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contents/materials takes place.

ELL 201: Digital Electronics

Lecture 5

Prof. Manan Suri (EE)

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Logic States & Truth Tables
• Any logical function or logical expression that takes in certain inputs and gives a
certain output (maps a rule or function from input → output)

F (inputs) → Output

• Truth table is a mathematical table or an empirical way of listing the function

outputs corresponding to all combinations of input cases

• Always has 1 column to represent each input variable

• Always has 1 column to denote the final output state

• Thus for ‘n-input’ logical expression a truth table will have at least n+1 coloumns

• Number of rows in truth table = 2N for an N-input variable system (in boolean

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Logic Gates – NOT Gate (’)
• Simplest Logic Gate – also known as the complement or the invertor

Truth Table

Symbol Truth Table

X Y=X’
X Y=X’ 0 1
1 0

Single Input Gate

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Logic Gates – OR Gate (+)

Symbol Truth Table

X R = X+Y
Y X Y R = X+Y
R = X OR Y
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

2-Input OR Gate

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Logic Gates – AND Gate (*)

Symbol Truth Table

X R = X*Y
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

2-Input AND Gate

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Boolean Algebra
1 is identity element for AND (*): x*1=x
0 is identity element for OR (+): x+0=x

DeMorgan’s Rule: (A*B)’ = A’ + B’

(A+B)’ = A’*B’

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Universal Logic Gates – NAND & NOR

Truth Table

R = (X*Y)’

Y 0 0 1
0 1 1
Symbol 1 0 1
Not-OR 1 1 0

X R = (X+Y)’ X Y R = X NOR Y
Y 0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Prove that NAND is a Universal Gate!
Build a NOT Gate using NAND ?
Output = X’
R = (X*X)’
X Y=X’

Build AND Gate using NAND ? 1 NAND Gate to build NOT

Output → X*Y
R = (X*Y)’ R1 = (R*R)’
Y R1 = ((XY)’)’= XY
2 NAND Gates to build AND
Build OR Gate using NAND ?
Output → X+Y
X X’ R = (X’*Y’)’
= (X+Y)

Y Y’
3 NAND Gates to build OR
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Prove that NOR is a Universal Gate!
Build a NOT Gate using NAND ?
Output = X’
R = (X+X)’
X Y=X’

Build OR Gate using NOR ? 1 NOR Gate to build NOT

Output → X+Y
R = (X+Y)’ R1 = (R+R)’
Y R1 = ((R)’)’= X+Y
2 NOR Gates to build OR
Build AND Gate using NOR ?
Output → X*Y

Try on you own

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
a b F
Recap: Boolean Functions 0 0 – 1 Different Representations
tations of Boolean Functions
0 1 1 : (i) English (ii) Truth Table (iii) Eqn. (iv)
F outputs 1 when a is 0 and b is 01 or0when
0, Circuits
0 a is 0 and b is 1
English 2:
1: 1F outputs 1 when 1a is10, regardless
Circuit 0 of b’s value
Equation 1: Fa(a,b) = a’ Truth table Circuit 1:
a F (d) a b F

’ + a’b
Representations of Boolean Functions
Circuit 2b
0 0 1

English 1: F outputs 1 when a is 0 and 0 b1 is 0 1 or when a is 0 and b is 1

0, 1.
F English 2: F outputs 11 when 0 0a is 0, regardless of b’s value
(a) (c)
epresentations of Boolean Functions
n different ways Circuit 1 a 1 1 0
a b F
ns of the same functions F(a,b), using
English 1: F outputs 1 when a is 0 andb b is 0
2: Truth table
0, or when a is 0 and b is 1 1.
quation, Circuit, and Truth
a Table F 0 0 1
Equation 2: English 2:
Equation 1: F(a,b) = a’b’ + a’b a’b
F outputs 1 when
Circuit 2: a is 0, (d)
regardless ofFb’s value
(a) 0 1 1
Equation 2: F(a,b) = a a’Circuit
a 2
1 0 0
(b) 7 representations
(c) a b F of
Circuit the 1 same function 1 1 0
function F b 0 0 1 !!
n 1: F(a,b) = a’b’ + a’b F Truth table
0 1 1
en represented
2: F(a,b) = a a’ in different ways a F (d)
1 0 0
ven representations of the same functions
M. Suri, ELL201, F(a,b), using
(copyright IITD)
"Intended for
methods: English, Equation, Circuit, and Truth
Academic Fair Use Only"
CircuitTable 1 1 1 0
Recap: Standard Form or Canonical Form
• Truth tables can become impractical for high number of inputs
• Standard Equations can handle large number of inputs

- Sum of Products (SOP)

- Product of Sums (POS)

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Minterms
Minterms of 3 variables
mi = ith minterm
X Y Z Product Symbol m0 m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7
0 0 0 X’Y’Z’ m0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 X’Y’Z m1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 X’YZ’ m2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 X’YZ m3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 XY’Z’ m4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 XY’Z m5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 XYZ’ m6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 XYZ m7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0-complemented mi = 1 only for 1 unique combination of variables

1-uncomplemented i indicates the binary combination for which it is 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Maxterms
MAXTERMS of 3 variables
Mi = ith maxterm
X Y Z Sum Symbol M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7
0 0 0 X+Y+Z M0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 X+Y+Z’ M1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 X+Y’+Z M2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 X+Y’+Z’ M3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 X’+Y+Z M4 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 X’+Y+Z’ M5 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 X’+Y’+Z M6 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 X’+Y’+Z’ M7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

0-UNcomplemented Mi = 0 only for 1 unique combination of variables

1-complemented i indicates the binary combination for which it is 0

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Tentative Timeline
(Note: timeline may change during the semester without any prior notice → details are only of indicative nature)

Lec. No Content
1 Intro + Logistics + Course Policy + Motivation etc
2 Why digital, Number Systems + Conversions etc.
3 Fractional, Complements, Addn, Subtraction
4 Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Minterm, Maxterm, SOP, POS
KMaps, Minimization, XoR Gate
7 XOR Gate, Adders (half/full) + Parity bit circuits + 4-bit adder + subtraction +
8 overflow detection + BCD adder, Ripple Carry, CLA, 4-bit, 16-bit, 64-bit, Timing
9 Analysis, etc.
Mux + Decoder + Encoder-1
12 PB Set/Assignment or as per need
Minor week
Sequential Logic - Latches. Flip flops, varieties, counters, registers, digital CMOS,
Verilog intro
18 PB Set/Assignment or as per need
Mid Sem Break
20 FSM intro, Moore, Mealy, Examples, Conversions etc.
Memory, Advanced topics, etc.
24 Extra/Buffer/Cover-up class/As per need
Major Exam Week
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Sum of Minterms or (Sum
of products) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the sum of all those minterms in the Truth Table that have
output as 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Sum of Minterms or (Sum
of products) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the sum of all those minterms in the Truth Table that have
output as 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Sum of Minterms or (Sum
of products) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the sum of all those minterms in the Truth Table that have
output as 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Sum of Minterms or (Sum
of products) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the sum of all those minterms in the Truth Table that have
output as 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Sum of Minterms or (Sum
of products) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the sum of all those minterms in the Truth Table that have
output as 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Product of Maxterms or
(Product of Sums) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the Product of all those Maxterms in the Truth Table that
have output as 0

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Product of Maxterms or
(Product of Sums) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the Product of all those Maxterms in the Truth Table that
have output as 0

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Product of Maxterms or
(Product of Sums) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the Product of all those Maxterms in the Truth Table that
have output as 0

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Product of Maxterms or
(Product of Sums) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the Product of all those Maxterms in the Truth Table that
have output as 0

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Product of Maxterms or
(Product of Sums) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the Product of all those Maxterms in the Truth Table that
have output as 0

Find F’

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Product of Maxterms or
(Product of Sums) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the Product of all those Maxterms in the Truth Table that
have output as 0

Find F’

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Product of Maxterms or
(Product of Sums) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the Product of all those Maxterms in the Truth Table that
have output as 0

Find F’

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Product of Maxterms or
(Product of Sums) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the Product of all those Maxterms in the Truth Table that
have output as 0

Find F’

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Product of Maxterms or
(Product of Sums) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the Product of all those Maxterms in the Truth Table that
have output as 0

Find F’

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
• Any Boolean function can be expressed as a Product of Maxterms or
(Product of Sums) using its Truth Table

• Rule: Take the Product of all those Maxterms in the Truth Table that
have output as 0

Find F’

Minterms and Maxterms are complements! (mi)’ = Mi

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Minterms →Maxterms



Notice that indices are complementary

when moving from


M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Each additional level → increases the length of datapath → increases the
propagation delays !!

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Gray Code
• Binary Numeral system where successive values
differ in only 1 bit

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Truth Table
Table Adjacencies
Why look at Grey Codes? – concept of ADJACENCY

AA B B FF the selected boolean terms differ by just 1 literal

00 0-Adjacency
0 11 HelpsThese in simplification – when expressed in standard form
These adjacent
are inaagray
in graycode
-Truth table based examples –
00 1 11
1Ex.1 -- they
We find the
canapply expression
apply XY++XY’ – express
XY’ ==XX in SOP form (minterms)
11 0A0 B00 F We XY
A BB ++A’B
ABB==A A’(B’+B)
A (B +B)
(B A’(1)
A (1)==A
(1) A’
11 101 000 1
0 1 1
00 1 00 0 00 0 Sameidea:
Same idea:A
00 1 11 1 11 0
11 00 00 0 0 0
11 11 11 0 1 1
Physical Adjacency in TT
ea: 1Problem:
Problem: 0
not same as gray code
y adjacency
1 y 1 adjacency
Physical 1j y in truth
y in truth adjacency
code adjacencyallows
ode adjacency allowsuse
of tabledoes
table doesnot notindicate
indicategray gray
fication theorems
ication theorems code
code adjacency
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
• A K-Map exploits adjacency or in other words its at truth table with
physical adjacency
2 Variable Karnaugh Map
• K-Map for a N-variable system will have 2N cells, just like outputs of truth-
0 0
2 – variable K-map A In Minterms
0 1
0 1 y
1 0x 0 0 1
1 1 0
0 x’y’ x’y 0 A=1,
m0 B=0
A=0 B=0
A=0, 1
1 xy’ xy 1 m2 m3
A=1, B=1
A=0, B=1

A different way to draw a truth table: by folding it

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
• A K-Map exploits adjacency or in other words its at truth table with
physical adjacency
2 Variable Karnaugh Map
• K-Map for a N-variable system will have 2N cells, just like outputs of truth-
0 0
2 – variable K-map A In Minterms
0 1
y B 0 1 y
1 0x 0 1
1 1 0
0 A=1,
m0 B=0
A=0 B=0
A=0, 1
1 m2 m3
A=1, B=1
A=0, B=1

A different way to draw a truth table: by folding it

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
• A K-Map exploits adjacency or in other words its at truth table with
physical adjacency
2 Variable Karnaugh Map
• K-Map for a N-variable system will have 2N cells, just like outputs of truth-
0 0
2 – variable K-map A In Minterms
0 1
0 1 y
1 0x 0 0 1
1 1 0
0 0 A=1,
m0 B=0
A=0 B=0
A=0, 1
1 1 m2 m3
A=1, B=1
A=0, B=1

A different way to draw a truth table: by folding it

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
• A K-Map exploits adjacency or in other words its at truth table with
physical adjacency
2 Variable Karnaugh Map
• K-Map for a N-variable system will have 2N cells, just like outputs of truth-
0 0
2 – variable K-map A In Minterms
0 1
0 1 y
1 0x 0 0 1
1 1 0
0 x’y’ x’y 0 A=1,
m0 B=0
A=0 B=0
A=0, 1
1 xy’ xy 1 m2 m3
A=1, B=1
A=0, B=1

A different way to draw a truth table: by folding it

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
• A K-Map exploits adjacency or in other words its at truth table with
physical adjacency
2 Variable Karnaugh Map
• K-Map for a N-variable system will have 2N cells, just like outputs of truth-
0 0
2 – variable K-map A In Minterms
0 1
0 1 y
1 0x 0 0 1
1 1 0
0 x’y’ x’y 0 A=1, B=0
A=0 B=0
A=0, 1
1 xy’ xy 1
A=1, B=1
A=0, B=1

A different way to draw a truth table: by folding it

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
• A K-Map exploits adjacency or in other words its at truth table with
physical adjacency
2 Variable Karnaugh Map
• K-Map for a N-variable system will have 2N cells, just like outputs of truth-
0 0
2 – variable K-map A In Minterms
0 1
0 1 y
1 0x 0 0 1
1 1 0
0 x’y’ x’y 0 A=1,
m0 B=0
A=0 B=0
A=0, 1
1 xy’ xy 1 m2 m3
A=1, B=1
A=0, B=1

A different
Basically way
you are to draw
folding a truth
the truth tabletable: byrepresenting
and then folding it it

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
Steps to use a K-Map for simplification –

1.Using the given truth table or boolean expression fill out the corresponding
minterm cells with 1s (maxterm cells with 0s)

2.Make groups of adjacent minterm cells containing 1s (0s in case of

(note: number of cells in each group can only be a power of 2: 1,2,4...)

3.Each group in the K-map will give you a reduced/simplified literal

(from inspection, remove those literals that change across the group, and
retain only those that remain the same)

4. The final simplified expression can be expressed as a sum (or product) of

all reduced literals

Always try to make largest possible groups

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
Steps to use a K-Map for simplification –

1.Using the given truth table or boolean expression fill out the corresponding
minterm cells with 1s (maxterm cells with 0s)

2.Make groups of adjacent minterm cells containing 1s (0s in case of

(note: number of cells in each group can only be a power of 2: 1,2,4...)

3.Each group in the K-map will give you a reduced/simplified literal

(from inspection, remove those literals that change across the group, and
retain only those that remain the same)

4. The final simplified expression can be expressed as a sum (or product) of

all reduced literals

Always try to make largest possible groups

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
Steps to use a K-Map for simplification –

1.Using the given truth table or boolean expression fill out the corresponding
minterm cells with 1s (maxterm cells with 0s)

2.Make groups of adjacent minterm cells containing 1s (0s in case of

(note: number of cells in each group can only be a power of 2: 1,2,4...)

3.Each group in the K-map will give you a reduced/simplified literal

(from inspection, remove those literals that change across the group, and
retain only those that remain the same)

4. The final simplified expression can be expressed as a sum (or product) of

all reduced literals

Always try to make largest possible groups

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
Steps to use a K-Map for simplification –

1.Using the given truth table or boolean expression fill out the corresponding
minterm cells with 1s (maxterm cells with 0s)

2.Make groups of adjacent minterm cells containing 1s (0s in case of

(note: number of cells in each group can only be a power of 2: 1,2,4...)

3.Each group in the K-map will give you a reduced/simplified literal

(from inspection, remove those literals that change across the group, and
retain only those that remain the same)

4. The final simplified expression can be expressed as a sum (or product) of

all reduced literals

Always try to make largest possible groups

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
Steps to use a K-Map for simplification –

1.Using the given truth table or boolean expression fill out the corresponding
minterm cells with 1s (maxterm cells with 0s)

2.Make groups of adjacent minterm cells containing 1s (0s in case of

(note: number of cells in each group can only be a power of 2: 1,2,4...)

3.Each group in the K-map will give you a reduced/simplified literal

(from inspection, remove those literals that change across the group, and
retain only those that remain the same)

4. The final simplified expression can be expressed as a sum (or product) of

all reduced literals

Always try to make largest possible groups

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
Example 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
Example 2

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Karnaugh Maps
Example 3

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Thank you

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"

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