Application of Costs

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Selected costs associated with a variaty of business situations are shown below: Product
F/V/Semi Direct Indirect Period
1 Salary of the plant manager F /
2 Lubricating oil for machines V
3 Brass rods in making plumbing products
4 Property taxes on a bldg. housing both the factory and the HO F
5 Labor in the repairs and maintenance section
6 Salary of the supervisor in the grinding department F
7 Crude oil used in a refining process which results in various prods V
8 Wages of artists preparing ads for a grocery chain (factory) F
9 Wages of artists preparing ads for a grocery chain (grocery chain) F
a Salaries of QA personnel who tests products during production F
b Salaries of software engineers in a prod. Plant using robots F
c Sales commissions of the marketing staff F


The following data are available about the Birosack Company:

2018 2019 2020

Beginning Materials inventory $ 10,000 $ ? $ 12,000
Ending materials inventory 15,000 ? 11,000
Beginning work in process inventory 30,000 ? 18,000
Ending work in process inventory 24,000 ? 21,000
Direct labor 20,000
Manufacturing overhead 40,000
Materials purchases 30,000

Required: Find cost of goods manufactured for year ?

Beginning Materials inventory 10,000

Add: Material Purchase 30,000
Less: Ending materials inventory 11,000
Direct materials used in production 29,000
Direct Labor 20,000
Manufacturing overhead 40,000
Total Manufacturing cost 89,000
Beginning WIP in inventory 30,000
Less: Ending, WIP in inventory 21,000
Cost of Goods Manufactured 98,000
Wild Side Clothes manufactures designer jeans. At the end of the current year, one line was out of style.
These jeans were carried in inventory at $ 50,000. Geri Wilder, a product line manager, estimates that,
with a little rework cosing $ 8,000, she could sell the entire lot to a discount clothing outlet for $ 15,000.

or Geri figures, the jean could be sold "as is" to a company in northern Mexico for $ 6,000, although Wild
Side would have to pay $ 750 in freight charges. She could also sell the jeans as waste material to a
recycling firm for $ 2,200.
With Rework Sell as is Waste material
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
SP 30,000 15,000 6,000 2,200

COST 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

14,400 64,400 8,000 58,000 - 50,000 750 50,750

(34,400) (43,000) (44,000) (48,550)

1. What is the sunk cost in this situation? 50,000

2. Which is the best choice? OPTION 1
Why? Lesser loss of 43,000

3. Geri could store the jeans for cost of P 130 per month. She says, "I think this style will return in, oh
maybe 8 to 10 years."

She guesses that the jeans might be sold for up to $ 30,000" then, assuming no storge damage and
no inflation. Does tis information affect your analysis? No No

Explain: No need to wait for 8 to 10 years that would only lost only at a loss.

Sale Value 15,000 Sale Value 6,000 Net benefit
Additional Cost 8,000 cost 750
Net Benefit 7,000 Net benefit 5,250

Sale Value after 10 yrs 30,000

Strange cost (130*12*10) 15,600

Net benefit 12,000

Net benefit 2,200

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