Governance Summit With Chief Justice Honorable Professor Retired Mervyn King PHD, SC

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With Prof Mervyn King, SC

Rtd. Hon. Justice Prof. Mervyn King
Key Speaker at the Governance Summit

Safari Park Hotel

12-13 February 2018

with Prof Mervyn King, SC

Good Governance for Good Citizenship

12-13 February, 2018. Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.

Why the Governance Summit?

The Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK) and HESABIKA have organized a Governance
Summit which will feature Prof Mervyn King, SC, and Dr. Michael Schluter, CBE. ICPSK is established under
the CPSK Act, Cap 534, with a mandate of promoting the practice of good governance in both private and
public institutions. HESABIKA is incorporated as a Trust and is a catalyst for a value-driven social-economic
transformation of Kenya.

Prof. Mervyn King, SC, is a former Justice of the Supreme Court of South Africa and the author of the King
Reports on Corporate Governance. The King Committee on Corporate Governance of South Africa which Prof.
Mervyn King chairs, drafted the King I Code (1994), King II Code (March 2002), King III Code (March 2010) and
the King IV Code. The foundation stones of King IV are ethical leadership, the organisation in society, corporate
citizenship, sustainable development, stakeholder inclusivity, integrated thinking and integrated reporting.
Corporate governance codes in many countries, including Kenya’s Mwongozo Code, are based on the King Codes.
The Mwongozo Code was developed by the State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) in collaboration with

Objectives of the Summit

1. To get an overview of Kenya’s governance framework in terms of laws, regulations, codes and guidelines and their cur-
rent application.
2. To discuss the concept of relational thinking, its application and how it relates to good governance in both the private
and public sectors.
3. To get update on the newly launched King IV Code, how it differs from the King III Code, and the lessons for Kenya.
4. To better link the teaching, research and practice of corporate governance in Kenya.
5. How to increase citizen voice and participation in national and county governance.

Outcomes of the Summit

1. Greater commitment by regulators and governance institutions to streamline governance framework and codes.
2. A greater understanding of relational thinking and how it relates to good governance, and how to adapt integrated think-
ing and reporting to suit our local context.
3. A better appreciation King IV and a revision of current guidelines, framework, and codes, to incorporate lessons for
4. Universities and other research institutions create fora to understand and better link their teaching and research to
applicable and important governance issues in Kenya.
5. National and county governments show greater commitment to increasing public participation in all their work.

Monday 12 February, 2018 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE

08:00 - 08:30 Morning Coffee and Registration

08:30 - 09:15 Opening Session
08:30 - 08:50 Welcome Remarks 1. CS Tom Omariba,FCPA, Chairman, Institute of Certified
Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK)
2. Dr. Joshua Wathanga: Chair, HESABIKA Trust
08:50 - 09:20 Guest of Honor H.E Josphat Nanok, Governor Turkana County, Chairman,
Council of Governors
09:20 – 09:40 Kenya’s governance landscape FCS Catherine Musakali LLB, FCPSK
09:40 – 10:00 Relational Thinking and Corporate Governance Dr. Michael Schluter CBE

1. What is Relational Thinking, What is a Relational

2. How the Relational approach impacts company
governance and performance
3. Local and international applications of the Rela-
tional approach
10:00 – 10:30 Panel Conversation 1. Dr. Michael Schluter, CBE
2. FCS Catherine Musakali LLB, FCPSK
3. FCS Beatrice Meso, Company Secretary, Kenya Power
and Lighting Company Limited.

Mr. Cosma Gatere,
Managing Director, Fedora Consulting Group
10:30 – 10:55 Tea Break
11:00 – 11:40 Keynote Address Prof. Mervyn King, SC.
Key Features of King IV Code
How the King IV Code is being applied globally

11:40 – 13:00 Panel Conversation and Q&A: King IV Code: 1. Prof. Mervyn King, SC
Lessons for Kenya 2. CS Mohammed Nyaoga, Chairman, Central Bank of
10 minute presentations by: Kenya
1. CS Mohammed Nyaoga, Chairman, Central Bank 3. FCS Paul Muthaura, Chief Executive, Capital Markets
of Kenya Authority [K].
2. FCS Paul Muthaura, Chief Executive, Capital 4. FCS Jane Mugambi, CEO, State Corporations Advisory
Markets Authority [K]. Committee
3. FCS Jane Mugambi, CEO, State Corporations 5. CS. Obare Nyaega, CEO, Institute of Certified Public
Advisory Committee Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK)
CS Rose Lumumba, International Finance Corporation
13:00 - 14:15 Sponsored Lunch
14:30 - 16:00 Corporate Governance Research and Practice in Kenya
14:30 – 14:50 Case Study Prof. Kiarie Mwaura, Dean School of Law, University of
14:50 – 15:45 Panel Conversation and Q&A 1. Prof. Mervyn King, SC
2. Nzomo Mutuku, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Retire-
ment Benefits Authority
3. Prof. Kiarie Mwaura, Dean School of Law, University of
4. Dr Joshua Okumbe, CEO, Centre for Corporate Gover-
Prof. Peter Lewa, Dean Chandaria Business School,
15:45 – 16:00 Closing Remarks Prof. Mervyn King, SC.

Tuesday 13 February, 2018 AND PUBLIC SECTOR GOVERNANCE

07:00 – 09:00 Breakfast meeting exclusively for County Governors with Prof Mervyn King
at Bougainville Room, Safari Park Hotel.
09:00 – 09:30 Morning Coffee and Registration
09:30 – 10:30 Public Participation: Why is it Not Working?
Presentation by Prof. Karuti Kanyinga, Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi (20

Panel Conversation– (40 minutes)

1. Prof. Karuti Kanyinga
2. Prof. Mervyn King, SC
3. Dr. Michael Schluter
Panel Conversation Host: Dr. Joshua Wathanga
10:30 – 11:00 Tea Break
11:00 – 13:00 Making Public Participation Work for us
2 hour Live-TV Broadcast hosted by Joe Ageyo, KTN Managing Editor.

Short video
1. H.E. Hon. Prof. Kivutha Kibwana, Governor of Makueni County
2. Prof. Mervyn King
3. Mr. Micah Pkopus Powon (TBC), Principal Secretary for the State Department of Devolution
4. Ms. Rachel Muthoga, KEPSA Deputy Head, Public Private Dialogue
5. Henry Ochieng, Chief Executive Officer, The Kenya Alliance of Resident Associations (KARA)
13:00 - 14:15 Special Lunch for Governors with Panelists, COG and AHADI/USAID
14:30 - 16:30 Integrated Thinking and Reporting
14:30 – 15:00 Keynote Address: Global trends Prof. Mervyn King, SC.
15:00 – 16:00 Panel Conversation and Q&A 1. Mr. Edwin Njamura, Director for Corporate Ser-
Perspectives vices, Capital Markets Authority
2. Dr. Jim McFie, Strathmore University
3. Mr. Godfrey Kiptum, Ag. CEO & Commissioner of
Insurance, Insurance Regulatory Authority
CPA Rose Mwaura, Vice Chairperson, The Institute of
Certified Public Accountants (ICPAK)
16:00 – 16:20 Localising King IV CS Tom Omariba, Chairman, Institute of Certified
Perspectives Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK)

16:20 – 16:30 Vote of Thanks CS Obare Nyaega, CEO, Institute of Certified Public
Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK)

CS. Tom Omariba, FCPA, Chairman, Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK)

CS Tom Omariba is an experienced business leader. He is a Senior Advisor at

Thompson Associates and is experienced in stakeholder engagement at the
highest level as exemplified by his leadership at KEPSA where he was the Gov-
ernor for the ICT Sector for five years between 2010 and 2015. He was also a
director and Chairman at the Telecommunications Service Providers of Kenya
(Tespok) for the period 2008 to 2015. He is also a Non-Executive Director at
Hello Doctors Ltd (aka “Sema Doc”), Metropolitan Cannon Life Kenya Ltd and
also is a member of the Advisory Board of the Presidential Digital Talent Pro-
gram. CS. Omariba has an MBA from University of Nairobi and a BSc from Moi
University. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a Cer-
tified Public Secretary and is extensively trained and certified in the area of
leadership corporate governance.

Dr. Joshua Wathanga, Chair, HESABIKA Trust

Dr Joshua Wathanga is an independent consultant in strategy, policy, change

management and corporate governance. Most of his current work is in policy
domestication for County Governments, an initiative between the Department
of Devolution, the Council of Governors, bilateral agencies (USAID and German
Co-operation), and the United Nations. He’s currently facilitating development
of policies for Bungoma, Kakamega, and Siaya Counties. He has also been in-
volved in USAID initiatives for supporting County governments in the Champi-
ons of Change training for County executives and Directors.

Previously, Dr. Wathanga has worked in public and NGO sectors. He was Africa
Governance Advisor for World Vision International, and Regional Change Man-
ager for the Horn, East and Central Africa regions for Oxfam International. He
has lived and worked in the United States of America, United Kingdom, and
South Africa.

Dr. Wathanga is a jack of many trades having started his university education
as a veterinary surgeon from the University of Nairobi. He studied for Master of
Science degree in Tropical Veterinary Science from the University of Edinburgh,
United Kingdom. His MBA is in Economic Development from Eastern Universi-
ty, Pennsylvania, USA, after which he pursued another MSc in Population and
Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science, Unit-
ed Kingdom. He is a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from the United
States International University-Africa, where his research topic was ‘Effect of
Corporate Governance on the Organizational Performance of Dairy Co-opera-
tives in Kenya’.

Dr Wathanga is a member of the Institute of Directors and the Kenya Institute

of Management. He is also a Director of a number of companies and organiza-
tions, and provides pro bono support in strategy and corporate governance to
various charitable causes. He is married and has two grown up sons.

Professor Mervyn King, SC, global corporate governance guru

Professor Mervyn King, SC, global corporate governance guru and author of the
King Reports, widely considered the international gold standard for corporate
governance and corporate reporting, will be coming to Kenya in February 2018
to conduct a governance summit. The King Reports on Corporate Governance
have been cited as “the most effective summary of the best international prac-
tices in corporate governance”.

• Chaired the UN Committee on Governance and Oversight and is Chairman of

the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), which is overseeing
a fundamental change in the way organisations are managed and report
to shareholders. He is Chairman Emeritus of the Global Reporting Initiative
(GRI) a pioneer in sustainability reporting.
• Has been a chairman, director and chief executive of several companies
listed on the London, Luxembourg and Johannesburg Stock Exchanges. He
has consulted, advised and spoken on legal, business, advertising, sustain-
ability and corporate governance issues in more than 50 countries and re-
ceived many awards. He is an international arbitrator and mediator.
• Is a former judge of the Supreme Court of South Africa, he chaired, on be-
half of the Institute of Directors of South Africa, the King Committee on
Corporate Governance. The committee has produced four comprehensive
(King) reports on integrated and inclusive approaches to corporate gover-
nance and reporting.
• Is Professor Extraordinaire at the University of South Africa on Corporate
Citizenship, Honorary Professor at the University of Pretoria and Visiting
Professor at Rhodes University.

Dr. Michael Schluter, CBE

Dr. Michael Schluter, CBE is an economist, author and global thought leader.
After working with the World Bank as a consultant economist in East Africa,
he developed a framework and methodology for placing strong stakeholder re-
lationships, not just profit, at the centre of vibrant, sustainable business. He
is chairman of both Relational Analytics and Relational Research, a think tank
and incubator for organisations applying Relational Thinking in the public and
private sectors.

Cosma Gatere, Managing Director, Fedora Consulting Group

Dr. Michael Schluter, CBE is an economist, author and global thought leader.
After working with the World Bank as a consultant economist in East Africa,
he developed a framework and methodology for placing strong stakeholder re-
lationships, not just profit, at the centre of vibrant, sustainable business. He
is chairman of both Relational Analytics and Relational Research, a think tank
and incubator for organisations applying Relational Thinking in the public and
private sectors.

FCS Catherine Musakali LL.B, LL.M, FCPSK

Founder, Dorion Associates

Founder and Chairman, Women on Boards Network
Non-Executive Director, Faulu Microfinance Bank
Member of the Board, Kenya Private Sector Alliance
Member of the Capital Markets Master Plan Implementation Committee
Chief Judge, Corporate Governance, FiRe Awards
A former Chairman of the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK)
Director, Business Registration Service Board
Trustee, KASNEB Foundation

Catherine is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, and a Fellow of the Institute of
Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya. Catherine is the Founder of Dorion Associates, a
firm specializing in governance matters and commercial legal consultancies. Catherine
has extensive knowledge of Kenya’s corporate governance framework.

She has led the development of (1) Mwongozo, the Code of Corporate Governance for
State Corporations in Kenya; (2) The Capital Markets Code of Corporate Governance
Practices for Issuers of Securities in Kenya; (3) The ICPSK Code of Corporate Gover-
nance for Private Companies; and (4) the Code of Corporate Governance for Public Ben-
efit Organizations (NGOs) (in draft).

Catherine also has expansive practical experience as a non-executive director and

company secretary for a number of domestic and multinational institutions. At Ken-
ya Shell Limited (now Vivo Energy Kenya Ltd), Catherine was Company Secretary and
Head of Legal for over 15 years managing legal functions of Shell in nine countries in
East and North Africa. She also worked as Legal Counsel for Shell International in the
UK. She is currently the Company Secretary of among others, Kenya Airways and its
subsidiaries and Century Developments Limited and its subsidiaries and sits on various
Boards including The Women on Boards Network, where she is the Chairperson, Faulu
Microfinance Bank, Faulu Insurance Agency and Kenya Private Sector Alliance. She has
previously served as a Board member at Nairobi securities Exchange, KASNEB and Ken-
ya School of Government.

Catherine is a trained Corporate Governance Trainer, Governance Auditor and Board

Evaluator and has developed numerous governance policies for a number of institu-
tions. She is an advisor to many Boards.

Catherine holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree and a Master of Laws Degree from the Uni-
versity of Nairobi, a Higher National Diploma in Law (Kenya), as well as a Certificate in
Securities and Investment from the Securities and Investment Institute (London).

FCS. Beatrice Meso, General Manager, Corporate Affairs & Company Secretary, Kenya Power

eatrice Meso is the General Manager Corporate Affairs and Company Secretary,
Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited, Vice Chairperson of the Council In-
stitute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK) and Board Director of
Stima Sacco and several other entities.

She holds a Master of Laws (LL.M), Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Hons) and Master
of Business Administration (MBA) degrees from the University of Nairobi. She
also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law and is
an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, a Certified Public Secretary, an Arbitra-
tor, a Commissioner for Oaths and a Notary Public. She has proficiency in public
and private sector administration, governance, policy formulation and imple-
mentation, company secretarial practice, legal and regulatory matters and in
electricity trade.

CS. Mohammed Nyaoga, Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Central Bank of Kenya

CS. Mohammed Nyaoga is the Senior Partner at Mohammed Muigai Advocates.

He was called to the Bar in 1985. He holds LL.B and LL.M degrees from the
University of Nairobi and a Diploma in law from the Kenya School of Law. He
is a Certified Public Secretary (CPS); a Certified Company Director and a mem-
ber of the Institute of Directors of Kenya. He specializes in corporate finance,
civil and commercial litigation. In addition to the practice of Law, he has been
Vice–Chairman of the Law Reform Commission, Chairman of its Business Laws
Committee and Chairman of the Mining Licenses Task Force. He has also been
a Director of the Capital Markets Authority, Chairman of the International Com-
mission of Jurist and the Chairman of EcoBank Kenya. He has also been Chair-
man at the Commission of Inquiry into the suspension of the County Govern-
ment of Makueni. He is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
Central Bank of Kenya.

In addition, he is a certified training consultant in corporate governance with

the Centre for Corporate Governance for over 13 years where he has trained
over 10,000 directors in Kenya and in Africa at large. He has also been a consul-
tant and Trainer for the State University of New York on procurement (SUNNY
Kenya) and a Lecturer (LLM Programme) University of Nairobi, School of Law
(Business Law Department) on Public Procurement and Accounting law. He is
currently a regular Trainer/Speaker at Central Banking Publications (UK) and
also an author and editor of Central Banking Publications Journal.

FCS Paul Murithi Muthaura, Chief Executive, Capital Markets Authority

FCS Paul Murithi Muthaura has been leading the Capital Markets Authority
(CMA) of Kenya since July 2012. In this period, the CMA has been recognized as
the Most Innovative Capital Markets Regulator in Africa for three consecutive
years from 2015-17.

Mr. Muthaura is a member of the Board of the International Organization of

Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the Vice Chair of Growth and Emerging
Markets Committee (GEMC) of IOSCO. He is also a member of the Consultative
Committee of the East African Securities Regulatory Authorities (EASRA). At
the national level he sits on the boards of the Insurance and Pensions regulator
as well as the Vision 2030 Delivery Board.

Paul has previously worked as an Emerging Markets Advisor with the General
Secretariat of IOSCO and as a senior commercial associate with the law firm of
Daly and Figgis Advocates. In his time with the CMA he has held the positions
of Head of Legal Framework, Head of Enforcement and Director, Regulatory
Policy and Strategy.

Mr. Muthaura is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and an Honorary Fel-
low of the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya. He is the holder of
an LL.B from the University of Warwick, LL.M in Banking and Finance Law from
the London School of Economics and Political Science and MPhil from the Maas-
tricht School of Management.

CS Jane Mugambi, OGW, Secretary, State Corporations Advisory Committee

FCS Jane Mugambi is currently the Secretary of the State Corporations Advisory Com-
mittee (SCAC). SCAC is the apex policy advisory organ of the Government of Kenya on
all matters appertaining to the Management of State Corporations (State Owned En-

She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Nairobi, a Masters Degree
in Business Administration from Kenyatta University and is a final doctoral student in
Business Administration and Management of Dedan Kimathi University in Kenya. She
is a member of the Institute of Human Resources Management (Kenya) and Chartered
Institute of Marketers (UK).

As Secretary/CEO of SCAC, Jane is responsible for providing advisory to the President,

sector Cabinet Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, Boards and Chief Executive Officers of
SOEs on matters relating to governance and management of State Corporations. She
prepares board papers for the Committee and implements any Committee decisions
thereof. She is also responsible for accounting for the resources of the Committee.

Jane was the Secretary to the Presidential Taskforce on Parastatal Reforms appointed
in July 2013 to undertake reforms in the SOEs Sector. Jane is currently the Secretary to
the Presidential Committee on Implementation of Parastatal Reforms to ensure that
reforms are executed in a timely. Jane is a champion of corporate good governance be-
ing the bedrock for achieving organizational objectives, growth, profitability and sus-
tainability. In 2014, Kenya was admitted by the OECD as a Member of the SOE Network
for Southern Africa. Jane Chaired the Taskforce developing a “Handbook for SOEs on
Corporate Ethics and Business Integrity” which was launched in 2016.

Prior to joining the Public Service, Jane served at the Kenya Methodist University for 14
years where she rose to the position of Principal Nairobi Campus. Jane has been hon-
ored with an award of the Order of Grand Warrior (OGW) by His Excellency the President
of the Republic of Kenya.

CS Obare Nyaega, Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK)

CS Obare Nyaega has over 18 years of work experience, having worked for various or-
ganisations in various capacities relating to governance, financial control, strategy and
leadership. Previously, he has worked for SkillShare Services as Managing Partner, at
MTN Business as the Quality Management Representative (QMR) and Ag. Finance Man-
ager and at Strathmore University.

As a scholar, he has publications in various international journals for academic publi-

cations. He Lectures/has lectured at KCA University, Maseno University, Management
University of Africa, and MKU among others.

He is currently pursuing a PhD and LL.B, both at the University of Nairobi (UoN). He
holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Finance from UoN, and a Bachelor of Commerce
(Double Major) 1st Class Honours from Strathmore University. CS. Obare has completed
the Program for Management Development (PMD) course offered jointly by SBS Kenya
& GIBS University of Pretoria South Africa.

He is a Certified Secretary (CS), a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certi-

fied Public Accountant (CPA), a Certified Investment and Financial Analyst, a trained
ISO 9001:2015 internal auditor and a trained trainer on Crucial Conversations by Vi-
talSmarts USA.

CS. Obare is a Council Member at the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya
(ICPAK) where he Chairs the Research and Development Committee. He was awarded a
commendation in 2014 by ICPAK.

He is a facilitator with the Man Enough Program, a sponsor to the Child Fund and men-
tors the youth and teenagers. He is blessed with a wonderful family.

CS. Rose Lumumba

CS. Rose Lumumba is an advocate, investment banker and corporate governance prac-
titioner currently working with the IFC. East Africa corporate governance program. she
previously worked in the capital markets industry for a period of 20 years where she
held various positions. She has vast experience in company law and practice, invest-
ment banking and advisory.

Rose is a specialist in Corporate Governance reform, regulation, board evaluations,

training and practice, financial law and capital raising advisory. She is a mentor and
team leader. She is an Accredited Executive Coach and Consultant and undertakes
Coaching for Executives in Senior and Middle Management positions.

Prof. Kiarie Mwaura, Dean, School of Law, University of Nairobi

Prof. Kiarie Mwaura is the Dean of the University of Nairobi’s School of Law, where he
is also an Associate Professor of Corporate Governance, Corporate Law, and Business &
Human Rights. He is an accredited Governance Auditor, who serves on the board of the
National Council for Law Reporting as well as the Transport Licensing Appeals Board.
He has worked previously as the Vice Chancellor of Riara University and as a Director
of the International Erasmus (European Exchange) Programme at Queen’s University
Belfast, where he also taught law between 2002 and 2009. Before joining Queen’s, he
worked as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton.

His expertise in corporate governance and corporate law has seen him serve as an ex-
pert researcher for the International Commission of Jurists’ Expert Legal Panel on Cor-
porate Complicity in International Crimes. In this role, he explored the role of corporate
structures in determining liability within corporate groups. Additionally, he has served
as a consultant on corporate governance for a variety of local and international organi-
zations and has published widely in the area.

He is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, a Certified Public Secretary, and

an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, who read law at Queen’s University Belfast
(PGCHET), University of Wolverhampton (PhD), Staffordshire University (LLM), Kenya
School of Law (Legal Practice Diploma), and the University of Nairobi (LLB).

Prof. Peter Lewa, Dean of Chandaria School of Business, the United States International University (USIU) -Africa

Peter Lewa is the Dean of Chandaria School of Business at the United States Interna-
tional University (USIU) - Africa. He is a Professor of Management & Strategy. He has
extensive working experience in both the public and private sectors. He has been in
research, teaching and consultancy for many years.

Over time he has gained immense experience working with NGOs, industry, Interna-
tional Organizations and public corporations He has assisted organizations within
and outside Kenya to develop their strategic plans, Business plans, and Action Plans
geared towards building their capacities. He has traveled widely and has been to such
countries as the UK, German, US, South Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Austria, Tanzania,
Uganda, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Somalia. He has worked in both the UK and the US.

Dr. Joshua Okumbe, Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Corporate Governance

Dr. Okumbe is a longstanding scholar, researcher, expert and trainer in corporate gov-
ernance, leadership and management. He has undertaken this for more than 28 years,
initially as a scholar and publisher at the University of Nairobi, and later as the key
leader in corporate governance and leadership training and research at the Centre for
Corporate Governance. Dr. Okumbe has facilitated the development and implementa-
tion of corporate governance Training Manuals in a number of regions in Africa, US and

Dr. Okumbe’s academic credentials include: Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Biele-

feld University, Germany; PhD in Educational Management, University of Nairobi; MEd.
Kenyatta University; BEd Science (Botany and Zoology) University of Nairobi. He has
been awarded a number of post-graduate certificates in corporate governance locally
and abroad.

To date, Dr. Okumbe has provided strategic leadership that has enabled the Centre
to design and implement a variety of developmental, training and mentorship pro-
grammes in corporate governance and leadership for over 13,590 Public Leaders,
Board Members, Executives and Senior Managers of a cross-section of organisations
and companies in Anglophone and Francophone Africa. He has disseminated research
studies on corporate governance practices in companies, Banks and SMEs; conducted
Board Evaluations and Mentorship Programmes for various corporations and the devel-
oped curricula for Postgraduate, Graduate and Diploma programmes in Corporate Gov-
ernance for implementation by Universities and institutions of higher learning. He has
played a key role as a Chief Judge and Judge in the Kenyan Performance Contracts, FiRe
Awards, COG Awards, Capital Markets Awards, Banking Awards and Insurance Awards.

Dr. Okumbe has published three University level books in Educational Management and
Human Resources. He has published academic papers in refereed journals; attended
several corporate governance trainings, workshops and conferences regionally, in Eu-
rope, US, Canada, India and Brazil. He has been an external examiner in University of
Dar-es-Salaam, University of Zimbabwe, Open University of Zimbabwe, University of
Zambia and KCA University.

Nzomo Mutuku, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Retirement Benefits Authority

Nzomo Mutuku is since May 1, 2017 the Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Retire-
ment Benefits Authority in Kenya. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Mutuku worked at the
National Treasury as the Senior Advisor, Financial Sector and Acting Director, Financial
and Sectoral Affairs Department working on policy matters relating to financial sector
development including financial inclusion, efficiency and stability. Previously he was
the Chief Manager, Research & Development at the Retirement Benefits Authority and
has also worked in the Research Department of the Central Bank of Kenya.

Mr Mutuku holds a Masters of Arts degree in Economics as well as a first-class honors

Bachelor of Arts (Economics) degree from the University of Nairobi and a Certificate in
Digital Money from Tufts University. He has also undertaken training in pensions and
financial markets in various countries including the UK and Canada and at Harvard Uni-
versity and the Wharton Business School in the United States. He has authored a num-
ber of papers on financial sector issues including “the Case for Consolidated Financial
Sector Supervision in Kenya“ and “the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Pen-
sions Sector in Kenya” which are widely quoted in the region.

Prof. Karuti Kanyinga, Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi

Prof. Karuti Kanyinga is an accomplished development researcher and scholar with ex-
tensive national and international experience. He is based at the Institute for Develop-
ment Studies (IDS), University of Nairobi. He has published extensively and is renowned
for his contributions to scholarship and knowledge in governance and development in
Kenya and Africa in general. Prof. Kanyinga’s research and publications include seminal
work on: devolution and development. This is in addition to commissioned studies on
governance, justice, law and order sector programmes.

Prof. Kanyinga has served as a resource person in the area of governance and develop-
ment for many international organizations in Kenya and Africa in general. He has been
a key-note speaker on issues of governance and devolution in many international and
national events. He has made intellectual contributions to society through participa-
tion in community and national development efforts as well as providing intellectual
insights on many national and international issues.

Rachel Muthoga, Deputy Head, Public Private Dialogue, KEPSA

Rachel is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. Having studied Law at the University
of Nairobi, Rachel was admitted as an advocate of the High Court of Kenya in May 2006.
With over 10 years’ experience, Rachel pursued her Masters studies in International
Legal Studies at the Washington DC at Georgetown University where she focused on
Human Rights.

She is the immediate former Executive Director at Moving the Goalposts, and has
worked in a number of local and international organizations focusing on development
and financial inclusion. Rachel was recognized by the Business Daily in 2015 in their
Top 40 Under 40 Women Award.

Henry Ochieng, Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Alliance of Resident Associations (KARA)

Henry Ochieng is the Chief Executive Officer of the Kenya Alliance of Resident Asso-
ciations (KARA), the apex body representing the voice and pro-active action of resi-
dent associations on access to better public services in Kenya. He has over 12 years’
experience working with Resident Associations and other community-based organiza-
tions to promote structured and effective engagement with the government and oth-
er stakeholders on service delivery agenda. He has designed and overseen successful
implementation of various programs aimed at promoting good governance and better
quality of life for residents of Kenya.

He is a member of the National Habitat Committee and Nairobi City County Transport
and Safety Committee. He is also a board member of National Taxpayers Association
and Decentralization & Governance Non-State Actors Network. He is the Patron of
Youth and Success Association and member of Association for Research on Nonprofit
Organizations and Voluntary Action

Henry holds a Master’s Degree in Strategic Management from University of Nairobi and
possesses specific skills on policy advocacy and formulation; development and imple-
mentation of social accountability strategies; networking, community mobilization and
capacity building; project cycle management.

CPA. Edwin Njamura, Director, Corporate Services, Capital Markets Authority

Edwin Njamura joined the Capital Markets Authority in July 2012 as Director, Corporate
Services. With tremendous support of CMA colleagues and the Board through its vari-
ous organs, he has been instrumental in the development of the institutional capacity
of the Authority by leading transformational programs and maintaining high standards
around Accounting & Finance, Human Capital & Administration, Information Technolo-
gy, and Procurement operations. That is besides involvement in other CMA initiatives
and activities including activation of the Code of Corporate Governance for Issuers of
Securities to the Public.

A career finance and accounting professional Edwin says he joined the CMA after ex-
citing tenors in various private sector organizations. He was the regional Chief Finance
Officer of Deloitte Eastern Africa and Finance Manager of Deloitte Africa Board during
first decade of the new millennium, a period of great expansion and renewal for the
firm in the region. He led in major firm focused technology modernization across the
regional including pioneering a shared services center, reengineering operational and
financial performance monitoring systems to meet the demands of a modern firm, and
managing teams across Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and Mauritius. His career
spanning over 25 years has included working for other major brands such as Lonrho,
Mitchell Cotts and Exxon (locally Esso).

Edwin sits on the Council of ICIFA – Kenya’s Institute of Certified Investment and Finan-
cial Analysts and is a pioneering committee member of the AIRC – Africa Integrated Re-
porting Committee under the auspices of Africa Federation of Accountants. He is also a
member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya.

Some of his other qualifications include: Bachelors of Commerce from University of

Nairobi; Executive MBA by Moi University; Certificate in Driving Government Perfor-
mance - Harvard Kennedy School of Government; Member ICPAK; Member ICIFA; qnd
Balanced scorecard professional.

Social responsibility has included leadership in schools and Church committees, being
a patron to a sub county development forum and participation in social clubs/associa-
tions activities.

Dr. James Boyde McFie, Director School of Accountancy Strathmore University

Nairobi born Jim McFie is the Chairman of the School of Accountancy at Strathmore Uni-
versity, Nairobi. He has a BA and an MA in Mathematics from Oxford University and a
PhD in Accounting from Strathclyde University in Glasgow, Scotland.

He is a Director and the Head of the Board Audit Committee of the Standard Media
Group Limited and SBM Bank Limited, the Chairman of Sasini Limited, and Vice-Chair-
man of Centum Limited, and the Chairman of the Registration and Quality Assurance
Committee of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya.

Between 1993 and 2002 he was a Director of the Kenya Capital Markets Authority, a
Member of the Kenya Value Added Tax Tribunal and a Trustee of the Kenya Corporate
Governance Trust and of Jitegemee Trust. From 1974 to 1978 he worked in the Nairobi
office of Ernst and Young, as an auditor and as a tax and management consultant, be-
fore becoming the training manager of the firm.

Currently he lectures and does research in financial and forensic accounting, auditing
and accounting fraud, taxation and tax fraud, cybercrime and governance.

CPA Rose Mwaura, ICPAK Vice Chair, Partner, Deloitte

Rose Mwaura is the current Vice Chair of the Institute of Certified Public Ac-
countants of Kenya (ICPAK) and a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors
(IIA) Kenya. She is a Partner with Deloitte East Africa.

Rose is an experienced business executive with over 22 years’ experience in

both the public and private sector. She has garnered significant experience in
audit and assurance, governance, risk management, controls assurance, inter-
nal audit, sustainability and integrated reporting as a result of her responsi-
bility for a variety of clients with Deloitte in East Africa, the United States and
India. She has worked closely with various boards to improve their governance
processes through board trainings, board evaluations, and board structure re-

At ICPAK, as an elected Council Member and Vice Chair, her key responsibili-
ties include providing strategic direction and oversight in implementing the
Institute’s strategic plan and ensuring that members’ concerns are addressed
in a timely manner. She represents and articulates the Institute’s mission to
key stakeholders and at critical National and International meetings. She also
chairs several Council Committees on key initiatives of ICPAK including the
Practitioners Development Committee, the Devolution Committee, and the
Nominations Committee.

Rose has a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) degree from the University of

Nairobi and is also a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (CPA(K)).

Mr. Godfrey K Kiptum, MBS, Acting Commissioner of Insurance & Chief Executive Officer, Insurance Regulatory Authority

Mr. Godfrey K. Kiptum is the Acting Commissioner of Insurance & Chief Executive Officer
of Insurance Regulatory Authority. He holds Master of Business Administration (MBA)
from Maastricht School of Management/Eastern & Southern Africa Management Insti-
tute (ESAMI); Master’s in Public Policy & Management, Strathmore Business School and
Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Nairobi.

He further holds various professional Qualifications which include Fellow of the Life
Management Institute (FLMI), member of the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) of the
UK and Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM).

He is a member of the Board of Retirement Benefits Authority, Policyholders Compen-

sation Fund and a trustee of the College of Insurance.



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Leadership for Posterity

Brought to you by

The Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK), a professional membership Institution established
under the CPSK Act, Cap. 534 of the Laws of Kenya with a mandate of promoting the practice of good gover-
nance in both private and public institutions.
ICPSK, CPS Governance Centre, Upper Hill, Kilimanjaro Road, P.O. Box 46935-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 20 3597840/2; Mobile: 0734603173, 0770159631 E-mail: | Website:

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