Anticancer Plants

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Anticancer agents of natural origin

Followings herbs are used for the treatment of cancer

1.1. Podophyllum peltatum

1.1.1. Biological source

Podophyllum peltatum

1.1.2. Common names

Podophyllum, American Mandrake, May-apple root.

1.1.3. Family

1.1.4. Part used

Roots and rhizome

1.1.5. Collection and preparation

 Podophyllum is a perennial herb which grows wildly in moist and shady places.
 Most of the drug is collected from the wild plant in autumn. However, the
cultivation of podophyllum has been found to be profitable in the area of its
 The rhizomes are dug up, washed with water to remove soil, and cut into smaller
pieces. The adventitious roots present on the rhizomes are removed. The drug is
dried in the sun.
1.1.6. Chemical constituents
Podophyllum rhizome contains 2-8% resinous material termed as Podophyllin.
The major constituents of podophyllum resins are
 Podophyllotoxin
 Α and β-peltatin
 Desmethylpodophyllotoxin
 Podophyllotoxone
 A flavonoid quercetin and starch

1.1.7. Mode of action

1.1.8. Uses
 Podophyllum resin or podophyllin shows cytotoxic activity.
 For the treament of venereal and other warts.
 Podophyllotoxin is semisynthetically converted to a potent anticancer etoposide
which is mainly used for the treatment of lung and testicular cancer
1.2. Indian Podophyllum
1.2.1. Biological source
Podophyllum hexandrum

1.2.2. Common names

Rhizoma Podophylli indici

1.2.3. Family

1.2.4. Part used

Roots and rhizome

1.2.5. Collection and preparation

The plants which grow as a perennial herb are dug up in the autumn. The rhizomes
are generally collected from above two years old plant. The rhizomes are washed with
water, cut into small pieces, and dried in the sun.
1.2.6. Chemical constituents:
The most of the chemical constituents of Indian podophyllum are similar to that of
Podophyllum peltatum. Podophyllum resin present to the extent of 6-12% which
contains about 40% podophyllotoxin.

1.2.7. Uses
Podophyllum hexandrum closely resembles Podophyllum peltatum in its
pharmacological activity. It is largely used for the preparation of podophyllum resin.

1.3. Catharanthus roseus

1.3.1. Biological source
Catharanthus roseus

1.3.2. Common names

Vinca rosea, Catharanthus, Madagascar periwinkle, Barmasi.

1.3.3. Family

1.3.4. Part used

Leaves and root

1.3.5. Chemical constituents

About 90 alkaloids have been isolated from vinca, the important alkaloids in
catharanthus are the indole alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine and they possess
definite anticancer activity. Vindoline and Catharanthine are also indole alkaloids. It
also contains monoterpenes, sesquiterpene, indole and indoline glycoside.
1.3.6. Mode of action

1.3.7. Uses
 Vinblastine is an antitumor alkaloid used in the treatment of Hodgkin’s disease.
 Vincristine is a cytotoxic compound and used to treat leukemia in children.
 For bleeding piles, it may be applied externally, as well as taken internally.
 It is also used in the treatment of diabetes.
 Vinca is used in herbal practice for its astringent properties.
 It may also be used as a gargle in cases of sore throat and inflamed tonsils.
 The flowers of the Periwinkle are gently purgative, but lose their effect on
drying. If gathered in the spring and made into a syrup, they impart all their
virtues, and this, it is stated, is excellent as a gentle laxative for children and also
for overcoming chronic constipation in grown persons.

1.4. Colchicum autumnale

1.4.1. Biological source
Colchicum autumnale

1.4.2. Common names

Autumn Crocus, European colchicum seeds

1.4.3. Family
1.4.4. Part Used

1.4.5. Collection and preparation

From June to July brown fruits are collected and placed in muslin bags. During
ripening seeds become dark in color and covered by a sweet saccharine secretion.
Seeds are separated by sifting. The corms are harvested in mid to late summer, they
are dried and used.

1.4.6. Chemical constituents

The active principle is said to be an alkaline substance of a very poisonous nature
called colchicine. Besides colchicine, demecolcine and other alkaloids are present.
They also contain resin, called colchicoresin, fixed oil, glucose and starch.

1.4.7. Mode of action

Colchicine inhibits microtubule polymerization by binding to tubulin, one of the main
constituents of microtubules. Availability of tubulin is essential to mitosis, so
colchicine effectively functions as a "mitotic poison" or spindle poison.
1.4.8. Uses
 They are used mainly in the treatment of gout and rheumatism.
 Leukemia has been successfully treated with colchicum autumnale and also been
used to treat Bechet’s syndrome.
 A very toxic plant, it should not be prescribed for pregnant women or patients
with kidney disease, and should only be used under the supervision of a qualified

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