Biology Notes

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Evangel College

$3 Biology Notes
Ch.1 Food and humans Name:Tp Cheulk Iing

1.1 Modes of nutrition (ook 4, p. 5-3)

Heterotrophic nutrition
Autotrophie nutrition

Can make their own food Have to take in organic-matter from thei
(e.g. by photosynthesis) surroundings;depend on other
Example of autotrophs ( ) : plants Example of heterotrophs ( E ) :

1.2 The food requirements of humans (Book i4, p.s-4)

Why do we need food? (Book 1A, p. 5-4)

Food provides us with:
- energy for supporting daily activities and keeping us warm

raw materials for growth and repair of body tissues

- substances that are important for maintaining health.

B Food substances (Book1A,p. 5-4)

There types of food substances ( N N :
are seven
Food substance that does not províde energy
Food substance that provides energy

Carbohydrates (k{AEM
Minerals ( )
Lipids (
Vitamins (E£) hmantarn heslth
Dietary fibre (&tHERiD
Proteins EUN

1 Carbobhvdrates! a
Carbohydrates are-organic.substanges.
They are made up ofcarbon (C), hydrogen (H) and'
OXygen (O) atoms,
1k) =lccD
Functions of carbohydrates:
u T t ofererqy
As the main enere Ouree.
.The ameut of negy qTven cut by q arbchycle
to release energy.
Gtucose-is directly broken down in respiration

Glvcagen is stored in the liver or muscles as energyrese for anTmsls anly

Starch is the storage

form of carbohydrates in plants.
Cellulose is a source of dietary fibre.
that used to make cell wall of plant cells
Stable and give strong mechanical strength
Classification of carbohydrates: Food source
Type of carbohydrate and its
Glucose (iiS) and -Fruits
es (Simple sugars) fructose ) -Honey
muno MonosRchaioles
The simplest form of carbohydrates
Taste sweet

Soluble in water lucose Surcose

-Sugar cane
Dicaneharides (Double sugars) (UAE) -fructse| Sucrose( )
DT 2 Sugar beet
Taste sweeter than simple sugarsouuse Dghucose

Soluble in water fructase

more Polsaccharides (Multiple sugars) (%{E) Starch
han 2
Tasteless. (plant storagd) -Cerealproducts
Slightly souluble/insoluble Cellulose(making cell wall)-Plant products

2 pids
Lipids are rganiosubstaroes made up of earbon,hydrogen-and oxygen atoms.
Lipids areinsoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents
Types of lipids:

Fats (A), which are solids at room temperature and come mainly from animals
Oils, which are liquids at room temperature and come mainly from plants.

Phospholipid makes cel membran

Steroids(eg.lcholesterolD3HEE E
Functions of lipids:
Stored in adipose.tissues (Ransk) under the skin as subcutaneous fat (HFHAD) or around
internalorgans, which act as:

energy reserves (38.9 kJ/g)

aninsulator to reduce heat loss
a shock absorber to protect the internalorgans.
Involved in transporting and storing lipid-soluble
vitamins (e.g. Vitamin aland\ID).
Involved in making cell membranes (phospholipids) and Marganine
some hormones (steroid).
A Foods rich in fats and oils

3 Proteins

Proteins are organie substances made

up of carbon (C),
nitrogen (N) atoms. Some proteins also eontain
hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and
Amino acids (& KAE) are the basic sulphur (S).ÞTL
Our building blocks of
body needs 20 types of amino protcins.
acids to build up
various proteins. The amino acids can be
into: classified
Non-essential amino acids (HE-
ALNE): can be
produced by our body Yaghut
Essential amino acids (2
2iNME: have to be
obtained from the diet.

A Foods rich in proteins

Functions of proteins:
For growth and repair of body tissues.
Form enzymes and antibodies G); hormones are protein in nature.
Amino acids are broken down to release
energy (18.2 kJ/g) if the carbohydrates and
lipids stored in the body are used up.
A deficiency of protein may lead to kwashiorkor (REAZË).
poor rosht weale musle s
4. Minerals and Vitamins
Minerals are inorganic food substances.
Vitamins are organic food substances.
They are needed in small amounts compared with 'carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Have no energy value. but are important in regulating many metabolic reactions and
building body tissues.

Function Food source Deficiency disease
- For the formation of bones Canned sardines, milk, Rickets (kHÄ) in
Calcium (5)
and teeth dairy produets, green children
Important in blood elotting vegetables.andtofu
(fLAESEE|), muscle
contraction and sending
messages-in the nervous

systeml i S )
- Beef, liver, beans and
Aron ) Fortheformation of Anaemia (A1f)
haemoglobin spinach Lynt es
s de red cool Celb
LOxyen Cryv abilty

Food source Deficleney dlsease
Fish liver oils, liver. Night blindneww
Vitamin A lelps tormm a pigmentin the |
dairy products, ougs.
(lipid-soluble) retina HNIYHR))
vegelablew and truits Drying up of the
Keeps the skin the cornea
corneu nd skin
yyti A)and the lining of the containingCarotene M
Fasy infecction of
alimentary canal cA1)and M)A)
the tining of the
breathing sy stem healthy
lungs and trachen
VitaminC lelps the growth and repair | Fresh vegetables and
(water-soluble) ofneNE lcuits
y Ah- Promotes the albsorption olL

Helps the inmmunesustom-

( A:A) work properly
Vitamin Dd Promotes the absorption of Fatty tish, tish liver Rickets in children
(lipid-soluble) calcium and phosphate ions oils, liver and egg
yolks; can be produced
byskin under sunlight
(UV light)

Dietary fibre is an organie food substance. It consists of

mainly cellulese lrom-plan-ollwalls.
Dietary fibre does not prwite cuer
An adequate intake of
dictary tibre is important to hcalth because:
it olds h b
Actetioiency afdierury tibre
rmey-lene-te-eemstipetian- andeve cotoreclal cancerLL
6 Water
Funetions of water in the
As a sotvent.

Asa medium for chcmical

transport mediu
As a
cooling agent to help regulate body
As a reactant. temperature.
1.3 Balanced diet (sook 1A, p. 5-25)

A balanced diet ("MN f) consists of all the seven types of food substances in the right

amounts and proportions.

We can use the food pyramid (t1 ) as a guideline to plan a balanced diet.

Eat less Fat, oil, salt and sugar

Dairy products
Eat moderately Meat, eggs and beans

Eat more Fruits

Eat the most Cereals and


Factors affecting our dietary requirements:

Factor Description Reason
Children and teenagers need a large - For building body tissues
amount of proteins, calcium and iron.
Children require the greatest amount Children have the highest growth rate,

of energy per unit body mass. metabolie rate and rate of heat loss

Males need more energy and proteins - Males have a higher metabolic rate and
are more muscular
than females.
To replace the loss during menstruation
Females need more iron than males.
For museular activities
Level of- People who are more physically
active need more energy.
activity For the growth of the foetus and the
Body - Pregnant women heed moreenergy formation of foetal red blood cells
proteins and iron.
an extra For milk production
Breast-feeding mothers need

Supplyof various types of nutrients.

because they
a disease of under-cating. Patients refuse to eat
Anorexia nervosa (kALBEMEK LT) is
are afraid of gaining weight. They become seriously
we may become overweight (G). Obesity (ALATAË) is
If we take in more energy than we need,

the condition of being seriously
like diabetes, heart
or obese increases the risk of a number of diseases
Being overweight
disease, stroke (ta) and arthritis (6|0 ).
1.4 Food tests (Bok 14, p 519)
Positive result
Food test
Food substance the colour chart
on the packing
Using glucose test paper Depends on
of the test paper.

Benedict's test A brick-red precipitate

C ) is formed.
Reducing sugar from brown to
lodine test lodine solution changes
is left, which
Grease spot test/ A translucent spot ( F )
Lipid an organic
disappears after immersing it in
Emulsion test
the colour chart on the packing
Using protein test paper Depends on
of the test paper.
Decolourization of the DCPIP solution.
Vitamin C Using DCPIP solution

S u t o

lTnOn&Sacharldes qucuevuHCose
achyldeg g e
hos dTs
LexCep Sur(st

$3 Biology Ch.1 Homework
Name Jn Cneuk a S.3F U Ma.

1 A student used the following set-up to compare the energy values of two types of foods, X and Y.

20 cm water thermometer

boiling tube

1gofburning food

1gof each type of food was burnt under a boiling tube containing 20 cm3 of water. The initial and final
temperatures of the water were measured using a thermometer. The table below shows the results.

Type of food Initial water temperature (°C) Final water temperature (°C)

X 18 56
Y 18 77
a Suggest one variable, not already mentioned, which should be kept the same to allowa valid
comparison. (1 mark)

Stre of buming SDOon

Which type of food has a higher energy value? Explain your answer by the temperature change
of the above results.
(2 marks)

Epods ble yo bu tha 1ake to L[CuhTl&fa X ondy Ln brito 36C

Therttore tosY hes a hiaher enery oliuA Yalu¢r inarese un ter latue
ACuSet neré thaj is a+veh t fuCnate kaii sarll ro hat up hetater
C Suggest two possible sources of errors in estimating the energy value of food using the above
(2 marks
Can be r ,
Tkore chi e hd thet ) ent the Hane ok the baul ie Nuster fnhe
boilin tube miat spl aust becaKe the brl+a tbe B rltd
The fuod is not cunpetely kurnt
of a box of
2 The diagrambbelow shows the

Serving size: 31g

Servings per box: Per servin8
500 k
3.2 8
1.9 8
Total fat
0.4 8
Saturated fat
0 8
0 mg
Total carbohydrate 22.5 8
2.3 8
1.8 8
Dietary fibre
Cakcium 105 mg

Sodium 345 mg
Iron 0.9 mg
The recommended daily amount (RDA) of energy required for a woman is 8800 kl. Calculate the

percentage of a woman's RDA provided by 100 g of this oatmeal. Show your working. (2 marks)

b Explain why the percentage of a man's RDA provided by 100 g of this oatmeal is lower than that
of a woman's RDA. (2 marks)

Men need mon enem ihan iwamN SIMx The nnt t aan peayided Is the Sne,
bu he Am.uai reqird ATtHtni, the parccntASlL be dtttrent. Ad Sine the

C A woman requires 1000 mg of calcium daily for the maintenance of health.

If 30% of the woman's daily requirement of calcium is to be
provided by this oatmeal, how
much oatmeal should the woman eat? Show your working. (2 marks)
marnl ualilws i/000x30, Anaunt st oatme rmud -301O5
Ancunt otarlqosl
3 lcor. x3
ii Give two functions of calcium in the maintenance of
health. *.kaa.tot)
(2 marksy


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