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Electoral Laws and the Effective Number of Candidates in Presidential Elections Mark P. Jones The Journal of Politics, Vol. 61, No. 1 (Feb., 1999), 171-184, Stable URL: bhtp:flinks,jstor-org/sici?sici~0022-38 16% 28199902 %2961%3A1%3C 17 1%3 AELATEN3E2.0.CO%3B2-W ‘Your use of the ISTOR archive indicates your acceptance of ISTOR’s Terms and Conditions of Use, available at up: srw jstor org/aboutterms.html. ISTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, at unless you have obtained prior permission, you may aot download an entite issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and ‘you may use content in the ISTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the sereen or pfinted page of such transmission. ‘The Journal of Politics is published by Southem Political Science Association. Please contact the publisher for further permissions regarding the use ofthis work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at bnspff 79 tor-orglyoumalstspsa.hten, The Fournat of Politics ©1999 Souther Political Science Association ISTOR and the JSTOR logo are trademarks of JSTOR, and are Registered in the U.S, Patent and Trademark Otic. For more information on ISTOR contact jstor-nfo@umnich edu, (©2003 JSTOR hup:thrww.jstor.orgy Mon Nov 10 16:56:48 2003 RESEARCH NOTES Electoral Laws and the Effective Number of Candidates in Presidential Elections Mark P. Jones. Michigan State University ‘This stay enploys data own 33 counties aver 2 0-year pid fo analyze the iestional dex serminanis of the effecave yamber of presidental candidates | Sr the presdenisl electra formule plucality wens mary sunoll—‘o haves siroog an signifies’ impuct nthe effective saniber of candids, hereby povidies the mow substi suppor thus far fo Buvetgar’s prone sions at de preside level, Unik previous ems atonal sae, Tao cet far he effect of the presence o° absence of a incumbent preadentil candidate The presence of en icant has Se ian reductive effet on the effective numberof candies, Pesisensiat elections are the most important electoral contest in every pure presidential democracy, and generally the second most important contest in seri- presidential democracies. Nevertheless, while a plethora of studies have examined the effects of electoral laws an the effective number of partiesicandistes in leg- islative elections, few have concerned themselves with presideatial elections. ‘This aticle furthers our understanding of the relationship between electoral laws and candidate competiuon in presidential elections by studying presidential

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