young fruit-wine, it being best to

use alcoholic liquid of water, vinegar, and alcohol only until
the generators are entirely restored to a normal working
condition. The activity of the ferment is at the same time
increased by a stronger draught of air in the generators and
by raising the temperature of the workroom. In a few days
the generators will be again in a proper working condition,
which is recognized by the normal conversion of alcohol into
acetic acid.

If, however, the evil has progressed to a certain extent

FIG. 36.

nothing can be done but to empty the generators. Though

considerable labor is connected with this operation, there is
no further use of experimenting, since such nonsensical addi-
tions as beer-yeast, tartar, honey, etc., which have been pro-

posed as remedies, only accelerate the final catastrophe the

entire cessation of the formation of vinegar. Should a dis-
turbance occur which cannot be accounted for by defective
nutriment of the ferment, want of air> or an incorrect state of
the temperature, the condition of the shavings should be at
once examined into, and if they show the first stages of sliming

the evil should, if possible, be remedied by changing the com-

position of the alcoholic liquid. If the new alcoholic liquid

contains only water, vinegar, and alcohol, sliming cannot

progress, and the layers of slime upon the shavings
will in a

short time disappear, they being partially utilized in the nu-

triment of the ferment, and partially mechanically washed
offby the alcoholic liquid running down.
Disturbances due to Vinegar Eels. In many factories filamen-
tous structures scarcely visible to the naked eye will frequently
be observed in the vinegar. When viewed under the micro-

FIG. 37.

as animalcules, to which the

scope they will be recognized
term vinegar eel (Anguilla aceti) has been applied on account
of their form slightly resembling that of an eel. Fig. 36
shows a microscopical picture of a drop of vinegar swarming
with vinegareeis slightly magnified, and Fig. 37 a vinegar

eel greatly magnified.

The animalcule consists of a cylindrical body running to a
is covered with small knots
sharp point. The mouth-opening

directly into the long

the throat is globular and passes
tinal tube. The eggs are placed at about the centre of the

body in two tubes which unite to a plainly perceptible aper-

ture. The average length of the female is 0.0682 Paris inch
and that of the male 0.0486, the former being larger than the
latter in proportion of 1 : 1.3.

Vinegar can exist in dilute alcohol of the strength used

in making vinegar as well as in dilute acetic acid. In
alcoholic liquid containing much alcohol and acetic acid they
do not thrive as well as in weak liquid. Their part in the
manufacture ol vinegar is under .all conditions an injurious
one. The vinegar ferment can only carry on its function
correctly when vegetating upon the surface of the fluid and in
contact with air. The vinegar eel being an air breathing
animal always seeks the surface, and in an alcoholic liquid
which contains it, and upon whose surface an abundance of
ferment grows, actual combats between animalcule and fer-
ment can be observed, the former striving to force the latter,
which is inimical to its existence, under the surface and thus
render it harmless. (Submerged vinegar ferment, as is well
known, changes its conditions of existence aud becomes mother
of vinegar.) If the conditions are favorable for the develop-
ment of the animalcules, the latter overcome the ferment and
submerge it so that it can continue to exist only as mother of

vinegar, and consequently the process of the formation of

vinegar be considerably retarded. Under conditions

favorable to the development of the ferment the reverse is the
case. The ferment floating upon the fluid consumes nearly
all the oxygen contained in the layer of air immediately above
the surface, and thus deprives the animalcules of a condition
necessary for their existence. A portion of them die and fall
to the bottom of the vessel, while another portion of them
escape to the sides of the vessel where they congregate imme-
diately above the surface of the fluid in such masses as to form
a whitish ring. These conditions can be readily induced by
pouring vinegar containing a large number of vinegar eels
into a flat glass dish and adding a fluid upon which vinegar
ferment has been artificially cultivated. In a few hours the

ferment has spread over the entire surface and the animalcules
form the above-mentioned white ring on the sides of the vessel.
If by means of blotting paper the veil of ferment be removed
as fast as it propagates, the animalcules soon spread over the
entire fluid.
From the above explanation it is evident that the appearance
of vinegar eels in large masses threatens danger to the regular

working. When the animalcules reach the shavings the strug-

gle for existence between them and the ferment commences,
and their struggling to dislodge the latter may be the first cause
of the formation of slimy masses of mother of vinegar upon
the shavings. Since the vinegar eels consume oxygen, the air
in the generators becomes thereby less suitable for the nourish-
ment and consequently the generators will work
of the ferment,

feebly. By accelerating the draught of air in the generators,

which is generally the first remedy tried, the development of
the ferment may again become so vigorous that a large portion
of the vinegar eels are killed, their bodies being found in the

vinegar running off. The dead vinegar eels remaining in the

generator, however, finally putrefy and give rise to the pre-
viously mentioned disagreeable odor. The processes of putre-
faction being also effected by bacteria capable of decomposing

nearly all knownorganic combinations (even small quantities

of such strongly antiseptic bodies as salicylic and carbolic

acids), it is evident that vinegar containing vinegar eels, can-

not possess good keeping qualities and must be subjected to a
special treatment, which will be referred to later on.
Several remedies for the suppression of vinegar eels in the
generators have been proposed, one of them consisting of the
introduction of vapors of burning sulphur, i. e., sulphurous
acid. Sulphurous acid, it is true, kills the vinegar eels, but
at the same time, the vinegar ferment, and if small remnants

remain, alsothe newly-introduced ferment. To restore a

generator thus treated, a large quantity of air must be blown
through it, which will remove the last traces sulphurous
acid. An alcoholic liquid containing much living ferment is
then poured in.

The vinegar ferment can for many hours stand the exclusion
of oxygen without being destroyed, while the vinegar eels die
in a short time. This circumstance can be utilized for the de-
struction of the animalcules without recourse to other reme-
dies. The generator having first been brought into the high-
by pouring in very warm alcoholic liquid
est state of activity
and opening the draught-holes, is left to itself for 6 or 8

hours after closing all the draught-holes. The ferment in a

short time consumes all the free oxygen in the generators, and
the vinegar eels die from the want of it. By opening the
draught-holes and pouring in alcoholic liquid, the normal
formation of vinegar soon recommences.
The killing of a large number of vinegar eels in the above
manner is, however, of considerable danger to the regular

working of the factory, and the respective generators must be

watched with special care in order to meet at once any appear-
ance of putrefaction. It may sometimes succeed to keep up
the work undisturbed, the killed vinegar eels being gradually
removed from the generators by the vinegar running off. In
such critical cases, when the generator may at any moment
commence to work irregularly, the use of a very small quan-
tity of salicylicacid as an addition to the alcoholic liquid
would be advisable. The acid by checking putrefaction would
prevent the immediate decomposition of the killed vinegar
eels still present in the generators.
Should, however, signs of putrefaction appear, energetic
means should at once be taken to arrest its progress, it being
in this case best to sulphur the generator. This is effected by
closing all the draught-holes except one, and introducing into
the latter the nozzle of the apparatus whose arrangement is
shown in Fig. 38.
In a large clay vessel, best glazed inside, stands upon a tripod
a shallow dish. The cover of the vessel luted air-tight with clay
is provided with three openings. The opening in the center is

closed by a well-fitting clay stopper, while glass tubes bent at

a right angle and with a clear diameter of about J inch are

cemented in the openings at the side. The tube reaching

nearly down to the plate is connected by means of a rubber
hose with a double-acting bellows, while the second tube lead-
ing directly from the cover is connected with a second clay
vessel. From the cover of this vessel a pipe leads to, and is
fitted into, the open draught-hole of the generator.

For use the apparatus is put together, as shown in the illus-

tration, and small pieces of sulphur are thrown through the
central aperture upon the dish. The sulphur is ignited by
throwing in a lighted sulphur match, and after closing the
aperture the bellows is put in operation. The product of the

FIG. 38.

combustion of the sulphur passes through the tube into the

the fluid adhering to the
generator, and in ascending dissolves
shavings to sulphurous acid. The addition of sulphur and the
blowing-in of air are continued until the odor
of burning sul-
of the genera-
phur is clearly perceptible in the upper portion
tor. The second vessel which contains some water serves for
the condensation of the portion of the sulphur which is not

consumed, but only volatilized.

The sulphurous acid kills every living organism in the gen-
the vinegar ferment
erator, and consequently all the germs of
are also destroyed.
After allowing the sulphured generator to stand a few hours,

fresh air alone is forced through it by means of the bellows.

The air-holes are then opened and the generator allowed to-
stand a few days for the sulphurous acid to be converted into
sulphuric acid by the absorption of oxygen. To bring this
generator again into operation, it is best to introduce at first a
number of pourings consisting only of vinegar, with a content
of acetic acid corresponding to that of the original acetification.
In consequence of the absorption of sulphuric acid by the
shavings, this vinegar becomes of no value as a commercial
article, but it can be used for the preparation of alcoholic

The last traces of unchanged sulphurous acid having in this
manner been removed from the generator and the greater
portion of sulphuric acid adhering to the shavings washed out,
the generator is again acetified, this being best effected by
pouring in alcoholic liquid just run off from correctly working
DisturbancesDue to Vinegar Lice (Vinegar Mites). Unless
the most scrupulous cleanliness prevails, so-called vinegar lice
will always be found in the factory. They prefer places kept
constantly moist, and to which the air has access, for instance,
the draught-holes and the interior of generators beneath the
false bottom. As a rule, manufacturers do not pay much at-
tention to their presence, as they apparently exert no influ-
ence upon the regular working. That such, however, is not
the case, will be seen from the following occurrence Some :

years ago, the proprietor of a vinegar factory in Italy informed

Dr. Bersch, of Vienna, that millions of small animals had

appeared in the factory and penetrated into the generators,

the shavings to a certain height being covered with living
and dead animals, and by reason of the latter putrefying,
further operations had become impossible.
Every drop of
vinegar running from the
off generators contained one or more
of the mites. A small bottle half full of vinegar and closed
air-tight by a cork accompanied the communication. Al-
though the bottle had been sixty hours in transit, on opening

it a number
of living animals were found, congregated especi-

ally in the fissures of the cork. On examining them with the

microscope two forms (male and female?) could be clearly dis-


tinguished, many being only one-quarter or one-half the size

of others. Figs. 39 and 40 show the two characteristic forms

FIG. 40.

of these animalcules. As far as it was possible to determine

their zoological position, they belong to the family Sarcoptidw.

No particulars as to their origin seem to be known, the manu-

facturer simply stating that they had come from the soil. under
the supports of the generators and gradually rendered the
latter ineffective. The generators were sulphured in the
manner above described, and again put into operation.
To prevent the vinegar mites from collecting in large masses,
scrupulous cleanliness must prevail in the factory. Especially
should the draught-holes be from time to time examined, and,
ifmites be found, thoroughly cleansed with hot water, which
kills them. The mites might also be prevented from^ pene-

trating into the interior of the generators by rings of a sticky

substance (turpentine) around the draught-holes.
Vinegar- Flies. Though, as far as known, the animals
known as vinegar-flies create no disturbance in the regular
working of the factory, they deserve mention because they
appear wherever a fluid passes into acetic fermentation. In
wine cellars, not kept thoroughly clean, these insects are fre-
quently found on the bung-holes of the wine-barrels, and in
factories in which the manufacture of wine vinegar is carried
on according to the old system, they often occur in great
The vinegar-fly (Drosophila funebris, Meig) is at the utmost
0.11 inch long it is especially distinguished by large red eyes

sittingon both sides of the head and meeting in front. The

thorax and legs are red the abdomen, which is provided with

six rings, is black, with yellow stripes. The wings

are longer
than the body. The larva is white, has twelve rings, on the
mouth two black hook-like structures, and on the back part of
the body four warts, two of which are yellow. In eight days
the larva is transformed into a yellow chrysalis.
The collection of these flies in large masses can be readily
prevented by keeping the factory thoroughly clean and being
especially careful not to spill any fluid.



IN the manufacture by the slow process, barrels thoroughly

cleansed with boiling water and previously saturated with hot

vinegar are used. The bung-holes are left open or loosely

covered. Smaller barrels with a capacity of from 15 to 25
gallons are preferred, and earthenware pots holding only 3 to
5 gallons are also used, it being claimed that they are espe-

very strong vinegar. The

cially suitable for the preparation of
barrels are arranged in tiers upon wooden supports in such a
manner that their contents can be readily withdrawn by means
of a faucet or a siphon. The heating apparatus may be either
stoves, a hot-air furnace, or an arrangement similar to that
employed in heating hot-houses. Due attention must be
given to the methods of maintaining an equable temperature.
For the induction of the formation of vinegar, finished
vinegar should be added to the dilute alcohol. By adding a
few slices of bread, or beer wort, or a decoction of resins, the
formation of vinegar can in many cases be accelerated, the
substances named offering nutriment to the vinegar ferment.
The mixture of weak alcohol and vinegar is called wash. It

is prepared from whiskey or alcohol, to which sufficient water

is added that the mixture shows a content of about 6 per cent,
of alcohol. To this weak spirit one-quarter or one-half of

volume of vinegar is added. Suppose vinegar containing 4J

per cent, of acetic
anhydride is to be made. Theoretically, the
wash should contain a little over 5 per cent, absolute alcohol,
but on account of the loss by evaporation of alcohol, a wash of
6 per cent, must be used. If in making this wash 80 per cent,
alcohol is employed, then the latter would have to be diluted
so that every gallon of it becomes 13f\ gallons. In other
words, to 100 gallons of 80 per cent, alcohol 1,250 gallons of
water are added, which makes 1,330 gallons of mixture, and

this, after the addition of 300 gallons of vinegar, becomes 1,630

gallons of wash. A portion of the water must be taken suffi-
ciently hot to give a temperature of 90 to 100 F. to the
wash. The resulting wash is placed in the fermenting barrels
to fill full, and the temperature of the
each one two-thirds
apartment, observed by thermometers placed in different parts
of it, must be kept at between 75 and 100 F. At the mini-
mum temperature less fuel is required, but the time needed
and consequently more barrels
for acetification is extended,
and a larger apartment are needed to make the same amount
of vinegar. With the maximum temperature the reverse is

the case.
Several days after the addition of the wash acetification be-
gins, and is indicated by a temperature in the barrels slightly
above that of the apartment. A
piece of stone or slate, which
is usually laid over the bung-hole of each barrel to prevent too
great evaporation and consequent cooling, is bedewed with
moisture, and a pungent acid odor is perceived in the room.
As long as these indications continue, everything is going on
well, but every barrel must be examined by itself to at once
" "
restore activity in
any lazy one, lest putrefaction or mpuldi-
ness take place and spread to the neighboring barrels. When
this misfortune occurs, the bad barrels are at once removed
from the apartment, their contents thrown away, and the
barrels scoured well with brushes and water, and placed in the
sun. After they are dry they may be saturated with hot vine-
gar and brought into action again. lazy," they are
If only
excited by withdrawing a portion of their contents, which is
warmed in glass bottles, and with the addition of a little alco-
hol and vinegar is restored to the casks.
Too cool a location or a constant draught of air will some-
times put a cask out of action. This is remedied by re-

moval, after acetification is restored, to a warmer location, or

by covering with a non-conductor, such as heavy paper pasted
over it.
After a lapse of time dependent on the temperature which

is kept somewhat higher towards the end of the operation,

acetification is complete.Otto gives the time generally re-
quired as follows :

With a temperature of Weeks required.

95 to 100 F. 2 to 4.

86 to 95 F. 4 to 8.
72 to 86 F. 8 to 16.

The close of acetification is indicated by the diminution of

the strong vinegar smell in the room, by the absence of vapor
condensing upon the slate covers of the bung-holes, and by
the temperature of the inside of the barrels becoming equal to
that of the room.
As soon as acetification in any one barrel is perfected, the
vinegar must at once be withdrawn, barreled and removed to
a cooler place than the vinegar room, in which its tendency
to spoil in the heated atmosphere is very great. The slimy de-
" "
posit called mother of is vinegarand the
removed, vinegar
with which it is imbued, employed in part for the next aceti-
fication. If the sediment from each barrel be placed in a cask,
the clear vinegar may be drawn off after the deposition of the

mother of vinegar. It is well before barreling the vinegar, to

allow it time in a cool room in a vessel

to stand for a short
filled with beech shavings, which clarify it. When stored, a
pint of spirits should be added to each barrel.
As previously mentioned, the slow process above described

may be modified in various ways. Thus, instead of bringing

the fermentation to completion in all of the barrels at about the
same time, they may be divided into three or four groups, so
that J or J of the whole quantity of vinegar may be with-
drawn, and stored at intervals of J to J the time required for
the acetification of the whole quantity. This modification has
the advantage of a greater distribution of the work necessity ;

of a smaller quantity of vinegar stored for sale, and the pres-

ence of barrels in full action, emitting strongly acetic vapors,
which is of advantage in keeping up fermentation in barrels

just going into operation. The disadvantages consist in greater

need for entering and leaving the vinegar room, involving
loss of its heat, and requiring in consequence greater attention
to its fires. In addition to this the heat cannot be increased
towards the close of acetifi cation, which is useful in shortening
the time for manufacture.
Another modication consists in always keeping a large
quantity of vinegar in the fermenting barrels, and at short
intervals withdrawing small quantities of vinegar which are

replaced by fresh wash. This saves time, as acetification is

more rapid in the presence of large bodies of vinegar. It
involves loss of heat by a need for too frequently entering the
vinegar room. It involves also a loss of' interest upon the
value of the large quantity of vinegar kept in the fermenting
barrels. The intervals at which vinegar may be withdrawn
are closer in proportion to the heat of the apartment, which
bears a ratio to the amount of fuel consumed.

By this method only of the vinegar is removed at one time


from each barrel ;

in other words, at intervals of one to two

weeks, according to temperature, one gallon of vinegar is with-

drawn from every 5 gallons in the fermenting barrels, and in its-
stead a gallon of wash In a large factory, the latter
is added.
process requires a large number of barrels of vinegar to com-
mence operations. The vinegar must be either purchased or
made gradually in the fermenting barrels, not withdrawing any
until the barrels are sufficiently full. The advantage consists
in a smallernumber of fermenting barrels being required than
by the method first described. Dr. Otto gives the following
calculation for the number of fermenting barrels required for
the slow process :

Suppose that it is required to furnish a barrel of vinegar per

day, excluding Sundays, which would equal 312 forty-gallon
barrels per year, the fermenting barrels would have each a ca-

pacity of J barrel, and since they are not filled with wash, and
on account of unavoidable loss, four such barrels may be allowed
to each barrel of vinegar made. What is added to make the

wash is, of course, not accounted as manufactured vinegar, as

a like quantity must be added in the subsequent wash. From
every four fermenting barrels, one barrel of vinegar may be
sold, and hence 6 barrels of vinegar will require 24 fermenting
barrels. workroom be so heated that the operation is
If the

completed in four weeks, 24 barrels of vinegar will have to be

drawn off, to do which 96 fermenting barrels will be required.
If, however, a lower temperature be maintained in the work-

room, say to complete the process in 16 weeks, 4 times 96 =

384 fermenting barrels, will be required. In the latter case
the expense of fuel is lessened, but that of the fermenting
barrels is increased. Besides, a larger apartment will be neces-
sary, whichwill involve a higher rent and greater expense for
fuel in heating it. If the process be modified, as described, so
that a large body of vinegar is always kept in the fermenting
barrels, their number may, as before stated, be proportionately
This calculation affords the very best illustration of the
superiority of the modern quick process, over the old slow
method. To make one barrel per day by the quick process, a
small room and two generators are the only requisites.
Household Manufacture of Vinegar. The following method
is to be recommended as simple, expedient, and furnishing a

constant supply of vinegar with scarcely any trouble and at

trifling cost :

Procure two barrels, the one for making, the other for stor-
ing the vinegar, barrels from which good vinegar has just been
drawn being preferable. The storage barrel is always kept in
the cellar, and the generating barrel in the house or cellar, ac-
cording to the season. At the top of one of the heads of the
storage barrel a small hole is bored for the circulation of air.
The barrels lie on their side, and each of them is furnished
with a wooden faucet. Their capacity is, of course, regulated

by the yearly demand.

Suppose that the generator, filled to the level of the venti-

lating hole, contains 10 gallons, the manufacture will then


be carried on as follows Seven gallons of vinegar of a good


quality are placed in the barrel, and three gallons of warm

alcoholic liquid are added. This alcoholic liquid is made as
follows: If common 50 per cent, whisky be employed, have a
small measure of 3 pints and a large one (a bucket) of 3
gallons. If 86 per cent, alcohol is used, let the small measure
be for 2 pints. Put a small measureful of spirits in the large
measure fill quickly to the mark with boiling water, and

pour by means of a funnel into the generator. Every two or

three weeks, three gallons of vinegar are withdrawn from the

generator and added to the storage barrel, and three gallons of

alcoholic liquid are placed in the generating barrel as before.
Another method of working the casks consists in half filling
the generator with vinegar, and adding every week so much
of the alcoholic liquid that it fills the barrel in from 8 to 16
weeks, according to the season. Half the vinegar is then
added to the storage cask, and the process then recommenced
iri the generator. The warmer the season the more rapid
may be the manufacture.
Preparation of Vinegar with the Assistance of Platinum Black.
In considering the theory of the formation of vinegar it was
mentioned that platinum in a finely divided state possesses the

property of converting alcohol into acetic acid. This property

of platinum has been utilized for the purpose of manufacturing
acetic acid on a large scale. The apparatus used for this pur-
pose consists of a small glass house, provided in the interior
with a number of compartments. The shelves forming these
compartments support a number of porcelain capsules. The
alcohol to be acetified poured into these capsules, in each of

which is placed a tripod, also of porcelain, supporting a watch-

glass containing platinum black or spongy platinum.
In the
roof and at the bottom of the apparatus are ventilators, so con-
structed as to admit of regulating the access of air. By means
of a small steam-pipe the interior of the house is heated to 79
F. By this gently evaporated, and com-
means the alcohol is

ing in contact with the platinum black or sponge is acetified.


So long as the ventilation is maintained, the platinum black

retains its property of oxidizing the alcohol. With an appa-
ratus of 52 cubic yards' capacity and with 37 of plati-
num black, 150 quarts of alcohol can daily be converted into
pure vinegar. The drawbacks to this process are high prices
for alcohol, and the large quantity of the very expensive

platinum required for working on a manufacturing scale.

" "
THE vinegar running off from the generators is finished
in so far that it contains the quantity of acetic acid obtainable
from the content of alcohol in the alcoholic liquid, but it be-
comes a commercial article only by long storing and special
The odor of freshly prepared vinegar is by no means agree-
able. It is very pungent and at the same time stupefying,
the latter property being no doubt due to small quantities of
aldehyde contained in it, which, however, volatilize or oxidize
by storing. The odor depends
largely on the materials used
in the manufacture, that of vinegar prepared from an alcoholic

liquid composed of water and alcohol alone without an addi-

tion of beer being decidedly the least agreeable. By long
storing such vinegar acquires a somewhat finer odor, but never
especially agreeable properties.
The barrels for storing fresh vinegar should be filled up to
the bung-holes and closed air-tight, since when air is present
the ferment in the absence of alcohol consumes acetic acid,
thus reducing the strength of the vinegar ;
and moreover, mold
ferment might develop.
The temperature of the vinegar running off from the gener-
ators being quite high, its volume diminishes on cooling, and

consequently the barrels when inspected later on will not be

quite full. When the vinegar is stored in barrels not made
air-tight by a suitable coating (lacquer, paraffin, etc.), the air

penetrates through the pores of the wood and a constant re-

ciprocal action takes place between it and the vinegar. The
very slow oxidation thus produced exerts a decidedly favorable
influence upon the odor of the vinegar, the processes thereby
taking place being somewhat similar to those which cause the
formation of the bouquet in wine. This similarity extends
also to the fact that the vinegar bouquet, if it may so be called,
isthe finer the slower the effect of the oxygen, and this can
be reached by storing the barrels in a warehouse having a
temperature of from 57 to GO F., or in a cellar.
It has been sought to improve the odor of vinegar by various

additions, but that of volatile oils, such as oils of caraway,

fennel, anise, etc., which has been frequently proposed for the
purpose, cannot be recommended. These oils, to be sure, give
a specific, agreeable odor to the vinegar, but an expert can at
once detect such additions. More suitable for the purpose is

the use of a very small quantity (a few hundred-thousandths

of the weight of the vinegar) of potato or grain fusel oil, these
bodies forming with the corresponding quantity of acetic acid
the frequently mentioned odoriferous compound ethers. An
addition of J per cent, of very strong alcohol to the vinegar
has also a very favorable effect upon the odor of the latter,
acetic ether being formed in storing. In place of alcohol,
acetic ether or amyl acetate (pear essence) can be directly
added, but only in very small quantities and best in alcoholic
solutions of a determined content, for instance, 50 grammes of

pear essence to 1 liter of 95 per cent, alcohol. Of this solution

0.1 liter(= 100 cubic centimeters) contains 5 grammes of pear
essence, and if added to 100 liters of vinegar, which in round
numbers weigh 100 kilogrammes, the latter will contain Tooicro
of pear essence. proceeding in this manner the correct
quantity required can be readily determined. Immediately
after the addition of one of the above-mentioned substances

its odor is disagreeably prominent, but becomes pleasant by

After lying for several weeks a muddy sediment forms on the
deepest place of the barrel. The vinegar can be carefully
drawn off from this sediment by means of a rubber hose or a ;

special apparatus, similar to that shown in Fig. 41, is used for

the purpose. It consists of the glass tube a, which is inserted

in the tap-hole of the barrel and reaches to the bottom, where
it is slightly bent 'upwards. In front of the bung-hole this
tube is provided with a bulb in which is fitted by means of a
cork a tube, b, bent at a right angle. While the vinegar is
stored, this tube stands upright as indicated by the dotted

FIG. 41.

lines, and is secured to a rubber hose reaching, up to the

bung-hole. By turning the tube downward, the fluid runs
out through the tube a, until its level has sunk to the dotted


Sometimes the vinegar is not rendered perfectly clear by

Before referring
storing, and filtering has to be resorted

to this operation a few words will be said in regard to the

storing of vinegar.
The vinegar brought into the storage barrels contains the

following constituents: Water, acetic acid, alcohol (very

little), aldehyde (very little),

acetic ether, vinegar ferment
on the
(living and dead), extractive substances (depending

nature of the alcoholic liquid used). Moreover, there are fre-

quently found alcoholic ferment (from the beer), and vinegar
eels and vinegar mites, if these animals exist in the factory.
By filling the storage barrels to the bung-holes and closing
them air-tight, the vinegar eels and vinegar mites die in a short
time for want of air, and fall to the bottom. The living vine-
gar ferment present in the fluid must assume the form in which
it can for some time exist without free oxygen, i. e., of mother

of vinegar. When in consequence of the shrinkage in the

volume of the vinegar by cooling, the air penetrates through
the pores of the wood, it is first utilized for the conversion of
the small quantity of aldehyde into acetic acid, and later on
enables the vinegar ferment to continue to exist upon the sur-
face and to slowly convert the small quantity of alcohol still

present into acetic acid.

If the barrels are not closed absolutely air-tight, the vinegar
ferment will develop quite vigorously upon the surface, and
when all the alcohol is consumed attack the acetic acid, so that
when the vinegar is tested a decrease in the content of acetic
acid is
plainly perceptible. If the finished vinegar still con-
tains considerable quantities of albuminous substances in solu-
tion (vinegar from grain, malt, or fruit), or if it contains
tartaricand malic acids and at the same time only a small per-
centage of acetic acid, as most fruit vinegars do (seldom more
than 5 per cent.), Ihe mold ferment readily settles upon the
vinegar and finally dislodges the vinegar ferment from the
surface. The acetic acid is, however, very rapidly destroyed
by the mold ferment, and through a luxuriant growth of the
latter, which floats upon the surface as a white membranous

coating, the vinegar may in a few weeks lose one or more per
cent, of This happens so frequently, for instance with fruit-

vinegar, that the opinion that such vinegar cannot be made to

keep, is quite general.
Vinegar which, besides a considerable quantity of extractive
substances, contains the salts of certain organic acids (malic
and tartaric acids), for instance, vinegar prepared from apples

or wine, must be frequently examined, as it readily spoils, and

may suffer even kept in barrels constantly filled up to the

bung. In fluids containing the salts of the above-mentioned

organic acids a ferment may frequently develop, even when the
air is excluded, which first decomposes the. tartaric and malic
acids, and though these acids are present only in a compara-
tively small quantity, they influence, to a considerable extent,
the flavor of the vinegar on account of their agreeable acid
taste. In vinegar in which this ferment has long existed a
diminution of acidity can be readily detected by the taste, and
by the direct determination of the acid a decrease in its con-
tent can be shown which, if calculated as acetic acid, may in
some cases amount to one per cent. Besides the loss of its

former agreeable taste, vinegar thus changed acquires a harsh

tang, due no doubt to the formation of certain products not
yet known formed by the ferment effecting the destruction of
the tartaric and rnalic acids. Moreover, wine or fruit-vinegars
in which this ferment has for a considerable time flourished,
lose their characteristic agreeable bouquet which may be con-
sidered the greatest damage.
In the presence of a large number of vinegar eels their bodies
may decay and impart to the vinegar a very disagreeable
putrid odor, even if stored in barrels closed air-tight.
advisability of filtering the vinegar before bringing

into the storage barrels will be readily understood from the

above statement. By however, only possible to
filtration it is,

remove the vinegar eels and vinegar mites swimming in the

fluid and larger flakes of mother of vinegar. The ferments
and bacteria inducing putrefaction cannot be thus removed,
so that even filtered vinegar is liable to spoil when stored.

Heating the Vinegar. In order to destroy organisms all

which might cause the spoiling of the vinegar, it is recom-

mended to heat the latter to about 140 F. before running it
into the storage barrels. A few moments exposure at this

temperature being sufficient for the purpose, a large

of vinegar can in a short time be heated with the use of a suit-
able apparatus, such as is shown in Fig. 42.

In the head of the barrel b is secured a pipe of pure tin with

very thin walls and a clear diameter of about j- inch. It is
-coiled in a boiler filled with water, which it enters at e/and

leaves at h. It then passes into the barrel b, in which it is also

coiled, and ends outside the barrel at g. At i it expands to a

bulb in which a thermometer, t, is placed. A vat, a, placed at
a certain height above the barrel is provided with a wooden
stop-cock, c, to which is secured a rubber hose, d, which enters
the barrel b above the bottom. The pipe which is secured
on top of the barrel b, is open on both ends and of sufficient
length to project above the vat a.

FIG. 42.

The boiler is filled with water and placed in an ordinary

hearth. The vat a with the vinegar to be heated and
is filled

kept constantly supplied. The water being heated to boiling,

the stop-cock c is opened. The vinegar now runs through d
into the barrel b, and, after filling it, flows at e into the tin
coil and in passing through it in the direction of the arrows
is heated. The thermometer t dipping into the hot vinegar
indicates the temperature, and the inflow of vinegar is accord-

ingly regulated by opening or closing the cock c. As shown

in the illustration, the hot vinegar runs through the coil sur-

rounded by cold vinegar into the barrel b, whereby it is cooled

off and the vinegar in the barrel preparatorily heated. The
pipe k, open on both ends, allows the escape of the gases de-

In consequence of the albuminous substances becoming in-

soluble by heating, the vinegar running off at g is, as a rule,

more turbid than before. It is brought into the storage bar-
rels, which need, however, not be closed air-tight, the subse-

quent processes taking place in the vinegar being of a purely

chemical nature and not caused by organisms. The latter
have been killed by heating, and, together with all other for-
eign bodies suspended in the vinegar, gradually fall to the
bottom of the barrel. If the vinegar after heating is allowed
to lie for a sufficiently long time, it clarifies completely and
an be drawn bright from the sediment.
off perfectly

Filtration of Vinegar. The bodies suspended

in the vinegar
and causing its turbidity being very small, it takes some time
before they settle on the bottom and the fluid becomes entirely
<?lear. To accelerate clarification the vinegar is filtered.

Fig. 43 shows a filter suitable for the purpose. It consists

of a small, strong wooden vat provided with two perforated

false-bottoms, s and b. Upon the lower false bottom is spread
a linen cloth and upon it fine sand, which is not attacked by
acetic acid, or small pieces of charcoal. Upon the smoothed
1 inch
surface of the sand spread a layer of paper pulp f to

deep which is covered with a linen cloth and then placed upon
the false bottom the latter being forced down by means of

the screw k and the pieces of wood r. The vinegar to be fil-

tered is in the vat a which is connected with the filtering vat

by the stop-cock h and the rubber hose s, 8 to 10 feet long.

By opening the stop-cock h the filter stands under the pres-
sure of a column of fluid 8 to 10 feet high and the filtered
the filter-
vinegar runs off through an aperture in the side of
ing vat. By filling the filter below the paper pulp with fine
sand, the latter retains the greater portion of the solid bodies
suspended in the vinegar, and it will be a considerable

before the pores of the paper pulp become choked up to such

an extent as to require its renewal.
Sharp, fine-grained sand should be used for filtering. It
should be free from iron and sulphur and previous to use
freed as much as possible from lime and earthy constituents

by washing in pure water which some hydrochloric or tar-

taric acid may Fine
be added.white quartz sand is very
suitable for the purpose. White sea-sand is also highly
recommended for filtering vinegar, it being claimed that after

FIG. 43.

itsuse for several months not a single vinegar-eel was found

in the filtered product. When after long use the sand be-
comes so closely packed that the vinegar does not run off with
the rapidity desired, the layer of slime that has accumulated
upon the sand is carefully removed and the sand thoroughly
washed and dried, when it is again ready for use.
An arrangement suitable for filtering larger quantities of
fluid under an increased pressure is shown in Fig. 44.
It consists of a strong linen bag, 8, about 16 inches in diam-

eter, and a jute or hemp hose, R, open at both ends and about
6 inches in diameter. The bag is tied by means of pack-thread
to a cylindrical piece of wood which is secured to a suitable

support. The bag is then connected by means of the rubber

hose K with the reservoir B, which contains the vinegar to be
filtered, and
placed about 10 to 13 feet above the support

carrying the bag. The bag is folded so that it can be inserted

in the hose R, the latter being also secured to the cylindrical

piece of w ood.

By gradually opening the stop-cock on the reservoir the bag

is filled with vinegar, but being

enveloped by the hose R cannot FIG. 44.

entirely expand but only so far

as permitted by the diameter of
R, so that though its entire
surface acts as a filter a large
number of folds are formed, and
it isthus protected from burst-
ing, even under the pressure of
a column of fluid of consider-
able height. The fluid filter-

ing through the bag runs down

on the hose and collects in a
vessel placed under it.
At first this filter generally
does not act entirely satisfac-
torily, the fluid running off tur-
bid ;
and this continues until
the pores of the filter have be-
come sufficiently contracted to
retain the small bodies sus-
pended in the fluid. This can,
however, be remedied by stir-
ring some charcoal powder into
the first portion of vinegar to
be filtered. The charcoal powder adheres to the sides of the

bag and contracts the pores of the tissue so that the fluid runs
off entirely clear.

By subjecting the freshly-prepared vinegar to heating and

filtering, a commercial article is obtained which is perfectly
clear and does not spoil by keeping. By storing it, however,
for some time in barrels it gains considerable in fineness of
odor and taste. Wine-vinegar, cider-vinegar and fruit-vinegars
in general should positively be stored for some time, the
odoriferous bodies which make these varieties so valuable

developing only by that means.

Sulphuring of Vinegar. Sulphuring has long been employed
as the most convenient method for the preservation of wine,

and, if correctly applied, can also be used for that of vinegar.

But as sulphurous acid readily dissolves in vinegar, the latter
must not be brought in direct contact with the gases arising
from the burning sulphur.
The sulphuring of vinegar is best executed as follows : The
barrel intended for the reception of the vinegar is thoroughly
rinsed and immediately placed in the storeroom. Then place
a sulphur match consisting of a strip of linen about 6 inches
long and f to 1 inch broad dipped in melted sulphur into a
perforated sheet-iron cylinder about 8 inches long and 1 inch
in diameter, secure this cylinder to a wire, and after igniting
the sulphur match, lower it from the bung-hole to the center of
the barrel. The sulphurous acid formed by the combustion
of the sulphur is at once dissolved by the water adhering to
the interior of the barrel. A
sulphur match of the above size
suffices for a barrel of 125 gallons.
100 to
If the sulphured barrel be now immediately filled with vin-
egar, the sulphurous acid becomes distributed throughout the
fluid and kills the vinegar ferment as well as all other fer-
ments present, so that the vinegar cannot undergo any further
change except it come again in contact with living ferments.
The sulphurous acid dissolved in the vinegar is after some
time converted into sulphuric acid and its presence can be
readily detected. It may, however, be remarked that the

quantity of sulphuric acid which reaches the vinegar in the

above manner is exceedingly small, and, moreover, is partially
fixed to the mineral bases (lime and
magnesia) contained in
the water used in the preparation of the alcoholic
Hence a manufacturer who sulphurs his barrels need not fear

being accused of having adulterated his vinegar by the direct

addition of sulphuric acid. Sulphured vinegar must be stored
at least several weeks before it is salable, the odor of
ous acid adhering to it
perceptibly, and disappearing only at
the rate at which the sulphurous acid is converted into sul-
phuric acid.
Fining Vinegar. Similar to wine, vinegar can be obtained
" "
bright by fining with isinglass. This method is employed
by a number of manufacturers though it offers no advantages
as compared with filtration. The isinglass to be used is
pared as follows : Cut with a pair of narrow strips
scissors into

J to 1 drachm of isinglass for every 20 gallons, and soak it in

water in a porcelain dish for 24 hours. The resulting jelly-
like mass is pressed through a linen cloth. A solution of J to
| drachms of tannin for every 20 gallons is then added to the
isinglass and the mass diluted with vinegar. The whole is
then thrown into the barrel and thoroughly mixed with th&
contents. The clarified vinegar is finally drawn off from the
Coloring Vinegar. Vinegar prepared from alcohol is limpid
as water or only slightly colored. Prior to the general intro-
duction of the quick process consumers "were accustomed to
the dark yellow product prepared from wine or beer, and many
are still prejudiced against slightly colored vinegar, consider-

ing it weaker. Unfounded as this prejudice is, the manufac-

turer nevertheless obliged to recognize it, and to suit the

public taste, must color his vinegar by artificial means. Car-

amel or burnt sugar prepared from glucose is a simple and
perfectly harmless coloring. It is made by melting the glu-
cose in a shallow iron vessel over a fire, stirring constantly
with a long-handled spoon. The melted mass soon turns

brown and rises in the vessel. The conversion into caramel

being hastened in the presence of alkalies, the addition of a

small quantity of pulverized carbonate of ammonium about
If to 2 per cent, of the weight of the glucose used is of ser-
vice at this stage. The mass is now heated with constant stir-
ring until becomes black, runs from the spoon in viscous

dark brown threads, and a sample dropped upon a cold sur-

face congeals to a black mass impervious to light except upon
the edges. The vessel is then lifted from the fire and the con-
tents poured out upon metal or stone plates. The taste of the

congealed mass should not be bitter, or at least only slightly

so. On exposure to the air, the caramel deliquesces to a thick
black and, therefore, it should immediately after its

preparation, be converted with water into a solution of the con-

sistency of syrup, such concentrated solution keeping better
than a dilute one which readily molds. Immediately before
use the solution is diluted with water, and enough of it added
to the vinegar to give it the desired coloration. Some manu-
facturers use molasses or dark syrup for coloring vinegar.



SINCE acetic acid is formed by the oxidation of alcohol, vin-

egar can, of course, be prepared from every kind of fluid con-
taining alcohol, such as beer, wine, cider, as well as from the
juice of sacchariferous fruits which has passed into alcoholic
fermentation. By allowing grain to germinate, a body to
which the term diastase is applied is formed, which possesses
the property of converting starch into fermentable sugar and
dextrin when brought in contact with it under certain con-
ditions. Vinegar can, therefore, be prepared from starch
though in a round-about way by treating the latter with

grain containing diastase (malt), whereby it is converted into

maltose and dextrin. The fluid (sweet mash) is compounded
with yeast, and the sugar and with a correct execution of the

process the dextrin also is converted into alcohol by vinous

fermentation. The resulting alcoholic liquid can then be
used for making vinegar.
Alcohol or spirits of wine obtained in the above-described
manner from the starch contained in potatoes or grain being at

present the chief material used in the manufacture of vinegar,

the greater portion of the latter brought into commerce might

actually be designated potato or malt vinegar according to the

elementary material used. The great progress made in modern
times in the preparation of malt, brewing of beer, and in the
distilling industry has been accompanied by a constantly ex-
tending division of labor. While formerly every brewer and
distiller prepared his own malt, there are at present numerous

establishments exclusively engaged in this branch of the

industry which sell their product to the brewer and distiller.
The manufacturer of vinegar who did not use materials con-

taining finished alcohol (beer or wine) had to undertake the

laborious work of making the malt and preparing and ferment-

ing the mash in order to obtain an alcoholic liquid which he

could finally convert into vinegar. With the present im-
provements in the preparation of malt and the production of
alcohol, the vinegar manufacturer canwork more cheaply by
buying the alcohol, and the manufacture of so-called malt or
grain vinegar would pay only where heavy taxes prevent the
direct use of alcohol.

Formerly, when, in consequence of defective processes,

many a brewing or batch of malt spoiled, it was used for mak-
ing vinegar. But, as a rule, the vinegar obtained was not
and remained turbid, and besides, the operation
of a fine taste
was frequently interrupted by all sorts of incidents, which
led to the opinion of malt-vinegar not possessing keeping

Beer-wort judged by its composition does not seem a suit-

able material for making vinegar. Besides a certain quan-

tity of fermentable sugar (maltose), itcontains a considerable

amount of dextrin and other fermentable bodies. For the
purpose of making vinegar the maltose alone can be consid-
ered, it being the only fermentable constituent of beer-wort.
Hence, vinegar prepared from beer-wort always contains a
considerable quantity of dextrin and extractive substances,
and, consequently, is of a more thickly fluid nature than
belongs to vinegar, and clarifies with difficulty. Moreover,
this drawback exerts a disturbing influence upon the behavior
of the vinegar when stored, it being frequently changed by
further processes of fermentation into a slimy fluid, and ac-

quires an insipid taste and loses a large portion of its content

of acetic acid.
Alcoholic mashes containing in consequence of faulty prepa-
ration a considerable quantity of dextrin show, when used for

making vinegar, a behavior similar to that of beerwort the ;

vinegar obtained clarifies with difficulty and does not keep

well. Fermented whiskey-mashes properly prepared contain,
however, only very small quantities of dextrin and extractive
substances, and, when freed by filtration from admixed husks,
can be used as a material for the manufacture of vinegar and
yield an entirely normal product.
According to experience, the process of the formation of
vinegar proceeds in the most uniform manner by preparing
the alcoholic liquid from dilute alcohol, and, consequently, in
a vinegar factory connected with a distillery it would be best
to dilute ti
on-rectified spirits of wine with the required quantity
of water and add from 10
to 20 per cent, of the weight of the
alcoholic liquid of fermented mash. The latter containing
salts and nitrogenous substances suitable for the nourishment
of the vinegar ferment serves, in this case, as a substitute for
the beer generally used in vinegar factories for the prepara-
tion of alcoholic liquid.

Manufacture of Malt or Grain Vinegar. Under certain local

conditions the manufacture of vinegat from malt, with or with-

out an addition of grain, can be profitably carried on in con-

nection with that of compressed yeast. Such factories for
evident reasons not being established on an extensive scale, a
description of the preparation of vinegar in connection with
that of compressed yeast without the use of expensive machin-

ery will be given.

The preparation of the fundamental material, malt, requir-
ing much labor and knowledge, it will be best for the manu-
facturer tobuy the article already prepared. Malt kiln dried
at as low a temperature as possible and yielding a light-col-
ored extract when treated with warm water should be chosen.
Many malt houses prepare such malt especially for distilling
purposes. Malt prepared for brewing purposes is after the
actual kiln-drying heated to a temperature frequently exceed-

ing 158 F. for the formation of certain aromatic combinations

and coloring substances which are to impart to the beer a
specific taste and dark color. Independently of the dark color
of the vinegar prepared from such malt, it contains a consider-
able quantity of dextrin, and consequently acquires an insipid

by-taste, clarifies with difficulty, and is readily subject to in-

jurious alterations. Malt, as is well known, contains diastase,
which in mashing with water effects the conversion of the
starch into maltose and dextrin. kiln-drying at a very
high temperature a portion of the diastase is, however, rendered
ineffective, and in mashing comparatively little maltose but a
large quantity of dextrin is formed. Mashing, in this case,
would have to be continued for a long time in order to obtain
a larger quantity of maltose.
With the use of but slightly kiln-dried malt, in which the
efficacy of the diastase has not been injured by a high tem-
perature, the greatest directly obtainable quantity of maltose
and the smallest amount of dextrin are procured. The pro-
portion of maltose to dextrin is in this case as 4 1, or in other

words, the finished mash

contains about 80 per cent, of mal-
tose and 20 per cent, of dextrin. The dextrin cannot be
directly converted into acetic acid by the vinegar ferment and

consequently would be found in the finished product. It is,

however, possible to treat the finished mash in such a manner

that the total quantity of dextrin contained in it can be con-
verted into maltose and the latter into alcohol, in this case
the theoretically calculated yield of vinegar from the malt
will be nearly approached in practice, arid the product thus ob-
tained contain only a small quantity of extractive substances
of the malt which are not decomposed by alcoholic or acetic
Before entering upon a description of the mashing process,
the theoretical part in mashing will be briefly discussed. Malt
contains starch and diastase. By bringing the comminuted
malt in contact with water of about 131 to 133 F., the starch
is formed into paste and the diastase passes into solution. By
the action of the diastase upon the starch, the latter is con-
verted into maltose and dextrin, the finished mass containing
80.9 per cent, of maltose and 19.1 of dextrin. For reasons
given later on, the finished mass is heated for a short time to
between 140 and 141.8 F., without, however, exceeding this
temperature, and then cooled off to the degree required for the
induction of alcoholic fermentation.
Mash prepared in this manner contains, besides the stated

quantities of maltose and dextrin, effective diastase,

i. e., such

as possesses the power of liquefying starch. By heating to

above 158 F. the diastase entirely loses this property. By
compounding a mash of this nature with yeast, the diastase
with the simultaneous action of the yeast is able to convert all
the dextrin present in the fluid into maltose, and consequently
the total quantity of starch originally present is converted into
alcohol by this peculiar process, to which the term after-effect

of the diastase has been applied.

Unmalted grain being cheaper than malt and the latter

containing sufficient diastase to convert a very large quantity

of starch into maltose and dextrin, a mixture of malt and
unmalted grain (equal parts of both; f grain and J malt, etc.)
can be used instead of malt alone. The latter is, however,

preferable for the manufacture of vinegar, it yielding a product

of a finer taste than unmalted grain. The mode of preparing
the mash is exactly the same as for the distillation of alcohol,
and as the necessary information can be obtained from any
treatise on that subject, only a brief sketch of the operation
will here be given.
The malt carefully ground is mixed with cold water to a
thin paste, which is stirred until all small lumps are dissolved.
This mixing of the ground malt with water, dougldng in as
it is can be effected with the assistance of a crutch or
rake, but best in a vat provided with a mechanical stirring
Doughing-in being finished, water of 140 to 149 F. is per-
mitted to run in. until the mash shows a temperature of about
131 to 133 F. During this operation the mash should be
constantly stirred. The at first thickly fluid mass will soon
be observed to become thinly fluid by the starch paste being
converted into soluble bodies. Mashing is finished in 2 to 2J
hours, and be the more complete the more accurately the
temperature is maintained at 131 to 133 F. The completion
of the process is recognized by a filtered sample cooled to the

ordinary temperature remaining colorless after the addition of

iodine solution.
The mash having reached this state, sufficient hot water is
added with constant stirring to raise the temperature to 140
or 141.8 F. The purpose of this operation is to render all fer-
ments present in the mash ineffective. Lactic acid ferment and
frequently also butyric acid ferment always adhere to the malt,
and, if allowed to develop in the mash, would form lactic and
butyric acids during fermentation which would be injurious to
the process of alcoholic fermentation as well as to the proper-
ties of the vinegar to be manufactured. The mash is now re-
duced to atemperature of about 57 or 59 F. by bringing it
into the cooling-back or passingit through a system of refrig-

erating pipes. When

working on a small scale the mash can
be suitably cooled by allowing cold water to pass through a
coil placed in a vat containing it.

strength of the vinegar to be manufactured depends on

the concentration of the mash mashes showing a saccha-

rometer statement of 20 per cent, contain after fermentation

about 9J per cent, of alcohol which yields vinegar of about 8
per cent.; mashes showing 18 per cent, yield vinegar of about
7 per cent., so that 1 per cent, of acetic acid in the vinegar

may be calculated on for about every 2J degrees indicated by

the saccharometer.
The mash is now set with yeast, though the latter may be
added when the mash still shows a temperature of 71. 5 to

75 F., the yeast having then time to vigorously propagate.

Mashes prepared from malt alone are uncommonly rich in
nourishing substances for the yeast, the latter propagating
abundantly and inducing a very vigorous process of fermenta-
tion. This can be profitably utilized by combining the manu-
facture of vinegar and that of compressed yeast, a valuable

product being thus obtained without any extra expense and

with but little labor. At a certain stage of the alcoholic fer-
mentation the yeast comes to the surface of the fluid and can
be lifted off. By washing the yeast once or twice with cold
water and then freeing it from the excess of water by pressing,
compressed yeast is obtained which, with the exception of the
portion to be used for setting fresh mashes, can be sold.
Up to the completion of alcoholic fermentation the treatment
of the mash as can be seen from the preceding description,
does not essentially differ from that to which mashes for the
manufacture of alcohol are subjected. If, however, the com-
pletely fermented ripe "mash is to be used for making vine-
gar, should be subjected to a special treatment, the object of

which is to prepare a fluid containing no living yeast.

By filtering the mash through a closely woven linen cloth
the particles of malt-husks, etc., are retained but not the cells
of alcoholic ferment which may be present, and which, on ac-
count of their minuteness, are difficult to separate from the
fluid by filtration. It is, therefore, best to heat the mash be-
fore filtration to about 140 F. whereby the ferment is killed,

and at the same time a certain quantity of albuminous sub-

stances dissolved in the fluid is rendered insoluble and sepa-
rated. The heating of the mash is best effected by passing it

through a coil of tin-pipe placed in a boiler filled with water

kept constantly boiling. The temperature of the fluid can be
readily regulated by increasing or decreasing the velocity with
which passes through the coil.
it If the fluid heated to 140
F. were allowed to cool in the air, a large portion of the alco-
hol contained in it would be by evaporation, and it is there-

fore allowed, after heating, to pass through a second coil of

pipe which is surrounded by cold water whereby it is cooled to

at least 86 F. This fluid is then filtered through a linen bag,
is being repeatedly poured back into the filter until it runs off

sufficiently clear. It will not, however, be obtained perfectly

clear in thismanner, the yeast cells being too minute to be re-
tained by such a filter, but having been killed by heating, their

presence in the fluid is connected with no disadvantage.

By mixing the filtered fluid with from 10 to 15 per cent, of
its volume of vinegar, an alcoholic liquid is obtained which

can be worked in the usual manner in the quick-process gen-

erators, and yields an agreeable aromatic vinegar which clari-
fiesrapidly and improves byt storing.
According to the slow process, the fermented malt-wort is

run into casks placed in apartments called " stoves," since

they are heated by stoves or steam to a temperature ranging
from 70 to 80 F. The casks are arranged in parallel rows,
resting upon long wooden beams elevated about 18 inches
from the ground, and having their bungs uppermost while a
small hole on top of the front head of each causes the circula-
tion of air.
A large saving of labor will be effected by connecting ele-
vated tanks holding the fermented wort with pipes and mov-
able flexible hose which will allow of the rapid and easy filling
of the casks. The vinegar produced is siphoned off into in-
clined troughs, which deliver it to a central underground
tank, from which it is pumped into the storing tanks.

Malt vinegar generally contains a great deal of mucilaginous

matter which settles with difficulty, preventing its keeping,
while giving nourishment to vinegar eels. It is therefore

necessary to filter it, and for this purpose it is pumped into

the refining or rape vessels. These vessels are often filled with
wood shavings, straw, or spent tanner's wood, but nothing acts
as well in producing by filtration a clear bright vinegar as the
stalks and skins of grapes or raisins technically called rape."
Where there power and a large quantity of vinegar is man-

ufactured, the filtering is effected under a considerable hydro-

static pressure. The rape is placed in a closed vessel between
two false perforated bottoms. A circuit of pipes is connected
at the lower and upper part of the and by means of a

pump the vinegar is made to pass again and again through

the rape.
" field-
The mode of manufacture frequently effected by

ing." In this case, as the term implies, the process is con-

ducted in the open air. The casks rest on small frames 1J
feet high, being supported by firm pillars of brick-work or
wood. The operation generally begins in spring and continues
during the summer. The fermented liquor is run into the
casks by the bung-holes, the latt^fr being left open in dry, and
loosely covered with a tile in wet weather. Gradually the
alcohol of the "gyle," as the fermented liquor is called, be-
comes oxidized, and acetic acid is produced, of course simul-
taneously affording vinegar. The latter is then drawn off and
transferred, to the refining or rape vessels where it passes

through the process of filtration already described.

In some factories large quantities of sour ale and beer are
converted by similar processes into vinegar, but the product is
much inferior to the vinegar made from malt-wort. The large
amount of nitrogenous and other extractive substances which
those liquids contain undergoes a second or putrid fermenta-
tion after the alcohol has been oxidized into acetic acid, and
in doing so reacts upon the acid,, leaving a liquid of a dis-
agreeable odor slightly resembling very stale beer. By the

addition of sulphuric acid this second fermentation is post-

poned for some time, but the vinegar has nevertheless a
nauseous smell which renders it objectionable.
Vinegar from Sugar-Beets. The juice of the sugar-beet con-
tains a considerable quantity of cane-sugar and is readily

brought into alcoholic fermentation, so that seemingly this

root would form a very suitable material for the manufacture
of vinegar. Sugar-beets contain on an average 12 percent,
of cane-sugar, the latter yielding, when completely fermented,
a fluid containing about 6J per cent, by weight of alcohol a ;

fluid with this percentage of alcohol yields vinegar with 6 per

of acetic acid.
In addition to sugar the juice of the beet-root contains,
however, a large number of other substances which exert an
influence upon the course of alcoholic fermentation, and, be-
sides alcohol, a large quantity of fusel oils is formed, so that
the alcohol has to be thoroughly rectified before it is fit for
use. The fermented beet-root juice itself has, however, a dis-

agreeable taste and odor, and the vinegar prepared from it

showing similar properties will not be fit for household pur-
poses until a remedy for these drawbacks is found. Numerous
experiments made for the purpose of freeing beet-root vinegar
from the substances which impart to it a disagreeable odor
and have given no favorable results. Filtering through

charcoal, and even distilling the vinegar and treating the dis-
tilled product with strongly oxidizing bodies, do not produce

the desired effect. From these experiments it would seem

impossible to directly obtain from sugar-beets vinegar fit for
household use.
Vinegar from Sugar, Fruits and Berries. By fermenting
sugar solution with pure yeast and pouring off the clear alco-
holic fluid, the latter shows a slightly acid reaction (from suc-
cinic acid), but is not converted into vinegar even if standing
for several weeks in the most suitable temperature, because
the vinegar ferment is wanting. By adding, however, an
excess of yeast, so that it remains partially suspended in the

fluid, which can be effected by the addition of solution of gum

or starch paste, the nourishment for the spores of the vinegar
ferment reaching the fluid from the air is provided and
acetification takes place.
Cadet-Gassicourt advises the fermentation together of 124
parts of sugar, 868 of water, and 80 of yeast, and to filter after
one month. Or, according to another formula :
Sugar 245
parts, gum 61, water 2145, yeast 20. Allow to ferment at
68 F. Fermentation begins the same day and is completed
in 15 days.
Doebereiner gives the following directions Dissolve 10 Ibs. :

of sugar in 180 quarts of hot water, add 6 Ibs. of pulverized

crude tartar (it dissolves only partially), andafter .cooling to
77 F. induce fermentation by 4J quarts of beer yeast. In
about eight days, when fermentation is finished, add about 15
quarts of spirits of wine of at least 50 per cent. Tr. or 8 quarts
of alcohol of 90 per cent. Tr., and bring the mixture into the

acetifying vessel. This fluid would also be suitable for the

quick process.
For making vinegar on a small scale for domestic use, brown
sugar with water alone, or sugar with raisins, currants, and
especially ripe gooseberries, may be used. These should be
mixed in the proportion which would give a strong wine, put
into a small barrel filled to about three-fourths of its capacity,
and bunged very loosely. Some yeast should be put in and
the barrel set in the sun in summer or a little way from the
fire in winter, and fermentation will soon begin. This should
be kept up constantly, but moderately, till the taste and smell
indicate that the vinegar is complete. It should then be
poured off clear, and bottled carefully. It will keep much
better, if it is boiled for a minute, cooled, and strained before

With the exception of apples and pears, the different varie-
ties of fruit cannot be had in such abundance as that they
could be used for the manufacture of vinegar on a large scale,
and hence only a brief description of their utilization for that
purpose will be given.

It is characteristic of most of our varieties of fruits, and

especially of berries, that in proportion to their content of
sugar they have a much greater content of free acids than
grapes, and must be taken into considera-
this circumstance

tion, as otherwisewine would be obtained which contains a

considerable quantity of unfermented sugar. The following
table shows the average content of sugar and free acid in the
most common varieties of fruits :

Free acid calculated

Sugar. as malic acid.

Cherries . . ;; . 10.00
Apples 6.25 to 13.99 0.691
Pears . . . .... .' . . . . . . 8.78
Currants 6.40 2.147

Strawberries. .'..':.. . . . . . . 5.09 to 11.31 1.363

Gooseberries . . - . ,< 6.93 1.603
Bilberries.. . .
.V.*.; :
.V. 5.78 1.341

Raspberries . . : ......
". '.. 4.02 1.484
Blackberries . ....... . . 4.44 1.188

According to the above table, currants, gooseberries, rasp-

berries, etc., contain on an average scarcely 6 per cent, ol

sugar, and consequently their juice, after complete fermenta-

tion, would give a fluid with about 3 per cent, of alcohol, from
which vinegar with about 2J per cent, of acetic acid could be
obtained. Such vinegar being, however, too weak, those ber-
ries would not seem suitable for the direct preparation of vine-

gar. Moreover, the complete fermentation of the juice of most

berries is very difficult, the free acids, among which malic acid

preponderates, exerting an injurious influence upon the pro-

gress of fermentation.
Vinous fluids of an agreeable taste can, however, be pre-
pared from berries, and from them an aromatic and finely
flavored vinegar, by decreasing the content of acid in the juice
and increasing that of sugar. The juice of currants, as seen
from the above table, contains in round numbers 6 per cent,
of sugarand 2 per cent, of malic acid. By diluting this juice
with an equal volume of water a fluid containing 3 per cent.

of sugar and 1 per cent, of acid is obtained, and the content

of the former can be increased at will by the direct addition
of sugar.

By compounding, 100 quarts of currant juice

for instance,
with 100 quarts of water and adding 34 Ibs. of sugar, the re-
sulting fluid contains about 20 per cent, of sugar and after
complete fermentation gives a fluid with about 9.5 per cent, of
alcohol,which yields vinegar of nearly 9 per cent, strength.
The vinegar is, however, stronger and more agree-
taste of this

ably acid than that of vinegar from alcohol, it containing be-

sides acetic acid about 1 per' cent, of malic acid.
vinegar obtained from berries contains a certain quantity of
extractive substances and odoriferous products of fermentation,
so that it possesses an agreeable bouquet and thus appears
more valuable than the ordinary product.
In many regions bilberries grow in abundance and can be
bought very cheap. Treated in the above manner, they yield
an excellent vinegar, possessing, however, a somewhat harsh
by-taste, due to the tannin contained in the berries. The latter
can be removed from the fermented fluid before using it for
the preparation of vinegar, by compounding the latter when

quite clear with gelatine solution or fresh white of egg, both

forming insoluble combinations with the tannin, which sepa-
rates in the form offtakes.
In regard to the preparation of vinegar from berries, it re-
mains to be remarked that, after pressing the bruised berries,
the juice is compounded with water and sugar and at once
brought into fermentation by the addition of yeast (best fresh
wine-yeast, or if this be wanting, compressed yeast divided
in water). Fermentation should take place at quite a high
temperature, 68 to 72 F. The separated yeast is carefully
removed from the fermented liquid and the latter stored away
in barrels kept constantly filled up to the bung, or at once used
for the preparation of vinegar. By converting fruit-wine into
vinegar by means of the vinegar ferment floating upon the
fluid a much finer product is obtained than by the quick

Peaches as Vinegar Stock. Mr. H. C. Gore * has made ex-

periments regarding the value of peaches as vinegar stock.
The conclusions drawn by him from this work are, first, that
peaches contain sufficient fermentable sugar for use as vinegar
stock, and, second, that they can be successfully handled by
machinery already in use for making apple cider and vinegar.
Other points of interest are as follows First, but little varia-

tion was found in the composition of the same variety of

peaches when obtained from different localities. Second, the

peach juices analyzed were found to be richer in sugar than
those which have been previously analyzed by others, but
they were about 1 per cent lower in sugar than average apple
juices. They were considerably richer than apples in suc-
rose and in acid. Third, was found that the use of pure

culture yeasts was not necessary to insure rapid alcoholic fer-

mentation. Fourth, the ciders prepared from peaches were
considerably poorer in alcohol than apple ciders on Account of
the fact that peaches contain less total sugars than apples.
Fifth, the presence of brown rot was found not to inter-
fere with the alcoholic fermentation of the ground peaches,
but a large proportion of the sugars was wasted by allowing
the fruit to rot before fermenting. Sixth, well-flavored vine-
gars were produced by the use of a small quick-process gener-
ator. These vinegars were of acceptable quality, though tur-
bid, and did not possess the distinctive peach flavor.
Cider Vinegar. The manufacture of cider itself will be de-
scribed in another portion of this work and, hence, its utiliza-
tion for the preparation of vinegar will here only be given.
The preparation of vinegar from good cider is not difficult,
the process of acetification by means of the vinegar ferment
floating upon the surface yielding an aromatic product of a
fine flavor which is nearly of as good a quality as wine vine-

gar. On account of its content of malic acid, the vinegar is

* United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry Circular

No. 51.

more acid than ordinary vinegar with the same content of

acetic acid. But in order to produce cider vinegar of the first
quality one must have good cider vinegar made of watered

cider will be thin and weak.

The cider extracted by the first pressing of the apples is
but in rare cases used for making vinegar, the juice obtained
by subjecting the pomace, with the addition of water or sugar
solution, to a second and third pressure being as a rule utilized
for the purpose. The
juice thus obtained should be so consti-
tuted as to yield vinegar containing 4 J to 5 \ per cent, of acetic
acid. The cider to be converted into vinegar should be as
clear as possible and, if necessary, filtration over sand or storing
for some time is advisable.
The conversion of cider into vinegar is best effected in a
generator furnished with a tilting trough for the intermittent
supply of cider.
After the cider has been extracted and the cheese removed
from the press, the pomace may also be utilized for making
vinegar by treating it as follows The pomace is piled up on

a platform of suitable construction and allowed to ferment.

In the course of a few days considerable heat will be devel-

oped, when a few pailfuls of warm water (not boiling) are

poured upon the pile, and in the course of twenty-four hours
the pomace will be in proper condition for grinding. It is
then run through a grater-mill and relaid upon the press in a
cheese in tlpe same manner as originally laid in cider making.
It is then subjected to heavy pressure until the liquid con-
tained in the cheese is extracted. This liquid may be ex-
posed in shallow open casks in a warm room, and in a short
time will be found good vinegar ;
or it may be immediately
passed through a generator.
Mr. Walter G. Sackett * gives directions for home-made cider
vinegar as follows : The sweet cider as it comes from the

* Bulletin
192, November, 1913. The Agricultural Experiment Station of the
Colorado Agricultural College.

press may either be placed at once in barrels, which should

not be filled more than two-thirds or three-fourths full, or if
one has suitable wooden tubs or vats, in a clean, cool place ;

it may be stored there from 12 to 24 hours to

permit settling,
after which it should be transferred to barrels. The bung
should be left out and a loose stopper of cotton batting in-
serted in the hole to decrease evaporation and prevent dirt
from falling in. The barrels should not be tightly stoppered
until the vinegar contains at least 4 to 5 per cent, of acetic

acid, at which time they should be filled entirely full and

securely bunged. Throughout the entire period of vinegar
making, the casks should be placed on their side and not on
the end. This gives the cider a larger free surface exposed to
the air, which quite essential to rapid vinegar formation.

It may also be of some advantage in admitting air to bore a

If inch hole in each end of the barrel along the upper edge.
If this is done, the holes should be covered with fine gauze
wire or two thicknesses of cheese-cloth to exclude small
vinegar flies.
few days after the cider is put into the barrels the char-
acteristic frothing appears at the bung-hole. To use a com-
mon expression, 'it is beginning to work.' This indicates
that the alcoholic fermentation, the first step in the vinegar-

making process, has begun, and the sugar of the apple juice is
being converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. To de-
pend upon the wild yeast of the air to accomplish the fermen-
tation is too uncertain since many of them are able to convert

only a small part of the sugar into alcohol, while others act
so slowly that they are impracticable. Inasmuch as the per-
centage of acetic acid in the vinegar depenjds directly upon the
amount of alcohol produced, it is very essential to secure as
large a yield of alcohol as possible from the sugar present.
This means converting all of the sugar into alcohol in the
shortest time possible. The most satisfactory way of doing
this is to add one cake of compressed yeast, stirred up in a
little cooled, boiled water, to each five gallons of sweet cider.

In place of this, one quart of liquid wine yeast, propagated

from a pure culture, may be used for each thirty gallons of
During the alcoholic fermentation, the cider should be
kept at a temperature of 05 to 80 F. Here is where many
make the very serious mistake of putting their fresh cider into
a cool cellar where the fermentation takes place entirely too
slowly. If the cider is made in the fall, the barrels should be
leftout of doors for a while on the protected, sunny side of a
building and kept warm, unless a regular vinegar-cellar, arti-
ficially heated, is at hand.
" and the proper temperature is maintained,
If yeast is added
the alcoholic fermentation should be completed in six weeks
to three months in place of seven to ten months as in the old-
fashioned way. Experiments along this line have shown that
when yeast added
is and a temperature of 70 F. is held, the
cider at the end of one month contained 7.25 per cent, of alco-
hol as against .11 per cent, when no yeast was used and the
temperature was between 45 and 55 F. Cider kept in a
cellar at 45 to 55 F. with no yeast added required seven
months to make 6.79 per cent, of alcohol.
Temperature, alone, is an important factor as shown by
an experiment wherein cider to which no yeast was added was
held for three months at 70 F. and yielded 6.41 per cent, of
"There no question but that the time required for com-

pleting the alcoholic fermentation can be reduced at least one-

half by adding yeast and by maintaining the proper tempera-
tures. By hastening this operation, the loss of alcohol by
evaporation is reduced, and the acetic fermentation can be
started that much sooner.
As soonas alcoholic fermentation is completed draw off
the clear liquid, being very careful not to disturb the sedi-
ment in the barrel. Wash out the barrel thoroughly and re-

place the hard cider. It is believed that removing this sedi-

ment permits the acetic acid to form somewhat more quickly,

and furthermore, the sediment may undergo decomposition

and impart a disagreeable flavor to the cider. Again these
dregs may harbor living bacteria which either destroy acetic
acid or interfere with its formation.
" Weare now ready to introduce the acetic acid germs.
This ma}7 be carried on in a number of different ways, but
preferably by means of a pure culture of a desirable organism
which has been selected because of its ability to produce strong
acetic acid and impart an agreeable flavor to the vinegar. In
place of the pure culture starter, one may add two to four

quarts of good cider vinegar containing more or less mother


for The introduction of a desirable organism is

each barrel.
chance in this case. A serious objection to the latter
left to

method is that sometimes one introduces foreign organisms

with the mother' which may prove detrimental to the vine-

* is free
from this objection.
gar. Pure culture
" With the acetic fermentation, as with the alcoholic, the

higher temperatures favor the changes. Experimental work

shows that hard cider to which no acetic acid bacteria were
added other than those that came from the air, and kept at
65 F., when six months old, contained 7.03 per cent, of acetic
acid, while that held at 55 F. showed only 3.63 per cent.
The addition of some kind of an acetic acid starter, either
as a pure culture of the acetic organism or as good vinegar,
hastens the fermentation and reduces appreciably the time
required for making marketable vinegar.
For most satisfactory results we would recommend using
the pure cultures and holding the vinegar at a temperature of
65 to 75 F. Under these conditions, salable vinegar can be
obtained in three to six months in place of two to three years,
as is often the case. Theoretically, 100 parts- of alcohol should
give about 130 parts of acetic acid, but in actual practice this
will probably fall below 120.

* The
pure cultures, both of yeast and acetic acid bacteria, for vinegar making,
here referred to, can be obtained by addressing The Bacteriological Department,
Experimental Station, Fort Collins, Colorado.
When the acetic acid has reached 4.5 to 5 per cent., fill
the barrels as full as possible and cork tightly. In this way,
contact of the air with the vinegar is cut off and the acetic
acid organisms soon cease their activity. If this is not done
and the acetic and other bacteria are allowed to develop in-
definitely, there is apt to be a reverse reaction resulting in a
partial or complete loss of the acetic acid. Such vinegar is,

of course, worthless."



THESE specialties may be divided into two groups : Into

those with a specific odor, and those with a specific odor and
taste. As an example for both kinds tarragon vinegar may
be taken. If it is prepared by simply dissolving in the vine-
gar the volatile oil of dragon's wort (Artemisia dracunculus) ob-
tained by distillation with water, the product is simply per-
fumed vinegar, the odor of the volatile oil being mixed with
that of the acetic acid, but the taste remains unchanged. If,

however, the fresh leaves of the plant are macerated with vine-
gar, not only the volatile oil is dissolved, but also certain ex.
tractive substances peculiar to this plant, and the taste of the

vinegar is also changed, the product in this case being aro-

matized vinegar.

By dissolving in vinegar rose oil or rose water (perfumed),

rose vinegar is obtained. By treating raspberries with vinegar
the latter absorbs not only the odoriferous substances of the
raspberry, but also the non-odoriferous extractive substances,
and the product is aromatized vinegar.
By skillful manipulation every volatile oil can be dissolved
in vinegar,and consequently as many different varieties of
perfumed vinegar can be prepared as there are volatile oils.

In perfumers prepare a number of such varieties which

contain one or more volatile oils whose odors harmonize and
are sold as volatile spirit of vinegar, fumigating vinegar, etc.
Such vinegars can be prepared in various ways, the finest odors
being, however, obtained by distilling the fresh parts of the
plants with water and mixing the distillate, which actually
represents a solution of the volatile oil in water, with strong
vinegar. The finest rose vinegar, orange blossom vinegar,
etc.,are prepared in this manner.
For this rather tedious process of preparing perfumed vine-
gar, the one in which freshly prepared volatile oils are used
may be advantageously substituted. Td be sure the volatile
oils dissolve only sparingly in vinegar, but
sufficiently so to
impart their characteristic odor to it. By using an excess of
volatile oil it does not dissolve; but distributes itself in fine

drops throughout the vinegar, rendering the latter opalescent,

so that fining with tannin and isinglass is necessary to make
itbright again.
This drawback can be avoided by a simple manipulation
which is based upon the fact that a body dissolving with diffi-
culty dissolves the more readily the greater surface it offers to
the solvent.

Prepare glass-powder as fine as the best wheat flour by heat-

ing pieces of glass, throwing them into cold water, and pulver-
izing and elutriating in a mortar. By the sudden cooling the
glass becomes so it can be readily converted into a
brittle that
finepowder. Bring a suitable quantity of this powder into a
porcelain dish and drop volatile oil upon it with constant rub-
bing until it is uniformly moistened. Pour the vinegar to be

perfumed upon this glass powder and stir gently with the
pestle. The fluid is then poured into the barrel intended for
the reception of the perfumed vinegar and a fresh quantity of

vinegar poured upon the glass-powder, this being continued

until all the glass-powder has been brought into the barrel by

stirring and pouring over fresh vinegar. The barrel is then

entirely filled with vinegar, and after being securely bunged,

rolled in order to secure a uniform mixture of its contents.

It is then allowed to rest for a few days for the glass-powder
to settle. The entirely clear perfumed vinegar is then drawn
off into bottles, which are to be kept in a dark cool room, the
odor of the volatile oil being injured by light and heat.
For the preparation of volatile fumigating or toilet vinegars
it is best to dissolve the volatile oils in uncolored vinegar pre-

pared from alcoholic liquid. Where the remaining of a small

residue after the volatilization of the perfumed vinegar is of
no importance, pulverized sugar may be substituted for the
glass-powder, as it acts in the same manner the only differ-

ence is that the glass-powder being an insoluble body falls to

the bottom of the barrel, while the sugar dissolves together
with the volatile oil in
the vinegar.

By the above-described process perfumed vinegar with the

odor of dragoii's-wort, peppermint, anise, rose, etc., etc., may
be prepared, and by a suitable mixture of those whose odors
harmonize, a great number of fumigating and toilet vinegars
may be obtained.
The preparation of aromatized vinegars by means of the ex-
tractive substances of plants is very simple. The parts of
plants to be extracted are placed in a suitable vessel, a barrel
or large flask, and after pouring vinegar over them and closing
the vessel, are allowed to rest for a few weeks in a moderately
warm room. In case glass vessels are used they have to be
kept in a dark room, light exerting an injurious influence upon
the odors. The vegetable substances used for aromatizing
vinegar containing, as a rule, a large quantity of water, strong
vinegar, with 10 to 11 per cent, acetic acid, should be used.
Below a few formulas for toilet and table vinegars are given :

Mohr's Volatile Spirits of Vinegar. Equal parts of acetic acid
and acetic ether, perfumed with a few drops of oil of cloves.
Aromatic Vinegar. Concentrated acetic acid 8 ounces, oil of
lavender 2 drachms, oils of rosemary and cloves each 1

drachm, oil of camphor 1 ounce.


Bruise the camphor and dissolve it in the acetic acid, then

add the perfumes after standing for a few days with occa-

sional agitation and ready for use.

it is strained

Henry's Vinegar. Dried leaves of rosemary, rue, worm-

wood, sage, mint and lavender flowers each 1 ounce, bruised

nutmeg, cloves, angelica root and camphor each J ounce, alco-
hol (rectified) 8 ounces, concentrated acetic acid 32 ounces.
Macerate the materials for a day in the alcohol then add ;

the acid and digest for a week longer at a temperature of

about 59 F. Finally press out the now aromatized vinegar
.and filter it.

Vinaigre des Quatre Voleurs. Fresh tops of common worm-

wood, Roman wormwood, rosemary, sage, mint and rue each
} ounce, lavender flowers 1 ounce, garlic, calamus aromaticus,
cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg each 1 drachm, camphor J
ounce, alcohol or brandy 1 ounce, strong vinegar 4 pints.

Digest all the materials, except the camphor and spirit, in

a closely covered vessel, for a fortnight, at summer heat then ;

express and the vinegar produced and add the

filter camphor
previously dissolved in the brandy or alcohol.

Hygienic or Preventive Vinegar. Brandy 1 pint, oils of cloves

and lavender each 1 drachm, oil of marjoram J drachm, gum
benzoin 1 ounce.
Macerate these together for a few hours, then add 2 pints of
brown vinegar and strain or filter.

Cosmetic Vinegar. Alcohol 1 quart, gum benzoin 3 ounces,

concentrated aromatic vinegar 1 ounce, balsam of Peru 1
ounce, oil of neroli 1 drachm, oil of nutmeg J drachm.

Anise Vinegar. Convert into a coarse powder anise seed 5
parts, caraway seed f, fennel and coriander seed each J, pour
5 parts of alcohol and 45 parts of strong vinegar over the

powders, close the vessel air-tight and let the whole digest in
a warm place for 6 to 8 days, shaking frequently. Then strain
the liquid off, press out the residue, filter the vinegar, and put
up in bottles.

Anchovy Vinegar. Reduce 1 pound of boned anchovies to a

pulp in a mortar and pass the mass through a hair-sieve. The
bones and parts which do not pass through the sieve are
boiled for 15 minutes in a pint of water and strained. To the
strained liquor add 2J ounces of salt and the same quantity
of flour together with the pulped anchovies, and allow the
whole to simmer for 3 or 4 minutes as soon as the mixture

is cold add J pint of strong vinegar.

Tarragon Vinegar. Pick the young tender leaves of dragon's-

wort (Artemisia dracunculus) when the first flower-buds ap-
pear. Bruise the leaves, place them in a suitable vessel, pour
good wine-vinegar over them, and let the whole stand for a
few days. Then strain the vinegar through a cloth, filter and
bottle. The bottles must be filled entirely full, as otherwise
the vinegar will not keep.
Compound Tarragon Vinegar. Comminute leaves of dragon's-
wort 100 parts, common bean leaves 25, leaves of basil and
marjoram each 12J, bay leaves and orris root each 25, cloves
3J, cinnamon 6J, and shallots 25. Put all in a suitable ves-
sel, pour 700 to 750 parts of pure, strong vinegar over it, let
it stand in a warm
place and digest 5 or 6 days, frequently
agitating it. Then strain the vinegar through linen, press
out the residue, add 25 parts of alcohol, and filter. Keep the
vinegar in well-corked bottles in a cool, dark place.
Effervescing Vinegar. Dissolve 500 parts of loaf sugar in
5000 parts of water, add lemon juce and rind cut up in the
proportion of 1 lemon to 1 Ib. of sugar, 1J parts of the best
cinnamon, and 12 parts of beer yeast thoroughly washed.
Place the whole in a barrel, and after agitating it thoroughly
let it ferment at a temperature of 55 to 60 F. When fer-
mentation has ceased the vinous fluid is strained and mixed
with 1000 parts of best wine- vinegar, previously boiled up, and
yeast in the proportion of 1 spoonful to 5 Ibs. of sugar. The
fluid is then distributed in several earthenware pots and ex-

posed to a temperature of 77 to 88 F. until it has been con-

verted into strong vinegar. This, while remaining in the pots,

ismixed with 200 parts of French brandy and after two days
bottled in small bottles. To each pound of this vinegar are
added, f part of crystallized tartaric acid, pulverized, and J

part of bicarbonate of soda. The bottles, as soon as the re-

spective portion of the mixture has been added to each, must

be corked as quickly as possible and then stored in a cool
Herb Vinegar. Chop fine the leaves of marjoram and thyme
each 13J parts, common bean leaves 6J, leaves of mint, basil
and celery each 3 J, and fresh shallots 1 J. Pour 600 or 700
parts of good vinegar over the herbs and treat in the same
manner as given forcompound tarragon vinegar.
Pine-apple vinegar. This excellent vinegar soon- loses its
flavor, and it is therefore best to prepare a small quantity at
a time and keep in bottles closed air-tight.
Bruise the slices of pine-apple and pour over them a con-
siderable quantity of vinegar. Close the vessel air-tight and
let it stand 12 hours ;
then pour off the vinegar and filter.
Celery Vinegar. Celery seed 4J ozs., vinegar 1 pint. Digest
14 days ;

Clove Vinegar. Cloves 3J ozs., vinegar 1 pint. Digest 7

days and strain.
Mustard Vinegar. Black mustard seed 2 ozs., vinegar 1
pint. Digest one week and filter.
Lovage Vinegar. Lovage root 2 ozs., lovage seed 1 oz.,

vinegar 10 ozs. Digest one week and filter.

Raspberry Vinegar. For the preparation of this vinegar it
is best to use the residue remaining after pressing the ripe and
crushed berries, as it contains sufficent aroma to impart to
vinegar macerated with it for some time an agreeable odor
and taste of raspberries. However, the juice may also be
used, but if the vinegar itself is not very strong it becomes
thereby too much diluted and consequently weak.
Crush the fresh berries to a paste and allow the latter to
stand a few days, stirring it frequently, for the small quantity
of sugar contained in the berries to ferment. By the alcohol

thus formed the pectin in the juice is to a great extent sepa-

rated. The paste is then brought into a small bag and
The press-cake is crushed, made into paste with vinegar
and spread out flat, exposed to the air for a few days, being
frequently stirred. During this time the paste, at first pale
red, again acquires, in consequence of a process of oxidation,
a vivid red color. The quantity of vinegar required is then
poured over the paste. The whole is then allowed to digest
for a few days, when
pressed and filtered.
it is The flavor of
raspberry vinegar is improved by adding 10 drops of acetic
ether per quart. For 1 pound of pressed residue about 4 to 5
quarts of strong vinegar are used.
Preparation of Acetic Ether. Among the numerous combi-
nations into which. acetic acid enters with other bodies, acetic
ether of special value for the vinegar manufacturer, it being

directly used in the manufacture of vinegar. It is readily

formed on alcohol coming in contact with acetic acid, and it
would seem with special ease when the latter is in a nascent
state. Hence a small quantity of it is found in nearly all red
wines not prepared by fermentation in closed vats, its pres-
ence being due to the formation of a small quantity of acetic
acid from the alcohol, which immediately combines with the

ethyl oxide or ether.

In vinegar containing a small quantity of unchanged alco-
hol some acetic ether formed by the conversion of this alcohol
into acetic acid is always present, and imparting a very deli-

cate and agreeable bouquet to the vinegar, it is recommended

to conduct the production of a fine article so that it contains
a small quantity of it.
It is, however, not absolutely necessary to leave a small

quantity of alcohol in the vinegar, as either acetic ether or al-

cohol can be directly added to the finished product. But in
both cases the vinegar has to be stored for several weeks in ;

the first, for the purpose of harmonizing the odors of acetic

ether and of acetic- acid, and in the latter, for the formation of
acetic ether.

A fluid quite rich in acetic ether and very suitable for im-

parting bouquet to table vinegar can in a very simple manner

be prepared by mixing in a flask one volume of highly concen-
trated acetic acid with 95 or 96 per cent, alcohol, and after clos-

ing the flask air-tight, allowing the fluid to stand in a warm

room for several months. The resulting fluid is used as an ad-
dition to the vinegar whose odor is to be improved. Entirely
pure acetic ether is best prepared in the following manner To :

9 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid 3.6 parts of commercial

absolute alcohol are added by means of a funnel tube which
reaches to the bottom of the vessel, at the same time keeping
the liquid well stired. After standing for 24 hours this mix-
ture is added to 6 parts of sodium acetate which has previously
been fused and broken in small fragments, and after 12 hours
the mixture is distilled. Thus 6 parts of pure acetic ether are
obtained, from which, by rectifying over calcium chloride, all
traces of water are removed.

IT O ^
Pure acetic ether or ethyl acetate has the composition
and represents a fluid clear as water with an agreeable but
stupefying odor. Its specific gravity is 0.932 and it boils, at
165.2 F. On account of its volatility it has to be kept in
well-stoppered bottles, best in a cool place.
About 3J to 7 ozs. of acetic ether suffice for the improve-
ment of the odor of 100 quarts of vinegar.



Since wine contains between 6 and 14 per cent, of alcohol,

it evidently furnishes an excellent material for vinegar making.

Both white and red wines may be used for the purpose, but as
white wine vinegar is as a rule preferred, the product obtained
from red wine is generally not salable until it has been decol-
orized, and the process of decolorizing impairs its flavor and
aroma. Vinegar may also be made from grapes which are
unsuitable for drying, shipping or wine making, and this may
be the most profitable use, in some cases, to which even the
best grapes can be put. If grapes are used they must of course
be first made into wine by the usual process. According to
Bioletti* one ton of grapes of 20 Balling should on the aver-

age yield 135 gallons of vinegar of 9.8 per cent, acetic acid.
It may be greater or less than this according as the grapes
contain more or less sugar. This yield may be diminished by
imperfect crushing and pressing of the grapes whereby more
must is left in the pomace. Alcohol may be lost by imperfect
or improper fermentation in which case the vinegar will be
weaker. The greatest difference between the theoretical and
the actual yield is in the change from wine into vinegar.
This is because one or two percent, of alcohol remains uncon-
verted in the vinegar, and because during the process there is
a considerable loss of alcohol and acetic acid by evaporation,
and by reactions within the liquid which produce other sub-
stances at the expense of the alcohol and acetic acid. If the

temperature during acetification is too high, or if the acetic

bacteria are allowed to act too long, this loss may be much

Grape Vinegar. By Frederic T. Bioletti. University of California Publica-
tions. Bulletin No. 227, 1912.

By allowing the crushed grapes to ferment on the skins

before pressing, a somewhat larger volume of wine and there-
fore of vinegar may be obtained. This may amount to 150
or 160 gallons of vinegar from a ton of grapes. The vinegar,
however, will be darker colored and, in the case of red grapes,
red. This color can be removed, but the decoloration is diffi-

cultand involves some loss of quality.

Fermentation for twenty-four hours on the skins will much
facilitate the extraction of the juice without, except in the
case of grapes very rich in coloring matter, reddening the juice

very much.
The question, what constitutes the superiority of wine vine-
gar over the ordinary product obtained from alcohol is not
difficult to answer for those who have an accurate knowledge

of the constitution of wine. Besides the ordinary (ethyl) alco-

hol, wine vinegar contains very small quantities of other
alcohols, for instance, amyl alcohol, which in the same man-
ner as ethyl alcohol converted into acetic acid, are changed

into acids possessing a peculiar odor. Moreover, wine very

likely contains a series of odoriferous substances which pro-
duce its peculiar aroma termed bouquet or flower, the cenan-
thic ether found in every wine forming, so to say, the keynote
in the harmony of the odoriferous substances constituting the

bouquet. In the conversion of wine into vinegar these bou-

quet substances are also changed in such a manner that
bodies distinguished by a characteristic odor are formed.
Furthermore, wine contains glycerin, a series of non-volatile

organic acids, tartaric, malic, succinic acids, etc., and finally

the so-called extractive substances. What changes these bodies
undergo not accurately known, but all of them are very

likely subject to certain modifications because a smaller quan-

tity of extractive substances and of non-volatile acids is found
in the vinegar than in the original wine. The following table
shows the composition of wine and of the vinegar formed
from it :
Wine contains Wine-vinegar contains
Water, Water,
Ethyl alcohol, Ethyl alcohol (none or very little)
Other alcohols, Other alcohols (changed),
Glycerin, Glycerin (less?)
Acetic acid, (traces), Acetic acid (much newly formed),
Tartaric acid, Tartaric acid (less),
Tartar, Tartar (less),
Malic acid, Malic acid (less),
Snccinic acid, Snccinic acid (less),
Tannin, Tannin (changed),
(Enanthic ether, (Enanthic ether (changed and unchanged),
Bouquet substances, Bouquet substances. >

Extractive substances, Extractive substances I changed,

Coloring substances Coloring substances J

Acetic ether and other compound \ newly

ethers / formed.

The above comparison shows the thorough modification

wine undergoes in being converted into vinegar, and that the
resulting product must have a bouquet or flower having a
certain connection with that of wine.
Potable wine can be profitably used for making vinegar
only in localities where in consequence of a very abundant
harvest it can be bought at a very low price. The chief sup-
ply for making vinegar is derived from wines, especially from
varieties with from 8 to 9 per cent, of alcohol, which have
deteriorated on account of incorrect treatment in the cellar, and
consequently have become unsalable as a beverage.
The term " sick " is generally applied to wines in which
alterations take place by the activity of a certain ferment which,
when progressed to a certain degree, renders the wine unfit for
" "
a beverage. Turning sour is, for instance, a sickness fre-
quently occurring in wines poor in alcohol. It manifests itself
by the development of large masses of a certain ferment which
quickly destroys the tartaric acid contained in the wine. An-
other sickness chiefly, occurring in red wines is the so-called
turning bitter," the wine, as the term implies, acquiring in a
short time by the action of a peculiar ferment such a disagree-
able bitter taste as to render it absolutely unfit for drinking.

Such wine cannot be used even for vinegar, the latter showing
the same disagreeably bitter taste. Wine attacked by what is
called " lactic acid degeneration can be used for the manufac-
ture of vinegar, but yields a product of very inferior quality,
because on the wine being subjected to acetic fermentation the
lactic acid contained in it is readily converted into butyric acid,
which possesses a disagreeable rancid odor completely killing
the pleasant aroma of the bouquet substances. There only re-
mains as a material actually fit for the preparation of wine-
vinegar, wine attacked by acetic degeneration," i. e., wine al-

ready so much changed by the vinegar ferment as to render

itunfit for a beverage, and, further, wine which though not
sick is unsound, showing a taste of mold, of the barrel, etc.
Wine no longer young and not overly rich in alcohol is

especially adapted for the nutriment of the vinegar ferment.

Such wine need only be exposed to a somewhat higher tem-
perature in order to induce acetic fermentation, which if not
disturbed in its progress, will finally convert all the alcohol in
the wine to acetic acid.
It may be here remarked that every normal wine always con-
tains, besides the bodies belonging to the series of fatty acids,
acetic acid, though only about a few ten-thousandths of its

weight. By storing the wine, the acetic acid does not increase,
but becomes rather less, it being consumed in the formation of

compound ethers. Hence, a rapid increase of the acetic acid

is an indication of the wine being attacked by acetic degenera-
tion, and if examined with the microscope the ferment charac*
teristic of acetic fermentation will be found upon its surface.

Many remedies have been proposed for the cure of acetic de-
generation, but none of them is of any value except heating
the wine to about 140 F., whereby the vinegar ferment is
killedand the further progress of acetic fermentation checked.
There is, however, absolutely no remedy for the removal or
neutralization of the acetic acid already present in the wine.

Heating the wine can only be recommended when the evil has
been in existence but a short time and the increase of acetic

acid can be detected only by a very sensitive tongue. Mixing

wine attacked by acetic degeneration with sound wine in order
to cover the acid taste is especially unadvisable, since nothing
can be attained by except a short delay in the reappearance

of the evil and the transmission of the infection to the sound

wine. There are but two ways in which wine attacked by
acetic degeneration can be in any wise profitably utilized By :

employing it for the preparation of cognac or converting it into

wine-vinegar. For the first a distilling apparatus is required,
and, consequently, cannot be effected by every wine grower,
while for the latter nothing is necessary but a few vessels read-
ily procured.
Young wine attacked by acetic degeneration is also fit for
nothing else than the preparation of vinegar. On account of
its large content of albuminous substances it is, however, more

suitable for the nutriment of the mold ferment than for that

of the vinegar ferment, and consequently many difficulties oc-

cur in its conversion into vinegar. These difficulties can, how-

ever, be largely overcome by introducing large quantities of
air into such wine and storing for some time in barrels filled
up to the bung, or heating after the introduction of air to about
140 F., the separation of the albuminous substances being
effectedby either means, though more rapidly by the latter.
Before further working the wine has to be filtered to remove
the albuminous substances rendered insoluble by the treatment
described, since their presence might give rise to injurious com-
The so-called after wine obtained from grapes once pressed,
by a process introduced by Petiot, is a very suitable material
for making wine vinegar, since after fermentation its composi-
tion as regards alcohol and extractive substances is very advan-

tageous. For successfully carrying out the process it is abso-

lutely necessary to work the marc fresh from the press.
According to Paul Hassack there are used for the purpose,
Gahrungs-Essig, 1904.

400 Ibs. fresh marc,* 150 Ibs. glucose and 1000 quarts of
The glucose is dissolved in about 400 quarts of hot water,
and after making the whole up to 1000 quarts by the addition
of 600 quarts of cold water, the solu-
FIG. 45.
tion is thoroughly stirred.
In the meanwhile 400 Ibs. of fresh
marc are brought into a fermenta-
tion-vat Fig. 45, and the sugar solu-
tion at a temperature of 72 to 75
F. poured over them.
is The marc
should be broken up, and not
brought into the vat in large lumps.
Fermentation as a rule commences
after six hours and as by it the marc
is forced to the surface, the vat, as
will be seen from the illustration, is

furnished with a perforated head B,

by which the marc is kept below the level of the liquid.
Fermentation is effected under exclusion of the air, a hydraulic
ventilating bung g being used, which permits the escape of
carbonic acid but does not allow air to enter. Fermentation
is best carried on at a temperature of 68 to 75 F., and the
fermenting liquid is allowed to remain in the vat till but a
very weak current of carbonic acid escapes through the venti-
lating bung (about 6 to 8 days). The young wine is then
as quickly as possible racked off into barrels for the second or
after-fermentation. In filling the barrels it is advisable to
pass the wine through a medium fine hair- sieve. The wine
should not come in contact with the air any more than can
possibly be avoided to prevent it from acquiring a darker

color. The marc is taken from the fermentation-vat and


An addition of 1 Ib. or more of crushed quinces per 100 Ibs. of marc imparts
to the wine and indirectly to the vinegar a very agreeable aroma, and the large
content of tannin effects a more rapid clearing of the wine.

addition of tartaric acid to wine prepared by the above-
described process is seldom required, and in any case a solu-
tion of crystallized acid per 100 quarts of the wine when
racked off for the second fermentation will be sufficient. The
treatment of the young wine in the cellar is the same as that
of original wine. The barrels should be kept full up to the
bung. During the first two weeks of the second fermentation
it isof advantage to have a ventilating bung in each barrel.

By taking into consideration the sugar solution that has been

added to the marc and the sugar contained in the latter itself,
the wine, when fermentation is finished, will contain about 7
to 8 per cent, alcohol, 5 to 10 per cent, acid, 0.5 per cent,

sugar and l.G to 2.3 per cent, extract free from sugar, and
would yield vinegar with 5.6 to 6. 5 per cent, acetic acid.
The wine thus obtained when carefully made is dark yellow,
has an agreeably pure taste, and its odor is aromatic and rich
in bouquet. When made with the exclusion of air, it is

durable, easily managed, and clarifies readily. After racking

off several times into clean, slightly sulphured barrels, it is

clarified by means of isinglass solution or filtering

through a
linen or paper filter. For fining with isinglass J to J oz. of
isinglass is sufficient for each 100 gallons of wine. Pound
the isinglass, cut it into small pieces and soak it for 12 to 24
hours in fresh water. When taken from the water, squeeze
it thoroughly and bring it into a vessel together with 1 gallon

of water in which f oz. of tartaric acid has previously been

dissolved. The isinglass swells up and is converted into a
thin jelly-like mass. Dilute this solution with 40 gallons of
wine, add it to the wine to be fined and stir thoroughly.

Very young turbid after-wine is not fit for making wine

vinegar. After-wine for vinegar making should be perfectly
bright, and at least 4 to 6 months old.
Before entering upon a description of the various methods
of making wine vinegar it may be mentioned that a product
of actually fine quality can only be obtained by a slow pro-
cess of acetification, wine treated by the quick process yielding
a product very poor in bouquet.

The oldest method for making wine vinegar is that to which

the term " boiling of wine vinegar" (Weinessig Siederei) has
been applied. A barrel was filled f full with wine to be con-
verted into vinegar a portion of the fluid was then heated to

boiling and poured back into the barrel. Upon the wine
thus heated to about 8(3 F., the development of the vinegar
ferment commenced, and in the course of a few months the
greater portion of the alcohol was converted into acetic acid.
The greater portion of the contents of the barrel was then
drawn off as " ripe wine vinegar," the barrel again filled f
full with wine, and a portion of this heated. The operation
was continued in this manner until so much slimy sediment
had accumulated in the barrel as to render it necessary to
entirely empty and clean it. This crude process, which, as
was known "
mentioned, in Germany as vinegar boiling," was
similar to the method formerly in general use in France, and
which, being still partially practised there in some large wine-
vinegar factories, for instance in Orleans, may be designated
as the
Orleans or old French Process of Making Wine Vinegar. The
casks,called mothers, which are employed, hold not more
than 22 gallons, each cask being filled | full. Immediately
above the level of the fluid a hole is bored in the surface of
the front end of each cask, this hole as well as the bung-hole

remaining open a stop-cock for the discharge of the fluid is


placed in the lower part of the cask. The casks are placed in
rows in the open air, eight, ten. fifteen, or twenty such rows
constituting what is termed a vinegar field. This so-called
fielding, which is carried on from spring to fall, may be suitable

for the southern part of France, but cannot be recommended

for more northern regions, as the temperature may fall very low
during the night and rise very high during the day. Exper-
ience has shown that the propagation and efficacy of the fer-
ments are very much injured by great variations of tempera-
ture, and consequently it is decidedly preferable to keep the
casks in a room the temperature of which can be maintained

at, at least 68 F.The wine remains in these casks until it is

converted into vinegar. The latter is then drawn off by means
of the above-mentioned stop-cock and the casks are again filled
with wine, etc. The hole in the front end of the cask and the
bung-hole permit the free access of air to the surface of the
wine. In other French factories the work is carried on accord-
ing to a method somewhat different from the one just described.
Casks having a capacity of up to 100 gallons are used, each
cask having in the surface of the front end a square aperture,
which serves to charge the casks with wine as well as for the
entrance of air. The casks are placed in three rows one above
another in a room which can be heated. In the beginning of
the operation a certain quantity of strong vinegar is brought
into the casks about one-fourth of its volume of wine is then

added, and at intervals of eight days about 10 quarts more.

When the cask is nearly filled upto the above-mentioned aper-
ture, the regular process ofdrawing off vinegar and filling up
again with wine is commenced. If, for instance, 10 quarts of

finished vinegar are drawn off, the same quantity of wine is re-

placed in the cask, and suppose that, according to the manner

of working, or 10 days are required for the conversion of
7, 8,
this quantity into vinegar, 10 quarts of vinegar are again drawn
off after the expiration of that time, this being continued until

a disturbance occurs.
In the course of time large masses of slimy matter consist-
ing of albuminous substances, vinegar ferment vegetating
below the surface (the so-called mother of vinegar), decayed
vinegar ferment, form a deposit in the cask, and finally

accumulate to to occupy half the volume of

such an extent as
the cask, so that the latter has to be emptied and thoroughly
cleansed. Sometimes the operation has to be interrupted
much sooner on account of the contents of the cask acquiring
a disagreeable, putrid odor. The appearance
of putrefaction
is generally due to vinegar eels settling in the interior of the

cask as a rule, immediately above the level of the fluid

and developing to such an extent that they form a slimy coat-

ing on the cask and upon the fluid and suppress the develop-
ment of the vinegar ferment. These animalcules are de-
stroyed by being deprived of air, and, hence, when the vinegar
ferment is brought to vigorous development it withdraws so
much of the oxygen from the air in the cask that many of
them die and their bodies sink to the bottom, where they
sooner or later putrefy. If this putrefying process takes place
before a cleansing of the casks is considered necessary, it pro-

gresses to such an extent that the entire contents of the cask

are converted into a stinking mass which has to be removed
as quickly as possible. The casks in which such disturbances
takes place must of course be carefully cleansed by sulphuring
and washing with boiling water before they are again used.
The above-described method of making vinegar is full of
defects. The presence of vinegar in a fluid which itself is to
be converted into vinegar promotes, to be sure, the formation
of acetic acid, but is not absolutely necessary, as has been fre-

quently asserted, for the induction of the process. If such

were the case, it would evidently be impossible for an alcoholic
liquid, such as beer or wine to pass on its own account into
acetic fermentation. The acetification of the casks with boil-

ing vinegar is by heating the vinegar and

irrational, because
pouring it
boiling hot into the casks, not only the vinegar fer-
ment contained in it, but also that present in the cask or wine,
is, if not absolutely killed, at least weakened to such an extent
as to be incapable of converting alcohol into acetic acid.
That acetic fermentation nevertheless takes place is very likely
due to the following causes.
The hot fluid in the cask gradually cools off and is finally
reduced to a degree of temperature most favorable to the de-
velopment of the vinegar ferment in the same proportion as

cooling-off takes place the air contracts in the cask and air
enters from the outside. The latter, however, carries with it
germs of vinegar ferment which rapidly develop upon the
fluid when reduced to the proper temperature and cause its
acetification. The air penetrating into the cask may, how-

ever, accidentally contain no vinegar ferment, or that con-

tained in it may not reach the wine in such case the wine

may for weeks remain in the cask without any perceptible

acetification taking place until the latter finally appears by an
accidental development of the vinegar ferment. This uncer-
tainty 'can, however, be readily avoided by the direct cul-
ture by the vinegar ferment upon the. wine to be acetified.
Milk, as is well known, turns sour on exposure to the air by
the milk sugar being converted into lactic acid by the action
of a ferment frequently occurring in the air, this souring

taking place in several hours or several days according to the

temperature 'to which the milk is exposed. It is further a
well-known fact that the addition of a few drops of sour to
sweet milk suffices to immediately induce the formation of
lactic acid in the latter; the ferment of lactic acid fermenta-
tion being in the true sense of the word sowed upon the milk.
The ferment develops very rapidly, converts the sugar into
lactic acid, and in a short time turns the entire quantity of
milk sour.
Exactly the same course be pursued as regards the
vinegar ferment, being only necessary to mix the wine with

a fluid containing living vinegar ferment and place it in a

sufficiently warm room in order to immediately start the pro-
cess of the formation of acetic acid.In this case the vinegar
ferment sowed upon the wine, or in other words, the wine

is impregnated with vinegar ferment and intentionally made

" This method of transmitting ferment to the fluid to
be fermented has for a long time been in use in the prepara-
tion of beer and of alcohol. In the brewery the wort, and in
the distillery, the mash, brought into fermentation by set-

ting" it with yeast, i. e., alcoholic ferment is intentionally

added. The "

setting of wine" with vinegar ferment is the
only correct method for the preparation of vinegar from wine.
Pasteur's, or Modern French Method of Preparing Wine Vine-
gar. Pasteur, as previously mentioned, made exhaustive in-
vestigations regarding the conditions essential to the life of

the vinegar ferment, and found that it thrives especially well

upon a liquid which in addition to water, alcohol and vinegar,
contains a trace of phosphates. The latter is absolutely neces-
sary for the propagation of the ferment; if wanting, the fer-
ment cannot attain vigorous development. Pasteur recom-
mends a liquid consisting of boiled water 100 per cent., pure
alcohol 2, crystallized glacial acetic acid 1, phosphate *-
. As
an inorganic combination that contains all the substances re-

quired for the nutriment and development of the vinegar fer-

ment, Pasteur gives the following mixture of phosphate : Po-

FIG. 46.

tassiurnphosphate 1 part by weight, calcium phosphate 1,

ammonium phosphate 2, magnesium phosphate 1.
The liquid prepared according to the above directions is
exposed to the action of the air at a temperature of 68 to 77
F. In a short time the surface of the liquid becomes covered
with the vinegar ferment and by the agency of the latter the
alcohol present is converted into acetic acid. In the mean-
while a corresponding quantity of wine has been sterilized by

heating it to between 158 to 176 F. This process is called

"Pasteurization" and may be effected in various ways, an

apparatus for that purpose being shown in Fig. 46.* Upon

the furnace C sits a vessel F
filled with boiling water. In
this vessel lies a coil of pipe tinned, or better, silvered inside.
A similar coil also tinned inside lies in the preparatory heater
and cooler B. The wine to be heated is contained in the vat
A. It passes through g, /, o, d, to B, and when the latter is

full, passes through e into the coil in F, where it is heated, the

temperature of the liquid being indicated by the thermometer
h. From the coil in F, the pasteurized liquid is cooled by
passing through a through the coil in B, heating at the same
time the wine in B, and finally runs off at d. By regulating
the cocks 6, e, and
the quantity of wine passing through the

apparatus can be readily controlled so that the thermometer

h constantly indicates a temperature between 131 and 140 F.
Various methods based on the researches of Pasteur have
been devised, but before entering upon a description of the
process, it will be necessary to discuss a few undesirable phe-
nomena which may appear in the conversion of wine into

vinegar. A thick
white skin having the appearance of a ruffle
may frequently form upon the surface of the wine to be aceti-
fied, the wine in this case becoming constantly poorer in alco-

hol, but does not show acidity. Sometimes the previously

steady increase in the content of acid in the wine suddenly
ceases and a very rapid decrease in the content of acid takes

place, the development of the white skin upon the surface

being also in this case observed.
The formation of this white coating upon the surface is due
to the development of mold ferment which in a short time

propagates to such an extent as to form a thick membranous

layer, the folds being formed by the superposition of the cells.
The mold ferment has the property of converting alcohol as
well as acetic acid into carbonic acid and water, and conse-

Gahrungs-Essig by Paul Hassack.

quently if it settles upon the wine the latter becomes poorer

in alcohol, and if upon wine containing already a certain
quantity of acetic acid the latter is also decomposed. The
mold ferment requires, however, considerable quantities of
nitrogenous combinations for vigorous development, and

upon young wine which contains a

therefore, readily settles
large quantity of albuminous bodies in solution. This fact
explains the reason why young wine is seldom attacked by
acetic degeneration, but it
readily becomes moldy, and, con-
sequently cannot be recommended as vinegar material except
the albuminous substances be first separated by heating the
wine to 140 F., which is best effected by means of the appa-
ratus shown in Fig. 42.
Another serious annoyance in making wine-vinegar is the

appearance of vinegar eels, which, if not checked in time, may

lead to the interruption of the entire process. These animal-
cules are seldom found in factories working with pump or well

water, but frequently in those using river water, and conse-

quently their introduction is likely due to such water. In
case of their appearance in large masses it is best to interrupt
the process in time in order to prevent the previously men-
tioned phenomena of putrefaction. The fluid containing the
vinegar-eels should be drawn off into a thoroughly sulphured
barrel. The sulphurous acid kills the vinegar eels as well as
the vinegar ferment, and the filtered fluid, after standing a
few weeks, whereby the sulphurous acid is converted into sul-
phuric acid, can again be used as alcoholic liquid. The ves-
sels in which the vinegar eels have settled must also be
thoroughly sulphured and then repeatedly washed with water
before being re- used for
making vinegar.
Throughout the entire factory the greatest cleanliness should
prevail in;
fact one cannot be too scrupulous in this respect,
as otherwise by-fermentations readily take place, and another
plague, the vinegar lice, or more correctly vinegar mites (see
p. 140) may appear. Should either of these drawbacks happen,
the workroom, fluids, and vessels should be thoroughly disin-
fected by means of sulphurous acid.

As previously mentioned the Orleans method of making

wine-vinegar cannot be recommended, it being slow and la-
borious, and besides there is considerable loss of material by
evaporation and by the formation of large masses of gelatinous
mother of vinegar," which depreciates the quality and ne-
cessitatesexpensive cleaning of the casks.
Claudon's Method of Making Wine Vinegar. This is one of
the methods based on the researches of Pasteur. The appara-
tus used, Fig. 47 is described by Frederic T. Bioletti * as
follows: " It consists essentially of a wide, shallow, covered,

rectangular vat, furnished with numerous openings near the

top, a by which the entrance of air can be facilitated and

Fig 47.

Da a a Da a a .a Da

regulated. This vat is filled to near the bottom of the air

vents with a mixture of 4 parts of good new wine and G parts
of wine which has been pasteurized at 140 F., and when ne-

cessary filtered.On top of this liquid is floated a light wooden

grating /, which helps to support the bacterial film and pre-
vents its breaking and submerging during the various opera-
tions. When filled, the process is started by placing a small
quantity of a good bacterial film on top of the liquid which
soon becomes completely covered when the proper conditions
of temperature and aeration are maintained.
"Each acetifying vat is connected with a small measuring
vat R from which the proper amount of liquid is taken every

* "
Grape Vinegar." University of California Publications College of Agricul-

ture, Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 227, 1912.


day after a corresponding amount of vinegar has been removed.

These two vats constitute a unit, several of which, usually six,
are united in a battery. A factory includes several of these
The batteries are fed from a large vat or reservoir, where
the mixture of wine and vinegar is prepared and stored. The
vinegar drawn from the batteries runs directly to filters, from
there to a pasteurizer, and thence to the storage casks. The
output of these batteries is from two to five times as great
per square yard of acetifying surface as that of the old methods;
the cost of operation is considerably less, the loss by evapora-

tion much reduced, and the quality equal and much more
under the Control of the manufacturer."
Rersch's MetJtod of Making Wine- Vinegar. The essential part
of the entire process is the impregnation of the wine in suitable
vessels with pure vinegar ferment under conditions suitable
for the rapid propagation of the ferment. The vessels are so

arranged that the finished vinegar can be removed and replaced

by wine to be acetified without disturbing the ferment, one

being thus enabled to uninterruptedly continue the process of

the formation of vinegar for a long time, and producing

vinegar unsurpassed by any other product as regards delicacy

of taste and odor. According to the above statement, the
operation includes the culture of the vinegar ferment on a
small scale and on a large scale, the former for the production
of pure ferment and the latter for obtaining wine-vinegar.
The culture of pure vinegar ferment on a small scale is best
effectedby heating wine in a porcelain or glass dish to between
140 and 150 F., then mixing it with an equal volume of vine-
gar and pouring the resulting fluid into shallow porcelain plates,
which are placed in a warm room. In a short time, generally
in 24 to 30 hours, the veil-like layer of vinegar ferment pre-

viously described is observed upon the surface of the fluid. If,

besides the dull spots which are characteristic of pure vinegar

ferment, spots of pure white color are formed, it is an indica-
tion of the development of mold ferment. The contents of

the plates showing this phenomenon have to be boiled and

then again exposed to the air.
The wine to be acetified is in large, shallow vats, and is
brought to fermentation by carefully submerging in it one of
the above-mentioned plates containing pure vinegar ferment,
so that the latter is distributed upon the surface the plate is

then withdrawn. The ferment propagates very rapidly, so

that, in 24 hours, the surface of the wine in the vat entirelyis

covered with a thin veil of it.

By keeping the temperature
of the room which
in the vats are placed at about 68 F., the
acetification of thewine proceeds rapidly, tests repeated at in-
tervals of 24 hours showing a constant increase in the content
of acid, until in about 8 days all the wine is converted into

vinegar when it is drawn off. To avoid the necessity of es-

pecially impregnating the next quantity of wine the finished
vinegar is not entirely drawn off, a small quantity, (about f to
an inch deep), upon the surface of which the vinegar ferment
floats, being allowed to remain in the vat. By now introduc-
ing' a fresh lot of wine the vinegar ferment propagates upon
it and after some time converts it into vinegar.

With sufficient care the process of the formation of vinegar

could thus be uninterruptedly carried on for any length of time
by transferring the vinegar ferment from the finished vinegar
to the wine, if a cleansing of the vat were not from time to
time required, on account of the accumulation on the bottom
of the vessel of decayed vinegar ferment and flakes of albumen
which have become insoluble. When the vat is to be cleansed
the last batch of vinegar is to be drawn off as long as it runs off
clear, and the turbid remainder in the bottom of the vat is
collected in a special cask, where it is allowed to clarify. The
vat is then thoroughly cleansed with water, and after filling
it again with wine, the latter is mixed with pure vinegar
ferment in the manner already described.
If, as may happen in very rare cases, mold ferment in the

form of the above-mentioned white spots appears upon the

surface besides vinegar ferment, the vat must at once be

emptied. The
process should also be interrupted in case of the
development of the so-called mother of vinegar. The latter
appears generally in the form of a soft gelatinous mass sub-
merged and consists of vinegar ferment, which,
in the fluid,

however, on account of not being in direct contact with the

air, does not produce acetic acid. The fluid to be acetified
can be readily separated from the mother of vinegar by filter-
ing through a close cloth, the mother of vinegar remaining
upon the latter and finally drying to a whitish mass resemb-
ling very thin tissue paper.
From.the above description it will be seen that the rational

preparation of wine-vinegar is a very simple matter ;

but there
are some difficulties which can, however, be entirely prevented
or readily overcome. The vinegar ferment is very sensitive
towards sudden changes in the composition of the fluid upon
which it lives, as well as towards rapid changes in the tem-
perature. The sudden change in the composition of the fluid
isprevented by not drawing off all the finished vinegar, but

allowing a small portion of remain in the vat. The

it to
fresh supply of wine entering from below then lifts up the re-
mainder of vinegar, together with the ferment floating upon
it, and the mixture of both fluids is effected so gradually that

the change in the composition of the nourishing fluid proceeds

very slowly. A sudden change in the temperature of the work-
room can, of course, be readily prevented by proper heating.
Ripe wines with not much above 6 per cent, of alcohol are
the best to use, as they yield vinegar with about 5J per cent,
of acetic acid. Stronger wines with a content of alcohol up to
10 per however, best reduced to about 6 per cent.,
cent., are,
either by water or ordinary vinegar. The strength of the
latter must be so chosen that the wine-vinegar prepared from
a mixture of wine and vinegar contains 5J to 6 per cent, of
acetic acid. The proportions in which vinegar and wine are
to be mixed for this purpose are found by a simple calculation
after an accurate determination of the content of alcohol in
the wine and that of acetic acid in the vinegar.

The workroom should be so situated as to be protected

against sudden changes in the temperature and provided with

a furnace or self- regulating stove. The vessels for the forma-
tion of vinegar are placed upon suitable supports, and tables
for holding the plates for the culture of the vinegar ferment
should be provided. If the size of the room permit, it is ad-
visable to store in it a few barrels of the material to be worked,
the fluid thereby gradually acquiring the proper temperature.
For the formation of the vinegar very shallow vats, best with
a diameter of 3 J to 5 feet and a depth of 9 to 14 inches, are
iron hoops are protected from the action of the acid

vapors by a coat of asphalt lacquer. The vats are placed in

FIG. 48.

the position they are to occupy in the workroom and filled

with water up to about If to 3} inches from the top, the
height of the level of the fluid being marked on the inside wall.
At distances of 3 j inches apart, and 5} in large vats, holes,
I, Fig. 48 of 0.39 inch diameter are then bored in the wall of
the vat. One hole, however, is bored in a place about 0.39
inch deeper than I, and in this hole is fitted a glass tube, g,
bent at a right angle, under which is placed an ordinary tumb-
ler. In the bottom of the vat is a tap-hole, Z, closed by a
If the vat be filled during the operation with wine, the latter
can only rise until it begins to run off at g. The level of the
fluid being but little below the holes I, an uniterrupted change

in the layer of air above the fluid takes place. wooden A

spigot, //, is fitted in the vat about { to 1 inch above the
bottom. In the centre of the lid D, which lies loosely upon
the vat, is an aperture, in a second aperture a thermometer,

r, is inserted, whose bulb dips into the fluid and in a third


aperture is fitted a glass funnel, R, reaching nearly to the bot-

tom of the vat.
The operation in such a factor}^ commences with the cul-
ture of the vinegar ferment. For this purpose as many shal-
low porcelain plates as there are vats are placed upon the
table, and wine to the depth of J to f inch is poured in each.
The room should be heated and kept at a temperature of 86
F. The manner of the development of the vinegar ferment
upon the fluid in the plates as well as the precautions which
have to be taken has already been described. In the com-
mencement of the operation the culture of the ferment requires

great attention, it being frequently disturbed by the develop-

ment of mold ferment, but when the factory is once in proper
working condition it is readily effected because the air of the
workroom then contains a large quantity of the ferment, which
rapidly propagates on coming in contact with a fluid favor-
able for its development.
The vats are charged by allowing the fluid to be converted
into vinegar to run in until it begins to pass out through g.
The impregnation with ferment is then effected by carefully
emptying the contents of one of the plates upon the surface of
the fluid, so that the greater portion remains floating upon it.

Finally the lid is placed upon the vat and the latter left to

The ferment soon covers the entire surface of the fluid in

the vat, and the commencement of the process of oxidation is
in a short time recognized by the rise of the thermometer dip-

ping into the fluid. As long

as the quantity of alcohol in the
fluid is comparatively large, the process of the formation of
acetic acid and the propagation of the ferment takes place

very rapidly and the thermometer rises constantly ;

but with

an increase in the quantity of acetic acid these processes become

slower, which is indicated by a fall in the temperature of the
fluid. The energy of the process must, however, not be al-
lowed to sink below a certain limit, care being taken to keep
itup by raising the temperature of the workroom, but not
higher than is absolutely necessary for the correct working,
as otherwise there would be a loss of acetic acid or alcohol by
The most convenient and business-like manner of operating
a factory arranged as above described is to simultaneously

charge all the vats with alcoholic liquid, it being then entirely
in one's power to regulate the heating of the workroom accord-

ing to the indications of the thermometer dipping into the

fluid. If, for instance, the operation commences at 77 F., the
thermometer will soon be observed to rise even if the tempera-
ture of the workroom remains unchanged. By the oxidation
of the alcohol sufficient heat is liberated to increase the tem-

perature of the fluid to above 95 F. It is, however, advisable

not to allow it to rise above 86 or 90 F., as otherwise the

losses by evaporation are too great. Hence, if the fluid reaches
this limit of temperature the heating of the workroom is so

regulated as to prevent a further rise of the thermometer, and

a constant temperature is maintained for several days until it
commences to fall almost simultaneously in all the vats. This
fall in the temperature, as previously mentioned, is an indica-
tion of the fluid now containing a comparatively large amount
of acetic acid and of the slow oxidation of the remaining alco-
hol. In order to maintain the most favorable conditions for
the efficacy of the vinegar ferment and to smoothly and rapidly

complete the process the workroom is now so heated as to

show a constant temperature of 86 F. as long as the fluid re-
mains in the vat.
Side by side with the observation of the statements of the
thermometer a chemical examination of the fluid has to be
carried on, this examination gaining in importance the further
the formation of vinegar progresses. If the content of alcohol

in the wine to be worked is known, the test is up to a certain

stage limited to the determination of the acetic acid, but if the

process has so far advanced that the fluid contains scarcely 1
per cent, of alcohol, the latter has also to be determined by
means of the ebullioscope which will be described later on.
From this moment onthe course of the process must be very
carefully controlled, and interrupted when still 0.15 or at the
utmost 0.2 per cent, of alcohol is present. This small amount
of unchanged alcohol exerts a favorable effect upon the quality
of the vinegar, acetic ether being formed from it and a corre-

sponding quantity of acetic acid during the time the vinegar

has to be stored.
The interruption of the process is best effected by separating
the fluid from the layer of ferment floating upon it. The stop-
cock, H, Fig. 48, is opened and left open as long as fluid runs
out. Alayer of vinegar about j to 1 inch deep upon which
floats the vinegar ferment, remains in the vat, and the stop-

cock being closed a fresh supply of alcoholic liquid is intro-

duced through the funnel R until it begins to run out through
g. The process then commences anew in the manner above

Theoretically unlimited quantities of wine could be con-

verted into vinegar by means of such an apparatus, as the
vinegar ferment which floats upon the fluid that remains in
the vat, rapidly propagates upon the fresh supply of wine and
converts it into vinegar. In practice an occasional short in-
terruption of the process is, however, necessary. During the
conversion of the wine the greater portion of albuminous sub-
stances held in solution in it separates as flakes, and, further,
a portion of the vinegar ferment sinks below the level of the
fluid and assumes the form of the flaky masses called mother
of vinegar. The result after a number of operations is a slimy
sediment, which finally accumulates to such an extent that it
has to be removed. This is effected, after the finished vinegar
is drawn off, by opening the tap-hole Z, and removing the

slimy mass by means of a broom or crutch. The vat is then


thoroughly washed with water and can be immediately re-

charged with wine. The slimy mass is best collected in a tall
vat and allowed to rest. In a few days it separates into two

layers, the upper one consisting of quite clear vinegar which

can be used for filling up storage-barrels, and the lower one of
a thickly-fluid mass from which a certain quantity of vinegar
can be obtained by filtration.
The vinegar drawn off from the vats is brought into storage
barrels which are filled up to the bung and closed air-tight.
The volume of the vinegar decreasing by cooling, the barrels
must from time to time be examined and kept filled up to the
bung-hole. While stored in the barrels the vinegar almost
completely clarifies^ and by carefully siphoning off the clear
portion, it can be at once brought into commerce without
further treatment. When a considerable quantity of slimy
sediment has collected in the storage-barrels, it is drawn off
and brought into the above-mentioned clarifying vat,> or is
clarified by filtration.
In case of disturbances in the production by the appearance
of mold ferment or vinegar eels, the process once commenced
must be carried through as well as possible, and then the en-
tire operation interrupted for the purpose of thoroughly cleans-

ing the vessels by washing with boiling water or steaming.

Under no circumstances should it be attempted to continue

working with vats infected with mold or vinegar eels, as it

would only lead to a considerable loss of material, and the
cleansing of the vessels which would have to be finally done,
would be more difficult.
If the vinegar has been made from clear, ripe wine, it will
generally come quite clear from the apparatus used for its pro-
duction. Should it be turbid, as may sometimes happen, it
has to be filtered through a bag or other filter as described on
p. 156. The turbidity is caused by various substances sepa-
rated during the formation of the vinegar. Vinegar is much
more difficult to fine than wine and for this reason alone, only
clarified, ripe wines should be used for its production. The

simplest method to clarify the vinegar is to store it for several

weeks in a cool cellar in casks filled up to the bung. The
greater portion of the vinegar can then Tbe drawn off perfectly
clear and only the last portion will require filtering.
The filtered brought into clean casks and stored
vinegar is

in a cool cellar. However, while thus stored it may some-

times depreciate in quality and strength by unfavorable con-
ditions of temperature or handling, such depreciation being
indicated by a change in the aroma, and the acid taste loses
its sharpness and shows a peculiar The cause of
this alteration be attributed to the decomposition of the
tartaric and malic acids in the vinegar by a ferment. The
only sure remedy for this and all other alterations is to steri-

lize the vinegar by heating to 140 F. The apparatus, Fig.

46, p. 197, for pasteurizing wine, or any other form of pasteur-
izer may be used for the purpose. The vinegar should come
out of the pasteurizer cool and the storage-barrels should be
completely filled, bunged tight and placed in a cool cellar.
Wine vinegar acquires its special aroma only by being stored
for several months. French manufacturers store their best
quality of it for at least one year before offering it for sale and,
of course, charge a good price.
Whenthe wine vinegar has acquired a fine taste and aroma
by storing it should be bottled, this being the most profitable
way of selling it. As the vinegar should be perfectly bright
before racking it into bottles it must first be filtered or fined.
Many manufacturers pasteurize the bottled vinegar. An ap-
* is shown in It consists of
paratus for this purpose Fig. 49.
an iron receptacle furnished with a cover fitting air-tight, and
in the interior with a perforated false bottom. The apparatus
isabout 5 feet long, 3 feet 6 inches wide and 1J feet deep.
Between the perforated false bottom and the actual bottom is
a pipe-system which is connected by two iron pipes with the
furnace. The bottles are placed alongside each other upon the
* German &
patent No. 17970 granted to Boldt Vogel, Hamburg.

perforated false bottom. Before placing them in the appara-

tus, water is admitted into the latter so as to fill the
below the perforated false bottom and cover the latter. Fire
is then started in the furnace and the water commencing to

circulate, steam is in a short time evolved in the apparatus.

The temperature prevailing in the interior is indicated by a
thermometer on top of the apparatus, and pasteurization can
thus be carried on to any desired degree. Cooling is effected
by discontinuing heating and opening the cover.
Pasteurized wine-vinegar does not spoil if exposed to vary-

FIG. 49.

ing temperatures or even kept in open or improperly closed


receptacles. all kinds of ferments and vinegar

It is free from
eels, and is not attacked by the spores of the vinegar ferment

suspended in the air, because the nutriment required for their

further development has been withdrawn.

Wine-Vinegar by the Quick Process. Although in making

wine vinegar of fine quality, the best results are without doubt
obtained by one of the slow methods above described, a very
good product can be made from clear wines in one of the gen-
erators previously described, that furnished with a tilting

trough being by some manufacturers preferred for the purpose.

The process is the same as for ordinary vinegar, the principal
conditions for smooth working being a limited admission of
air below the perforated bottom, the use of perfectly clear,

pasteurized wine, correct measuring of the quantity to be

poured and its uniform distribution, absolute cleanliness,
cleansing the perforated head every week or two, according to
the accumulation of slime, and finally continuous working.
The last condition continuous working is necessary to pre-
vent the product from being impaired during the rest at night
by a decomposition a decrease of its most valuable properties.
Wine-vinegar made by the quick process has less aroma
than that prepared by the other method. However, by stor-
ing it for about three months it gains in quality and aroma
so that it can scarcely be distinguished from vinegar made by
the Orleans method.
Wine Vinegar from Marc The marc left after the wine has
been pressed consists of the stems, skins and seeds of the grapes
and contains a not unimportant quantity of must. As, pre-
viously described, by subjecting the marc with the addition of
water or sugar solution to fermentation a wine is obtained
which forms an excellent material for making vinegar. How-
ever, the marc may also be directly used for the purpose.
The mass of marc as it comes from the press is broken up
and put in a pile where it is left to itself until it becomes warm
and acquires the odor of alcohol and acetic ether. The mass
is then shoveled into a vat and gently pressed together with a
shovel. For every 220 Ibs. of marc used, about 10 quarts of
water are now sprinkled over the mass by means of a watering-
pot. By the entrance of air while shoveling the pile of marc
into the vat the action of the vinegar ferment has been accel-
erated and a considerable quantity of alcohol converted into
acetic acid, which indicated by the stronger vinegar odor.

The water permeating the marc almost completely displaces

the fluid containing the alcohol and acetic acid, the latter run-
ning off through an aperture in the bottom of the vat. It is

collected in a shallow vessel placed in an apartment having

the ordinary temperature of a living-room, and is allowed to
rest. The vinegar ferment present in abundance in the fluid
rises to the surface, where it quickly propagates and converts

the remainder of the alcohol in the fluid into acetic acid. The
only difficulty to be overcome in preparing the vinegar ac-
cording to this method is the appearance of the mold ferment
upon the surface of the fluid. This can, however, be met by
removing the growth of this ferment, which is recognized by
its pure white color, by means of a spoon as soon as it has at-

tained the thickness of a few millimeters. The vinegar fer-

ment then commences to propagate and suppresses the further
growth of the mold ferment.
If the grapes originally used contained from 18 to 20 per
cent, of sugar, the vinegar from the marc prepared according
to this method shows, if not too much water has been used, a
content of at least 4 or 5 per cent, of acetic acid, and conse-
quently is immediately fit for table use. By long storing in
barrels kept filled up to the bung-holes, it acquires a flavor
resembling that of vinegar prepared from wine.
On account of the simplipity and the slight expense con-
nected with it, the above-described process is
especially adapted
for making vinegar for For industrial pur-
household use.

poses it is, however, more advantageous to prepare wine from

the marc as described on p. 190, and convert the product thus
obtained into vinegar.




Determination of Sugar. The sacchariferous materials used

by the vinegar manufacturer are either whiskey-mashes, malt-
extracts, or must prepared from wine-marc, apples, etc. The
determination of sugar contained in these fluids is effected by
means of various instruments, which are really hydrometers,
with different names and graduations. The instruments mostly
used for the determination of sugar in whiskey-mashes and
malt worts are known as saccharometers, and directly indicate
the content of sugar in the fluid in per cent. A similar in-
strument, known as the must-aerometer, serves for the determi-
nation of the content of sugar in grape-must. According to
the arrangement of their scales, the must-aerometers indicate
either direct sugar per cent., 'or degrees in the latter case the

use of special tables accompanying the instrument is required

for finding the per cent, of sugar corresponding to a certain
number of degrees.
No special saccharometer for fruit-must having as yet been
constructed, the determination of the content of sugar has to
be effected either by a tedious method unsuitable for practice,
or, what can be more quickly done, by fermenting a sample
of the respective must, and after determining the quantity of
alcohol, ascertaining from it tha content of sugar.
In place of special saccharometers or must-areometers, an
ordinary areometer indicating the specific gravity can also be
used, and the content of sugar corresponding to a certain
specific gravity found from a reducing table. Tables X to
XIII at the end of this volume give the content of sugar espe-
cially for wine-must, but also with sufficient accuracy for apple
or pear-must, according to the statements of the respective

Determination of Alcohol. In a factory using commercial

spirits of wine as the fundamental material for making vine-
gar, the percentage of absolute alcohol contained in it has to
be accurately determined in order to enable one to correctly
calculate, in the manner explained on p. 109, the quantity of
water required for the preparation of alcoholic liquid of de-
termined strength.
For the determination of the content of alcohol in pure
spirits of wine consisting only of water and alcohol, instru-
ments called alcoholometers are generally used, they indicating
the volumes of alcohol contained in 100 volumes of the spirits
of wine. They are, however, not suited for this purpose when,
as is frequently the case in a vinegar factory, the spirit of wine
contains other bodies besides water and alcohol. In this case,
either the alcohol contained in a sample has to be distilled off,
and after determining its strength by the alcoholometer, the
content of alcohol in the total quantity of fluid ascertained by
calculation, or the determination is effected in a short time
and with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes by the use
of a special apparatus.
Determination of the Alcohol with the Alcoholometer. For the
vinegar manufacturer the alcoholometer is an important in-
strument in so far as serves for quickly ascertaining the de-

grees of the spirits of wine used. It is best to use an instru-

ment which is combined with a thermometer, one being thus
enabled to ascertain the temperature of the fluid simultane-
ously with reading off the statement of the alcoholometer.
Tables I to VIII appended to this work give the necessary as-

sistance for the determination of the actual content of alcohol

in a fluid whose temperature is above or below the normal
temperature (59 F.).
For examining fluids with a very small content of alcohol,
alcoholometers have been constructed which accurately indi-
cate at least 0.1 percent. For the manufacture of vinegar,
four alcoholometers will, as a rule, suffice. They should be
so selected that one is to be used for fluids with from to 4

per cent, of alcohol, the second for indicating 4 to 8 per cent.,

the third 8 to 12 per cent., and the fourth 12 to 1C per cent.
The scale of such alcoholometers comprising only 4 per cent,
each, is sufficiently large to allow of the easy reading off of
one-tenth per cent. These instruments serve for the determi-
nation of the content of alcohol in alcoholic liquid consisting
only of spirits of wine and water, and are used in examining
the progress of the formation of vinegar during manufacture.
Determination of the Alcohol by the Distilling Test The con-
tent of alcohol in a fluid containing other bodies besides alco-
hol and water cannot be directly determined by means of the
alcoholometer, as the statement of the latter would be incor-
recton account of the foreign bodies exerting a considerable
influence upon the specific gravity. Hence, the content of
alcohol in alcoholic liquid containing a certain quantity of
acetic acid, or fermented whiskey-mash, beer, wine, etc., can-
not be ascertained by immersing the alcoholometer in the re-

spective fluid. In order to determine the content of alcohol

in such a fluid a determined volume of it is subjected to dis-

tillation, and the latter continued until it may be supposed

that all the alcohol present is volatilized and again condensed
in a suitable cooling apparatus. By diluting the fluid distilled
over with sufficient water to restore it to the volume of the
fluid originally used and immersing the alcoholometer the
content of alcohol is determined.
A rapid and at the same time accurate execution of all ex-

aminations being of great importance in practice, a suitable

apparatus should be used for the distilling test. Such an ap-
paratus is shown
in Fig. 50. It consists of a glass boiling

flask, K, having a capacity of \ liter in which sits by means

of a perforated cork a glass tube, E, which is about f inch in
diameter and 7f inches in length. On top this tube is closed
by a perforated cork. From the latter a glass tube bent twice
at a right angle leads to a cooling-coil, which is placed in a
vessel F, filled with water, and terminates over a graduated
cylindrical glass vessel G. The uppermost mark on G indi-

cates the height to which the vessel must be filled to contain

^ liter = 500 cubic centimeters. Generally vessels are used
which are so 'graduated that the distance between two marks
is equal to 2-V liter or 50 cubic centimeters. The boiling-flask
stands upon a plate of thin sheet-iron (to prevent bursting
from an immediate contact with the flame), and together with
the cooling vessel is screwed to a suitable support.
In distilling a fluid containing acetic acid the vapors of the
latter passover together with those of alcohol and water, and
consequently, the statement of the alcoholometer would be in-

FIG. 50.

correct. This is overcome by placing a few pieces of chalk

the size of a hazelnut in the tube R. By the vapors coming in
contact with the chalk the acetic acid is fixed to the lime con-
tained in it, not a trace reaching the cooling vessel.
The manner of executing the test with this apparatus is as fol-
lows : Fill the vessel G to the uppermost mark with the fluid
whose content of alcohol is to be examined, then pour it into
the boiling flask K, rinse out G with water, and after pouring
the rinsing water into K, put the apparatus together as shown
in the illustration. The contents of K
are then heated to boil-

ing by a spirit or gas flame under the sheet-iron plate upon

which Crests, the flame being so regulated that the distillate
flows in drops into G (
By too strong heating the contents of
K might foam up and pass into (r, which would necessitate a
repetition of the experiment with another quantity of fluid.
Wine, beer, and whiskey-mashes frequently foam up on heat-
ing, which can, however, be almost completely overcome by the
addition of a small quantity of tannin solution to the contents
The heating of the boiling flask is continued until sufficient
fluid is distilled over into G to fill it from one third to one half
full,this being a sure indication of all the alcohol present in
the fluid having passed over. The flame is then removed, the
vessel G filled to the uppermost mark with distilled water, and
the fluids intimately mixed by shaking, the mouth of G being
closed by the hand. The fluid now contained in G consists

only of water and alcohol, and its volume is equal to that of

the fluid originally used. By testing the fluid with an alco-
holometer the content of alcohol found corresponds exactly
to that by the fluid examined alcoholic liquid,
beer, fermented whiskey-mash, etc.
Determination of the Alcohol by Means of the Ebullioscope.
Many determinations of the content of alcohol in the alcoholic
fluid having to be made in a well-conducted vinegar factory,
the above-described distilling test is objectionable on account
of the time (about twenty minutes) required for its execution.
Good however, obtained by the use of the ebullios-
results are,

cope and, but a few minutes being required for the test with
this apparatus, it can be frequently repeated, and thus even a
more accurate idea working of the generators obtained
of the
than is possible with a single determination by the distilling
test. The apparatus is very simple, is easily managed, and
allows, without the use of an sero meter or table, of the direct
reading-off of the content of alcohol in a fluid containing not
much over 12 per cent. It is much used in France for the ex-
amination of wine. The principle of the apparatus is based

upon the initial boiling point of the fluid to be examined, an

alcoholic fluid boiling at a lower temperature the more alcohol
it contains. For instance, wine with

12 per cent, by volume of alcohol boils at 196.7 F.

" " 198.3 F.
8 201.0 F.
" 203.3 F.

Fig. 51shows Vidal-Malligaud's ebullioscope. To a round

cast-iron stand is screwed a thick-walled brass cup which ex-

pands somewhat towards the top a screw-thread is cut in the


upper edge. A hollow-brass ring is soldered into the cup near

its base, the one end of the ring entering it somewhat higher

than the other. On filling the cup with the fluid to be ex-
amined this hollow ring also becomes filled. On the one side
the ring carries a small sheet-iron chimney, and by placing a
small spirit lamp under this the fluid in the cup is heated,
this arrangement securing a quick circulation of the fluid
during heating. Upon the upper edge of the cup a lid is
screwed, in which a thermometer is inserted air-tight. The
mercury bulb of the thermometer is on the lower side of the
lid and, in determining the boiling-point, dips into the fluid.
The tube of the thermometer is bent at a right angle outside
the lid, the latter carrying the scale, which is divided not into
degrees but in per cent, by volume of alcohol. The scale can
be shifted upon a supporting plate so that it can be fixed at
any desired place, and, consequently, also so that the ther-
mometer when dipped into boiling water indicates 0. The
scale is secured by small screws. Into a second aperture in
the lid isscrewed the cooling-pipe, which is surrounded by a
wide brass tube for the reception of the cooling water. During
the determination of the alcohol, which requires about ten
minutes, the cooling water need not be renewed, the boiling
point remaining constant during the short time (one or two
minutes) necessary for making the observation. In heating
wine, the gases and besides a few light volatile varieties of

ether, as acetic ether, aldehyde, etbylamine, propylamine, and

similar combinations escape through the cooling pipe, which
is open on top, and in heating beer, carbonic acid. For the
determination of the alcohol in sacchariferous wines, the ebul-
lioscope is less adapted, nor does it give accurate results with
the use of dilute wines.
It has been ascertained by the French Academy that the

FIG. 51


statements of the ebullioscope as regards the quantity of alco-

hol in the wine differ on an average J per cent, from those
found by accurate distillation. The entire apparatus with the

exception of the thermometer being of metal, it is not liable to

breakage. The mercury bulb of the thermomter is compara-
tively large. For the vinegar manufacturer the ebullioscope is
a very valuable instrument, as it enables him to accurately

determine to within % per cent, the content of alcohol in a fluid

in a shorter time than is possible with any other instrument.
Its use is especially recommended when the working of one or
more generators is to be ascertained in a short time, perfectly

reliable results being obtained in connection with the deter-

mination of the acid by titration.

Anhydride in Vinegar
Determination of the Content of Acetic
or Acetometry. The content of acetic acid in vinegar is some-
times ascertained by a species of hydrometer termed an
acetometer. The statements of these instruments are, however,

very unreliable. Vinegar made from dilute alcohol or ripe

wines in which no great excess of albuminous or other matter
ispresent might to a certain limit be tested with sufficient
accuracy by the acetometer, but vinegars made from malt,
poor wines, and such liquids as contain an excess of organic
matters, do not admit of being tested with the required degree
of accuracy by this method, since the apparent quantity of
real acetic acid is increased by the presence of foreign bodies
which add to the density of the liquid. In some cases the
vinegar is saturated with chalk or milk of lime, the solution
filtered, and the specific gravity of the acetate of lime liquor

ascertained, by which a nearer approximation is arrived at

than by the direct testing of the vinegar, yet implicit reliance
cannot be placed on either of these two methods.
The best method of ascertaining the percentage of acetic
acid in vinegar is by titration or volumetric analysis. For
the execution of the test a few instruments are required,

namely, a burette and pipette. The latter is filled by dipping

the lower end of it into the fluid and sucking on the upper
end with the mouth until the fluid has ascended nearly to the
top. The upper end is then quickly closed with the index
finger of the right hand. By slightly lifting the finger the
liquid is then allowed to flow off by drops until its level has
reached a mark above the convex expansion of the instru-
ment, when it will contain exactly the number of cubic centi-
meters indicated opposite to the mark.

The burettea cylindrical glass tube open on the top. It


is graduated, commencing from the top, into whole, one-tenth

and one-fifth cubic centimeters. The lower end of the tube is

drawn out to a somewhat distended point so as to allow a
rubber tube to be drawn over it and securely fastened. In
the lower end a glass tube drawn out
to a fine point is inserted.
The rubber tube is
compressed in the center by a pinch-cock
or clip, whereby the lower end is closed. The burette is filled
with fluid from above by means of a small funnel. By a
quick, strong pressure upon the handle-joint of the clip, some
liquid is then allowed to flow in a jet into a vessel. By this
the tube below the clip with liquid and the air con-
is filled

tained in it expelled. a slight or stronger pressure the

liquid can, after some experience, be ejected in drops or in a
stronger jet. The number of cubic centimeters which have
been allowed to flow out can be readily read off by keeping
the surface of the fluid in the tube on a level with the eye.
The test liquor generally used is normal caustic soda solution,

one cubic centimeter of it corresponding to 0.06 gramme of

acetic anhydride, and for especially accurate determinations
decinormal solution, one cubic centimeter of it
to 0.006 gramme of acetic anhydride and -^ cubic centimeter
to 0.0006 gramme.
For determining the acetic acid the burette is filled to the

point with soda solution. A corresponding quantity of vinegar

is then accurately measured off by means of the pipette, and

after bringing it into a beaker, colored red by the addition of

one or two drops of litmus tincture and diluted with four or six
times its quantity of distilled water. The beaker is placed upon
a white support under the burette and the soda solution in the
latter ejected in a strong jet by pressing with the right hand
the handle-joint of the clip, the fluid being constantly agitated
by gently swinging the beaker with the left. The inflow of
soda solution is interrupted as soon as a blue coloration on the
point where it runs in is observed. After thoroughly stirring
the fluid with a glass rod, the soda solution is again allowed to

run in, but now drop by drop, the fluid being stirred after the
addition of each drop. This is continued until the fluid has
acquired a violet color with a strong reddish shade, and the
addition of one drop more of soda solution changes the color
to blue. The appearance of the violet coloration is called the
neutralizing point, while the change of color from violet to blue
indicates that the fluid is now neutral, i. e., contains neither
free acetic acid nor an excess of caustic soda. The determina-
tion is based upon the coloring substance of litmus appearing
red in acid, violet in neutral, and blue in alkaline solutions.
Instead of soda test liquor, a solution of ammonia is some-
times used to saturate the acid. The solution is prepared by
adding water to concentrated ammonia till the specific gravity
is 1000 grains of this dilute ammonia
0.992 ;

FIG. 52.
contain one equivalent of ammonia, which is
capable of saturating one equivalent of acetic
acid. The application of this test is similar
to that already described.
There is some difficulty in preserving the
dilute ammonia of the same strength, which
is an objection to its use ;
but a uniformity of
concentration be insured by introducing
into the bottle two glass hydrometer bulbs so

adjusted that one remains barely touching at


the bottom, and the other floats just under

the surface of the liquid as long as the test-
liquor retains the proper strength. If a part
of the ammonia volatilizes, the specific gravity
of the liquor will become proportionately
greater, and the glass bulbs rise the lower one ;

higher from the bottom, and the upper one

partly above the surface. When this happens,
more strong ammonia is added, till the hydro-
staticdrops are properly readjusted.
Determinations of acetic acid by titration having to be fre-
quently executed in a vinegar factory, it is advisable to

use an apparatus which will facilitate the operation. Such

an apparatus is shown in Fig. 52. Upon a table stands a
two-liter flask holding the normal soda solution. The flask is
closed air-tight by a cork provided with three perforations.
In one of these perforations is inserted a glass tube, A, in
the lower end of which is a stopper of cotton upon which
are placed small pieces of burnt lime. On top, the tube is
closed by a glass tube drawn out to a fine point. Through
another of these perforations passes a glass tube, R, bent twice
at a right angle and reaching to the bottom of the flask. The
portion of this tube outside of the flask, as will be seen in the
illustration, is somewhat longer than that in the flask, and,

consequently, the tube forms a siphon. The outside portion

of this tubeis connected by a short rubber tube with the
portion of the burette B. The latter is secured in a vertical
position by two rods placed on the stand holding the flask.
Below the burette is connected with a short rubber tube in
which inserted a glass-tube drawn out to a fine point.
is On
the side near the top of the burette is a small tube bent at a
right angle, which is connected by a short rubber tube with the
tube L, the latter reaching only to below the edge of the cork.
Above and below the burette is closed by the clips Q andQ,.
For working with the apparatus the flask is filled with nor-
mal soda solution and the cork inserted air-tight after remov-
ing from it the tube A, and substituting for it a small glass-
tube. Now open the upper clip Q and blow vigorously through
the glass-tube substituted for A, whereby the fluid is forced
through the tube R
into the burette. This being done, cease
to press upon Q, whereby the latter closes and stops a further

discharge of the fluid. The tube, A, is then placed in position.

By now pressing on the clip Q the fluid passes into the burette,
the air contained in the latter entering the flask through the
tube L. The burette being emptied by the discharge of the
fluid through Q lt
for another determination of
it .is refilled
acid by simply pressing on Q, and this can be repeated as

long as the flask contains soda solution.


In discharging the fluid from the burette by opening Q v air

from the outside passes into the apparatus through A. In
doing so it must, however, pass through the lime which fixes
the carbonic acid contained in it, so that the fluid in the flask
remains free from carbonic acid even after standing for months.
The calculation of the quantity of acetic acid present in the

vinegar examined is made as shown by the following exam-

ple :

For 10 cubic centimeters of vinegar were consumed 70 cubic

centimeters of decinormal soda solution.
One cubic centimeter of decinormal soda solution being
equal to 0.006 gramme of acetic acid, hence 70 cubic centi-

meters=0.42 gramme.
Now, as 10 cubic centimeters contain 0.42 gramme of acetic
acid, 100 cubic centimeters contain 10 times 0.42 gramme =
4.2 grammes .of acetic acid ;
or the vinegar examined contains
4.2 per cent, by weight of acetic acid.
For the determination of the strength of vinegar with suffi-
cient accuracy for manufacturing and commercial purposes an
instrument called a vinegar tester is largely used. In the form
shown in Fig. 53, as described by Frederic T. Bioletti,* the
acetic acid is determined by the volume of gas given off by
bicarbonate of soda when treated with a measured volume of
The volume of vinegar is measured in the small
glass tube and poured into the bottle B. A sufficient
amount of bicarbonate is then taken with the spoon E and in-
troduced carefully into the bottle. As soon as the bottle is

tightly closed with the cork the bicarbonate is shaken gradu-

ally into the vinegar and immediately carbonic acid gas com-
mences- to be given off. This gas passing through the rubber
tube forces the water in the bottle D
to rise in the large glass
tube C. The stronger the vinegar, the more gas will be given

Grape Vinegar. University of California Publications, College of Agricul-
ture Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 227.

off and the higher the water will rise in the tube G. This
tube is marked with numbered lines. By reading the num-
ber of the line nearest the level reached by the water and add-
ing the estimated height above or below this line, the strength
of the vinegar is obtained directly in per cent. If the vinegar
is made from wine 0.5 per cent, must be deducted from the
observed reading to allow for the tartaric acid of the wine.

FIG. 53.

insure sufficient accuracy with these instruments cer-
tain precautions are necessary. The bicarbonate of soda sold
for cooking purposes is sufficiently pure. In placing it in the
bottle care should be taken that none gets into the vinegar
until the bottle is securely corked. There must be no leak in
the apparatus. This is determined by allowing the column

of water to remain for a few minutes in the cylinder after

making a determination. If the column does not fall in this

time there is no leak of importance.
"The instruments are adjusted for water of ordinary tem-

perature. If the water is either very cold or very warm the

results are inaccurate. The following table shows some of the
variations due to the use of too warm water."




Detection of Acids. Some unscrupulous manufacturers, in

order to pass off weak or inferior vinegars, adulterate them
with mineral acids. Such adulteration is not only a fraud,
but dangerous to health, and it is necessary to indicate the
means by which such additions can be detected.
Sulphuric Acid. Add to a
sample of the vinegar a few drops
of a solution of barium If the vinegar becomes

slightly cloudy, the impurities are due to sulphates naturally

present in the water or in the substances from which the

vinegar has been made. A heavy white cloud slow in subsid-
ing will indicate free sulphuric acid in small proportion. If
the quantity of sulphuric acid is more than a thousandth, the

sulphate of baryta produces a precipitate and falls rapidly to

the bottom of the test-glass.
The presence of free sulphuric acid in vinegar can also be
determined by coating a porcelain plate with strong sugar
solution and allowing the latter to dry up. By bringing a few

drops of the vinegar to be examined upon the plate and placing

the latter in a moderately warm place, pure vinegar evapo-
rates, leaving a slightly brownish stain vinegar containing

freesulphuric acid leaves a dark-brown stain which on heating

the plate turns black.
The presence of free sulphuric acid in vinegar can be deter-
mined with still greater sharpness by the following test Divide

a piece of starch the size of a grain of wheat in 50 cubic centi-

meters of vinegar arid reduce the fluid one-half by boiling. To
the clear fluid cooled to the ordinary temperature add a drop
of a solution of iodine in spirits of wine. Vinegar containing
no free sulphuric acid at once acquires a blue coloration if ;

free sulphuric acid be present, the fluid remains colorless.


This test is based upon the fact that starch by continued boil-
ing with sulphuric acid is converted into dextrin and finally
sugar. Neither of these bodies reacts upon iodine, while a
very small quantity of starch gives with iodine the charac-
blue coloration.

Hydrochloric Acid. Take about 100 cubic centimeters of

the vinegar to be tested and distil off one-half by means of the

apparatus Fig. 50, p. 216. Compound the fluid distilled off

with a few drops of solution of nitrate of silver. In the pres-
ence of hydrochloric acid a white, caseous precipitate is
immediately formed, which consists of chloride of silver and
dissolves in liquid ammonia added in excess.
Nitric acid is not a frequent adulteration. It is detected

by saturating with carbonate of sodium or of potassium

several ounces of vinegar, and evaporating the whole to dry-
ness. The addition of sulphuric acid and copper turnings
will cause the evolution of nitrous vapors if nitric acid be

Lactic Acid. In many varieties of vinegar small quantities
of lactic acid occur, which can be detected by slowly evaporat-
ing 100 cubic centimeters of vinegar in a porcelain dish until
but a few drops remain. If these drops show a very strong

pure acid taste, the vinegar examined contains lactic acid. The
presence of lactic acid is, however, not due to an intentional
addition, but to the material used in the manufacture of the
vinegar, that prepared from grain, malt or beer always
Sulphurous Acid. This acid occurs only in vinegar pre-
pared by fermentation when stored in freshly sulphured bar-
rels. It may, however, occur in vinegar whose content of
acetic acid has been increased by the addition of high-grade
acetic acid prepared from wood-vinegar. The most simple
method of detecting the presence of sulphurous acid is by
placing 100 cubic centimeters of the vinegar to be examined
and connecting the latter by a
in a glass distilling apparatus,

glass-tube with a vessel containing 50 cubic centimeters of


pure water compounded with about 10 drops of nitric acid.

After distilling over -jfc of the vinegar the acidulated water is
heated to boiling for a few minutes and solution of barium
chloride added. If the vinegar contains sulphurous acid, a

heavy white precipitate is formed.

Detection of Metals. The occurrence
metals in vinegar is
due to the vessels employed in the manufacture or the storage,
and, hence, the use of metallic utensils, such as stop-cocks,
pumps, etc., should be avoided as much as possible. Besides
iron, other metals such as copper, zinc and tin are occasionally
found in vinegar. y -

Iron. The presence of this metal imparts a black color to

the vinegar, which is increased by a few drops of tincture of

gall-nuts. If the color of vinegar compounded with a few

drops of solution of tannin is not changed after standing a few

hours, the vinegar contains no iron, or only so small a quan-
tity as to be of no importance.

Copper. While the presence of a small quantity of iron is of

little importance in hygienic respect, that of copper, zinc, or
tin is more serious, the combinations of these metals having a
poisonous effect upon the organism. Copper in vinegar can
be detected by evaporating to dryness about 1 quart of the
vinegar to be examined and dissolving the residue in a few
drops of nitric acid. By compounding a portion of this solu-
tion with ammonia in excess, the fluid acquires a perceptible
blue coloration in .the presence of copper. The latter can be
shown with still greater sharpness by dipping polished iron
into another portion of the fluid. If the iron becomes coated
with a perceptible red film (consisting of actual copper), the
presence of this metal is shown.
Tin Evaporate to dryness at least 2 or 3 quarts of the
vinegar dissolve the residue in hydrochloric acid, and con-

duct sulphuretted hydrogen through it until the fluid has

acquired a strong odor of the latter. If a precipitate is formed,
it is filtered off, dissolved in strong hydrochloric acid, and the
solution divided into several portions. Compound one of these

portions with dilute solution of chloride of gold if after some


time it becomes red and precipitates red flakes, the vinegar

contains tin. The presence of tin is also indicated if another
portion of the solution of the precipitate in hydrochloric acid
does not acquire a blue color after the addition of potassium
ferrocyanide. The behavior of the fluid towards solution of

potassium permanganate may serve as a controlling test if ;

the fluid contains tin, the solution of potassium permanganate

becomes discolored.
Determination of the Derivation of a Vinegar. The examina-
tion of a vinegar as regards the materials used in its prepara-
tion is generally effected by the- senses of odor and taste.
There are, however, a number of ready execution which
tests of

the judgment of the tongue and nose.


Vinegar prepared from dilute spirits of wine is colorless or

only colored slightly yellowish. If such vinegar has a dark
yellow color resembling that of wine, it is generally due to the
addition of caramel, the addition being chiefly made on ac-
count of the erroneous opinion prevailing among the public
that vinegar clear as water or only slightly colored lacks

Vinegar prepared from spirits of wine, when carefully evap-
orated in a porcelain dish, leaves a very small residue of a
whitish or very slightly yellow color, which chiefly consists of
the salts contained in the water used for the preparation of the
alcoholic liquid, an accurate examination showing it to consist
of calcium acetate,gypsum, and a very small quantity of
sodium chloride. is of a dark brown color,
If the residue
swells up when heated, and leaves a lustrous black coal, the

vinegar has been colored with caramel.

Beer and malt vinegars are dark yellow, generally with a
reddish shade. On account of their content of dextrin they
foam when shaken, and, when carefully evaporated, leave a
brown, gum-like residue. The latter consists chiefly of dex-
trin, and contains, besides the other extractive substances

occurring in beer and malt vinegar, such as salts of ashes,


especially much phosphoric acid. On heating strongly an

odor calling to mind that of toasted bread is evolved. At a
stillhigher temperature the residue turns black and finally acts
like caramel it evolves
; pungent vapors and leaves a lustrous
The great content of phosphoric acid characteristic of malt
or beer-vinegar may also serve for the determination of the
derivation of such vinegar. By compounding beer or malt-
vinegar with some nitric acid and a solution of ammonium
molybdate and heating, the fluid, after standing, separates a
yellow precipitate, which contains the phosphoric acid present
in the fluid.

Wine-vinegar is best recognized by its characteristic odor,

the latter becoming especially perceptible by rinsing out a

large tumbler with the vinegar, and after allowing it to stand

for a few hours examining the odor of the few drops remaining
in the tumbler. The greater portion of the acetic acid having
then volatilized, the vinous odor becomes more prominent.
Cider-vinegar, the odor of which is somewhat similar to that of
wine-vinegar, can in this manner be plainly distinguished from
the latter, the residue in the tumbler having an entirely differ-
ent odor.
The presence of potassium bitartrate a characteristic sign

of wine-vinegar. By evaporating wine-vinegar to a brownish

syrupy mass, boiling the latter with some water, rapidly filter-
ing the boiling fluid into a test tube, and adding double its
volume of strong spirits of wine, a sand-like precipitate falls to
the/ bottom of the test-tube, which consists of very small

crystals of tartar. This, however, does not prove the sample

to be genuine wine-vinegar, tartar also being contained in imi-
tations. With a sufficiently sharp sense of smell this is, how-
ever the surest means of distinguishing genuine wine-viriegar
from a spurious article.
In case the derivation of a vinegar is to be established with
absolute certainty, it has to be subjected to an accurate chem-
ical analysis, and this being better made by an analytical

chemist, only a few hints are here given which may serve as
a guide for such analyses.
In vinegar prepared from a fermented fluid a certain quan-
tity of glycerin and succinic acid will, as a rule, be present,
these bodies being always formed by the fermentation of a sac-
chariferous fluid, and consequently when found the vinegar in

question cannot have been prepared from an alcoholic liquid

consisting only of spirits of wine and water. If they are found

only in very small quantities, the alcoholic liquid used for the
production of the vinegar consists very likely of spirits of wine
and water with the addition of beer or fermented whiskey-
mash, and in this case small quantities of dextrin and of phos-
phates will also be found. The total absence of tartaric acid
and the presence of malic acid indicate the derivation of the
vinegar under examination from fruit, though not necessarily
from apples or pears, other sacchariferous fruits also containing
malic acid. A content of tartaric acid is, however, no proof of
genuine wine-vinegar, as its presence may be due to an inten-
tional addition, and it is very difficult to arrive at a certain
conclusion as to the genuineness of a pretended wine-vinegar,
especially in the case of cider-vinegar to which tartaric acid
has been added.
Should pepper, be added to vinegar for the
chillies, etc.,

purpose of conferring more pungency, they may be detected

by neutralizing the acid with carbonate of soda and tasting
the liquor; if these bodies be present, the solution will still

retain the sharpness peculiar to such spices.



Constitution of Wood. Wood essentially consists of woody

fiber, small quantities of salts and sap and a varying quantity
of hygroscopic water. Woody fiber or cellulose constitutes
about 96 per cent, of dry wood, and is composed of C6 10 5 H ;

100 parts containing 44.45 parts carbon, 6.17 hydrogen and

49.38 oxygen. The vegetable sap consists chiefly of water,
but contains organic as well as inorganic matters, partly in
solution and partly in suspension. The inorganic constituents
the ash left after the incineration of the wood are the same
in all kinds of wood. The quantity of water inwood is gen-
erally larger in the soft than in the hard varieties. One hun-
dred parts of wood recently felled contain, according to
Schubler and Neuffler, the following quanties of water :

Beech 18.6 Common fir 39.7

Birch 30.8 Red Beech 39.7
Oak 34.7 Alder ... 41.6
Oak (quercus pedunculata) . 35.4 Elm 44.5
White fir. . 37.1 Ked fir. . 45.2

The branches always contain more water than the trunk.

Wood is called air-dry when its weight no longer changes
atan ordinary temperature in this state it contains still 17 to

20 per cent, of water. The latter can be expelled by con-

tinued heating at 212 F., but wood thus dried re-absorbs
about 20 per c'ent. of water from the air.

Whenfelled, nearly kinds of wood are specifically lighter


than water. A few varieties are heavier, but these are the
harder kinds in which the cellulose is so compactly packed as
to leavevery little The table
space for the retention of air.
here given exhibits approximately the specific gravity of the
different woods :


purpose. Moreover, ithas been successfully attempted to

produce certain insoluble bodies, such as aluminium and cop-
per soaps, in the interior of the wood by saturating it with soda
soap and then with aluminium chloride, or blue vitriol, or such
as barium phosphate, by saturating with sodium phosphate
and then with barium chloride, etc.
By heating to 212 F. wood remains unchanged, it yielding
up only sap constituents. If, however, the temperature be in-
creased, for instance to 392 F., a small quantity of sugar is,
according to Mulder, formed from cellulose in a closed vessel,
and from" wood, according to G. Williams, an acid not yet
thoroughly known, methyl alcohol (see further on), an oil
boiling between 277 and 421 F., and a small quantity of
In the presence of water, wood in a closed vessel is, however,
already decomposed at about 293 F. If this temperature be

kept up for a long time, for instance, a month, the wood,

according to Sorby, is converted into a lustrous black mass
with the formation of acetic acid and gases.
According to Daubree, pine, when heated for some time with
water in an entirely closed vessel to 752 F., is converted into
a mass having the appearance of stone-coal and approaching
anthracite in its behavior. Baroulier made similar observa-
tions, masses resembling stone-coal being formed by pressing

saw-dust, stems and leaves together in moist clay and heating

continuously to from 392 to 572 F., so that the vapors and
gases could only escape very slowly.
By avoiding all heating, concentrated sulphuric acid converts
cellulose into a gum-like body dextrin which by diluting
with water and long digesting is converted into sugar (starch
sugar). When
heated, the wood, however, turns black and is
completely destroyed, sulphurous acid being at the same time
evolved. With concentrated sulphuric acid, cellulose swells
up and gradually dissolves, being precipitated by water in
white flocks. The starch-like body thus obtained is called
amyloid. It is an altered cellulose and is colored blue by

iodine. At the ordinary temperature, wood is but little

affected by dilute sulphuric aci.d, while at a higher tempera-

ture a certain quantity of sugar glucose or dextrose is
formed, water being, absorbed at the same time. This be-
havior has been utilized for obtaining alcohol by fermenting
the sugar .thus obtained with yeast after neutralizing the acid

by calcium carbonate, for instance, chalk. The woody fiber

remaining unattacked can be used as material for paper.

Concentrated hydrochloric acid colors wood rose color to
violet-redand rapidly destroys it. Dilute hydrochloric acid
on heating, forms sugar but, according to Zetterlund, the

quantity of absolute alcohol obtainable in this manner is very

small, amounting to about 2.3 per cent, of the weight of the
wood.* By macerating wood with dilute hydrochloric acid at
an ordinary temperature, the cellulose is not changed, but the
so-called lignin seems to be dissolved. By forcing dilute hy-
drochloric acid by a pressure of two atmospheres into trunks
provided with the bark, and subsequent washing out in the
same manner with water, and drying by means of a current of
air at 98.6 F., wood acquires great plasticity. In a moist
state wood thus treated can be pressed together to one-tenth of
its original volume.
Hydriodic acid reduces wood to various hydrocarbons, water
being formed and iodine liberated.
Concentrated nitric acid, or, still better, a mixture of it and
sulphuric acid, converts cellulose, for instance, cotton, into
gun-cotton, while wood is colored yellow and partially dis-
solved. Dilute nitric acid, for instance, of 1.20 specific gravity,
has no effect in the cold, and but little when heated.

By bringing cellulose in contact with dilute aqueous solu-

tions of alkalies, it is colored blue by iodine, and consequently
a starch-like substance is formed, but no humus-like bodies ;

According to prior experiments by Bachet, it is, however, claimed that up ta
23 per cent, of sugar can be obtained from wood % by boiling 10 to 12 hours with
water containing one-tenth of hydrochloric acid.

from wood only the lignin is extracted, the woody fibre remain-
ing unchanged. By heating with strong alkaline lyes, or, still
better, by fusing with solid caustic alkalies, acetic acid is, ac-

cording to Braconnot, first formed and then oxalic acid. The

latter acid is frequently obtained by this process.
On heating shavings with sodium sulphide an abundant
quantity of acetic acid (sodium acetate) is formed, the addition
of sulphur to caustic soda apparently having the effect of pre-

venting the formation of oxalic acid.

Products of Destructive Distillation, Besides charcoal, there
are formed in the decomposition of wood under exclusion of
air, a great number of products, the kind and quantity of
which depend on the temperature to which the wood has been
exposed, as well as on whether that temperature has been slow-
ly raised to a certain point, or as rapidly as possible.
The products obtained by gradually
increasing the heat are,
at the ordinary temperature, either gaseous, liquid or solid.
In speaking of the gases, which will be first considered, a dis-
tinction has to be made between those which must be accepted
as actual products of decomposition of wood, and those which
are formed by certain volatile fluids which are liquid at the

ordinary temperature, but at higher degrees of heat suffer de-

composition and yield gaseous products.
Gaseous products of distillation. At the commencement of
decomposition, between 320 and 374 F., carbonic acid, CO 2 ,

mixed only with very small quantities of carbonic oxide, CO,

is chiefly found, the quantity of the latter increasing with the
rise in the temperature. At between 392 and 428 F. the
quantities of carbonic acid and carbonic oxide are nearly equal,
and small quantities of methane or marsh gas, CH 4 appear. ,

At between 608 and 680 F., carbonic acid and carbonic

oxide become less prominent, and methane appears in larger
quantities. Above this temperature the content of carbonic
acid in the gas mixture becomes small, while that of methane,
mixed also with hydrogen, increases, and heavier hydro-
carbons make their appearance.

By igniting the gases escaping from the distilling apparatus,

a conclusion can be drawn from the appearance of the flame
as to the kind of products which are developing. At first
the flame is slightly luminous and shows the characteristic-

pale blue color of the carbonic acid flame. Later on, in con-
of the increase in the formation of methane and
heavier hydrocarbons, the flame exhibits periodically a pure
white color, while the blue coloration gradually becomes less
prominent, until finally the gases burn with the luminous
pure white flame of heavy hydrocarbons.
The following table shows the order in which the gaseous
combinations are formed at different temperatures :

Temperature. Name. Composition.

acid CO 2 ]
Carbonic oxide CO

'55: C 2 H,
lre '
From 680 to 812 F. Propylene
(above this temperature ] Butylene C4 H 8
only a very small quan- |
Benzene C6 H 6 ~)

tity of gas is evolved). Toluene (-7^8 I Liquid at the or-

Xylene C 8 H ]0 } dinary temper-
Cumene C9 H 12 |
Napthalene C ]0 H 8

Pettenkofer found the composition of wood gases as follows :

Carbonic Carbonic Heavy

Air. acid. oxide. Methane. Hydrogen, hydrocarbons.
Up to 680 F. . . 5 54.5 38.8 6.6
Above 680 F. . . 18-25 40-50 8-12 14-17 6.7

The process by which the above-mentioned bodies, of which

the products of benzene caught by cooling may also be vola-
tilized, are formed is of a very complicated nature, and while
as regards the formation of many of these bodies only hypoth-
esescan be advanced, that of others is readily explained.
Before entering upon this explanation, it is well to remem-
ber that in the execution of carbonization and destructive dis-
tillation on a large scale, it is impossible to maintain the same

temperature in all parts of the

apparatus, and that consider-
able differences in temperature will occur. Furthermore cer-
tain volatile bodies when highly heated, i. e., in contact with
hot places of the distilling apparatus, possess the property of
undergoing decomposition, new combinations being formed.
This explains the origin of many bodies which appear among
the products of the decomposition of wood.
When wood substance is heated, its elementary constituents
act at firstupon each other in such a manner that water is
formed, and consequently steam is evolved, when the wood,
afterbeing freed from all moisture, is heated to 320 F.
However, at a higher temperature the affinity of carbon for
oxygen and hydrogen asserts itself, and at first combinations
composed of the three constituents of wood are formed.
At a certain temperature the affinity of carbon for oxygen
becomes so potent that the two bodies enter into combina-
tion, and carbonic acid the combination of carbon richest in
oxygen is formed so long as an abundance of oxygen is
present. At a when the quan-
later stage of decomposition,

tity ofoxygen mass

in the has decreased and the temperature
has become higher, carbonic oxide the combination of car-
bon poorer in oxygen appears in larger quantity. It is due
to the affinity of hydrogen for carbon that two hydrocarbons
are formed. So long as hydrogen is present in abundance,
methane CH 4 a combination of carbon with hydrogen com-
pletely saturated with hydrogen is first formed, and then, at

a somewhat higher temperature, ethylene C H 4 ,a combination


poorer in hydrogen.
The gases above mentioned, namely Carbonic
acid, carbonic
oxide, methane and ethylene, are very possibly those combi-
nations which may originate directly from the decomposition
of the wood substance. When these gases are brought in
contact with glowing coal, or are highly heated two cases
which always occur in destructive distillation they suffer
decomposition, and new bodies appear in the products of

Carbonic acid in contact with glowing coal changes to car-

bonic oxide, 2 -|-C=2CO,
C0and it is very likely that the con-
stant increase of the content of carbonic oxide in the gases
with an increasing temperature, is partly due to this reciprocal

Hydrogen appears only when the temperature has reached

a point at which methane and ethylene are formed in abun-
dance, the hydrogen being split off from these combinations.
So long as the temperature is not much above 750 F., acety-
lene, C 2
H 2,
and hydrogen are chiefly formed from methane,
while at a red heat, methane is directly decomposed to its

elementary constituents.
Hence at lower degrees of heat is formed :

2CH =4 C 2 H2 -I- H 6
methane = acetylene + hydrogen.

and at higher degrees of heat : CH 4

=C+ H 4

On the portions of the iron distilling vessels, which are

highly heated in the distillation of wood, a graphite-like layer of
carbon is found which adheres quite firmly and is very likely
formed by the decomposition of methane and other hydrocar-
bons in coming in contact with the hot surface, carbon being
thereby separated.
Ethylene C 2 H 4 is decomposed at a comparatively low tem-
perature to acetylene and methane.

3 C2 H 4 = 2 C H + 2 CH
2 2 4
ethylene = acetylene + methane.

At a higher temperature, ethylene is decomposed so that the

above mentioned products are formed, carbon, however being
at the same time separated.

4 C'H 4 = 2 C 2 H 2 -1- 3 CH 4
-f C.

The above-mentioned decompositions of methane, however,

are not the only ones which may occur, and according to the

temperature, there may be formed from these gases a series of


other combinations. The appearance of propylene may, for

instance, be explained by the reciprocal action of methane and
carbonic oxide.

2 CH +4 CO = C3 T7 6 -J- HO2
methane + carbonic oxide = propylene + water.

Besides the processes of decomposition above represented,

there are others which are a source of the formation of gaseous
bodies. At a temperature of between 392 and 536 F. a con-
siderable quantity of acetic acid and methyl alcohol is already
formed, and the vapors of this combination are entirely or par-
tially decomposed when highly heated, and this explains why
in heating the wood and
very rapidly, very little acetic acid
methyl alcohol are formed, but, on the other hand, a very large
quantity of gaseous and tar products.
Wood contains in
sap constituents small quantities of

nitrogenous combinations and the nitrogen forms with hydro-

gen, ammonia, which, on coming together with hydrocarbons,
forms at once substitution products, of which, for instance,
methylamir.e, in which a portion of the hydrogen in the am-
monia is replaced by methyl, appears in proportionally largest

CH 4 + IT 3 N CH N 5 -f H 2
methyl alcohol + ammonia = methylamine + water.

Since in the destructive distillation of wood a large quantity

of gases is evolved, the apparatuses in which the products of

distillation, liquid at the ordinary temperature, are to be con-

densed must be quite- large, as otherwise the seams might open
in consequence of the pressure of the gases ; or at least a large

quantity of bodies which might be condensed would be carried

away by the powerful current of gases.

By destructive distillation 100 kilogrammes of wood yield

on an average 24.97 cubic meters of gas. This quantity, how-
ever, corresponds only to the conditions prevailing when dis-
tillation is carried
on slowly. When the heat is rapidly raised

nearly 50 per cent, more of gas is obtained and of course the

yield of liquid products of distillation and of charcoal is cor-

respondingly reduced. F. Fischer made thorough investiga-
tions regarding the gases formed in the destructive distillation
of wood. He found that the average yield from 100 parts of
beech 45 kilogrammes wood vinegar (with 4 kilogrammes

anhydride and 1.1 kilogramme wood spirit), 23 kilo-


grammes charcoal, 4 kilogrammes tar, 28 kilogrammes gases

and steam.
Liquid Products of Distillation. The products of destructive
distillation ofwood which can be condensed by cooling, sepa-
rate, when at rest, into two layers, the upper lighter one, which
is an acid nature, forming the wood vinegar, while the lower,
denser one, is termed tar. Since these fluids are formed at
temperatures widely apart and there is considerable difference
in the chemical constitution of the bodies contained in them,
it is best to consider them separately.

Vinegar. At the lowest temperature at which the de-
composition of wood commences according to Violette be-
tween 302 and 312 F., and according to Gillot, even be-
tween 216.6 and 244.4 F. the three elementary constituents
of wood act upon each other, and, besides a number of acids
of the fatty acid series and methyl alcohol, there are formed
certain products of the decomposition of these bodies. The
formation of fatty acids, amongst which acetic acid appears in
largest quantity, commences, according to Gillot, at 255 F.,
and reaches its maximum at 437 F. At higher temperatures
considerable quantities of products of decomposition of the
fatty acids appear, so that, according to the temperature and
duration of distillation, there may be considerable variation, as
regards the quantities of bodies contained in it, in the composi-
tion of wood vinegar gained on a large scale. The presence of
the following fatty acids in wood vinegar has been definitely
established :


Formic acid .
2 2

Acetic acid C2 H 4 O 2
Propionic acid C3 H 6 O 2
Butyric acid C4 H 8 O 2
Valeric acid '.
C5 H ]0O 2
Caproicacid C6 Hi 2 O2

Formic acid boils at 212 F., and since the boiling-point of

the succeeding members of this series of acids lies about 68

higher, it may be supposed that the lower members of this

series of acids are found in the portion of the
which distils over at a comparatively low temperature. This
has been fully confirmed by experience, and for this reason the
wood should be very slowly heated if the largest possible yield
of acetic acid is to be obtained.
Methyl alcohol, CH 4 O, may be produced from marsh -gas by
subjecting that compound to the action of chlorine in sunshine,

whereby chloromethane, or methyl chloride, CH 3 C1, is pro-

duced, and then distilling with potash. In the destructive
distillation of wood it is very likely formed by the action of
carbonic acid upon methane :

CH + 4 CO 2 CH 4 + CO
methane + carbonic acid = methyl alcohol + carbonic oxide,

so that the appearance of constantly increasing quantities of

carbonic oxide beside carbonic acid would appear to be ex-
plained by this process.
Acetone, C 3 6 0, is formed directly from acetic acid by con-
ducting the vapors of the latter through a red-hot tube whereby
carbonic acid and water are formed :

2(C 2 H 4 2)
=CH 3 6 + C02 + B2
acetic acid = acetone + carbonic acid -f water.

It may, however, be also formed from methyl alcohol and

acetic acid, or from methyl alcohol and carbonic oxide. The
occurrence of methyl acetic ether, CH 3 ,C 2 H 3 02, in wood vine-
gar is due to acetic acid and methyl alcohol in a nascent state
acting upon each other, while the presence of aldehyde,

C 4 10 2 may be explained by tbe reciprocal action of methyl

alcohol and acetic acid, two molecules of methyl alcohol with

one molecule of acetic acid being transformed to dimethyl
acetal (= aldehyde) while water and oxygen are liberated, the
latter being immediately fixed by other products.

2(CIT 4 0) +C H 2 4 2
=CH 4 10 0, + H,0 + O
methyl alcohol + acetic acid = aldehyde -f water + oxygen.

Further products of the reciprocal action of the fatty acids,

methane and carbonic oxide, are: Metacetone, C 6 10 0, and H
allyl alcohol or furfurol, C 3 6 0.
The small quantities of
nitrogen originating from the sap constituents of the wood,
which are present in destructive distillation, appear in the
form of methylamine C 3 H 2 N, and ammonia.
There is such a variation in the quantities of the bodies of
which wood vinegar is composed that it is impossible to give
figures of general value in regard to them, the time during
which heating takes place being of great influence in this re-
from the same variety of wood, by rapid heating,
spect, so that
only a few tenths of the quantity of products are frequently
obtained, which would result by slow heating. This fact is of
the greatest importance for the practical manufacture of wood
vinegar and wood spirit, and will be more fully discussed later
on. It may here only be mentioned that from air dry wood,

with not too rapid distillation, 30 to 53 per cent, (from most

varieties of wood on an average 40 to 45 per cent.) of wood

vinegar may be obtained, the specific gravity of which varies

between 1.018 and 1.030, and which contains between 2.5 and
'8.5 per cent, acetic anhydride, calculated from the
gravity of
the wood vinegar.
Tar. The products which occur in wood tar are still more
numerous than those which originate during the period in
which there is still considerable oxygen in the heated mass.
Among the combinations which may be termed tar products
in the actual sense of the word, are only a few containing

oxygen, and these occur only in smaller quantities. The


larger quantity of the tar products consist of hydrocarbon

combinations and must be considered as having been formed
by the elements, carbon and hydrogen, grouping themselves
in various ways at different temperatures. Ethylene very
likely breaks up into a series of hydrocarbon combinations, at
a slightly higher temperature than that at which it originates,
as is, for instance, shown for naphthalene

ethylcne = naphthalene + methaner

8(C2 H 4 ) = <J 10 H 8 +G(CH 4 ),

and the formation of all the other hydrocarbons might in the

same manner be explained. When derived from hard wood,
wood-tar consists chiefly of parafins,* toluene, xylene, cresol,
guaiacol, phenol, and methyl derivatives of pyrogallol.
Since a portion of these combinations is already formed at a
temperature at which acetic acid is still evolved from the wood,
certain quantities are found dissolved in wood vinegar, the tar
products being jointly condensed with the wood-vinegar.
While, according to Pettenkofer, the heavy hydrocarbons ap-
pear only at a temperature of above 680 F., according to Gil-
lot, tar in abundance
is already formed at 565 F. Practical

experience, however, has shown that the largest quantities of

tar are formed only at a higher temperature, and the boiling-

points of tar products also indicate a high temperature of for-

mation, naphthalene, for instance, boiling at 413.6 F. and
paraffin only at over 572 F.
Besides the above-mentioned combinations, various chemists
have established in wood-tar the presence of a long series of
combinations, but up to the present time they have not been
more examined, or they appear in such small quantities
that their occurrence is only of theoretical interest. In this
series may be mentioned Iridol/ citriol, rubidol, benzidol

further, retene, pittacall, cedriret, and pyroxanthogene and ;

Under the name paraffin are very likely comprised many combinations which,
though having the same percentage composition, possess different physical and
chemical properties, i. e., are isomeric.

further, the combinations established by Reich enbach, kapno-

mar, picamar, creosote and xylite, and finally mesite, prepared
by Schweizer.
The yield of tar obtained in the destructive distillation of
wood depends on the time and temperature used, but also
essentially on the nature of the wood itself, resinous woods
yielding larger quantities of tar than the varieties free from
rosin. By slow distillation, the former yield 9 to 14 per cent.,
and the latter, 5 to 11 per cent, of tar. The more quickly the
process of distillation is conducted the greater will be the yield
of tar and gas, while that of acetic acid is less. The table
below shows the bodies appearing in the destructive distillation
ofwood and the limits of temperature of technical importance,
within which they are very likely formed :


Carbonic acid .
) Formic acid ) Qt
AO f^ 0/z Benzene 1 ^ *i
Carbonic oxide U20 to 680 F. Acetic acid j"
Methane j Propionic acid i Xylene
Hydrogen Butyric acid < 'umene
QQ to 'cno
.,o +
92 i?
68 "

Acetylene |
Valeric acid f Naphthalene
Ethylene }>680 to 809.6 F.Caproic acid J Paraffin
Propylene | Methyl alcohol 392 to 683 F. Phenol
Butylene J Acetone 1 Anisol .

Metacetone .. . Phenetol .... j r

Acetic acid and
methyl ether 482 to 680 F.
Dimethyl acetate
Methylamine acetate J

At present only a comparatively small number of the pro-

ducts originating in the destructive distillation of wood are
utilized. Of the combinations which belong to the series of
tar bodies, the only products which have actually found indus-
trial application, are creosote, which consists chiefly of phenic
acid, and the light and heavy oils which can be obtained by
distillation from the tar.

is, however, possible to separate from wood tar the various

combinations contained in it, as has been successfully done
with coal tar. Benzene, toluene, naphthalene, etc., can be pre-
pared, and coloring matters manufactured from these hydro-
carbons. The reason why this is not done is very likely to be
sought in the fact that in the manufacture of illuminating gas

from quantity of coal tar is obtained

coal, a sufficiently large
to supply the demand of the manufacturers of coal tar colors.
Paraffin might also bs obtained from wood tar, but its manu-
facturewould not pay in competition with the article obtained
from the by-products gained in the purification of crude pe-
Hence there is nothing left in the destructive distillation but
to work wood free from rosin into charcoal, acetic acid and
methyl alcohol as chief products, and to consider all other
products as by-products, to be utilized as opportunity offers and
eventually to be used as fuel in the factory. When working
with wood rich in rosin, it is best first to obtain acetic acid and
wood a low temperature, and then to raise the heat to
spirit at
such a degree as is required to gain the total quantity of tar,
since from this tar, by subjecting it to further treatment, tar
oilcan advantageously be prepared. *
Wood-tar varies in character with the kind of wood from
which it is obtained, that derived from resinous woods being
considered the more valuable on account of its content of
rosin. When wood is distilled in retorts, the portion of tar

separated from the crude wood-vinegar by settling and that

skimmed off of the top of the neutralized wood-vinegar are
united, and, after washing with water, may be sold in the
crude state as u raw tar" or as retort tar." It is used for
preserving wood, for
making antiseptic, and
roofing felts, as an
for the preparation of wagon grease and other low-grade lubri-
cants. In addition to the tar separated by settling, the crude
wood-vinegar contains considerable tar held in solution by the
acids and alcohol present, which is recovered when the wood-

vinegar and constitutes what is known as " boiled

is distilled,

tar." It may be sold as such or burned under the retort, or

it may be mixed up with the raw tar and subjected to any

desired treatment.

By the destructive distillation of resinous woods tar oil con-

taining turpentine is also obtained, but less wood vinegar,
eventually calcium acetate. From 50 cubic meters of air-dry

resinous wood are obtained about 4600 to4750 kilogrammes

charcoal, 1500 kilogrammes tar, 400 kilogrammes tar oil, 450

kilogrammes calcium acetate, 75 to 100 kilogrammes wood-


Properties of the Combinations formed in the Destructive Distil"

lation of Wood. Of the many bodies formed in the destructive
distillation ofwood, only a few are of importance, these being
especially acetic acid, wood spirit and the combinations and
products of decomposition originating from these two bodies ;

further the combinations which can be obtained from the tar,

namely Creosote and tar oils.


The physical and chemical properties of acetic

Acetic acid.
acid have already been described on p. 27. Of the products of
decomposition which acetic acid may yield, those formed by the
action of heat are here of special interest. Heated by itself,
acetic acid can stand comparatively very high temperatures
without suffering decomposition, and acetic acid vapor can, for
instance, be conducted through a red-hot porcelain tube without
being decomposed. However, decomposition takes place al-
ready at a slight red heat when the vapor comes in contact with
glowing coal, as is the case in the destructive distillation of wood.
If acetic acid vapor remains for some time in contact with such
coal, agas mixture, consisting of methane, carbonic acid' and
carbonic oxide is formed, the latter originating from the action
of the coal upon the carbonic acid :

C 2 H 4O 2 = CH 4 -f CO2 .

acetic acid, methane, carbonic acid.

Acetone. At a less high temperature, acetone, CH CO.CH

3 3,

formed by the decomposition of acetic acid ;

its formation is

illustrated by the following equation :

2(C2 H 4 2)
= C TT
a 6 4- C0 2 +H O.
acetic acid acetone carbonic acid water.

Acetone is always found in wood vinegar, and in a pure state

is a liquid boiling at 132.8 F., of specific gravity 0.814, of a

pleasant aromatic odor and a pungent taste. It burns with a

brilliant flameand is miscible in all proportions with water,

alcohol and ether. an excellent solvent for fats, resins,
It is

camphor, volatile oils, gun cotton, etc., and in modern times

quite large quantities of it are employed in the manufacture of
smokeless gunpowder.
Methyl acetate is in the chemical sense an acetic methyl ester.
This ester is formed by the combination of acetic acid with
methyl alcohol, water being withdrawn :

3 3 3 -|- H 2 O.

By treatment with alkalies such esters are saponified, whereby

the alcohol and the salt of the acid are again formed. This is
also the case with the methyl acetate contained in crude wood-

vinegar when it is distilled with the addition of lime. But,

as a rule, small quantities of it escape saponification, and for
this reason the presence of acetic methyl ester can always be
established in crude wood-vinegar.

Aldehyde or acetaldehyde has already been described on page

24. It is a constant constituent of the products of the
destructive distillation of wood.

Methyl alcohol or wood spirit, CH 3 OH, in a pure state, is a

colorless, mobile liquid having a peculiar odor and burning
taste. When ignited it burns with a slightly luminous flame.
It boils at 149 F. and has a specific gravity of 0.798 at 32 F.
It is a solvent for resins and essential oils, and for this reason
isused in the manufacture of lacquers and varnishes. It may
also be employed as fuel in place of ordinary alcohol. In
modern times has become an important article of commerce,

being largely used in the manufacture of aniline colors and
for many other purposes.
Crude wood spirit as originally obtained from wood-vinegar
is a mixture of methyl alcohol, acetic methyl ester, all the
readily volatile products of decomposition of acetic acid (ace-
tone, aldehyde, dimethyl acetate) and the readily volatile

hydrocarbons. The preparation of pure methyl alcohol, which

will be referred to later on, is therefore connected with certain

Tar Products Hydrocarbons of the series C n H 2n -6. There

isconsiderable variation in the properties of the products oc-

curring in tar, as far as they are hydrocarbons. Those which

are liquid at the ordinary temperature are of slight specific
gravity but have different boiling-points and belong to differ-
ent series composed according to a certain type. The best
known are those of the series Cn H 2n_ mentioned

Benzene boils at . . - . 179.6 F, Specific gravity . . . .0.850

Toluene " .... 231.8 F. " " . . . . 0.870
" .... 282.2 F.
" " 0.875
Xylene . . . .

Cumene " .... 330.8 F. " . . . . 0.887

" 345.2 F.
' k
... .0.850
Cymene . . . .

These bodies possess the property of yielding by substitu-

tion bases which by treatment with oxidizing bodies can be
converted into coloring matters, the so-called tar or aniline
colors. As an example may here be mentioned the conver-
sion of benzene. Benzene has the formula C 6 H 6 .
By con-
r\ TT
version of benzene into nitro-benzene = 6 5

> and treat-

N0 2 J

ment of the latter with hydrogen at the nascent moment,

aniline is formed :

E 6
j+6H==C a

Nitre-benzine. Aniline.

According to the same scheme, nitro-combinations and

amines can be prepared from toluene, cumene, and from all
other hydrocarbons belonging to this series which can by suit-
able treatment be converted into coloring matters.
At present aniline colors are exclusively obtained from coal
tar, but there no doubt that they can also be prepared from

wood tar, though thus far only experiments have been made

in this direction, which, however, have proved highly suc-


Besides the hydrocarbons, benzene, toluene, etc., boiling at a

higher temperature, the presence in wood tar of a few others,
distinguished by very low boiling points and slight specific
gravity, has been established. Such are:

Iridol boils at , . . 116.6 F. Specific gravity 0.660

" . . . 125.60 F. tfc " 0.700
" "
Kubidol" . . .134. 60 F. 0.750
" ... 140 F. " " 0.800
1 '
- . .158 F. " " 0.850

By treatment with nitric acid, these hydrocarbons can also

be converted into nitro-combinations from which, by reduc-
tion, amines can be prepared, which may be converted into
colored combinations. However, thus far these bodies have
not been thoroughly examined.
Naphthalene and Paraffin. These two hydrocarbons, which
also occur in wood tar, are solid at the ordinary temperature
and are distinguished by high boiling points. Naphthalene
crystallizes in white rhombic leaflets with a peculiar odor and
burning taste. It fuses at 174.2 F. and boils at 424.4 F.
Its composition is C 10 H 8 .
By treating with nitric acid,
naphthalene may be converted into nitronaphthalene,
C 10 H N0 2 and from
7 ,
the latter naph thy lamine is prepared,
which serves for the manufacture of yellow and red coloring
The hydrocarbons with boiling points of 680 to 752 F.,
which occur in wood tar, are designated paraffins and belong
very likely to the series C n H 2n According to the material .

from which they are obtained, the melting points of the par-
affins vary, and all the combinations belonging to this group
are distinguished by their great chemical indifference.

Many varieties of wood tar are of a viscous and gritty

nature, which indicates a large content of paraffin. In fact,
paraffin was first prepared from beech-wood tar by Reichen-

bach. However,as previously mentioned, there is at present

prospect of the preparation of paraffin from wood-tar

proving remunerative, on account of the competition with the

article obtained from crude petroleum.
Besides the hydrocarbons mentioned, there occur in wood-
tar small quantities of the following Chrysene, C 12 8 retene, : H ,

C 18 H 18 and
, pyrine, C 15 H 15 .

Tar Products Containing Oxygen (Creosote). The combina-

tions containing oxygen which occur in wood-tar are either
members of the phenol series or belong to the guaiacol series.
The liquid known as wood-tar creosote consists of a mixture
of combinations belonging to both series, the compounds be-

longing to the phenol series being :

Phenic acid or carbolic acid 6

5 O C6 H 7

Creosote C6 H4 <^ C 7
H O.8

Ethyl phenate or phenetol C6 H3 CH 3 C8 H 10O.

Among these acids, carbolic acid occurs in smallest quan-

tity. The combinations belonging -to the guaiacol series,

which are found in wood tar are :

Pyrocatechin or oxyphenic acid C6 H 4 <^ C6 H6 O 2 .

M ethyl-pyrocatechin or guaiacol C6 H <^rT 4
C 7 H 8O 2 .

Creosol 6
3 2 C 8 H 10O 2

Creosote may also be prepared from coal-tar ; chemically,

however, this creosote consists almost exclusively of carbolic
acid, and cannot be used for medicinal purposes.
Wood-tar creosote is a fluid of a peculiar penetrating smoky
odor. Applied to a mucous membrane or to the raw cuticle,
it excites severe
burning pain, coagulates the albumen of the

secretion,and may even produce ulceration. It preserves

meat probably in consequence of its behavior with albumen,
and the preserving action of smoking meat is due to a content
of this body in wood-smoke.
Since the introduction of the manufacture of illuminating
gas from wood, wood-tar creosotes very rich in carbolic acid
are found in commerce, and this may be explained by the
conditions under which the tar from which the creosote has
been obtained has been formed.
Whenilluminating gases are to be obtained from wood, the
latter must as quickly as possible be heated to a high temper-

ature, and under these conditions an abundance of carbolic

acid is formed which passes into the creosote. If, on the other
hand, destructive distillation is carried on at a slowly increasing
temperature, tar is obtained which chiefly contains creosol and
guaiacol. Since carbolic acid is comparatively quite a poison-
ous body, creosote intended for medicinal use should only be
prepared at factories which carry on the destructive distillation
ofwood chiefly for the purpose of obtaining acetic acid.
Besides the above-described constituents, various chemists
have mentioned a complete series of compounds as occurring
in wood-tar. It can scarcely be doubted that several, but lit-
tle known, bodies which have not yet been prepared in a pure
state occur in wood-tar, but those which have been called

eupione, picamar, kapnomar, pittacal, cedriret, pyroxantho-

gene, mesite, xylite, etc., consist very likely of mixtures of
various bodies. As far as these compounds are known they
must be considered as hydrocarbons belonging to various series
of combinations. A few of them, like cedriret and chrysene,
give with acids characteristic color reactions, and pittacal is
itself of a beautiful dark blue color. On heating it evolves
ammonia, and hence it contains nitrogen very likely in the
form of combinations known as substituted ammonias.
None of these combinations have thus far become of any
technical importance, but they are occasionally observed in
the purification of sodium acetate. The melt of the crude salt

when not yet sufficiently roasted yields, when treated with

water, solutions of a beautiful blue, violet, red to orange color,
these colorations being produced by the products of decompo-
sition of the tar substances.




IN installing a plant for the purpose of utilizing wood in a

thermo-chemical way, i. e. a
} factory in which chiefly pure acetic
acid and wood spirit, and eventually the tar-products tar oils
and creosote are to be produced, apparatus will evidently
have to be selected, the arrangement of which is as complete as
possible, and which, besides the gaining of all products liquid
at the ordinary temperature, allows also of the utilization of the

large quantities of gas evolved in the destructive distillation of

wood. Hence, according to the object in view in distilling
wood, the arrangements for obtaining the products of distilla-
tion may be of very varying nature, the most simple being a
few suitably-fitted pipes and barrels. Retorts in which the
temperature can be accurately regulated are the most compli-
cated and complete, but also the most expensive, apparatus.
What kind of apparatus has to be used and what kind of

products are to be prepared, depends entirely upon local condi-

tions. Since the value of a product increases in proportion to
the labor expended in the production of it, a manufacturer who
prepares, besides pure acetic acid and wood spirit, also tar oils
and will thus realize the greatest profit from the
wood, but to attain this object the establishment of a plant
with all the apparatus required for this purpose is necessary.
However, many a proprietor of woodland does not care to
manufacture pure products in a special factory, but desires,

by the expenditure of a small sum, to obtain from his wood,

besides charcoal, also wood-vinegar and eventually tar, in order
to realize, by the sale of these raw products, a larger profit
from his wood than is attainable by charring alone. In such
a case the principle of division of labor, and eventually associ-
ation deserves recommendation, so that the proprietors of the
woodland would prepare charcoal besides wood-vinegar and
tar and sell these products, or what is still better, work them
further in a factory erected at joint expense.
Some readers may ask the question whether it is possible to
utilize large quantities ofwood by employing them for the
manufacture of products of destructive distillation. This ques-
tion may be unconditionally answered in the affirmative, since
in consequence of the high and steadily increasing tax on alco-
hol levied in most countries, the price of table vinegar must

constantly rise.
There are but two processes by which acetic acid on a large
scale can be prepared, namely, from alcohol and from wood.

Up to the present time alcohol can only be obtained from the

products of agriculture, the chief raw materials being grain
and potatoes, and eventually grapes and certain varieties of
fruit, especially apples.

By taking into consideration the great expense of labor re-

quired to obtain these products of the soil and to manufacture
alcohol and from them, it will be evident that the
acetic acid

price of this acetic acid must be greater than of that which can
in a short time be prepared from wood. Furthermore, vinegar
prepared from alcohol never pure, i. e., it does not consist

only of acetic anhydride and water, but always contains quite

a quantity of foreign substances in solution, and besides is very
poor in acetic acid. To obtain the latter pure and in a highly
concentrated vinegar has to undergo almost exactly the
same chemical manipulations to which wood vinegar has to be
subjected in order to prepare from it pure concentrated acetic
acid, but the expense of preparing such acetic acid would be
very great.

Pure concentrated acetic acid is at present used on an ex-

tensive scale in the chemical industries, and is also more and
more employed in the preparation of table vinegar, since there
is no difference between pure acetic acid prepared from wood
and that prepared from alcohol. Wood vinegar, however, can
be utilized for other purposes besides the preparation of pure
acetic acid, being in consequence of its content of tar pro-

ducts, which have an antiseptic effect, an excellent preserva-

tive of wood, and the process of impregnating the latter with
it is decidedly cheaper than most methods in which other

bodies are employed for the purpose.

Whenonly acetic acid, wood spirit and tar are to be pro-
duced, wood waste of all kinds, for instance, saw-dust, ex-
hausted shavings of dye-woods, spent tan, can be advanta-
geously worked. If the charcoal obtained from such material
is to be used as fuel, it must, on account of the smallness of

the pieces, be moulded to briquettes by a machine constructed

for the purpose.
Kilns or Ovens and Retorts. The chief object of the oldest
method of charring wood, as still carried on in some localities,
isthe production of charcoal without regard to the recovery of
the available by-products. For this purpose the wood under
a moveable covering is burnt with the access of air in heaps
or pits in the immediate neighborhood of where it is cut. The

attempt to obtain all the products simultaneously, with a

greater amountof charcoal, probably first led to the substitu-

tion of stationary apparatus, either of brick-work or iron, in

place of the covered heaps. Some of these arrangements are

calculated, like the heaps, to produce the necessary tempera-
ture for charring, by the combustion of a portion of the wood,
and the admission of a little air, such as kilns, the sides of
which form a fixed covering for the substances to be charred.
In others the portion of the wood destined to produce the heat
is entirely separated from that to be charred, the latter being

placed inside, the former outside, the kiln. The yield of ace-
tate and alcohol is very low even in the best of kilns, and the

use of the latter has been almost entirely abandoned, they be-
ing now only employed in localities where charcoal is prac-
tically the only product recovered. For the sake of complete-
ness a few of the older constructions will be described.
Schwartz's The oven introduced by Schwartz into
Sweden is based upon the principle that the hot gases furnished
by a special furnace must pass through the wood piled in a
closed space and heat it sufficiently for destructive distillation.
The construction is shown in Figs. 54, 55 and 56. Fig. 54 is
a ground plan, Fig. 55, a section of the elevation following the
lines dd, and Fig. 56, another section following the lines cc.

In the illustrations AA
the space where the wood is carbon-

ized, b, apertures through which the wood is brought into the

oven, and the charcoal withdrawn c c, the fire-places for heat-;

ing the oven d, openings through which the smoke, car-

bonic acid, acetic acid, oleaginous and tarry substances pass off
through the pipes g g, and thence through the condensers into
the chimney e e are knee-pipes which convey the tar condensed

into the vessels// Fig. 55. The bend in the pipes prevents
the access of air into the apparatus. H H H H are wooden
channels wherein the acid and oleaginous matters condense i ;

is the chimney and k a small opening in the chimney, where a

fire is lighted to establish a powerful draught. The oven walls

are of fire-brick or be of two rows of ordinary brick, the
interspace being with clay and sand.
filled The oven is first
charged with the heaviest blocks of wood, and between these
smaller wood is introduced, for the purpose of making the in-
terior more permeable to the action of the fire. All the orifices
of the oven are then closed, and the fires at c c lighted, the
current of air being instituted in i by lighting a fire at k as
above mentioned. The blaze of the fire traverses the oven
and carbonizes the charge of wood, and the smoke and other
vapors from the oven pass by the exit pipes d d into g g,
whence they escape to the condensers H, and thence to the H
chimney i. The charge is known to be completely carbonized
when the smoke issuing at i, which is at first black and heavy,

becomes bluish and light. The chimney passage is then

closed, and the opening of the pipes d d stopped up with

FIG. 54.

FIG. 55.

FIG 56.

wooden plugs and then well luted with plastic clay the fire-

doors are closed and the oven left to cool. At the end of the
second day, two holes in the top of the oven which hitherto

had been closed air-tight, are opened, and water is introduced

to extinguish the red-hot charcoal. The openings are again
closed for a longer period, and when the oven gets a little
cooler,more water is added. If any red sparks are observed r

the openings and pipes must be carefully stopped up, so as to-

prevent the formation of a current of air, as this would occa-

sion the combustion of the charcoal and consequently lessen
the product.
Great care has to be exercised in accurately regulating the
access of air, since the smallest quantity of atmospheric oxygen
which passes through the fire-room without being consumed
causes a corresponding loss of material in the space where the

FIG. 57.

wood is carbonized. Since notwithstanding the utmost care

and attention, the access ofoxygen can never be entirely
avoided, this oven will seldom be used where the chief object
is to obtain as large a quantity of acetic acid as possible. An
essentialimprovement in the oven might be made by intro-
ducing generator gases in the heating places and burning
them by the admission of just a sufficient quantity of air, which
could readily be accurately regulated, so that a slight reduc-
ing atmosphere would always prevail in the oven.
Reichenbach' s oven, Fig. 57, is a square construction with
double walls, the inner wall of fire-brick and the outer of
ordinary brick. The space between the two walls is filled

with sand. The oven is heated by pipes about 2 feet in diam-

eter which run from one end of the wall to the other, and are
seen in the illustration at a, 6, c, d and m, n. o, p. The appa-
ratus having been filled with wood, the upper portion is cov-
ered with a layer of sods and earth, or with iron plates, the
joints of the latter being carefully luted with clay. A
fire is

then lighted in the fire-places in front of p and d, which raises

the temperature of the pipes so high as to cause them to glow.
The wood in the surrounding spaces of the oven abstracts the
heat and is thereby carbonized, the volatile products of which
pass off at the bottom of the oven through the openings at x,

into the conduit/, #, h, and through y at the opposite side into

a similar conduit. Both products intermix in the pipe ki,
where the tar is
partly deposited. From the pipe ki, the
acetic acid vapors are carried off to the condenser.
Swedish oven. This oven is shown in Fig. 58. The space
G where the wood is carbonized is vaulted and is provided on
top with an aperture for charging the wood, which after the
vault is filled, is closed by a heavy lid luted with clay. The
pipe A serves for carrying off the products of distillation. The
bottom of the vault is conical, and in the center is provided with

thetgrate R, below which is the ash-pit which can be closed


by an accurately-fitting slide S. The door T which is bricked


up during the process of carbonization, serves for

the finished charcoal, and also for the introduction of a
of the wood. It is
immediately closed after the introduction
through it of some glowing coals. The effect of the latter is to

ignite a portion of the wood, and combustion is conducted by

setting the slide 8 so
that the vapors are cooled with a certain
uniformity. In a short time the wood and the walls of the
oven become so thoroughly heated that combustion can be
entirely interruptedby closing the slide S, distillation being
completed by the heat accumulated in the oven.
An oven of a somewhat different construction is shown in
cross-section in Fig. 59, and in ground plan in Fig, 60. The

FIG. o9. FIG. 60.

space in which the wood is carbonized is in the form of a cyl-

inder and passes above into a vault closed by a heavy iron lid
a. The brick work of this space is surrounded by another
brick work 6, and the fire which is ignited at the opposite side
d circulates between the two walls in the space c c. On the
upper portion of the oven, at d, are apertures provided with
slides, which serve for regulating the fire. The products of
distillation escape through the pipe e on the bottom of the
carbonizing space.
The oven is heated so that the interior wall becomes red-hot.
Firing is interrupted when no more vapors escape from* the
pipe e. The slide at d is then closed and the oven left to cool

'until the charcoal is sufficiently cooled off to allow of it being

withdrawn without fear of ignition.
*Carbo-oven. In this oven carbonization is effected in a
WTo-ught-iron vertical cylinder with a capacity of 300 to 400
cubic meters of wood. The wood is introduced through open-
ings in the wrought-iron cover of the cylinder. The products
of distillation pass out through a pipe branching off from the
lowest part of the bottom. An outlet on the side of the cyl-
inder serves for emptying the latter.

Heating is effected by tire-gases produced in a separate

furnace,which pass through spiral flues surrounding the
wrought-iron cylinder. The lower portion of the cylinder is
protected by brickwork from the direct action of the fire-gases.
In the center of the cylinder stands a large vertical heating-
pipe divided into halves by a partition. The non-condensable
gases, as well as the air required for their combustion, can
pass in through two pipes entering the lower part. The
smoke-gases coming from the last flue may also be conducted

through this heating pipe and, mixed with the combustion

products of the wood-gases, escape to the chimney.
Retorts. The various forms of apparatus for the destructive
distillation of wood previously described are of such a con-
struction as to exclude uninterrupted operation. When a
charge has been distilled off, the kiln or oven has to stand till

the charcoal is sufficiently cooled off to allow of its being with-

drawn. When this has been done the oven must be again
charged, heated and so on. This is evidently connected not
only with considerable loss of time, but also of heat, and it
has been endeavored to overcome this drawback by the use of

By heating wood in a retort closed air-tight with the ex-

ception of an opening for the escape of the products of distil-
lation, and byfitting to this opening a condenser of suitable
construction, an apparatus is obtained with which all vapor-
iform products escaping from the wood can be recovered.
Such an apparatus, though the most expensive, is the best for
the production of wood vinegar.

'a. Horizontal retorts. The arrangement of an apparatus for

the distillation of woodis very similar to that used for the

production of illuminating gas from coal, the essential differ-

ence being that the retorts for the distillation of wood must
lie in fire-places which allow of the heat being slowly and
uniformly raised, while in making illuminating gas rapid
raising of the heat is required. Clay being a worse conductor
of heat than iron, the use of retorts of this material would

apparently seem advisable for the destructive distillation of

wood. However, clay retorts have the drawback of being
fragile and besides cracks are readily formed through which a

FIG. 61. FIG. 62.

portion of the vapors would escape. For this reason iron retorts
are as a rule used. Cast iron retorts do not readily burn
through and are but little affected by the vapors of the acid,
but they have the drawback of great weight, and defective
places are difficult to repair. The best material for horizontal
as well as vertical retorts is hot-riveted boiler plate about 8
millimeters thick. Defects in such a retort can be readily

repaired by riveting a piece of boiler plate upon the defective

A wrought-iron retort of very suitable construction is shown
in Figs. 61 and 62. It consists of a cylinder 2.2 meters long
and 1 meter in diameter. On the back end the retort passes,

as seen in the illustration, into a pipe of such a length that

about 30 centimeters of it project from the brick work of the
oven. In front the retort is secured to a cast-iron ring, in the
groove of which fits a sheet-iron door. This door is pressed
against the ring by a screw and the joint is made air-tight by
luting with clay. For the rapid withdrawal of the charcoal,
the interior of the retort is furnished with a sheet-iron disk
supported by two rods riveted to it. To the center of this disk
a chain is fastened which lies upon the bottom of the retort.
When the door of the retort is opened the chain is seized with
a hook and on being drawn forward the sheet-iron disk pushes
the charcoal out.
To protect the portion of the retort which comes in direct
contact with the flame it is advisable to apply to it repeatedly

FIG. 63.

a mixture of clay and cow hair. This prevents quite well the
formation of burnt iron which scales off from the portions
directly heated.
Fig. 63 shows the manner of bricking in six retorts, two
being placed in one fire place. In this construction, as will
be seen from the illustration, the fire-gases pass directly into
the chimney which is equivalent to a waste of heat. How-
ever, this heat can be completely utilized either by placing
upon the retort-oven a pan in which the solution of crude
sodium acetate may be evaporated, or the fire-gases may be
used for heating a room in which the wood for the next oper-
ation is dried. In working wood very poor in water, a smaller

quantity of wood vinegar is to be sure obtained than with the

use of ordinary air-dry wood, but it is correspondingly richer
in acetic acid.

FIG. 64.

In Figs. 64 and 65, a a a are the wrought-iron retorts, b the

hearth, c c the flues, d the chimney. Over the somewhat
conical neck of the retort is pushed an elbow pipe e which

FIG. 65.

dips into the receiver F. The latter is a cast-iron pipe 1 to 2

feet in diameter according to the number of retorts, and ex-
tends the entire length of the oven. For the neck of each re-
tort it carries a tubulure 5} to 7} inches long. The object

of the receiver is to receive the products of distillation from all

the retorts and at the same time to hydraulically close the
-elbow-pipe of each receiver. Hence the vapors not precipi-
tated in the receiver can continue their way through g to the
other condensing apparatus h, but cannot re-enter the retorts.
This is of no slight importance, for if there were no water-

joint and the vapors should from any cause suddenly cool off,
the external air might penetrate into the retort, and the latter
being filled with inflammable gases and vapors of a high tem-
perature, an explosion would necessarily follow. For making
the water-joint it suffices for the elbow-pipes to dip f to 1 inch

FIG. 66.

into the fluid into the receiver. But as the fluid constantly

increases, provision must be made for its discharge through a

pipe, placed below or on the side, into a collecting vessel

located in another apartment.
In many plants the gases escaping from the condenser are
utilized for heating by conducting them under the retorts

through a suitable pipe system. However, the pipe-system

should be so arranged as to allow of the gas being conducted
under any one of the retorts or being shut off from it in case
of necessity, because if distillation progresses too rapidly, the
fireunder a retort may have to be entirely removed in order
to moderate the chemical process in the retort. It is advisable
toarrange the gas conduit so that the gas can also be used for
heating other apparatus, for instance, evaporating pans, etc.

In this country what is known as the oven-retort,

Fig. 66,
is largelyused in equipping plants for hard-wood distillation.
This retort is a rectangular wrought-iron chamber, a common
sizebeing 6 feet wide, 7 feet high and from 27 to 50 feet long,
according as it is intended for two or more cars loaded with
wood. The oven is set in brickwork or is made with double
iron walls with an air space between. It is provided with a

large door closing air-tight, and is heated by wood, charcoal,

coal or gas.
When distillation is finished the cover of the retort is re-

moved, and the glowing charcoal is with the assistance of the

FIG. 67.

previously-described contrivance emptied into cans, which are

immediately closed with tightly-fitting covers, the latter being
luted with clay or sand to prevent ignition of the glowing coal

by the entrance of air. If such retorts as shown in Fig. 66

are used, coolers, Fig. 67, similar in shape are employed, in
which the coal is allowed to remain until thoroughly cool.
b. Vertical Retorts. The principal drawback of horizontal
retorts is that, on the one hand, charging them is connected
with some difficulty in case they are longer than two lengths
of the wood, and, on the other, that defects in them cannot
as a rule be immediately detected, and that when repairs have
to be made they have to be taken from the oven. In addi-

tion a certain number of sheet-iron cans have to be provided'

for the reception of the charcoal drawn from the retorts.
The arrangement of the retorts so that they can be lifted
from the oven and replaced by others has many advantages.
The operation can be carried on without interruption by re-
moving a retort in which distillation is finished and replacing
it by another,which distillation at once recommences, be-
cause the hot brickwork throws out heat continuous!}', and
heating need to be interrupted only during the time required
for lifting out the retort and replacing it by another.
The accompanying illustrations show the arrangement of the-

FIG. 68.

retort-ovens and the lifting apparatus as devised by Dr. Josef

Bersch. Fig. 68 shows a retort 12 feet high with a diameter of
3 feet and 3 inches. It is constructed of boiler-plate 0.315
inch thick, the bottom, i. e., the portion which is exposed
directly to the fire, being of plate 0.394 inch thick. The
upper portion of the retort is provided with a cast-iron ring
K which, when the retort islowered into the oven, rests upon a
flat cast-iron
ring P placed upon the brickwork. On this
ring are four eyes $ which serve for fastening the lifting tackle,
and the lid of the retort is secured by four pins pushed through
the openings in the ring. The lid of the retort consists of a
sheet-iron disk, provided in the center with a conical head-

piece D which terminates in the pipe H leading to the con-


Figs. 69 and 70 show the retorts placed in the oven and the
mechanical contrivance for raising and lowering the retort R.
On top of the ovens is a track (7, upon which runs a crane with
a head-piece having the form of a truncated cone. The track is
continued from the last oven to a brick wall upon which it rests,
and beneath this track is another one, which runs to the place
where the charcoal is to be emptied and the retort is to be re-
filled with wood. The function of this mechanical contrivance

Fig. 69.

is as follows : The the contents have been distilled,

retort, after
is, while hot, from the oven by pushing the crane over it
and drawing it into the hollow pyramid. The crane is then
pushed over the opening 0, upon which stands a carriage K
upon the other track E. The carriage is provided with a
basket-like arrangement for the reception of the retort. The
retorthaving been lowered into the basket, the latter is brought
into a horizontal position by turning a screw without end. The

carriage, which is actually a dumping-car, is pushed over the

pit for the reception of the charcoal, and the retort, the lid of
which is now taken off, is sufficiently inclined to allow the char-

coal to fall into the pit. The protected from igni-

charcoal is

tion by being covered with wet charcoal dust. The empty

retort is then again brought into a horizontal position and
refilled with wood.
While the retort just coming from the oven is thus handled,
and the first dumping-car has been pushed away, another
dumping-car is immediately brought from a side track &' under

Fig. 70.

the crane, the retort lifted in, the crane pushed over the empty
oven, and the retort lowered.
Since towards the end of distillation the greatest heat must
be applied in order to obtain the last remnants of acetic acid
and tar, the sides of the oven are hottest at this period. If
now immediately after a retort with charcoal has been taken

out, another one charged with wood is brought into the oven,
the heat radiating from the sides of the oven suffices to induce
distillation, and the fire need only be slightly stirred to unin-

terruptedly carry on the operation.

One crane and two dumping-cars are sufficient for attend-

ing twelve to eighteen ovens arranged one alongside the other.

For a larger number of retorts it is advisable to have two-
cranes, and to arrange the coarse of the operation as follows :

One crane, in the pyramid of which is suspended a retort

filled with wood, which has been lifted from a dumping-car

standing, for instance, on the right-hand end of the series of

ovens, is immediately pushed over the oven as soon as the re-
tort filled with charcoal has been lifted out, and the retort is
then lowered. The other crane is pushed to the left-hand
end of the series of ovens, where the retort is lowered, and
so on.

By the of these contrivances the time required

reduced to a minimum, the operation can be
for distillation is
carried on without interruption, and it is not necessary to pro-
vide sheet-iron cylinders for cooling the charcoal, since the-
latter isdumped from the retorts directly into pits between the
rails upon which the dumpingcars run, where it is cooled by
covering with wet charcoal dust.
Distilling apparatus for wood waste. In working wood and
bark in the various trades a large quantity of waste results
which, in most cases, is used as fuel. Such waste can, however,
be utilized to greater advantage by subjecting it to destructive
distillation for the purpose of obtaining wood-vinegar, tar and

Halliday's apparatus for the production of acetic acid, etc.,

from sawdust, spent bark from tan-yards and dye woods ex..

hausted of their coloring matter, is shown in Fig. 71. The

waste to be treated is introduced into a hopper B placed above
the front end of an ordinary cylinder C, in which a vertical
screw or worm revolves, conveying the material, and in proper

quantities, to the cylinder, placed in a horizontal position,

and heated by means of a furnace H. Another revolving
screw or worm D keeps the material introduced into the retort
by C in constant agitation, and at the same time moves it
forward to the end. During its progress through the retort
the materials are completely carbonized and all the volatile

products disengaged. Two pipes branch off from the ulterior

part of the retort, one .F passing downward and dipping into
a cistern of water G, into
-an air-tight vessel of cast-iron, or
which the carbonized substance falls. The other ascending
pipe E carries off the volatile products of the distillation into
the condenser, consisting of pipes of copper or iron immersed
in or surrounded by water.
The arrangement of the cylinder A with the screw is sim-
ilar to the worms used for moving grain, malt, etc., in a
-horizontal direction. According as the screw revolves with

Fig. 71

greater or less rapidity, the materials can for a shorter or

longer time be exposed to the action of the heat, and accord-
ing to well authenticated statements, the quantity of acetic
acid obtained from the wood substance distilled in this appa-
ratus is larger than that derived from blocks of wood stacked
in other retorts.
This fact, however, cannot be ascribed to the construction of
the apparatus, which is not particularly favorable, but is ex-
clusively due to the condition of the wood. From the small
particles of wood the products of distillation escape with far

greater rapidity than from the large blocks, which must be

very hot on the surface before their interior is sufficiently
heated for distillation to commence. Hence the products of

FIG. 72.

distillation must pass through the strongly-heated carbonized

parts, whereby a considerable portion of the acetic acid is de-
Another apparatus suitable for the distillation of sawdust,

spent tan-bark, exhausted dye woods and waste of wood in

general, is shown in Fig. 72. It consists of an iron cylinder,

18 feet high and 5} feet in diameter, which contains a number

of bell-shaped rings placed one above the other. In this man-
ner a kind of annular cylinder is formed which below termin-
ates in a conical space.
The materials thrown in at the top are heated in the cylin-
der, and the vapors in the cavities of the bell-shaped rings pass

upwards, while the charcoal falls down and is from time to

time removed. In removing the charcoal, the lower portion
of the cylinder is closed by a slide, so that by introducing
material on top of the cylinder, distillation can be carried on
without interruption.
The small charcoal resulting in the destructive distillation
of wood waste, may be utilized in various ways. A portion
burned upon a grate of suitable construction, for instance,
a step-grate, serves as fuel in the factory itself, while the re-
mainder, especially that from sawdust, forms in the finely
divided state in which it is turned out, an excellent disinfect-
ing agent.
The various apparatus employed in the destructive distilla-
tion of wood having now been described, it may be stated that
it isimpossible to say which is to be preferred, this depending
largely on local conditions. The decision must particularly be
influenced by the fact whether the charcoal is of value or not.
In the first case it will evidently be of advantage to employ
smaller apparatus, so arranged that besides thoroughly car-
bonized charcoal, all the wood-vinegar and tar are obtained,
and gases can be employed for
further, that the resulting
heating the retorts.

But where the conditions are such as to make it difficult to

realize on the charcoal, the principal profit of the plant will be
in the yield of acetic acid and wood spirit, and for this reason
it is best to carry on the destructive distillation of wood in

very large retorts, since with their use the temperature can be
raised very slowly, whereby wood-vinegar very rich in acetic
acid is obtained.

Coolers. The products which escape in the destructive dis-

tillation of wood consist, in addition to acetic acid, water and
other very volatile products, of very large quantities of gas.
Since the current of gas is the carrier of vapors, and consider-
able quantities of gas are evolved at certain stages of the pro-
cess, provision must be made for the thorough condensation of
the vapors to prevent the escape into the air of large quanti-
ties of valuable products of distillation, or their being burned

with the gases.

In plants working with a number of retorts, the discharge
pipes of the latter enter into a common pipe of large diameter,
and in this condensing pipe, which in a short time after the
commencement of the operation becomes very hot, the vapors
and gases entering it are cooled off to a considerable extent,

since the condenser in consequence of its large surface yields

considerable heat to the surrounding air. A portion of the
heavier volatile tar products is already condensed in the con-
denser, and is by means of a faucet in the lowest
drawn off

portion of the pipe. might be suitable to place over the-

condenser a pipe with numerous small perforations, so that a
spray of water in such quantity that it immediately evapo-
rates, falls constantly upon the condenser.

By the use of this contrivance not only a large portion of

the vapors are liquefied, but another advantage is attained.
Since by this cooling the tension of the vapors and gases in
the condenser diminished, the vapors formed in the retorts

pass out with great rapidity. This is of great advantage,

since by the vapors remaining for a long time in the retort a
considerable quantity of acetic acid is decomposed. Further-
more, the volume of non-condensed vapors is
considerably de-
creased, so that a cooler of smaller dimensions can be used,
than would be possible if all cooling had to be done in it.
Counter-current Pipe Cooler. The arrangement of such a
cooler is shown in Fig. 73. The pipe containing the vapors

to be cooled, is surrounded by another pipe W, filled with

water. From the reservoir placed at a higher level, cold water

isconducted through the pipe Z to the lowest part of IF, and

passing through the latter,
runs off at A. Since the vapors in
the lowest part of D have already been cooled off to a great

extent, they yield but little heat to the water. As the water
reaches the higher portions of W,-it constantly acquires a

higher temperature from the heat

withdrawn from the vapors,
.and rinally runs off at A. With a sufficient length of the cool-
the vapors are so
ing pipes and a powerful current of water,
completely condensed that but very small quantities of acetic
^icid and wood spirit are carried away by the current of gas.
To obtain this acetic acid, the gas before being burned is

FIG. 73.

allowed to pass through a cylinder d, see Fig. 76, which is from

3J to 4 feet high and filled with limestone. The acetic acid
contained in the gas is fixed by the limestone and the calcium
acetate thus formed can be obtained lixiviation.
Thecooling pipes should be of considerable length. With
six retorts in operation at the same
time, the length of the
pipes should be about 130 feet and their diameter inches, 5}
since otherwise great pressure is caused in the
apparatus by
back pressure of the gases, which results in a decrease in
'the yield of acetic acid. Hence it is advisable to thearrange
upper portion of the cooling apparatus so that the pipe TFhas

an elliptical cross section and contains two pipes D, one along-

side the other, which in passing out from this portion combine
to one pipe.
To prevent obstruction in the pipes by the collection of vis-
cous tarry substances, it is recommended to give them consid-
erable inclination and to connect them so that, in case of neces-

sity,the interior of each pipe can be cleansed with a brush.

Fig. 74 shows the most suitable way of connecting two pipes.

The upper pipe is connected w ith the lower one by means of

a curved joint secured by screws.

To prevent the fluid running off from the cooler from being

Fig. 74 Fig 7o

forced by fits and starts from the lower pipe by the current of
gas, the contrivance shown in Fig. 75 may be used. The pipe
D, coming from the cooling apparatus, is cut off at an acute
angle, and extends nearly to the bottom of a cylindrical vessel
C, to which is fixed a U-pipe R at such a height that the fluid
in C can rise to the upper edge of the cut end of D. The pipe
G, fixed in the lid of the cylinder, carries away the gas from C.'
Since with an increase in the development of gas, the latter, in
order to escape, needs only to press down a layer of liquid of
very moderate height, it can pass off without impediment,
while the distillate which collects in C runs off through R.

If neither liquid nor gas escapes through D, the discharge of

wood-vinegar from R
ceases at once, and the uiouth of is D
Box-cooler. In place of the counter-current cooler, the box-
cooler shown in Fig. 76is used in some establishments. In a
long, narrow trough or box of wrought-iron or wood lies a
series of straight, wide, copper pipes with a gradually decreas-

ing diameter. The pipes are slightly inclined, so that the fluid,
running in at the highest point, flows out at the lowest. Out-
side the trough the pipes are connected by movable elbow
joints. One end
of each pipe is firmly fixed to the wall of the

trough, while the other, to prevent free expansion, sits loosely

FIG. 76.

in a slightly conical socket. The lower end of the last pipe

divides into two branches, one of them
leading downward and
dipping into the receiver, while the other, as a rule, conducts
the gases directly under the There should be but a
small space between the
collecting pipe a, which conducts the
vapors to the condenser, and the first condensing pipe, as
otherwise obstructions might
readily be formed by the deposit
of tar dried
by the hot vapors. A constant stream of water is
conducted through b, along the bottom of the
trough, the
heated water off at
running c.

The development of gas from the wood

being very irregular
and by no means in the
proportion desirable for the heating
of the retorts, it is preferable to collect it in a gasometer and

distribute it from there as may be necessary, instead of con-

ducting directly into the fire.
it But little gas is developed in
the beginning of the operation, and much towards the end,
while the reverse proportion is desirable.
In case condensation is not very complete, the pipe leading
to the hearth or gasometer is more or less attacked by acetic
acid precipitated in it by the access of air. To prevent this
evil it is advisable to place on the pipe small receptacles pro-
vided with cocks for the collection and discharge of any fluid
deposited. These receptacles may also be filled with quick

lime,which at least fixes the acetic acid, thus rendering it

harmless for the pipe. The lime is from time to time extracted
with water to regain the soluble calcium acetate.
To further cool off the current of gas and render the vapors
of acetic acid carried along with it harmless for the pipe, Vin-
cent uses a cylindrical copper receptacle, d, Fig. 76, provided
with a false bottom, upon which is placed a layer of crystal-
lized soda from 2J to 2J feet deep. The vapors of water and
acetic acid dissolve the soda, and the temperature thereby
being lowered, a further portion of the volatile bodies, especi-
ally wood spirit, is precipitated. By distilling the fluid thus
obtained, the wood spirit is regained, and the residue in the
still used for the preparation of sodium acetate.
For a condenser for four retorts of a capacity of 141.26
cubic feet each, Gillot gives the following approved dimensions,
provided the period of distillation is 72 hours The diameter :

of the pipe at its entrance into the water trough is 15} inches,
and at its exit 5} inches its total length is 164 to 180 feet,

this length being divided between 6 straight pieces and their

elbow-joints. The vat is 26J feet long with a depth of 5J

Reservoirs for the Product of Distillation. For storing the

liquid products of the destructive distillation of wood, wooden
vats 6 or more feet high with a capacity depending on the
quantity of the daily distillate are generally used, it being ad-
visable to have them of such a capacity that at least one ol

which the fluids

them every day. The U-pipe through
is filled

run off from the cooling apparatus terminates over a funnel

fixed to a pipe which runs alongside the vats, and is provided

FIG. 77.

on the corresponding places with stop-cocks by means of which

the fluid can be discharged into any vat desired.
Each vat is placed so as to incline slightly forward, and on
the lowest place provided with a cock, beneath which is a

gutter. About 8 to 10 inches above the bottom of each vat is

a cock with a gutter underneath. Figs. 77 and 78 show the
arrangement of the vats. The pipe E
serves for filling the

FIG. 78.

vats with the

products of distillation; the cocks Tand the
gutter Tl for discharging the tar into the brick reservoir H
sunk in the floor ;
the cocks E and the gutter Ei for drawing

off the wood vinegar into the small vessel G, to which is-

secured the suction pipe /S of a pump for the further convey-

ance of the wood vinegar.
It is advisable to coat the vats and iron hoops with hot wood

Collecting boxes. When

working on a large scale quite a
number of vats are required, which involves considerable ex
pense, together with the disadvantage of occupying considera-
ble space. It is therefore advisable to use in place of vats

collecting boxes sunk in the ground.

Such boxes are best and cheapest constructed of about 3-
inch wooden planks, every kind of wood being suitable for the
purpose, since the products of distillation with which the boxes
become saturated preserves them even in moist soil. From the
planks prismatic boxes, each about 13 feet long, 13 feet wide
and 8 feet deep are constructed. The boxes are sunk in the
ground, and in the corner of each box is placed a small barrel
F, Figs. 79 and 80, into which can be dipped the suction pipe
of a pump. The spaces between the planks and the walls of
the pit are filled with earth, and the joints between the planks
with pitch. On top each box is provided with a frame, upon
which is placed a lid made of planks.
The requisite number of boxes are placed
alongside each
other so that about 3 feet of ground remain standing between
the sides of every two boxes. The products of distillation run-
ning from the cooling apparatus are conducted through a

pipe running the length of the boxes into the vessel to be

filled. To prevent a box from being filled too full, all the
boxes are connected by the wooden pipe R, placed about 15
inches below the edge.
When a box has been several times filled with the products
of distillation, the layer of tar deposited on the bottom is of
sufficient depth to be pumped out. The suction pipe of the
pump is then lowered bottom of the small barrel in the
to the
corner of the box, and the tar, with the exception of a small

portion, can be separated from the wood vinegar by pumping.


Figs. 79 and 80 show the arrangement of several such collect-

ing boxes in ground plan and elevation.

Since the separation of the tar from the wood vinegar takes
place the more completely the longer the fluids are allowed to
repose, it is advisable to first fill all the boxes in turn with

products of distillation and then to work further the contents

of the box filled first.
Utilization of the Gases. The gases evolved in the destructive
wood may advantageously be used as fuel. In
distillation of

the commencement of the operation a gas mixture, very rich

FIGS. 79-80.

in carbonic acid, is obtained, which is of little value as fuel,

but latter on less carbonic acid is evolved and the
gas contains,
besides carbonic oxide, and hydrocarbons, which are
of considerable value as fuel.
The most suitable plan would be to catch the gases by
means of a pump from the pipe Fig. 75, and collect them

in a gas holder of
ordinary construction, and to conduct them
from the latter
by means of pipes to the fire-place. However,
a gasholder of sufficient
capacity to hold the large quantities
of gas evolvedwould be rather an
expensive affair for a plant
engaged in the distillation of wood, and it is therefore

ally preferred to conduct the gas directly to the fire-places

where it is to be burnt.
When working with a large number of retorts, the operation

may be so conducted that the wood or coal fireunder the

retort just placed in the oven is allowed to go out entirely, and
to fire only with gases escaping from retorts in which distilla-

tion is in full progress, and from which a large quantity of gas

is constantly evolved. In factories devoted to the further
working of the wood vinegar, it is best to conduct the gases of
distillationunder an apparatus which has to be heated almost
without interruption, for instance, under the pans in which
the crude sodium acetate is evaporated to crystalization.
Care should be taken not to ignite the gas escaping from the
retorts before all the air has been displaced from the entire

apparatus retorts, condenser and cooler since otherwise an

explosion might take place by the flame spreading into the
pipe conduit, which would not only be dangerous, but suffi-
ciently heavy to tear apart the lute of clay on the pipes for
the vapors, the condensers, etc. When the vapors escaping
from a retort condense on cooling to a yellowish colored fluid,
all the air has been displaced from the apparatus, and the gas

may be ignited without fear of danger.



No matter what the arrangement of the apparatus may be

in which the destructive distillation of
wood is to be carried
on, the course of distillation as regards the succession of phe-
nomena remains the same, and a distinction has only to be
made kind of product desired, and the dura-
in reference to the
tion of time for the operation. The latter depends on the
quantity of wood used at one time the larger the latter is, the

will have to be continued, and under

longer the operation
otherwise equal conditions, more time will be required for the
complete distillation of a charge of wood, if wood vinegar, tar

and black charcoal are to be obtained.

When working with a larger number of retorts, the opera-

tion should be so arranged that it is carried on uninterrupt-

edly, this being advisable on account of the division of labor,

and also to prevent being forced to adopt special expedients
by reason of the vast quantity of gas evolved at a certain stage
of the operation.
and a suitable lifting tackle,
With the use of vertical retorts
the retorts are placed open in the oven and a gentle fire is
started. At first only steam evolves from the wood, which is
allowed to escape into the air, and only when a peculiar aro-
matic odor indicates the commencement of distillation, are the
lids placed upon the retorts and connected with the cooling-
apparatus. To make the lid steam-tight, a roll of clay is laid
upon the edge of the retort and the lid pressed down upon it,
the clay forced out thereby being smoothed down with an
elastic steel blade.

The time during which distillation has to be continued de-

pends on the size of the retorts, but, as a rule, the operation

is so conducted that distillation is finished in 12 hours. Of
course, with the use of very large apparatus in which a great
quantity of wood is carbonized at one time, distillation re-
quires several days, since the heating of such a large quantity
of wood to the temperature of
decomposition takes consider-
able time. When the temperature about 393 F. has been
reached at which the wood
begins to yield more abundant
quantities of products of distillation, care must be taken to
keep the fire under the retorts so that the increases
gradually and reaches 662 F. only in the last period of dis-
tillation, so that with a distilling time of 12 hours, the tem-

perature in the retorts remains for about ten hours below

662 F.To gain practical experience in
regulating the tem-
perature in heating, which is of special importance with new

ovens, it is advisable to place a thermometer on one of the re-

torts as follows : In a small aperture in the lid of the retort
isscrewed an iron pipe closed below and open at the top. The
length of the pipe should be such that the lower end reaches
the retort.
to the center of In this pipe is lowered by means
of a wire a thermometer graduated to 680 F. (the boiling

point of mercury). By from time to time consulting this

thermometer, a conclusion can be drawn as to the degree of
heat prevailing in the retort. Experienced men can accurately
judge of the progress of distillation from the quantity of distil-
late running off, and of the gases escaping simultaneously.

When, for instance, 5 cubic meters of wood the contents

of two retorts are to be distilled at one time, the first distil-

late, in a jet about the thickness of a lead pencil, is obtained

with correct firing, in about 1 J to '2 hours after the commence-
ment of heating. The thickness of the jet of fluid does not
change for hours, and it retains its original yellow color.
The gas moderately strong current from the re-
issues in a

spective pipe and burns with a pale blue flame, the latter be-
coming more luminous only later on at a higher temperature
when hydrocarbons are mixed with the gas.
When a temperature of about 662 F. has been reached, the

quantity of distillate suddenly becomes smaller, and the quan-

tity of escaping gas also decreases. In order to obtain the

lastremnants of the product of distillation, which consist pre-
dominantly of tar products, the fire is increased, when a more
abundant quantity of distillate is obtained. However, the jet
of fluid running off from the cooler is henceforth of nearly a
black color, due to numerous drops of dark-colored tar pro-
ducts. The volume of gas becomes larger and these gases
burn with a very luminous, pure white flame. In this last
stage of distillation certain precautions have to be observed in
reference to raising the temperature. If it is raised too

rapidly at once, such a large quantity of gas is evolved from

the retorts as to cause a high pressure in the apparatus, which
is recognized by the force with which the current of
gas issues

from the pipe entering the Since in this stage of


the process the retorts are hottest and their bottoms not seldom
red hot, there is danger of the riveted places becoming leaky,
so that in the succeeding operations a considerable quantity
is lost by 'its escape in the form of vapor
products of distillation
through these leaky places and being
When the volume of gas is observed to becoTne greater,

about 1J hours before the end of distillation, the fire under

the retort may be allowed to go out entirely, since the heat

of decomposition in
developed in the retorts in consequence
conjunction with that radiating from the sides of the ovens,

suffices to finish the operation. When the temperature in the

retorts rises to 806 products of distillation
F., the evolution of
ceases almost suddenly and the retorts now contain only black
Since antimony melts at 809.7 F., this metal may be used
for determining the commencement of the end of distillation.
For purpose the thermometer is removed from the pipe

previously mentioned, and a small crucible containing a piece

of antimony is lowered by means of a wire into the pipe.
When the antimony is melted, distillation may be considered
finished and the retort be at once lifted from the oven.
The which runs off during distilation is at first wax-

yellow, but on oecornes of a darker color, red brown, and


finally nearly black, and is quite turbid. When allowed to re-

pose it separates into two or perhaps more correctly into
three layers, sharply separated one from the other. The low-
est layer is tar, athick fluid of a dark, generally pure black
color; the middle layer, which comprises the greater quantity,
is wood vinegar, and is of a red yellow or red brown color.
The upper layer is again of a dark color, and possesses the
properties of tar, but, as a rule, this tarry mass is present
in such small
quantities that it even does not cover the entire
surface, but swims upon it like flakes.
It is advisable to allow the distillates to repose for a consid-
erable time, the tar more completely from
thereby separating

the wood vinegar, and the latter is obtained as an entirely clear

red brown fluid, which can be manufactured into acetic acid
with greater facility than wood vinegar mixed with larger
quantities of tar.
giving the vats intended for the reception of the distillate
such a size that one vat is filled by the distillate obtained in
one day, and arranging twelve such vats as shown in Fig. 78
the contents of the vat filled first can be allowed to repose for
11 days before the manufacturer is forced to empty it in order
to make room for fresh distillate. When the wood vinegar and
tar are to be worked further in the factory itself, the appara-
tuses intended for this purpose should be of such dimensions
that the quantity of wood vinegar produced daily can be
worked up at one time. The quantity of tar being considera-

bly smaller than that of wood vinegar, it is collected in the res-

ervoir H, Fig. 78, and larger quantities of it are worked in one
When the liquid products of distillation are caught in boxes
sunk in the ground, described on p. 281, the operation may be
so arranged that the distillate is allowed to run uniterruptedly
into the first box until it is filled with tar to such an extent
that not only wood vinegar, but also tar commences to run off

through the pipe R, Figs. 79 and 80. The tar is then allowed
to repose forsome time, whereby it still better separates from
adhering wood vinegar, and the larger quantity of pure tar
thus obtained is then worked up at one time.
Experience has shown that it is of advantage to allow the
tar also to repose as long as possible, it having been observed
that if kept for some time in special reservoirs, a permanent

separation of the products according to their specific gravitie&

takes place. On the bottom of the reservoir tar of a very
viscous gritty nature collects, which is of such thick consist-

ency that it can scarcely be raised by a pump. The higher

layers of the tarry mass are of thinner consistency, the upper-
most being almost oleaginous, and upon them floats a layer of

wood vinegar, which can from time to time be taken off and
worked together with that drawn from the vats.
Yield of Products. The quantities of wood vinegar and tar
which are obtained from a given quantity of wood depends on
several factors, namely, on the kind of wood, its content of
water, and the manner in which distillation itself has been
conducted. Since these three factors vary very much, it is

evident that there must be considerable differences in the

statements regarding the quantities of products of distillation,
and especially the quantities of acetic anhydride and wood
.alcoholwhich can be obtained from crude wood vinegar, be-
cause by careless manipulation a large quantity of the acetic
&cid present in wood vinegar is lost.
In order to obtain accurate data regarding the quantities of
wood vinegar and tar which can be obtained from a variety
of wood when working on a large scale, it is necessary to weigh
the wood worked during a certain time, to determine its con-
tent of water, to ascertain in a
sample of the wood vinegar re-
sulting from each distillation the quantity of acetic acid and
wood alcohol, and finally to accurately ascertain the volume
of vinegar. From the results of such a series of tests and
from the quantities of pure acetic acid and wood alcohol fur-
nished by the factory itself, it would be
possible to obtain re-
liable data
regarding the quantities of products of distillation
which may be obtained from a given
variety of wood.
Stolze has published
experiments made with the greatest
care to show the amount and strength of the
products obtained
from the distillation of several kinds of wood. The
of each kind of wood submitted to destructive distillation was
one pound, a
quantity suitable, in most cases, to form a prece-
dent for the manufacture on a scale. The woods were
all collected at same time of the year (towards the end of
January) and only those of nearly the same growth were
chosen. From Stoltze's table the following figures for the
most important -varieties of wood have been calculated :

No matter how the wood-vinegar is to be used, it is of great

importance to separate it as' much as possible from the tar-

Freshly prepared wood-vinegar is a turbid red-brown fluid.

By allowing it to stand quietly in a tall vessel a quite thick
layer of tar separates on the bottom, over which stands the per-
fectly clear wood-vinegar; a thin, oleaginous layer of light tar

products also floats sometimes upon the surface of the vinegar.

As in the further treatment of the wood-vinegar the presence
of tar causes many disturbances, care must be taken to sepa-
rate it as much as possible by mechanical means, this being
effected by allowing the products of distillation to stand in the
vats for several days the longer the better.
It has been proposed to heat the wood vinegar by placing a

copper coil in the vat, and thus effect a more complete sepa-
tion of vinegar and tar. But independent of the expense, the
result of this treatment is less favorable than that obtained by

allowing the products of distillation to stand for a long time,,

and besides, by heating too much, a portion of the readily
volatile wood spirit .is
There are several ways by which concentrated acetic acid
can be obtained from crude wood-vinegar, the one to be selected*
depending on what the acetic acid is to be used for. When it
is be employed for the production of acetates where a slight

empyreumatic odor is not detrimental, it is best to prepare

from the crude wood-vinegar distilled wood-vinegar, and work
the latter into acetates. Crude lead acetate can, for instance,
be prepared in this manner.
wood-vinegar should be directly used for the
If the distilled

preparation of the various acetates, salts would be obtained

which on exposure to the air would turn brown in consequence
of the oxidation of the tar-products. However, the behavior
of some acetates in the heat is made use of to obtain from
them chemically pure acetic acid. While nearly all salts of
the organic acids are decomposed at a comparatively low tem-
perature, some salts of. acetic acid can without suffering decom-
position be heated to almost 750 F. But at this temperature

all the tar products adhering to the salt are completely vola-
tilized or destroyed, so that by recrystallizing the heated mass,

salts are obtained which are free from empyreumatic substances,

and chemically pure acetic acid can then be made.

Distilled wood vinegar. Since crude wood vinegar always

contains tar in solution it is absolutely necessary to get rid of
it before neutralizing the vinegar and preparing calcium ace-
" "
tate. High-grade grey acetate can only be produced from
wood vinegar freed from tar, otherwise brown acetate" con-
taining at the utmost 67 per cent, calcium acetate
is obtained.

This separation is effected by distillation, the tar remaining

in the still.

For this purpose the crude wood vinegar is subjected to dis-

tillation in a simple still heated by steam, whereby about 7

per cent, of tar remains in the still. The distillate, called clear
vinegar, still contains small quantities of volatile oils. They
are removed mechanically by allowing the clear vinegar to
stand, or the latter isseparated in vats arranged one after the
other in the manner of Florence flasks.
Besides acetic acid the clear vinegar contains wood spirit, i. e.

a mixture of methyl alcohol, methyl acetate, aldehyde, acetone

and allyl-alcohol, and can be separated from it by repeated
fractional distillation, whereby the methyl acetate, however,
passes over into the woodspirit, thus causing losses of acetic
acid. It is, therefore, better to first neutralize the distilled
wood vinegar with milk of lime, whereby the greater portion
of the methyl acetate is saponified, i. e.
split into calcium ace-
tate and methyl alcohol, and then distil it. The crude wood
spirit is then subjected to rectification and the solution of cal-
cium acetate is evaporated and allowed to crystallize.
This method is obviously inexpedient in so far that distilla-
tion takes place twice. The heat used for the first distillation
of the crude wood vinegar is therefore lost. Proceeding from
this point of view, M. Klar has devised the so-called "three
still system". The mixture of vapors .appearing in the first
distillation of the crude wood
vinegar is at once conducted

into milk of lime where calcium acetate which remains in

solution is formed from the acetic acid. The vapors again
pass into a still filled with milk of lime where any acetic acid
which has been carried along is fixed. The vapors pass finally
into a cooler where the wood spirit is condensed. Since the

boiling point of wood spirit is lower than that of acetic acid,

the former does not pass over up to the end of the operation.
The cooler may therefore be previously disengaged and the
vapors be allowed to escape or be used for other purposes. A
special advantage of this method is the complete utilization
of the latent heat of the vapors coming from the first still.
Moreover the milk of lime in the second and third stills gets to
boiling whereby the solution of calcium acetate is at the same
time concentrated. The milk of lime in the still has of course
to be renewed before completely saturated with acetic
it is

acid. When working according to this method three advan-

tages are consequently gained in one operation, the crude
wood vinegar is freed from tar, the wood spirit is separated and
the solution of calcium acetate is concentrated. A solution
of calcium acetate of 20 to 35 per cent, is obtained, and a dis-

tillate with about 10 per cent, wood spirit.

A great saving in fuel, steam and space is effected by F. H.
Meyer's system (German patent, 193,382) of distilling the
crude wood vinegar in multiple evaporators in vacuum. It
is based upon the fact that all fluids under a decreased air-
pressure boil at a lower temperature. Hence if vapors with
a lower temperature than the boiling point of the fluid to be

evaporated are at disposal for heating purposes, they may be

used for distillation by correspondingly decreasing the air-
pressure over the fluid to be evaporated.
Freshly-prepared distilled wood vinegar is a colorless, very
acid fluid with an empyreumatic odor. On exposure to the
air it acquires a brown coloration in consequence of the oxi-
dation of the empyreumatic bodies. Although a number of
expedients have been suggested for freeing the distilled wood
vinegar from the empyreumatic odor and taste, none of them

have answered the purpose so far as to make it possible to use

the vinegar for comestible purposes. The surest proof of the

inexpediency of these methods is found in the fact that none

of them has been adopted in practice, though by direct con-
version of the distilled vinegar, table vinegar could be pro-
duced at a very low price.
The distilled wood vinegar may, however, be
directly used
for technical purposes, for instance, in the preparation of lead

acetate, copper acetate, etc. When it is desired to obtain a

pure preparation, precaution should be taken to change the
receiver of the apparatus in which the crude wood vinegar
is distilled when about 80 to 85 per cent, of the total quantity

of vinegar which can be obtained has passed over, experience

having shown that the last portions of the distilled vinegar

are far richer in empyreumatic substances than those passing
over first.

Stolze has proposed several methods for the purification of

wood vinegar, the most simple and cheapest being to add 5
pounds of finely pulverized pyrolusite to every 100 quarts of
vinegar, keeping it at nearly a boiling heat for 6 hours, then
digesting it in the same manner with 40 pounds of freshly
glowed charcoal pulverized and sifted while hot, and finally
distilling off to dryness in a shallow cast-iron still. But on
account of its tediousness and the necessarily large consump-
tion of fuel, this process,
though frequently modified, has been
almost entirely abandoned.

According to Tereil and Chateau, the wood-vinegar is puri-

fiedby compounding it, according to its more or less dark color,
with 10 or 5 per cent, of concentrated
sulphuric acid, whereby
the greater portion of the tar
separates in 24 hours. By dis-
tilling thedecanted acid it is obtained almost colorless, but it
darkens somewhat on exposure to the air, and
by saturation
with soda a
slightly colored salt is obtained which how- can,
ever, be discolored by a small consumption of animal char-

Rothe employs a peculiar method for the purification of


wood-vinegar. The greater portion of tar being separated by

standing, the wood-vinegar with an addition of charcoal is
rectified from a copper still. The pale yellow watery wood-
spirit is caught by itself, and the succeeding clear, but strong-
ly empyreumatic, distillate is pumped into a vat, placed at a
considerable height, from which it runs into a purifying ap-
paratus. The latter consists of a cylindrical pipe of stout tin-

plate. It is feet high and 1J feet in diameter, and

about 26
with pieces of coke about 0.122 cubic inch in size,
is filled

which rest upon a heavily tinned iron grate placed about 1J

feet above the bottom of the pipe. Over this column of coke
the wood-vinegar is poured in an uninterrupted fine spray,
while in the space between the bottom and the grate a slow
current of air heated to 104 F. is constantly blown in through
a nozzle. The empyreumatic oils mixed with the wood-vine-
gar are oxidizedby the oxygen of the warm air, and, in con-
sequence, the temperature in the interior of the column of
coke rises to 122 F., and over. The pipe is protected from
cooling off by a thick layer of felt. The products of the oxi-
dation of the empyreumatic oils are partially of a resinous
nature and adhere to the coke, and partially volatile. The
acetic acid running off through an S-shaped pipe on the bot-
tom of the pipe is clear, of a pure acid taste, and suitable for
the preparation of all the acetates as well as of acetic acid.
The very slight empyreumatic odor disappears by forcing the
product through a pipe filled with pieces of animal charcoal
free from lime. The vinegar thus obtained is claimed to be

suitable for table use. Though a quantity of acetic acid is

carried off in the form of vapor by the warm dry current of

air, this loss can be prevented by passing the air through an-
other pipe filled with calcined soda or lime.
Experiments have shown that the method above described
cannot be recommended for practice, because by the resinous
oxidation-products deposits are soon formed upon the pieces
of coke which obstruct the free passage of the current of fluid
and air, necessitating a frequent renewal of the charge of coke.

Besides a portion of the oxidation-products remains dissolved

in the vinegar itself, rendering it for this reason alone unfit
for table use.
The only way to prepare perfectly pure acetic acid from the

wood vinegar is to fix the acetic acid to strong bases, strongly

heat the resulting salts so that all tar substances are volatilized
or decomposed, and to separate from the salts thus purified
acetic acid by distillation with strong acids. According to this
acetic acid the chemically pure
process crystallized prepara-
tion can finally be prepared.
Production of pure acetic acid from wood vinegar. The basic
bodies employed in the practice to fix the acids contained in
wood vinegar are, according to the object in view, either lime
or sodium, the former being used for the preparation of acetic
acid suitable for technical purposes, and the latter for that of

absolutely pure acetic acid fit for comestible use. In many

plants not equipped with the apparatus required for the pro-
duction of pure acetic acid, the crude wood spirit is distilled
off from the wood vinegar and the residue in the still used for

the preparation of crude calcium acetate, these two raw pro-

ducts being sold to chemical factories. This course is of
special advantage where the charges for transporting the
chemicals are very high, the weight of the crude wood spirit
and that of the crude calcium acetate being very likely scarcely
10 per cent, of the weight of the wood used. Besides working
up the calcium acetate for acetone has also to be taken into
Since calcium acetate aiid sodium acetate are the technically
most important salts of acetic acid their preparation will be
somewhat fully described.
Preparation of calcium
acetate. For the neutralization of the
crude wood vinegar freed distillation from wood spirit,
burnt and slaked lime is
generally used, though as acetic acid
is a strong acid and can with ease displace carbonic acid from
lime stone i. e. carbonate of lime
may also be employed
for the
purpose. The limestone must, however, be quite pure,

especially as free as possible from organic substances, and'

neutralization has to be effected in large vessels, as the calcium
acetate solution foams very much in consequence of the escaping
carbonic acid ;
this drawback is avoided with the use of burnt
The neutralized fluid should be allowed to stand several

days so that the tarry substances contained in the wood vinegar

can collect on the surface and be removed. It is of importance
to only just neutralize the wood vinegar with lime and not
use lime in excess, because then a portion of the acid tar-
products passes already into the layer of tar collecting on the
surface and can be separated together with it from the calcium
acetate solution. When this has been done the solution is
mixed with 1 J to 1 J per cent, by volume of crude hydrochloric
acid and allowed to rest. The mass which thereby separates
on the surface consist chiefly of those substances in which creo-
sote occurs. It is collected and worked by itself for creosote.
The clear calcium acetate solution is evaporated in shallow
iron pans, which may be heated by the fire gases escaping
from the retort ovens. The tarry substances which separate
during evaporation in the form of pitch-like masses are care-
fully removed. Evaporation- is continued till the specific
gravity of the hot fluid is = 1.116 or 15 Be. When this

point has been reached, the boiling hot, highly concentrated

solution of the salt commences, on being further evaporated,
to separate crusts of salt. These crusts are removed and com-
pletely dried in smaller pans, whilst being constantly stirred.
In plants having power 'at their disposal, evaporation and
drying can be effected in one vessel, a circular pan in which
a stirrer moves uninterruptedly being used in this case.

When, as previously mentioned, the fire gases escaping from

the retort ovens are utilized for heating the evaporating pans,
there is no danger of the decomposition of the calcium acetate
by overheating of the salt mass, since by simply pushing a
can be immediately given another direc-
slide the fire gases
tion. Overheating of the mass in drying is indicated by the

characteristic odor of acetone.


While calcium acetate is de-

com posed at between 426 and 428 F., acetone being evolved
and carbonate of lime remaining behind, the process com-
mences already at about 302 F.
It ismost expedient to evaporate the calcium acetate solu-
tion only to a doughy mass which can be lifted out with a
shovel, and to effect the complete drying of this mass upon
iron plates forming the bottom of a flat arch and heated by
the fire gases escaping from the retort ovens. The tempera-
ture in the arches should be so regulated as to never exceed
302 F., but the crude salt should be exposed for several hours
to this temperature, because by long-continued heating at a
lower temperature a great many more tarry substances are
destroyed and volatilized than by stronger heating for a
shorter tim.e, which besides is accompanied by the danger of

decomposing a portion of the calcium acetate.

In heating the evaporating pans by a direct fire there is
always danger of overheating. Besides, the pans soon become
covered with a crust of calcium acetate, which renders the
transmission of the heat very difficult. For this reason round
or square pans heated
by steam are as a rule used in large
modern plants. These pans have a double bottom into which
steam is conducted. Copper pans are
preferable to iron ones,
since the acetate burning to the
pans can be more readily re-
moved from copper. The use of such pans is, however,
advisable for the evaporation of solutions
already concen-
trated. For dilute solutions it is better to first concentrate
them in multiple
evaporators in F. H. Meyer's
vacuum, sys-
tem, German patent 193,382, previously referred to. In this
apparatus the solution is brought to 30 to 35 per cent, dry
substance and then transferred to the
open pans mentioned
To avoid the tedious and
disagreeable work of completely
evaporating and drying the calcium acetate in pans, M. Klar
has devised a
continuously-working apparatus. It consists of
revolving hollow iron cylinder heated inside by steam or

waste gases. In revolving, the heated cylinder dips into the

calcium acetate solution and becomes coated with a thin layer
of it, which dries quickly and is removed by scrapers. With
this apparatus gray acetate with 80 per cent, can be prepared
from acetate solution in one uninterrupted operation. Since,
however, the acetate is obtained in the form of a fine, light

powder, Klar on the drying process only far enough to

-obtain a product which is no longer sticky. This is dried in
a closed band heated by warm air, and at the same time
The crude gray acetate thus obtained forms a gray odorless
mass. It consists of about 80 per cent, calcium acetate and
is a commercial article. In addition to calcium acetate it

contains calcium butyrate and propionate, as well as certain

empyreumatic bodies, and the acetic acid prepared from it
also contains butyric acid, propionic acid, etc. Hence this
acetic acid cannot be directly used for comestible purposes,
but is suitable for most technical uses. Calcium acetate is

largely used in print works and in dyeing, and also serves for
the preparation of acetone.
Preparation of Sodium Acetate. Sodium acetate in a pure state
can be obtained according to several methods which, however,
differ from each other only in a certain stage of the operation,
the latter beginning always with the neutralization of the wood
vinegar freed from wood spirit. For this purpose sodium car-
bonate is preferably used, as crystallized soda, in consequence
of its content of water of crystallization, entails high charges
for transport.
Neutralization is effected by adding gradually the sodium
carbonate to the wood vinegar, as otherwise the escaping car-
bonic acid causes strong foaming and the fluid would run over
even with the use of a very tall vessel. Enough soda should
be added to the wood vinegar for the fluid to contain a very
small excess of sodium carbonate, because the sodium acetate
crystallizes with greater ease from a slightly alkaline fluid
than from a perfectly neutral one.

After adding the soda the fluid is allowed to rest for one
and after remov-
day for the separation of the tarry substances,
is evaporated in shallow pans, which
ing the latter, the fluid
are heated by the fire gases escaping from the retort ovens or
over an open fire. Evaporation is continued until the hot
fluid shows a specific gravity of 1.23 = 27 Be. The fluid is

then emptied into the crystallizing boxes, in which, after the

separation of the crystals of crude
sodium acetate, remains the
mother-lye. The latter is returned to the evaporating pans.
The mother-lye is at the ordinary temperature a saturated
solution of sodium acetate, mixed, however, with the bulk of

sodium butyrate and sodium propionate contained in the

wood vinegar used. When these mother-lyes are continually
returned to the evaporating pans, the quantity of sodium buty-
rate and sodium propionate finally accumulates to such an
extent that in cooling the fluid evaporated to specific gravity
1.23, a granular crystal mass is no longer formed, but a soft

paste is separated. In this case the fluid in the pans has to be

entirely removed and treated as will be described later on.
It is of great importance as
regards the purification of the
crude crystals to cool the evaporated fluid very rapidly in
order to obtain small crystals which retain but little mother-
lye. For this purpose oblong sheet-iron crystallizing pans
with slightly inclined sides are used. When the contents of
the crystallizing vessels have cooled to the ordinary tempera-
ture, they form a dark-colored paste of crystals which holds
the entire quantity of mother-lye.
To separate the crystals as completely as possible from
mother-lye one of two methods may be adopted, namely,
draining and washing, or by means of a centrifugal. Accord-
ing to the first method the crystallizing pans are placed in a
slanting position, whereby a great portion of the mother-lye
runs off and is returned to the The mass of
evaporating pans.
crystals is brought into a vat with a false bottom, below which
is a discharge
pipe. When the vat is filled with the mass of
crystals, water is poured in. The water dissolves a certain

quantity of sodium acetate, and this solution in sinking down

displaces the mother-lye, a salt of a quite pale brown color
remaining behind.
However, as this method requires considerable time and
leaves the salt in a wet state, it is preferable to free the salt
from the mother-lye by means of a centrifugal, it being then
obtained perfectly dry. In distilling this salt with sulphuric
acid, an acid is obtained which to be sure is still empyreu-
matic, but which can be directly used for many manufacturing
To obtain pure sodium acetate, the crude salt is dissolved in
water by means of steam so that a nearly boiling solution of
15 Be. is obtained, which is then filtered in a hot state through
animal charcoal in a filter which can be heated. The filter,
Fig. 81, consists of an iron cylinder, C, 10 to 13 feet high, en-
closed in a somewhat larger iron cylin-
Fig. 81
der C. The inner cylinder is filled with
granulated animal charcoal, and steam
circulates in the space between the two
cylinders. To avoid the necessity of
charging a filter in too short a time
with fresh animal charcoal, four to six
of such filters are arranged in a battery.
When the first filter becomes ineffec-
tual, it is emptied, charged with fresh
animal charcoal and placed as the last
in the battery. Filtration of the hot
solution should progress only with such

rapidity that a colorless fluid runs off

from the last filter. This fluid when
rapidly cooled deposits small colorless
crystals which after having been freed from mother-lye by
means of a centrifugal and dried, pass in commerce as pure so-
dium acetate.

However, even the salt purified in this manner adhere


certain, though only very small quantities, of sodium butyrate


and sodium propionate, and the acetic acid prepared from it

contains the corresponding quantities of butyric and propionic
acids. The odor of butyric acid is, however, so penetrating
that presence in the acetic acid can be immediately detec-

ted by the sense of smell. By rubbing such impure acetic

acid upon the palm of the hand, the disagreeable odor of
butyric acid becomes conspicuous as soon as the more volatile
acetic acid has evaporated.
Hence for the preparation of perfectly pure acetic acid such
as is demanded for comestible purposes, a different course ha&
to be adopted which to be sure is somewhat more troublesome
than the previously described process but surely accomplishes

Fig. 82.

the object in view. It is based upon the fact that sodium ace-
tate may be heated to nearly 752 F. without
suffering decom-
position, while sodium butyrate and sodium propionate are
decomposed and the tarry substances volatilized at a considera-
bly lower temperature.
The salt obtained from the first crystallization purified by
washing or by means of a centrifugal is used for this purpose.
It is melted in a cast-iron
boiler, Fig. 82, about 5 feet in di-
ameter and about 8 inches
deep, equipped with a stirrer
furnished with two curved blades. The salt at first melts
very rapidly in its water of crystallization, the latter
with heavy
foaming, so that finally a crumbly yellow-brown

mass remains behind which constantly emits tar vapors. The

fire under the kettle is kept up uniformly for about one hour

and is only sufficiently increased for the mass to melt when

no more vapors rise from the latter. The melted mass is lifted
from the kettle with shallow shovels and poured upon sheet-
iron plates where it congeals to a gray-white cake full of small

When the operation above described has been correctly

carried on, the congealed melt contains sodium acetate, car-
bonaceous matter and such a small quantity of tarry substances
that, when brought into water, it yields a solution of a very

pale yellow color. If the heat has been raised too high, a

portion of the sodium acetate is also decomposed, acetone being

evolved and soda remaining behind. It may sometimes
happen that the whole mass takes fire the latter is extin-

guished by throwing crude crystals upon it.

The melted mass is dissolved in boiling water. The boiling
hot solution, which is colored dark by suspended particles of"
carbonaceous matter, is filtered through a filter filled with
sand and heated by steam, and then quickly cooled in order
to obtain small crystals which after treatment in a centrifugal
should be perfectly colorless. Since it is next to impossible
to heat every portion of the melting mass exactly so long
until all the coloring matters have been destroyed, solutions-
of a yellow color yielding yellow crystals are sometimes ob-
tained. By redissolving these yellow crystals in boiling water
and passing the solution through an animal charcoal filter

entirely colorless crystals are also obtained.

The sodium acetate thus obtained forms colorless crystals of
the composition NaC 2 3 2 -f 3H 2 O, which effloresce on exposure
to the air. At the ordinary temperature the salt dissolves in
about three times its quantity by weight of water. With an
increasing temperature, its solubility becomes much greater
and the saturated solution, boiling at 255.2 F., contains for
100 parts of water 208 parts of the salt. When heated the
salt melts at 172.4 F., yields its water of crystallization, and;

congeals. then melts again only at 606.2 F., and in a


melted state can be heated to between 716 and 752 F., with-
out suffering decomposition. When heated above this tem-
perature evolves acetone, becomes readily ignited in the air,

of sodium carbonate
and finally leaves a residue consisting
and coal.
The mother-lyes which in the course of time accumulate in
the pan and finally no longer crystallize are evaporated to the
consistency of syrup and stored in vats. In a few weeks they
are separated from the crude salt and further worked. In
most plants this is done by evaporating the lye to dry ness and
incinerating the residue whereby calcium carbonate mixed
with coal remains behind, which is again used for the neutra-
lization of wood vinegar.
When 100 parts of the strongly inspissated lye are mixed
with 20 parts by weight of strong alcohol and 70 parts by
by weight of sulphuric acid are gradually added, a black, oily
layer separates on the surface of the fluid. This layer con-
sists of crude acetic, butyric and
propionic ethers besides
small quantities of formic, valeric and capric ethers and from
these raw products all the mentioned acids can be prepared in
a pure state.

The sodium acetate by filtration through

purification of the
animal charcoal is seldom practised, the melt-
at present only

ing process being more simple to manipulate and yielding

better results.
Sodium acetate can also be prepared from calcium acetate
by transposition with a soluble sodium salt, the acid of which
forms with the calcium an insoluble combination.
By mixing,
for instance, a solution of calcium acetate with one of sodium

sulphate (Glauber's salt), insoluble calcium sulphate is formed

and sodium acetate remains in solution. The calcium
sulphate (gypsum) is, however, not entirely insoluble and it is
therefore far better to effect
transposition with the use of
sodium carbonate
whereby calcium carbonate dissolving with
greater difficulty is formed.

Preparation of acetic acid from the acetates. For the prepara-

tion of acetic acid in a free state the calcium acetate is decom-

posed by an acid and the acetic acid separated by distillation.

Hydrochloric acid was formerly generally used for the purpose ?

ithaving the advantage of forming with the calcium, calcium

chloride which is readily soluble in water and in distilling pre-
sents fewer obstacles than the calcium sulphate (gypsum)
formed by the decomposition of the acetate with sulphuric acid,
but the latter is now almost exclusively used, this process being
preferable because, on the one hand, the apparatus required
for it has been greatly improved and, on the other, the gray
acetate with 80 to 82 per cent, acetate furnishes a better and

purer raw material. The further manipulation of the acetic

acid is then effected in a distilling column which renders it

possible to prepare at once from the crude acid, perfectly pure

acetid acid and also glacial acetic acid.

Hydrochloric Acid Process. The decomposition of the cal-

cium acetate may be effected
by aqueous, as well as
by gaseous
hydrochloric acid. As previously mentioned, the hydrochloric
acid process has been generally abandoned, it being now in
use only where brown acetate with about 67 per cent, acetate
is to This product being far more impure is for
be worked.
that reason not suitable for decomposition with sulphuric acid,
because the resinous and tarry substances which are present
in abundance exert a reducing action upon the sulphuric
The quantity of calcium acetate to be treated is brought in-
to a vat and pouring the requisite quantity of hydro-
chloric acid over it, the mass is thoroughly stirred and then
allowed to rest for 24 hours. During this time it
liquifies and
tarry substances separate on the surface. These substances
have to be carefully removed before bringing the contents of
the vat into a still.

The quantity of hydrochloric acid required for the decom-

position of the calcium acetate could ver}^ readily be accurately
determined if the combinations contained in the salt, which are

were exactly known. But

decomposed by hydrochloric acid,
this can only be learned from a complete analysis of a sample
of the calcium acetate. However, in the practice this trouble-

some work is generally avoided and the required quantity of

hydrochloric acid is determined by pulverizing a portion of
the calcium acetate and, after adding to every 100 grammes of
salt 90 or 95 grammes of hydrochloric acid, distilling the mass
in a small glass still. The distillate is tested for the
of hydrochloric acid by the addition of solution of nitrate of
silver. If after a short time the fluid commences to opalesce
or a caseous precipitate is formed in it, hydrochloric acid is

A content of hydrochloric acid renders the acetic acid un-
suitable for many purposes, and, hence, the use of a small ex-
cess of calcium acetate
is advisable. When the operation is
carefully conducted and especially too rapid distillation con-
nected with squirting of the mass avoided, the acetic acid then
obtained contains only traces of hydrochloric acid, and can be
freed from them by rectification over some calcium acetate.
With the use of crude hydrochloric acid of 1.16 specific gravity,
an acid is obtained from the calcium acetate which contains
between 47 and 50 per cent of acetic anhydride, and possesses
a yellowish color and a slightly
empyreumatic odor and taste.
Distillation is effected in a
copper still which is protected
from the direct action of the fire by an iron shell. The worm
may be made of lead and should below be furnished with a
U-shaped piece which, when distillation begins, becomes
immediately filled with acetic acid and prevents the entrance
of air into the worm. the worm with
By thoroughly washing
water after each distillation it is not attacked by the acetic
acid, or only so slightly that the
quantity of lead which by
these means reaches the acetic acid is insignificant in a product
intended for technical
If rectification of the acetic acid is effected over
dichromate instead of over calcium acetate, an acid is to be
sure obtained which contains no hydrochloric acid and is

colorless, but has still a very perceptible empyreumatic taste.

Since potassium dichromate, 1 to 1J Ibs. of which -has to be
used for every 100 Ibs. of acid, is quite expensive, its use for
the preparation of acetic acid from calcium acetate cannot be
recommended, since the resulting acetic acid, on account of
empyreumatic taste, cannot be used for comestible purposes.

The decomposition of the acetate can, as previously men-

tioned,be also effected with gaseous hydrochloric acid, the
advantage of this process being that concentrated acetic acid
is at once obtained. The operation is carried on by bringing
a sufficient quantity of finely pulverized calcium acetate into
vertical retorts which can be heated from the outside. Gaseous
hydrochloric acid, previously heated, is conducted through
the retorts and the escaping vapors of acetic acid are condensed.
However, with the use of this process, the crude acetic acid
obtained is very much contaminated with hydrochloric acid,

especially towards the end of the operation when the greater

portion of the calcium acetate has already been decomposed.
Sulphuric acid process. At present the decomposition of the
calcium acetate is, as previously mentioned, almost exclusively
effected with sulphuric acid, insoluble calcium sulphate being
separated which forms a viscid, pasty mass, and finally
becomes solid. In order to attain complete decomposition the
mass has to be thoroughly shaken, a work which requires
considerable expenditure of power. Gypsum is a bad conduc-
tor of heat, and although heat is liberated during the progress
of the reaction itself whereby a portion of the acetic acid

evaporates, to obtain the last remnants of acetic acid which

are tenaciously held by the gypsum, is connected with diffi-
culties. With the use of higher temperatures than attainable
with direct firing the mass can to be sure be so far heated that
all the acetic acid finally passes over, but a heavy reduction

of sulphuric acid then also takes place. For this reason the
more modern processes work with the use of a vacuum and
steam for heating, far better yields and a purer acid being

thereby obtained.

Below a description of an older plant arranged according

to Biihler for the sulphuric acid process will first be given,
IFig. 83 a to d.
From the lime kiln the roasted calcium acetate is directly
'thrown through the funnel o into the storage receptacle p,
which serves also as a measuring vessel for one charge. De-
composition is effected in shallow cast-iron pans a, equipped
with and the covers of which are furnished with man-

liole, exhaust pipe, safety valve and inlet for acid. From the
reservoir I, concentrated sulphuric acid is allowed to run in

through a lead pipe conduit. For 100 parts of calcium acetate

GO parts of sulphuric acid are, as a
rule, allowed. Decompo-
sition at first progresses by and about J of the acetic acid

present distils over. Slight heating then becomes necessary.

'The stirrers must be kept constantly in operation. The acetic
acid vapors pass from a into a clay condenser c?, and run

through c into a storage-reservoir d of clay ;

all other mater-
ials would in a short time be destroyed.
The crude acid still contains impurities, such as sulphurous
acid, traces of sulphuretted hydrogen, etc., which by its par-
tialdecomposition the sulphuric acid has yielded together with
the tar of the crude acid besides it contains resinous and tarry

substances and coloring matter which are removed by rectifi-

cation over potassium chromate.

For this purpose acid is allowed to run from the reservoir d
into the still, and after the addition of water is rectified. The
-apparatuses used at the present time at once furnish a product
of 09 per cent, and more. In the illustration, e is the column,
/a pipe condenser with return pipe, and g a condenser for the
acid-. For the preparation of vinegar for comestible purposes
the acid is again rectified in the still
h, with the addition of po-
tassium chromate, a perfectly clear
product without detrimen-
tal odor obtained from The still
being the clay condenser i.
h may be of enameled cast iron and is with a heating
jacket. The movement of the fluid is effected by means of
-compressed air and the munte-jus m, d, and L

FIG. 83.

1. Engine-house ;
2. Fire passage; 3. Boiler-house; 4. Lime Kiln 5.
; Storage-
for calcium acetate ;
6. Lime kiln.

The preparation of glacial acetic acid is effected

by decom-
posing the sodium salt by means of
sulphuric acid. By the
introduction of sodium sulphate (Glauber's into the calr-

cium acetate solution, the latter is converted into sodium ace-

tate solution, saturation being attained when a clear filtered

sample no longer yields a precipitate of calcium sulphate on

the further addition of sodium sulphate.
The solution is drawn off from the sediment and the latter

lixiviated until exhausted. Concentration to a specific gravity

of 1.3 is effected in directly heated boilers. The excess of so-
dium sulphate crystallizing out is brought into perforated bas-
kets from which the mother-lye again runs into the boilers.
It is then allowed to settle and clarify for 8 to 10 hours when

itis drawn of. The sediment consists of admixtures of the

raw materials which have become insoluble, and other con-
stituents. In coolers or crystallizing vessels the greater portion
of the sodium acetate is deposited in three to five
days, and
the crude salt is frequently
directly sold. The mother-lye is
drawn off, is again concentrated, crystallized, and so on until
exhausted. The residue is then evaporated and heated to a
red heat in order to obtain sodium carbonate, or heated to
melting to remove the tar, the sodium acetate thus obtained
being separated from the coal by dissolving in water. The
tarry admixtures, tar oils of various kinds, adhere with great
tenacity to all the products of distillation, even the crystals
first obtained
being not perfectly pure. They are by purified
again dissolving them, concentrating the solution and crystal-
lizing. The crystals are then melted in an iron boiler in the
water of crystallization and, after
evaporating the latter, heated
until melted the second time. The salt is now anhydrous and
great careis
required to prevent it from burning. It is then de-
composed by concentrated sulphuric acid in glass retorts in a
sand bath. For 92 parts salt 98 acid are used.
parts sulphuric
From the distillate the glacial acetic acid
separates, on cooling,
in the form of crystals.
At the present time the vacuum is generally employed,
yielding at once a highly concentrated acetic acid. The
apparatus used for this purpose as constructed by the firm of
J. H. Meyer, at
Hanover-Hainholz, Germany, consists of cast

iron boilers which according to the size of the plant, have

a capacity of from 240 to 3300 Ibs. of calcium acetate. Each
boiler is equipped with a stirrer. The charge is introduced
through a manhole in the cover and the boiler is emptied, as
a rule, through an aperture in the bottom through which the
gypsum can be pushed out by the stirrer.
When the gray acetate is uniformly distributed in the boiler,
the calculated quantity of sulphuric acid is allowed to run in.

Decomposition then commences, so much

heat being thereby
liberated that a large portion of the acetic acid distils over
without the use of a vacuum. When distillation slackens,
vacuum applied and distillation carried on to the end, the

bottom of the boiler being at the same time heated by steam.

From 220 Ibs. of acetate and 132 Ibs. of sulphuric acid, 165
Ibs. of crude acetic acid with 80 per cent, acid are under
normal conditions obtained. The crude acid contains small
quantities 0.005 to 0.05 per cent. of sulphurous acid.
For the preparation of acid intended for technical purposes
only, the crude acetic acid is further purified by subjecting it
once more to distillation in more simple copper stills generally
provided with a worm silvered inside. For the preparation
of high-graded, entirely pure acid and of vinegar essence suit-
able for comestible purposes, the crude acetic acid is decom-
posed in a column apparatus.
In order to finally prepare chemically pure vinegar (99 to
100 per cent.) from that fraction which contains 96 to 98.5
per cent, of acetic acid, the distillate is further treated with
potassium permanganate for the oxidation of contaminating
admixtures and then from the "
still present, distilled fine acid

apparatus This apparatus has a still of copper, but a head


and worm of silver to prevent contamination by copper acetate.

Generally the first and last runnings only are removed, the

middle running being perfectly pure acetic acid.

Glacial acetic acid, of the highest concentration, acidum
aceticum glaciale, can also be prepared as follows Freshly de- :

hydrated sodium acetate is distilled with concentrated sulphuric


acid, or water is withdrawn from high-graded acetic acid by

rectifying it over fused calcium chloride.
In the first by weight of sulphuric acid are
case 9J parts
of sodium acetate free
slowly poured upon 100 parts by weight
from water to prevent the escape, without being condensed,
of a portion of the acetic acid vapors' evolving with great vigor.
Heat is applied only after the introduction of the total quan-
sulphuric acid, and the first four-fifths of the distillate
tity of
are caughtby themselves, because the last portion of it has an
empyreumatic odor, while the first portions contain only sul-
phurous acid which is removed by rectifying the acid over
potassium dichromate.
According to the second process glacial acetic acid may
even be prepared from 50 per cent, acetic acid by distilling
the latter with fused (anhydrous) calcium chloride. The gla-
cial acetic acid thus obtained contains considerable quantities

of hydrochloric acid. It is freed from it by rectification over

anhydrous sodium acetate, a still with a silver head and worm

being used, and the precaution taken not to cool the worm too
much as otherwise the acetic acid might crystallize in it.
The calcium chloride containing water which remains be-
hind dehydrated by heating in shallow vessels and then

heated to red hot fusion, this being necessary for the destruc-
tion of all organic substances present. The preparation of gla-
cial acetic acid should, if feasible, be undertaken in the cool

season of the year. The distillate running from the condenser

is collected in stone-ware
pots which are covered and exposed
to a low temperature, the
greater portion of the fluid congeal-
ing thereby to a crystalline mass. The position of the pots is
then changed so that the portion which has remained fluid can
run off this is added to the next rectification over calcium

chloride. By placingthe pots in a heated room the anhydrous

acetic acid is melted and then filled in bottles. Glacial acetic
acid thus prepared will stand the test
usually applied in com-
merce. It consists in the acetic acid together with
anhydride dissolves lemon
Anhydrous acetic oil

in every proportion, but in the presence of even a very small

quantity of water solubility decreases in a high degree.
Another commercial test consists in compounding the acetic
acid as well as the glacial acetic acid and the diluted acid,,
with solution of potassium permanganate till it appears rasp-
berry red ; pure acid remains permanently red, while if em-
pyreumatic substances are present, t-he red color disappears-
However, an acid free from empyreumatic substances, but
containing sulphurous acid, may also exert a discoloring effect
upon the potassium permanganate solution. It is, therefore,
advisable before making the test for empyreumatic substances-
to test the acid for sulphurous acid. This is done by com-
pounding the acid with potassium permanganate, allowing it
to stand and then adding barium chloride
until discolored
solution sulphurous
has now been changed
acid, if present,
to sulphuric acid, the fluid is rendered turbid by barium chlo-

ride, and after standing for some time a white precipitate is-

separated. Such acid should again be rectified.


The particularly those of calcium, potassium, so-

dium, barium, lead, copper, aluminium and iron are exten-
sively used in the industries and are produced in large quan-
tities. Calcium acetate and sodium acetate are as previously
explained initial products for the preparation of acetic acid and
acetone, for which barium acetate may also be used.
All the acetates are more or less readily soluble in water.
By the addition of sulphuric acid the acetic acid is liberated
without perceptible evolution of gas. The solutions of the
acetates are precipitated by nitrate of silver ;
the precipitate

of acetate of silver is crystalline and soluble in 100 parts of

When mixed with equal parts of alcohol and double the

weight of sulphuric acid, acetic

ether is evolved, which is

its characteristic fruit-like odor.

Ferric chloride imparts to the very dilute aqueous solution
an intense bright-red color.

From other similar combinations the acetates are distin-

guished by yielding acetone when subjected to destructive

distillation, and marsh-gas when distilled with caustic potash.

When heated with arsenic the very peculiar and disagreeable
odor of cacodyl is evolved.
Potassium acetate, KC 2 3 O r H Dry potassium acetate forms a

snow-white, somewhat lustrous, not very heavy, laminate or

foliated crystalline, pulverulent mass. It has a warming,

slightly pungent salty taste, and its odor is not acid. It turns
red litmus paper slightly blue, but does not redden phenol-

phthalein. It rapidly absorbs moisture from the air and deli-

quesces. At the ordinary temperature it is soluble in about
J part of water or 1 J parts of alcohol. Boiling water dissolves
eight times the quantity of its weight of potassium acetate,
such a solution boiling at 329 F. The dry salt when tritur-
ated with iodine yields a blue mixture, the latter giving with
water a brown solution.
When heated, potassium acetate melts, without suffering
decomposition, at 557.3 F., and on cooling congeals to a
radiated crystalline mass. On heating to 780 F. acetic acid
escapes and, after incineration, potassium carbonate colored
gray by coal remains behind.
By adding ferric chloride solution to
potassium acetate
solution, a liquid of a blood-red color is obtained which besides
potassium chloride contains ferric acetate. By heating the
solution to
boiling a red precipitate of basic ferric acetate is
separated, the supernatant liquid becoming colorless, provided
sufficient potassium acetate was
present and the ferric chloride
solution did not contain too much acid.

Potassium acetate is prepared by bringing into a vat or boiler

purified wood vinegar and adding potash in small quantities.
The liquid foams, and the tarry substances that separate on
the surface are removed by means of a perforated ladle. The
addition of potash is continued till the solution is neutralized
when it is allowed to settle. The clarified solution is then
evaporated todryness in an iron pan, the tarry substances ap-
pearing during this operation being removed. When the
product is dry, the fire is increased and the salt melted in the
water of crystallization. When the mass has acquired a but-
yraceous appearance, the fire is withdrawn and the salt allowed
to cool, otherwise it would change to potassium carbonate.
When cold the melt is again dissolved in water, filtered and
further worked.
Another method of producing potassium acetate is by decom-
posing normal acetate of lead (sugar of lead) with pure
carbonate or sulphate of potassium. To detect the presence
of lead it should be tested with sulphuretted hydrogen, which
in the presence of this metal produces a slightly brown pre-

cipitate. To obtain a pure product the decanted liquid is

treated with
sulphuretted hydrogen, and, separating after
from the precipitate and adding a small quantity of acetic acid,
is evaporated in a stone-ware vessel.
Chemically pure potassium acetate is prepared by bringing
400 parts of 30 per cent, acetic acid into an acid-proof enameled
boiler and gradually introducing 138 parts of pure potassium
carbonate or 200 parts of potassium bicarbonate until the
solution is finally neutral or shows but a slight alkaline reac-
tion. Solution has finally to be assisted by heating.
The solution is then acetified with acetic acid and evaporated
to a small volume on an open fire.
a steam-bath or better over
Some acetic acid is next added and the mass then evaporated

till it is dust-dr}', being constantly stirred with a porcelain

spatula during this operation. The resulting dust-dry, crumbly
powder is brought into dry hot vessels, which are immediately
closed with corks and the latter are coated with paraffine.

Too strong heating should be avoided, otherwise decomposition-

takes place, acetone being formed.
Pure potassium acetate should dissolve in two parts of water
and the solution must not redden phenol phthalein, otherwise
it contains more than traces of potassium carbonate.
A 5 per
aqueous solution should not be rendered
cent, turbid or colored

(presence of metals) by hydrogen sulphide, and not altered by

barium nitrate after the addition of dilute nitric acid, other-
wise it is contaminated with sulphate.
Potassium acid acetate or potassium diacetate, KC 2 3 2 C 2 H 4 H 2

isformed by evaporating a solution of the neutral salt in excess

of acetic acid it crystallizes by slow evaporation in long, flat-

tened prisms. It is very deliquescent and decomposes at 392

F., giving off crystallizable acetic acid.

Sodium NaC2 3
acetate, H
The manner of preparing this

salt in the manufacture of wood vinegar has already been de-

scribed. It can be obtained in a manner similar to that of the

potassium salt by dissolving carbonate of soda in acetic acid,

evaporating the solution, and setting the liquid aside to crys-

tallize. The crystals form large, colorless, oblique rhombic
prisms. Their composition 2 3 2
is NaC H -f 3H 2 they are

soluble in 3 parts of cold, in a less quantity of boiling, water,

and in 5 of alcohol.
The taste of sodium acetate is cooling and saline. When
exposed to dry air it loses its three equivalents of water, but
regains them in a moist atmosphere. After being melted it is
deliquescent and takes up 7 equivalents of water. It becomes
a liquid, supersaturated solution which
crystallizes, with evolu-
tion of heat, a
immediately after fragment of dry or crystallized
sodium acetate is thrown into it.
Sodium acetate is used for the preparation of acetic acid,
acetic ether, and in medicine. It has also been recommended
for the preservation of animal and vegetable tissues, it being
used in the form of a
powder in place of common salt.
Ammonium acetate, neutral acetate of ammonia, NH C H 4 8 3 2

-This substance is obtained by neutralizing acetic acid with


carbonate of ammonia, or better, by saturating glacial acetic

acid with dry ammonia gas. It is very difficult to obtain in

the crystalline form on account of its aqueous solution giving

off ammonia when evaporated, thus becoming converted into
the acid salt. When subjected
dry distillation ammonia gas

escapes first; above 330 F. there

is formed, besides water,

chiefly acetamide (C 2 H 5 NO), a white crystalline body which is

also formed, besides alcohol, on heating acetic ether with liquid
ammonia in a closed vessel to about 266 F.
In medicine ammonium acetate has long been used as a

Calcium acetate, Ca (C 2 3 2 ) 2 H
The preparation of calcium.

acetate has already been described under wood vinegar.

The crystals of the pure salt form white acicular prisms
which effloresce in the air and are soluble in water and in al-
cohol ; they have a
bitter, salty They are decomposed taste.

by heat into acetone and calcium carbonate. A mixture of

this salt and of potassium oxalate gives, on heating, propylene
(C 3 6 ), while a mixture of carbonates remains behind. By
destructive distillation of equal equivalents of acetate and ben-
zoate of calcium, acetophenone (C 8 8 0) is obtained, which by H
treatment with nitric acid is converted into nitro-acetophenone
(C8 H N07 By heating the latter with zinc-dust and soda-
3 ).

lime, Emmerling and Engler claim to have obtained artificial

indigo-blue. But the quantity of the latter thus obtained is

always very small, and it appears to be very difficult to ascer-

tain the precise condition under which the transformation
takes place.
Barium acetate, (C 2 H 3 2)2 Ba+l J H 0,2 finds at present exten-
sive application in the industries, especially in the preparation
of acetone, as it is decomposed at a lower temperature than
calcium acetate, and leaves a residue barium carbonate
which can again be used for the preparation of the acetate,
while the residue from calcium carbonate is of no value.
Barium acetate is prepared from the mineral witheritefin a
manner similar to calcium acetate, the only difference being as

to whether the witherite is used in lumps or in the form of pow-

der. In the first case the wood vinegar is allowed to act for
some time upon the witherite by allowing it to run over the
mineral, or after filling several vessels (a battery) with the
witherite, dissolving it by conducting gaseous acetic acid

through the vessels. Provisions must of course be made for

carrying off the carbonic acid that is evolved.

The use of witherite in the form of powder instead of in
lumps, is but as the powder, in conse-
more advantageous ;

quence of its own

specific gravity has a tendency to settle on the
bottom, a powerful mixing and stirring apparatus has to be
provided. When used in the form of a fine powder the with-
erite must be upon the surface of the fluid containing

the acetic acid, as readily forms lumps, which drop to the


bottom and are dissolved only with difficulty. As the evolu-

tion of carbonic acid is by no means tumultuous the vessels
used can be kept quite full.
The barium acetate solution obtained by either method may
be neutral but should never show an acid reaction. It is

passed through a filter press and then evaporated in the usual

manner, care being taken not to let it boil up for this reason ;

it is advisable to effect evaporation in a vacuum.

Crystallization is effected in the customary manner. The
resulting crystals are freed from the mother-lye and, if not
colored too dark (by empyreumatic
substances), can be imme-
diately used. Purification is effected by recrystallization, dis-
solving the crystals in water, by treatment with animal char-
coal, china clay or bole, but best by a small addition of sulphuric

acid, whereby barium sulphate is formed which falls to the

bottom, carrying with it the empyreumatic substances. After
settling the clear liquor is drawn off or the mixture is passed
through a filter-press. The clear solution is evaporated in
the customary manner and, after the mother-
lye separated and the crystals, if necessary, are once more

purified. The mother-lyes are utilized by adding them to the

solutions first obtained. If they contain too many foreign

substances, they are evaporated to dry ness, dried, ignited and

used for solution in acetic acid.
According to another method barium acetate is
by allowing equivalent quantities of barium chloride and so-
dium acetate to act upon each other. For this purpose the ade-
quate quantity of barium chloride is dissolved in water so that,
if feasible, an oversaturated solution is obtained, and to this

solution, whilst boiling vigorously, sodium acetate in fine-

crystals is gradually added. During this reaction the contents

of the boiler must constantly be kept boiling vigorously.

Decomposition progresses quite rapidly. The sodium chloride

which is separated is removed and the progress of reaction
watched by taking samples. When decomposition is complete,
the contents of the boiler are allowed to settle, and the solution
drawn off from the sediment is crystallized. The crystals are
then separated from the mother-lye and the last remnants of
the latter removed either by suction or by means of a centri-
fugal, the crystals being at the same time washed with water
and, required, recry stall zed from pure water.
if i The mother-
lye always contains common salt and is again utilized for
dissolving the barium chloride.
The crystallized barium acetate obtained at the ordinary tem-

perature contains 1 molecule of water, while that crystallized

at 32 F. possesses 3 molecules of water and is amorphous with
lead acetate. On exposure to the air the crystals effloresce
and the solutions show an alkaline reaction. The salt is sol-
uble in 1.5 parts of cold, and 1.1 parts of boiling water, and
in 67 parts of boiling, and in 100 parts of cold, alcohol.
Strontium acetate. This salt is prepared in a manner similar
to that of the preceding. The crystals obtained at 32 F. con-
tain 5 equivalents of water and those at 59 F. 1 equivalent.
With strontium nitrate it gives a double salt forming beau-
tiful crystals which contain 3 equivalents of water. On heat-
ing they first yield their water of crystallization and then
detonate, a beautiful purple flame being formed.
Magnesium acetate is prepared by dissolving magnesia alba

or usta in acetic acid. It crystallizes with difficulty and is

readily soluble in
water and spirits of wine. Only a very small

portion of the
solution is decomposed by ammonia. By de-

structive distillation it yields acetic acid, while magnesia

remains behind.
Aluminium acetate. Large quantities of aluminium acetate
-are used under the name of red mordant in dyeing, as well as

for water-proofing tissues.

Three combinations of aluminium with acetic acid are
known, namely, normal f aluminium acetate, and two basic
acetates which according to their content of acetic acid it is

customary to distinguish as f and aluminium acetates.

The normal or f aluminium acetate, A] 2 (CH 3 C0 2 ) 6 is obtained
by decomposing aluminium sulphate with barium acetate, or
by dissolving aluminium hydrate in the calculated quantity
of acetic acid. It is only known in a liquid form. When
evaporated even at below 100 F. it is decomposed to basic-
acetates of different compositions. In boiling the solution in-
soluble basic aluminium acetate is separated, the composition
of which is not yet accurately known.
The basic aluminium f acetate, A1 2 (OH 2 )(CH 3 C0 2 ) 4 is obtained
by dissolving aluminium hydrate in the calculated quantity
of acetic acid. By evaporating the solution at below 100 F.,
it is reduced to a hornlike mass which
gives a clear solution
with water, especially if the latter has been acidulated* with
acetic acid. By heating above 100 F. insoluble basic alum-
inium acetate is separated.
The bade aluminium J acetate, A1 2 (OH 4 )(CH 3 C0 2 ) 2 separates
on heating or evaporating the solutions of the abovementioned
For the preparation of aluminium acetate in
larger quantities,
aluminium hydrate is seldom used as the initial material,
-aluminium sulphate or
ordinary alum being generally decom-
posed by means of a carbonate, lead acetate or calcium acetate.
The aluminium hydrate thus obtained is then dissolved in
-acetic acid.

Aluminium sulphate is as a rule preferred to alum, it being

cheaper and can also be obtained free from iron, which is of
great importance as regards the use of aluminium acetate in
Turkey red dyeing (for alazaririe colors) as iron imparts a
brown tinge to the red.
Aluminium generally prepared by dissolving 30
acetate is

parts by weight of aluminium sulphate in 80 parts of cold

water, then adding 36 parts by weight of 30 per cent, acetic
acid (of 1.041 specific gravity), and introducing into this mix-
ture, whilst stirring constantly, 13 parts by weight of whiting
triturated with 20 parts by weight of water.

Decomposition does not proceed as smoothly as would ap-

pear from the chemical equation it must be effected so that

heating of any kind is excluded.

By reason of the evolution of carbonic acid the decomposi-
tion-vessel must be of such a size that it is filled only two-
thirds full. It should be furnished with a stirrer to keep the
heavy whiting suspended, and thus cause uniformity of de-

The whiting should be intimately stirred together with 'the
water and in order to retain admixed impurities such as sand,
straw, etc., poured in small quantities through a fine-mesh
sieve. When all the whiting has been introduced the stirrer is

kept running for 5 or 6 hours longer, and the mass is then al-
lowed to stand quietly. Since decomposition is not completely
finished in 24 hours, it is accelerated after that time by again

running the stirrer for six hours, when the mixture is

into a filter-press and the heavy solution collected by itself.
The press-cakes are thoroughly washed and the wash- water is
used for dissolving fresh portions of aluminium sulphate.
The cakes remaining in the frame of the filter-press may, if

pure white, be dried and sold as gypsum otherwise they can


be utilized as fertilizer.
In place of whiting some manufacturers use sodium bicar-
bonate 667 parts by weight of aluminium sulphate are dis-

solved in 15000 parts by weight of warm water. Into this


solution are introduced very slowly and whilst constantly

stirring, 504 parts by weight

of sodium bicarbonate, the bicar-
bonate product of the manufacture of ammonia-soda being
suitable for the purpose. Alumina in a gelatinous form is
precipitated. It is allowed to settle, washed free from salt
and pressed to a weight of 1750 parts. 200 parts by weight of
the gelatinous aluminium hydrate are dissolved in 150 parts

by weight of 50 per cent, acetic acid. One liter of the mordant

thus obtained contains 35.3 grammes of alumina. In place
of, sodium bicarbonate, ammonia-soda may be used in the
proportion of part by weight of
1 aluminium sulphate to 3.6

parts by weight of soda.

Many manufacturers prefer to effect the decomposition of
the aluminium sulphate with lead acetate instead of with

whiting or sodium carbonate. Since lead sulphate is insoluble

the decomposition of the aluminium sulphate solution is more
perfect. In practice it is found advantageous to employ equal
parts of aluminium sulphate and acetate of lead, or even a
rather less quantity of the latter. The aluminium sulphate
is dissolved in boiling water, and the powdered lead acetate
added to the solution. About one-tenth of crystallized carbon-
ate of soda, or a little carbonate of lime, is added to the alum
to combine with the free acid. The three following receipts
serve to indicate the proportions employed :

I. Dissolve 100
pounds of aluminium sulphate in 50 gallons
of boiling water, and add 10
pounds of acetate of lead in fine
powder, stirring the mixture well at first, and likewise several
times during cooling.
II. Dissolve 100
pounds of aluminium sulphate in 50 gallons
of boiling water, add
slowly 10 pounds of crystallized carbonate
of soda, and then stir in 50
pounds of acetate of lead in
III. Dissolve 100
pounds of aluminium sulphate in 50
gallons of boiling water, and add in small portions 6 pounds
of crystallized carbonate of soda, and then stir in 50 pounds
of acetate of lead, in
powder, as before.

The cheapest method of preparing aluminium acetate is

from calcium acetate and aluminium sulphate, the principal

condition being not to use a too tarry gray acetate as other-
wise the final product turns out too dark and can be decolor-
ized only with difficulty. Calcium acetate contains, as a rule,
a larger quantity of calcium carbonate, and this quantity has

previously to be accurately determined in order to calculate

the quantity of aluminium sulphate required. In practice
this calculation is avoided by having always on hand clear
solutions of both salts and, when an excess of one or the other
salt isfound in the aluminium acetate solution, correcting it
by the addition of one or the other solution, so that a pure
aluminium acetate solution results.
As a rule 100 parts by weight of calcium acetate and 70

parts by weight of aluminium sulphate are dissolved, each by

itself, in sufficient water to obtain solutions of 5 to 6 Be.
The solutions are filtered and after bringing the separate solu-
tions into the vessels located over the precipitation vat, pre-

cipitation is effected. On account of the evolution of carbonic

acid, the vat should not be kept too full.

When a determined quantity of fluid has been consumed

and evolution of gas has ceased, a small quantity of the fluid
in the vat is filtered in a small glass cylinder, the filtrate di-
vided into two halves, one of which is tested with barium chlor-
ide solution for sulphuric acid, and the other with ammonium
oxalate or sulphuric acid for lime. If in one or the other case
a white precipitate is formed enough of one or the other clear
solution previously mentioned is added until after taking other

samples no precipitate or turbidity is formed in them the ;

aluminium acetate solution then contains only slight traces of

calcium acetate or aluminium sulphate.
The contents of the precipitation-vat are passed through a
filter-press and the residue is washed. The cakes of gypsum
are not suitable for fertilizing purposes by adding air-slaked ;

lime and ashes the)7 may be utilized for repairing roads, etc.
Manganese acetate, Mn(C 2
H 3 2)2
. This substance is pre-

pared by dissolving freshly precipitated mangauous


(MnC0 3 ) in heated acetic acid, evaporating the solution and

crystallizing. The rhombic prisms, and occasion-
crystals are

ally in plates of an amethystine they are permanent in

color ;

the air, soluble in alcohol, and in about three times their

weight of water.
On manufncturedby precipitating a
a large scale this salt is
-solution of manganous sulphate by one of lime acetate and
.agitating the liquor to decompose the whole of the manganese

It sometimes happens that a portion of the manganese salt

is not acted upon by the acetate of lime, and in this case a

concentrated solution of acetate of lead is employed towards

the end of the process to effect complete decomposition. The
mixed precipitate of sulphate of lime and lead is filtered off,
and the filtrate evaporated and crystallized. The best acetate
of manganese is made by adding to 4 parts of manganous sul-

phate dissolved in 3 parts of water, 7 parts of crystallized

acetate of lead dissolved in 3 parts of water, agitating the solu-

tion, and drawing off the clear liquor for use.

Acetate of manganese is used in dyeing and calico-printing
to give a brown color to fabrics. Its principle of action de-

pends upon the further oxidation of the manganese.

Iron acetate. Acetic acid combines with ferrous oxide
(FeO) as well as with oxide (Fe2 3 ), but only the
ferrous acetate crystallizes in small
greenish-white needles, very
prone to Oxidation, while ferric acetate is a dark, brownish
red, uncrystallizable liquid, of powerful and astringent taste.
Both salts dissolve
freely in water, and are of importance for
dyeing and calico-printing.
Ferrous acetate, Fe(C 2 H 3 2)2
. Black mordant. For dyeing
Manganons sulphate is prepared by mixing the dioxide (pyrolusite) with half
its weight of concentrated sulphuric acid and heating in a Hessian crucible until
no more vapors escape. The residue is dissolved in
water, filtered, and allowed
to crystallize at an
ordinary temperature. The solution of the salt when decom-
posed with crystallized soda gives a precipitate of
manganous carbonate.

purposes this salt is prepared by dissolving wronght-iron

turnings wood-vinegar, care being had that some iron
remains undissolved, as otherwise the salt, on exposure to the
air, gradually partly converted into the ferric salt.
is This
oxidation proceeds, however, but slowly, the empyreumatic
substances contained in the wood vinegar rendering the con-
version The pure salt oxidizes with great
rather difficult.

rapidity. For commercial purposes this compound is manu-

factured as follows Into a large wooden vat or into barrels a

quantity of iron turnings, hoops, or nails are introduced, and

hot crude wood- vinegar, freed by distillation from wood-spirit,,
is poured upon them. During the solution of the iron much
tarry matter separates, which is skimmed off, and the solution,
is frequently agitated to free it as much as possible from, the
tar. After 24 hours the solution is drawn off. The iron*
being entirely coated with tar so that it can not be again at-
tacked by the wood-vinegar, it is taken from the vat and the
tar ignited. The iron is freed from the oxide formed by
sifting and can be again used. The solution thus obtained
shows 13 or 14 Be.
The pure salt is obtained by dissolving iron in acetic acid or
by double decomposition from ferrous sulphate (14 parts) and
lead acetate (19 parts) and cheaper, but less pure, from

ferrous sulphate and calcium acetate.

crude calcium acetate instead of wood-vinegar is to be used
in the preparation of this salt, a solution of the calcium acetate
of specific gravity 1.08 is mixed with half its weight of ferrous

sulphate dissolved in 2J times its weight of water. On agitat-

ing the mixture, the decomposition is rendered complete, the
clear liquor which is siphoned off after the subsidence of the

sulphate of lime showing 13 Be. It is kept in a closed barrel

in which is hung a bag containing a quantity of iron turnings..
In some factories the ferrous acetate is manufactured by de-
composing the carbonate of iron (FeCOJ with lead acetate;:
lead carbonate precipitates, and the blackish supernatant liquor
is the acetate of iron in a very pure state. It is kept from ox-

idizing by immersing in it some bright iron filings. The lead

salt formed repays the cost of the manufacture of the acetate.

Solution of ferrous acetate is used as a mordant by dyers, for

stainingwood and leather and in the manufacture of ink. The

commercial article generally shows a specific gravity of 1.10
(12 B.).

avidity with which ferrous acetate absorbs

On account of the
oxygen, of great value as a reducing agent.
it is It is, for in-

stance, used in the preparation of aniline from nitrobenzole

and for similar reducing processes.
Neutral ferric acetate, sesquiacetate of iron, Fe(C 2 H 3 2)3

For technical use this combination is obtained by dissolving

wrought-iron in wood-vinegar so that it has a chance to oxi-
dize in the air. For this purpose wood-vinegar is poured over
iron turnings in a vat, and after drawing off the solution in a
few days, the iron is for some time left to the action of the ox-
ygen of the air. It quickly oxidizes, and by pouring back the
solution and several times repeating the drawing off and pour-
ing back, a quite concentrated solution of dark red brown,
nearly black color is in a short time obtained. Heat must
not be employed in the preparation of this salt, as in such case
readily decomposes.
Neutral ferric acetate may be obtained in the pure state by
decomposing a solution of lead acetate by adding ferric sul-
phate in slight excess. In the course of 24 hours the excess
of ferric
sulphate precipitates as a basic salt. It is also pro-
duced, though more slowly, by dissolving ferric hydrate or
ferric carbonate obtained
by precipitation, in strong acetic
acid. This method occupies more time, but affords better
guarantees for the purity of the compound.
Bydissolving one part of nitric acid or aqua regia, precipi-
tating the solution with ammonia and
dissolving the washed
ferric hydrate in 10
parts of acetic acid of 1.042 specific grav-
ity, and evaporating the solution at between 140 and 17G F.
an amorphous salt soluble in water
and alcohol remains, which
is, however, not as
neutral, it contains only two instead of 3

equivalents of acetic acid for 1 equivalent of ferric oxide. By

dissolving this amorphous salt in acetic acid and exposing the
dark red solution to a low temperature, the neutral salt crys-
tallizes out in hydrated, lustrous, dark red laminse.
On heating the strongly diluted solution of this salt to
nearly the boiling point its color becomes more intense and it
evolves a distinct odor of acetic acid without, however, produc-
ing a precipitate. The salt has nevertheless become more
basic, and an addition of any soluble sulphate or even of free

sulphuric acid immediately precipitates the whole of the iron

as insoluble basic ferrous sulphate. By heating, however, the
dilute solution of the pure acetate to boiling, it disengages
acetic acid and separates a basic salt, which, if boiling be con-

tinued, also loses its acid so that ferric hydrate remains behind.
The properties of this hydrate differ, however, from those of
ordinary ferric hydrate, it dissolving in concentrated hydro-
chloric acid only by long-continued digestion or boiling, and is

scarcely attacked by boiling concentrated sulphuric acid. In

acetic acid or dilute nitric acid it dissolves, however, to a red

fluid,transparent to transmitted, but opaque to reflected, light.

By adding the slightest quantity of a sulphate or of concen-
trated nitric or hydrochloric acid, a granular precipitate is

formed, which, however, redissolves on diluting the fluid with

water. If a solution of ferric acetate is heated in a closed ves-
sel to 212 F. for a few hours, the fluid seen
by reflected light
appears opaque and opalescent. It has also lost its metallic
taste and no longer shows the other reactions of ferric salts, i.e.,
addition of ferrocyanide produces no precipitate nor does the
sulphocyanide augment its red color. A trace of sulphuric
acid or any alkaline salt suffices to precipitate the whole of the
iron in solution as ferric hydrate, of red color, which is
insoluble in all acids at an ordinary temperature dilute min-

eral acidsdo not, however, produce a similar 'precipitate. It

is remarkable that this ferric
hydrate dissolves in water to a
dark red fluid which can be again precipitated by concentrated
acids or alkaline salts (Pean de St. Giles).

From the iron acetates the iron is precipitated as black fer-

rous sulphide by sulphuretted hydrogen.
With ferric nitrate, ferric acetate yields a crystallizable
double Fe(C H 3 2 2 N0 3 +
salt, ) 2
3H 2 0, the solution of which
boiling, nitric and acetic
on acids being disengaged.
A similar combination exists between the acetate and ferric
Chromium acetates. Acetic acid enters into combination
with chromous (CrO), as well as .with chromic, oxide (O 2 3 ).
The salts are not used in the industries and are only of
scientific interest.
Chromous acetate, (C 2 3 2 ) 2 Cr 2 0, +H
is prepared by mixing

a solution of chromous chloride with sodium acetate. The salt

separates out in small, lustrous red crystals which are sparingly
soluble in water and alcohol, and quickly oxidize to a greater

degree on exposure to the air, the succeeding salt being formed.

Chromic acetate. A neutral salt is known and there are very
likely several basic ones. The solution of the neutral salt,
which isobtained by dissolving chromic hydrate in heated
acetic acid, forms a red fluid, green in a reflected, and red in
a transmitted, light. It is not decomposed by boiling, but by
ammonia. The precipitate, however, redissolves, on adding
ammonia in excess, to a violet-red fluid because the hydrate is
soluble in ammonium acetate. Hence, a solution of the salt
acidulated with acetic acid is not precipitated by ammonia.
There are also known crystallized combinations of this salt
with chromic chloride and
sulphate and nitrate of chromium.
If the solution of the neutral salt is for some time
with chromic hydrate, it
acquires a darker color, the acid
reaction disappears, and on
evaporating, a green powder
soluble in water remains behind. has described a
purple busic salt.

Nickel acetate forms small

green crystals soluble in water,
but not in alcohol.
Cobalt forms small red crystals, the concentrated
solution of which turns blue on
heating but again red on cool-
ing, and can, therefore, be used as
sympathetic ink.

Zinc acetate, Zn(C 2

H 3 2) 2
. This salt may be prepared by
dissolving metallic zinc, zinc oxide or zinc carbonate in acetic
acid, or by the decomposition of zinc sulphate by acetates of
lime or lead similar to the acetate of manganese. The acetate
is in the first three instances simply obtained by evaporation,

and in the latter, after agitating the mixture, filtering and

evaporating the filtrate. The salt crystallizes in flexible, opal-

escent, six-sided tables which effloresce slightly in the air.

Technically the best receipt is to dissolve 4 parts of the sul-

phate of zinc and 7J parts of acetate of lead each in 3 parts-

of hot water, mixing the solutions, agitating, and after the

sulphate of lead has deposited, drawing the clear liquid off to-
Copper acetates. Cuprous acetate, Ca (C
2 2
H 3 2)2
. This salt is-

produced by subjecting crystallized verdigris to

dry distillation.

white substance crystallizing in fine needles, which are

It is a

decomposed by water into yellow cuprous hydrate and cupric

With cupric oxide acetic acid forms a normal and several
basic salts.
Neutral cupric acetate; crystallized verdigris, Cu(C 2
H 3 2)2

The normal cupric acetate may be prepared by dissolving

pure cupric oxide or cupric hydrate in pure acetic acid or by
employing, instead of the pure oxide, copper scales whose con-
tent of metallic copper and of cuprous oxide is converted into

cupric oxide by moistening with nitric acid and gentle glow-

ing. The cupric oxide thus obtained .is washed to remove
foreign substances. The conversion of the cuprous oxide into
cupric oxide is especially essential when the acetic acid is not
entirely free from hydrochloric acid, as otherwise cuprous-
chloride formed which dissolves with difficulty.

If copper scales cannot be obtained, hydrated basic carbon-

ate of copper can be prepared by precipitating sulphate of

copper with soda, and, after washing and pressing, dissolving

in acetic acid. Sulphate of soda remains dissolved in the
water, and this solution can eventually be utilized for the

conversion of crude calcium acetate into sodium salt. Instead

of soda, milk of lime can also be used for the decomposition

of the sulphate of copper, a mixture of calcium sulphate and

cupric hydrate being precipitated. By adding acetic acid the

latter is redissolved while the calcium sulphate remains sus-
pended. When the latter has settled the solution is drawn off
and evaporated. The calcium sulphate is repeatedly washed
with small portions of water, and the wash-waters are used for
dissolving fresh quantities of sulphate of copper.
In case the sulphate of copper contains iron, the latter is re-

moved by digesting the solution for several days with basic

carbonate of copper. The presence of iron is recognized by
the sulphate not dissolving entirely in ammonia in excess, but
leaving behind a red-brown residue (ferric hydrate).
The neutral acetate can also be prepared by dissolving the
basic salt, verdigris (described below), in acetic acid. The so-
lution is filtered and evaporated until a crystalline film is
formed. This method is, however, expensive.
The method by double decomposition may be recommended
for preparing the neutral acetate on a small scale, but not for
manufacturing purposes. Sulphate of copper (125 parts) and
sodium acetate (136 parts) decompose each other, neutral
cupric acetate crystalizing out, while sodium sulphate remains
in solution. The is, however, somewhat smaller than
theoretically might be expected, because the sulphate of cop-
per is not entirely insoluble in sodium
sulphate solution. By
this process the
object is quickly accomplished, and for this
reason is
decidedly to be preferred to the following Sulphate :

of copper and normal lead acetate (190

(125 parts) parts)
decompose completely only in dilute, but not in concentrated,
solutions. Hence strong evaporationis required, whereby
acetic acid
Further, with the use of lead acetate some
is lost.

of the
newly-formed lead sulphate is obtained in solution but ;

the lead cannot be

separated with sulphuretted hydrogen
because the latter would also
decompose the copper salt. The
disadvantage of substituting calcium acetate for the lead ace-

tate is that it is not crystallized and hence furnishes no exter-

nal criterion of purity in fact it always varies slightly in

composition. If a small excess of calcium salt has been used,

the latter, calcium sulphate is filtered off and the
after the
solution evaporated, does not remain in the mother lye, but
crystallizes out as double salt (see below), together with the
copper salt. Since these acetates create difficulties, and as
each of them must first be prepared by the manufacturer by
means of acetic acid, it would seem more rational to directly

use this acetic acid for dissolving the cupric oxide, whereby
no by-products of little value, such as sulphate of lead, calcium
and sodium, are formed.
The evaporation of the solution of cupric acetate obtained

by any of the above methods is effected in a copper boiler over

an open fire, or, still better, by steam. It is recommended to

close the boiler so that the escaping vapors of water and acetic
acid are condensed in a worm. Independently of the fact that
by these means the escaping acetic acid is regained and can be
used for other purposes, a great advantage is that the air of
the workroom is thereby not contaminated by flying particles
of salt.

Crystallization is generally effected in stoneware pots into

which dip a number of slender wooden rods. The pots are
placed in a warm room. Crystallization is finished in about 14
days. The crystals turn out especially beautiful when the acid
somewhat preponderates and the solution is cooled very slowly.
The salt forms dark green * rhombic prisms of a nauseous
metallic taste, which dissolve in 14 parts of cold, and 5 parts
of boiling, water; and are also soluble in alcohol. Heated in
the air the crystals burn with a green flame.
Neutral cupric acetate contains in 100 parts: Cupric oxide
39.8, anhydrous acetic acid 51.1, water 9.
On heating, the dilute solution of the neutral salt yields
* There is also another salt of a beautiful blue color, which contains, however,
o equivalents of water (VVohler). It is prepared by exposing a solution of the salt
mixed with free acetic acid to a low temperature. At 95 F. it passes into the
ordinary green salt.

acetic acid and deposits a basic salt hence the use of strongly

diluted acetic acid or even distilled vinegar is not suitable for

the preparation of crystallized verdigris. By long-continued
with freshly glowed charcoal the dilute solution
to the latter hence vinegar
yields its entire content
of copper ;

containing copper can be purified in this manner (2 or 3 per

cent, of charcoal being sufficient). The crystals of normal
cupric acetate, after drying in vacuo, lose more water at 212
F., but give off 9 per cent, of their water between 230 and
284 F. By destructive distillation cupric acetate yields strong
acetic acid which contains acetone and is contaminated with
copper. Cuprous oxide (Cu 2 0) is obtained in red octahedral
crystals when the neutral salt is heated with organic substances,
such as sugar, honey, starch, etc. With the acetates of potas-
sium, sodium, and calcium, normal cupric acetate gives double
salts of a vivid blue color, which form fine crystals.

The normal cupric acetate in the arts is in

chief use of

making pigments and for resisting the blue color which the
indigo would communicate in the indigo bath of the calico
printer. In the latter case its mode of action depends on the
readiness with which it
parts with oxygen, whereby the indigo
is oxidized before can exert any action on the cloth, being

itself reduced to the state of acetate of suboxide of copper.

Crystallized verdigris is occasionally employed as a transparent
green water color or wash for tinting maps. In medicine it
is used for external It is poisonous, like all
soluble copper salts.
Basic cupric acetates.
Sesquibasic cupric acetate (Cu(C 2 3 2 ) 2 ). H
CuO-f- 6H 2 0.
This compound is obtained pure by gradually
adding ammonia to a boiling concentrated solution of the nor-
mal acetate until the
precipitate, which is at first formed, is
redissolved. As the liquor cools the new salt then crystallizes
out in beautiful
blue-green scales, which at 212 F. lose 10.8
per cent, of their water. Their aqueous solution is decom.
posed by boiling, acetic acid
being given off and the black
oxide of copper

Dibasic cupric acetate, Cu(C 2 3 2 ) 2 CuO-|-6H 2 0, constitutes
the greater part of the blue variety of verdigris. It forms

beautiful, delicate, blue, crystalline needles and scales, which

when ground form a fine blue powder. When heated to 140
F. they lose 23.45 per cent, of waterand become transformed
into a beautiful green, a mixture composed of the neutral and
tribasic acetates. By repeated exhaustion with water the
dibasic, is resolved into the insoluble tribasic, salt, and a solu-
tion of thenormal and sesquibasic cupric acetates.
Tribasic cupric acetate, Cu(C H 3 ) 2 2CuO+3H 2
This corn-

pound is the most stable of all of the acetates of copper. It is

prepared by boiling the aqueous solution of the neutral acetate,

by heating it with alcohol, by digesting its aqueous solution
with cupric hydrate, or by exhausting blue verdigris with
water as above mentioned. The first methods yield the salt
in the form of a bluish powder composed of needles and scales,
the last as a bright green powder. This salt yields all its
water at 352 F. at a higher temperature it decomposes and

evolves acetic acid. Boiling water decomposes the solid triba-

sic acetate into a brown mixture of the same salt with cupric
Under the name of verdigris two varieties of basic cupric
acetates are found in commerce: French verdigris which occurs
in globular, bluish-green, crystalline masses, but also in amor-

phous masses, and English verdigris of a pure green color and

crystalline structure, is, however, also manufactured in
Germany and Sweden.
The variety is chiefly manufactured in the region around

Montpellier, France. The refuse of grapes, after the extraction

of the juice, is placed in casks until acetous fermentation takes
place. The casks or vessels are covered with matting to pro-
tect them from dirt. At the end of two or three days the fer-
menting materials are removed to other vessels in order to
check the process, to prevent putrefaction. The limit to which
fermentation should be carried is known by introducing a test-
sheet of copper into the mass for 24 hours; if, on withdrawing

it at the found covered with a uniform

end of that time, it is

of fermentation has been

green coating, the proper degree
Sheets of copper are prepared by hammering bars of the
metal to the thickness of about ^
of an inch (the more com-

pact the copper sheets the better), and they are then cut into
pieces of 6 or 8 inches long by
3 to 4 broad. Sometimes old
ship-sheathing is used and cut into pieces of the required size.
The sheets are immersed in a concentrated solution of verdegris
and allowed to dry. When the materials are all found to be
in proper condition, the copper sheets are laid on a horizontal
wooden grating in the middle of a on the bottom of which
is placed a pan of burning charcoal, which heats them to about
200 In this state they are put into large stoneware jars
with alternate layers of the fermenting grape lees the vessels ;

are covered with straw mats and left at rest. At the end of 10
to 20 days they are opened to ascertain if the operation is
complete. If the upper layer of the lees
appears whitish and
the whole has worked favorably, the sheets will be covered
with silky crystals of a green color. The sheets are then taken
from the jars and placed upright in a cellar, one
against the
other. At the end of two or three days they are moistened
with water and again placed to The with
dry. moistening
water continued at regular intervals of a week for six or
times. This treatment causes the sheets to swell and become
incrusted with increased
coatings of the copper salt, which are
detached from the remainder of the sheets
by a copper knife.
The scraped plates are submitted to a fresh treatment till the
whole of the copper is converted into verdigris. The salt
scraped off is made into a consistent paste
by kneading with a
little water, and
in this state is
packed into leathern bags which
are placed in the sun to
dry until the mass hardens and forms
the tough substance which
constitutes the commercial article.
In England,
Germany and Sweden copper sheets are moist-
ened with a solution of
verdigris in vinegar and placed in a
warm room, or woollen cloths moistened with
the above solu-

tion are used, which are placed alternately with the copper
sheets in a square wooden box. The woollen cloths are moist-
ened with the solution every three days for 12 or 15 days,
when small crystals commence to form on the sheets. The
sheets are then drawn every six days through water and re-

placed in the box, but not in direct contact with the woollen
cloths, smalldisks of copper or small pieces of wood being

placed between each cloth and sheet. The woollen cloths are
now more thoroughly saturated than before, but with a weakei
solution. With a temperature of from 54 to 59 F., 6 to 8
weeks are required before the verdigris can be scraped off.
The product is not identical with that obtained by the French
method, it being somewhat poorer in acetic acid, and hence its
color is not bluish-green, but almost pure green.
Lead Acetates. With plumbic oxide acetic acid gives a
neutral, as well as several basic, salts. The most important of
these combinations are the neutral known in commerce
as sugar of lead, and a basic salt by means of which white
lead is obtained.
Neutral Acetate of Lead (Sugar of Lead), Pb(C 2 3 2 ) 2 +3HO. H
According to Volkel's method, acetic acid prepared from
wood-vinegar and rectified over potassium dichromate is satu-
rated with litharge, filtered or decanted, and after a further
addition of acetic acid until a slightly acid reaction takes place,

evaporated to the crystallizing point.

By saturating acetic acid with litharge, a solution of basic
salt is obtained, which is later on converted into neutral salt
by the addition of acetic acid. This is more suitable than
using only as much litharge as the acetic acid requires for
the formation of the neutral salt, because the litharge dis-
solves with greater ease in solution of sugar of lead than in
acetic acid.
Solution of sugar of lead, like solution of neutral cupric ace-
tate, permits of the evaporation of acetic acid in boiling and, ;

hence, best to use strong acetic acid, because less will have
it is

to be evaporated and the loss of acetic acid be consequently


smaller. By taking, for instance, acetic acid of 1.057 specific

100 Ibs. of it 82 Ibs. of litharge are required for the
gravity, for
formation of the neutral salt. A
larger quantity is, however,
taken (from 100 to 180 Ibs.), so that a basic salt is formed, or,
with 100 Ibs., a mixture of neutral and basic salts. To recog-
nize the point of neutralization in the subsequent addition of
acetic acid, litmuspaper is used, or, still better, dilute solution
of corrosive sublimate (1 part of corrosive sublimate in 100 of
water), which does
not change the neutral salt, but produces

turbidity in the basic (Buchner). Hence, by from time to

time testing the lead solution with this reagent, the point of
neutralization is reached the moment turbidity ceases. This
test is better than with litmus, considerable experience being
required to hit the right point with the latter on account of
solution of sugar of lead showing a slight, but perceptible acid
The solution of litharge in acetic acid is promoted by heat,
and is copper pan, the bottom and sides of
effected either in a
which are brought in contact with a few bright sheets of lead
(to prevent the copper from being attacked), or in a lead pan
over an open fire, or in a wooden vat into which steam is in-
troduced. The clear solution is evaporated. If this is to be
done over an open fire, it is recommended to have a
tory heating pan for each evaporating pan, as described in the
preparation of calcium acetate, the preparatory heating pan,
which is heated by the escaping
gases, being used for the solu-
tion of the litharge in acetic acid. Lead pans, if used, should
rest upon The dimensions of the pans
strong cast-iron plates.
vary very much. According to Assmus, they are 6J feet long,
4 and from 12 to 14 inches deep, while the
feet wide,
of the
preparatory heating pans is from 24 to 28 inches. From
the latter, which stand at a
higher level, the clear solution is
discharged, through a stop-cock just above the bottom, into
evaporating pans. Evaporation should be effected at a
moderate heat; actual
boiling must be strictly avoided, as
otherwise large losses of acetic acid are unavoidable and the
solution readily
acquires a yellow coloration.

According to the degree of evaporation (to 36 B. or to 46

B. or more) of the sugar of lead solution, distinct crystals are
obtained or only a radiated crystalline mass. With a perfectly
pure solution the first method is the best, since crystals bring
a better price. The mother-lye, after being again acetified, is
once more evaporated and acetified and yields more crystals.
Stein recommends the conducting of the vapors of acetic
acid or of vinegar into litharge mixed with a very small quan-

tity of water. This method is in general use in Germany. But

as the extract remaining iri-the still retains a considerable

quantity of acetic acid, especially if beer had been added to the

liquid used in the preparation of the vinegar, it is advisable to
increase the boiling point of the latter by the addition of one-
third of its weight of common or rock salt. At first the water
condenses in the receiver and the volume of the fluid containing
the litharge increases, but when the boiling point is reached in
the condensing vessels, only the acetic acid is retained, while
the litharge is first converted into sexbasic and then into tri-
basic acetate. To obtain neutral salt, however, either the
vapors must be somewhat expanded or several condensing
vessels be placed one after the other.
Fig. 84 shows the distilling apparatus, consisting of a still,
a, of sheet-copper. The vapors pass through a copper pipe, 5,
into the wooden vat, c, lined with lead, and about 35 inches
in diameter and (>7 inches deep. In this vat are four bottoms,
d, of thick lead provided with fine perforations. Short lead
pipes, soldered into these bottoms and arranged as shown in
the figure, serve to conduct the vinegar vapors in the vat to
and fro in the interspaces between the lead bottoms. For each
still at least three of such vats are connected with each other.
Upon the lead bottoms is first placed a layer of linen or of
flannel, and next a layer of litharge 2 to 4 inches deep. To
prevent the litharge from packing, it is mixed with an equal
volume of pebbles, about the size of a pea. The vats are pro-
vided with lids of sheet-copper lined with lead. From the lid
of the last vat a pipe leads to a worm surrounded with cold

water. stop-cocks on
The the bottoms of the vats permit the
lead solution, which is effected (with
discharge of the collected
of at
the use of acetic acid) when it shows a specific gravity
at least 36 Be. solution being, however, basic, it is aceti-
fied with strong acetic acid, and brought into the crystallizing


This method is decidedly the best, because the evaporation

of the solution is entirely or almost entirely
omitted and the
air of the workroom is not contaminated by particles of sugar
of lead, which is very injurious "to the health of the workmen.

FIG. 84.

Furthermore, this taethod does not require the use of pure

remain in the still. This, how-
acetic acid, since the impurities

ever, holds good only for non-volatile impurities. For the

production of colorless salt, the crude acetic acid from wood-
vinegar must necessarily be purified, as above mentioned,
by potassium chromate and sulphuric acid.
The crystallizing pans are either of stone-ware or of wood
lined with lead or thin
copper, to which is soldered a strip of
lead down the sides and across the
bottom, with the idea of
rendering the metal more electro-negative, so as to prevent the

acetic acidfrom acting on it. The wooden crystallizing pans

are about 4 feet long by 2 feet wide, and from G to 8 Indies

deep, sloping inwards at the edges. Shallow, slightly conical

copper vessels. 6 inches deep, with a diameter of 29J inches
at the bottom and 31 J inches at the top, are also used. The
stone-ware pans are placed upon a slightly inclined level cov-
ered with lead. In these small pans crystallization is complete
in 24 hours, while from 48 to 72 hours are required with the
use of the larger wooden vessels. Crystallization being com-
plete, the mother-lye is removed, and the vessels are placed
upon a wooden frame over a gutter of sheet-lead to drain off,
as shown in Figs. 85 and 8G.

FIG. 85. FIG. 86.

If especially beautiful crystals are to be obtained, the first

crystals, which are not very distinct, are again dissolved in

the water obtained by the condensation of the vapors escaping
from the still. The solution being evaporated to the proper
density is again allowed to crystallize. The crystals, after

upon linen spread over wooden

sufficient drainage, are placed
hurdles and dried at a moderate heat, not exceeding 75 F.
In some factories the heated air of a stove, placed outside the
drying-house, is conveyed through pipes passing round the
interior; at other places steam heat is employed for this pur-
pose, which is much to be preferred, on account of its being
more easily regulated.
When working on a large scale a centrifugal is advantage-
ously employed for the separation of the mother-lye, in the

same manner as recommended for the preparation of sodium


Litharge being a quite impure lead oxide never dissolves

entirely, and frequently contains over 10 per cent, of impuri-
ties,consisting of sand, clay, red lead or minium (Pb 3 4 ),
metallic lead, traces of silver, cupric and ferric oxides. The
cupric oxide passes into the sugar of lead solution and colors
itslightly blue. To separate the copper, bright sheets of lead
are dipped into the solution, the copper separating upon them
in the form of a dark slime. The sheets of lead must be fre-

quently cleansed (scraped), as otherwise they lose their effect.

When there is a large accumulation of litharge residue, it can
be worked for silver.

Sugar of lead can also be prepared from metallic lead, the

process having been recommended first by Berard, and is said
by Runge to yield a good product with great economy. Gran-

ulated lead, the tailings in the white lead manufacture, etc.,

are put in several vessels, say eight, one above the other, upon

steps, so that the liquid may be run from one to the other.
The upper one with acetic acid, and after half an hour
is filled

let off into the second, after another half hour into the third,

and so on to the last or eighth vessel. The acid causes the

lead to absorb oxygen so rapidly from the air as to become
hot. When the acid runs off from the lowest, it is thrown on
the uppermost, vessel a second time and carries off the acetate
of lead formed. After passing through the whole series the
solution is so strong that it may be evaporated at once so as to
Apparently this method has a considerable advantage over
that with litharge, metallic lead being cheaper and producing
more sugar of lead (entirely free from copper) than litharge,
because 103.5 Ibs. of pure lead yield 189.5 Ibs. of sugar of lead,
while the same quantity is only obtained from 111.5 Ibs. of pure
litharge. Furthermore, commercial lead is always purer
litharge. On the other hand, this process has the disadvan-
tage of a considerable quantity of acetic acid being lost by

evaporation on account of having to pass through several


vessels. The manufacture of sugar of lead is most suitably

combined with that of white lead, it being thus possible to
advantage than, as is fre-
utilize the tailings, etc., to greater

quently done, by melting them together and remelting, which

always causes considerable loss.

Sugar of lead is further formed by boiling lead sulphate

with a very concentrated solution of barium acetate, barium
sulphate (permanent white) being thereby precipitated. For
100 parts of lead sulphate 84 parts of anhydrous or 100 of
crystallized barium acetate are required, the yield being 125
parts of sugar of lead. Sulphate of lead is obtained in large
quantities as a by-product in the preparation of aluminium
For many purposes of dyeing and printing the use of pure
sugar of lead is not necessary, the brown acetate of lead an-
swering requirements. For its preparation ground litharge

is introduced in small portions, stirring constantly, into dis-

tilled wood vinegar in a vat until red litmus paper is colored

blue, and, hence, a basic salt is formed. The
impurities sep-
arating on the surface are removed and the clear fluid is then
transferred to a copper pan equipped with strips of lead, and is

evaporated to about two-thirds its volume, the brown smeary

substances rising to the surface during evaporation being con-
stantly removed. By again diluting and slightly acidulating
the concentrated fluid a further portion of the foreign sub-
stances can be removed. Finally evaporation is carried to
the crystallizing point, i. e., until a few drops congeal when
allowed to fall upon a cold metal plate. The addition of
animal charcoal for the purpose of discoloration is of no ad-
vantage. The coloration is not completely removed, and the

little effect produced is attained at a considerable loss of salt,

which is absorbed by the animal charcoal.
By disturbing crystallization by constant stirring during
cooling, a nearly amorphous mass, having the appearance of
yellow wax, is obtained, which is much liked by many con-

sutners. The product thus obtained is not always a neutral

salt, but sometimes a mixture of neutral and basic salts (be-
sides empyreumatic substances). After cooling it must, there-
fore,be quickly and well packed, in order to protect it from the
moisture and the carbonic acid of the air. The sugar of lead
solution may, however, also be evaporated only so far that
some mother-lye remains after cooling, the crystallized mass
being then for some time allowed to stand in a moderately
warm room. In consequence of capillarity, the impurities,
which occur chiefly in the mother-lye, gradually rise up be-
tween the crystals, a slight coating of yellow, or brown, smeary
substance being finally formed upon the mass of crystals,
which can be readily removed.
The linen upon which the crystals are dried must be care-
fully protected from fire, as it ignites from the slightest spark
and burns like tinder.
If the hot solution be set aside to cool rapidly, the sugar of
lead crystallizes in clusters of fine needles but if evaporation

be conducted slowly the crystals are truncated and flattened,

quadrangular and hexahedral prisms derived from a right
rhombic prism. Acetate of lead has a sweet astringent taste,
is soluble in 1 J parts of water and in 8 parts of ordinary alco-

hol. The crystals are permanent in the atmosphere, but are

apt to effloresce and become anhydrous if the temperature
ranges between 70 and 100 F.
Acetate of lead consists of:

Plumbic oxide 58.9

Anhydrous acetic acid 26.9

Water . . . 14.2


Aqueous solution of sugar of lead slightly reddens litmus-

paper, but shows an alkaline reaction upon turmeric, brown-

At 167 F. the crystals of acetate of lead melt, and slowly

yield up their water by heating the entirely dephlegmated


salt more strongly it fuses at 536 F. to a clear, oil-like, color-

less fluid and decomposes above this temperature, evolving all
the compounds usually obtained in the destructive distillation
of the acetates of the heavy metals, while a residue of metallic
lead in a very minute state of division, with some charcoal, is
left behind. When this distillation is conducted in a glass
tube closed at one end and having the other drawn out for
convenience of sealing at the end of the operation, the well-
known lead pyrophorous is made. The particles of metallic
lead are so small that, when thrown into the air, oxygen mole-
cules come into such intimate contact with them that ignition
is effected from the rapidity with which lead oxide is formed.
slight decomposition occurs when the neutral salt is ex-
posed to an atmosphere of carbonic acid, carbonate of lead
being formed the portion of acetic acid thus liberated pro-

tects the remainder from further change.

Cold solution of sugar of lead is not immediately changed
by ammonia by adding, however, a large excess of it, sexbasic

acetate of lead is gradually separated on boiling, yellow-red


crystalline lead oxide is precipitated.

The introduction of chlorine gas into a solution of sugar of
lead produces in a short time a brown precipitate of plumbic
dioxide. Bromine acts in a similar manner, but on account
of its insolubility, iodine produces scarcely any effect.

Solution of calcium chloride at once produces a yellow

precipitate, which gradually becomes brown.
Sugar of lead containing considerable copper has a bluish
appearance. If the content of copper is small, it is recognized

by the solution acquiring with ammonia a blue coloration, or,

still better, by mixing the solution of
sugar of lead with an ex-
cess of solution of Glauber's salt and testing the filtrate with

potassium, ferrocyanide. A dark-red precipitate indicates

Sugar of lead, as well as the basic lead salts to be men-
tioned further on, possesses poisonous properties.
Sugar of lead is chiefly used for the preparation of alum-

inium acetate, as well as of other acetates. Considerable

quantities of itconsumed in the manufacture of colors, for
instance, of neutral and basic lead chromate, chrome yellow,
chrome orange, and chrome red. Upon the cloth-fibre (espec-
ially wool) chrome yellow and chrome orange are produced
by means of sugar of lead, particularly with the brown variety ;

the latter product being also very suitable for the production
of the so-called chrome green, which is obtained by the joint

precipitation of chrome yellow and Berlin blue.

Neutral lead acetate gives crystallizable double salts with
potassium acetate and sodium acetate as well as with lead
nitrate, lead chloride, lead bromide, etc.

Basic lead acetates. Several of these compounds are known.

Those with 2 and 3 equivalents of lead oxide to 1 equivalent
show a strong alkaline reac-
of acetic acid are soluble in water,

tion, and with carbonic acid the solutions yield at once and
in every degree of concentration, abundant precipitates of
white lead (basic carbonate of lead), while, when the operation
isat a suitable moment interrupted, neutral salt remains in
solution. In this manner white lead is manufactured accord-
ing to the so-called French method (of Thenard and Hoard)
at Clichy and other places in France, as well as in different
German factories. If however, the introduction of carbonic
acid be continued until no more
precipitate is formed, a part
of the lead of the neutral salt is also precipitated as carbonate,
which, however, is neutral, and an acid solution remains
The soluble salt known
as lead vinegar or extract of lead is

prepared by digesting 2 parts of sugar of lead dissolved in 5

of water with 1 of finely powdered litharge. The propor-
tional quantities of sugar of lead, litharge and water prescribed

by the Pharmacopoeias of the different countries vary very

much, and, consequently, the compositions and specific

gravities (from 1.20 to 1.36) of the solutions of lead prepared

in accordance with them. The litharge dissolves very readily
in the sugar of lead solution, in fact with greater ease than in

acetic acid, and especially with greater rapidity if the sugar of

lead solution be heated in a silver dish to the boiling point
and the litharge gradually introduced. For the manufacture
on a large scale, the sugar of lead solution and the litharge
may be brought into a barrel revolving around its axis. If
the operation is to be conducted at the ordinary temperature,
the barrel must be closed to prevent the access of the car-
bonic acid of the air. Very remarkable is the behavior of the
tribasic acetate towards hydrogen dioxide plumbic dioxide

being first formed. But in a short time this exerts a decom-

posing influence upon the hydrogen dioxide which may be

present in excess, so that both dioxides' now lose one-half of
their oxygen, which evolves in the form of gas, and water
and plumbic oxide are formed.* Now, as freshly precipitated
plumbic dioxide possesses the further property of decomposing
solution of potassium iodide, Schoenbein recommends tribasic
acetate of lead, together with paper coated with paste prepared
with potassium iodide, as the most sensitive reagent for hydro-
gen dioxide.
Lead Sesquibasic
Acetate, Triplumbic Tetracetate. This salt is
obtained by heating the diacetate until it becomes a white,
porous mass this is redissolved in water and set aside to

crystallize. Sesquibasic acetate is soluble in both water and

alcohol ;
its solutions are alkaline.
Tribasic acetate of lead is prepared by digesting 189.5 Ibs. of

sugar of lead with 223 Ibs. of plumbic oxide (pure) or 3 Ibs.

of sugar of lead to 4 Ibs. of litharge or, according to Payen,

into 100 volumes of boiling water are poured 100 volumes of

aqueous solution of sugar of lead saturated at 86 F., and
afterwards a mixture of pure water at 140 F., with 20 volumes
of ammonia liquor free from carbonate. The vessel is then
immediately closed, and in a short time an abundance of the
The salt presents itself under
tribasic acetate crystallizes out.
the form of long needles. It is insoluble in alcohol, very solu-

* Schoenbein in
Wagner's Jahresbericht, 1862.

ble in water, solution being alkaline.

its Tribasic acetate is
the most stable of all the subacetates of lead. It takes a lead-

ing part in the manufacture of white lead by the Clichy pro-

cess. It is, in point of fact, a solution of this salt, which is

decomposed by the carbonic acid, and gives rise to the carbon-

ate of lead, being itself at the same time converted into lead
diacetate. In the Dutch process the formation of lead carbon-
ate is, according to Pelouze, also due to the formation of tri-

basic acetate on the surface of the sheets of lead, which is, in

its turn, decomposed by the carbonic acid.
Sexbasic Acetate of Lead. This body is prepared by digest-
ing any of the preceding salts with lead oxide. It is a white

powder slightly soluble in boiling water, from which it crys-

tallizes out in silky needles which consist of two equivalents
of the salt combined with three equivalents of water.
Uranium Acetate. With uranous oxide, acetic acid combines
to a dark green crystallizable salt, and with uranic oxide to a

yellow basic salt, which, combined with water, appears in two

different forms of crystals. It is remarkable for giving, with

many other acetates, well crystallizing salts, of a beautiful

color, and partly showing magnificent dichroism (Wertheim

and Weselsky).
Tin acetate prepared by dissolving stannous hydrate in

heated strong acetic acid, or by mixing stannous chloride

(SnCl 2 ) with acetate of sodium or calcium. It forms small

colorless needles, which have a strong metallic taste and

readily decompose in the air. The salt is used to discharge
azo-dyestuffs in calico printing.
Bismuth Acetate. Bismuth nitrate prepared by gradually
introducing pulverized metallic bismuth into cold dilute nitric
acid is mixed with pure concentrated sugar of lead solution.
The salt separates in small, colorless needles.

Mercurous acetate can be prepared by dissolving pure mer-

*The hydrate is obtained by precipitating stannous chloride with soda lye and
washing the precipitate.

curous oxide or its carbonate in acetic acid, or by mingling

hot solutions of mercurous nitrate and acetate of sodium or of
potassium. The pure mercurous carbonate is heated to boiling
with 8 parts of water, and concentrated acetic acid added until
all is dissolved the hot, filtered liquid free from oxide being

allowed to cool.Or, acidulated nitrate is diluted with 6 to 8

parts of water, heated and mixed with one equivalent of acetate
of sodium or potassium, dissolved in 8 parts hot water con-
taining a little free acid, and cooled. The salt, when sepa-
rated, is washed with a little cold water, dried in the dark at
a gentle heat, and kept from the light in covered bottles.
It crystallizes in fine, white, silvery scales, flexible and unc-
tuous to the touch, with a nauseous metallic taste, easily de-
composed by light. It dissolves with difficulty in cold water,
requiring 33 parts at the ordinary temperature. It is par-

tially decomposed by boiling water into acid and basic salts of

both oxides and metallic mercury. It is used in pharmacy.

Mercuric Acetate. Dissolve red oxide of mercury in concen-

trated acetic acid at a gentle heat and evaporate to dry ness,
or partially to crystallization, or by spontaneous evaporation.
When obtained by the first process it is a white saline mass ;

by the second it forms crystalline scales; and by the third,

four-sided plates,which are partly transparent, partly pearly

and translucent, anhydrous, of a nauseous metallic taste, fusi-
ble without decomposition, solidifying to a granular mass, but
the point of decomposition of the latter is near that of fusion.
It dissolves in 4 parts of water at 50 F., in 2.75 at 66.2 F.,
and in 1 at 212, but by boiling it
partly decomposed, is

red oxide being separated. Even in the air its solution suf-
fers the latter change and contains a basic salt. With free
acetic acid it is not decomposed. One hundred parts of alco-
hol dissolve 5f of this salt, and this solution behaves like the
aqueous one. It generally contains, except when carefully
crystallized, some mercurous oxide.
Silver Acetate. This salt is obtained by precipitating a con-
centrated solution of silver nitrate with a concentrated solution

of sodium acetate. It forms a white crystalline precipitate.

ft dissolves in about 100 parts of cold, but readily in hot,
water, and only sparingly in alcohol. On exposure to light it

acquires a dark color, being partially reduced. On heating,

it yields acetic acid, metallic silver behind.
If the salt be heated with disulphide of carbon in a closed

glass tube to 329 F., silver sulphide, carbonic acid and anhy-
drous acetic acid are formed (Broughton).
On treating the dry salt with iodine, lively decomposition
takes place, whereby silver iodide,some metallic silver and coal
remain behind, while methyl oxide, acetic acid, acetylene and
hydrogen appear. With iodine a solution of this salt yields
acetic acid, silver iodide and iodate of silver (Birnbaum).


Preparation of Wood Spirit. The crude wood-spirit solu-

tions collected during the distillation of the wood vinegar

contain, according to their method of production, from 9 to 10

per cent, wood spirit. are subjected to repeated distil-
lation and rectification over milk of lime to fix the acetic acid

present and to saponify the methyl acetate. In this manner

wood spirit is produced, i. e. a mixture that besides methyl

alcohol contains other combinations such as aldehyde, methyl-

acetic ether, acetone and similar combinations, amines, higher

alcohols, etc.
The crude wood-spirit of commerce contains besides the
above-mentioned constituents. 75 per cent, of methyl alcohol.
It is clear as water to dark brown and can be mixed in every

proportion with water without becoming turbid.

Wood spirit for denaturing purposes is produced from the

crude wood by further rectification. It contains 95 per

cent, methyl alcohol, and while the higher alcohols and the
acetone have been removed, aldehyde, methyl acetate, etc.,
are still present.
Pure wood 98 to 99.5 per cent, wood-spirit
spirit contains
constituents, among which methyl alcohol, however, pre-
ponderates so that they are almost entirely pure. Such pure
wood spirit contains only very small quantities of acetone
0.01 to 0.5 per cent. It does not discolor bromide solution
and when mixed with concentrated sulphuric acid acquires an
only slightly yellower color.
The rectification of the crude wood-spirit solutions collected
during the distillation of the wood vinegar is effected in a
columnar The crude wood-spirit solution is brought

into the and, after adding slaked lime, the fluid is allowed

to rest for several hours. After the addition of the lime the
fluid soon becomes strongly heated in consequence of the free
acids combining with the lime, and of the formation of cal-
cium acetate and methyl alcohol from the methyl acetic ether,
small quantities of ammonia being also evolved.
After having rested for several hours the fluid is subjected
to distillation. In Fig. 87, a represents the copper still, b an
ellipsoidal or egg-shaped vessel which serves as a receiver, and
c the rectifying apparatus, consisting of a series of Pistorius's

basins into the uppermost of which a moderate current of

water is conducted d is the condenser.

The a has a capacity of 1000 to 1200 quarts the steam

still ;

pipe placed in it is 2 inches in diameter and 32 feet long.

The vapors pass out through the wide pipe in the cover, and
what condensed in b runs back through a narrower pipe

into In the rectifying vessel or rather dephlegmator, the ris-


ing vapors are forced to pass around a copper disk placed in

each basin, and thus to come in contact with the surface of
the basin cooled by water. From this it is evident that the
bodies are condensed in the basins and run back
less volatile
into b and from there into a, while the more volatile vapors

pass through the swan-neck and are condensed in d. Much,

of course, depends on the quantity (and temperature) of the
water running into the rectifying vessel.
With a rectifying vessel consisting of seven basins, each
1.64 feet in diameter, and with a correctly conducted inflow
of water, a product of 0.816 specific gravity is obtained by one

operation from crude wood spirit of 0.965 specific gravity.

This product can be used for many purposes, for instance
in the preparation of varnishes. It is, however, not entirely

FIG. 87.

pure, being rendered turbid by water which is due to a content

of the previously mentioned hydrocarbons; it further contains
some acetone, methyl acetate, aldehyde, ammonia, methyl-
amine, and is not lit for use in the production of aniline
For further purification, this rectified wood-spirit is diluted
with water until it shows a specific gravity of 0.934, and is

then allowed to rest a few days, when the greater portion of

the hydrocarbons lias separated as an oily layer on the top.
The clear fluid is now again rectified with an addition of 2 to

3 per cent, of lime whereby a distillate is obtained which does

not become turbid with water, but in time turns yellow.
For the preparation of wood spirit suitable for denaturing
purposes, the crude wood spirit is diluted with water to from
30 to 40 per cent., compounded with milk of lime 20.30
liters to every 1000 liters of spirit and carefully and slowly
rectified from large columnar stills for several days, whereby
the following fractions are obtained :

1. First runnings containing acetone, with 60 to 80 per

cent, acetone. 2. High per cent, intermediate runnings, giv-

ing bright mixtures with water, and containing 7 to 10 per

cent, of acetone. 3. High per cent, intermediate running,

not giving bright mixtures with water. 4. Allyl alcohol-like

after runnings below 90 percent. 5. After runnings contain-
ing oil.

If the first of these fractions be diluted with water 100

liters of water to 200 kilogrammes of distillate and acidu-
lated with somewhat more sulphuric acid than required for
fixing the bases and again distilled from an iron or copper
still lined inside with lead, a product suitable for denaturing

purposes is obtained. For this purpose all the fractions are

used which are miscible with water without becoming turbid
and are so rich in acetone that the mixture finally contains at
least30 per cent, of it and has a specific gravity of 90 Tralles.
For the further treatment of fraction 2, water in the pro-
portion of 1:2 is also added and then 1 to 3 per cent, of soda
lye. The object of the addition of soda lye
is to fix the phenol-

like body, to saponify the esters and resinify the aldehyde.

During rectification the fractions that possess less than 0.1 per
cent, acetone are caught by themselves and designated pure
The third fraction is treated in the same manner but in

place of soda lye, sulphuric acid is added. The fourth frac-

tion is so far diluted with water that the dissolved oils are

separated. The latter are removed and the residue, after add-

ing sulphuric acid, is again rectified, products which may also


partially serve as wood spirit for denaturing purposes being

thus obtained.
Preparation of Acetone. Acetone is a clear, mobile, ethereal-
smelling liquid, boiling at 134 F., and of specific gravity
0.797 at 59 F. It is prepared by heating calcium acetate in

retorts which are connected with a cooling apparatus. The

calcium acetate used for the purpose must be pure and should
be brought into the retorts in a perfectly dry and pulverized
state. It is then slowly heated until no more fluid runs off

from the cooler. The residue in the retorts consists of calcium

carbonate, and again used for the preparation of calcium

acetate. Since acetone boils at a very low temperature, pro-

vision must be made for abundant cooling and it is best to
use ice water for feeding the cooling apparatus.
The decomposition of the calcium acetate to acetone and
calcium carbonate proceeds according to the following equation:

(CH 3 .COO) 2 Ca = CaCO 3 -f 2CH3 .CO.CH 3 .

This decomposition commences already in a slight degree

at 302 F., but takes place completely only at 752 F., and
hence the use of uniform and very high temperatures is indis-
pensable for the production of acetone. The theoretical yield
from 200 Ibs. of calcium acetate (gray acetate) amounts in
round numbers to 66 Ibs. of acetone. Since the gray acetate
contains besides calcium acetate other combinations, for in-
stance, calcium butyrate and propionate, the yield may be
materially less, and may in round numbers be given as about
44 Ibs. of acetone (dimethylketone). The homologues men-
tioned are of course also decomposed in a manner similar to
the calcium acetate, but higher ketones are then formed which
in the purification of the crude acetone, yield the so-called
acetone oils.

The decomposition of the calcium acetate is as a rule effected

in a cast-iron pan, Fig. 88, furnished with a powerful stirrer
and a man-hole for charging the calcium acetate. The tem-
perature for decomposition should not exceed 752 F., and is

controlled by a pyrometer. The vapors evolved pass first

through a dust-separator and then through a pipe into a con-
denser, where they liquefy.
The crude distillate is rectified. This first distillate is

diluted to one-half with J volume of water and again recti-

fied, whereby a product with 90 per cent, acetone is obtained.
The last distillation is effected with the addition of potassium
permanganate. The first two or three liters of distillate are


caught by themselves, and then all that boils between 122

and 136.4 F.

Fig. 89 shows the arrangement of a plant for the production

of acetone. It contains several decomposing apparatuses for
the production of crude acetone. The pipes conducting the
vapors enter first a common collecting pipe, and from there
are conducted to the condenser which terminates in the col-

lecting vessel F, the quantity of fluid in it being indicated by


the float H. The decomposing apparatuses are separated by a

wall from the condenser and rectifier ;
the fireplaces are out-
side the working room. The decomposing apparatus is
equipped with a dust collector T, above which is a broad

T-pipe for conducting the vapors. This pipe also serves for
the purpose of cleaning the dust collector.
From the collecting vessel the crude acetone is pumped into
the rectifier M, the latter being similar in arrangement to an

FIG. 89.

apparatus for rectifying alcohol. The pure acetone is caught

by itself in the vessel G.
The use of acetate of barium, strontium or magnesium in
place of calcium acetate is more advantageous. The draw-
back with the use of calcium acetate consists in that man)
tarry substances pass over and clog the pipes, and, besides, the
distillate is contaminated with empyreumatic substances.
The preparation not very easy, notwith-
of pure acetone is

standing its apparent simplicity, and requires the use of per-

fectly separating columnar stills and experience, for the rea-
son that the admixtures of the acetone have nearly the same
boiling points. The acetone vapors are inflammable and when
mixed with air explosive.

According to F. H. Meyer's system, German patent 134,978,

pure acetone ismanufactured by spreading the gray acetate
in layers 2 to 4 centimeters deep upon sheets or sieves, which
rest upon trucks and are pushed into the distilling muffles.
These muffles are capable of working up 4400 Ibs. of calcium
acetate in 24 hours. They are heated by a direct fire, a uni-
form distribution of the heat and the same heating at all points
of the charge being secured by proper regulation of the fire.
When the acetone has been distilled off and the last remnants
blown out with steam, the truck is removed from the muffle
and is replaced by another previously charged with calcium
The acetone oils which, as previously mentioned, are ob-
tained in the purification of crude acetone are decomposed to
two groups, namely to white acetone oil which comprises the
fractions boiling at from 167 to 466 F.. and to yellow ace-
tone oil boiling between 466' and 502 F. These oils are
used in the celluloid industry and as additions to wood alco-
hol intended for denaturing purposes.
Working the wood tar. Wood tar contains a large quantity
of combinations of which, however, only the mixture found
in commerce under the name of creosote can be
separated to
advantage. By itself wood tar may be utilized as a preserva-
tive coating for wood, as well as for obtaining soot, and event-
ually as fuel in the destructive distillation of wood.
While beech contains without doubt con-
tar, for instance,
siderable paraffin, cannot be produced on a large scale at a

price to compete with that of the product obtained from crude

petroleum. The tar obtained from resinous woods contains
oil of turpentine and can be worked to
greater advantage than
that from hard wood.

Preparation of creosote and tar oils. The wood tar is subjected

being best effected in a horizontal still of
to distillation, this
the shape of a steam boiler and so bricked-in as to be slightly
inclined towards one side. On the lowest part of the still is a
larger aperture which can be closed by a cover and clamp.

The object of this arrangement is to facilitate the quick removal

of the pitch-like or asphalt-like mass which remains behind in
the still after the volatile products have been distilled off, and
which, if allowed to become cold, adheres so firmly to the
sides of the still that it can be detached only with great diffi-

All the tarry substances, which separate in distilling wood-
spirit from wood vinegar, and in neutralizing with lime or
soda, are combined with the tar taken from the condensing
vessels, and the mass thus obtained is subjected to distillation.
The latter might be conducted so that the distillates resulting
at certain temperatures are caught by themselves and the
distillate fractionated ; but, as a rule, the distillates are only
separated in such a manner that only the light oleaginous

products up to specific gravity 0.980 are caught by themselves

and worked further, separately from the heavy oils of upward
of 1.010 specific gravity.
At the commencement of distillation crude wood-spirit first
passes over, which is followed by quite a quantity of acetic acid
(distilled wood-vinegar). Next the light, and later on the
heavy, oils pass over, a pitch-like residue remaining in the still.
this residue, whilestill in a liquid state, with dry
By mixing
hot sand, blocks may be shaped from the mass thus obtained,
which may be used for paving, like asphalt blocks. Mixed
with culm it yields a dough-like mass which may be utilized
for the manufacture of briquettes. If the residue cannot be
utilized in any other manner, it may be allowed to run upon
iron plates, and when cold, is broken up into small pieces and
used as fuel together with coal.

The quantities of the separate products of distillation depend

on the nature of the wood from which the tar has been ob-
tained and on the manner in which destructive distillation has
been conducted. Hard woods give on an average a tar which
by distillation yields, according to Vincent :

Watery distillate (wood spirit, acetic acid) . . . 10 to 20 per cent.

10 to 15
Oleaginous light distillate, sp. gr. 0.966 to 0.977 .

" " " 1.014 to 1.021 15 "

heavy .

Pitch 50 to 62 "

The according to their specific gravities, are caught


separately in vats, a sample, for instance, 1 quart of the fresh

distillate, being immediately taken for the purpose of accurately

determining the quantity of soda required for neutralizing the

total quantity of fluid. The quantity of concentrated soda
solution necessary for neutralization is then added to the dis-

tillate, the whole thoroughly mixed, and the fluid allowed to

repose until two sharply separated layers are formed, the upper
one of which is of an oleaginous nature. The watery fluid is
then allowed to run off and is brought into one of the vats in
which crude wood-vinegar is caught. The oleaginous layer is
worked further by distillation.
The oils remaining after neutralizing the light and heavy
distillates are combined and subjected to careful rectification.
The receiver is changed as soon as it is ascertained by the
thermometer that the temperature has risen above 302 F.,
and is again changed when the temperature rises above 482
F. The hydrocarbons distilling over at below 302 and above
482 F. might be used as solvents and for illuminating pur-
poses, but their preparation is not remunerative.
The distillate which has passed over between 302 F. and
482 F. contains phenol, cresol and phlorol, which together
form wood-creosote. The distillate is intimately mixed with
the assistance of a stirring apparatus with highly concentrated
soda lye (36 Be.), and the watery fluid is drawn off from the
supernatant layer of oil, which
combined with, the other

hydrocarbons. The watery some time boiled in an

fluid is for

open pan to expel any hydrocarbons still present, and is then

saturated with sulphuric acid and allowed to repose. The
fluid of a penetrating odor separated thereby is creosote, which
isused for medicinal purposes. As a disinfecting agent it has,
however, been superseded by the cheaper coal-tar creosote
(carbolic acid).

To obtain the creosote prepared according to this process

permanently colorless, it is mixed with J to J per cent, of
potassium dichromate and to 1 per cent, of sulphuric acid,
allowed to repose for 24 hours and again distilled. The small
yield of creosote and its limited use make its profitable manu-
facture rather doubtful, except where sulphuric acid and soda
can be procured at cheap rates.

The heavy oils are worked up in the same manner. The

solution formed after treatment with soda solution is not added
to the crude wood-vinegar, but treated by itself, as it contains
scarcely any sodium acetate, but the sodium salts of the fatty
acids with higher boiling points, such as propionic, butyric,
valeric and caproic acids. This lye is used either for the
preparation of these acids, or the solution is evaporated to
dryness and ignited with the admittance of air to regain the
If the acids are to be prepared, the solution is evaporated
to the consistency of syrup, slightly oversaturated with sul-

phuric acid, and the resulting fluid diluted with water. The
oleaginous layer collecting upon the surface consists of a mix-
ture of the above-mentioned acids which are soluble with diffi-

culty in water. rectifying the mixture at the temperatures

corresponding the
to boiling points of the various acids, the
latter are obtained in an almost pure state.
It is still more suitable to distil the mass previously evapo-
rated to the consistency of syrup with alcohol and sulphuric
acid, whereby the odoriferous ethers of the various acids are
formed, which can then be separated by fractional distillation.
Since the heavy tar oils are entirely free from acid, and do
not gurn in the air, theymay be used as lubricants for ma-

chinery, and were formerly much sought after for that pur-

pose ;
but at present they have been largely superseded by
petroleum products, and in consequence of this are of less

In the northern parts of Sweden and Finland considerable
quantities of birch-tar oil are prepared, and below are given

the results of a series of experiments regarding the products

which were obtained in the distillation of a sample of Finland
birch-tar oil.

No. of the distillate. Limits of boiling points. Specific gravity.

1 212 to 226 F. 0.887
2. . .
.... 4,... . - . . 356 to 437 F. 1.020
3 . . , 588 to 644 F.

No. 1 formed a red-yellow, very mobile oil of a not dis-

agreeable odor of birch tar. No. 2 was of a darker color and
of a less agreeable odor, while No. 3 represented a dark brown,

very viscous mass. By heating the residue in the still to

above 644 F., it is suddenly decomposed, heavy vapors being
evolved and a lustrous, very porous coal remaining behind.
By distilling the tar oil with caustic soda quite a series of
oleaginous distillates are obtained.:

No. of the distillate. Limits of boiling points. Specific gravity.

1 212 to 284 F. 1.046
2 ;..-.-. . . . 284 to 392 F. 1.114
3 i. .
........ '
. 392to437F. 1.171

4 -'. , , . 437 to 482 F. 1.058

5 ':..:'. . . ., . . 482 to 734 F. 1.039

Nos. 1 to 3 were pale, red-yellow oils Nos. 4 and 5 darker ;

and more viscous. The residue remaining in the still at above

734 was a dark black mass, soft and flexible at the or-

dinary temperature, and becoming hard only at a lower tem-





term wine in general is applied to alcoholic fluids
which are formed by the fermentation of fruit juices, and
serve as beverages. According to this definition, there may
actually be as many kinds of wine as there are fruits whose
juices, in consequence of their content of sugar, are capable
of vinous fermentation and, in fact, besides the apple and

pear, there are many other fruits which are likewise applicable
to wine-making. Among these may be named, currants,
gooseberries, mulberries, elderberries, cherries, oranges, dates,
pine-apples, raspberries, strawberries, etc. But, in order to
make the product from such fruits resemble the standard wine
made from grapes, various ingredients have to be added, as,
for instance, an acid, spices, coloring, and an astringent, to
replace the extractive matter. Tartaric acid is, as a rule,
used as an acid addition, and elderberry or whortleberry juice
as coloring matter. The "water employed in the manufacture
should be pure and soft.

Ripening of In order to form a clear idea of the


process which takes place during the growth, ripening, and

final decomposition of a fruit, it is necessary to refer to the
constituents which are found in an unripe fruit at its first


Besides water, the quantity of which varies between 90 and

45 per cent., fruits contain partly soluble and partly insoluble
substances. The juice obtained by pressure contains the sol-
uble constituents, such as sugar, gum, tannin, acids, salts, etc.,
while the remaining insoluble portion consists chiefly of cellu-
lose, starch, a gum-like body, a few inorganic substances, and

further, the characteristic constituent of unripe fruits, to which

the term pectose has been applied. It forms the initial point

for the phenomena observed during the growth and ripen-

ing of fruits, and, therefore, requires a somewhat closer ex-

In regard to its behavior, pectose approaches cellulose and
starch. It is chiefly found in the pulp of unripe fruits, but
also in certain roots, especially in carrots, beets, and others.
It is insoluble in water, spirits of wine, and ether, but during

the ripening of the fruit it undergoes a change, induced by the

acids and heat, and is converted into pectine, which is readily
soluble in water. To pectose are due the hardness of unripe
fruits and also the property of many fruits and roots of boil-

ing hard in water containing lime, the pectose combining with

the lime.
The formation of pectine commences as soon as the fruits
are exposed to the action of heat, and then depends on the in-
fluence of the vegetable acid present upon the pectose. This
can be shown by expressing the pulp of an unripe apple. The
juice thus obtained contains scarcely a trace of pectine, but,
by boiling it for a few minutes with the pulp of the fruit, the
fluid, inconsequence of the formation of pectine, acquires a
viscous quality, like the juice obtained from ripe fruits.
Pectine, nearly pure, is white, soluble in water, non-crystal-
lizable, and without effect upon vegetable colors. From its
dilute solution itby alcohol separated as a jelly, and from

its more concentrated solution, in long threads. Brought into

contact with alkalies or alkaline earths, pectine is transformed
into pectic acid. Under the influence of a peculiar ferment
called pectase, which will be described later on, pectine is

transformed into pectosic acid, and by dilute acids into meta-

pectic acid.
boiling a solution of pectine in water for a few hours, it
partially loses its viscous condition and separates a substance
called parapectine, which shows the same behavior as pectine,

except that it is not precipitated by neutral lead acetate.

When treated with dilute acids the parapectine is transformed
into metapectine, which might be called metapectous acid, as
it shows a decidedly acid reaction and colors litmus paper
strongly red.
Metapectine is soluble in water, non-crystallizable, and, like

pectine and parapectine, insoluble in alcohol, which precipi-

tates it from its solutions in the form of a jelly. On being
brought into contact with bases it is also transformed into
pectic acid. It differs from pectine and parapectine in that

the solution is precipitated by barium chloride.

Pectase, the peculiar ferment previously referred to, is sim-

ilar in its mode of action to diastase and emulsion. It can be

obtained by precipitating the juice of young carrots with alco-

hol, whereby the pectose, which was at first soluble in water,
becomes insoluble, without, however, losing its effect upon the
pectous substances.
By adding pectase to a solution of pectine, the latter is im-
mediately converted into a jelly-like body, insoluble in water.
This phenomenon is the pectous fermentation, which may be
compared with lactic acid fermentation. It is not accom-
panied by an evolution of gas, and may take place with the
air excluded, a temperature of 86 F. being most favorable for
its progress.
Pectase is an amorphous substance.
allowing it to stand
in contact with water tor a few days, decomposes, becomes

covered with mold-formations, and loses its action as a fer-

ment, this action being also destroyed by continued boiling.
In the vegetable organism it occurs in a soluble as well as in-
soluble state.
Roots such as carrots, beets, etc., contain soluble pectase

and their juice added to a fluid containing pectine in solution

immediately induces pectous fermentation, while the juice of
apples and other acid fruits produces no effect upon pectine,
the latter being present in them in a modified insoluble form
and accompanying the insoluble portion of the pulp. On
adding the pulp of unripe apples to a pectine solution it gel-
atinizes in a short time, in consequence of the formation of

pectosic and pectic acids. It is therefore due to the presence

of these acids that many ripe fruits are so easily converted

into jellies.
Pectosic acid is the result of the first effect of the pectase

upon pectine it being, however, also formed by bringing


dilute solutions of potash, soda, ammonia or alkaline carbon-

ates in contact with pectine. In all these cases salts are formed

which, whentreated with acids, yield pectosic acid. The lat-

ter is gelatinous, and with difficulty dissolves in water. In
the presence of acids it is entirely insoluble. It is quickly

transformed into pectic acid by long boiling in water, by pec-

tase, or by an excess of alcohol.

pectase to act for some time upon pectine, pec-

By allowing
tic acid is the same conversion taking place almost
formed ;

instantaneously by dilute solution of potash, soda, ammonia,

alkaline carbonates, as well as by barium, lime and strontium
water. Its formation in the above-described manner is pre-
ceded by that of pectosic acid, which, as previously men-
tioned, is converted by the same agents into pectic acid.
Pectic acid is insoluble in cold, and scarcely soluble in hot,
water. By boiling it, however, for a certain time in water, and
constantly replacing the water lost by evaporation, it disappears
entirely, and is converted into a new acid, soluble in water.
Alkalies decompose it
very rapidly, the final result being met-
apectic acid, which is soluble in water, but non-crystallizable.
On boiling in hot water, the solution forms, after cooling, a

Pectic acid further possesses the special property of dissolv-

ing in a large number of alkaline salts and forming with them


true double salts, which always show a decidedly acid reaction,

dissolve in water, and on cooling form consistent jellies.
By boiling for a few hours a solution of a pectous salt, the
latter is transformed into a parapectous salt which, when de-

composed by a dilute acid, yields parapectic acid. It is non-

crystallizable, shows a strong acid reaction, and forms with
alkalies soluble salts. It is precipitated by barium water in


Metapectic acid is formed in various

ways, among others
by leaving an aqueous solution of parapectic acid to itself for
some time, but also by the action of the lime contained in the
cell-tissues of roots and fruits upon pectose. It is insoluble in

water, does not crystallize, and gives soluble salts with all
bases. With an excess of bases the salts acquire a yellow
coloration. They are precipitated by basic lead acetate.
What has been said in the preceding may be briefly con-
densed as follows :

1. By the influence of heat upon pectose pectine is formed.

2. Pectineis transformed into parapectine by boiling its

aqueous solution for several hours.

3. Parapectine, when treated at a boiling heat with dilute

acids, is converted into metapectine.

4. Pectase converts pectine into pectic acid.
5. By long-continued action of pectase upon pectine, pectic
acid is formed.
6. Pectic acid is by boiling water transformed into para-
pectic acid.
7. An aqueous solution of parapectic acid is rapidly con-
verted into metapectic acid.
All these bodies are derived from pectose, which through all
these transformations has not even suffered a change in the

proportion of weight of constituents (carbon, hydrogen, and


oxygen); and hence all have the same qualitative and quanti-
tative This may, perhaps, sound odd, but
chemistry presents numerous analogies for such cases, and
hence the term isomeric has been applied to bodies which, with

the same quantitative composition, exhibit very different

chemical properties.
The changespectose undergoes by the influence of heat, by
the action a peculiar ferment, acid and alkalies, and the re-

sulting combinations mentioned above, have of course been

artificially effected by chemical means. They resemble, how-
ever, so closely the state of fruits in the course of their growth
and ripening, and the influences and conditions to which fruits
are exposed in nature are sufficiently similar to those artifi-

cially induced, that their action may be reasonably supposed to

be the same. We know from daily experience that heat pro-
motes the development and ripening of fruit. Fruits contain

pectose and acids, and alkalies and bases are conducted to

them from the soil and hence in fruit in a normal state of

development none of the chemical agents are wanting which

the chemist uses for the production of derivatives of pectose.
If the transformation of substances under the influence of
other substances be considered as dependent on chemical
processes, the development of a fruit from its first formation

tocomplete ripeness, and even to its decomposition, rotting,

and putrefaction, is a chemical process in the widest sense of
the word. This is evident, not only from what has been said
in the preceding, but has also been plainly shown by special
chemical researches into the changes fruits undergo during
their development and perfection. The results of these
researches are briefly as follows :

1. The quantity of water contained in the pulp of a fruit

is considerable it varying between 45 and 90 per cent.

many fruits the content of water remains unchanged during
the different periods of ripening, but, as a rule, it is somewhat
greater in the commencement.
2. Fruits of the same kind examined at the same season of
the year always contain the same quantity of water the ;same
holding good as regards the various parts of the pulp of a fruit.

3. The solid constituents in the pulp of fruits amount to

between 10 and 25 per cent. They consist of soluble substances

which dissolved in the water from the juice of the fruits and ;

of insoluble bodies which compose the membranes of the cells.

4. The quantity of soluble substances always increases with

increasing ripeness, while the weight of the insoluble decreases ;

and hence it may be said that the soluble substances contained

in the juice of a fruit are formed at the expense of the insolu-
ble portion of the pulp. The bodies which become soluble
are starch, pectose, and a gum-like substance capable of being
converted into gum.
On this modification of the solid portion of the pulp of a
fruit depend also the changes a fruit undergoes in regard to
hardness and transparency during ripening.
According to the mode of action of the pectase and acids
upon the pectose, all ripe fruits contain pectine.
5. Various acid fruits, such as plums, cherries, etc., are fre-

quently observed to secrete a neutral juice which, in conse-

quence of the evaporation of the water, leaves a gum-like
substance upon the exterior of the fruit. This phenomenon
throws some light upon the separation of gum as it appears in
many trees, and which, when it occurs very abundantly, is
actually a disease.
In fruits becoming thus covered with a gum, a transparent,
neutral substance insoluble in water occurs stored in the cells
of the pulp. Under the influence of nitrogenous substances,
which act as a ferment, and perhaps also of acids, this gum-like
substance is modified and transformed into actual gum, which
is then converted into sugar in the interior of the pulp of the
fruit an excess of this gum-like substance being secreted and

forming a firm coating upon the exterior of the fruit.

6. The sugar occurring in ripe fruits is evidently derived

from various sources. The occurrence of a large quantity of
starch in many unripe fruits, especially in apples, and its com-
plete disappearance at the time of ripeness, allow of no other
explanation than that the sugar occurring in fruits is formed
by the conversion of the starch under the influence of the acids
present ;
other indifferent substances, such as gum, vegetable

mucus, etc., undergoing similar transformations and yielding

in this certain portion of sugar. Even tannin, which
manner a
occurs in all unripe, but not in ripe, fruits, can be changed by
acids and ferments so as to form sugar.
Thus nothing justifies the supposition that the acids in

fruits, such as tartaric, citric, malic acids, are converted into

fruit sugar.To entertain such an opinion it would have to
be supposed that the molecules of these acids, which are far
more simple than those of fruit-sugar, become more complex
and are converted into sugar. In such natural transforma-
tions the reverse is, however, generally the case, the molecules
always endeavoring to become the more simple the farther they
withdraw from organized structures.
7.has been attempted to explain in various ways the very

remarkable phenomenon of the gradual disappearance of the

acid in ripening fruits. It might not be impossible that the

acid of a fruit, is neutralized by the bases conducted to it

through the juice ;

or that it is covered by the sugar or the
mucous substances formed in the juice ; or, finally, that it dis-

appears at the moment

of ripeness by suffering actual combus-
tion. An examination of these various theories leads to the
conclusion that the acid is neither neutralized nor covered by
the sugar or the mucous substances, but that it
actually under-
goes slow combustion.
During the stages of development and ripening, a fruit
passes through two different stages sharply separated from
each other by definite chemical phenomena. In the first
stage, which may be designated as that of growth, whilst the
fruit remains green, its relation to the atmosphere appears the
same as that of leaves, for it absorbs carbonic acid and evolves
oxygen. During this epoch it increases rapidly in size, and
receives through the stem the inorganic substances, indispens-
able for its development, and the water. If, at this stage, it

is tree, it soon commences to wither and decay.

taken from the
But in the second period, when it fairly begins to ripen, its

green color is, as a rule, replaced by a yellow, brown-red, or


red. Oxygen is now absorbed from the air and carbonic acid
isevolved, whilst the starch and cellulose are converted into
sugar under the influence of the vegetable acids, and the fruit
becomes sweet. When the sugar has reached the maximum
the ripening is completed, and if the fruit be kept longer, the
oxidation takes the form of ordinary decay.



FOR the preparation of fruit-wines, not only the fruits culti-

vated in our gardens and orchards on account of their fine
flavor are used, but sometimes also others which do not by any
means possess an agreeable taste, and whose juices, after fer-
mentation, yield a product which has at least only a very
doubtful claim to the name of " wine." The utilization of such
material for wine-making can only be explained by special
fancy, and hence here only such fruits will be considered
as, on account of the nature of their juices, will yield with
rational treatment a beverage of a sufficiently agreeable taste
to be liked.
For making fruit-wine, sugar not only by itself but also
in its proportion to the free acid present, is undoubtedly the

most important constituent of the fruit. The following table

from Fresenius gives the average percentage of sugar in
different varieties of fruit :


Peaches 1.57 p. c. Currants 6. 10 p. c.

Apricots. . .' 1.80 German prunes 6.25
Plums 2.12 Gooseberries 7.15
Keine Claudes 3.12 Pears 7.45

Greengages ...... 3.58 Apples 8.37


Raspberries 4.00 Sour cherries ...... 8.77

Blackberries 4.44 Mulberries 9.19
Strawberries .5.73 Sweet cherries 10.79
Whortleberries. .5.78 14.93

II.Table according to average percentage of free acid

expressed in malic acid :

Pears 0.07 p. c. Blackberries 1.19 p. c.

Greengages 0.58 u Sour cherries 1.28 "
Sweet cherries 0.62 " Plums 1.30
Peaches 0.67 " Whortleberries 1.34 "
0.74 "
Strawberries 1.37
0.75 " Gooseberries 1.45
German prunes 0.89 "
Kaspberries ....... 1.48 "
Keine Claudes 0.91 " Mulberries 1.86
" Currants. 2.04
Apricots .

III. Table according to the proportion between acid, sugar,

pectine, gum, etc.

Acid. Sugar. Pectine, gum, etc.

Plums 1 1.63 3.14
Apricots .... 1 1.65 6.35
Peaches .... 1 2.34 11.94
Easpberries . . 1 2.70 0.96
Currants. . . . 1 3.00 0.07
Keine Claudes . 1 3.43 11.83
Blackberries . . 1 3.73 1.21
Whortleberries . 1 4.31 0.41
Strawberries . . 1 4.37 0.08
Gooseberries . . 1 4.93 0.76
Mulberries . . . 1 4.94 1.10
Greengages . .
1 6.20 9.92
Sour cherries . . 1 6.85 1.43
German prunes . 1 7.03 4.35
Sweet cherries . 1 11.16 5.60
Grapes .... 1 20.18 2.03
Pears . 1 94.60 44.40

IV. Table according to the proportion between water, solu-

ble and insoluble substances.

Composition of the juice in

100 parts, without the in-
soluble substances;

Tables V. and VI. represent the proportion in which the

soluble constituents of the fruit are found in the juice or must
obtained from them. In the practical execution of the pre-
paration of fruit wines we will have occasion to refer to these
For the preparation of wine, only the soluble substances,
which pass into the must, and from which the wine is formed,
are chiefly of interest, and it will be necessary to consider
them somewhat more closely.
Grape-sugar or Glucose. This sugar is widely diffused
throughout the vegetable kingdom, it occurring in most kinds
of sweet fruits, -in honey, etc. Artificially it can be readily
obtained by heating a solution of cane-sugar with a dilute acid.
It is also formed by dissolving cane-sugar in wine. On a large
scale it is prepared by boiling starch with very dilute sulphuric
acid for several hours, neutralizing the liquid with chalk and
evaporating the solution.
Grape-sugar is much less sweet than cane-sugar. In alco-
hol of 90 per Tr. it is sparingly soluble in hot water it dissolves

in every proportion of cold water it requires, however, about


1J- parts for solution. It crystallizes from aqueous solution

with one molecule of water, in cauliflower-like masses and from

hot alcohol in warty, anhydrous needles. A solution of crys-
tallized grape sugar turns the plane of polarization to the

right, but one of anhydrous grape-sugar to the left.

Acids. The acid reaction of fruit juices is partly due to
malic acid and partly to citric acid, and also as in the case of

grapes to tartaric acid. As a rule all these acids are present ;

in currants citric acid predominates; in apples, etc., malic


The presence of potassium in grape-must gives rise to the

formation of potassium bitartrate of crude tartar. Tartar
requires for its solution 240 parts of cold water in alcoholic ;

fluids it is less soluble, and hence

found as a crystalline
it is

deposit in wine casks. Fruit-musts contain no tartaric acid,

and, consequently, the wines prepared from them cannot de-

posit tartar. The formed by malic and citric acids with


potassium being readily soluble and even deliquescent form

no deposit in the wine.
Albuminous substances. By this general term are designated
several nitrogenous vegetable substances which have the same

composition ;they being vegetable albumen, fibrin, and glue.

The quantities of these substances in the different musts are,
on the one hand, so small, and the difficulty of accurately dis-
tinguishing them from each other is, on the other, so great,

that it is
scarcely possible to definitely determine the kind
actually present in the fruit juice. Most likely all are present
at the same time.
For the preparation of wine these bodies are of importance ;

they furnishing the material for the development of the yeast-

fungus during fermentation.
Pectous substances. Under the heading " Ripening of fruits,"
the pectous substances have been sufficiently discussed. They
are scarcely ever wanting in a fruit juice, but being insoluble
in alcoholic fluids they are entirely separated with the yeast,
and hence are not present in fruit-wines.
Gum and Vegetable Mucilage. Our knowledge as regards

gum is still limited. Gum-arabic, which may be studied as a

representative of this class, is an exudation from certain species
of acacia and consists essentially of arabin. It is generally

supposed to be soluble in water, but on endeavoring to filter a

somewhat concentrated solution not a drop will be found to
run off, and the little which possibly may pass through the
filter is by no means clear.

Closely related to gum-arabic is bassorine, the gum which

exudes from the cherry, plum, almond, and apricot trees. It
does not give a slime with water, but merely swells up to a
gelatinous mass.
Wine brought in
contact with the smallest quantity of gum-
arabic remains permanently turbid and cannot be clarified by
filtering orlong standing. From this behavior of gum it may
be concluded that, though it may occur dissolved in the must,
it is not present in the wine.

The various kinds of vegetable mucilage have also not yet

been accurately examined it only being known that there are

quite a number of them. It is, however, likely that only a

few of them are actually soluble in water. Though the muci-

lage of certain seeds, such as linseed and quince-seed, may be

considered to be as soluble in water as gum-arabic, and per-
haps more so, because it is a perfectly clear fluid drawing
threads, yet on filtering it will be found that what passes

through contains scarcely a trace of mucilaginous substance.

Hence, it is doubtful whether mucilages exist which are
actually soluble in water, and whether they occur in wine.
Artificial dextrin is, however, an exception, as it forms with
water a perfectly clear fluid, which can be filtered. Attention
may here be called to an easy method of distinguishing be-
tween solution of gum-arabic and of dextrin. The first can-
not be heated, even for a minute, over an open fire without
scorching, while the latter can be completely boiled down
without fear of burning.
Tannin. Several kinds of tannin occur in plants, which can,
however, be finally reduced to two modifications, patho- viz.:

logical andphysiological tannin. The first occurs in large

quantity in nut-galls, especially in the Chinese variety, also in
sumach (the twigs of Rhus coriaria) and in many other plants.
Pathological tannin is characterized by splitting under the
influence of dilute acids as well as by fermentation into gallic
acid and grape-sugar. Furthermore, it completely precipitates
glue from its solutions, but it is not suitable for the conversion
of the animal skin into technically serviceable leather which
will withstand putrefaction. Besides, only the gallic acid
obtained from pathological tannin yields pyrogallic acid by
destructive distillation.

Physiological tannin is chiefly found in materials used for

tanning. It cannot be split by dilute acids or fermentation,
does not yield gallic acid, and the product of destructive dis-
tillation is not pyrogallic acid, but pyrocatechin or oxyphenic
acid. It converts the animal skin into perfect leather.

There can be but little doubt that physiological tannin is

the variety found in fruits and fruit-juices. Generally speak-
ing, a content of tannin in wine is not exactly a- desirable

feature, as it is readily decomposed. It can only have an ad-

vantageous effect when the wine contains an excess of albumin"

ous substances which the tannin removes by entering
into insoluble combinations with them. This may be the
reason why wine containing tannin is considered more dura-
ble, because if it contained albuminous substances in large

quantity it would be still more readily subjected to changes.

Under such circumstances a small addition of tannin to the
wine may be of advantage, though instead of tannin it is
advisable to use an alcoholic extract of grape-stones, they being
uncommonly rich in tannin.

Inorganic constituents. The inorganic constituents of the

different varieties of fruit are very likely the same, namely,

potash, lime, magnesia, and sulphuric and phosphoric acids,

they varying only in the proportions towards one another and
in the total quantity of all the substances. Moreover, their
quantity is too small to exert an influence upon the quality of
the wine to be produced, being of interest only in regard to
the exhaustion of the soil. Though lime and sulphuric acid in
sufficient quantity occur almost everywhere in the soil, this
cannot be said of potash and phosphoric acid. Unfortunately
there are no accurate statements regarding the amount of these
substances which is withdrawn from the soil by the crop of one
no doubt that it is very large, and that
year, but there can be
consequently from time to time require a certain
fruit trees

amount of manure in order to return to the soil what has been

taken from it.
Fermentation. Fermentation is a chemical process which is
always caused by the presence of a ferment or a substance in a
peculiar state of decomposition. Although to induce fermen-
tation the presence of a ferment is necessary, it does not take

part in the decomposition of the fermenting substance. The

products of fermentation vary according to the nature of the

fermenting body, as well as according to the nature of the fer-

ment itself. Each peculiar kind of fermentation requires a
certain temperature, and it is nearly always accompanied by
the development of certain living bodies (bacteria or fungi).
.When yeast is added to a dilute solution of dextrose or
another glucose, vinous fermentation speedily sets in whilst a ;

solution of cane-sugar undergoes fermentation but slowly, the

cause being that this sugar must first be converted into inverted
sugar before fermentation can commence. Vinous fermenta-
tion proceedsmost rapidly at 77 to 86 F., and does not take
place below 32 or above 95 F. The presence of a large
quantity of acids or alkalies prevents fermentation, while if the
liquid has a faint acid reaction, fermentation proceeds best.
The yeast which is formed in the fermentation of the juice
of grape and other kinds of fruit is produced from soluble albu-
minous bodies contained in fruit. It consists of one of the
lowest members of the vegetable kingdom (Torula cerewsise)^
and under the microscope is seen to be made up of little oval
transparent globules, having a diameter of not more than 0.1
millimeter and often adhering in clusters and strings. They
are propagated by budding, and die as soon as they have
reached their highest state of development. In contact with
air and water yeast soon undergoes putrefaction.
The chief products of vinous fermentation are alcohol and
carbon dioxide a small quantity of the sugar being at the

same time converted into other products, about 2.5 per cent,

being transformed into glycerin and 0.6 to 0.7 per cent, into
succinic acid. A further portion of the sugar, about one per
cent., is assimilated in the form of cellulose by the yeast and
separated. By the simultaneous formation of these different
secondary products about 5.5 to 6.5 per cent, of sugar is lost
in the formation of alcohol. As they are not always formed
in equally large quantities, no conclusion can be arrived at
from the content of sugar in the must as to the quantity of
alcohol corresponding to theory in the finished wine. It is,

as a rule, supposed that the sugar yields one-half its weight


of alcohol, which is sufficiently correct for all practical pur-

Absolute alcohol, i. e., alcohol entirely free from water, is a
very mobile fluid, clear as water and almost odorless. It boils
at 173 F., and when it is cooled down to 148 F. it becomes
viscid, but does not solidify. Its specific gravity at 32 F. is

0.80625, and at 59 F. 0.79367. It is very inflammable, and

burns with a blue, non-luminous flame. It absorbs moisture

with great avidity, and is miscible with water in all propor-

tions, the mixture evolving heat and undergoing contraction.

The methods for determining the content of alcohol in a
fluid have already been previously given.
Sucdnic add. No accurate researches have as yet been
made in regard to the quantity of this acid in wine, its influ-
ence upon the quality of the wine, and the conditions under
which more or formed during fermentation. Ac-
less of it is

cording to Pasteur, the more succinic

acid is formed the slower
fermentation progresses; the weaker the development of yeast
and the less nourishment offered to the latter. In acid fluid
more succinic acid is formed than in neutral.
Succinic acid is quite readily soluble in a mixture of alcohol
and water, and consequently also in wine. Its taste is not
very sour, but disagreeable, and adheres for some time to the
tongue hence its presence can scarcely be expected to give

an agreeable taste to the wine.

Glycerin. Glycerin being found in grape-wines, in which
it is formed from the sugar by fermentation, there can scarcely

be any doubt of its formation under the same conditions in

fruit wines. According to Pasteur, the quantity of glycerin
in wine is in a definite proportion to the succinic acid formed,

and, hence, more glycerin would be produced with slow fer-

mentation and in an acid fluid. In red wines Pasteur found
4 to 7 per cent, of glycerin.
Pure glycerin is a colorless, very viscid liquid having a spe-
cific gravity of 1.27. It can be mixed with water and alco-
hol in all proportions and possesses a very sweet taste. It is

very likely that the mild sweet taste of many ripe wines is due
to a certain content of glycerin.
A solution of 7 parts of glycerin in 1000 of water (the pro-

portion in which Pasteur found glycerin in wine) does not

possess a sweet taste and differs from water only in being more
insipid. By adding to such a solution 100 parts of alcohol,
the mixture shows a taste different from that of alcohol alone,
diluted in the same proportion, the predominant taste of the
latter being decreased by the glycerin and that of the mixture

becoming milder. Hence a certain importance has to be as-

cribed to the glycerin.
Carbonic acid. The greater portion of the carbonic acid
formed by fermentation escapes as a gaseous body during the
process, but a certain portion remains dissolved in the wine as
long as the temperature of the latter is not raised. The tem-
perature of cellars generally increases, however, towards the
end of spring, which causes anew a slight development of car-
bonic acid in consequence of which the wine again becomes
turbid. The presence of carbonic acid is of advantage only in
young wine, as its protects it from the direct action of the air
by forming a layer upon the surface. In old wines it conceals,
however, the fine aroma and taste, making them appear
younger than they actually are.
Though it cannot be said that carbonic acid plays an essen-
tial part in the preparation of wine, it deserves attention on

account of its deleterious influence upon the workmen. To

avoid injurious consequences, provision should be made

for a thorough ventilation of the cellar by means of windows

and doors. If fermentation is carried on in barrels, the car-
bonic acid developed in a number of them should be conducted
by means of tubes secured air-tight in the bungs to a zinc pipe
which passes through a suitable aperture into the open air.

Alkaloid in wine. has frequently been asserted that an


alkaloid exists in young wine, which not being contained in

the must or the yeast must have been formed from the nitro-
genous constituents of the yeast or of the fluid during fermen-

tation. It has not been found in old wine, and it is therefore

concluded that it in time decomposes. Should this observation
be confirmed, it would explain the difference in the effects of
the very intoxicating young wines and of old wines.

THE first step in the preparation of fruit-wines is to obtain
the juice or must from the fruit. Stamping or grinding and
subsequent expressing of the paste thus formed by means
of strong pressure suffice in most cases for berries and other
small fruits. With apples, etc., this manner of reduction is
not only difficult, but also connected with considerable loss
caused by larger and smaller pieces jumping from the trough.
The earliest appliance known was simply a trough in which
the apples were reduced to an imperfect pomace by rolling
them with a heavy cylindrical stone or by pounding them as
in a mortar. An improvement was the production of the

English cider-mill. This consisted of a pair of coarsely cor-

rugated iron cylinders from which the apples fell to a second
pair close together and finer in their surfaces, and passed
through finely mashed to the pomace vessel underneath. In
1852, Mr. W. 0. Hickock, of Harrisburg, Pa., invented a
portable cider-mill which consisted of a pair of small horizon-
tal cylinders armed with small spirally arranged teeth or spikes

revolving close together, one at a higher velocity than the

other. The apples were first broken by the action of a
coarsely-fluted roller which revolved against a table under
the hopper, and after passing between the cylinders, the apples
were not only bruised but also grated into the required pomace.
This machine was capable of grinding 100 bushels of apples
per day. Numerous modifications have been made in the

plan of Mr. Hickock's mill, some being simply spiked cylinders

against which the apples were carried and held till grated by
reciprocating plungers.
The limits of this work will not permit of a notice of all
the various styles of portable mills before the public or the
multitude of graters or apple grinders, manyof which possess
excellent points and are worthy of commendation. An excel-
lent apparatus for crushing apples is the crushing-mill shown
in Figs. 90 and 91, B C (Fig. 91) representing the cylinders
provided with teeth. A hopper, A, receives the
apples, which
pass between the cylinders, where they are crushed and fall

FIG 90. FIG. 91.

into the receiver F placed underneath. Two men operate

by means of cranks. Larger and stronger mills are
this mill
used when the quantity of apples seems to require them, and
in that case horse-power is applied.

Fig. 92 shows Davis's star apple-grinder. The grinder

shown in the illustration is a heavy machine weighing 340
Ibs. The cylinder is 12 inches in diameter and 12 inches long,
isturned and carefully balanced, has grooves planed in to
receive the knives, six in number, which are finely made and

tempered. Each knife furnished is made of steel-plated iron,

the steel being very thin and having a back of iron there ;

is no danger of breaking, although made very hard. The

end of the cylinder is banded with wrought-iron bands
and the knives are set with set- screws. The shaft is of steel
and runs in anti-friction metal. The concaves are hung at
top, so they can swing back at the bottom to allow stone, pieces
of iron, etc. to pass through without injuring the knives. The

concaves are held to their places by a bolt which allows the

concave to be set as close as desired to the cylinder, and is
held to its place by coil-springs which will give enough to
allow stones to pass and yet hold rigid in grinding even fro-
zen apples. The frame is one casting, and as the concaves

are fast to the frame they cannot get out of line or be dis-

placed, as in the case when the concave is fast to the hopper.

The hopper can be readily removed to adjust knives, and all

parts are adjustable and easy to get at. This machine can be
gauged to grind from 200 400 bushels per hour. Power

required to grind six bushels per minute, about six horse-power,

say about as many horse-power as desired to grind bushels per
Presses. For obtaining the juice from berries, etc., a press
isgenerally not required, or at least only a slight pressure ;

the greater portion of it running out from the must by placing


the latter upon a cloth spread over a perforated bottom in a

vat. The juice retained by the lees, which, as a rule, is very
sour and has to be diluted with water, can be extracted with
the latter more completely than is possible with the strongest
For obtaining the juice from apple pomace, etc. a good press
is,however, an important auxiliary. Before the introduction
of screws the method of extracting the juice of the apple was

by the use of heavy weights, wedges, and leverage. Until

within a late period a large wooden screw was used and is even
now employed in somesections of the country. Of these
screws two and frequently three and four, set in a strong frame-
work of double timbers, were found no more than sufficient to

separate the cider from the pomace. In order to operate these

screws a long heavy wooden lever became necessary, which
required the united services of four or five men to handle, and
not unfrequently the strength of a yoke of oxen was called
into requisition before the work
could be accomplished. An im- Fig. 93.

provement upon the wooden screw

was made by the substitution of
the iron screw and iron nut. But
the objectionable feature of hav-

ing to handle heavy and cumber-

some levers still remained, mak-
ing labor irksome and expensive.
In modern presses this difficulty
has been entirely overcome, and
the juice is extracted from the
pomace with great ease and com-
Of the manypresses before the
public, a hand-press a-nd a power-
press are here illustrated presses of all sizes between these

two are found in the market. "

Fig. 93 shows the Farmer's
cider-press." It is 7 feet 1 inch high, with a width between

the rods of 3 feet If inches. It will hold 15 to 16 bushels of

apples at a pressing and is especially designed for individual
use. It is also admirably adapted for squeezing the
juice from
small fruits, berries, etc.
Fig. 94 shows the Extra power cider-press," with revolv-
ing platform. It is 13 feet 4 inches high, 6 feet 4 inches wide

FIG. 94.

between the and has a platform 13 feet 3 inches long.

It gives a pressure of 250 tons. The press is always loaded
in one place, and consequently the grater can be located

immediately over the middle of the cheese, avoiding the

necessity of conveying the pomace from one end of the press

to the other. This press can easily make a pressing of 12

barrels of cider each hour.

Fig. 95 shows the revolving platform belonging to the

above press, for which the following advantages are claimed :

1. Both ends of the platform are loaded and unloaded in the

same place. 2. It is so geared that one man can easily and

quickly revolve it. 3. The grinder can be directly over the

centre of the cheese, thus avoiding all the labor of shoveling

the pomace. 4. The pomace being dropped in the centre of

the cheese, it is an easy matter, to spread it with equal density

over the entire surface, thus building a cheese that is not
liable to tilt or slide. The cider runs into a copper basin in

the centre of the platform between the two cheeses. The basin
is so arranged that it receives the cider while the platform is

being revolved as well as while the press is working.

A is the copper basin- to receive the cider from platforms,
and has an outlet through the bottom, about 6 inches in diam-

eter, for the cider to pass off into the tank below. B is a cop-

per tube encasing the rods. C, (7, C, C are four posts fastened
to the platform to hold guide-pieces for racks. D, D are rack
Improved Racks. The single racks are made of some light
and tough wood bass-wood or spruce seems best cut into
strips about JXJ inch and placed about J inch apart, with

four, five, or more elm strips, 2 inches wide about f inch thick,
placed across and nailed to the narrow slats. The 2-inch slats
extend beyond the narrow ones on each side about 4 inches.
This is to support the wings, which are fastened to the rack
by 3 or more bronze hinges. These wings, with the aid of 2
retaining bars, make the box to form the pomace in. The slats
are rounded on the edges, so as not to injure the press-cloth.
Steel wire nails or wire staples are used of sufficient length to
Double racks are made by using slats -ft- Xf inch. The slats
on one side are laid directly across the slats on the other side.
Four wide slats are put at the outer edges, then these are all
fastened together by steel wire nails or staples. These racks
have the advantage of having an even surface on each side.
The press-cloth will last much longer than when used on single
racks, where it is strained over 4 to 9 elm slats.
To up a cheese with the improved rack, commence on
the platform of the press and lay a rack then turn up the ;

wings on each side of the rack and place the retaining bars on
each end, with the hooks on the outside of the wings, so as to
hold them up. Over this box spread the cloth, fill the box
evenly full of pomace, then turn in the sides and ends of the
cloth over the pomace, the cloth being of sufficient size to
cover it. The retaining bars are then removed, allowing the
wings to fall in place. Another rack is placed on the cheese
justmade, the retaining bars placed in position to hold up the
wings, another cloth placed on the box, etc., and this opera-
tion is continued until there isthe right number of layers in
the press. A rack should be placed on the top of the last layer.
A guide should be used in laying up the cheese, so as to bring
each rack directly above the other.
Plain These are made, either single or double, of

slats of the same description and dimensions as are used in the

improved racks, but in the place of wings and retaining bars,

a form square in size and 4 inches deep is used to form the
sides of a box for the pomace. In laying up a cheese com-

mence by placing a rack on the platform, and upon this place

the form, spread a cloth over the form and fill even up with

pomace then fold the ends and sides of the cloth over onto

the pomace, as described with the other style of rack, and

remove the form. Place another rack on the layer just formed,
and put the form on that and proceed as before until the
cheese is complete. It will require one cloth less than the
number of racks used for a cheese. Care must be exercised in
laying a cheese to have the racks come evenly, as they are
liable to tilt if they overhang. The best way to avoid the

FIG. 96.

liability to slide or tilt is to lay the racks alternately the length

and breadth of the press.
In the equipment of a first-class modern cider mill nothing
gives better satisfaction for the money expended than an
apple elevator. The expense is a small matter compared with
the convenience of having the mill so arranged that apples
may be brought from any part by a perfect working elevator
and carrier. Fig. 96 shows a section of an elevator. The
chain runs over and is operated by a sprocket gear at the
head with fast and loose pulleys. The scrapers are of wood,

3 inches wide and 11 J inches long, bolted to lugs or projections

on the chain. When run at from 50 to 70 revolutions per
minute it will elevate from 5 to 10 bushels per minute. It
works at an inclination or carries on the level.
Fig. 97 shows the arrangement of a plant for making cider
on a large scale, as described by Paul Hassack.* The apples
are shoveled direct from the vehicle in which they are brought
to the plant into the shed A, which is divided into not too

large compartments. It is not advisable to pile the apples

more than 3 to 4J feet high, as otherwise, when the weather is

FIG. 97.

unfavorable, the entire pile may become heated, and rotting,

browning or the formation of acetic acid set in. Alongside
the shed runs up to, underneath the roof of the press-room
the elevator B, which conveys the apples to the grinder 0,
the finely ground pulp falling into the receptacle D. The
latter is furnished with a wooden tube E which can be closed,
and leads to the press-room. By opening a slide a quantity
of pulp just sufficient for one layer is allowed to run from the

* ' '


tube. F is
a press-platform equipped with wheels and run-
ning on a track. Upon this the pulp is uniformly spread,
layer upon layer, each layer enclosed in a press cloth and a
rack between each layer. According to the size of the press
eight to twelve such layers are made into a cheese. The plat-
form is then pushed under the press G, which is put in action

by the motor M. In the commencement of the operation

pressing has to be done carefully and not too suddenly to
avoid bursting the press cloths, a more powerful pressure
being applied only towards the end of the process when the
juice runs off more slowly. In the meanwhile the next
cheese is prepared.
Testing the Must as Content of Acid and Sugar.
to its With
the exception of the grape but few varieties of fruit contain
acid and sugar in such proportions and in such quantity (gen-

erally too much

acid and too little sugar) in that the must ob-
tained from them will yield, when subjected to fermentation,
a drinkable and durable wine. Wine whose content of acid
exceeds 1 per cent, is too sour to the taste, and one containing
less than 5 per cent, of alcohol cannot be kept for any length
of time. Now as all fruit wines may be called artificial
wines, and a natural product has consequently to be improved
in order to make it more agreeable and wholesome, it is nec-

essary to find ways and means by which the object can be

accomplished in a manner most conformable to nature. For
this purpose a knowledge of the content of acid and sugar in
the fruit-must is required.

To find the quantity of acid,compound a determined quan-

tity, about 50 cubic centimetres, of must with about 5 grammes
of animal charcoal,* boil the mixture about five
minutes, and after cooling replace the exact quantity of water
lost by evaporation. After shaking bring the whole upon a

*Bone-black which is first boiled with solution of sodium carbonate for some
time, and then after washing and extracting with hydrochloric acid is again
washed and dried.

coarse paper-filter in a glass funnel and let it run off.

Of the
clear and generally colorless filtrate bring 6.7 cubic centimeters
into a small beaker, add sufficient distilled water to form a

layer of fluid 2 to 3 centimeters deep, and color red with 5 to

10 drops of litmus tincture. While holding the beaker in the
left hand and constantly moving it slowly in a horizontal
direction, allow to run or drop in from a graduated in
TV cubic centimeters and filled to the 0-mark, decinormal

liquid ammonia until the last drop no longer changes the

color of the fluid, and the place where the drop falls appears
as if made clear by a drop of water. Now prevent a further
flow of the ammonia by closing the pipette with the index

finger of the right hand, and read off the quantity of ammonia
consumed. The must examined contains as many thousandths
of malic acid as cubic centimeters of liquid ammonia were
required to color the fluid blue.
Now if the examination shows that a must contains more
than 8 parts, of acid per thousand, it is evidently too sour for
the preparation of a palatable and wholesome fruit wine, and
hence must be diluted to such a degree as to reduce the con-
tent of acid to 6 or at the utmost to 8 parts per thousand. The
calculation for this dilution very simple, and consists in

multiplying the acid per thousand parts present by 100 and

dividing with the content of acid the wine is to have, the entire
volume containing the desired acid per thousand being thus
obtained. If, for instance, 18 parts per thousand of acid have

been found in currant-must and the wine is only to show 6J

1QO X 18
.= 276.923, in round num-
parts per thousand, then
bers 277, i. e., 277 parts by measure of water have to be
added to every 100 parts by measure of must.
The content of acid in the must thus forms the initial point
for the dilution in order to obtain, after fermentation, wine
with a determined quantity of acid. To be sure the content
of acid is sometimes increased by fermentation, some succinic
acid, as previously mentioned, being formed and perhaps also

some acetic acid. Sometimes, however, the content of acid

decreases, which is very likely partially due to the water used
for the dilution of the must containing earthy carbonates
(lime, magnesia). It is, therefore, best not to have too much

acid in the must, since, if the finished wine should be lacking

in acid, it can readily be remedied by a suitable addition of
tartaric acid, which is, however, not the case when it contains
too much free acid.
The determination of the sugar in must presents less diffi-
culty and has already been fully described, hence there re-
mains only the question how much sugar has to be added
to the must in order to obtain a durable wine.
Numerous analyses have shown that there is scarcely any
grape wine which contains less than 7 per cent, by weight of
alcohol, while in more generous wines the content rises to 12
per cent, and more.
Fruit-wines in order to possess good
keeping properties should never show less than 7 per cent, by
weight of alcohol, but there is no reason why they should not

contain as much as 10 per cent. The advantage of the latter

content evident, the wines being thereby almost absolutely

protected from spoiling, while they improve in aroma and

taste, the various kinds of ether being only formed in wine
rich in alcohol.
The manner of calculating the quantity of sugar which has
to be added to the must to give the wine the desired content
of alcohol, w ill be
best shown by the following example Sup- :

pose 135 liters of must which contains 4 per cent, of sugar are
to be changed into must with 15 per cent, of sugar.
For this purpose deduct from the weight of the must (which
for the sake of simplicity we will consider equal to its volume)
the weight of the sugar contained therein, multiply by the
difference the per cent, of sugar the must is to contain, divide
the product by 100 less the per cent, of sugar, and deduct
from the quotient the per cent, of sugar already present in the
must. For instance 135 liters of must with 4 per cent, of

sugar are to be changed into must with 15 per cent, of sugar.


In 135 liters are contained 6.4 kilogrammes of sugar; 135

5.4 = 129.6,
which multiplied by 15=1944; this number
divided by 100 15 =
85 gives 22.87. Deduct from this 5.4,
and there remain 17.47 kilogrammes of sugar which have to
be added to the must to give it 15 per cent, of sugar.
For 325 liters of must with 3J per cent, of sugar to be
changed into must with 20 per cent, of sugar the calculation
would be as follows :

(325 11.375)20 = 313.625 X 20 =

100 20 ~8QT
01 q ftOK
= 78.406 11.375 = 67.03 kilogrammes of sugar to
be added.
600 liters of must with 6 per cent, of sugar are to be changed
into must with 22 per cent, of sugar :
_l 36 = 117.4

kilogrammes of sugar.
The above examples will suffice to enable any one to exe-
cute the calculations as required.
The above calculations are based upon pure, anhydrous
grape sugar, an which does not exist in commerce, and
hence has to be replaced either by commercial grape-sugar
(glucose) or cane-sugar. Glucose, however, containing as a
rule only 67 per cent, of anhydrous grape-sugar, 1 J times the

quantity calculated above must be used, thus in the last ex-

ample 176 kilogrammes instead With cane-sugar
of 117.4.
the proportion is the reverse, 171 parts by weight of cane-sugar
being equal to 180 parts by weight of anhydrous grape-sugar;
hence the per cent, of anhydrous grape-sugar calculated accor-
ding to the above method must be multiplied by the fraction
TyT or the factor 0.95. According to this, instead of the 117.4
kilogrammes of grape-sugar in the last example, 111.73 kilo-
grammes of cane-sugar will have to be used.
Glucose. Pure glucose being identical with the sugar in
sweet fruits, its use for sweetening fruit-juices intended for the

preparation of wine is perfectly justifiable. With the dispute

still carried on with honest weapons, whether it is
with glucose when it fails
to assist nature to succeed in its labor

of forming sugar in abundance, we have here nothing to do,

since we know that the principal product alcohol or spirits of
wine and almost the only one which passes into the wine by
the fermentation of sugar, possesses the same properties whether
it be formed from fruit-sugar or from glucose, and that neither

one or the other can be injurious to health in the state of dilu-

tion in which it presents the wine, provided the latter
itself in

be used in moderation. The must might be sweetened, as is

frequently done, with cane-sugar which occurs in sugar-cane,
in beet root, in sugar-maple, etc. But with the use of glucose
we are one step in advance, since cane-sugar before fermenting
is firstresolved into a mixture of dextrose (glucose) and levulose.
Commercial glucose is never pure, as it contains, besides
about 15 percent, of water, of which about 6 per cent, is water
of crystallization, about 18 per cent, of dextrin or similar sub-
stances, and some gypsum. It has a white color, and is found

in commerce packed in boxes into which it is poured while in

a fluid state and gradually congeals to a hard mass. It is odor-

less and has a faint sweet taste. On heating it becomes smeary

and, finally melts to a yellowish syrup. Its content of anhy-

drous fruit-sugar varies between 62 and 67 per cent. Inferior

qualities contain either less sugar, or have a more or less dark

color, and a disagreeable odor and taste. Independently of the
content of sugar, glucose to be suitable for the preparation of
wine, should show no odor or by-taste.
The accurate determination of the content of pure sugar in

glucose is connected with some

difficulty. But few manufac-
turers are provided with the necessary materials for making
the analysis with Fehling's solution, and besides a certain
amount of skill is required for obtaining accurate results by
chemical In consideration of this, Anthon of Prague

has devised tables which are based upon the varying specific
gravity of different saturated solutions of glucose, or rather

upon its solubility in water. While 1 part of anhydrous grape-

sugar requires for its solution 1.224 parts of water at 53.6 F.,
the foreign admixtures accompanying dissolve in every pro-

portion in water. Hence a saturated solution of glucose will

show a greater specific gravity the more foreign substances
it contains. In Anthon's tables is found the specific gravity
and from this the content of anhydrous grape-sugar or glucose
in the solution. In preparing a solution of starch-sugar for
examination care must be had that it is completely saturated.
Heat must not be used for effecting the solution, but a certain
quantity of the glucose to be examined is rubbed in a mortar
with one-half its weight of water at 53.6 F., and after pouring
the thickish, turbid fluid into a tall beaker it is allowed to
stand until clear. Anthon's table is as follows :

Specific gravity

In England and France considerable quantities of cider find

their way into the markets, though it is there, as here, largely
an article of home consumption. Certain parts of those coun-
tries are famous for the quality of their ciders, notably Nor-
mandy, in France, and Herefordshire and Devonshire, in
The Municipal Laboratory of Paris deduces from analyses
of pure ciders from different parts of France the following as
a type of composition for pure ciders :

Alcohol, per cent, by volume 5.66

Extract, per liter, at 212 F. . . 30.00
Ash 2.80

Other analyses of pure from different parts of France,


published by M. G. Lechtartier, have shown great variations

from this type, and show the necessity for the examination of
large numbers of samples from various parts of the country
for the establishment of a proper standard of analysis.
Analyses of Ciders by the United States Agricultural Depart-
ment. The samples for the investigation were purchased in
the city in the same manner as samples of wine and beer :


gency is due to an excess of tannin. While a portion of this

tannin is changed to sweetness, a considerable portion remains,
which serves to render the cider more easily and thoroughly
clarified andto make it keep better. The tongue alone being,
however, not sufficient to detect the tannin in apples, the fol-
lowing will serve as a reliable test: Express the juice of a
few apples and add a few drops of isinglass, which combines
with the tannin and forms a precipitate. From the greater
or smaller quantity of this precipitate a conclusion can be
drawn as to the quantity of tannin present. The specific
gravity of the juice, which may vary between 1.05 and 1.08
should be determined. The greater the specific gravity of
the juice the better the respective variety of apple is for
making cider. According to these directions, the raw mate-
rial should be selected, though in most cases it will be
necessary to use a mixture of different varieties. In France,
for a quality of cider which will keep well, the apples are
mixed in the following proportions f bitter-sweet and J-

sweet apples. If a sweet cider is wanted not intended to be

kept for a long while, J bitter-sweet and f sweet apples are

The apple, like every other fruit, consists of solid and fluid
constituents. The solid constituents are the skin, core, seeds,
as well as the pulp in the cells of which the fluid constituents
the juice are enclosed. The solid insoluble constituents
consist chiefly of cellulose, albuminous substances, pectose,
mucilage and other less insoluble substances. The average
proportion between solid and insoluble substances and juice is
of course subject to wide fluctuations, according to the nature
of the soil, season of the year and degree of ripeness.

Generally speaking, the composition of the apple may on an

average be given as follows :

Solid substance (pulp) . . 3 to 7 per cent.

Juice . . . . 93 to 97 per cent.

The juice constituents contain about :

Water 80 to 88 per cent.

Sugar . . . 9 to 18, even up to 24 per cent.
Acid 0.6 to 1.8 percent.
Extractive substance . . 1.3 to 3 per cent.

The juice pressed from apples is called must or cider. The

sugar in the must is a mixture of different kinds of sugar
varying greatly in proportion, and consists of dextrose, laevu-
lose andsucrose. The acid of the apple, as well as that of the
pear, consists of malic acid, and frequently also of small frac-
tions of citric acid tartaric acid, however, is never present.

Must with than 5 per cent, of acid has an insipid taste, and

consequently an addition of artificial malic or citric acid has

to be made to musts augmented with water in order to

improve the taste. On

the other hand, when the must con-
tains too much acid, the latter cannot be fixed with calcium
or potassium carbonate, but should be reduced by the addition
of waterand sweetening with sugar. The extractive substances
of apple-must consist of tannin 0.2 to 0.6 per cent., pectin
bodies 4 to 4.5 per cent., albuminous substances and mucil-
age, various soluble mineral substances and a series of gums
thus far undetermined.
The apples intended for the preparation of cider should be
allowed to attain complete maturity, which is recognized by
their color, the dark hue of the pips, little specks covering the

skin,and by the sharp and agreeable ethereal odor emanating

from them. In fact they should be allowed to remain on the
trees as long as vegetation is active or until frosts are appre-

hended, for thus the conversion of the starch into sugar is best
effectedand their keeping better secured than by storing.
They should be gathered by the hand to prevent bruising and
coming in contact with dirt. They are then placed in piles and
allowed to sweat. This sweating process has a tendency to ripen
the fruit and make it uniform, thereby improving the flavor

as well as the quality and strength of the cider in consequence


of the apples having parted with six or eight per cent, of water.
The strongest cider is made from apples containing the smallest"
percentage of juice, and, in its aqueous solution, the largest
proportion of saccharine matter. If the weather be fine, the

piles may be exposed in the open air upon clean sod or where
this is wanting upon boards or linen cloths, but under no cir-
cumstances should the apples be placed upon the bare ground
orupon straw, as they contract an earthy or musty taste which
is afterwards found in the cider.
After sweating and before being ground the apples should be
wiped with a cloth to free them from exudation and adhering
particles of dirt, and if any are found bruised or rotten they
should be thrown out. Ripe, sound fruit is the only basis for a
good article of cider, and the
practice of mixing rotten apples
with the sound, as is frequently done and even advocated by
some, cannot be too strongly condemned. Mellow or decay-
ing apples have lost almost all their perfume, a certain quan-
tity of water by evaporation, and a large portion of their sugar.
Rotten apples yield a watery liquid of an abominable taste,
which prevents the cider from clarifying and accelerates its
The apples being wiped, sorted, and, if necessary, mixed in
the desired proportions, are now brought into the grinder and
reduced to an impalpable pulp. By this operation the numer-
ous infinitesimal cells of the apple should be thoroughly broken
up so as to permit the free escape of the juice when under
pressure, and the machine which accomplishes this most
effectually the best for the purpose.
is If the cells are not

thoroughly torn asunder, their tendency is to restrain and

hold, as it were, in a sack much that otherwise would escape.
As regards the crushing of the seeds there is a diversity of
opinion, some holding that they communicate to the cider a
disagreeable bitterness and acidity, while others consider them
as rendering the cider more alcoholic and making it keep

According to M. Bergot, for cider of superior quality it is


preferable not to crush the seeds, because the diffused odor of

the essentialoil would undoubtedly injure the fine taste of cer-

tain notable products. For ordinary cider the crushing of the

seeds will, on the other hand, be of advantage, because their
essential oil helps to give to the cider the bouquet which it
otherwise lacks. For cider intended to be converted into
brandy the seeds must, however, be crushed. The grinder
should be cleansed with hot water every evening, or at least
every third' day.
The treatment to which the pulp obtained by grinding is

subjected varies according to the color the cider is to have.

Where the consumer prefers a pale-yellow color the pulp must
at once be pressed, while for a darker color it is allowed to
stand 12 to 18 hours.
The next step in the operation is pressing. The various kinds
of presses, racks, and manner of laying up the cheese have

already been described. The primitive custom of laying the

cheese was to lay upon the platform of -the press a quantity of
straw, upon which a quantity of pomace was placed, and the
edges secured by laps of straw, thus alternating straw and
pomace until the pile was complete. The object of using the
straw was to hold the mass together while it was being sub-
mitted to pressure, and also to serve as a means of exit for the
cider. An improvement was in the substitution of hair-cloths,
and within the past few years the adoption of the cotton press-
cloth and racks to hold the pomace in laying up the cheese
for the press. The racks have already been described. The
press-cloth is woven from yarn made expressly for the purpose
and is of equal strength in warp and filling. The use of straw
in laying up the cheese should be entirely discarded, as the
slightest mustiness imparts an unpleasant odor^to the cider.
The pressure applied to the cheese should be slow at starting
and then gradually increased until finally the full force is
applied. The juice as it comes from the press runs through a
fine hair-sieve into a receiver. With a good press about 65 to
75 per cent, of juice will be obtained.

After the cider has been extracted and the cheese removed
from the press the pomace may be utilized for the manufacture
of vinegar, as previously described. In France it is, however,
used for the manufacture of the small cider. The method is as
follows: After the extraction of the pure cider by the first
pressing, the pomace is taken from the press, and after adding
12 litres of water for every hectoliter of apples used, the mass
isallowed to macerate 15 to 20 hours, care being had to stir
every two or three hours. Then this pulp is put a second time
under pressure and a quantity of juice extracted equivalent to
the amount of water added.
Extraction of the juice by diffusion. Diffusion, which gives
such excellent results in the extraction of sugar-beets, has also
been applied to extract the soluble constituents of the apple.
In practice this method might be suitable for persons having
no cider press and only a small quantity of apples to handle.
The quality of cider is nearly equal to that obtained by three
pressures, and the juice obtained is almost as rich as that
yielded by the press.
Successful experiments in expressing the juice of the grape

by means of the centrifugal would indicate that the same

method might also be applied to apples.
. The freshly-expressed apple-juice is either sold as sweet
cider or subjected to fermentation. Fermentation in sweet
cider is retarded by pasteurizing, carbonating, or the addition
of preservatives. The objections urged against pasteurizing
or sterilizing fresh apple-juice are that a "cooked taste is
added to the juice, and that it is impracticable to hold the
juice sterile for more than a limited period. Experiments to
develop a method for sterilizing apple-juice in wooden, tin and
glass containers have been made by H. C. Gore,* and his
investigations demonstrate that only a slight cooked taste is

produced by the heat treatment required, and that it is a sim-

* U. S.
Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry, Bulletin No. 118.
" Unfermented

pie matter to protect the juice from inoculation after steriliz-

ing. A summary of these investigations is here given :

" The
(1) experiments show conclusively that it is possible
to sterilize apple-juice in wooden containers, the product re-

maining sound months under actual observa-

for at least six
tion. Theprecautions which must be taken to insure this are
as follows First paraffin the containers on the outside, then

sterilize, and fill with juices heated to between 149 and 158
F. (65 to 70C.) seal, taking measures to relieve the vacuum

produced by the contraction of the juice on cooling by filter-

ing the air through cotton. Twenty-four 10-gallon kegs suc-

cessfully stood a severe shipping test, showing no loss due to
fermentation of the juice. The juice so prepared was found
to be palatable, and acceptable as a summer drink.
" It
(2) is demonstrated that apple-juice can be successfully
sterilized in tin containers, using the type of tin can sealed by
the mechanical process, excluding all metals from contact
with the juice except the tin of the can. Where lacquered
cans are used the contamination with tin was reduced about
one-half. Apple juices were canned and sterilized by heating
in a hot water-bath, up to the temperature of 149 F. (65 C.)
for a half hour, and then allowed to cool. These juices pos-
sessed only a slight cooked taste due to the heating and re-
tained much of their distinctive apple flavor. It was found
that from finely flavored apple-juice a first-class sterile product
could be made, while a poorly flavored apple-juice yielded an
inferior product. The
process conditions mentioned were not
quite thorough enough to sterilize all of the varieties canned.
A slight increase in the temperature or time of processing, or
both, should be made, the temperature not to exceed 70 C.

(158 F.) in any case.

(3) Thebest treatment for sterilizing in glass was found
to consist in heating for one hour at 149 F., or for one-half
hour at 158 F. Heating for one hour at 158 did not pro-
duce marked deterioration in flavor, a half hour being allowed
in all cases for the juice to obtain the temperature of the

" It
was shown that the great bulk of the insoluble
material naturally contained in apple-juice can be removed
by means of a milk separator."
These investigations extended also to carbonating fresh
apple-juice and the conclusions arrived at are as follows:
" It is
possible to carbonate the juice slightly before canning
or bottling, thus adding a sparkle to the product. flavor A
foreign to fresh apple-juice is also added, however, and un-
carbonated sterile juice will resemble fresh apple-juice more
closely. Carbonating by the addition of water charged with
carbon dioxid was considered by some to injure the flavor,
lessening the characteristic fruit flavor by dilution. In the
opinion of others a heavy, rich juice was improved both by
the charge of carbon dioxid and by the consequent dilution.
Experiments indicated that the danger of contamination by
mold growths was lessened by maintaining an atmosphere of
carbon dioxid above the surface of the juice after opening."
When apple-juice is sold in bulk a small amount of benzo-
ate of soda is, as a rule, added to retard fermentation, one-
tenth of 1 per cent, being tolerated by regulation in the United
States. H. C. Gore's investigations demonstrated that benzo-
ate of soda in quantities varying from 0.03 to 0.15 per cent.,
while it checks the alcoholic fermentation, allows other organ-
isms to develop notably the acetic acid ferment whereby
the palatability of the product as a beverage is destroyed.
H. C. Gore has also investigated the cold storage of apple
cider,* and the summary of the results of these investigations
is here given :

(1) Ciders prepared from apples free from decay chilled
rapidly to the freezing-point immediately after pressing, and
then held in cold storage at C. (32 F.) remained without
noticeable fermentation for a period of from thirty-six to fifty-
seven days, an average of fifty days for the Tolrnan, Winesap,

* U. S.
Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry, Circular No. 48,
"The Cold-Storage Apple Cider."

Yellow Newtown, Rails, Gilpin, and Baldwin varieties, and of

eighty-three days in the case of the Golden Russet, Roxbury
Russet, and Kentucky Red.
" These ciders were held for a
(2) period of from ninety to
one hundred and nineteen days, an average of ninety-nine
days for the first six varieties and of one hundred and twenty-
five days they fermented sufficiently
for the last three, before
" "
to be considered as becoming hard or " sour."
" The ciders were found to
(3) have suffered no deteriora-
tion (with the exception of the Tolman), but rather had be-
come more palatable during storage."
The apple-juice to be fermented should be tested with a
must-spindle or densimeter as to its content of sugar. good A
quality of juice will generally range from 10 to 14 per cent.
If less than 10 per cent, the juice will not make a cider that
will keep, though, if the flavor in other respects is all
right, a
beverage immediate use may be produced from it.
When the juice has been tested and, if found wanting in
saccharine strength, corrected by the method previously given,
the next step in the operation is fermentation. For this pur-
pose the juice is brought into casks. Regarding the size of
the latter it may be said that, as a rule, the juice ferments
more uniformly and more steadily, and retains the carbonic
acid better with the use of larger casks, though it develops
somewhat more slowly than in smaller containers. For the
production on a large scale of cider of first-rate quality the
use of large casks can, therefore, be recommended. However,
ifthe cider is to be used for daily consumption, and perhaps
be directly drawn from the yeast, smaller containers are pre-
ferable, there being danger of the cider becoming mouldy

or sour. The casks should be scrupulously clean, and new

ones must be freed by steaming or washing with hot water
from all extractive substances, otherwise the cider will acquire
a disagreeable taste and dark color.
In many places the fermentation-casks are filled by means
of a power pump which delivers the juice to the receptacles

placed in adjacent rooms or in another building. When the

press-room is over the fermentation room, filling is accom-

plished by gravity. Hose-pipes are largely used for this work,
but brass or copper must be used for all metal fittings. The
less the juice comes in contact with the air after it leaves the

press the less liable it is to be contaminated with various un-

desirable organisms. The pumps and pipes must be kept
scrupulously clean.
In Fig. 97 p. 386 the juice running off from the press
through the pipe H
is freed from the principal particles of

pulp in the box J, which is fitted with two or three wire-

sieves of different fineness. This box is located above the

collecting vat K.
The fresh juice having been brought into the casks, fermen-
tation is still in many places to the organisms normally

present on the fruit and those which may at the time of grind-
ing and pressing enter the juice from contact with the air, the
machinery and the vessels. Fermentation in this case does
not always progress as and favorably as required
for the production of a sound, palatable and durable cider.
The various races of yeast present on the apple possess but
little fermenting power and the elliptic wine yeast (sacchar-

omyces ellipsoidus) which has to be taken chiefly into account,

being generally represented only in very small quantities, is
stifled and readily suppressed. It is a well-known fact that,

generally speaking, apple juice ferments completely only with

difficulty. This appears to be due to the fact that the nat-
ural cane sugar, which is frequently present in considerable
quantities in apple and pearfermented with great
juices, is
difficulty by the organism normally present on the fruit, and
to assure the ascendancy of the true yeasts and thus give them
the control of the entire process of fermentation, the practice
of sowing the juices with pure cultures of yeast has been intro-
duced. In Germany all the important factories employ these
cultures, which are obtained in small flasks from the Royal

Pomological School at Geisenheim. With the use of pure


culture of yeast it is add it to a smaller quantity of
best to
sterile juice previously heated to 140 F. and then cooled to

68 F. When fermentation in the sterile fluid is most vig-

orously developed i't is added to the juice to be fermented.
Another cause of the difficult fermentation of apple juice is

the frequent want of nitrogenous combinations required for

the nutriment and propagation of the yeast. This may be
remedied by the addition of 20 grammes of ammonium tar-

trate or ammonium chloride per hectoliter of juice ;

in place
of it the same quantity by weight of ammonium phosphate or
ammonium carbonate may also be used. Such an addition
should also be made with the use of pure culture of yeast.
The first or tumultuous fermentation of the apple juice is in
some places effected in open vats, this method being generally
preferred with juice not previously strained, so as to be able
to remove during fermentation the insoluble constituents of
the must which are forced to the surface.
When, however, the must has been purified by straining or

filtering over thoroughly washed sand, fermenting in casks is

preferable. The casks are fillea about three-quarters full and
equipped with a ventilating bung to prevent the entrance of
germ-laden air. There are various constructions of ventilating
bungs but the principle is in all cases the same, namely, to
allow the escape of the excess of carbonic acid and prevent the
entrance of air. The best protection of the must is the car-
bonic acid developed during fermentation, because, on the one
hand, neither mould or acetic acid formation can appear for
want of oxygen, and, on the other, the exciters of these decom-
positions cannot develop in an atmosphere of carbonic acid.
Care should, therefore, be taken that until fermentation is fin-
ished and the cask has been entirely filled and bunged, an
atmosphere of carbonic acid always lies over the cider in the
empty space of the cask.
The fermentation funnel or ventilating funnel, Fig. 98 which
is largely used in Germany, is a simple device for controlling

the air. It is generally made of pottery or porcelain, though


it can also be constructed of metal, for instance, aluminium.

It consists of two parts, the actual funnel c with the tapering
pipe d, which
is secured
air-tight in the bung-hole and is filled
half-fullwith water, and a cup-like vessel b, which is placed
over the elongated portion of the pipe of the funnel. The
carbonic acid escaping from the cask passes through the pipe
into the cup b, forces back the water at o and escapes at e from
the open portion of the funnel, the entrance of air being on
the other hand prevented by the water.
The first or tumultuous fermentation runs its course, accor-
ing to temperature and other conditions, in two to four weeks,

the temperature being under otherwise, normal conditions, the

most important factor. The higher it is the more energetic-

ally fermentation sets in and the more rapidly it runs its

course. While formerly a not too tumultuous course of the
first fermentation was not desired
by many manufacturers and
the temperature was kept relatively low, most of them have
now arrived at the conclusion that as energetic a course as
possible of the first fermentation is the best guarantee for a
good product, and the temperature for the first stage of fer-
mentation should be at least between 59 and 68 F. When
the first fermentation has run its course, which is recognized
by the cessation of the hissing sound made by the carbonic

acid gas, the cider is drawn off from the sediment into clean,
unsulphured casks, furnished with a ventilating bung. The
casks are placed in a cellar or a cool room having a tempera-
ture of 40 to 50 F., and the cider is left to the second or after
fermentation. The
casks should be constantly kept full, and

abrupt variations in the temperature carefully avoided and

provided against. Generally speaking, the more energetically

the first fermentation has run its course, the more quietly the
second fermentation will progress, and vice versa. By the
second fermentation, the remainder of the sugar is decomposed,
there is but a slight evolution of carbonic acid, the yeast as
as well as the albuminous substances in the must settle on
the bottom, and the cider becomes more or less clear.
When the second fermentation has progressed to the desired
degree, the cider is drawn off into other casks and fined. Ac-
cording to one method this
done with isinglass, 1J ozs. of it

being allowed for each cask. This quantity is dissolved in 1

pint of cider over a moderate fire, and the solution when

cold, poured with constant agitation into the cask. Drawing

off may be commenced after eight days.
A better method of clarification, which at the same time in-

creases the purity of taste of the cider, is as follows For each :

barrel of 30 gallons, take 4 Ibs. of fresh wheat bran, and, after

washing it twice in hot water to remove all soluble substances,

press out thoroughly. Now dissolve about 2 drachms of alum

in a bucketful of hot water and. pour the solution upon the
bran. After 6 to 8 hours take the latter from the alum water
and press as before. The bran is best used before the cider is

racked off for the third and last time. Stir it into the cider,
and then draw off the latter through a fine strainer into the
actual storage barrel. The cider first passing through the
strainer is generally somewhat turbid, and must be poured
back until it runs off clear.
In France, the cider is generally clarified by dissolving 2 ozs.

of catechu in 1 quart of cider and adding the solution to 100

quarts of cider, with constant stirring. The tannin thus added


precipitates the albuminous matters, the result being a clear

cider which will not blacken in the air.

always advisable before fining large quantities of cider

It is
to make a clarifying experiment on a small scale, the content
of tannin in the fluid being frequently so small that the clari-

fying agent added is ineffectual. In such cases a small addi-

tion of tannin in the form of an alcoholic-aqueous solution
previous to the addition of the clarifying agent can be recom-
mended. However, as a perfectly bright product is not always
obtained by fining, filtering will ha^ to be resorted to. Fil-

ters of various types, such as bag filters, cellulose filters and

asbestos filters are in use for this purpose. Filtering cider
appears to be a process much more difficult than filtering wine
made from grapes and should be avoided if possible. The
reason for this is the presence of mucilaginous substances in
the liquor.
Pared apples, if used for the production of cider, yield a
product poor in aroma. Washing the apples in washing
machines of special construction previous to grinding and
pressing is of great advantage for the production of fine must

and cider. Fairly good products can be obtained from dried

American apples, the cheapest brands (waste, parings, cores)
of which can be used for the purpose.
Cider intended for export must be made somewhat richer
in alcohol, which is generally done by adding sufficient
French brandy to increase its content of alcohol 2 per cent.
Sometimes, also, J Ib. of sugar for every 2 quarts of juice is
added during fermentation. For shipping to tropical countries
experiments might be made with salicylic acid, adding it in
the same proportion as to beer, which is for beer sent in
barrels f oz. for 100 quarts, and for bottled beer, J oz.
There are several methods of improving the taste of cider,
but they are rather questionable, because tastes differ, and
what might be considered an improvement by one would be
declared a defect by another. A favorite method of improve-
ment is as follows For 45 gallons of cider measure off 3 quarts

of French brandy and mix it with the following substances?

powdered 0.7 drachm of bitter almonds, 0.7 drachm
all finely :

of mace, and 7J drachms of mustard-seed, and finally 3J

drachms of catechu, previously dissolved in water. Pour this
mixture into the cider and shake the barrel frequently during
the next 14 days. Then allow it to rest three or four months,
and should it then not run off clear when
tapped, clarify it
with 1 J oz. of isinglass or the whites of a dozen eggs. If the
color of the cider is remain pale yellow, catechu cannot be

used, and instead of isinglass or white of egg, skimmed milk

is to be used for clarification. For a reddish color, which is
sometimes desired, use If drachms of powdered cochineal in
place of the catechu.
Sometimes cider is prepared in the same manner as other
fruit-wines. In this case J Ib. of sugar is added to every quart
of juice, and the latter is allowed to completely ferment in the
same manner as grape wine. According to another direction,
add to every 2 quarts of juice, 2 Ibs. of white sugar, and boil
as long as scum is formed then strain through a fine hair-

sieve and allow to cool. Now add a small quantity of yeast,

stir thoroughly, let the whole ferment three weeks, and after

clarifying rack off into bottles.

Red apple wine, or, as it is frequently called, red wine from
cider, isprepared as follows Boil for 2 hours 50 quarts of

apple juice, 27 Ibs. of honey, 1 oz. of tartar, 6 Ibs. of comminuted

red beets, and 3, Ibs. of brown sugar. Let the fluid completely
ferment, and if no apple juice is on hand to fill
up the barrel

during this process, use solution of sugar. When fermentation

is finished, pour a mixture of 1 quart of French brandy and

about 1 drachm each of pulverized cinnamon and ginger into

the barrel. After three months clarify the wine and rack off.
In his treatise Cider," Dr. Denis-Dumont gives the fol-
lowing directions for bottling cider The cider is to be bottled

at three distinct periods. It should never be bottled before

the tumultuous stage of fermentation is entirely completed and
the liquid clarified.

First period. At the termination of the tumultuous fermen-

tation, the cider stillcontains considerable sugar. Fermen-
tation continues in the bottle and produces in a few weeks a

large quantity of carbonic acid. In order to prevent the bottles

from being broken by the pressure, champagne bottles should
be selected, and care taken to have them stand upright until
the development is considerably reduced. The bottles are
then laid on their side, as otherwise the cider would cease to
be sparkling. This cider has to be kept for a number of years,
being good todrink only when old.
Second period, when fermentation is more advanced, about
six weeks or two months after the first period. Mineral water
bottles are strong enough to hold this cider, it liberating less
carbonic acid than the preceding. The bottles are left in an
upright position for a few weeks only. This cider has a good
flavor and is fit to drink much sooner than the preceding. It

keeps for a long time.

Third period, when fermentation
is complete or almost so,

any quality of be used, a great deal less of car-

bottles may
bonic acid being developed than in the preceding cases. The
bottles should be laid down immediately after filling, in order
to retain the carbonic acid which will still be developed. This
cider is not sparkling ;
it is, however, lively, strong, and has a
fine flavor.
Thebottles should, in every instance, be well corked, and
the corks, for the sake of safety, tied. The cider is very good
when kept in small bottles, better in quart bottles, and best in

jars holding two quarts. A

few moments before opening a
bottle of sparkling cider, it is advisable to provide a minute

opening for the escape of the gas by piercing the cork with a
fine punch. As soon
as the tension of the gas has become

sufficiently weak, the cork is allowed to blow out in the same

manner as with champagne. Without this precaution, most

of the cider might be thrown up to the ceiling.
In the island of Jersey, where the manufacture of cider is
carried on in a very rational manner, the juice as it comes from

the press allowed to ferment in large open vats placed in a


cellar having a uniform temperature of from 53 to 59 F. On

account of the large surface presented to the air, tumultuous
fermentation soon sets in, and in about four or five days, or at
the utmost a week, fermentation is over. The liquid is then
drawn and sulphured, in
off in barrels, thoroughly cleansed

which fermentation continues slowly. These barrels are not

entirely filled, and when the development of carbonic gas has
proceeded so far that the flame of a lighted candle introduced
by the bung-hole is extinguished, the liquid is drawn off into
other barrels sulphured like the first. This transfer from one
set of barrels to another continued until no escape of gas
is is

perceptible, i. e., until fermentation is quite complete.

Prepared in this manner the cider will keep perfectly good

for several years, and stand transportation by sea without any

Devonshire cider is made from a mixture of one-third of
bitter-sweet apples with a mild sour. These being gathered
when thoroughly ripe are allowed to undergo the sweating pro-
cess before grinding. The
is then pressed in the usual
manner and strained
through a hair-sieve into hogsheads,
where it remains for two or three days previous to fermenting.
It is then drawn off into clean casks to stop the fermentation,
but very strong only two or three gallons are first put
if this is

in, and after burning cotton or linen rags saturated with sul-

phur in the cask, thoroughly agitated. This completely stops

fermentation in that quantity and usually checks it in the other
portion with which the cask is then filled up. In a few weeks
the cider becomes very fine. If this be not satisfactorily ac-

complished by the first operation, it is repeated until fermen-

tation is completely checked and the cider is in a quiet state
and in a proper condition drinking and bottling.

Champagne-cider. The manufacture of this beverage has

become quite important it resembling the ordinary but more
expensive champagne-wine, and being frequently sold as such.
Since the devastation of the vineyards by the phylloxera, a

large trade in the spurious champagne-wine is carried on in

France. This champagne-cider if sold under its right name

is an excellent beverage. It is prepared as follows To 50 :

gallons of apple-juice add 12 quarts of brandy and 14 Ibs. of

sugar or honey. Mix the whole thoroughly, and allow it to
ferment for one month in a cool place. Then add about 4
drachms of orange-blossom water, and clarify with 2 quarts
of skimmed milk. The champagne is now ready and is racked
off into bottles, into each of which a small piece of white sugar
is thrown, and the corks of which are wired. The duration
of fermentation has been stated as one month. It may, how-

ever, last a few days more or less, it being entirely a matter of

observation when the most suitable time for racking off has
arrived. No more rising of bubbles of gas should be observed,
but fermentation must not be completely finished.
According to another process, 40 quarts of fermented apple-
juice are mixed with 2 quarts of solution of sugar, J quart of
rectified alcohol and 2 ozs. and 4 drachms of pulverized tar-
tar. The mixture is allowed to stand 24 hours and then
racked off into bottles, each bottle receiving a drachm of bicar-
bonate of soda. Cork and wire.
Another process consists in bringing into a vat 40 quarts of
apple-juice, 5 Ibs. of white sugar, J Ib. of tartar, 1 pint of rec-
tified alcohol,j- pint of yeast and 1 oz. and 2J drachms of
acetic ether. Shortly before fermentation is finished the mix-
ture is drawn off into bottles,each of which has previously
been provided with a small piece of sugar. Clarification with
isinglass, white of egg or skimmed milk must, of course, pre-
cede the drawing off into bottles. The bottles must be thor-
oughly corked and wired in the same manner as genuine
champagne, and laid in a cool cellar.
Cider serves frequently as a basis for artificial wines, genuine
Burgundy, sherry or port-wine, prepared from cider mixed
with suitable substances, being frequently served even in first-
class hotels. Nothing could be said against these beverages if
they were sold under their proper names, because they consist

of harmless substances, which cannot always be said of the

genuine wines, they being only too frequently adulterated with

substances injurious to health.
Burgundy. Bring into a barrel 40 quarts of apple juice, 5
Ibs. of bruised raisins, Ib.of tartar, 1 quart of bilberry juice
and 3 Ibs. of
sugar. Allow the whole to ferment, filling con-
stantly up with cider. Then clarify with isinglass, add about
1 oz. of essence of bitter almonds, and after a few weeks draw
off into bottles.

Malaga Wine. Apple juice, 40 quarts ;

crushed raisins, 10
Ibs.; rectified
alcohol, quarts;2 sugar solution, 2 quarts;
elderberry flowers, 1 quart; acetic ether, 1 oz. and 2 drachms.
The desired coloration is effected by the addition of bilberry
or elderberry juice ;
otherwise the process is the same as given
for Burgundy.
Sherry Wine. Apple juice, 50 quarts; orange-flower water,
about 2 drachms tartar 2 ozs. and 4 drachms rectified alco-
; ;

hol, 3 quarts; crushed raisins, 10 pounds; acetic ether, 1 oz.

and 2 drachms. The process is the same as for Burgundy.
Apple juice, 50 quarts rectified alcohol, 4
Claret Wine. ;

quarts black
currant juice, 2 quarts tartar, 2 ounces and 4

drachms. Color with bilberry juice. The further process is

the same as for Burgundy.
Diseases of Cider. Ciders are subject to diseases which may
be due to the bad quality of the apples used, a faulty method
of manufacture, or bad management in the cellar.

Badly fermented cider, especially such as has merely passed

through the stage of tumultuous fermentation, or has been
acidified by contact with the air, is liable to produce serious
disorders. The first, says Dr. E. Decaisne, being heavy and
indigestible, inflates the intestines and produces diarrhoea the ;

second, though of a sweet taste and a piquant and agreeable

flavor, does not quench the thirst, but excites the nervous
system and produces flatulency the third, which is really

spoiled cider, causes inflammation of the intestines by the

large amount of malic and acetic acid it contains. When in

the production of cider, water containing organic matter has

been used, putrid fermentation is produced in the mass, the
products of which impart some very deleterious properties to
the cider.
Acidity in cider may be due either to an excess of malic acid
or of acetic acid.
Some ciders contain too much malic acid when manufac-
tured from apples not sufficiently ripe, or when, in mixing the
apples, too large a proportion of sour apples has been taken.
In both these cases the acidity may be neutralized by adding
to the apple-juice 3 ounces and 8 drachms of potassium tartrate
per 22 gallons. Sometimes there is an excess of acetic acid,
due to the oxidation of the alcohol by long contact with the air.
This defect is difficult to remedy. It might have been pre-
vented by means of a thin coat of olive oil, as previously men-
by hermetically closing the bungs. The acidity will,
tioned, or
however, disappear by putting in the bottles a pinch of bicar-
bonate of soda. It must, however, be done immediately on

detecting the defect.

Viscosity or greasy appearance of cider is recognized by the
cider becoming stringy, viscous and greasy, and is due to too

great an abundance of gummy substances in the fruit, a lack

of tannin, and finally to defective fermentation. In order to
check this malady from its first appearance, add to every228
quarts of the cider 1 pint of alcohol or 2 grammes of catechu
dissolved in 3 quarts of water. Cider may be prevented from
turning viscous by the addition of sugar to the juice when it
comes from the press, fermentation being thereby promoted.
The cause of cider turning black is an excess of oxide of iron,
which, on coming in contact with air, becomes a peroxide and
gives the beverage a brown color. The oxide of iron may
have been introduced into the cider either by the water used
in making it, or by fruit grown on ferruginous soil. By mix-
ing such cider with 12 drachms of powdered oak bark per 22
gallons, a quantity of tannin is introduced which combines
with the iron to an insoluble product that settles on the bot-
tom of the barrel. Tartaric acid may also be used.

Turbidity or lack of clarification of cider is caused by too

small a quantity of sugar in the juice, or by imperfect
In rainy seasons the apples ripen imperfectly and contain
but little sugar. Cider prepared from such fruit generally re-
mains turbid. During seasons in which abrupt changes of
temperature take place, and also when cold weather sets in
very early, fermentation does not progress well, and clarifica-
tion is imperfect. When the cider remains turbid after the
first racking off, add a solution of 2 Ibs. of sugar in 1 gallon
of water to every 132 gallons of the liquid. This sugar be-
comes converted into alcohol and renders the cider limpid.
The use of lead salt, formerly much in vogue in Normandy,
is very dangerous. Persons drinking cider thus treated fre-

quently sharp pains in the abdominal region, which pre-


sent all the symptoms of lead colic and may even prove fatal.
An admixture of lead salt is readily recognized. Add to

the suspected cider solution of potassium iodide if lead salt ;

be present, a yellow precipitate of iodide of lead will be

Adulteration of Cider. According to most of the authorities
on food, cider is but littlesubject to adulteration. Even Has-
sall, who generally enumerates under each article of food a
list of every conceivable adulteration that has ever been found
or supposed to have been used in such food, only speaks of
the addition of water, of burnt sugar as a coloring matter, and
of the use of antacids for the correction of the acidity of spoiled
cider. On
the other hand, in France where, as previously
mentioned, the consumption of cider is quite large, its adulter-
ation is by no means uncommon. The following is considered
in the Paris Municipal Laboratory as a minimum for the com-
position of pure cider :

Alcohol, per cent, by volume 3.00

Extracts, in grammes per liter 18 00
Ash . 1.7

This is for a completely fermented cider. In sweet ciders

the content of sugar should exceed the limit sufficiently to
make up for the deficiency of alcohol, to which it should be
In the samples of American ciders investigated by the
United States Agricultural Department (see pp. 393-4), it was
fully expected to find a number preserved with antiseptics.
This supposition failed to be confirmed, however, for no sali-
cylic acid was found, and in but one case was any test ob-
tained for sulphites. None of the samples fell below the
standard proposed by the French chemists, given above, and
no metallic or other adulteration was discovered.
There was, however, a single exception, No. 4927 in the
table of analyses, p. 394, which was an embodiment in itself
of nearly all the adulterations which have been enumerated
as possible in cider. It was handsomely put up in neatly-

capped bottles, and was of a clear, bright color. Its tremendous

" "
head of gas when uncorked gave rise at once to the sus-
picion that it had received some addition to produce an
artificial pressure of gas. The low content of free acid,
together with the large amount of ash and a variable content
of carbonic acid in different bottles, established the fact that
bicarbonate of soda had been added, probably a varying
quantity to each bottle, while the dose of sulphites added was
so large that a bottle stood open in the laboratory all through
the summer without souring.
Manufacture of brandy from cider. Brandy is a mixture of
water and alcohol produced by the distillation of a fermented
liquor. It owes its aroma to the essential oil peculiar to the
substance subjected to distillation.
In Normandy the heavy ciders only are distilled, i. e., those
containing the most alcohol.
In years when there is an abundant crop of apples, it will
generally be found of advantage to distil the cider made from
fallen fruit and also from early apples. The cider yielded by
them does not keep well, and brings a very low price, espe-
cially when there is a large product from late apples.

Sour ciders should not be distilled, they being better utilized

for the manufacture of vinegar. Spoiled cider, as a rule,
makes bad brandy.
Different qualities of cider should be distilled separately.
A skilled distiller can classify them by the taste, and separates
them in order to obtain brandy of first and second qualities.
The cider is distilled when it is completely fermented, i. e.,
when the largest possible quantity of sugar has been converted
into alcohol. Cider from early apples generally ferments
fasterthan that from late apples and can be distilled towards
the end of December, i. e., from six weeks to two months after
it has been made. Cider made from late apples, during
December and January, is ready for distillation three or four
months later, i. e., in March or April.
Preparation of the juice for distillation. When there is an
abundant crop of apples and barrels are scarce, the juice as it
comes from the press is brought into large open vats in which
fermentation progresses rapidly, but in this case some beer
yeast previously mixed with a small quantity of cider is added
to each vat and the temperature must be maintained between
59 and 68 F. Under these conditions the juice ferments

very promptly and may be distilled eight or ten days later.

Sometimes the whole of the pulpy mass obtained by grind-
ing the apples is submitted to distillation. In order to accel-
erate fermentation a small quantity of hot water containing
some sugar in solution is added to the mass, also one or two
thousandths of sulphuric acid, the latter regulating the progress
of fermentation.
Fermentation being finished, the mass is subjected to distil-
lation. In order to prevent this mass from adhering to the
still and scorching, distillation must be conducted as slowly

as possible and a small quantity of straw placed upon the

bottom of the still, or, better, a piece of cloth to prevent direct
contact of the mass with the heating surface.
Plums, damsons, etc., are also subjected to distillation and
produce good brandy. They ferment more slowly than wild

cherries which produce the well-known cherry-bounce. Atten-

tionmay here be called to the distillation of wild plums, which
should be gathered in the fall when the leaves begin to drop.
Some connoisseurs consider brandy made from plums equal to
that from cherries. On a farm, no fruit containing sugar should
go to waste, ascan be converted either into brandy or vinegar.

Distillation. For distilling cider on a small scale no ex-

pensive apparatus is necessary, an ordinary still answering all
requirements. Cider is distilled like wine. The still is filled
about { full and after placing the head in position the joints
are carefully luted by pasting strips of cloth or even paper over
them. The tub holding the worm is tilled with cold water and
the fire started. The vapors escaping from the boiling liquid
condense in the worm and run into the receiver. Heating
should be done slowly, in order to vaporize as little water as
possible, and especially to avoid sudden ebullition, as the boil-
ing liquid, getting into the head, would pass through the worm
and become mixed with the liquor already distilled. In such
an event it would be necessary to begin distillation anew. The

operation is continued until the liquid produced contains

hardly any alcohol, which can be ascertained by the use of the
alcoholometer or by the taste. It is unnecessary to say that
care must be had to constantly renew and keep cold the water
in the tub holding the worm.
Distillation being finished, the boiler is emptied, and after
thorough cleansing is refilled for a
second operation.
The liquid produced by successive distillations is mixed
together and brought into the still a second time, whereby a
liquor richer in alcohol and of a better taste is produced. It
would be desirable if this second distillation or rectification
could be effected by means of steam. This would prevent the
empyreumatic taste which
often noticed in apple-brandy.

The first arid last runs of the still being of inferior quality are
collected separatelyand poured back into the still when re-
next operation.
filling for the
Calculations have been made to establish by means of figures

the immense advantage offered in a financial point of view by

the distillation of cider. These theoretical calculations, how-
ever, are frequently very deceptive. If, on the one hand, the
producer knows the content of alcohol of his cider and, on the

other, the market value of the alcohol and of the cider, it will
be easy for him to decide which product will pay him best.

Pear-cider. The manufacture of pear-cider is very limited,

and no great future can be promised for it, as even when most
carefully prepared it is far inferior to apple-cider and other
fruit-wines. Its preparation is best understood in England,
and how little it is shown by the fact that
appreciated there is

three-fourths of the quantity manufactured is consumed by the

farm-laborers. But any one who has large pear crops at his
disposal and washes to use a portion of them for the manufac-
ture of a beverage should add to the pear-must one-quarter its

quantity of must of bitter-sweet apples or a few quarts of black

currant juice, which will improve the taste of the cider and
its keeping qualities. The mode of preparation is the same
as for apple-cider, though still greater care must be exercised
in the choice of the raw material. The pears must have a
sufficient content of sugar, as otherwise the cider would not be
sufficiently rich in alcohol and at the same time they must
contain a bitter substance to prevent the cider from turning
sour as soon as the conversion of the sugar is effected. Hence
the use of fine table pears for the preparation of cider would
be simply a waste of material. The only varieties suitable
for the purpose are those which when eaten from the tree pro-
duce a long-continued sharp heat in the throat and lie half a
day undigested in the stomach, which, however, become sweet
by long storing and lose enough of their acerbity to be no
longer disagreeable to the palate. In England, the wild pear
grown in hedges is generally used for the purpose. They
must be ripe, but not soft or mellow.
In the northern part of France pear-must is sometimes used
for the preparation of port wine," the taste of which is very
much praised. The process consists in heating 50 Ibs. of must

to between 176 and 185 F. and adding 5 pounds of raisins.

At this degree of heat must and raisins are brought into a
barrel which is tightly bunged and placed in a cool place.
When in the course of a day the must is cooled to 59 or 68
F., the raisins, which are generally put in a bag, are taken
from the barrel and after bruising returned (but not inclosed
in the bag) to the must, which is then allowed to ferment for
14 days. The wine is then drawn off into stone jugs which
are well corked and sealed.

Quince Wine. A very spicy wine can be prepared from

quinces in the following simple manner Place the quinces :

for a few moments in hot water and then rub them with a
cloth to Next remove the cores by means
remove the down.
of a knife or inany suitable manner. Now pour hot water
over the quinces thus prepared and boil them slowly over a
moderate fire until soft. Then press out the juice and add
white sugar in the proportion of 1J Ibs. to every 20 Ibs. of
fruits.Allow the whole to ferment in a cool room and from
time to time add some sugar-water during the process. Clari-
fication and racking off is effected in the same manner as with


THE manner of obtaining the juice and appliances for that

purpose have already been described in the previous chapter.

a. From small fruits. One of the principal objections to
wines from small fruits is that they easily turn. This can,
however, be overcome by adding, after fermentation is finished,
5.64 drachms of salicylic acid to every 100 quarts. By in-
creasing the dose to 8.46 drachms less sugar can be added to
the must, which, of course, makes the beverage poorer in alco-
hol. A saving of sugar can be further effected without injury

to the keeping quality of the wine by a suitable mixing of

juices. By working, instance, the juices of currant, or of


raspberries by themselves, a considerable addition of sugar,

about 1 pound per quart, has to be made, which can, however,
be reduced one-half by mixing with a juice containing some
bitter principle, and later on treating the wine with salicylic
acid. Thus a
large field for experimenting is
opened to all,
and only a few hints will here be given. Raspberry -juice
should be mixed with one-quarter its volume of blackberry-
juice and in the preparation of currant-wine it is especially

recommended to use four-fifths of red to one-fifth of black cur-

ants, the wine obtained being far more spicy and possessing
better keeping qualities. Moreover, black currants used
within limits are an excellent material for improving the
flavor of almost all fruit-wines. The flavor and keeping qual-
fruit-wine are also improved by throwing a couple of
ities of

handfuls of crushed hazel-nuts or walnuts into the barrel, and

also by the addition of 2 ounces and 8 drachms of bitter al-

monds, the peels of 10 lemons, 3 ounces and 5 drachms of

cassia, and a few handfuls of bruised wild plums. By these
means wine with a moderate content of alcohol acquires a
strong taste, while its keeping quality is at the same time im-
proved. The latter can also be effected by bringing 2 ounces
and 3 drachms of tartar into the barrel during fermentation.
A few other mixtures of juices may be mentioned. Blackberry-
juice is better adapted to ferment by itself than any other juice
from small fruits, but by the addition of J to J its weight or
its volumeof strawberry-juice the aroma of the wine is greatly

improved. Strawberry -juice is least suitable for fermentation

by itself, and should be mixed with must containing a bitter
principle. addition of J of the volume of the juice of the
Siberian crab-apple (Pyrus baccata) can be highly recommen-
ded for the purpose, it being especially suitable for improv-

ing the keeping quality of fruit-wine. The juice of rhubarb

stems may be added to that of elderberries, while the juice of
gooseberries is suitable for mixing with that of mulberries.

Moreover, a combination of several juices may also be used; an

excellent wine being, for instance, prepared from equal parts of
blackberry, raspberry, currant, and strawberry -juice, with an
addition of walnuts as given above. In the receipts for the
different varieties given below, the customary addition of sugar
for unmixed fermentation and the omission of salicylic acid is
retained, but may be repeated that with the assistance of these

means the cost may be reduced one-half. In order to avoid

repetition, the following general rules are here given, which
hold good not only for the preparation of wine from small
fruits, but also from stone-fruits.
The be used should be sound and ripe, though not
fruit to

over-ripe, and must be freed from adhering dirt by washing in

warm water. Large quantities are best expressed by means of
a press, while for small quantities a bag of coarse linen is suffi-

cient, which is kneaded and squeezed until no more juice runs

out. Over the residue pour as much hot water as juice is ob-
tained, and after allowing it to stand for two hours press again
and mix the juice obtained with the first. Now add sugar in
the proportion of one pound to a quart of juice, and bring the
whole into a thoroughly cleansed barrel previously rinsed out
with salicylated water. Fermentation should take place in a
room having a uniform temperature of from 59 to 64 F.
During this process lay a piece of gauze upon the open bung-
hole and secure it by means of a stone, piece of iron, etc., which
prevents the access of foreign substances to the must. Every
other day the barrel is filled up to the bung-hole with sugar-
water prepared in the proportion of J Ib. of sugar to 1 quart
of water. As soon as the "hissing" in the barrel ceases, bung
the barrel tightly and after 14 days draw off the contents into
another barrel placed in the same room. After 6 months the
wine can be drawn off into bottles, being, however, 8 days pre-
viously clarified with the whites of a dozen eggs or 1 oz. of
isinglass slowly dissolved over a moderate fire in 1 pint of wine.
Whatever fining is used, add it to the wine with constant stir-
ring. If salicylic acid is to be used, it is best done in the man-

ner described for cider when the wine has acquired the desired
degree of ripeness. The bottles should be rinsed with
ated water and closed with corks previously soaked for a few
hours in hot salicylated water. Sealing the bottles is not nec-
essary, but in order to be sure that the corks fit
closely, shake
each bottle, with the neck downwards, with the right hand
holding the left under the cork. If the slightest moisture is

observed, the bottles must be recorked, as carelessness in this

respect may cause a portion of the supply of wine to spoil.
The corked bottles are laid in the cellar.
This general method, according to which all kinds of wine
from small fruits can be prepared, may be supplemented by
the following receipts :

Currant Wine. Among all varieties of berries the currant

contains the largest quantity of free acid, about 2 per cent.,
and comparatively little sugar, about 6 per cent. The propor-
tion between these two principal constituents is very unfavor-
able for the manufacture of wine. The currant juice fer-
mented by itself would yield a product which does not deserve
that name.
Free the thoroughly ripe currants from the stems and after
crushing press out the juice. To the residue add twice or three
times as much water as juice obtained and after again pressing
add the juice obtained to the first. Now examine
the juice
as to its content of acid and if necessary dilute further with
water. Then calculate the sugar in the manner previously
given. Sugar and acid having been brought to the right

proportion, the juice is allowed to ferment.

Currant wine is frequently prepared as a sweet liqueur-wine,
the following directions being much used for the purpose :

Juice 100 parts, water 200, sugar 100. According to an an-

alysis by Fresenius, the wine thus prepared showed after two
years the following composition :

Alcohol 10.01
Free acid . 0.79

Sugar 11.94
Water 77.26


According to another receipt, 17 J Ibs. of thoroughly ripe

currants freed from the stems are bruised in a wooden vessel
with the addition of 3J quarts of water. The paste thus ob-
tained is gradually brought into a bag which
of coarse linen,
is laid upon an oblique board, and pressed out by means of a

rolling-pin. The press-residues are returned to the wooden

vessel and, after adding 7 quarts of water, thoroughly worked
with a pestle, and then again pressed in the above manner.
The juice thus obtained is brought into a barrel having a
capacity of 34f quarts, a solution of 12 Ibs. of sugar in 14
quarts of water is then added, and finally sufficient water to
fill up the barrel to within 3 inches of the bung. After cover-

ing the bung-hole with a piece of gauze, the whole is allowed

to ferment in a room having a temperature of from 59 to
64 F. When the principal fermentation is over, the barrel
is entirely filled with water and closed with a cotton bung.
The wine is then allowed to further ferment for six months in

a cellar having a temperature of from 54 to 59 F., when it

is drawn off into another barrel or into bottles. By adding to

the fermenting juice J Ib. of comminuted raisin stems a pro-

duct closely resembling Tokay-wine is obtained.
A very strong beverage is obtained by adding to the expressed
juice of currants twice the quantity of water and stirring in 2
tablespoonfuls of yeast. Allow the juice to ferment for 2 days ;

then strain through a hair-sieve and after adding 1 Ib. of


sugar for every quart, allow it to ferment. When fermenta-

tion is nearly finished, add French brandy in the proportion
of 1 quart to 40 quarts of the juice, and bung up the barrel
two days later. The wine is ripe in four months.
According to another receipt the currants separated from

the stems, are pressed and the juice mixed with an equal quan-
tity of water. Then add to each gallon of liquid 2J Ibs. of
cream of tartar, and 1 oz. of pulverized nutmegs,
sugar, 2 ozs. of
with 1 quart of alcohol. Allow the whole to ferment, then
fine with isinglass, draw
off and bottle.
Another method is to express all the juice possible, then take
an equal amount of boiling water, and pour it on the expressed
fruit. Let it stand for 2 hours, squeeze out as much as there
is and mix; then add 4 Ibs. of brown sugar to each
of juice

gallon of Ihe mixture let it stand for 3 or 4 weeks, until fairly


worked, with the bung out, and when it is done working, bung
it up, then place it in a cool cellar.

Strawberry-wine. For the preparation of wine very fragrant

strawberries should be selected. The aroma of the strawberry
is so delicate that it readily undergoes a change and soon dis-
appears entirely. Hence to secure it and transfer it into the
juice the strawberry requires special treatment, whereby neither
the content of acid nor that of sugar is taken into considera-
tion. This treatment consists in mixing the sound, ripe berries,
without previous crushing or bruising, with the same weight of
pulverized sugar and allowing the mixture to stand in a glass
or stoneware vessel in a cool place until all the sugar is dis-
solved to a clear syrup in which the shrunk and tasteless
berries float. To separate the latter, strain the juice through
a woolen cloth previously rinsed with some lemon-juice or
tartaric acid, dilute with the same quantity of water, bring
the acid to 0.5 per cent., and subject the whole to fermenta-
tion in the usual manner at a temperature of from 50 to
59 F.
allow the berries to ferment with the juice, but the
wine obtained is somewhat harsh and not as delicate.
By finally adding to the finished wine from 4 to 5 per cent,
of rock-candy, a liqueur-wine is obtained which, as regards

aroma, cannot be surpassed, and is especially liked by ladies.

Excellent strawberry wine is also obtained according to the
following directions Press out 10 Ibs. of different varieties of

small and large cultivated strawberries, which give about 2J

quarts of juice. Pour water over the residue and press again,
so as to obtain about 3 quarts more of juice or a total of 5J

quarts. Next dissolve 4 pounds of rock candy in 5 quarts of

cold water, bring the solution, together with the 5J quarts of

juice, into a small cask, and allow the whole to ferment in a

cellar having a temperature of 61 F. In four weeks the wine
is ready for drawing off into bottles. It is of a beautiful pale

yellow color and possesses an excellent bouquet, and if made

sparkling furnishes an excellent beverage.
According to a receipt in the " Weinzeitung," 40 quarts of
strawberries and 41 quarts of water, with an addition of 12 Ibs.
of sugar, 3J ozs. of tartar, and a gallon of whiskey free from
fusel .oil are allowed to ferment and the resulting wine i&
treated in the usual manner.
Another method is to pour 1 quart of hot water upon 1
quart of crushed strawberries and pressing out after allowing
the mass to stand for 2 days. Then add to every quart of
juice 1 Ib. of sugar, and to every 40 quarts of juice the grated
peel and juice of 2 lemons and 2 oranges and 4 quarts of
French brandy. Allow the whole to ferment, and treat the
resulting wine in the usual manner.
Gooseberry-wine. The proportion between sugar and acid
is somewhat more favorable in the gooseberry than in the-
currant, but not sufficiently so as that the pure juice would
yield a good wine by fermentation. Hence the juice must be
converted into suitable must, as regards sugar and acid, in
accordance with the rules previously given. The yellow varie-
ties are preferable, they alone having a distinctly vinous taste ;

the wine obtained from the red and green varieties being
somewhat insipid. The juice is obtained in the same manner
as from currants, the berries being bruised, the juice allowed
to run off and the residue washed several times with water, so
that each volumeof juice receives an addition of 1 volume of

water, though as the mixed juice has to be tested as to its-

content of acid, the direction in regard to the addition of

ivater need not be accurately followed. The must may contain

-as much as 30 percent., because the fermentation of goose-

berry-must is generally carried on in the warmer season of

the year, so that all or the greater portion of the sugar fer-

ments and the wine, on account of the quantity of alcohol

formed, will keep for an almost indefinite time. Gooseberry-
wine made from must rich in sugar generall} acquires by age 7

an odor of Madeira-wine, which frequently deceives even con-


Gooseberry-wine, like currant-wine being liked sweet, a

larger quantity of sugar may be added to the must from the
^tart,though for a quicker process of fermentation it is better
io add the desired quantity of sugar to the fermented wine.
If the must has been made quite sweet, so that a wine rich in
alcohol is formed, no fear need be had of the wine fermenting
anew on account of the addition of sugar.
There are a number of receipts for the preparation of goose-
berry-wine, but when more closely examined the products pre-
pared according to them will be found either more or less rich
in alcohol, or to contain more or less free acid, and to be either
sweet or not sweet, so that- the proportion can evidently be
-changed in any manner desired. It is further evident that

nothing is gained thereby as regards quality, because the type

for all artificial wines is grape wine obtained in a good season.

In such wines the proportions between alcohol and free acid

are well known and within such narrow limits that they cannot
be essentially exceeded on either side, and they alone can serve
as a basis for the rational preparation of gooseberry wine as
well as of all artificial wines. With the aroma or bouquet which
is to be imparted to such wine it is, of course, different ;
but no
special directions are required, as every one manages it accord-
ing to his own taste or according to that of those who buy and
drink the wine. Thus it is also with the addition of sugar ;
likes a sweet wine, the other one less sweet, and the third one
without any sugar. The aim is
principal to prepare a wine
which contains the necessary quantity of alcohol to insure its

keeping properly, and the power of resistance against decom-

posing influences, and from which the greater portion of the
fermentable substances is removed by fermentation. In most
oases the natural conditions are of great use in this respect,
for in order to decrease the content of free acid it becomes

necessary to dilute the fruit juices, whereby the quantity of fer-

mentable substances is also relatively decreased, and sometimes
even such an extent that they do not
to suffice for the
fermentation of the sugar. Such wine, not wanting in alco-

hol, will keep for an almost indefinite time and may be ex-

posed to the access of air and a high temperature without the

appearance of the formation of acetic acid.
Gooseberry Champagne. The taste of this beverage closely re-
sembles that of genuine champagne. There are several modes
of its production. In France a light wine which does not con-
tain too many fermentable substances is used. Somewhat less
than 2 per cent, of sugar, or about 15 grammes to a bottle of
800 cubic centimeters' capacity, is dissolved in the wine and the
latter drawn off into strong champagne bottles, which are then
hermetically corked and tied with twine. The wine is then
allowed to ferment in a room having a temperature of from
77 to 99 F. When fermentation is finished, the bottles are
brought into a cool cellar and placed first horizontally and
then gradually bottom uppermost so that the yeast may collect
on the cork and the wine become clear. When all the yeast
is precipitated to the neck of the bottle, the sediment is care-
fully removed degorgie as it is termed by first raising the
string securing the cork and then the latter, the bottle being
held in a horizontal position. The cork being no longer held
by the string is forced out together with the deposit of yeast,
while the clear wine impregnated with carbonic acid remains
behind. To prevent the unavoidable loss of wine, the cork,
together with the yeast and wine forced out, is collected in an
upright barrel with a large aperture, towards which the mouth
of the bottle is held during the operation.
The wine thus impregnated with carbonic acid, however, is

not yet champagne it only becoming so after the addition of


a solution of fine rock-candy in brandy with which the bottle

is filled up. Each
bottle after receiving the necessary quantity
of the solution, or liqueur as it is termed, is at once closed with
a cork which is secured with twine or wire. Removing the
deposit of yeast the most difficult portion of this operation,

long experience being required before the workman possesses

the necessary skill.
According to another method, which is also called the im-
pregnating method, the sugar required for sweetening is dis-
solved in the wine, and after clarifying the solution by filtering

through paper pulp in a bag, or, if necessary, with some isin-

glass, it is taken to the impregnating apparatus, one similar to
that used for mineral water answering the purpose. The wine
is then saturated under a pressure of 4J to 5 atmospheres with

the desired quantity of carbonic acid and at once drawn off

into bottles,which are corked and wired as above.
The advantage of this last named method consists in the

rapidity with which champagne can be made, 30 to 36 months

being required for the first method before the champagne is
ready for transportation.
The following method is the most simple of all, but does
not yield as fine a product. Each bottle is finished by itself
and no special apparatus is required. The wine is sweetened
and clarified in the same manner as in the impregnating
method and then drawn off into bottles. In case the wine is
not rich enough in alcohol, the content of the latter may be
increased by 10 per cent.
After having filled the bottles about 1.52 cubic inches less
than generally, add first to each bottle 11 drachms of pure
crystallized bicarbonate of potash and immediately afterwards
1 oz. of pure crystallized tartaric acid in pieces. Then close
the bottle with the cork and secure the latter by tying or wir-
ing it crosswise. The potash and acid are now brought to
solution by gently swinging the bottle to and fro, the contents

becoming at the same time turbid by the separation of bitar-


trate of potash. By placing the bottle bottom upwards, the

separated tartar is collected asmuch as possible upon the
lower surface of the cork, and after the wine is clear, removed
in the same manner as described in the first method. It is
not absolutely necessary to remove all the tartar, as it settles
on the bottom and the champagne will pour out clear.
According to any of these methods all fruit wines can be
converted into champagne or sparkling wines.
Semler gives the following directions for the preparation of
gooseberry champagne. Pour 20 quarts of warm water over
20 quarts of crushed gooseberries and add 6 Ibs. of sugar, 4|
Ibs. of honey, 1 oz. of pulverized tartar, J oz. of dried lemon

peel, and f oz. of dried orange peel. After standing for two
days strain the mixture through a hair-sieve into a barrel and
add 2 quarts of French brandy. When the " hissing " in the
barrel ceases, clarify the wine and after a few days draw it off
into bottles, securing the corks with wire. Before filling the
bottles throw a piece of sugar and J drachm of bicarbonate of
soda into each.
Raspberry Wine. Raspberries have such an agreeable and
refreshing taste and odor that, while they are not very sweet
and the proportion of acid to sugar is not very favorable, they
are great favorites. Their aroma passes into the wine and
would be even too predominant if for the preparation of wine
the juice had not to be strongly diluted with water in order to
decrease the acid.
As in all other fruit, the quality of the raspberry depends on
the weather, and when this is favorable during the time of the
development and maturing of the fruit, the latter is sweet and
palatable, but in cold and wet seasons, sour and harsh. No
other fruit suffers as much from such conditions as the rasp-
We have the wild and -cultivated raspberry. The
wild rasp-
berry smaller than the cultivated but possesses a stronger

aroma, but unfortunately is too frequently infested with the

larva of many insects to render it always palatable. The cul-

tivated raspberry is considerably larger, and is less attacked

by worms, but possesses less aroma and is frequently even
To obtain the juice for the preparation of wine the thoroughly
ripe raspberries are crushed to a paste in a wooden tub by
means of a wooden pestle. To separate the grains, the paste is
forced through a fine wire sieve, which, in order to protect it
from the acid is best provided with a coat of asphalt or shellac
varnish. It is, however, no disadvantage to allow the grains
to ferment with the pulp, some tannin being thereby intro-
duced into the wine, which under certain circumstances may
be even desirable.
The content of acid in the raspberry varying considerably in
different years, a test of the juice in this respect becomes abso-

lutely necessary in order to enable one to dilute it in. the cor-

rect proportion with water. For this purpose press out a small

quantity of the crushed raspberries and determine the acid in

the manner previously given. The sugar contained in the rasp-
berry need not be taken into consideration, since by dilution it
isreduced to 1 per cent, and still less. The must is simply
brought up to 25 per cent, of fruit-sugar and allowed to fer-
ment in the usual manner. The treatment of the wine after
fermentation is the same as for other fruit wanes.
Blackberry wine is prepared in the same manner as raspberry
wine. Of the numerous directions for its preparation we give
the following Gather the berries on a dry day, crush them

with the hand into a kettle, and add just enough hot water to
cover the mass. Then add a handful of bruised raisins and a
handful of strawberry leaves, from the heart of the mother
plant, or, still better, from the suckers, and allow the mass to
stand for four days, when a crust of yeast will have formed on
the surface. The mass is now pressed out and sugar in the
proportion of 1 pound to every 4 quarts added. Fermentation
is allowed to go on for two weeks, when the barrel is bunged

up and* the wine drawn off after six months. During fermen-
tation, and especially in the beginning of it, care must be had
to fill
up the barrel.

To make from blackberries a beverage resembling port-wine

the following method is recommended Press out the juice and

allow it to stand for 36 hours. While fermenting during this

time remove all scum from the surface. Now add of water,
one-fourth the quantity of juice, and 3 pounds of brown sugar
to every 4 quarts of fluid and filter after 32 hours. Fermen-
tation, which requires but a few days, being finished, bung up
the barrel tightly and after six months draw off the wine.
The latter
improves by age.
Mulberry Wine. Press the juice from the fruit, dilute with
the same quantity of water, add 1 pound of sugar for every
quart of liquid, and boil the whole j- hour. Then add for
every 100 quarts, 3 quarts of alcohol, 6J ounces of tartar, 1
ounce of cassia, and J ounce of bruised bitter almonds, and
allow the whole to ferment. The further treatment of the
wine is the same as for other fruit-wines.
Elderberry Wine. Boil equal quantities of berries and water
one-half hour, pour the whole into a hair-sieve, press the pulpy

portion of the berries gently through with the hand and re-
move the residue. Compound the strained juice with sugar
in the proportion of { pound to 1 quart, and boil 20 minutes.
As soon as cool bring it into a barrel to ferment. Fermenta-
tion being finished, paste stiff brown paper over the
hole, and after eight weeks draw off the wine in bottles.
Another method is to boil 50 quarts of water, 10 quarts of
elderberries, 40 pounds of sugar, 5 ounces of pulverized ginger^
and 2J ounces of cloves for 1 hour, with constant skimming.
Then bring the liquid together with 4 pounds of crushed rai-
sins into a barrel and allow it to ferment. At the termination
of the fermentation it will yield a wine similar to the
or Greek-wine.

Juniperberry Wine. 70 quarts of water, 35 pounds of crushed

raisins,10 quarts of juniperberries, 4 ounces of tartar, 1 quart
of French brandy, and a handful of fresh marjoram leaves
are brought into a barrel and the mixture is allowed to fer-
ment for 12 hours.

Rhubarb Wine. Addevery 5 pounds of the thinly-sliced


stalks 2 \ quarts of soft water and bring the whole into a clean
wooden vessel. Cover the latter and stir the contents with a
wooden one week. Then pass the
stick three times daily for
fluid through a wide-meshed sieve and add to every 3 quarts,
4 pounds of white sugar, the juice of 2 lemons, and the peel
of 1 lemon rubbed upon sugar. Allow the mixture to ferment
in a barrel, and after clarifying, draw the wine off into bottles
in March.
The variety of rhubarb known as Victoria is best adapted
for the preparation of wine, which can also be effected accor-

ding to the following directions Cut up the stalks and express


the juice. To every gallon of juice add 1 gallon of soft water

and 7 pounds of brown sugar. Bring the mixture into a bar-
rel and allow it to ferment until clear, with the bung out, keep-

ing the barrel filled with sweetened water as it works over ;

then bung the barrel tightly or draw the wine off into bottles.
It makes an agreeable and healthful wine affording a good

profit, as nearly 1800 gallons of wine may be obtained from

each acre of well-cultivated plants. The stalks will furnish
about three-fourths their weight in juice.
Tomato Wine. Press out the juice from ripe tomatoes, add
to each quart of it1 pound of brown sugar, and allow the
whole to ferment. After three months the wine can be drawn
off into bottles.

Parsnip Wine. Cut 12 pounds of parsnips into thin pieces,

add 15 quarts of water and boil until soft. Then press out
the juice and after straining through a hair-sieve sweeten with
j pound of sugar per quart. After again boiling for j hour it
is brought, when cold, into a barrel and a tablespoonful of

yeast is added. Stir the juice daily for 10 days, then bung up
the barrel tightly and after six months draw off the wine into
In the same manner wine may be prepared from carrots,
clover heads, corn stalks, etc. It is, however, recommended
to add to the juice some aromatic substance such as a handful

of marjoram, almonds, plum kernels, currants, walnuts, ginger,

or still better a few quarts of black currant juice.
b. From Stone Fruits.
Cherry Wine. Stone sweet cherries
and after
crushing the pulp to a paste allow it to ferment in
stoneware pots for 12 hours. Then press out the juice, which
is returned to the pots and allowed to stand until yeast fungi

rise to the surface. Now add

of sugar to every 3
1 pound
quarts of must, bring the latter into a barrel and allow it to
ferment 8 days. Then rack the wine into bottles and keep in
a cool place. The preceding is the method followed in Eng-
land where pure cherry wine is made. Itmay, however, be
remarked that it is somewhat insipid. A mixture of the juice
of cherries with that of the raspberry or currant can, however,
be highly recommended, it yielding a beverage similar to port
wine. It is an American receipt and much preferable to the
English. Press the freshly gathered cherries, black or red,
but selecting those with the softest pulp, without crushing the
stones. To
the juice obtained add one-eighth of its quantity
each of raspberry and black currant juice, and sweeten with
lump sugar in the proportion of 1 pound to 2J quarts of juice.
The whole is then brought into a barrel to ferment. When
fermentation is finished close the barrel tight and allow it to
rest for three months. Then clarify the wine and draw it off

into bottles. It is fit to drink in six weeks.

Morello Wine. Press 60 pounds of morellos so as to crush
the stones, mix the juice obtained with 20 quarts of sherry
wine and the same quantity of warm water, and bring the
whole into a barrel to ferment. Suspend in the barrel a bag
containing 1J ounces each of cinnamon, powdered nutmeg
and mace, allowing it to remain until drawing off the wine.
The latter is very palatable in two months after fermentation
is finished.
Plum Wine. Not of
plums are suitable for the
all varieties

preparation of wine, but the Heine Claude and Mirabelle can

be highly recommended, the latter especially making as spicy
and agreeable wine as any variety of fruit. With the almost

innumerable varieties of plums it is not possible to say which

are suitable for the preparation of wine and which are not. It
can only be determined by experiment, though right sweet
varieties only shouldbe chosen. In this country the small
sweet variety known as the wheat plum, etc., is frequently
used for the purpose. The process is as follows Stone the :

plums, then bruise the pulp, and add to every 8 pounds of the
latter 3 quarts of hot water. After 2 days press out the juice
and add to every two quarts of it one pound of sugar. Now
bring the juice into a barrel in a cool room and add the
crushed kernels of of the stones.
Allow the whole to fer-
ment completely. After 12 months the wine is clarified and
drawn off into bottles, each of which receives a small piece of
sugar, which improves the keeping qualities of .the wine.
Apricot and Peach Wines. Both these varieties of fruit are
used when nearly ripe. Remove the stones and crush the pulp
to a paste. For every 8 pounds of the latter add 1 quart of
fresh soft water, and let the mass stand 24 hours. Then
press out the juice, add for every 2 quarts of it 1 pound of
sugar, and allow it to ferment. During fermentation it is rec-
ommended to throw a handful of the crushed stones into the
barrel, which gives to the product a more spicy flavor.
Sloe or Wild Plum Wine. This beverage is not to be de-
spised if prepared in the manner given for plum wine. The
sloes must, however, remain on the bushes until after the first
frost, which sweetens them.




THE use of hermetically closed tin cans for preserving fruit

has become of great commercial importance. Before discuss-
ing it, the various ways which have proved more or less satis-

factory for household purposes will be briefly mentioned.

The following rules apply, however, to all methods :

1. The fruit must be gathered in dry weather and when free

from dew. be kept as free from dust as possible.
It is to

2. Absolutely sound fruit, not over-ripe, should only be se-

3. The fruit should be preserved immediately after gather-
4. The utensils used must be kept scrupulously clean.
5. The preserving vessels should not be placed directly
upon the fire.

6. A good quality of white sugar only should be used ;

brown sugar injuring the taste and color of the fruit.

7. Copper or enameled pans alone should be used for boil-


ing, if the latter is not effected in glass. The spoons should

be of wood or of bone.
8. The
jars or cans should be thoroughly rinsed, best with
salicylated water, and if corks are to be used they should be
perfectly sound and scalded in hot water to which some sali-

cylic acid has been added.

9. Small jars or cans are preferable to large ones, and they
should be kept in a dark, cool, dry place.
Bottled fruits should always be sterilized for 10 minutes,
from the time the boiling-point is reached, in the case of
J-bottles, 12 minutes for J-bottles, and 15 minutes for full-
sized bottles. Only in the case of halved apricots and peaches
and similar fruits that lie closely together, should a few
minutes extra be allowed. Fruits that change color when
white .pears, peaches and gooseberries
heated, for instance,
should be separated after sterilizing in order to accelerate
may be mentioned the old French method, known as
au Baine-Marie, which on account of its simplicity, is still
much used. Berries require no preparation, but peaches,
apricots and plums must be stoned and halved, and cherries
and small plums stoned. Apples arid pears are peeled and
quartered and immediately thrown into boiling water for 4
minutes to bleach, They are then laid a few minutes upon a
sieve to dry, and brought, like other fruit, by means of a spoon
into wide-necked glass jars which are rilled to within 2 inches
of the edge. In placing the fruit in the jar press it well to-
gether. The empty space is then filled up with hot syrup
composed of 2 parts of sugar and 1 part of water, and the jars,
after heating them somewhat upon a stove, are placed in boil-

ing water for 8 minutes for kernel fruit and for 10 minutes for
stone-fruit or berries. The jars are then immediately corked
and sealed.

According to another French method, the flesh of the fruit

is preserved without boiling. Stone-fruits and berries only
can be used. The fruit is pressed through a, hair-sieve and

the pulpmixed with an equal weight of pulverized sugar.

The mixture is then brought into glass bottles, which are
corked and sealed. This fruit-pulp keeps, however, only
through the winter, or if kept in a cold place or in a refrig-
The following method gives better satisfaction : The fruit,
such as cherries, berries, plums, peaches, apricots, etc., is,
without the addition of water, brought into wide-necked glass
jars in such a manner that a layer of fruit alternates with
a layer of sugar, the top layer being sugar. The jars are then
tied up with salicylated parchment paper, placed in a water-
bath, and the water kept boiling for 15 to 30 minutes, accord-
ing to the variety of fruit, small fruit requiring less time than
large, and berries only about 1G minutes. The jars are then
stored in a cool, dark place. For closing jars with narrow
mouths corks are preferable. They are soaked in hot salicy-
lated water and sealed.
Fruit thus preserved retains its fresh, natural appearance
and keeps for a considerable time. If appearance is, however,
of secondary consideration, it is better to boil the fruit, as is
done with kernel fruit, melons, and alllarge varieties. The
preparation for this method varies according to the nature of
the fruit. Apples and pears must be peeled, and, if not too
large, only cored, otherwise they have to be halved or quar-
tered. Melons are peeled and cut into strips. Quinces are
steamed until soft, then peeled as clean as possible, quartered,
and the cores removed. After this preparation the fruit is
brought into the preserving kettle and as much water as is
necessary for boiling added. Boiling should be done very
slowly and continued until the fruit commences to get soft.
It should not be boiled too soft, but only sufficiently so to

enable it to absorb the sugar-liquor. When this is the case

the fruit is taken from the fire and strained, and with the liquor
a syrup of the following composition is prepared For each :

pound of fruit take one pound of sugar and soak it in J pint

of the liquor. It is then placed upon the fire and the resulting

syrup skimmed. When it boils the fruit is introduced and

slowly boiled, or rather simmered, because it must not fall to

pieces, for five to ten minutes, according to its softer or harder

nature. The fruit while still warm is then brought into the
jars, in which no vacuum must remain. Hence they must be
filled up to the cork, or if bladder or
parchment paper is used,
for closing them up to the rim. In the latter case it is advis-
able to place upon the surface a close-fitting piece of paper,
previously saturated with a concentrated solution of salicylic
acid in rum. Currants, blackberries and grapes are sometimes
preserved in their natural clusters. They are first washed in
fresh water, then slowly boiled soft, and strained. With the
liquor a syrup of the previously mentioned composition is
prepared, which is boiled and skimmed and poured upon the
fruit in the jars.
Fine table pears are sometimes preserved in the following
manner Eight large pears are placed in a syrup prepared

from 6 ounces of sugar, 3 ounces each of cloves and allspice,

J pint of water, and J pint of port wine or other sweet red
wine. In this syrup they are boiled very slowly as much as
3 hours until soft, and, while still warm, are brought to-

gether with the syrup into jars, which are treated in the
manner previously described. By taking equal parts of pears
and of fine plums a very beautiful product is obtained.
The boiling down of fruit in large stoneware pots is fre-
quently accompanied by mishaps, and is more and more super-
seded by other methods. It consists in dissolving J to f pound
of sugar in water and boiling the resulting syrup together with
the fruit until the whole forms a jelly-like mass. While still
warm the pots, which must be full, are tied up with bladder.
A piece of salicylated paper should be placed upon the surface
of the fruit before tying up the pots.

Preserving in Air-Tight Cans. This method, as previously

mentioned, has become of great commercial importance. The
number of factories, briefly termed canneries, has largely in-
creased, and not a few of them employ 1,000 hands during the

fall. Of course these do not limit themselves to the


canning would have to cease opera-

of fruit, as otherwise they
tions during the winter months, but that branch of the busi-
ness preponderates over all others. The search after other
suitable material is
constantly more extended, and the trade-
list of a large English factory now contains 200 different
articles ; including all Southern
a portion of which
is, singularly enough, returned in this state to the tropics.
The American trade-lists embrace, as a rule, three groups, viz :

1. Apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, strawberries,

raspberries, blackberries, currants, cranberries, whortleberries,
nectarines, grapes, cherries, quinces, cocoanuts, pineapples,
marmalade, green walnuts.
2. Peas, beans, beans with pork, corn, tomatoes, asparagus,
carrots, onions,pickles, cauliflower, horseradish, mushrooms,
catchups, succotash, plum-pudding, sweet potatoes.
3. All kinds of poultry, venison, salmon, lobster, crawfish,

oysters, crabs, beef, mutton, pork, eels, salt-water fish, ham,

pig's feet,beef tongue, lamb's tongue, frog legs, mussels, etc.
All the varieties of fruit named in the first group being not
-equally well adapted for canning, the less suitable kinds are
only used in small quantities. Plums and cherries are pre-
ferably stoned, as well as peaches and apricots. Heart-cherries,
black raspberries and whortleberries are the best suitable
varieties of fruit for canning, as they loose their agreeable
taste by steaming. Strawberries also become somewhat insip-
id, but red raspberries are excellent provided they are canned
as soon as possible after being gathered. Blackberries are not
quite so good though brought into the can immediately

when plucked, they furnishan agreeable dish. Currants

have too many seeds, and are better used for jelly. Black
currants are well suited for canning, and in this state are
much used by bakers for tarts. Gooseberries canned before
entirely ripe are very good. Among the smaller stone fruit
the Mazard cherry has few superiors, as if carefully canned it
retains its shape, color, and aroma as on the tree. Most plums

are suitable for canning, provided they are stoned. Among

the kernel fruits the quince occupies the first rank, as it is the

only variety of fruit which gains by steaming. Pears are very

suitable for canning, and even the inferior qualities can be
used for the purpose. Apples, however, must be carefully
selected, and only sweet varieties with firm flesh should be
used. The Siberian crabapple can be highly recommended
for the purpose.
As a general rule fruit for canning should have a firm flesh
and fine aroma, these conditions being found in all the vari-
eties preferred by the packers in the United States, whose
canned goods can be found in every large city of the world.
Next to the variety of fruit, the cans are of the greatest im-
portance. Much has been said and written in regard to them,
and the discussion pro and con will very likely be continued.
Glass jars have some advantages. They are comparatively
cheap, allow of an inspection of their contents and the ready
recognition of a leak, and are not attacked by the vegetable
acid. But, nevertheless, they have not been introduced into
general use because they are liable to break, and, being heavy,
increase the cost of transportation, and, finally, it is difficult to
close them air-tight. The sealing of a bottle with a narrow
mouth is quite a different thing from sealing one with an aper-

ture three inches in diameter. It may do for pickles, marmalade

or jelly, but for preserved fruits which are to be transported

long distances it cannot be depended on. The same objections

may be made to stoneware jars, which possess the further dis-
advantage .that their contents cannot be inspected and a leak is
difficult to discover. Nevertheless, they are used by some large
English factories for the reason, it is claimed, of keeping their
products free from influences deleterious to health. To facili-
tate sealing, the jars are generally small of about one pound

capacity. Tin cans have many defects, but their use is very

extensive, and in the United States they are almost exclusively

employed. Complaint has been frequently made that the use of
tin cans is deleterious to health because the tin contains lead,

which isdissolved by the vegetable acid and transferred to the

fruit-s} rup. In reply it has been said that only the inferior
qualities of tin contain lead, and that only in an infinitesimal
quantity ;
but it cannot be denied that the solder may readily
become injurious to health and in cases of poison investigated
in theUnited States and England it could in every case be
shown that the respective cans were soldered on the inside.
The time is very likely not very distant when such soldering

willbe entirely done away with. To completely overcome all

complaints against solder, as well as against a content of lead
manufactured which are provided inside
in the tin, cans are
with a thin coating whereby the contents are protected from
contact with the metal. The insoluble constituent of this
coating consists of silicate of lirne or glass-powder previously
treated with hydrofluoric acid, while the soluble constituent is
silicate of soda or of potash. Any silicate of earthy bases or
metals may be used, or a precipitated gelatinous silicate. The
alkali is fixed or removed by means of a bath containing a
dilute solution of hydrofluosilicic acid, or a dilute solution with

any other suitable acid. For preparing the composition mix

the soluble with the insoluble silicate. The tin plates are
coated with this mixture by means of a brush, or dipped in a
bath of it and then dried by heat. The plates thus acquire a
glass-like coating, which remains fixed no matter how the
plates may be handled and worked.*
In the canneries in the United States the cans are manufac-
tured in a special department, and the division of labor is
carried so far that every can passes through eight hands before
it is finished and only with such a system is it possible to turn

out large quantities in an incredibly short time. This far-

reaching division of labor is, however, not limited to this
department alone, but is the supreme law in the entire estab-
lishment. In the same department the solder is cut by a

* In this
country some packers of lobsters, shrimps, etc., line the cans with
parchment paper.

machine into small three-cornered Each workman

receives a certain quantity by weight of solder and of char-
coal, with which he is expected to solder a certain number of
-cans. The workmen are paid by the piece, and each solderer
has a number which is stamped in every can he solders, so
that those which prove leaky may be returned to him for re-
pair. By this system there is no waste of material, and the
leaky cans do not exceed 5 in 1,000.
In another department the fruit is carefully inspected on long
the unsound being thrown out, and the sound turned
over to the peelers and stoners, who of course work with the
most improved machines. There are carriers bringing un-
interruptedly fresh fruit, and off-bearers removing and sorting
the waste. Nothing is thrown away, the waste being used
partially in the manufacture of jelly and partially in distilling,
-and even the stones are utilized, as they are sold either to

nurserymen or to chemical factories. Other workmen are

occupied in placing the peeled and stoned fruit in the cans,
which are handed over to boys, who place them upon small
trucks running upon rails and transport them to the depart-
ment where the filling in takes place. In the same department
the syrup of sugar and water is prepared, but if the propor-
tion of composition were asked a different answer would be
received in every cannery. In regard to this point every
manufacturer has his own ideas, which also extend to modifi-
cations for the different varieties of fruit. All manufacturers
agree, however, that the best quality of white sugar should be
used for light-colored fruits, and light-brown sugar for dark-
colored, and that the syrup must be perfectly clear, and hence
very carefully skimmed in boiling. In most factories the
syrup used consists of 1 Ib. of sugar dissolved in 1 pint of
water. The filling of the cans with the fruit and syrup, the
latter being generally kept warm, is effected with the assist-
ance of scales, so that each can has exactly the weight upon
which the selling price is. based. The caps, previously pro-
vided with a hole the size of a small pea, are then soldered

upon the cans. The hole in the cap serves for the escape of
the air during, the succeeding process.
Different kinds of apparatus are used for the expulsion of
the air by heating the cans. In large factories a steam retort
isused which resembles in shape a ship's steam boiler. It is

provided with a door closing air-tight, and is divided in the

center so that it can be filled either half or entirely with steam,
as may be required. The cans to the number of from 400 to
600 are placed upon trucks which run upon rails leading into
the retort. Eight such trucks can be introduced at one time,
so that is is possible to steam from 30,000 to 40,000 cans per

day. The being filled, the door is closed and the pipe

communicating with the steam boiler opened. The cans re-

main in the retort from 15 to 30 minutes, according to the
variety of the fruit Berries 15 minutes, stone-fruits 20, apples

and pears 25, quinces and tomatoes 30. The door is then
opened, and after the steam has somewhat dispersed the trucks
are quickly pushed to the tin-shop, where the cap holes are
soldered up. To cleanse the cans and make them shiny they
are next put, in a bath of soda water and then rinsed off with
cold fresh water. They are then transferred to the store room,
where they remain standing quietly for one week, when they
are tested by striking the cap of each a short sharp blow with
a wooden hammer. If everything is in order, the cap sinks

slowly down, but if it is elastic and jumps back the can is

what is called a "swellhead," and is returned to the tin-shop

for repairs and is then again steamed. The perfect cans are
labeled and packed and are now ready for market.
Another apparatus which can be highly recommended for
small factories consists of a round iron plate resting upon a
brick base about one foot high. Two round iron rods run up
opposite to each other from the edge of this plate and serve
as a support for a movable iron cylinder open at the bottom
and closed on top. Upon the iron plate the cans are placed in
the form of a pyramid, and the cylinder is then drawn down
and screwed air-tight to the plate. A pipe communicating

with the steam-boiler enters the cylinder, and as soon as the

latter is connected with the plate steam is admitted. After a
certain time, which corresponds with that previously given,
the steam is shut off, the cylinder pushed up, and the cans re-
moved, the further treatment of which is the same as given
In some factories the cans are still heated, according to the
old method, in boiling water. For this purpose the cans
100 at a time are placed upon an iron plate attached to a
steam-crane and submerged for 15 to 20 minutes in boiling
water in a large shallow kettle. In this case the caps, are not
perforated, but soldered down air-tight. A workman watches
the cans while they remain in the water and by means of a
tool removes those from which small bubbles arise. Such cans
being not air-tight are returned to the tin-shop for repairs.
The rest after being heated are also brought to the tin-shop,
where the caps are perforated with a hole the size of a small
pea, which is again soldered up after the escape of the heated

The canning of tomatoes, asparagus and other vegetables

is effected in a similar manner except
that no syrup is used.
The Appert process for
canning meat described later on under
"Preservation of Meat, Fish and Eggs" is frequently used for
the more expensive kinds of vegetables, such as asparagus,
green peas, etc., glass vessels being generally used. The vege-
tables are first cleaned and trimmed, and are then covered
with water in the vessels, with or without a little salt. Sticks
of asparagus, or whole beans, are stood on end. The vessels
are nowlightly corked and boiled in a bath of concentrated
brine, in which they are stood upright as fully immersed as
possible. The bath is heated very slowly to avoid cracking
the glass. Itshould take about two hours to bring the tem-
perature to 212 F. The brine is then brought to the boil,
whereupon the contents of the glasses will also boil. After
they have been boiled for about ten minutes, the bath is al-
lowed to cool to about 140 F., and the corks are driven in

tightly. then poured over them, and when

Fused paraffin is

the bath is quite cold, the glasses are taken out. The vege-
tables will then keep for as long as the vessels are unopened,
for all ferments in them have been destroyed, and the para-
fined cork prevents any more from getting access to them.
The paraffin should come flush with the edge of the jar, and
should be tied over with vegetable parchment to prevent it
from cracking and flaking off. The top of the cork should be
rough so that it may adhere better to the paraffin.
the canning of tomatoes may serve as a type for all other

vegetables a description of the process, for which we are in-

debted to Mr. Richard T. Starr, of Salem, N. J. is here given.
The tomato was for many years found only in hot-houses
and conservatories of the rich. It was known as the love-
apple and considered a curiosity. Our ancestors had no idea
that this small red berry, for such was about its size, would
ever, even under careful cultivation, become of mammoth
size and form one of our most important articles of food. But
such is The exact time when the
actually the case to-day.
now great industry of canning this vegetable commenced can-
not be established with any certainty. The taste for the
tomato seems to be an acquired one, and for years the industry

struggled in infancy until the breaking-out of the War of


the Rebellion caused a demand that rapidly grew into gigantic

proportions, and to-day finds the tomato-canning industry

employing an army of men, women and children, while

millions of dollars are invested in the payment of labor and
the erection of plants.
In order that our readers may have a clear idea of the busi-
ness we will commence with the beginning. Having made up
his mind to engage in it on an average scale, the packer will
first find a suitable plot of ground, on a navigable stream,
possible. Having secured this, the next thing is the erec-
tion of the buildings these are generally one story in height

and as large and roomy as the capital will warrant. The

next step is to secure the requisite supply of fruit, and for

this purpose the farmers are drawn on and contracts entered

into with them in which the packer agrees to take the entire
marketable product of a certain number of acres, or else to take
so many tons. These contracts are generally made about the
first of the year, and as soon as the sun drives the frost from
the ground the farmer prepares his beds and sows his seed.
While the latter is growing, the land which is to be planted is
heavily manured and plowed and carefully worked until it be-
comes mellow, and then hills about four feet apart are made,
and into each one is put a small quantity of compost of phos-
phates. The tomato plants, having by this time grown to the
height of 6 or 8 inches, are taken from the beds, and on a
cloudy day, or the latter part of a bright day, transplanted
and tended about as other growing crops. With a favorable
season the farmer should commence delivering to the factory
about the middle of August.
The arrangementof a canning factory is, of course, a matter
of taste, but the most complete, in our opinion, is one where
everything moves in a straight line, and in which none of the
help are obliged to interfere with one another. The first thing
to be done with a load of tomatoes is, of course, to weigh
them, and for this purpose platform scales are built at an end
door and the wagons driven on them. After being weighed
the tomatoes are handed over to the scalder. Tomatoes arriv-
ing in all kinds of weather and conditions must, of course, not
only be washed but scalded, so as to thoroughly loosen the skin
from the pulp; and to do this quickly and properly, a heavy
box of white pine is fitted with both steam and water pipes, and
attached to it is an iron cradle swinging on hinges and raised
and lowered by a wheel and pulley suspended above. On the
back of this is placed a box, and as the farmer hands off his
baskets they are emptied into this box, and at the command
of the man at the rope, who is called the " scalder," they are

dumped into the boiling water beneath. A

few seconds suffice
to clean and scald them the cradle is then raised and the

tomatoes are poured into kettles set in front of the scalder to

receive them.

While this has been going on a group of women and girls

have been filing into the factory and seating themselves along
the trays that are to receive the tomatoes from the scalder.
These trays are of different construction, but are similar as re-
gards length, breadth and depth, the only difference being in,
the various ways of getting rid of the water and juice. This-
is generally done by making a slat frame fit in the bottom and>

over a trough fastened under the tray. This leads to a drain,

which carries it to the creek or wherever else it is to go. At
each tray are from ten to twelve women, each of them furnished
by the packer with a bowl and knife, and provided at their own
expense with a neat water-proof apron. The tomatoes are-
dumped from the kettles in front of them, and they remove
rapidly the already loosened skins and cores and deposit the
prepared fruit in a bucket sitting beside them. They become
so efficient that a smart, active woman will frequently skin from,
40 to 60 buckets a day, and as they receive 4 cents per bucket
it will be seen they make fair wages. Standing just beyond

the women are the machines which fill the cans. To describe-
them would be impossible, there being so many shapes and
many makes. Some are very good, some very poor, every
man thinks his the best, and so it goes but in one respect they

all agree :
they have a hopper into which the fruit is poured*
from the buckets, and all have the plunger which forces the
fruit into the cans the treadles of some of them are moved by

hand and some by steam. The machines rapidly fill can after
can, which are then set on the filling table "and receive
top them off," or in other words the fruit is cleared away
from the top of the can so that the solder used in capping:
them will not become chilled. They are then placed in trays-
each holding either 10 or 12 cans and removed to the " wiping
table," where everything is cleared from the top, wiped dry
with sponges, and the cap placed over the opening. The
" "
cappers stand directly in front of the wiping table, and
each one has his own fire-pot, irons, files, and everything he
uses before him. Taking the tray, he rapidly applies by

means of a small brush the acid or flux necessary to make the

solder flow freely around the cap, and then with the iron melts
the solder and puts it in the groove. The can is then vented
and is ready for the "bath." The baths, except in size, are
-constructed similarly to the scalder, and a thin cedar cover
fitsover each one. The cans are placed in wire or iron crates,
lowered into the boiling water, and allowed to remain as long
as necessary to cook them. The time of working varies in
the different factories, but all the way from 30 to 50 minutes
is required. They are then taken from the bath and placed
on a slat-floor, where the air can pass through them, and when
they are cold are tested," generally by striking them with
an awl. The testers become so expert that they can instantly
detect by the sound an imperfect or leaking can these are ;

thrown out, mended, re-pressed, and put back in the pile.

The cans are now ready for the next thing, which is labeling.
Labeling is done in different ways, and some canners with
an idea of saving labor employ devices which are not only
hard on the young girls who do the work, but which often re-
sult in much confusion and poor work. The best method is
to divide the help into parties of five, one girl sitting on one
side of the table with paste-pan, brush, and labels and the
other four opposite her. The one girl, if quick and active,
will paste the ends of the labels as fast as the other four can

put them on the cans. The table is of course alongside the

pile of cans, and two smart boys will place the cans on the
table. girl labels a can she pushes it from her, when it
As a
is taken by the boxer, put in the box, and nailed up. This
mode is simple and effective, and as the gang will label from
700 to 900 cases in a day the work progresses rapidly.
In many of the larger factories patent processing kettles,

capping irons, and improved machinery are used, but as the

result is, and they do not affect the mode
of course, the same,
of packing, not thought necessary to enter into any de-
it is

scription of them.
In the foregoing an outline of the packing process has been

given, but nothing has been said of the many trials and vexa-
tions of a canner's life. If everything went always smoothly,
it would be as pleasant as any other business, but it does not.
The canner will early in the season employ his hands and com-
mence in a small way. He may start and run only two or
three hours, and for that length of time boilers will have to be
fired up, help got together, and at the close the factory cleaned
the same as if he had run the day out. Then, as the crop
rapidly matures, work becomes heavier, and at last the inev-
itable "glut" commences, and he finds the products of 400 or
500 acres of perishable fruit at his doors, maybe 50 wagons,
each owned by an impatient farmer standing in the street wait-
ing his turn to unload. That is the time he has need of nerve ;

help must be secured, everything and everybody pushed to

their utmost endurance, and from early morning until way
into the night, day after day, the week goes on help succumbs,

and machinery breaks, but the factory must move in storm

and in sunshine. The work must go on, and at last the agony
is over, and the crop coming in again gradually gives a little

relief to the overworked people.

It would be an impossibility to correctly state the amount

of capital invested or the number of persons employed in the

industry. The States of New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware

pack a large proportion of the goods, the late falls and the
nature of the soil being particularly well adapted for raising
In connection with the canning of tomatoes it may be of
interest to our readers to give the preparation of

Catchups. Under the name of catchup or catsup a thickly-

fluid sauce comes into commerce, which is used as a condiment
with meat, and the preparation of which has become of some
importance. Everywhere where Anglo-Saxons reside catchup
is found, though it has also been introduced on the continent

of Europe and in the tropics. The varieties most liked are

tomato and walnut catchups, and immense quantities of them
are manufactured in the American canning establishments.

The mode of preparation is so simple that it can be introduced

into every kitchen.
Tomato Catchup. The receipts for making this favorite
catchup are innumerable, and should those of every packer
and housewife in the land be taken and put together they
would make a good-sized volume.
In some factories where the tomatoes are peeled and either
canned or made into some whole tomato product, such as
chili sauce, the trimmings are made into catchup, all decayed

portions being rejected. The trimmings are sometimes run

to a chopper before going to the pulping machine. In some
plants the stock is cooked before running itinto the pulping
machine, while in others the pulp is made from raw tomatoes.
It makes little difference which method is used, so there is no
material delay between the time of pulping and the using of
the pulp. At some places the pulp is run as fast as made
into a single vat and drawn out from the same during the

day as needed. In this way the pulp is run with some that
may have been in the vat for several hours, and there is a
possibility of spoilage to begin with and consequently of some
injury to the product. If the pulp is to be stored at all, a set
of smaller vats is preferable, so that each vat as it is emptied
can be cleaned out before a new lot is run in, thus checking
any fermentation that might result due to the storing of the
pulp in the same vat throughout the day's run.
The pulp obtained from the fruit, in making catchup is

generally concentrated to about 50 or 25 per cent, of the orig-

inal volume by boiling or the gravity method, the latter being

employed by the majority of the plants making trimming

pulp. At some plants it is customary to process the catchup
after bottling while others find it unnecessary.
receipt can be given that will suit all in regard to the
amount of the different condiments to be used as each person
has ideas of his own, but all catchup should be made hotter
than desired, as it will undoubtedly lose some of its strength
when it becomes cold. The best of spices and vinegar should

be used and every vessel into which it is put should be scrup-

ulously clean and free from any mold or dust. Seal the
bottles carefully, and if you have them thoroughly air-tight,
the catchup will improve with age.
Below a few receipts for making catchup on a small scale
are given.
I. Take 15 quarts of thoroughly ripe tomatoes, 4 tablespoon-
fuls each of black pepper, salt, and allspice, 8 red peppers, and
3 teaspoonfuls of mustard. The pepper and allspice must be
ground fine and the whole boiled slowly 3 to 4 hours; then
pass all through a fine sieve and when cold put it in bottles,
which must be immediately sealed.
II. Boil 4 quarts of tomatoes together with 2 quarts of vine-

gar, 2 tablespoonfuls of red pepper, 4 tablespoonfuls of black

pepper, 1 tablespoonful of cloves, 1 teaspoonful of salt, and 1
ground nutmeg, to a thick paste. Strain through a coarse-
meshed sieve and sweeten the sauce obtained with J Ib. of
sugar. Fill in bottles and shake once every day for a week.
III. Cut up perfectly ripe tomatoes and place them upon

the fire until they commence to bubble. Then take them

from the fire, and when cool rub them with the hand through
a hair-sieve and season according to the following propor-
tions For each quart of sauce add 1 teaspoonful of ground

allspice, 1 teaspoonful of ground cloves, 1 tablespoonful of salt,

and quart of wine-vinegar.
1 Stir the whole thoroughly to-

gether, replace it
upon the fire, and boil for one hour, with

constant stirring. When cool put the catchup in bottles and

seal immediately.
Walnut Catchup. I. In June, when the walnuts are still-

soft, take 10 dozen of them, and after crushing pour over

them 2 quarts of 'wine-vinegar, add the following spices, all
ground 2 tablespoonfuls of black pepper, 1 J
: oz. of nutmeg,
40 cloves, J oz. of ginger, J oz. of mace, and boil the whole
i hour, stirring constantly. When cold strain through a
hair-sieve and put the catchup in bottles.
II. Crush about 10 dozen of young, soft walnuts, sprinkle

{ lb. of sugar over them, and then add 1 quart of vinegar.

Let the whole stand six weeks, stirring frequently. Then
strain through a bag, with constant pressing with the hand.
Pour 1 pint of vinegar over the residue, let it stand over night,
and strain again through the bag. Combine the fluid with
that previously obtained and season with the following spices,
all ground :
1} oz. of black pepper, \ oz. of nutmeg, J oz. of

ginger, \ oz. of mace, and 40 cloves. Then boil J hour, strain

through a hair-sieve and bottle.

Cucumber Catchup.Thoroughly ripe cucumbers, before turn-
ing yellow are peeled and grated upon a coarse grater. This
is brought into a colander to allow the juice to run off,
then pressed through a coarse hair-sieve to remove the seeds,
and finally brought into small, wide-mouthed bottles, which
are rilled j The remaining space is filled up with good

wine-vinegar. This catchup has the taste and odor of fresh

cucumbers, and is used as a condiment with meat. Before
bringing it to the table it is seasoned to taste with salt and
Horseradish Catchup. The mode of preparation is the same
as for the preceding, putting the grated mass in a colander and

straining through a hair-sieve being, however, not necessary.

Both varieties of catchup must be immediately corked, sealed,
and kept in a cool place. Within the last few years both have
been prepared on a large scale in the United States and Eng-
land, and have become an article of export. They are packed
in small, wide-mouthed bottles, sealed, and provided with

gaily-colored labels. Some English factories use small earth-

enware pots of a cream color, closed with corks over which is
tied strong colored paper. The pots are very good, but the
manner of closing them is not ;
the corks should be sealed.
Currant Catchup. Heat nearly to the boiling point, with
constant stirring, 4 Ibs. of thoroughly ripe currants together
with 1J Ibs. of sugar. Then add 1 tablespoonful each of cin-

namon, and pepper all finely pulverized and 1

salt, cloves,

quart of vinegar. Boil the mixture one hour and then treat
in the same manner as tomato catchup.

Gooseberry CatcJiup. This product also comes into commerce

under the name of " spiced gooseberries." It is an excellent
condiment with roast fowl. Take 6 quarts of gooseberries,
ripe or unripe as may be desired, and carefully remove the
steins and pistils. Then bring them into a kettle, and after
pouring some water and scattering 5 Ibs. of pulverized sugar
'over them, boil for 1J hours. After boiling 1J hours add 4
Ibs. more of sugar and 1 tablespoonful each of allspice, cloves
and cinnamon. The catchup is not strained, but brought at
once and while warm into wide-mouthed bottles or pots, which
are immediately corked and sealed. It is advisable before

closing the bottles to lay a closely-fitting piece of salicylated

paper upon the surface of the catchup. The bottles should be
kept in a cool place.
It need scarcely be remarked that catchup can be prepared
not only from the above, but from all varieties of fruit, and it
isonly necessary to take one of the above receipts as a type.
But, with few exceptions, those given are the only catchups
prepared on a large scale and brought into commerce.
Another subject which may be referred to in connection
with the preservation of fruit is the preparation of
Marmalade and Jelly Fruit-butter. The manu-
facture of apple-butter, which may serve as a type of that of
all other fruit-butters, is effected as follows : Fill the boiler
two-thirds full with the juice of sweet and bitter-sweet apples
in about the same proportion as given for the manufacture of
cider. The other third of the boiler is filled up with slices of
ripe, juicy apples, and the mixture boiled, with frequent stir-
ring. When the slices of apples are so soft that they com-
mence to fall to pieces, they are carefully removed from the
boiler by means of a skimmer, care being had to allow the
juice to run off. The same quantity of fresh slices of apples
is then brought into the
juice and boiled in the same manner
as the preceding. When these have acquired the necessary
degree of softness, the entire contents of the kettle, together
with the slices of apples previously boiled, are brought into a

stoneware pot and allowed to stand covered for 12 hours.

The mass is then replaced upon the fire and boiled, with

constant stirring, until it has acquired the consistency of soft

soap. If desired, it can at the same time be seasoned with
cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. To prevent scorching, the second
boiling is effected in vessels standing in boiling water.
In the same manner fruit-butter can be prepared from all
varieties of fruit, pear or apple juice forming, however, always
the boiling liquor. Apple and peach butters are commercially
of the greatest importance, though butter of quinces, pears,
blackberries, cherries, plums and cranberries is also manu-
factured on a large scale. Whortleberries, which grow in
enormous quantities in some parts of the country, might also
form an excellent material for this product. In the foregoing
only the varieties are mentioned which are manufactured on a
large scale by American and English factories that chiefly con-
trol the trade in fruit-butters, but these do not by any means
exhaust the list. Green gages can, for instance, be highly
recommended for the purpose.
The excellent product brought from France into commerce
under the name of above manner by
raisine is prepared in the

slowly boiling sliced apples and pears in unfermented grape-

Fruit-butter is packed in wooden buckets of 5 or 10 Ibs.

capacity and in stoneware jars. Tin cans holding 2 Ibs. are

also sometimes used, but they are not liked. The buckets
are slightly conical towards the top and are provided with a
wire handle. Resinous wood should not be used in their
construction, as it would impart an odor to the fruit-butter.

The buckets are filled up to the edge, and a closely fitting

round piece of paper previously saturated with concentrated
solution of salicylic acid in whiskey is laid on top of the butter.
The tight-fitting lid is placed upon the bucket without being
sealed or otherwise closed. A
large lable occupying the space
between the lower and upper hoops finishes the packing.
Marmalade. The same product is sometimes called mar-

malade and sometimes jam. The French prepare only mar-

malade, while the Englishman brings the same product into
commerce as jam or as marmalade, just as it may suit him
best, and the German is not much better. The term marma-
lade was originally applied to a jam prepared from quinces,
it deing derived from marmelo, the
Portuguese word for quince.
The term was gradually given to all jams in order to give
them a more distinguished character, and this has led to a
confusion of terms which sometimes extends even to jelly.
There is, however, a wide distinction Marmalade or jam is

prepared from the pulp of fruit and jelly from the juice, while
fruit-butter, as above indicated, is a blending of both with the
omission of sugar.
For the manufacture of marmalade on a large scale all the
rules and receipts can be condensed as follows The fruit must :

be of excellent quality, entirely free from blemishes and

washed perfectly clean. Kernel fruit is peeled, quartered and
freed from the cores ;peaches are also peeled, halved, and
stoned ;
other stone-fruit is only stoned and halved, while
berries are carefully freed from the stems. Melons and pump-
kins are peeled and cut into small pieces. Rhubarb should
not be washed but rubbed with a moist cloth and be then cut
into small pieces. Tomatoes are to be peeled which is facili-
tated by previously placing them for one minute in hot water.

Being thus prepared the fruit is brought into a copper kettle

and as much water as required for boiling- added.
is While
the fruit is boiling, weigh off as many pounds of white sugar
as there is fruit, soak it in water, boil and skim carefully.
The should be boiled quickly, and when perfectly soft is
allowed to cool off somewhat and then rubbed through a wide-
meshed hair-sieve. The mass passing through the sieve is
combined with the sugar and replaced upon the fire. The
whole is then boiled with constant stirring, to the required

consistency. The by taking a small sample

latter is tested
with a wooden or bone spoon nothing else should be used
and if it draws threads between the fingers the boiler is removed

from the fire. The marmalade then brought into straight


jars, and after laying a piece of salicylated paper on top, the

jars are iied up with white parchment paper or sometimes

covered with a glass cover and labeled. It may be remarked

that in the last stage of boiling the marmalade is sometimes

flavored, which is generally effected by stirring in lemon juice,
cinnamon, and nutmeg according to taste. The liquor ob-
tained by boiling crushed kernels of plums or peaches is also
often at the same time added as flavoring. Frequently the
sugar is not treated as stated above, but added in the form of
The quantity of sugar has above been given in the propor-
tion of 1 Ib. to 1 Ib. of fruit. Though this is the customary
rule, many manufacturers use only j Ib. of sugar, a method
which can be highly recommended. In fact there is frequently
a perfect waste as regards the addition of sugar, some adding
even 1J Ibs. of it to the pound, whereby the taste of fruit is
entirely lost and the product, on account of its sweetness, to
many becomes repugnant. It may be laid down as a rule that
in all fruit boiling no more sugar than is absolutely necessary
should be used. The secret of the great reputation the prod-
ucts of the principal American factories enjoy in all portions of
the world is simply due to the fact that they use as little sugar
as possible, whereby the
products are rendered not only
cheaper, but they retain their natural fruit taste, and that is
what the consumer desires, and not a sugary paste having only
the color of the preserved fruit. The durability of the product
need not necessarily suffer if due care is exercised in its prep-
aration. Marmalade should not be made, as it is only too fre-
quently done, from fruit which has been gathered for several
days and shows signs of decay. Fruit not over-ripe and freshly
gathered should be used and the boiling finished as quickly as
possible. By then rinsing the jars with salicylated water and
covering the marmalade with a piece of paper saturated with
concentrated solution of salicylic acid or with alcohol, } Ib. of
sugar to 1 Ib. of fruit will be ample, and even J Ib. with sweet

fruitssuch as pears, raspberries, etc. Independently of the

saving of sugar, such marmalade will give better satisfaction
than an article twice as sweet, and will keep well in a dark,
cool place.
Some manufacturers use glucose in large quantities in mak-
ing jams and marmalades. Some think it cheapens the bulk
and causes it to congeal, while others claim that it causes the
preserve to be heavy, syrupy and stringy.
In some factories apple pulp is used as foundation for cheap
jams, the proportion of it employed varying according to what
fruit is available. It is made by filling the steam-pan full of
good cooking apples and, afterturning on the steam, boiling
them for 20 to 30 minutes. It is advisable to put some heavy
weight on the cover of the steam-pan before turning on the
steam to prevent it from being blown off. When boiling is
finished take off the cover, and with a long paddle crush any

apple that may have remained whole against the sides of the-
steam-pan. Then replace the cover and steam for about ten
minutes more. The pulp is then ready for immediate use or
All berry fruit-pulp will keep best when poured boiling hot
into glass jars that have been rinsed out with boiling water.
Fill the jars to the top and close at once.
Sterilizing in tins
alters the color of berry fruit-pulp. Lower grade fruit-pulp,
of which large quantities are made for stock, may be stored in
tins holding up to 50 Ibs. as follows The tins, which are sol-

dered top and bottom, have a two-inch hole in the lid and are
stood in a vessel of boiling water. When the fruit-pulp is
boiling hot the tins are taken out in succession and filled up

being soldered on at once. The tins are

to the top, the lids
then stood on their heads, so that the small amount of im-
prisoned air is compelled to rise through the boiling hot pulp,
and is thus rendered innocuous. This method is perfectly
reliable, and large quantities of pulp can thus be prepared for

storage in a short time.

From France a very fine perfumed apple marmalade is-

brought into commerce. It is prepared from equal parts of

Calvilles and Pippins, and after boiling is sprinkled with rose-
water or violet essence.
The term tutti-frutti is applied to marmalade prepared from
a mixture of different kinds of fruit. As the name implies, it is
of Italian origin. The composition is made according to taste
and the fruits at disposal.

English orange marmalade is made from bitter oranges. Cut

the fruit into halves without injuring the core, throw into
boiling water, a few at a time, boil for several minutes and
then cool them quickly. The flesh can be easily squeezed
away from the rind. Heat the flesh to boiling with a suffi-
cient quantity of water and pulp it in a mill, quarter the rind
and cut into thin slices, a special machine being used for

this purpose. Blanch the slices until soft and lay them aside
in a sieve. Next weigh out 30 parts of the pulp and 10 of
the slices and mix thoroughly. In the meantime dissolve 54
parts of refined sugar and 6 of syrup and heat till they ball.
Then add the pulp and rind and boil the whole to a finish.
The marmalade should have a golden-yellow color and be
perfectly clear. It is filled hot into the pots and fastened
down when cold. The orange pulp is sometimes mixed with
half its weight of apple pulp.
Jelly. This product is, unfortunately, often made expensive
and at the same time spoiled by too large an addition of sugar.
Many housekeepers do not like to prepare jellies under the im-
pression that they require too much sugar but this is an error,;

because in France, in factories as well as in households, they

use only f pound, or at the utmost f pound, of sugar to the
pound pound or even 1J pounds, as is
of fruit, instead of 1

customary in England, Germany, and parts of the United

States. Moreover, the apple-jelly which is made in the United
States and sent to all parts of the world is made without any
addition of sugar. Instead of apples, as the raw material,
apple-juice used, which
is must be perfectly sweet and treated
immediately after it comes from the press. A moderate tern-

perature is absolutely necessary for success, for, if the juice

commences to ferment and it does very rapidly in warm
weather the keeping quality of the jelly is injured, except it
be mixed with a considerable quantity of sugar. A tempera-
ture of 41 F. is considered the most suitable, and if it rises to
above 66 F. the manufacture is at once stopped. The juice
runs directly from the press into the boiler, under which a
strong fire is kept because the starchy matters contained in
the juice are only converted into sugar if the boiling down is
quickly effected. For this reason shallow pans offering a large
surface to the fire are used. When the juice commences to
boil it is clarified, and the acid it contains neutralized by the
addition of one teaspoonful of elutriated chalk to each quart of
juice. The chalk weighed off in this proportion is mixed with
the juice, and appears in a few minutes as a thick scum upon
the surface, from which it is carefully removed with a skimmer.
By this operation the jelly is clarified, and all the albuminous
substances contained in it being removed by the chalk, filter-

ing is not required. process The is similar to the defecation

of the juice of sugar-cane and beets by lime. The juice is now
boiled to the consistency of 30 or 32 B., which is found on

cooling to be the proper point for perfect jelly. It is then filled

direct from the pan into tumblers, which are treated in the
same manner as marmalade jars.
Successful jelly boiling on a large scale is impossible with-
out the use of the saccharometer. It is the only reliable guide
for the addition of sugar, for if the product is to be protected
from spoiling it must show from 30 to 32. If this result can
be reached without the addition of sugar, it is so much the
Pear and mulberry jellies are prepared in exactly the same
manner as above. Other fruits containing more acid require
an addition of sugar, especially currants, which next to apples
and pears are most used for jelly, but in no case is the same
weight of juice and sugar required.
To prepare jelly from berries and other small fruits, pour hot

water over the fruit in order to free it from adhering dirt and
to facilitate the separation of the juice. When the water is

cool take the berries out, express the juice, and bring the latter

immediately into a copper or brass kettle over a lively fire.

Then in pulverized sugar, the quantity of which varies

according to the variety of fruit. For raspberries, strawberries,

and blackberries J pound of sugar to the pound of juice will
be sufficient, and f pound or at the utmost f pound for cur-
rants, barberries, elderberries and whortleberries. The sugar
being added, stir in the chalk in the proportion previously

given, and after allowing the juice to boil not longer than 15
minutes, take it from the fire and strain it at once into the
glasses. In this manner a clear, beautiful jelly of an agreeable
taste will be obtained. If, on the other hand, the juice is

boiled slowly over a weak fire, the result will be a turbid

product which has lost its fruity taste.

Stone-fruit is boiled, and after boiling with a small quan-


tity of water until soft, the juice is pressed out and f pound
of sugar added for every pound. It should be boiled quickly,
and not, as some receipts have it, for f hour. Quinces are
peeled and then treated like stone-fruit. Rhubarb is cut into
small pieces and then treated in the same manner. A quite
good jelly can also be prepared from the medlar, provided it is
allowed to become completely ripe, and is then slowly steamed
with a very small quanity of water. When thoroughly soft
the juiceis pressed out and f pound of sugar added to each

quart. The mass is sharply boiled for 20 minutes, when the

result will be a clear jelly.
In France, as previously mentioned, perfumed marmalade is
prepared from equal parts of Calvilles and Pippins. From the
same material, which is considered best for the purpose, a per-
fumed jelly is also prepared. The apples are not peeled, but
cut into slices, and boiled with a small quantity of water until
soft enough to be pressed in a filter-bag. To every pound of
juice } pound of sugar is added, and five minutes before the
saccharometer indicates 30 B., J or J pound of violet bios-

soms stirred into the juice, a few drops of cochineal

generally added to improve the color. The jelly, when
finished, strained through a hair-sieve into wide-mouthed

bottles, which are corked and sealed.

A jelly is made from raspberries, and sometimes also from
strawberries and blackberries, in which the berries remain in-
tact. The process consists in dissolving 2 pounds of white
sugar in water and boiling until thickly fluid. Two pounds of
berries are then brought into the kettle and carefully mixed
with the sugar so as to avoid crushing. The kettle is then
taken from the fire and allowed to stand covered for 15
minutes, when it is replaced on the fire and the sugar boiled
up once more. The product is kept in jars well corked and
A description of the process of manufacturing apple jelly
in one of the largest plants for that purpose may here be

The factory is located on a creek which affords the neces-
sary power. A portion of the main floor, first story, is occu-
pied as a saw-mill, the slabs furnishing fuel for the boiler
furnace connected with the evaporating department. Just
above the mill, along the bank of the pond and with one end
projecting over the water, are arranged eight large bins hold-
ing from 500 to 1000 bushels each, .into which the apples are
delivered from the teams. The floor in each of these bins has
a sharp pitch or inclination towards the water, and at the
lower end is a gate through which the fruit is discharged,
when wanted, into a large trough half submerged in the pond.
Upon hoisting a gate in the lower end of this trough con-
siderable current is caused, and the water carries the fruit a

distance of from 30 to 100 feet, and passes into the basement

of the mill, where, tumbling down a four-foot perpendicular
fallinto a tank, tight in its lower half and slatted, so as to

permit the escape of water and impurities, while in the upper

half, the apples are thoroughly cleansed from all earthy or
extraneous matter. Such is the friction caused by the concus-

sion of the the rolling and rubbing of the apples together,

and the pouring of the water, that decayed sections of the fruit
are ground off and the rotten pulp passes away with otHer im-
purities. From this tank the apples are hoisted upon an end-
lesschain elevator, with buckets in the form of a rake-head
with iron teeth, permitting drainage and escape of water, to
an upper story of the mill, whence by gravity they descend to
the grater. The press is wholly of iron all its motion, even

to the turning of the screws, being actuated by the water-

The cheese is built up with layers inclosed in strong cotton
cloth, which displaces the straw used in olden times and serves
also to strain the juice. As
expressed from the press tank
it is

the juice passes to a storage tank and thence to the defecator.

This defecator is a copper pan 11 feet long and about 3 feet
wide. At each end of this pan is placed a copper tube 3 feet
inches in diameter and closed at both ends. Lying between
and connecting these two are twelve tubes also of copper, 1 J
inch in diameter, penetrating the larger tubes at equal distances
from their upper and under surfaces, the smaller being paral-
lel with each other and 1J inch apart. When placed in posi-
tion the larger tubes, which act as manifolds, supplying the
smaller with steam, rest upon the bottom of the pan, and thus
the smaller pipes have a space of } inch underneath their
outer surfaces.
The apple-juice comes from the storage tank in a continu-
ous stream about f inch in diameter. Steam is introduced to
the large or manifold tubes, and from them distributed through
the smaller ones at a pressure of from 25 to 30 Ibs. per inch.

Trap-valves are provided for the escape of water formed by

condensation within the pipes.
The primary object of the defecator is to remove all im-
purities and perfectly clarify the liquid passing through it.
All portions of pomace and other minute particles of foreign
matter, when heated, expand and float in the form of scum
upon the surface of the juice. An ingeniously contrived float-

ing rake drags off this scum and delivers it over the side of the
pan. To removal, one side of the pan, com-
facilitate this

mencing at a point just below the surface of the juice, is curved

gently outward and upward, terminating in a slightly inclined

plane, over the edge of which the scum is pushed by the rake
into a trough and carried away.
A secondary purpose served by the defecator is that of

reducing the juice by evaporation to a partial syrup of the

specific gravity of about 20 B. When of this consistency the
liquid is drawn from the bottom and the less agitated portion
of the defecator by a syphon and thence carried to the evap-

orator, which is located upon the same framework and just

below the defecator.
The evaporator consists of a separate system of six copper

tubes, each 12 feet long and 3 inches in diameter. These are

an iron pipe of 4 inches internal diam-
jacketed, or inclosed in
with steam-tight collars so as to leave half an inch
eter, fitted

space surrounding the copper tubes. The latter are open at

both ends, permitting the admission and egress of the syrup
and the escape of the steam caused by evaporation therefrom,
and are arranged upon the frame so as to have a very slight
inclination downward in the direction of the current, and
each nearly underneath its predecessor in regular succession.
Each is connected by an iron supply-pipe, having a steam-
gauge or indicator attached, with a large manifold, and that
by other pipes with a steam boiler of 30 horse-power capacity.
Steam being let on at from 25 to 30 Ibs. pressure, the stream
of syrup is received from the defecator through a strainer,
which removes any impurity possibly remaining, into the
upper evaporator tube; passing in a gentle flow through that,
it isdelivered into a funnel connected with the next tube be-
low, and so back and forth through the whole system. The
syrup enters the evaporator at a consistency of from 20 to
23 B., and emerges from the last tube, some three minutes
later, at a consistency of from 30 to 32 B., which is found
on cooling to be the proper point for perfect jelly. This

point is found to vary one or two degrees, according to the

fermentation consequent upon bruises in handling the fruit,
decay of the same, or any little delay in expressing the juice
from the cheese. The least fermentation occasions the neces-
sity for a lower reduction. To guard against this, no cheese
is allowed to stand over night, no pomace left in the grater
-or vat, no juice in the tank and further to provide against

fermentation, a large water tank is located upon the roof and

filled by a force-pump, and by means of hose connected

with this, each grater,

press, vat, tank, pipe, trough, or
other article of machinery used can be thoroughly washed
-and cleansed. Hot water instead of juice is sometimes sent
through the defecator, evaporator, etc., until all are thoroughly
scalded and purified.
If the saccharometer shows too great or two little reduction,
the matter is easily regulated by varying the steam pressure

in the evaporator by means of a valve in the supply pipe.

If boiled cider instead of jelly is wanted for making pies,

sauces, etc., it is drawn off from one of the upper evaporator

tubes, according to the consistency desired or it can be pro-;

cured at the end of the process by simply reducing the steam

As the jelly emerges from the evaporator it is transferred to
.atub holding some 50 gallons, and by mixing a little therein
any slight variations in reduction or in the sweetness or sour-
ness of the fruit used are equalized. From this it is drawn
through faucets, while hot, into the various packages in which
it is shipped to market.
Afavorite form of package for family use is a nicely turned
little wooden bucket with cover and bail, of two sizes, holding

5 and 10 pounds respectively. The smaller packages are

shipped in cases for convenience in handling.
Each bushel of fruit will produce from 4 to 5 pounds of
jelly, fruit ripening late in the season being more productive
than other varieties. Crab-apples produce the finest jelly, sour
crabbed natural fruit makes the best-looking article, and a

mixture of all varieties gives most satisfactory results as to

flavor and general quality.

Saving of the Apple Seeds. As the pomace is shoveled from

the finished cheese it is again ground under a toothed cylinder,
and thence drops into large troughs through a succession of
which a considerable stream of water is flowing. Here it is
occasionally agitated by raking from the lower to the upper
end of the trough, as the current carries it downward, and the
apple seeds becoming disengaged drop to the bottom into still
water while the pulp floats away upon the stream. A succes-
sion of troughs serves to remove nearly all the seeds.


EVAPORATION is one of the most important methods em

ployed for preserving fruit for
any length of time. The rea-
son for this can be readily given The process does not require

great technical skill it excels in cheapness because neither


vessels, sugar nor other auxiliaries are required ;

the product
possesses excellent keeping qualities, retains its natural flavor,
and by many is considered healthier and more agreeable than
fruit preserved by any other method. While much fruit is
stilldried in the sun, and large quantities of it are marketed,
the superiority of evaporated fruit has caused a large demand
forit, and aside from the consumption in this country, large

amounts are shipped abroad.

The Alden patent for evaporating fruit was granted about
40 years ago. Like all other new inventions, some years
were required before its merits became thoroughly under-
stood,though at the Paris Exposition of 1878 the first prize
was unanimously awarded to the fruit dried by that process.
Since then it has spread from California, where it was first

introduced, throughout the entire country, and though many

types of evaporators are now in use, they are all based upon
the same principle. At first only kernel and stone-fruits were
evaporated, but at present the list includes almost every
known and vegetable.
Before entering upon a description of the apparatus and its
use, an explanation of the principle upon which it is based
and the theory of evaporating fruit will be given.
The object to be attained is not only to make the fruit keep,
but also to retain the properties for which it is valued. This
can only be reached by withdrawing the content of water, and
at the same time converting a portion of the starch into sugar
in as short a time as possible without boiling the fruit. The
latter would injure the taste of the fruit, and slow drying gives
a flavor calling to mind decay. The more quickly the watery
portions are removed from thoroughly ripe fruit, the richer
and more durable its taste will be and the more completely

the oxygen of the air is excluded during this process, the more
perfectly will it retain
its color. Rapidity of the drying pro-
cesssometimes increases the content of sugar by 25 per cent.,
and this increase is in an exact proportion to the quicker or
slower evaporation of the content of water, always provided,
however, the fruit does not suffer injury from the heat.
Any one who has boiled down the juice of the maple,
sorghum, sugar-cane, or sugar beet knows that with slow
evaporation sugar is not formed, the content of sugar being
then converted into acid. Now, the change of substance must
be constantly kept in view : converted into sugar (in
Starch is

this case very largely already in the plant), sugar into al-

cohol, and alcohol into acetic acid. This experience must also
hold good in drying fruit. The chemical process by which
the content of starch of the fruit, when brought into a high

temperature, is converted into sugar, is similar to that during

the ripening process on the tree, only it takes place more
A few days of warm sunshine produce sufficient sugar in

gooseberries and grapes to change the sour unpalatable fruits

to a refreshing article of food. A
few hours in an evaporating
apparatus, in which the proper degree of heat is maintained,
can produce a still greater change, provided the fruit be not
placed in it before it has reached perfection in a natural man-
ner. Itmust be remembered that 212 F. is the boiling point,
and that subsequent treatment, no matter how careful, cannot
restore the taste lost in such a temperature. Of no less im-
portance is another point The surface of the fruit to be dried

must be kept moist and soft, so that the internal moisture may
find a way by which can readily and quickly escape, and a

strong hot current of air must uninterruptedly pass over the

fruit to carry off the escaping moisture. Hence, cold air must
under no circumstances have access to drying fruit, and above
the latter an aperture must be provided for the escape of the
air saturated with moisture.
The apprehension that fruit cannot be dried in a hot moist

apparatus refuted by the well-known scientific fact, that air


of the temperature of the freezing point absorbs I-J-Q part of its

weight of moisture, and that its capacity for absorption doubles

with every 15 F.) of higher temperature.
C.. (27 Thus, if
the temperature is 59 F. it absorbs ^V parts of its weight of
water, 81 F. ^
part, 113 F. ^
part, 140 F. part, 167 F.^
i part, 194 F. i part, and 221 F. its own weight which is

nearly equal to one pound of water to every \ cubic foot of


The fruit would evidently never become dry if the air loaded
with such moisture remained stationary, but set it in motion
with a velocity of 880 feet per minute, which is equal to 20
miles per hour, and the cause of the rapid drying, or, in other
words, of the withdrawal of water, becomes apparent. Now if
we figure to ourselves an apparatus of 225 cubic feet content,
the air heated in it to 212 F. contains, according to the above
statement, 60 pounds of water, 50 pounds of which have been
withdrawn from the fruit, while the remaining 10 pounds were
contained in the air prior to its entrance into the apparatus,

because its temperature is F. With

supposed to be 62.5
empty the apparatus every 20 minutes
sufficient circulation to
150 pounds of water will each hour be carried away from a
quantity of fruit supposed to amount to 800 pounds. Hence,
in 5 hours, the time generally required for apples, 750 pounds
of moisture could be removed if present.
Moreover, reference to a drying apparatus is not required to
prove that heat alone does not suffice for drying. Is it not
the wind which dries up the puddles after a rain more quickly
than the hottest rays of the sun? The sun alone would effect
nothing else but envelop the moist earth in a dense mantle of
vapor destructive to both men and animals. Thus in the dry-
ing apparatus also it is rather the current of air which dries
than the heat, but, of course, both must work in conjunction.
The rapidity of the process prevents decay, and causes the
color and aroma of the fresh fruit to be retained. The greater

advantage of this rapidity consists, however, in the conversion

of a considerable quantity of starch into sugar, which in sweet
fruits, such as peaches, is sometimes formed in such abund-
ance as to appear in small congealed drops upon the surface.
From the preceding it will also be readily understood why
drying in the sun or in the oven must yield unsatisfactory re-
sults. Even with favorable weather the process lasts about 14
days. this long time a fermentation sets in which par-
tially destroys the content of sugar, and essentially changes the
color and taste in an unfavorable direction. Such fruit when
boiled tastes as if it had been preserved after the appearance
of decay. Besides, during this process, the fruit is frequently
selected as a breeding place by insects, in consequence of which
it soon spoils, and when shipped to a distance resembles on
arrival at its place of destination a heap of maggots. Such
cases are not rare, especially if the dried fruit is shipped to

tropical countries.
Drying in the oven has the disadvantage that the dry heat
immediately closes the pores of the fruit, thereby rendering the
escape of the internal moisture very difficult. If the heat is

not very strong the fruit remains moist in the interior, which
it to spoil, and with a
causes strong heat the surface carbon-
izes more or less. A
portion of the sweetness is lost by being
converted into caramel, the appearance of the fruit suffers by
the tough shriveling of the surface, and the taste is injured
by carbonization.
All these disadvantages are avoided by the modern evapo-
rating process, which may be called a preservation of the fruit
in its own juice with the assistance of steam.
A chemical analysis of a parcel of Baldwin apples shows
best the changes effected in the composition of fruit by dry-

ing in the oven and by evaporation, and how the results with
these two methods compare with each other. The first col-

umn gives the composition of 500 parts of fresh Baldwin

apples. The second column gives the composition of the same
parcel of apples after being reduced to 100 parts (loss of 400
parts of water) by drying in the oven, and a third column the
result of 100 parts of the same parcel reduced by evaporation.

Dried in Evapo-
Fresh. the oven. rated.

Water (free and fixed). . ... . 411.15 12.42 16.62

Cellulose 9.60 10.54 10.22
Starch 32.95 30.95 29.75
Protein 0.75 0.80 0.76
Pectine *...'. . . . 12.35 11.35 10.88
Gum ."'. ., . 6.75 7.22 4.33
Fruit acids '. . .. . 6.70 4.88 3.43
Mineral constituents . . .' . . . . 0.85 0.87 0.78
Chlorophyl >
i ; 0.15 0.12 0.15
Dextrin ...,. 2.10
Grape sugar 18.75 18.75 23.08
Volatile oils, traces

500.00 100.00 100.00

Attention must especially be drawn to the fact that dextrin,

the formation of which is due to dry heat, is only found in the

second column, and must be considered as an essential dis-

advantage of drying in the oven. The absence of this sub-
stance in evaporated fruit, as well as the presence of a larger

quantity of water (chemically fixed), is to be ascribed to the

influence of moisture during evaporation.
As previously mentioned, many types of evaporators are
now in use, some of them being small box-like structures of
such a size that they can be placed on top of an ordinary
cook-stove, while others* have a sufficient capacity for hand-
ling fruit on a very large scale.
Fig. 99 shows an improved Aid en evaporator which, like
the Williams evaporator to be described later on, belongs to
the type known as tower evaporators. A is the air-furnace
which is formed by the fire-box D,
FlG> "' the ash-box D lt and the doubled hori-
zontal pipes G, of which, according to
the size of the apparatus, there are
from 3 to 6, each 4 inches in diameter,
and running parallel to each other.
The products of combustion pass
through them in the direction of the
arrows, and escape through the smoke-
pipe at the back of the apparatus.
The fire-box surrounded by an air-

space provided at M
with apertures.
Similar apertures to permit the en-
trance of cold air are provided on the
side near the foot of the brick casing.
The cold air comes first in contact
with the lower, only moderately heated
pipe, then rises to the second,
finally to the third and hottest series
of pipes. It is thus gradually heated,
and the pipes lying close together, each
atom of air comes in contact with them,
which is considered a better mode of heating than by radia-

formerly used.
tion, The pipes are of cast-iron, and an escape
of smoke
into the drying-tower is impossible. By always
keeping the pipes clean, which can be conveniently done, the

heat passes rapidly through their walls, and ascends im-

mediately into the drying-tower without the possibility of
The draught-pipe d connects the exit of the drying-tower
with the fire-box of the furnace. The importance of this ven-
shown by the statement that for com-
tilation is sufficiently
bustion 25,000 cubic feet of air per hour are required, which
are introduced from the neighborhood of the opening of the
tower through the pipe d into the fire-box. The removal of
such a considerable quantity of air produces a vacuum in the
upper portion of the tower, and consequently a very quick cur-
rent of air over the trays of fruit in the tower an absolute

requirement for attaining great perfection in the art of

fruit by evaporation. Besides, a saving of fuel is effected by
the introduction of air, already heated, into the fire-box. The
is surrounded by a wooden
smoke-pipe jacket, leaving a small
intermediate space in which the heat radiating from the pipe
collects, and is forced to enter the tower below the discharge-
door. This also accelerates the current of air in the tower and

prevents the condensation of the moisture, so that the fruit

completely dries off in a short time. The branch-pipe/con-
nects the opening of the tower with the smoke-pipe, which by
its power of absorption also increases the current of air. The
draught-pipe c is provided, as will be readily seen, for the

purpose of uniformly distributing the heat in the tower.

The bulb of the thermometer, with which the apparatus is
provided, is placed in the interior of the tower and the scale
on theoutside, so that the temperature can be read off without
opening a door, whereby cold air would enter, which must be
avoided. The air-furnace is constructed of brick, and the
tower, as well as the draught-pipes d and c and the jacket of
the smoke-pipe 0, of double boards.
The hurdles or trays for the fruit consist of wooden frames
with galvanized iron-wire bottoms. They hold from 20 to 60
Ibs. and when charged are pushed through the
of fruit each,
door over the air-furnace into the tower, where they rest upon

pins of an endless chain set in motion by a wheel, as seen in

the illustration. The trays sit close to the walls on two sides
of the tower, while in the other direction there is an inter-

space of two inches. The first tray is pushed tight against

the back wall, the mentioned, interspace thus remaining in
front of the door.
After six to ten minutes, according to the variety of fruit,
the tray is raised five inches by means of the endless chain ;

the second tray then placed in position, but so that the


above-mentioned intermediate space is at the back wall. At

regular intervals the trays, when placed in position, are raised
by the endless chain and the fresh trays pushed in, so that
they touch alternately the front and back wall, the current of
air being thus forced to ascend in a zigzag. When the tower
is filled with trays it contains taking apples as an example
from 1200 to 3000 Ibs. of fruit. Every 50 Ibs. of each yield
from 40 to 45 Ibs. of water, which ascends as vapor, which by
surrounding the fruit with a moist mantle prevents its burn-
ing and keeps the pores open. When the tray placed in

position arrives at the discharge-door it has been in the tower

for about five hours, and its contents have been converted
into evaporated fruit which
will keep for many years. Thus
fruit can be gathered, evaporated and sold all in one day.

By considering the construction of the tower it will be seen

that the fruit during its ascent remains in a uniform moisture
and heat, so that up to the moment it is taken from the appa-
ratus, its content of water can escape through the opened

pores and, on the other hand, the heat can act to its very

center. A
uniform, perfect product can be obtained only by
these means. When the fruit arrives at the discharge-door it
is cool and as soft as fresh fruit.

Fig. 100 shows the Williams evaporator. It is heated by

steam radiators located at the base of the vertical tower and

has vertical radiating pipes up the center of the vertical tower,
around which the trays of fruit revolve, with deflectors at in-
tervals of two feet projecting from each side of said pipes to

FIG. 100.

direct the heat under the trays of fruit as they revolve around
the pipes. (The trays and hanger are left out in the illustra-
tion to show the interior arrangement of the pipes.) These
pipes or radiators extending up the tower from bottom to top
produce a uniform heat the entire length of the tower, and
increase the draught by increasing the heat at the top, which

produces a more rapid circulation than when the heat is all

at the bottom, as with the hot-air furnace and the capacity

of the apparatus is also increased in proportion to the increase

of the heat and the draught through the tower. The trays
of fruit in passing up the tower are exposed from one side to
the pipes, and on descending are exposed from the other,
which causes the fruit to dry uniformly. The tower being
vertical the heat is utilized until it reaches the top. In this
apparatus a very strong heat can be had throughout the en-
tire length of the tower, without incurring any risk of fire
from from the trays, when drying cores and skins,
falling on the hot-air furnace, which is always placed directly
under the tower. Several sizes of this evaporator are manu-
The manner of operating the Alden apparatus is as follows :

The maintenance of a uniform temperature in the tower

being essential, the thermometer should indicate 194 to 212

F. Berries and stone fruit are to be kept somewhat cooler.
The introduction of too much cold air into the air furnace
must be avoided. As a rule an aperture two feet square

The upward motion of the trays must be effected at regular

intervals. How long these intervals are to be, cannot be
definitely stated, it depending on the content of water in the
fruit and on the temperature of the tower. The following
table may, however, serve as a guide :

Apples interval 6 to 10 minutes.


box with white paper, one piece on the bottom and four pie -

on the sides long enough to fold over. Then nail down the
lid. take off the bottom, and commence packing by placing

one layer of slices in the manner of roof-tiles. Sufficient fruit

to make up the required weight is then piled in, and after

pressing down the box is nailed up and labeled. A general

rule as regards weight has not been introduced, though in
California all varieties of evaporated fruit are packed in boxes

holding 50 pounds net.

In recent years tower evaporators have been largely super-
seded, especially for evaporating apples, by the kiln evaporator.
This type is described by H. T. Gould* as follows " While the :

principles of construction of the different evaporators of this

type are similar in all cases, the details of the arrangement of
the appliances are endlessly varied.
" In
constructing kilns the same general principles are fol-
lowed, whether the evaporator is a small one with only a sin-
gle kiln or an extensive establishment having several of them.
The most satisfactory size of a kiln, all things considered, is
about 20 feet square. This is a convenient size to fill, so far
as the preparation of the fruit is concerned ;
the heat can be
well regulated, made sufficiently intense for the purpose de-
sired,and evenly distributed, so that the fruit will dry uni-
formly, and for various minor reasons a kiln of this size
is a desirable 'unit in the construction of evaporators of this
kiln consists essentially of a floor made of slats and

placed over a furnace room or over a system of steam pipes.

The floor is usually built from 10 to 12 feet above the floor of
the furnace room. Provision should be made for regulating
the heat by means of small openings in the base of the walls
communicating with the outside which can be opened or
closed as desired. The inflow of cold air can thus be regu-
lated. Such control is specially desirable in windy weather.

*U. S. Department of Agriculture. Farmer's Bulletin 291. Washington, 1907.


While many evaporators are constructed without special pro-

vision of this kind, it is an important point to have such

openings, particularly if the walls are brick or otherwise made

very tight, so that there is but little circulation of air.
" If the
evaporator is a frame building, the walls of the
furnace room may be well plastered or covered with asbestos
paper to lessen the danger from fire, which may otherwise be
great, because of the intense heat generated within them.
"If the walls, at least the portion below the kiln floor, are
double, with an air-space between the two sides, the insula-
tion will be more perfect than if they are solid or of only a

single thickness, thus best conserving the heat and increasing

the efficiency of the plant The height of the walls of the
kiln above the drying floor should be sufficient to permit an
attendant to work on the floor conveniently and with comfort.
" Some means for the
escape of the air laden with moisture
from the fruit is necessary. This may be provided for by
means of an opening in the roof, or a cupola-like ventilator

may be built, the sides of which should consist of slats placed

so that they overlap one another, as in an ordinary window-
blind. Another form of ventilator is in the form of a tower
about 3 feet square and extending 8 or 10 feet above the
roof, which is sufficiently bigh to cause more or less draft, and
hence augments the circulation of hot air through the fruit,

The kiln floor isconstructed of strips especially designed

for the purpose. Such floors are generally made of poplar or
basswood strips, seven-eighths of an inch thick, one inch wide
on the top surface and one-half inch wide on the under side.

In laying the floor these strips are placed one-eighth to one-

fourth inch apart on the upper surface. This makes the
space between them wider on the under side than on the
upper, thus allowing the small particles of fruit which work
down between them to drop through without clogging the
intervening spaces,
"Satisfactory results are so dependent upon the heating
apparatus that this becomes one of the most important features

of an evaporator. In the larger kiln evaporators, ordinary

cast-iron stoves were formerly used considerably, two or more
of them being frequently required to heat a single kiln, but
these have largely gone out of use. -In their stead large fur-
naces are now most commonly used. These are specially de-
signed for the purpose and are provided with relatively large
fire-pots, correspondingly large ash-pits, and large radiating
surfaces. As it is necessary to burn a relatively large quantity
of fuel in a given time, the size of the grate is made with this
end in view. For a kiln floor 20 feet square, or 400 square
the grate surface is usually about 3 feet in
feet of surface,

diameter, containing from 5 to 7 square feet.

" As to the most
satisfactory length of pipe connecting the
furnace and chimney, opinions differ. Perhaps the most
common method of piping is as follows The furnace, with :

two flanges for attaching the pipe, is placed in the center the ;

pipe from each flange is then extended to the side of the room
opposite the chimney, and from this point the two sections,
extending in opposite directions, follow the wall, at a distance
of 2 or 3 feet from it, to the chimney. In a kiln 20 feet

square, some 65 or 70 feet are thus required. Ten-inch pipe

is a common size to use for this purpose. It is placed about

3 feet below the kiln floor.

" Some operators think that a better distribution of heat is
obtained ifthe pipes extend back and forth, 2 or 3 feet apart,
under the entire floor of the kiln, thus requiring 200 feet or

more instead of the shorter length above suggested. The

greater length, however, is less frequently used than the
" In some cases the heat is so intense directly over the fur-
nace that the fruit dries more rapidly in the center of the
floorthan about the sides. To regulate this and make the
drying as uniform as possible, a deflector,' consisting of a

piece of sheet iron or tin several feet square, is attached to the

floor directly above the furnace.
" which in effect are furnaces with all parts
Open grates,

above the grates removed, are used occasionally and are recom-
mended by some because they require less fuel, less attention,
to firing,and will dry the fruit in a shorter space of time.
On the other hand so much dust rises from them that they are
not used in making the best grade of fruit.
" In some respects a steam system is the most satisfactory

method of heating, but it is comparatively little used, possi-

bly due to the larger cost of installing such a system. In.

kiln evaporators the pipes are generally placed in as close

proximity to the floor of the drying room as is convenient

within a foot or even closer. That every steam pipe nearest
the floor may supply the greatest amount of heat it should,
have its own return to the main return of the system. One
inch pipe is generally used for such systems. No very defin-
ite data are available in regard to the amount necessary to

supply the requisite heat. Several kilns, however, which are

said to work admirably have about 600 running feet of pipe
for every 100 square feet of floor space. One half of this is
" "
riser," the other half return".
"A convenient arrangement for an evaporator having four
or five kilps is as follows The kilns are built of brick and

the apples are pared in an adjacent building. A

bin built of
slats for containing the apples in bulk extends the entire length

of the building, except a small space in the center where a 5-

horsepower gasoline engine is located, which furnishes power
for running the parers, slicers and other machinery. The
paring table is on the opposite side of the building, from which
the fruit is taken by a carrier and elevated to a platform which
is on the same level as the two bleachers between the evapor-

ator and the paring shed. This carrier discharges the fruit
into trays which are then placed by hand into one of the
bleachers from this they are taken to the slicer, located in a

compartment just within the brick portion of the structure and

with which all the kilns communicate, thus making it con-
venient after the fruit has been sliced.
Other large establishments have the kilns arranged in a

series situated end to end. The fruit is pared on the first

floor of an adjoining structure centrally located then elevated

to the second floor which is on the same level as the kiln

floors, where it is bleached and sliced. Communication is

had with the kilns not adjacent to the floor on which the fruit
is sliced, by means of a platform extending from this floor

along the sides of the kilns and on the same level as the kiln
For commercial purposes the selection of the varieties of
fruit to be evaporated must be carefully made. This ap-
plies especially to apples and pears. As a rule, a product of
high grade can be made from any sort which has a firm tex-
ture and bleaches to a satisfactory degree of whiteness. Many
evaporating plants have, like the canning establishments,
certain favorites, for instance, of apples, the Baldwin, Bell-
flower, Pippin, Northern Spy, of pears, the Bartlett, Clapp's

Apples are pared with a machine. So many different styles

of apple parers for operating either by hand or power are in
the market that it is difficult to say which is the best. The
more recent patterns have two or even three forks for holding
the apples while they are being pared. The attendant puts
an apple on one of the forks while one on another fork is being
peeled. The apples are cored in the same operation by an
Attachment applied to the paring .machine for this purpose.
The fruit is automatically forced from the fork and drops to
the table where it is next taken in hand by the trimmers, who
cut out with a straight-back sharp-pointed knife, worm-holes,

decayed parts and other blemishes.

To make the fruit as white as possible it is usually bleached
by subjecting it to the fumes of burning sulphur by means of
a contrivance called a bleacher. The simplest form of con-
struction consists of a box meet the require-
sufficiently long to
ments, placed horizontally, and large enough in cross section
to admit the boxes or crates in which the fruit is handled.
Rollers are placed in the bottom, on which the crates rest,

which permit them be moved along with but little friction.

The crates are entered at one end of the bleacher, those pre-
viously put in being pushed along to make room for the

following ones. The sulphur

usually burned immediately

below the point where the fruit is put into the bleacher. A
short piece of stovepipe is placed at the opposite end for the

escape of the fumes after they have passed through the bleacher.
Another simple bleacher in which the fruit is handled in
bulk (not in crates) consists essentially of a large square box,
the interior of which is fitted with a series of inclined planes
sloping in opposite directions to prevent the fruit from dropping
to the bottom in a compact mass. The fruit is usually admit-
ted at the top directly from the paring table. It then rolls
from one inclined plane to another to the bottom, where there
is the necessary opening, with means for closing it tightly to
to prevent the escape of the sulphur fumes, for removing the
fruit when it is bleached. The sulphur is burned beneath
the lowest inclined plane.
After bleaching, the fruit is sliced in a machine called a

slicer, of which there are various styles. In general, a slicer

consists of a table in which a series of knives is so arranged
thatwhen the apples them by a revolving
are carried over
arm they are cut -into about J inch in thickness. In
the kiln-evaporator the sliced fruit is evenly spread on the
floor to the depth of from 4 to 6 inches. It is a common

practice to treat the floor of the kilns occasionally with tallow

to prevent the fruit from sticking to it. Sometimes a mixture
of equal parts of tallow and boiled linseed oil is used for this
definite rules can be given regarding the temperature
to be maintained in the kiln, this being largely a matter of
experience. Some operators consider 150 F. a suitable tem-
perature when the fruit is first put into the drying compart-
ment, dropping to about 125 F. as the drying process nears

The fruit while drying in the kiln has to be occasionally

turned to prevent it from burning and from sticking to the

floor. For the first five or sixhours it is generally turned
every two hours or so, and more frequently as it becomes
drier, until perhaps it
may require turning every half-hour
when nearly dry.
When drying in the tower evaporator the trays or racks
must not be too heavily loaded with fruit. Stone-fruit not
freed from the stones is placed close together with the stem
ends upwards, but only in one layer. Plums after evaporat-
ing are generally brought into a bath of sugar-water to give
them a lustrous and uniformly dark appearance. For this
purpose brown sugar is dissolved in an equal quantity of hot
water, and the prunes in a wire basket are submerged in the
bath for half an hour. They are then spread out upon
hurdles and packed when
perfectly dry. Quartered or halved
stoned-fruit, as well as sliced apples, are placed close together,
edge upward, until the bottom of the tray is covered. Sliced
pears are arranged in a similar manner. Of berries, several
layers an inch deep may be made, but they must be covered
with tissue paper. Grapes are but seldom converted into
raisinsin the evaporating apparatus, because the process
would require 40 hours, it being impossible to use a tempera-
ture exceeding 167 F. Hence it is considered more advan-
tageous to dry grapes in the sun. .The well-known Malaga
raisins are obtained by allowing the bunches of grapes to dry
in the air. They are dipped for an instant in boiling water
to sterilize them and then dried on straw in the sun. When
the grapes have shrunk to a third or half of their original
volume, the best are packed in the original bunches, but the
inferior raisins are picked from the stalks before packing.
The richer the grapes are in sugar, the less drying they need.
In Spain the bunches are dipped into a boiling lye of wood
ashes on which a little oil is floating. They are dipped and
removed as quickly as possible, and the trace of oil that ad-
heres to them gives a characteristic luster.
Tomatoes to be evaporated in the tower evaporator are

peeled but not sliced, and placed close together in one layer
in the trays. Pumpkins are peeled and cut in pieces two or
three inches thick. For several years a flour has been made
from the dried pieces, which serves as a substitute for rice
flour. Sweet potatoes are treated in a similar manner, their
flour serving as a substitute for chicory.
Green corn steamed on the ear for not more than five
is first

minutes. The grains are then picked off, placed in two-inch-

deep layers in the trays and thoroughly evaporated, but not
at too high a temperature, 185 to 194 F. being sufficient.
When dry they are rubbed and passed through a fanning-mill
to remove the hulls loosened by rubbing. The corn is packed
in boxes holding 10, 20 and 50 Ibs. each.
The following must also be steamed before evaporating :

Green peas and beans, asparagus, beets, carrots, lettuce, cab-

bage and parsnips. Vegetables are cut up with a cabbage-
cutter, and roots in slices like apples.
Onions are first freed from their external red or yellow peel
and then cut into slices one-fourth inch thick with a cabbage-
cutter. The slices are steamed for five minutes with a suitable
steaming apparatus, which is best effected by spreading the
a two-inch-deep layer in the trays, placing the latter
slices in
in the steaming apparatus, and immediately after the above-
mentioned time in the evaporator. They are packed in tin
boxes holding 50 Ibs. each, which are placed in a wooden box.
By evaporation, 100 Ibs. of onions are reduced to 12 Ibs.
Potatoes must be thoroughly washed. This is best effected
in a cradle, the which is provided with wide perfor-
bottom of
ations so that the water, constantly pouring in, can run off

quickly. The potatoes are then placed in trays, and from

four to six of the latter, according to the size of the steaming

apparatus, brought into the boiler. Steam is then admitted,

and after 35 minutes the potatoes are taken out, care being

had, however, not to steam them too much, as otherwise they

become of no value for the evaporating process. The loosened
peels are then rubbed off with the hand, and the peeled pota-

toes brought into a press, the bottom of which consists of

a perforated wooden plate or of woven wires. The lid must
fit tight into the interior walls of the
press, so that the entire
mass of potatoes coarsely crushed through the bottom.

The crushed potatoes are placed in layers two or three inches

deep in the trays and leveled with an instrument made by
driving small nails into a board so that their points project
one-half inch. They are then evaporated at not too high a

temperature 185 F. is sufficient to

prevent scorching;
taking care, however, to dry them through. The evaporated
mass is coarsely ground in a suitable mill, and the resulting
flour packed in zinc canisters, holding 28 and 56 Ibs. each.
Two such canisters are placed in a wooden box and are then
ready for shipment.
It is of the utmost importance to select only perfectly sound

potatoes and remove all which sour or are injured in any other
way during the process. Success depends on the rapidity and
regularity from the commencement to the end of the process.
All potatoes which become cold before being brought into the
evaporating apparatus are worthless, and the same may be
said of those which have been steamed too long they are con-

verted into paste.

Attention may be drawn to a sun-drying apparatus shown
in Fig. 101, which may be recommended to those who do not
wish to employ artificial heat, and are forced to give the

preference to as cheap an apparatus as possible. The appar-

atus is constructed of boards and window-glass. The board
walls, which are somewhat inclined outwardly, project above
the panes of glass and serve, as is readily seen, for catching
the rays of the sun. They are lined inside with tin, thus be-
coming The side door serves as an entrance to the

apparatus when the panes of glass are to be cleansed or repairs

are to be made in the interior. The trays containing the fruit
are pushed in from the back, the entrance of each tray being
covered by a wooden flap. According to the size of the ap-
paratus two or three rows, each consisting of twelve trays, are

placed alongside each other. Above the uppermost entrances

for the trays are slides, which can be opened or closed accord-

ing to whether the heat in the interior is to be increased or

The apparatus stands upon
a turn-table, so that the front
can from morning to evening be exposed to the full rays of
the sun. When the latter no longer reach the apparatus the
which are hinged, are laid over the panes of glass,
which prevents the radiation of heat, and protects the fruit
from dew.
The time required for drying fruit in this apparatus cannot

FIG. 101.

be definitely stated, but on an unclouded, hot summer day,

apples pared by a machine can be dried in eight hours. The
product obtained is not of as good a quality as evaporated
fruit, but incomparably superior to that produced by the
it is

primitive method of drying in the open air or in the oven.

In conclusion it remains to say a few words about drying
fruit in the oven, and we describe the French method, which
isdecidedly the best, as proved by the prunes brought into
market from that country. The prunes having been sorted
by a machine into three qualities are placed upon trays and
exposed to the sun until the skin commences to shrivel. They

are then placed in a bake-oven previously used for baking

bread. If no bread is to be baked, the oven is very moderately
heated to prevent the rapid closing of the pores and the forma-
tion of a crustupon the surface. They are allowed to remain
in the oven for 12 hours, when they are taken out, and when
perfectly cold, moistened with alum water and replaced in the
oven, which must now be somewhat hotter. After 12 hours
they are again taken out, moistened with alum water, and re-
placed for the third and last time, together with a dish full of
water, in the oven, whichmust now be still hotter than before.
The prunes when taken from the oven are submerged for a
short time in a bath of sugar-water, and are then packed in
boxes. It will be seen that this process is quite tedious, and
the product is not so good as that obtained by evaporation.
Besides prunes, the French bring into the market dried
pears, which have also become celebrated. The process is as
follows : Fine table-pears are pared, quartered, and boiled in

sugar syrup for five minutes. They are then placed in a

moderately warm oven, where they remain for 12 hours they ;

are then taken out, allowed to cool off, and replaced in the
oven, which must now be hotter than the first time, until
sufficiently dried.
The French method can be recommended, but it would be
stillbetter if it wer executed in the improved manner prac-
ticed here and there in England and in the New Eng-
land States. This improvement consists in the previous boil-
ing of the fruit, which must, however, not be continued
longer than five minutes. The fruit is not gradually heated,
but submerged in boiling water for five minutes, and, with-
out being allowed to cool, brought at once into a moderately
hot oven. Steaming instead of boiling the fruit is still bet-

ter. exposed to the steam for not longer than


five minutes, and must then as quickly as possible be brought

into a moderately hot oven.


Pickles. Enormous quantities of pickles are brought into

commerce, especially by American and English factories.
The most remarkable varieties are piccalilli or Indian pickles,
mixed pickles and walnut pickles. The packing is always the
same, some of the oldest and largest English factories still ad-
hering to stoneware pots, which have the advantage of entirely
excluding the light from the product, thus contributing to its
keeping quality. Both the French and Americans use glass
bottles, the chief difference being in the diameter of the mouth,
which is smaller in the American bottles. The latter style is
to be preferred, because in the former the pickles, when fre-

quently opened, are more exposed to the air than is good for
them. Stone pots, which are no doubt best for family use, are
too expensive for commercial purposes, not only as regards
the first cost, but also on account of their weight, which in-
creases the cost of transportation. The bottles are always
provided with neat lables, and the corks generally covered
with tin-foil.
The following general rules apply to the preparation of
pickles The best quality of fruit must be gathered at the right

time, washed in fresh cold well-water, and placed for some

time in strong brine. They are then laid upon fruit hurdles
to completely dry in the air, and finally brought into the bottles,
which must be nearly filled. The interspaces are then filled
up with hot-spiced vinegar, and the bottles immediately corked,
and, when cold, sealed. Strong vinegar must be used, the
manufacturers generally employing wine-vinegar, known in
commerce as No. 24. Fruit-vinegar, clarified and spiced and
evaporated to three-fourths its volume, also answers very well.
Pickles for immediate use are soaked in hot brine, but as a
commercial article they must be treated with cold brine only.

Moreover, hot brine must not be used for vegetables of a soft

and juicy nature such as cabbage and cauliflower and besides, ;

cold or only slightly heated vinegar should be poured over

such articles. Soft and delicate fruits must, as a rule, not re-
main as long in the brine as hard and coarse-fibred ones ;
the softest are most advantageously pickled by pouring cold

spiced vinegar over them. The same may be said of red beets
and other roots which are cut into strips. Sometimes the spice
isput whole into the bottle, but it is better and more econom-
ical to bring it powdered into the vinegar while heating the
or if the vinegar is to be used cold, to previously boil
the powdered spice in a small portion of the vinegar, and
when cold add it to the rest. The spiced vinegar is prepared
as follows :

To 1 quart of vinegar add 2J ounces of salt, J ounce of

black pepper, and 2J ounces of ginger. Let the mixture boil
up once or twice in an enameled iron pot, filter through a
flannel cloth,and pour the liquid, hot or cold, over the fruit.
For a more strongly spiced vinegar reduce in a mortar 2
ounces of black pepper, 1 ounce of ginger, and J drachm of
cayenne pepper, and for walnuts, 1 ounce of eschalots, and add
to the mixture in a stoneware pot, 1 pint of vinegar, and tie

up the pot with a bladder. Place the pot for three days near
the fire, shaking it several times,and then pour the contents
upon the it to run through a filtering cloth.
fruits by allowing
In the preparation of pickles the use of metallic vessels must
be avoided, the vinegar as well as the brine dissolving copper,
brass,and zinc, and becoming thereby poisonous. Ordinary
earthen pots should also be mistrusted. Stoneware pots, which
can be heated in a water-bath or upon a stove, are best for the
purpose. Moreover, air and light must be kept away from the
pickles as much as possible, and they should be touched only
with wooden or bone spoons. An essential condition for suc-
cess is to treat the fruits immediately after being gathered.
The method of some manufacturers, who add verdigris to the
pickles or boil the vinegar in a copper boiler until it is suffi-

ciently "greenish" communicate its color to the product,

cannot be too strongly condemned. That this crime against
the health of the consumer is unfortunately committed to a
considerable extent is conclusively proved by numerous chem-
ical examinations made in the large cities of Europe and the
United States, and undertaken with the laudable purpose of
bringing the adulterators of food to justice. Many of the
pickles in the market and most of the imported canned peas
contain copper, and this notwithstanding the fact that there
are very innocent means
for coloring pickles green, it being

only necessary to
put a handful of spinach or grape leaves in
the boiling vinegar, which acquires thereby a green coloration
and communicates it later on to the pickles.
The following list comprises the fruits and vegetables which
are chiefly used for the preparation of pickles in factories :

Barberries. The berries are gathered before they are ripe

and washed with salt water. The vinegar is added cold.
Beans. Cold vinegar is poured over the young pods, pre-
viously soaked in cold water.
Cabbage, Red and White. The heads are cut up into fine
strips,which are placed in a strong brine for two days, then
dried upon hurdles for twelve hours, next brought into bottles,
and after pouring cold vinegar upon them, at once sealed up.
Cauliflower. The heads are broken up into small pieces,
which are placed in brine, and finally treated with hot
Cucumbers. Young cucumbers are placed in salt water for
one week. The brine is then poured off, and after being made
boiling hot is poured back over the cucumbers. The next
day the cucumbers are dried upon a sieve, slightly rubbed
off with a cloth, and then boiling vinegar poured over them.

Elderberry Flowers. The umbels are gathered just before

the flowers open, and treated in the same manner as cauli-
flower. These pickles are much liked in England.
English Bamboo. Young elder shoots are freed from the
bark, placed in a brine for 12 hours, and after drying brought

into bottlesand hot vinegar is poured over them. They are

highly esteemed as an addition to boiled mutton.
Gooseberries. The unripe fruits are treated like cauliflower.
Mixed pickles are a mixture of young, tender vegetables,
preserved separately, each at the proper season, and stored for
mixing later on. Small gherkins, young corn cobs, pickling
onions, green and red capsicums, cauliflower, young beans,
French beans and French carrots form the chief ingredients
of this mixture, large capers and salted olives being also used

by some makers. All the vegetables are highly blanched

and left to stand for several days in strong brine in order to
ensure their keeping. They are then put in jars with good
vinegar, warmed up in the water-bath and closed up. The
vegetables may, however, be stored separately in brine in case
of very large quantities.
For packing in bottles and other containers, good 4 per
cent, wine-vinegar is used, this being spiced with an extract
prepared as follows : To 5 gallons of vinegar add 36 ozs. of
black pepper, 18 ozs. of ginger, 18 ozs. of salt, 10 ozs. of
pimento, 6 ozs. of white pepper, a few laurel leaves and a lit-
tle tarragon, allowing the mixture to stand for 14 days in a
warm place and then filtering. The filled bottlesshould be
^carefully heated on the water-bath before they are closed.
Picalilti. These mixed pickles are packed with the follow-
ing preparation instead of vinegar: Stir 2J pounds of best
English mustard powder together with 1 pint of best olive oil,
and to this add 2J Ibs. of sugar, Ib. of salt, and 3 to 4 pints

of good vinegar, with J pint of curry vinegar. The curry

vinegar is prepared from turmeric 3J ozs., coriander 4 ozs.,
black pepper 1 oz., ginger 1 oz., cardamoms J oz.. carraway
-seeds 1 oz., cayenne pepper J oz., all powdered, with 2J gal-
lons of wine vinegar. When all has been thoroughly mixed
together, the sauce is strained through a hair sieve.
Pickled Gherkins. Cut off the stalks and sort the gherkins
into three sizes. Then wash them carefully and pack them
into suitable clean barrels. Dill may be used as spice but

nothing else. Pour over them a pickle consisting of 12 per

cent, brine containing 25 per cent, of good wine vinegar.
Place the barrels in the sun or a warm place, with the bung-
holes open, so as to quickly start a slight fermentation. When
this has run its course, clean up the barrels, fill them to the

top with the same liquor, if necessary, and bung them down.
For use the gherkins are taken out of the barrels and packed
with fresh wine vinegar spiced with tarragon. If these small
gherkins are to be kept stored in the barrels for a long time ;

the fermented pickle should be drawn off and replaced by

fresh 12 per cent, brine.
Gherkins in Mustard. Skin and cut in halves large, ripe
gherkins, remove the cores, and then cut them into long
strips. Place the latter in tubs, sprinkle well with salt and
allow to stand for several days. Then wash the gherkins,
pack them into barrels with yellow mustard seed, a few laurel
leaves and white pepper-corns, small onions, sliced horse-
radish and shredded ginger. Pour in sufficient boiling wine
vinegar to cover the whole. After a few days draw off the
vinegar, boil it up and return it to the barrels and heavily
weight the latter. The vinegar should not be allowed to fall
below 4 per cent., otherwise it will have to be supplemented.
In 3 to 4 weeks the gherkins should be clear and translucent.
Pickled Mushrooms. Clean and trim off at the bottom young
small mushrooms and free them from the brown skin. Then
wash them in cold water and carefully dry them. Then pack
them in bottles and pour boiling wine vinegar over them.
Pickled Onions. Small onions are peeled and hot vinegar
is poured over them. Sometimes the onions are placed in
brine for one day.
Pickled Peaches. The fruits, not entirely ripe, are treated
like cucumbers.*.
Pickled Peas The peas are treated like beans and cauliflower.
Pickled Tomatoes must not be entirely ripe they may be

even green and half grown. They are pickled in the same
manner as cucumbers.

Place the young, soft nuts in strong brine

Pickled Walnuts.
for one week, then dry upon a sieve and pour hot vinegar
over them. A better method is to expose the walnuts after
they have been in the brine for nine days, upon a cloth, to the
sun until they are black, and then put them into bottles, which
are filled up with hot vinegar. These pickles are much liked
with fish, and when well sealed and stored in a dark place
keep for ten years. If they are to be used in the first three
months after being made, the brine must be heated for one
Mustard. Mustard of commerce is the seed, whole or ground,
of several species of the genus Brassica, cruciferous plants,
which grow wild and are cultivated under various conditions.
The two common varieties are the black or brown mustard,
which has a very small seed, and furnishes the most aroma,
and the white, which is two or three times as large, often used
in the whole condition in pickles and ground, either by itself
or oftener in mixture with the brown seed, for the purpose of

obtaining the desirable qualities of both.

The most rational manner of preparing mustard for table
use has been introduced into the English factories. The seed
is freed from the husk, ground to flour, and the fat oil, which
can be used as an illuminating oil, pressed out. Generally
speaking, the preparation of mustard consists in several times
grinding in a mill a mixture of white and brown mustard
with an addition of wine-must, either fresh or strongly boiled
down, or of wine vinegar, until it forms a moderately fine or
very fine pasty mass, and adding different substances as a
seasoning. In the Diisseldorf mustard the seasoning consists
of cinnamon, and sugar in the Frankfort mustard of
cloves, ;

cloves, allspice,and sugar in the English mustard, of wheat


flour, common salt and pepper: and in French mustard, of

tarragon, ginger, cinnamon, thyme, marjoram, onions, garlic,
cloves, etc. An addition of flour is most generally made, as
it modifies the sharpness of the mustard and holds the mass

better together. The quantity of the constituents varies, the


usual proportions being from 20 to 30 per cent, of white,

and 5 to 10 per cent, of brown, mustard, 1 to 2 per cent, of
common salt, to J per cent, of pulverized spices, and 40 to
50 per cent, of must or vinegar. According to the English
method the use of mustard-seed freed from oil is recommended.
In the following a few special receipts are given :

Gumpoldskirchner Must-mustard. -Evaporate 30 quarts of

freshly pressed wine-must to one-half its volume over a mod-
erate fire, dissolve in of sugar, and strain the whole
it 5 Ibs.

over 2 or 3 roots of horseradish cut in thin slices. Then add

in the form of fine powder, cardamoms 0.35 oz., nutmeg 0.35
oz., cloves 0.63 oz., cinnamon 1 oz., ginger 1 oz., mustard-
seed, grourtd and freed from oil, brown 6 Ibs. and white 11
Ibs. Grind the whole several times in a mill and strain.
Moutard des Jesuites. Make a paste of 12 sardines and 280
capers and stir it into 53 ozs. of boiling vinegar, and mix with
it ground mustard-seed freed from oil, brown 5J ozs. and
white 14J ounces.
French Mustard. Ground mustard 2 Ibs., and J oz. each of
fresh parsley and tarragon, both cut up fine, are thoroughly
mixed together; further 1 clove of garlic, also add, cut up very
fine, 12 salted anchovies. Grind the mixture very fine, add the

required must and 1 oz. of pulverized common salt, and for

further grinding dilute with water. To evaporate the water
after grinding the mustard, heat an iron red-hot and cool it
off in the mixture, and then add wine-vinegar of the best

Ordinary Mustard. I. Stir gradually 1 pint of good white

wine into 8 ground mustard-seed, add a pinch of pul-

ozs. of

verized cloves, and let the whole boil over a moderate fire.
Then add a small lump of white sugar, and let the mixture
boil up at once.
II. Pour \ pint
of boiling wine-vinegar over 8 ozs. of ground
mustard-seed in an earthen pot, stir the mixture thoroughly,
then add some cold vinegar, and let the pot stand over night
in a warm place. The next morning add \ Ib. of sugar, j

drachm of pulverized cinnamon, J drachm of pulverized

cloves, 1J drachms of pepper, some cardamom and nutmeg,

half the rind of a lemon and the necessary quantity of vine-

gar. The mustard is now ready, and is kept in pots tied up

with bladder.
III. Pound to a paste in a mortar the flesh of a salt herring,
and 2 ozs. of capers, and mix this with 2 ozs. of pulverized
white sugar and 13 ozs. of ground mustard-seed ;
then pour
If pints of boiling wine vinegar over it, stir, and let the
whole stand near a fire for several hours. Finally add pint
of boiling vinegar, stir thoroughly and pour the mustard into

glass bottles.
Frankfort Mustard. Mix 1 Ib. of white mustard-seed, ground,
a like quantity of brown mustard-seed, 8 ozs. of pulverized
sugar, 1 oz. of pulverized cloves, 2 ozs. of allspice, and com-
pound the mixture with white-wine or wine-vinegar.
Wine Mustard. Ground mustard-seed, white, 23 ozs., brown
12 ozs., common salt 2| ozs., wine vinegar 8J ozs., a like
quantity of white wine, and water 16 ozs.
Aromatic or Hygienic Mustard. Ground mustard-seed, white,
23 ozs., brown 12 wine vinegar 17J ozs. Extract all-
and ginger, of each 0.17
spice 0.35 oz., cassia, white pepper,
oz., with alcohol 1} ozs., and water 8J ozs., add 3J ozs. of

common salt and a like quantity of sugar, filter the whole

and add it to the mustard.
Dusseldorf Mustard. Ground mustard-seed freed from oil,
brown 3 ozs., white SJ ozs., boiling water 26J ozs., wine
vinegar 18 ozs., cinnamon 0.17 oz., cloves 0.1 oz., sugar 11
ozs., white wine 18 ozs.
Sour Dusseldorf Mustard. Fill 2 casks with vinegar, steep
in one of the casks 2 Ibs. of origan leaves, and in the other
an ordinary bucket full of onions cut up, and let them digest
for 2 days. Then bruise 44 Ibs. of white mustard-seed
and 66 Ibs. of this in a vat and add 1 Ib. of pul-
brown put

verized cloves, 1J Ibs. of pulverized coriander seed, and 4J

gallons of each of the prepared vinegars. Stir the whole thor-

oughly and grind it twice in a mill. To every gallon of this

add and mix thoroughly with it, 1 Ib. of salt dissolved in 1

quart of the onion vinegar.

Sweet Kremser Must-mustard. Ground mustard-seed, brown
10 Ibs., white 5 Ibs., is intimately mixed with 3 Ibs. of fresh-
ly-pressed must, and boiled down to the desired consistency.
Sour Kremser Must-mustard. Boil to a stiff paste 15 Ibs. of
brown mustard ground, and 5 Ibs. of white mustard ground,
together with 4 Ibs. of must, and after cooling stir in 4 Ibs. of
Moutarde de maille. Cut up 8 ozs. of fresh tarragon leaves
without the stems, 2^ ozs. of basil, 2 ozs. of bay leaves and 4
ozs. of rocambole (a spice of garlic). Place these ingredients-
in a glass alembic, pour 2 J quarts of strong wine-vinegar over

them, and, to allow the vapors to escape, tie up the mouth of

the alembic with a piece of perforated moist bladder. Place
the alembic upon hot sand for 4 days, then filter the fluid
first through linen arid then through blotting paper. Add to
this aromatic vinegar, 1 oz. of common salt, then stir it into a
thick paste with ground brown mustard-seed, and keep the
the mustard in earthenware jars tied up with bladder.
Moutarde aux epices is prepared by extracting 18 ozs. of

tarragon leaves, 7 ozs. of basil, If ozs.

bay leaves, 3J of ozs.

of white pepper, If ozs. of cloves, and 0.35 oz. of mace with

vinegar and mixing the extract with mustard prepared in the

ordinary manner from ground mustard-seed, brown 44 Ibs.,
white 11 Ibs., and vinegar 8J Ibs.
Moutarde Aromatisee. Boil ground mustard-seed, brown 22
Ibs., white 44 Ibs, with 9 of vinegar, and add oil of tarra-

gon 1 oz., oil of thyme J oz., oil of mace 0.35 oz., and oil of
cloves 0.17 oz., all previously dissolved in very strong vinegar.

English Mustard. Ground mustard-seed 9 Ibs., wheat flour

9 ozs., common salt
1} cayenne pepper 2|
Ib., and as
much vinegar and water as required.


Appert's Method of Canning Meats. This method consists in

soldering up the food in tin cans with great care, and then
heating the cans for considerable time in water. The cans
used are either cylinders or four-sided cases. Although the
latterdo not waste so much space as the former when packed
with others, the cylinders are generally preferred, they being
make by machinery and much
easier to easier to solder up.
The duration of the heating depends on the size of the can,
for every part of its contents must be kept at the temperature
of boiling water for a sufficient time. Meat is a bad conduc-
tor of heat and it takes "considerable time before the contents
of larger cans are heated through and through to 212 F.
The time required for the purpose can only be learned by
experience. Insert in one of the cans a thermometer so that
the bulb is exactly in the centre of the can, and observe re-

peatedly the time which elapses between when the water com-
mences to boil and the moment at which the mercury rises to
212 F.
In placing the prepared meats in the cans, the pieces should
be so arranged as to leave but few interspaces between them,
&nd the cans should be filled as full as possible, so that but
little air remains in them. Immediately after the cans are

filled, the lids are soldered on. When a sufficient number of

cans have been soldered, they are at once heated to the tem-
perature of boiling water. Heating by steam is more suitable
and less troublesome than by water. For this purpose the
cans are so arranged in a chamber that the steam can circu-
late freely round each one, the bottom layer of cans resting
on a lattice The steam enters the chamber below
this latticebottom and escapes through an aperture on the
tipper side of the chamber. Below the lattice bottom is a
trap for drawing off the condensed water. At first the steam

is admitted at a pressure of two to three atmospheres. The

steam condenses on the cold cans and, when condensation has
ceased, the blow-off cock is shut, and the passage of steam is
continued until the contents of the cans have been heated to
212 F. The time required for this purpose depends on the
size of the chamber, the number of cans in it, the quantity
and temperature of the steam introduced, etc. Iii all cases,
whether heating is done by water or by steam, care must be
had to only gradually increase the heat to give the heated
oxygen time to be absorbed by the meat. By heating too
rapidly it may happen that, in consequence of the great pres-
sure exerted by the strongly heated air upon the sides of the
cans, the soldered places may become defective, and the cans
be spoiled.
When heating has been successfully finished, i. e., when all
the oxygen has been absorbed and the cans remain perfectly

tight, it will frequently be observed that, after cooling, the

bottoms of the cans bulge inward, though they were perfectly
flatprevious to heating. This is a favorable indication of
successful preservation of the contents, because the oxygen
contained in the box being completely fixed to the meat, the
tension of the other enclosed gas (nitrogen) is considerably
decreased in cooling, which causes the slight bulging inward
of the bottoms. When, on the other hand, it is observed that
the bottoms of cans which have been stored for some time

bulge outward, it is an indication that the contents are in a

state of decomposition produced by the ferments contained in
them not having been destroyed. In consequence of decom-
position gases are evolved which accumulate more and more,
and by their pressure force the bottoms to bulge outward and
finally burst the cans.
object to be attained in operating according to Appert's
method, is to leave as little air as possible in the cans. This
object may be reached in various ways. With meat, which is
to be canned together with the broth, the smaller cans are
closed in the usual manner by soldering, and a small hole is

punched in the lids. When the cans have been sufficiently

heated and the steam escapes from the small holes, the latter
are closed by a drop of solder. For larger cans sufficient
water added. to the broth to fill the cans nearly to the rims.

They are then closed in the usual manner, a small hole is

punched in the lids and the cans are heated as long as a cur-
rent of steam escapes from the holes, when the latter are
closed by a drop of solder. In consequence of heating, the
expanded air escapes first from the cans, the last portions being
displaced by the steam. After closing the small holes and
cooling, the free spaces in the cans are almost free from air.
When a hole is punched in a can a peculiar hissing sound is
heard, which is produced by the air rushing into the can.
Appert's method is adapted for all kinds of meat, whether
stewed or roasted, with or without broth. To save space the
bones of larger animals are removed and the cans are packed
with pieces of meat. Smaller animals, for instance, poultry,
are cut up and then canned.
Corned beef isprepared by Appert's method. The meat is
freed from fat and cut into slices. The latter are then packed
closely interstratified with a little salt into cans of a truncated
pyramidal shape. The cooking is done with high-pressure
steam, and causes the slices to cohere into a solid mass.
Meat Biscuit according to Gallamond. The preparation of
this product embraces three operations Preparation of the

bouillon, preparation of the dough, and baking of the biscuit.

1. Preparation of the bouillon. Bring 56 Ibs. of beef and 24
quarts of water in a boiler, add, tied in a linen bag, thyme,
bay leaves, two nutmegs, cloves, pepper, cinnamon or ginger,
and 22 Ibs. of vegetables (carrots, turnips, leek). After boil-
ing for four hours, remove the bones from the meat, divide
the latter into small pieces, return them to the bouillon and
continue boiling for 1J hours longer. The contents of the
boiler are then of the consistency of a very thin paste. Dissolve
in this paste about \ Ib. of rock candy, which is claimed to in-
crease the keeping qualities of the biscuit. In the manner

above described about 11 quarts of very concentrated broth

are obtained, which contains all the soluble parts and the fibrin
of 48 Ibs. of meat (8 Ibs. being lost in the form of bones, sin-
ews, etc.).

2. Preparation of the dough. 110 Ibs. of wheat flour are in-

corporated by kneading with the 11 quarts of bouillon. The

dough is very solid and is cut up into biscuits, generally 237.
3. Bakingthe Biscuit. The biscuits remain in the oven for
1J hours. The composition of 100 parts of this biscuit is
about as follows Dry flour, 76.45 dry meat, 5.79 fat, 6.27

dry vegetables, 2.77 ; spices and sugar, 0.92 ; water, 7.80.

Soup For the preparation of soup tablets it is first

of all necessary to extract the soluble matters from the meat.

The proper plan to do this is to keep the meat in cold water
and then to heat it gradually and not to a temperature so
high as to coagulate the albumen. If the meat is plunged
from the start in boiling water, the outside of it is made im-
pervious by the coagulation of the albumen and the soluble
constituents are only imperfectly extracted even by long boil-

ing. The meat should be scrupulously cleaned from fat. It is

then minced in a mincing machine or cut up small with a
chopper, and steeped in water which should not be too hard
and is gradually brought to a temperature not exceeding 140 F.
Heating is kept up, whilst constantly stirring, for several
hours. When working on a large scale a mechanical stirrer
should be used. The proportion of water to meat should be
two parts to one by weight. After heating for three hours
nothing will be left undissolved but worthless fibrin. The
temperature is then raised to about 194 F. The liquid,
previously clear, then becomes thick, and a scum rises to the
surface, both these appearances being due to the coagulation
of the albumen. The liquid thus prepared may be stored by
bringing it, while still hot, into vessels, filling them quite full
and closing them air-tight. The liquid will keep for many
For the preparation of soup tablets, the liquid is mixed with

about 1 lb. of salt for every 100 Ibs. of meat used and filtered

through several folds of linen. The filtrate is evaporated in

very shallow thvplate pans, without, however, allowing it to
a sample becomes hard when cold. The entire mass
boil, till
is then cast into molds. When properly made soup tablets
are usually of a pale brown color and give a perfectly clear
solution in water, having the taste of fresh beef tea.

Beef extract. This product is made at Fray Bentos in

Uruguay, by the following method. The meat from the cattle

of the grass plains of the pampas is freed from bones and fat,
and minced. The paste is mixed with water and subjected
to greathydraulic pressure. The concentrated solution of the
soluble constituents of the meat thus obtained is at once
boiled to coagulate the albumen. The clear liquid is then
evaporated in vacuum pans till the mass on cooling is of a
semi-solid consistency. When prepared in this manner the
extract contains no gelatine and forms a perfectly clear solution
with water. The absence of gelatine and fat makes the extract
so unalterable that a pot of it can be left for as long as desired
in a damp mouldy room without undergoing change.

Quick Salting of Meat by liquid pressure. This process is

especially applicable to the preservation of large masses. A
reservoir of concentrated brine is placed on a high level, at
least 30 above the room where the process is worked. A

pipe brought down from the reservoir is connected by a length

of rubber tube with an iron-pointed pipe. This pipe is about
8 inches long, is provided with a tap and has numerous holes
bored in it towards the point. If this point is inserted into the
middle of a piece ofmeat and the tap is opened, the hydrostatic
pressure causes the brine to penetrate the meat completely in
a very few minutes. The pieces impregnated in this manner
are placed for about 24 hours in concentrated brine, and the
meat loses no nutritive matter as it is already thoroughly
penetrated with brine. The pieces are then simply dried or
slightly smoked.
Quick Process of Smoking Meat. This process is based upon

the fact that crude wood vinegar (pyrol igneous acid) as ob-
tained iu the destructive distillation of wood contains creosote
as well as acetic acid and water. It has a strong smoky
smell and powerful antiseptic. The meat is for a few
is a

seconds dipped in the fluid, allowed to drain off and then

hung up to dry. The room in which the work is done should
be warm enough for the fat of the meat to become soft, the
absorption of the wood vinegar being thereby facilitated.
When the meat has absorbed the acid it is again dipped two
or three times in the wood vinegar, and then left to itself for
48 to 60 hours when it may be considered as thoroughly
cured. To give the cured meat the aromatic
taste of juniper,
a small quantity of oil of juniper is dissolved in the wood

vinegar diluted with water. A fluid of the following com-

position yields excellent results :

Crude wood vinegar 50 gallons.

Water ...*..... ... . . 100
Oil of juniper . VI . . . . . . . . 2 "

Although the acetic acid contained in the wood vinegar

acts as a preservative, the greater portion of it is lost by evap-

oration, and hence a fluid may suitably be used which con-

tains only a small quantity of wood vinegar, but a larger

quantity of the actually effective creosote. Such a fluid may

be prepared as follows :

Water 500 parts by weight.

Creosote 5
" "
Crude wood vinegar "
Oil of juniper 5 " c<

Dissolve the creosote in the wood vinegar, dissolve in this

solution the oil of juniper, and pour the fluid in a thin jet,
with constant stirring, into the water.
Curing may also be very rapidly effected by bringing the
meat into a smoke-house connected with a well-drawing chim-
ney, and placing on the floor of the smoke-house shallow
dishes containing a mixture of

Wood vinegar 50 parts.

Creosote 10 "
Water 50

Place a large bath sponge in each dish, and conduct a cur-

rent of warm air over the dishes.
By the current of warm air the fluid absorbed by the
sponges evaporated, and curing rapidly effected.

Preparation of Powdered Meat. An excellent product a

kind of pemmican obtained by a process patented by

Hassal. The meat used for the purpose should be as free as

possible from veins and sinews, fat being particularly sub-

ject to decomposition. The meat is cut up in a mincing

machine to a paste, and the latter is spread out in thin layers
on tin plate and dried in a drying room, a very convenient
way being to force hot air over the layers by means of a fan.
The temperature should never exceed 140 F., otherwise the
albuminous constituents of the meat coagulate and become
insoluble. Drying is continued at between 122 and 140 F.
till the meat is
considerably reduced in volume and forms a
crusty mass. The latter is next reduced to powder in a mill,
dried again, and then brought into metal cans or paper cylin-
ders lined with tin-foil.A soup of excellent taste and quality
is obtained from this meat powder by simmering for some
time in water at between 122 and 140 F.
Preservation of Fish. In order to obtain a good product, fish
which are to be preserved in oil should be treated a few hours
after having been caught. The fish should be carefully cleaned,
the entrails taken out, the tails cut off, and eventually the heads
also, as they impart a bitter taste to the fish. Finally the fish
are for a short time laid in brine. They are then taken out,
thoroughly rinsed in clean water, laid upon grates to drain, and
finally dried in the air, or, when this is impossible on account
of unfavorable weather, in ovens of special construction, in
which they remain until they feel perfectly dry and solid.
They are then laid upon shallow wire sieves, and boiled in
olive oil until done. The boiler is generally heated by steam.

The should have a temperature of 310 to 338 F., and,


according to the size of the fish, 45 to 80 seconds are required

for boiling. When boiling is finished, the sieves with the fish
are taken from the oil, and after draining off and drying, the
fish are packed, according to sizes, in tin cans. The latter are
then filled with oil, closed by soldering on the lids, and,
according to Appert's method, again boiled. Separate pieces
of larger fish are treated in the same manner.
According method, all kinds of fish, lobster,
to Appert's

crabs, oysters, etc., can be preserved by preparing them in the

same manner as for immediate consumption, then putting
them in tin cans, closing the latter by soldering, and heating
them in hot water or by steam, so that the contents are

exposed to a temperature of at least 212 F.

Preservation of Eggs. Eggs are frequently preserved by
means of lime water, which, to be sure, is one of the most

convenient, but at the same time one of the worst methods,

the eggs acquiring the disagreeable taste of lime.
To prevent eggs preserved in lime water from acquiring a
disagreeable taste of lime, Kubel recommends lime water of
1.0029 specific gravity, and to dissolve in it 6 per cent, of con-
mon salt, so that the fluid shows a specific gravity of 1.042.
Perhaps a 6 per cent, common salt solution without lime water
would answer as well.
A good preserving fluid is commercial glycerin diluted with
half its volume of well water. Salicylic acid is also very use-
ful for the purpose. Prepare a mixture of 2 quarts of water
and 1 quart strong alcohol, add 7 ozs. of glycerin, and dissolve
in this fluid as much crystallized salicylic acid as will dissolve
in it.
Bring the eggs to be preserved into the fluid, allow them
to remain for one hour, and then let them dry, placing them
for this purpose in a frame of boards or sheet zinc provided
with holes, one egg being placed in each hole. In drying,
the water and alcohol rapidly evaporate, and the salicylic acid
dissolved in them would separate in crystals upon the surface
of the eggs. However, the glycerin does not evaporate, as it

possesses the property of vigorously absorbing water from the

air, and, besides, dissolves salicylic acid. Hence a fluid is
formed which consists of a saturated solution of salicylic acid
in glycerin and fills the pores of the eggs.
The expense of preserving eggs by this method is very small,
since a fluid containing 2 Ibs. of salicylic acid in solution

suffices formany thousands of eggs. In order not to waste

any of the preserving fluid, the drippings from the eggs al-

ready treated may be collected in a vessel and again used.

Eggs preserved in this manner may be kept for many
months at the ordinary temperature of living-rooms without
the slightest alteration.
The result of the competition for prizes offered by the Asso-
ciation of Poultry Breeders of the Province of Saxony, Prussia,
has shown that water-glass an excellent
(silicate of soda) is

preservative for eggs. The first to a com-

prize was awarded
petitor who had used the following process: The eggs, which
should be perfectly clean, were placed in a can filled with a 10
per cent, solution of silicate of soda and the can was closed
air-tight. The solution was once renewed during the preserv-
ing time of six months. The temperature of the storage room
on the hottest day was 77 F. In appearance the eggs could
not be distinguished from fresh eggs. The yolk and white
were perfect, and the taste excellent.
A simple method of preserving eggs by means of silicate of
soda is as follows Immerse the eggs in a solution of silicate of

soda for about 10 minutes by floating a board on top of them.

Then remove them and stand them up with their small ends
in little holes in a shelf for two days, when they can be packed
for storage or transit. The silica of the silicate of soda is set

freeby the carbon dioxide of the air and then f forms with the
lime of the egg-shell a glassy sheet of calcium silicate which
closes all the pores.
The competition previously referred to has further shown
that the breed of chickens is without influence upon the pre-

serving capacity of the eggs, which, however, appears some-


what affected by the feed. As is well known, eggs of chickens

which run free and subsist chiefly on animal food worms,
insects, etc. have a reddish-yellow yolk, while chickens fed
chiefly with grain lay eggs with a pale yellow yolk. The
latter have a finer taste than the former. Exporters also
assert that eggswith a red-yellow yolk do not keep so well,
and in Russia, for instance, are for this reason excluded as-
much as possible from export. To recognize the color of the
yolk, hold the egg before the light.

TABLE I. Hehner's Alcohol Table.


TABLE I. Continued.


TABLE I. Concluded.


TABLE II. Which indicates the specific gravity of mixtures

of alcohol and water.

The figures in the column to the left show the per cent, by volume of alcohol; the
figures in the column to the right give the specific gravities which correspond to
the content of alcohol at 60 F.


TABLE III. Proportion between per cent, by weight and by vol-

ume of alcoholic fluids at 59 F.
(According to Stampfer.)

ioo liters of

TABLE IV. The actual content of alcohol and water in mixtures

of both fluids,and the contraction which takes place in mixing.

TABLE V. For comparing the different aerometers with

Tralles's alcoholometer.
The statements of figures of the other aerometers corresponding to the per cent, by
volume according to Tralles's alcoholometer stand in the same horizontal line.


Determination of the True Strengths of Spirit for the Standard

Temperature of 59 F. Whe,n for the determination of the
strength of a spirit of wine, the indications of the alcoholo-
meter and of the thermometer have been read off, we possess
two figures by means of which the true strength of spirit of
the spirits of wine to be examined, i. e., the number of liters
of absolute alcohol contained in 100 liters of the fluid to be
examined, when the latter possesses the standard temperature
of 59 F., is found as follows If the observed temperature of

the fluid is =
59 F., which is indicated on the scale of the
thermometer with a red mark, the figure read off on the scale
of the alcoholometer indicates at once the " true strength of
spirit. If, however, the thermometer shows a different tem-
perature, in which case the figure read off on the scale of the
alcoholometer is termed the " apparent strength of spirit,
the true strength of spirit is found from the figure read off on
the scale of the alcoholometer and the temperature with the
assistance of the following table :


TABLE VI. Determination of the true strength of spirits for the

Standard temperature 0/59 F. (15 C.).




TABLE VI. Continued.




TABLE VI. Continued.




TABLE VI. Continued.




TABLE VI . Concluded.





Table VI. has two entries : one in the uppermost horizontal

line for the observed statements of the alcoholmeter, hence
the apparent strengths from 31 to 44 per cent. the other in;

the first vertical column for the statements of Fahrenheit's

thermometer from 13 to +99.5. On the place where a
vertical and horizontal column cross, the strength correspond-
ing to the normal temperature of 59 F., i. e. the true strength
of spirits, is found.
If, for instance, the alcoholometer immersed into a sample
of spirits of wine indicates an apparent strength of 77 per cent,
and the thermometer the temperature of the fluid as 25.5 F.,
the figure 77 has to be found in the uppermost horizontal col-
umn, and then the vertical column belonging to it is followed
downward until the horizontal line is reached in which stands
the figure 25.5 in the column containing the degrees of tem-
perature. Here the statement 82.4 will be found as the true
strength of and this figure indicates that at the normal

temperature of 59 F, 100 liters of the spirit of wine exam-

ined contain 82.4 liters of absolute alcohol.
When the apparent strength read off on the alcoholometer
consists of a whole number and a fraction, the true strength
-corresponding to the whole number is determined in the above
manner, and the surplus fraction added to the number found.
If, temperature read off is 74.75, and the
for instance, the

apparent strength 81} per cent., the true strength belonging

to 81 per cent, and 74.75, which is 78.4, is first found in
the table, and to this is added the fraction = 0.72, or suffi-

ciently accurate
0.7. This gives 78.4-1-0.7 = 79.1 per cent,
as the nearest accurate true strength.

TABLE VII. Determination of the true volume of alcoholic fluids

from the apparent volume at different temperatures.

(According to A. F. W. Brix. )



perature.* In the horizontal column below 80-84 and in the

vertical at + 5
column C. (41 F.) is the reducing factor
1.0101; hence 10,000 liters are 10,000 X 1.0101 10,101 =
liters. 82 being exactly the mean of 80-84, the reduction is-
accurate. At 83 the factor would have to be increased by J- ;

at 84 by f, and consequently the factor for 83 would be 1.0101

+ (1.0104 1.0101) |
= 1.01016. For the practice the above
factors suffice without change. The measuring of the temper-
ature and reading-off of the percentage of the spirit should b&
done in the storage-cellar, and not in a warmer room, for
instance, the office, as is frequently the custom to the disad-
vantage of the seller.

* This table is calculated for a standard temperature- of 15.5P-C. (60 a F.),


t^ ON HH

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^ 'H

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* \O i^-00

O f^^O ON N vO* O ^n ON rf- O\ vr> O ^O N OO TJ-

ONOO *- t^vo iOTt-TfrnroNi-ioOOON ONOO 00
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O 10 O <* O 10 i- J- ro ON

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<o q q oq t^ q\ to q ON >-<
TJ- q\ lo^q PJ
d d d pJ PO ^od w
N O1-1 ONOO t>vO vO


I 1

TABLE IX. For the reduction of specific gravities to

saccharometer per cent.

(According to Balling.) Temperature 63.5 F.


TABLE IX. Continued.


TABLE IX. Concluded.


TABLE X. Comparative synopsis of the aerometers for

must generally used.


TABLE XI. Table to Oechsle's aerometer for must.


TABLE XIV. For determining the content of per cent, of acetic

acid contained in a vinegar of specific gravity.
Temperature 15 C. ( 59 F. ) .

(According to A. C. Oudemans.)

acetic acid,

TABLE XV. For determining the content of per cent, of acetic

acid contained in a vinegar of specific gravity.

(According to Mohr.)

acetic acid.

TABLE XVI. Comparison of the scales of Reaumur s, Celsius 's,

and Fahrenheit' s thermometers.


25-27 Acetone, properties of, 248, 249

Acetaldehyde, 24, 25, 249 Acid, testing must for, 387-390
Acetates and their preparation, 313-348 Acids in fruits, 371, 372
Acetic acid, 248 detection of, in vinegar, 227-229
bacteria, 1 Aerometers, different, comparison of,
composition of, SO with Tralles' alcoholometer, 512
determination of, by titration, for must, comparative synopsis of,
222-224 526
of the chemical constitu- After-wine, 190-192
tion of, 3 Air, absorption of moisture by, 467
of content of, in vinegar, Albucases. discovery by, 2
113, 528, 529 Albuminous substances in fruit, 372
formation of, by chemical pro- Alcohol, absolute, 376
cesses, 9,10 and water, actual content in mix-
of, from alcohol, 6 tures of, and contraction
glacial, 3 in mixing, 511
newly formed, disturbances due mixtures of, 114. 115
to the quantity of, 12<)-131 specific gravity of mix-
occurrence of, 9 tures of, 509
oxygen required for formation calculation for the reduction of,
of, 31 with water, 109, 110
practical yield of, from alco- composition of, 30
hol, 109 content of, in spirits of wine, 112
processes of preparation of, 255 determination of, 214-220
production of, from its ele- of chemical constitution of, 3
ments, 6 formation of acetic acid from, 6
pure, 27-29 practical yield of acetic acid from,
production of, from wood 109, 112, 113
vinegar, 296-313 theoretical yield of acetic acid
theoretical yield of, from alco- from, 108
hol, 108 Alcoholic fermentation, 8, 9
yields of, 29-32 liquid, addition of finished vinegar
yields of, 34, 35, 112, 113 to, 108
aldehyde, 24, 25 addition of phosphate to, 129
anhydride in vinegar, determina- constitution of fundamental
tion of, 220-224 materials used in the prepar-
degeneration of wine, 189, 190 ation of, 113-116
ether, preparation 184, 185
of, contraction of. 117
fermentation, products of, 23-35 definition of, 104
Acetification, accelerated, 97-99 determination of true volume
of shavings, quantity of vinegar re- of, from apparent volume,
quired for, 96 520
Acetoraeter, 220 distribution of, in the gener-
Acetometry, 220-224 ator, 46-52
Acetone, 243, 244 examples of composition of,
oils, 355 110
plant for production of, 353, 354 gradual increase of alcohol in,
preparation of, 352-355 106. 107

532 INDEX.

Alcoholic liquid, strengthening of, 118, Apple must, extractive substances in, 396
119 testing of, for acid and sugar,
heating apparatus for, 95, 96 387-390
low wine for, 111 pomace, utilization of, for making
preparation of, 104-116 vinegar, 174
proportion between per cent, pulp, preparation of. 457
by weight and by volume of, seeds, saving of, 465
510 wine, red, 408
quantity of, to be worked in a Apples, bleaching of, 480. 481
generator, 117, 118 choice of, for cider, 394, 395
receipts for, 110, 111 cider from, 392-415
role of vinegar in, 105 crushing of, 397
Alcoholometer, determination of alcohol dried, chemical analysis of, 469
by, 214, 215 evaporated, packing of, 475, 476
Aldehyde, 7, 24, 25, 249 gathering and sweating of, 396, 397
Alden evaporator, improved, 470-472 paring of, 480
manner of operating, 474- pressing of, 398
476 slicing of, 481
patent for evaporating fruit, 465 Apricot wine. l.'!4
Ale, sour vinegar from, 168, 169 Aromatic mustard, 494
Alkalies, effect of, on wood, 236, 237 vinegar, 180, 181
Alkaloid in wine, 377, 378 Artificial culture of vinegar ferment, in-
Allyl alcohol, 244 duction of the operation with. 99-104
Aluminium acetate, 320-323 Assmus, yield of products from wood
hydrate, 320 according to, 289
sulphate, decomposition of, 321 322 Automatic principle, arrangement of a

Ammonia 222
test solution, factory working according to, 90-
Ammonium acetate, 316, 317 96
Amyl alcohol, 115 vinegar apparatus, 73-96
Amyloid, 235, 236
Anchovy vinegar. 182 11, 12
Anise vinegar, 181 BACTERIA,
Bacterium aceti, 1,11
Anthon's table for finding content of Pasteurianum, 12
anhydrous sugar in saturated solu- Bag-filter, 156-158
tions of glucose 392 Baine-Marie, 436
Antimony, use of, for determining tem- Baldwin apples, dried, chemical analy-
sis of, 469
perature, 286
Appert's method of canning meats, 496- Bamboo, English, 489, 490
498 Barberries, 489
^pple, acid in, 396 Barium acetate, 317-319
butter, 453, 454 Basic aluminium acetates, 320
composition of, 395 cupric acetates, 332-335
crusher, 379 lead acetates, 344, 345
elevator, 385, 386 Basilius Valentinus, distillation of vin-
grinder, 379, 380 egar by, 2
jelly, 458, 459 Beans, 489
perfumed, 460, 461 Beech shavings, accelerated acetification

plant for making, 461-165 of, 97-99

juice, addition of benzoate of soda
dimensions of, 53
to, 401 drying of, 54, 55
constituents of, 396 for filling generators 53-55
experiments to develop a me- number of, required to fill a
thod of sterilizing 399-401 generator, 53
extraction of, by diffusion, 399 packing of, 55
fermentation of, 403-406 steaming of, 54
fresh, carbonating of, 401 vinegar required for acetifica-
methods of obtaining, 378-385 tion of, 96
to be fermented, testing of. 402, Beef, canned, 498
marmalade, perfumed, 457, 458 extract, 500
INDEX. 533

Beer, determination of vinegar from, Calcium acetate, 317

230, 231 decomposition of, by the
for alcoholic fluid. 107. 108 hydrochloric acid pro-
sour, vinegar from, 168, 1<>9 cess, 305-307
wort, vinegar from, 161, 1(52 of. by the sulphuric acid
Bell siphon, 89 process, 307-310
Benzoate of soda, addition of, to apple of, in vacuum, 310, 311

juice, 401
to aceone and cal-
Berries, jelly from, 459, 460 cium carbonate,
vinegar from, 169-173
vinous fluids from, 171, 172 evaporating and drying of,
Berry fruit pulp, 457
Bersch's method of making wine vine- plant for decomposition of.
by the sulphuric acid pro-
gar, 201-209
cess, 308-310
plate generator, 82-86
Frederic of preparation of, 296-299
Bioletti, T., description of sodium acetate from,
Claudon's method of 303
making wine vinegar Canning factory,
arrangement of, 446
by, 200, 201 fruits suitable and unsuitable for,
on vinegar from grapes,
439, 440
186, 187 meats by Appert's method, 496-
vinegar tester described 498
by, 224-2:>6 syrup for, 442
Birch tar oil, 358, 359 tomatoes, 445-449
yield of products from, 289 vegetables, 444, 445
Bismuth acetate, 346 Cans, 440
Blackberry jelly, 461 air-tight, preserving in, 438-449
wine, 430, 431 coating for inside, 441
Black mordant, 324-326' expulsion of air from, 443
Bleachers, 480, 481 filling of, 442
Boerhave, method of making wine by, heating of, 443, 444
3 labeling of, 448
Boiled tar, 247 manufacture of, 441, 442
Boiling of wine vinegar, 193 Caramel, preparation of, 159, 160
Bottled fruits, sterilizing of, 436 Carbo-oven, 262
Bottling cider, 408, 409 Carbonating fresh apple juice, 401
wine vinegar, 209, 210 Carbonic acid, 377
o Catchups, 449-453
Bouquet bodies,
Box cooler, 278, 279 Cauliflower, 489
manufacture from Celery vinegar, 183
Brandy, of, cider,
Cellulose, changes in, 234
effect of alkalies on, 236, 237
Bricking in retorts, 264, 265 of sulphuric acid on, 235, 236
Brown acetate of lead, 341 Chamber generator, Lenze's, 80-82
Biihler, plant for decomposition of cal-
Champagne cider, 410, 411
cium acetate by the sulphuric acid pro- Charcoal,
burning of, in heaps, 256
cess arranged by, 308-310 for filling generators, 52
Burette, 221 quantity of vinegar required for
Burgundy, 412 acetification of. 96
from pear must, 418, 419 wood vinegar and tar, preparation
Burnt sugar, preparation of, 159, 160 closed vessels, 254-283
of. in

Cheese, laying up a, 384

Chemical examination of raw materials
AGE, 489
Cadet-Gassicourt's process of mak-
and control of operations in a vinegar
factory, 213-226
ing vinegar from sugar, ] 70 Chillies in vinegar, 232
534 INDEX.

Chromic acetate, 328 Cork and cork waste for filling genera-
Chromium acetates, 328 tors, 52
Chromous acetate, 328 Corn cobs for filling generators, 52
Cider, acidity in, 413 Corned beef, 498
adulteration of, 414, 415 Cosmetic vinegar, 181
as basis for artificial wines, 411,412 Counter-current pipe cooler. 275-278
bottling of, 408, 409 Courtenvaux, experiments of, 2, 3
choice of apples for, 39-1, 395 Creosote, 252, 253
clarification of, 406, 407 preparation of, 355-359
cold storage of, 401, 402 Crusher for apples, H79
Devonshire, 410 Crystallized verdigris, 329-332
diseases of, 412-414 Crystallizing pans for sugar of lead, 338,
fermentation of, 403-406 339
fermenting casks for, 402, 403 Cucumber catchup, 452
for export, 407 Cucumbers, 489
from apples. 392-415 Culture, pure, of vinegar ferment, 100-
greasy appearance of, 413 104
improving the taste of, 407, 408 disturbances in, 103, 104
manufacture of, 378-419 Cuprous acetate, 329
of brandy from, 415-418 Currant catchup, 452
the island of Jersey.
in wine, 422-424
409, 410
mill, Hickock's, 378 experiments in heating
pasteurizing of, 399-401 DAUBREE,
wood by, 235
plant, arrangement of a, 386, 387 Davis' s star apple grinder, 379, 380
preparation of, like other fruit Davy, J., discovery of, 3
wines, 408 Defecator, 462, 463
presses, 381-383 Denies-Dumont, directions for bottling
pure, minimum of composition, for cider by, 408, 409
414 Destructive distillation of wood, execu-
sweet, retarding fermentation in, tion of, 283-290
399-401 products of, 237-254
turbidity of, 414 wood vinegar and other
vinegar, 173-178 by-products obtained
home made, 174-178 in, 233-254
viscosity of, Devonshire cider, 410
wine from, 408 Diastase, 160
Ciders, analyses of, by United States action of, upon starch, 164
Agricultural Department, 164
393, 394 formation of, 37
fruit wines, etc., manufacture of, Dibasic cupric acid acetate, 333
360-434 Distillation, destructive, of wood, prod-
pure, type of, 393 ucts of,
Claret wine, 41 2 237-254
Claudon's method of making wine vin- wood vinegar
egar, 200, 201 and other by-
Cleopatra, anecdote of, 1 products ob-
Clove vinegar, 183 tained in,
Cobalt acetate, 328 233-254
Collecting boxes for liquid products of of cider, 417, 418
distillation, 281, 282 reservoirs for the product of, 279-
Coloring vinegar, 159,160 283
Combustion, formation of vinegar a pro- Distilled wood vinegar, 292-296
cess of, 32 purifications of, 294-296
Continuous acting apparatus, 75, 86 Distilling apparatus for sugar of lead, 337
Coolers, 267, 275-279 wood waste, 271-274
Copper acetates, 329, 335 test, determination of alcohol by,
detection of, in vinegar, 229 215-217
INDEX. 535

Distilling wood vinegar in multiple Foucroy and Vauquelin, 3

evaporators in vacuum, 293 Frankfurt mustard, 494
Dobereiner, directions for making vine- French, modern, method of preparing
gar from sugar by, 170 wine vinegar, 196-200
study of acetic acid by, 3, 6 mustard, 493
Durande, 3 old, process of making wine vine-
Diisseldorf mustard, 494, 495 gar, 193-196
verdigris, 333, 334
determination of Fresenius, 3, 368
alcohol by, 217-220 Fruit butter, 453, 454
Effervescing vinegar, 182, 183 drying of, in the oven, 4^5, 486
Eggs, preservation of, 503-505 evaporated, packing of, 475, 476
Elderberry flowers, 489 evaporation of, 465-486
wine. 431 flesh, preservation of, 436-438
Elevator for apples, 385, 386 juice, composition of, 370
England, preparation of mustard in, fermentation of, 421
492, 493 free acid in, 370
English bamboo, 489, 490 preservation of, 435-465
mustard, 495 ripening of, a chemical process, 365,
orange marmalade, 458 366
ventilating apparatus, 61 62,
rules for preserving, 435, 436
verdigris, 334, 335 selection of, for evaporating, 480
Ether, light oxygenated, 7 for wine, 421
Evaporating pans, 397 stages of development and ripening
Evaporation of fruit, 465-486 of, 367, 368
principle of, 466-468 sun-drying apparatus for, 484, 485
Evaporator, 463 wines, additions to, 360
Evaporators, 470-480 clarification of, 421, 422
multiple, 293 from stone-fruit, 433, 434
Examination of vinegar as to the pres- improving the flavor of. 420
ence of foreign acids and of metals, mixture of juices for, 420
as well as to its derivation, 227-232 preparation of, 419-434
Extra-power cider press, 382, 383 Fruits and their composition, 368-378
Extract of lead, 344 average content of sugar and free
acid in, 171
cider press, 381, 382 for canning, 439, 440
Fatty acids in wood vinegar, 242, percentage of free acid in. 369
243 sugar in, 368
Fermentation, 374-376 presses for, 380-383
acetic, products of, 23-33 proportion between acid, sugar, pec-
alcoholic, 8, 9 tine, gum in, 369
funnel, 404, 405 water, soluble and
of fruit juices, 421 insoluble substan-
pectous, 363 ces in, 369, 370
products of, 374-376 ripening of, 360-368
second, 406 small, jelly, from. 459, 460
tumultuous, 404-406 wine from. 419-433
vinous, 24 vinegar from, 169-173
Ferrous acetate, 324-326 Furfurol, 244
Fielding, 168 Fusel oils, 115, 116
Filtering malt vinegar, 168
sodium acetate solution, 301 plALLAMOND, meat biscuit accord-
wine vinegar, 208 U ing to, 498, 499
Filters, 155-158 Gas, yield of, from wood, 241, 242
Filtration of vinegar, 155-158 Gaseous combinations formed at differ-
Fining vinegar, 159 ent temperatures, 238
Fish, preservation of, 502, 503 products of destructive distillation
Formic acid, 243 of wood, 237-242
536 INDEX.

Gases, utilization of, 266, 282, 283 Glycerin in vinegar, 232

Generator, best form of, 40 Gooseberry catchup, 453
common form of. 41 champagne, 427, 429
comparison of a, to a furnace, 35 wine, 425-427
controlling the work of a, 119, 120 Gore, H. C., experiments regarding the
cover for, 43, 44 value of peaches as
daily conversion of alcohol into vinegar stock by,
acetic acid by a, 31, 32 173
development of heat in, 33, 34 to develop a method
discharge of collected fluid from, of sterilizing apple
45, 46 juice, 399-401
distribution of alcoholic fluid in, investigations by, of the cold
46-52 storage of cider, 401, 402
experiments in conveying direct air Gould, H. T., kiln evaporator described
to every, 61-63 by, 470-480
for cider vinegar, 174 Graduator, 39
Lenze's chamber, 80-82 Grain, fusel oil in spirits of wine from,
Michaelis' revolving, 72, 73 116
plate, 82-86 vinegar, manufacture of, 162-169
protection of hoops and metallic Grape must, potassium in, 371
parts of, 42 stalks and skins for refining malt
quantity of fluid to be worked in a, vinegar, 168
117, 118 stems for filling generators, 52, 53
regulating the temperature in, 36 sugar, 371
Schulze's, 63, 64 Grapes, conversion into raisins, 482
Singer's, 69-72 once pressed, after- wine from, 190-
sulphuring a, 138-140 192
thermometer for, 52 vinegar from, 186. 187
too feebly working of, 129, 130 Grinder for apples, 379, 380
vigorously working of, 130, 131 Group system, principle of the operation
wood for construction of, 41, 42 122-125
Generators, 40-52 with automatic contrivances,
artificial ventilation of, 61-73 operation of, 125-127
cause of heating of, 131 Gum in fruit, 372, 373
chemical examination of the fluid Gumpoldskirchner mustard, 493
running off from, 119, 120
dimensions of, 42 apparatus for distill-

filling the, 52-55 HALLIDAY'S

ing wood waste. 271-273
materials for filling, 52, 53 Ham, invention by, 39
most suitable, 43 Hannibal, rocks dissolved with vinegar
sliming of shavings in, 131-133 by, 1, 2
with constant ventilation and con- Hassack. Paul, preparation of after-wine
densation, 65-73 according to. 190-192
Gerber, discovery by, 2 Hassal, patented process of, 502
Gherkins in mustard, 491 Heating apparatus, 57-59, 95, 96
pickled, 490, 491 utilization of gases for, 266
Glacial acetic acid, 3 vinegar, 153-155
preparation of, 309, workroom. 57-59
310, 811, 312 Hehner's alcohol table, 506-508
test for, 312, 313 Henry's vinegar, 181
Glucose, 371 390-392
Herb vinegar, 183
determination of pure sugar in, Hickock's cider mill. 378
391,392 Hippocrates, use of vinegar by, 1
table forfinding content of an- Historical data. 1-6
hydrous sugar in saturated solu- Home-made cider vinegar, 174-178
tions of, 392 Horizontal retorts, 263-267
Glycerin, 376, 377 Horseradish catchup, 452
for preserving eggs. 503, 504 Hydriodic acid, effect of, on wood, 236
INDEX. 537

Hydrocarbons of
series C n H 2U _6 , prop- !
Malic acid, 396
erties of, 250, 251 Malt, 163, 164
Hydrochloric acid, detection of, in vin- determination of vinegar from, 230.
egar, 228 231
effect of, on wood, 236 vinegar, filtering of, 168
process for decomposi- manufacture of, 162-169
tion of calcium ace- Manganese acetate, 323, 324
tate, 305-308 Marc, wine vinegar from, 211, 212
Hygienic mustard, 494 Marmalade, 454-458
vinegar, 181 Mash, filtration of, 166, 167
Mashing, 1(14, 165
NORGANIC constituents, 374 Massonfour's aerometer for must, 527
1 Iron acetate, 324-328 Maximum electrical thermometer, 59
detection of, in vinegar, 229 Meat biscuit, 498, 499
canned, heating of, 496, 497
440 canning of, by Appert's method,
Jelly, 458-465 196-498
Jersey, island of, manufacture of cider and eggs, preservation of, 496-
in, 409, 410 505
Juniperberry wine. 431 powdered, 502
preparation of, for canning, 496
evaporators, 476-480 quick salting of, 500
KILN Kilns, burning charcoal in, 256, quick smoking of, 500-502
257 Mercuric acetate, 347
or ovens and retorts, 256-283 Mercurous acetate, 346, 347
Klar, apparatus for evaporating and Metacetone, 244
drying calcium by, 298 Metals, detection of, in vinegar, 229, 230
three-still system devised by. 292. Matapectic acid, 364
293 Metapectine, 362
yield of products from wood accord- Methyl acetate, properties of, 249
ing to, 289, 290 alcohol, 243
Kremser mustard, sour, 495 preparation of, 348-352
Kiitzing, investigation of mother of properties of, 249, 250
vinegar by, 21 Meyer's system for preparing pure ace-
tone, 355
acid, detection of, in vinegar, of decomposition of calcium
LACTIC228 acetate in vacuum, 310,
Laragnais, experiments of, 2, 3 311
Lead acetates, 335-346 distilling wood vinegar in
metallic, preparation of sugar of multiple evaporators in
lead from, 340. 341 vacuum, 293
sesquibasic acetate, 345 Michaelis' revolving generator, 72, 73
vinegar, 344 Minimum electrical thermometer, 60
Lenze's chamber generator, 80-82 Mixed pickles, 490
Liebig's theory of the formation of vin- Mixture, 104
egar, 7 Mohr's volatile spirits of vinegar, 180
Lifting apparatus for vertical retorts, Mold ferment, development of, 101
269 formation of, 198, 199
Lime water, preserving eggs in, 503 Morello wine, 433
Liquid products of destructive distilla- Mother of vinegar, 21, 22, 194
tion of wood, 242-254 occurrence of, 22
Lovage vinegar, 183 Mothers, 193
Low wine for alcoholic liquid, 111 Moutarde aromatise'e, 495
Lowitz, strengthening of vinegar by, 3 aux Apices, 495
desjesuites, 493
AGNESIUM acetate, 319, 320
M Malaga grapes, 482
de maille, 495
Mucilage, vegetable, in fruit, 372, 373
wine, 412 Mulberry jelly, 459
538 INDEX.

Mulberry wine, 431 Pear, cider. 418, 419

Multiple evaporators, 293 essence, 115, 116
Mushrooms, pickled, 491 jelly, 459
Must, 396 Pears, drying of, in the oven, 486
aerometers, 527 pVeservation of, 438
comparative synopsis of aerometers pickled, 491
for, 526 Pectase. 362, 363
testing of, for acid and sugar, 387- Pectic acid. 363, 364
390 Pectine, 361, 362
Mustard, gherkins in, 491 Pectose, 361
preparation of, 492-495 Pectosic acid, 363
vinegar, 183 Pectous fermentation, 363
Mycoderma, 21 substances in fruit, 372
aceti, Pepper in vinegar, 232
Pasteurianum, 12 Periodically working apparatus. 86-90
Persoon, investigation of mother of vin-
properties of, 251 , egar by, 21
252 Petiot, process of, for after-wine from
Neutral acetate of ammonia, 316, 317 grapes once pressed, 190-192
lead, 335-344 Pettenkofer, composition of wood gases
cupric acetate, 329-332 by, 238
ferric acetate, 326-328 Phosphate, addition of, to alcoholic
Nickel acetate, 328 liquid, 129
Nitric acid, detection of, in vinegar, 228 Physiological tannin, 373, 374
Normal aluminium acetate, 320 490
Pickled gherkins, 490, 491
aerometer for must, 527 mushrooms, 491
Operations in a vinegar factory, onions, 491
96-104 peaches, 491
Orange marmalade, English, 458 peas, 491
Ordinary mustard, 493. 494 tomatoes, 491
Orleans process of making wine vinegar, walnuts, 492
193-196 Pickles, fruits and ingredients for, 489.
Oven, drying in, 468, 469, 485, 486 490
Reichenbach's, 259, 260 mixed, 490
retort, 267 preparation of. 487-492
Schwartz's. 257-259 Pineapple vinegar, 183
Swedish, 260-262 Pipette, 220
Ovens, 257-262 Plate generator, 82-86
Platinum black, formation of vinegar
properties of, 251, 252 by, 9, 10
Paring machines, 480 preparation of vinegar
Parsnip wine, 432 with the assistance of,
Pasteur, investigations by, 8, 11, 12 148, 149
liquid for the propagation of the Plum wine, 433, 434
vinegar ferment, recommended Plums, treatment of, after evaporating.
by, 197 482
method of preparing wine vinegar Potato alcohol for making vinegar. 116
by, 196-200 fusel oil, 115, 116
Pasteurization, 198 Potatoes, evaporating of, 483, 484
of cider, 399-401 Potassium acetate, 314-316
Pasteurizing bottled wine vinegar, 209, acid acetate, 316
210 bitartrale, 371
Pathological tannin, 374 diacetate, 316
Peach wine, 434 Powdered meat, preparation of, 502
Peaches as vinegar stock, 173 Preservation of fruit, 435-465
pickled, 491 Preserving in air-tight cans, '438-449
Pear, acid in, 396 Press cloths, 398
INDEX. 539

Presses, 380-383 Schulze's generator, 63, 61

Preventive vinegar, 181
ventilating apparatus, 63-65
Products, yield of, from wood, 288-290
Schutzenbach, introduction of the quick
Prunes, drying of, in the oven, 485, 486 process by, 3, 39
Pumice for filling generators, 52 Schwartz's oven, 257-259
Pyroligneous acid, 3 Sesquiacetate of iron, 326-328
U1CK Sesquibasic cupric acetate, 332
process of manufacture of vin- Sexbasic acetate of lead, 346
Q egar,
39-55 Shavings, accelerated acetification of,
wine vinegar by
effect of sodium sulphide on, 237
the, 210, 211
quantity of vinegar for acetification
Quince wine, 419
of, 96
383-385 saturation of, with vinegar, 99
Raisin stalks and skins for refin- sliming of, 131-135
ing malt vinegar, 168 Sherry wine, 412
Silicate of soda for preserving eggs, 504,
Raisin^, 454
Kape vessels, 168
Silver acetate, 347. 348
Raspberry jelly, 461
vinegar, 183. 184 Singer's generator, 69-72
wine, 429, 430 Siphon barrel, 88, 89
Raw Slicers, 481
materials, chemical examination
of, and control of operations in a Sliming of shavings. 131-135
Slow process of making vinegar, 143-
vinegar factory, 213-226
tar. 247 149
Red apple wine, 408 process of, 500-
Smoking meat, quick
mordant, 320
Soda test liquor, 221
Refining vessels, 168
Reichen bach's oven, 259, 260 Sodium acetate. 316
Reservoirs for the product of distilla- preparation of, 299-304
tion, 279-283 sulphide, effect of, on shavings, 237
Retort-ovens, arrangement of, 268-271 Soup tablets, 499, 500
tar, 247 Sparger, 50-52
Retorts, 262-271 Spirits of wine, 115
content of alcohol in, 112
bricking in of, 264, 265
horizontal, 263-267
determination of true
vertical, 267-271 strengths of, 513-518
of vinegar from, 230
wrought iron, 283-266
fusel oils in, 115, 116
Rhubarb wine, 432
River water, 115 specific gravity of, 112
Rothe. experiments by, 289 Stahl, strengthening vinegar by. 2
method for purification of wood Starch, action of diastase upon, 164
vinegar by, 294-296 vinegar from, 160. 161
Starr. Richard T. canning tomatoes

OACCHAROMETER, use of, in jelly described by, 445-449

O boiling, 459 Stein's method of preparing sugar of
Saccharometers, 213 lead. 337-340
Saccharomyces ellipsoidus, 403 Still for rectification of wood spirit. 349,

mesembryanthemum. 13 350
Sackett, Walter G., directions for home- Stolze, methods for purification of wood
made cider vinegar by, 174-178 vinegar by, 294
Salting meat, quick, 500 yield of products from wood accord-
Sand, filtering, 156 ing to. 288. 290
Saussure. determination of the chemical Stone fruit, evaporating of, 482
constitution of alcohol by, 3 jelly from, 460
Schizomycetes, 11, 12 wine from, 433, 434
Schiibler and Neuffler, quantities of Stoves, 167
water in wood found 'by, 233 Strawberry jelly, 461
540 INDEX.

Strawberry wine, 424, 425 Table of comparative synopsis of aero-

Strontium acetate, 319 meters for must, 526
Succinic acid, 376 proportion between per cent, by
in vinegar, 232 weight and by volume of alco-
wine, 376 holic fluids, 510
Sugar beets, vinegar from. 169 specific gravity of mixtures of al-
determination of, 213 cohol and water, 509
of lead, 335-344 to Massonfoar's aerometer, 527
testing must for. 387-390 Oechsle's aerometer for must, 527
vinegar from, 169, 170 vinegars, 181-184
Sulphuric acid, detection of. in vinegar, Tannin in fruit, 373, 374
227, 228 Tar, 244-248
effect of, on cellulose, 235. oils, preparation of 355-359
236 products of distillation of, 356, 357
process for decomposition properties of, 250-254
of calcium acetate, 305- separation of, from wood vinegar. 291
308 Tarragon vinegar, 182
Sulphuring generators, 138-140 Tartar, crude, 371
vinegar. 158. 159 Tereil and Chateau, method for purifica-
Sulphurous acid, detection of, in vine- tion of wood vinegar by, 294
gar, 228, 229 Terrace system, 75-80
Sun-drying apparatus, 484, 485 Thenard, demonstration by, 3
Swedish oven. 260-262 Thermometer, maximum electrical, 59
Syrup for canning, 442 minimum electrical, 60
Thermometers, comparison of, 530
for comparing different aerom- Three-group system, 8(5-96
TABLE eters with Tralles's Three-still system, 292, 293
alcoholometer, 512 Tilting trough, 49
percent, of sugar with modification of, 86-88
per cent, of extract Tin acetate, 346
and the specific cans, 440, 441
gravity, 527 detection of, in vinegar, 229. 230
Reau mui's, Cel- Toilet vinegars, 180, 181
sius's, and Fahr- Tomato catchup, 450, 451
enheit's ther- wine, 432
mometers, Tomatoes, canning of, 445-449
530 evaporating of, 482, 483
determining content of per pickled, 491
cent, of acetic acid con- Tower evaporators, 470-474
tained in a vinegar, 528, drying in, 482
529 Tralles's alcoholometer, comparison o
determination of true volume different aerometers with. 512
of alcoholic Tribasic acetate of lead. 345, 346
fluids from cupric acetate, 333
apparent Triplumbic tetracetate, 345
volume. Tutti-frutti, 458
true strengths TTRANIUM acetate, 346
of spirits,
reduction of specific gravities for liquid products of distilla-
to saccharometer per cent., VATS
523-525 Vegetable mucilage in fruit, 372, 373
Hehner's alcohol, 506-508 Vegetables, canning of, 444, 445
of actual content of alcohol and Ventilating apparatus, English, 61, 62
water in mixtures of Schulze's, 63-65
both fluids.and contrac- Ventilation, artificial of generators, 61-
tion in mixing, 511
INDEX. 541

Ventilation constant, and condensa- Vinegar ferment, effect of temperature

tion, generators with, 65-73 on, 19, 20
Verdigris, 338-335 fluids for the nutriment of,
crystallized, 329-332 100, 101
Vertical retorts, 267-271 induction of operation with
Vidal-Malligaud's ebullioscope, 218, artificial culture of, 99-104
219 origin of, 13
Vinaigre des quatre voleurs, 181 Pasteur's liquid for the propa-
Vinegar, acme of formation of, 33 gation of, 197
addition of volatile oils to, 5 pure culture of, 100-104, 201,
apparatus, automatic, 73-96 202
continuously working, 75-86 sensitiveness of, 74
periodically working, 86-90 supply of air for, 19
bacteria, factors for the settlement field, 193
of, upon a fluid, 16, 17 filtration of, 155-158
rapidity of propagation of, fining, 159
It) for domestic use, 170
coloring, 159, 160 formation of acetic ether in, 184
conversion of wine into, 13-15 of, by fermentation, a chemico-
derivation of, 230-232 physiological process, 23
determination of acetic acid in, freshly-prepared, further treatment
113, 528, 529 149-160 of,
anhydride in, 149odor of,
220-224 from beer-wort, 161, 162
difference in, from various mate- starch, 160, 161
rials, 37 sugar beets, 169
disturbing influences in the manu- various materials, preparation of,
facture of, 128-142 160-178
eels,appearance of, in making wine wine, composition of, 187, 188
vinegar, 199 heating of, 153-155
disturbances due to, 135-140 high-graded, 107
remedies for the suppression of, historical data on, 1-6
137-140 household manufacture of, 147,
structure of, 135, 136 148 ,

essence, 4, 5 improving the odor of, 150, 151

examination of, as to the presence induction of the formation of, 143
of foreign acids and of metals, as introduction of the quick process of
well as to its derivation, 227-232 making, 3, 39
factory, arrangement of a, 56-60 lice,disturbances due to, 140-142
chemical examination of raw Liebig's theory of the formation
materials and control of of, 7
operations in a, 213-226 materials for. 36, 37
operations in a, 96-104, 116- methods of manufacture of, 36-38
127 mites, disturbances due to. 140-142
working according to the auto- ordinary, constitution of, 1
matic principle, arrange perfumed, dissolving volatile oils
ment of, 90-96 for, 178-180
ferment, 8 points of theoretical conditions of
and conditions of life, 13-23
its formation of, 22, 23
composition of nutrient fluid preparation of, with platinum black,
for, 17-19 148, 149
conditions for nutriment of, principal defects of manner of
16-20 manufacturing, 5, 6
constitution of, 23 production of strongest, 121, 122
disturbances in pure culture of, progress essential for the manufac-
103, 104 turer of, 4
effect of defective nutriment quantity of, for acetification of
on, 128, 129 shavings, 96
542 INDEX.

Vinegar, quick process of manufacture, Wine vinegar, potassium bitartrate in,

39-55 231
role of, in alcoholic fluid, 105 reasons for superiority of, 187
saturation of shavings with, 99 storage of, 208
specialties, 178-185 vats foi- ruaking, 204
spiced, 488 yeast, elliptic, 403
stock, peaches as, 173 Wines, artificial, cider as basis for, 411,
stored, constituents of, 151-153 412
removal of sediment from, 151 best, for making vinegar, 203
sulphuring, 158, 159 Witherite, preparation of barium acetate
tester, 224-226 from, 317-319
theory of formation of, 6-1 2 Wood, air-dry, average composition of,
time for making, by slow process, 234
145 percentage of water in 98 ,

yeast, 8 yields from, 247, 248

Vinous fermentation, 24 constitution of, 233, 234
products of, 375-378 decomposition of, 234-237
Vitruvius, 2 destructive distillation of. bodies
Volkel's method of preparing sugar of appearing
lead, 335 in. 246
Volumetric analysis, determination of execution of, 283-296
acetic acid by, 222-224 properties of combi-
nations formed in.
invention by, 39 248-254
Walnut catchup, 451, 452 effect of chemicals on, 235-237
Wash, 104, 114 heating on, 235
preparation of, 143, 144 gases, composition of, 238
Water glass for preserving eggs, 504, 505 illuminating gases from, 253
Well-waters, 114 installation of plant for utilizing, in
White lead, 344 a thermo-chemical way, 254-256
Williams evaporator, 472-474 preservation of, 234, 235
Wine, acetic degeneration of, 189, 190 spirit for denaturing, 351, 352
acetificatiou of, 202 preparation of. 348
composition of, 187, 188 properties of, 249. 250
conversion of, into vinegar, 18-15 rectification of, 349, 350
definition of, 360 specific gravity of, 233, 234
determination of vinegar from, 231 tar, 244-248
from cider, 408 character of, 247
small 419-433
fruits, combinations in, 244-246, 253,
glycerin in, 376 254
mustard, 494 creosote, 252, 253
sick, 188, 189 distillation of. 355, 356
slow acetification of, 192 products of distillation of, 356,
succinic acid in, 376 357
vinegar by the quick process, 210, separation of various combina-
211 tions in, 24(5. 247
bottled, pasteurizing of, 209, working the, 855-359
210 yield of, 246
bottling, 209, 210 vinegar, 242-244
composition of, 187, 188 and other by-products obtained
disturbances in the production in the destructive distillation
of, 208 of wood, 233-254
factory, operations in a, 206, constituents of, 292
207 distilled, 292-296
filtering, purification of, 294-296
from marc, 211, 212 distilling of, in multiple evap-
manufacture of, 186 212 orators in vacuum, 293
oldest method for making, 193 fatty acids in, 242, 243
INDEX. 543

Wood vinegar, freshly prepared, pro- Wood, yield of wood vinegar from,
perties of, 293, 294 244
production of pure acetic acid yields of products from, 288-290
from, 296-313 Workroom, control of temperature iir,
separation of tar from, 291 59,60
treatment of, 290-313 heating the, 57-59
waste, distilling apparatus for, 271- principal requisites for, 56
water in, 233 INC acetate, 329
yield of gas from, 241 ,
242 Z

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