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Residentlal/Domicle Certificate for candldates residing in the State ofWest Bengal

continuously for at least last ten (10) years as on 31.12.2022
Certified that

Son / daughter of

resident/permanentresident ofWest Bengal at Village/House No.


Post Office_ Police Station

In the District of under

Assembly Constituency and has been living in the State of West Bengal
continuously/ uninterruptedly at least for the lastten (10) years as on 31-12-2022.

Paste 4 cmx3 cm
recent Canddate's signa ture
photograph in
thisbox. Photo
must be attested Candldate must sign here n front of the
by the certifying certlfylngauthority

(Candidate's photograph)

Signature of Certifying Authority

Full Name of Certifying Authority (Block letters)_
Designation with 0fidal Seal

Office Address

Office Phone No. Mobile No: (optional)

ID No: (optional)

Note: Photograph is to be attested by the certifying authority.

The Certifying Authority may preserve aduplicate copy of this Certificate as record.

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