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Zwitterionic polymer brush coatings with excellent

Published on 23 June 2016. Downloaded by Universitaetsbibliothek Siegen on 12/10/2019 3:51:48 PM.

anti-fog and anti-frost properties†

Cite this: RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 61695
Metwally Ezzat and Chun-Jen Huang*

The formation of fog and frost on transparent surfaces can lead to many problems in our daily life. To
address these problems, polymer brushes based on two zwitterionic analogues, poly(sulfobetaine
methacrylate) (pSBMA) and poly(sulfobetaine vinylimidazole) (pSBVI), have been prepared by surface-
initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP). Hydrophilic and superhydrophilic pSBMA and
pSBVI polymer brushes were prepared by controlling the thickness of the coatings to study the effect of
wettability on the anti-fog and anti-frost properties. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),
ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were respectively used to determine the interfacial
elemental composition, the thickness and the morphology of the brushes. The wettability of the polymer
brushes was measured using a water contact angle goniometer. Their anti-fog and anti-frost capabilities
were determined visually and tested quantitatively by UV-vis spectroscopy. The results indicated that the
optical transmittance of substrates modified with superhydrophilic polymer coatings under both hot and
cold fogging conditions was very high. Additionally, no visible frost was formed on the superhydrophilic
substrates after storage in a freezer at 20  C for the duration of the experiment. These results
Received 12th May 2016
Accepted 22nd June 2016
convincingly demonstrated that the resistance of the modified substrates to fogging and frosting is
strongly correlated to the surface wettability. Moreover, there is no considerable difference in the
DOI: 10.1039/c6ra12399f
performance of pSBMA and pSBVI polymer brushes, but the former is preferred because SBMA monomer is commercially available and requires short polymerization time to obtain superhydrophilicity.

hydrophilic inorganic nanoparticles such as SiO2 and

Introduction TiO2.12,19,20 However, the fabrication methods for these mate-
Condensation of water droplets or ice crystallization on surfaces rials involve multiple steps including seed growth, one dimen-
in a variety of environmental conditions causes fog and/or frost sion nanomaterial prefabrication and post treatments.21 In
formation, which in turn interferes with the light path and addition, they typically require exposure to UV light to induce
reduces optical transmission. This may lead to many problems photocatalytic activity and superhydrophilicity.22
for the use of eyeglasses, windows, mirrors, goggles, and optical On the other hand, hydrophilic polymers can be used as
instruments.1–4 Over the last few decades, an extensive research coating materials for the preparation of superhydrophilic
studies have been reported to prevent the formation of fog and surfaces. For instance, a polymer-based anti-fog coating cova-
frost on solid surfaces by different approaches including lently graed onto glass surfaces by means of a multistep
superhydrophobic coatings,5–7 superhydrophilic coatings8,9 and process that includes spin coating of poly(ethylene-maleic
combinations of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties anhydride) (PEMA) and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) layers has
in the coating.10–15 Hydrophilic surfaces that have a water been reported.1 The results showed that the PEMA/PVA coating
contact angle of less than 5 exhibit excellent anti-fog properties not only prolonged the initial period required for fog formation,
because they allow water droplets to spread uniformly to form but also decreased the rate of light transmission decay. Addi-
a thin water lm, which reduces light scattering.9,16,17 In general, tionally, these PEMA/PVA coatings remained stable and their
superhydrophilicity can be obtained by various chemical and anti-fog properties were preserved aer immersion in water for
physical methods.18 One common approach is to coat 24 h. Moreover, Lee and co-workers demonstrated that a zwitter-
wettable surface prepared by layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly of
PVA and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) functionalized with poly
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, National Central University,
(ethylene glycol methyl ether) (PEG) segments afforded
Jhong-Li, Taoyuan 320, Taiwan. E-mail:
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Detailed procedure for
a signicantly enhanced anti-fog and anti-frost properties.23
the preparation of the initiator and SBVI monomer, 1H-NMR spectra for the Recently, we have developed a facile superhydrophilic surfaces
initiator and SBVI monomer, CA measurements, and digital images for hot with signicant anti-fog and self-cleaning properties via sila-
fogging aer exposure to hot water vapour for 30 s and 60 s. See DOI: nization of zwitterionic sulfobetaine silane (SBSi) on oxidized

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surfaces.24 These surfaces exhibited long-term stability under SI-ATRP of SBMA and SBVI
exposure to heat and UV irradiation. The SBSi glasses main-
For the synthesis of pSBMA brushes, 7.5 g of SBMA was dis-
tained high optical transmittance due to the rapid formation of
solved in 50 mL H2O and MeOH (1 : 3). The solution was
coalesced water thin lms on surfaces in contact with vapour
bubbled with nitrogen for 3 h to remove oxygen, and then 332.5
and moisture.25,26
mg of Bpy and 152.5 mg of CuBr were added in the solution to
Zwitterionic poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) (pSBMA) and
achieve [SBMA] : [CuBr] : [BPy] molar ratio of 25 : 1 : 2. This
poly(sulfobetaine vinylimidazole) (pSBVI) are widely used as
solution was further degassed using three freeze–pump–thaw
anti-fouling materials in marine and biomedical applica- cycles. The mixture was transferred to vessels containing the
Published on 23 June 2016. Downloaded by Universitaetsbibliothek Siegen on 12/10/2019 3:51:48 PM.

tions.27–30 Sulfobetaine pendant groups have strong hydration initiator-immobilized slides and sealed under nitrogen. The
capacity due to the ionic solvation.31–34 The use of surface-
reaction was carried out in a water bath at 60  C for 24 h.
initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP) for
Following a similar procedure, SI-ATRP of SBVI was performed
the preparation of polymer brushes enables precise control of
at [SBVI] : [CuBr] : [BPy] molar feed ratio of 30 : 1 : 2 in 1 : 2
their architectural features, such as the graing density, the
H2O/DMF mixture at 60  C. The concentration of monomers in
thickness and the composition; therefore, the interfacial prop-
the reaction solvents was 15% (w/v). To ensure that both glass
erties of polymer lms can be tuned exibly.35,36
slides and silicon wafers were graed under the same condi-
It is important to explore the structure–property relationship tions, the polymerization was carried out in the same reaction
of sulfobetaine-based polymer brushes for better under- vessel. The polymerization was halted aer the specied reac-
standing of their correlation with the formation of fog and frost
tion time and the slides were repeatedly washed with warm
on these surfaces. In this study, pSBMA and pSBVI polymer
water and methanol, and dried under nitrogen.
brushes were prepared and the surface wetting properties were
altered by controlling the lm thicknesses. The tests for the fog
and frost formation were performed under both hot and cold Characterization
fogging conditions to verify the effect of the interfacial proper- NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker DRX-600 instrument.
ties on water coalescence and frost densication. To the best of The water contact angles were measured by the sessile-drop
our knowledge, this is the rst work to systematically investigate method using an optical CA goniometry (Phoenix mini,
and employ the zwitterionic pSBMA and pSBVI as anti-fog and Surface Electro Optics) at ambient temperature. The volume of
anti-frost coatings with an attempt to explore the structure– the droplets from a microsyringe was 5 mL, and the measure-
property relationship. ments were performed in triplicate at random positions on the
samples to characterize the average wetting properties of the
coatings. The brush thickness was measured using ellipsometry
Experimental section (Angle Stokes Ellipsometer LSE, gaertner scientic) on silicon
Materials wafers at ambient lab conditions in air. A light source with
[2-(Methacryloyloxy)ethyl]dimethyl-(3-sulfopropyl)ammonium a wavelength in 400–800 nm range at incidence angle of 70 was
hydroxide (SBMA), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), copper(I) used to scan the sample surface. The refractive index for the
bromide (99.999%), and 2,20 -bipyridyl (Bpy) were purchased polymer brushes (n ¼ 1.45) was measured automatically by
from Sigma-Aldrich. Tetrahydrofuran (THF, anhydrous) was ellipsometry. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) images were
obtained from TEDIA. Triethylamine (TEA) and 2-bromoisobu- recorded on a commercial instrument (JSPM-5200) in tapping
tyryl bromide (BIBB) were purchased from Acros Organics. (3- mode under ambient conditions. The chemical composition
Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane, 1-vinylimidazole, and 1,3-pro- was detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) using
panesultone were purchased from Alfa Aesar. All other chem- a VG Sigma Probe spectroscope using an Al Ka excitation source
icals were analytical grade reagents and used without any (25 W, 15 mm) in a vacuum of 2  108 Pa. XPS spectra were
further purication. Standard glass microscope slides (Green acquired with a pass energy of 58.8 eV. Scans were performed at
cross medical) and silicon wafers (Semiconductor Wafer Inc., a take-off angle of 90 and the binding energy (BE) was esti-
Taiwan) were cut into 2.5 cm  2.5 cm pieces before use. mated to be accurate within 0.2 eV. The UV-vis transmission
spectra were measured using a UV-vis spectrophotometer (V-
630, Jasco).
Surface immobilization of ATRP initiator
The slides were cut into 2.5 cm  2.5 cm, and then sonicated in
ethanol and water for 15 min each and treated with piranha Anti-fog and anti-frost tests
solution (70 : 30 H2SO4 : H2O2) for 30 min at 100  C. Subse- Both hot and cold fogging tests were used to quantify the anti-
quently, the slides were immersed in hydrochloric acid solution fog properties of the polymer brush coatings. For the hot
(1 : 6 HCl : H2O) for 15 min at room temperature and washed fogging test, the coated glass slides were placed 5 cm above hot
thoroughly using ethanol and water before drying in a N2 water (80  C), and held for different time periods. Photographs
atmosphere. The slides were immersed in a solution of 40 mM were then taken immediately aer the samples were removed
of the initiator in THF for 24 h at room temperature. Finally, the from the water vapour and compared to bare glass as a control
slides were washed sequentially with THF, ethanol, and water sample for each case. More aggressive conditions were used to
and dried under nitrogen before polymerization. assess the anti-fog and anti-frost capabilities of the brushes. In

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brief, the samples were stored in a freezer at 20  C for 30 min brushes were grown from the graed initiators under appro-
and 24 h, and photographs were taken immediately aer the priate conditions. In this work, pSBMA and pSBVI brushes with
samples were removed from the freezer to visually estimate the similar dry thicknesses were used. In order to achieve this,
frost formation, which turns to fog aer exposure to ambient different polymerization times were conducted at a monomer
conditions. The light transmittance in the range of 400–700 nm concentration of 0.5 M. The brush thicknesses (d) are shown in
was also recorded on UV-vis spectrophotometer during the Table 1. The brush thickness of pSBMA was 44 nm aer poly-
fogging and frosting experiments to quantitatively evaluate the merization for 8 h, and 105 nm aer 24 h. Similar results were
anti-fog and anti-frost properties of polymer brushes. obtained for pSBVI with d ¼ 45 nm and 134 nm aer poly-
Published on 23 June 2016. Downloaded by Universitaetsbibliothek Siegen on 12/10/2019 3:51:48 PM.

merization for 12 h and 24 h, respectively.

Results and discussion The wettability of polymer brushes was measured using
a water CA goniometer and the results are summarized in Table 1
Synthesis and characterization of polymer brushes and ESI (Fig. S3†). The results showed a CA of 33 for the
The fabrication process of zwitterionic pSBMA and pSBVI is unmodied glass with a negligible change aer immobilizing the
illustrated in Scheme 1. The glass or silicon substrates were initiator. However, the CA decreased sharply aer graing both
rstly modied with ATRP initiator via self-assembly of the pSBMA and pSBVI for respective polymerization times of 8 and 12
initiator in anhydrous THF for 24 h, and then the polymer h and the surfaces became completely wet (CA < 5 ). On the other

Scheme 1 Synthesis procedure of pSBMA and pSBVI polymer brushes via SI-ATRP polymerization.

Table 1 Polymerization time (t) for SI-ATRP, dry film thickness (d), contact angle (CA) and surface roughness (Ra) of hydrophilic (H) and
superhydrophilic (SH) pSBMA and pSBVI grafted on silicon wafer substrates

Brush type (h) da (nm) CA Rab (nm) N/S ratio (theoretical) N/S ratio by XPS

pSBMA-SH 8 44 <5 0.27 1 0.9

pSBMA-H 24 105 15  3 0.45 — —
pSBVI-SH 12 45 <5 0.66 2 2.3
pSBVI-H 24 134 15  3 1.40 — —
Measured by ellipsometry. b Measured by AFM.

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Fig. 1 XPS spectra for: (a) initiator-modified silicon wafers, pSBMA and pSBVI polymer brushes, (b) high resolution scan of Br3d, (c) high resolution
scan of N1s region, and (d) high resolution scan of S2p region.

hand, hydrophilic brushes (CA 15  3 ) were obtained by

increasing the brush thicknesses via increasing the polymeriza-
tion time.
Herein, superhydrophilicity was observed aer 4 h for pSBMA
with d ¼ 23 nm. The polymerization time for pSBMA was, there-
fore, increased to 8 h to obtain a similar thickness to that of pSBVI
brushes. The superhydrophilic pSBMA and pSBVI coatings are
respectively named pSBMA-SH and pSBVI-SH. Upon increasing the
polymerization time to 24 h, both pSBMA and pSBVI brush coat-
ings became hydrophilic, pSBMA-H and pSBVI-H, owing to the
increase in thickness of the brushes. It has been reported that
zwitterionic polymer brushes with a thickness less than 50 nm
possess very strong interaction with water molecules, and so they
are very hydrophilic, while thicker brushes (thickness > 50 nm) lead
to an increase in the hydrophobicity.32,37,38 Azzaroni et al. studied
the correlation between the wettability of sulfobetaines and brush
thickness. It was found that the polyzwitterionic brush exhibits
a transition in the wetting characteristics, from non-associated
hydrophilic regime to self-associated hydrophobic regime, which
produces a completely collapsed self-associated state due to reor-
ganization processes within the macromolecular lm.37 In this
study, we could nd that thinner brushes are superhydrophilic,
while the hydrophobicity increases with increasing the thickness
due to the strong inter- and intrachain associations.37
XPS broad survey spectra for the initiator-modied silicon
wafers and both pSBVI and pSBMA polymer brush samples are
Fig. 2 Tapping-mode AFM images in air (0.5 mm  0.5 mm): (a) bare
presented (Fig. 1). The surface initiator was successfully immo- silicon wafers (Ra ¼ 0.23 nm), (b) initiator-modified silicon wafers (Ra ¼
bilized on silicon wafers and glass substrates, as conrmed by 0.54 nm), (c) pSBMA-SH (Ra ¼ 0.27 nm), (d) pSBMA-H (Ra ¼ 0.45 nm),
the detection of the characteristic XPS signals for N1s (BE ¼ 402.0 (e) pSBVI-SH (Ra ¼ 0.66 nm), and (f) pSBVI-H (Ra ¼ 1.4 nm) polymer
eV) and Br3d (BE ¼ 70.0 eV), as shown in Fig. 1a. It is worth noting brushes grafted on silicon wafers.
that the bromine signal detected on the initiator surface was
weaker than that of the nitrogen signal (0.12% of Br vs. 2.41% of other researchers and was attributed to the instability of C–Br
N) and this does not match their 1 : 1 stoichiometric ratio in the bonds under X-ray irradiation.29,39 Anywise, high resolution XPS
initiator. This discrepancy was also observed by Liu et al. and prole of Br3d is shown in Fig. 1b, which demonstrates successful

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Fig. 3Digital photos of different samples: (a) bare glass, (b) pSBMA-SH, (c) pSBMA-H, (d) pSBVI-SH, and (e) pSBVI-H after exposure to hot water
vapour for 15 s under ambient lab conditions (temperature 21  C, 88% relative humidity).

immobilization of the initiator on the substrates. XPS spectra of 0.27 and 0.45 nm for pSBMA-SH and pSBMA-H (Fig. 2c and d),
pSBMA and pSBVI show an increase in the intensities of S2p and respectively, and the roughness values were 0.66 and 1.4 nm for
N1s for both pSBMA and pSBVI compared to initiator-graed pSBVI-SH and pSBVI-H (Fig. 2e and f), respectively. The data
substrates (Fig. 1a); however, a weak Si signal originating from suggest that the surface roughness of the polymers graed onto
the underlying initiator and/or substrates was observed. High- the substrate surfaces increases proportionally with the
resolution scans for both N1s and S2p (BE ¼ 167.0 eV) are also thickness.
shown (Fig. 1c and d). The ratios between N and S were 0.9 and
2.3 for pSBMA and pSBVI, respectively, which are accordingly Anti-fog performance
approximate to their stoichiometric ratios of 1 and 2 (Table 1).
The primary factor to determine the ability of a surface to
The surface morphology of the samples was measured by AFM
prevent fog formation is the equilibrium of a droplet in contact
(Fig. 2) and the corresponding roughness values are shown in
with a surface as described by the Young's equation.40
Table 1. The surface morphology of silicon wafers was at and
Furthermore, it has been proved that the anti-fog property of
smooth with a low roughness value of 0.23 nm (Fig. 2a). Aer the
a surface is governed by its hydrophilicity where very hydro-
initiator was immobilized on the substrates, the roughness
philic surfaces can maintain good optical transmission.41 In
increased to 0.54 nm (Fig. 2b). The surface roughness values were
this regard, pSBMA and pSBVI graed glass substrates were

Fig. 4 Light transmission at the normal incident angle for various samples (a) before, (b) after 15 s, (c) after 30 s and (d) after 60 s exposure to hot
water vapour (5 cm above 80  C water bath) under ambient conditions (temperature 21  C, 88% relative humidity).

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Fig. 5 Digital photos of different samples: (a) bare glass, (b) pSBMA-SH, (c) pSBMA-H, (d) pSBVI-SH, and (e) pSBVI-H, after storage in a freezer at
20  C for 30 min (upper) and 24 h (bottom), taken immediately after transfer to ambient lab conditions (temperature 21  C, 88% relative

(Fig. S4 in ESI†). When the exposure time increased for pSBMA-

H and pSBVI-H, the absorption capacity of water increased and
consequently led to the formation of free water domains on the
surfaces resulting in more fogging occurrence.
UV-vis spectrophotometer was used to quantitatively assess
the anti-fog performance. According to the ASTM procedure F
659-06,19 a coating is dened to be anti-fog if it can maintain
a light transmittance over 80% aer exposure to hot water
vapour for 30 s. The light transmittance values of bare glass
and the graed polymer brushes are comparable (91–92%,
Fig. 4a) before the fogging and frosting tests. In a different
manner, when the samples were exposed to hot water vapour
for 15, 30, and 60 s (Fig. 4b–d), low light transmittance was
observed for unmodied glass (<56%), but all of the graed
polymer brushes maintained very high transparency (>87%).
The nding conrms that both hydrophilic and super-
hydrophilic brush coatings can retain an optically clear
surfaces, even though the condensation of water virtually
occurs during hot fogging test.

Anti-frost performance
Fig. 6 Light transmission at the normal incident angle for various The frost forms when the temperature of a substrate falls below
samples after: (a) 30 min, and (b) 24 h storage in a freezer at 20  C, its dew point, where water vapour can evade the liquid phase
immediately after transfer to ambient lab conditions (temperature 21 and transform directly into ice.5,10 In this work, the samples

C, 88% relative humidity).
were stored in a freezer at 20  C for 30 min and 24 h to study
the frost-resistance. Digital images were taken immediately
aer the samples were removed from the freezer (Fig. 5). The
placed above hot water vapour for different time periods and bare glass lost its transparency completely (Fig. 5a), because of
digital images were taken immediately aer transfer to ambient severe frosting formation, which turned into fog aer exposure
lab conditions. The unmodied glass was severely fogged aer to ambient lab conditions due to the thermal gradient.42 Also,
15 s exposure to hot water vapour (Fig. 3a), so did both pSBMA- pSBMA-H and pSBVI-H brushes (Fig. 5c and e) showed similar
H and pSBVI-H graed glasses (Fig. 3c and e). On the contrary, behaviour to that of bare glass due to frost nucleation on the
no fog formation was observed at all for pSBMA-SH and pSBVI- substrates. On the contrary, neither frost nor fog was formed on
SH samples (Fig. 3b and d). Exposure to hot water vapour for pSBMA-SH and pSBVI-SH brushes which attained very high
longer periods (i.e. 30 s and 60 s) further exhibited similar transparency throughout the test even aer 24 h storage at 20
performance, which indicated that pSBMA-SH and pSBVI-SH 
C (Fig. 5b and d). This conrms the excellent anti-fog and frost-
could maintain good anti-fog property over long-term test resistance of the superhydrophilic brushes.

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Table 2 Summary of anti-fog and anti-frost performance of various

samples under different conditions
Notes and references
Sample Anti-fog Anti-frost
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pSBMA-SH Yes Yes 2015, 5, 102560–102566.
pSBMA-H No No 3 J. Petit and E. Bonaccurso, Langmuir, 2014, 30, 1160–1168.
pSBVI-SH Yes Yes
4 M. H. M. A. Shibraen, H. Yagoub, X. Zhang, J. Xu and S. Yang,
Published on 23 June 2016. Downloaded by Universitaetsbibliothek Siegen on 12/10/2019 3:51:48 PM.

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