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Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City

and Adjacent Areas

Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments

May 2017
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Community Energy Network Overview...................................................................................... 4
1.3 Elements of the Community Energy Network ........................................................................... 5
1.4 Summary of Connection and Supply Arrangements .................................................................. 6
1.5 Principles of the Concession ...................................................................................................... 7
2 Town Planning and Strategic Objectives ........................................................................................... 8
2.1 Planning Objectives .................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 The Development Corporation’s Environmental Sustainability Policy ...................................... 8
2.3 Legacy Communities Scheme ..................................................................................................... 8
3 Process for Developing Secondary Networks and Acceptance for Maintenance ........................... 10
3.1 Connection Agreement ............................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Heat Supply Agreements.......................................................................................................... 10
4 How to Arrange a Connection ......................................................................................................... 11
5 Key Technical Requirements ........................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Achieving Correct Flow and Return Temperatures .................................................................. 13
5.2 Minimising Heat Losses from the Secondary Network ............................................................ 13
5.3 Water Quality ........................................................................................................................... 13
6 Spatial Consideration for Site Layout and Masterplanning ............................................................ 14
6.1 Wayleaves ................................................................................................................................ 14
6.2 Heating Substations ................................................................................................................. 14
6.3 Space for Temporary Heating Plant ......................................................................................... 14
6.4 Access to Metering................................................................................................................... 15
7 Key technical information ............................................................................................................... 16
7.1 Carbon Emission Performance ................................................................................................. 16
7.2 Environmental assessments ..................................................................................................... 17
Appendix A Commercial Only Developments Connection and Consumption Charges ..................... 19
Appendix B Projection of long term heat network operation for calculating Carbon Emission
Factors for use in preparing Energy Statements for planning applications........................................... 21
Appendix C 12-month projection of heat network operation for calculating Carbon Emission
Factors and primary energy use for Part L compliance purposes ......................................................... 29
Appendix D Olympic Park Long Term Cooling Network Carbon Emission Factors and Data Inputs for
use in preparing Energy Statements for Reserved Matters Planning Applications ............................... 35
Appendix E Olympic Park Cooling Network Carbon Emission Factors and Heat Sources for use in
Part L Compliance Calculations .............................................................................................................. 41
Appendix F Agreement Flow Chart .................................................................................................... 45
Appendix G Information for BREEAM assessments ........................................................................... 46

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Changes to the guidance

This updated guidance note supersedes all earlier versions. The previous versions of this guidance
were prepared in April 2015 and February 2017.
Key changes to the guidance are summarised below.

Section Summary of changes Version

Appendix B and (Heating network data for use in energy modelling calculations for energy February 2017
Appendix C statements and for Part L respectively) updated to reflect changes to the
heat generation plant mix and plant efficiencies.

Appendix D and (Cooling network data for use in energy modelling calculations for energy February 2017
Appendix E statements and for Part L respectively) updated to reflect changes to the
cooling generation plant mix and plant efficiencies

Section 7.2 and Added to provide information on the NOx emission credits and Leak February 2017
Appendix G Detection credits that can be obtained in building assessment
methodologies. These new additions have been provided in response to
requests from design teams for this information.

General Change record added. Minor additions and cosmetic changes to the February 2017
document format.

Appendix A Updated to reflect updated connection charges and annual service and May 2017
energy charges for the period 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018.

Section 6.2 Additional guidance added determining appropriate numbers of May 2017

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

1 Introduction

1.1 Background
The construction of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (Olympic Park) for the London 2012 Olympic
and Paralympic Games included a commitment to provide a combined cooling, heat and power
(CCHP) generation facility and heating and cooling distribution networks on the site. This was part of
the Sustainable Development Strategy for the London 2012 Games and in particular was designed to
deliver substantial carbon savings in line with the London Plan and progressively tighter government
legislation. The network was designed to serve the London 2012 Games and the Legacy
development of the Olympic Park. It also serves Stratford City.
The Community Energy Network was realised by means of a 40-year Concession Agreement with the
combined aims of achieving competitive energy prices for consumers while making it easier and
more cost effective for development to meet carbon reduction targets. The Concession was
procured by the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) by means of an OJEU procedure. When it became
operational in 2010 it was the largest single investment in a district energy scheme to have been
made to date in the UK.

1.2 Community Energy Network Overview

1.2.1 Outline of Energy Services

The Olympic Park Community Energy Network offers heating and cooling services to residential and
commercial customers on site as well as to Olympic venues. It also sells electricity generated on site
in bulk to a licensed supplier and, where it is appropriate, opportunities are explored to retail
electricity directly to end consumers.

1.2.2 Community Energy Network Concession

The CCHP facility and associated district heating and cooling networks were constructed under a
finance, design, install and operate Concession awarded to a subsidiary of ENGIE S.A, East London
Energy Limited (ENGIE). The duration of the Concession is 40 years (from July 2013), and ENGIE has
exclusive rights (and obligations) to supply heating energy within a defined Concession Area that
includes the Olympic Park and Stratford City.
All buildings developed on the Olympic Park and Stratford City within the Concession Area are
required to meet their heating requirements from the heat network. The cooling network serves
part of the Concession Area and the obligation to connect to the cooling network applies in a
correspondingly smaller area. The Concession also expects and encourages the development of the
heat network to supply adjoining areas although there is no obligation on either developers or ENGIE
to make or enable connections outside the defined Concession Area.
The Concession is defined in a suite of contracts that set out and control all aspects of the design,
construction, pricing, connections and supplies of heating and cooling in the Concession Area. The
Concession Area extends beyond the boundaries of the Olympic Park, including the Westfield
Shopping Centre, East Village and a development area owned by London and Continental Railways.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

The Concession Employer is the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) jointly with
Stratford City Developments Limited (SCDL). ODA was initially joint employer with SCDL but its role
transferred to LLDC after the Games.
Part of the function of the Concession is to provide a quasi-regulatory framework, as there is no
independent regulation of district heating in the UK. The Concession envisages and enshrines a spirit
of mutual understanding and co-operation between the parties.
The Concession Agreement establishes key performance criteria and minimum service level
provisions that ENGIE must meet. It also establishes key requirements for the joint employers,
including defining the process for the timely procurement of a successor energy company to operate
and upgrade the Energy Network after the current initial 40 year concession expires. This is to
ensure the continued provision of heating and cooling services beyond the initial concession period.
Pricing of connections and the heating and cooling energy supplies to commercial and residential
developers are established by means of a price control formula (PCF), which is subject to
procedurally defined reviews. The PCF embodies a requirement for the Concession’s cost of energy
to be less than or equal to the “avoided cost” of widely available comparable alternatives.
Key requirements for developers and consumers include:
 Entering into a Connection Agreement with ENGIE for the provision of heating or cooling
services. This among other things defines the maximum heating (and in some cases cooling)
demand required and associated charges for making a connection;
 Entering into Supply Agreements with ENGIE. These establish ENGIE’s service obligations in
providing heat (and in some cases cooling) to consumers and the charges that consumers will
pay in return for those services.
 Designing and constructing secondary distribution networks and heating and cooling supply
systems within the developers’ buildings or plot in accordance with a Technical Specification
provided by ENGIE.
The Technical Specification aims to ensure that secondary network systems are designed to enable
efficient operation of the network as a whole, for example by enabling appropriate flow and return
temperatures and by avoiding unnecessary wastage of heat.

1.3 Elements of the Community Energy Network

1.3.1 Kings Yard and Stratford City Energy Centres

Two large-scale industrial CCHP plants (located at energy centres at King’s Yard and in Stratford City)
serve the development areas of the Olympic Park and Stratford City. The plant installed comprises
gas-fired CCHP engines and gas-fired boilers for peak use. In the King’s Yard energy centre there is
also a biomass-fed boiler. Cooling is provided by both absorption chillers and electrically driven
The energy centres have been designed to have the capacity to meet the expected heat demands of
development at Stratford City and the Olympic Park including legacy development. There is also
space for additional capacity to serve further extension of the network beyond the Olympic Park and
Stratford City developments in the future. Heat generating plant will be added at each energy centre
in an incremental way as the network loads build up.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

1.3.2 Primary Pipe Network

The primary pipe network (heating and cooling) serving the Olympic Park and Stratford City has
already been installed. New developments will be connected to this network and the network itself
can be expanded. A drawing showing the location of the primary pipe network can be provided by
ENGIE on request.

1.3.3 Heating and Cooling Sub-stations

The interface between the primary network and each development’s secondary network is achieved
via a heat exchanger substation located in a plant room within each new development. The heat
exchanger provides a hydraulic separation between the primary network and a secondary network
within the developer’s site. Separate substations are required if both heating and cooling services
are being supplied. For phased developments a number of connections and substations may be
ENGIE will design, install, maintain and own each substation and its primary network connection.
Substations will be designed in accordance with the Technical Specification. These contain isolating
valves, filters, heat exchanger(s), motorised regulation valve(s), energy meters, temperature sensors,
control panels, hydraulic connections, power and instrumentation connections.
The developer is responsible for providing the plant room within the development in which the
substation will be installed, including the necessary power connections (although it can be located
external to a building). The location of the plant room and the route of connection between the
external network and the substation will need to be agreed between the developer and ENGIE.
ENGIE is responsible for providing the necessary primary network connection to the substation, but
if the location of the substation requires the primary network to be extended by more than 100m,
then an additional connection charge will be incurred. Connection charges for commercial
developments are summarised in Appendix A.

1.3.4 Secondary Heating and Cooling Networks

The hot water pipework (and in some cases cooling pipework) within development plots (the
secondary network) will be designed and installed by the developer to technical standards defined
by ENGIE. These secondary networks provide the connection between the substation and the heat
interface units1 in each home or the internal heating systems of non- domestic buildings.

1.4 Summary of Connection and Supply Arrangements

The concession provides for two main types of connection and supply agreement:
 Commercial Only Connection
 Residential and Mixed Residential/Commercial Development Connection, Metering and
Billing Services
For Commercial Only Connections ENGIE takes on responsibility for providing a bulk heating (and in
some cases cooling) supply to the heating or cooling substation. ENGIE meters and bills for the heat
or cooling supplied via a meter installed by ENGIE on the primary side of the substation but has no
The heat interface unit (HIU) is a dwelling or commercial unit’s point of connection to the secondary network, which
effectively replaces the individual gas boiler that might otherwise have been installed to serve the consumer’s central
heating system. It enables the heat supply to each home or commercial unit to be individually controlled.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

responsibility for maintenance operation or billing in relation to the secondary network. ENGIE can
provide secondary metering and billing services beyond the bulk meter as part of the Connection
Agreement, subject to request from, and agreement with, the developer.
For Residential and Mixed Residential/Commercial Developments ENGIE will provide a full heat
metering and billing service to the end consumer, avoiding the need for developers to make their
own long term arrangements. This information note covers Commercial Only connections, however,
a separate note is available providing a summary of arrangements for Residential and Mixed
Residential/Commercial Developments.
A summary of the process for taking forward connection agreements is described in section 4.

1.5 Principles of the Concession

Under the Concession Agreement, ENGIE has the obligations, and risks for:
 The financing, design, build, operation and maintenance of all plant and equipment
contained within the two energy centres, and the primary heating and cooling networks from
the energy centres to each development;
 The supply and sale of heating and cooling to the end-users in the case of residential and
mixed use developments and to the bulk supply point for commercial only developments;
 The commercial risk in the value obtained for electricity produced by the CCHPs as a
consequence of the generation of heat for use in the scheme.
In return, the Concession obliges all developers within the Olympic Park and Stratford City to
connect to the heating network (and to the cooling network in certain areas). Specifically, all
developers of projects which will consume a supply of heating must connect their developments to
the heating (and where available cooling network) and developers must ensure that they:
 do not install a central heating energy source in any development;
 do not install a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or CCHP plant in any development; and
 do not connect to a combined cooling and heating network other than the Olympic Park
heating and cooling network.
There are a few exceptional circumstances where a heating or cooling connection is not required,
examples being where the connected load would be less than 100kW or where facilities are
Leases for tenants must contain certain provisions relating to these obligations, these are detailed in
the Connection Agreement.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

2 Town Planning and Strategic Objectives

2.1 Planning Objectives

Current London planning policy for new developments assumes that connection to existing
combined cooling, heating and power or combined heating and power distribution networks should
be the preferred option, where possible. In the case of legacy development on the Olympic Park
standard planning conditions have been established that require developments to connect to the
community energy network.

2.2 The Development Corporation’s Environmental Sustainability Policy

The Development Corporation’s Environmental Sustainability Policy2 sets out a number of key
environmental commitments for new development in the Olympic Park. This includes energy
conservation and carbon reduction targets and sets out the Development Corporation’s
commitment to zero carbon development for all new homes.

2.3 Legacy Communities Scheme

The Legacy Communities Scheme (LCS) is the parameters based masterplan that sets the principles
for legacy development on the Olympic Park. The LCS aims to build on the substantial investment
that has already been made in low carbon energy infrastructure on the Olympic Park, in particular
the low carbon heating network. The LCS planning permission is subject to a number of conditions
and a Section 106 Agreement, which includes the following requirements in relation to energy and
CO2 emissions associated with non-domestic buildings:
 Non-domestic buildings will be designed to meet any efficiency standards implemented
through Building Regulations in 2013, 2016 and then as part of zero carbon policy in 2019;
 All development in planning development zones (PDZs) where the heating network is present
will be required to connect into it, to ensure a low carbon heat supply;
 All development, from 2013, is to achieve a minimum 40% improvement on CO2 emissions
limits in Part L 2010 Building Regulations (GLA has rebased this London Plan target to an
equivalent of a 35% reduction against Part L 2013 and this should now be the basis for
assessing this target);
 Non-domestic buildings to have zero regulated emissions from 2019, including through use of
the LLDC carbon off-setting mechanism3;
 All development must achieve an average site wide 20% reduction in regulated CO2 emissions
through the use of renewable energy (this will be assisted by the biomass boilers serving the
heat network); and
 Non-residential buildings to achieve an Excellent BREEAM rating.

Your Sustainable Guide the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 2013.
Carbon Offset – Local Plan Supplementary Planning Document. LLDC. August 2016
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Reserved matters planning applications must be accompanied by an Energy Statement that sets out
how these standards have been addressed. If for any reason the required carbon reduction
standards cannot be met on site, the LCS requirement is that any shortfall in the targets would need
to be met by payments into the LLDC Offset Fund at £46 per residual annual tonne of CO2 emissions
for 30 years. Since LCS Planning Permission was granted LLDC has adopted a carbon offset policy
with a potential carbon price of £60 per annual tonne of CO2, for 30 years. Note that this is a
maximum capped figure, with the amount payable based on scheme viability.
The heat network and CCHP engines and biomass boilers that serve it have been designed to make a
substantial contribution to delivering the targets.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

3 Process for Developing Secondary Networks and

Acceptance for Maintenance

The template documents that form part of the Connection Agreement include a Technical
Specification for both commercial and residential mixed use developments.
Developers should make early contact with ENGIE to develop all technical aspects of the primary
connection and secondary network in consultation with them, to gain the benefit of ENGIE’s
experience, and to minimise the risk of disagreements and disputes. The Development Corporation
will aim to participate actively in the process to ensure consistency of approach across all
developments in the Olympic Park.
The key contractual stages in getting connected to the network are summarised below:

3.1 Connection Agreement

The developer or building owner will initially need to enter into a Commercial Development
Connection Agreement or a Residential/Mixed Use Connection Agreement with ENGIE. This enables
the physical connection of the development to the energy infrastructure, including installation of
new primary energy pipework and the bulk metering substation within the development.
The Connection Agreement includes an “acceptance procedure” for the secondary network design
and installation, following which a connection to the bulk supply point can be instigated.
Under the Commercial Development Connection Agreement and Supply Agreements, ENGIE have no
responsibility for the secondary network. The commercial development customer has the
responsibility to design, operate and maintain the secondary network in accordance with the
Technical Specification4.

3.2 Heat Supply Agreements

Heat or cooling supply is covered by a Supply Agreement between ENGIE and the customer. Once
this agreement comes into force, and subject to specific limitations, the Customer is responsible for
payment of the full Availability Charge (as set out in Appendix A) regardless of the level of heat or
cooling being drawn from the primary network.

The Connection Agreement includes a Technical Specification for the Secondary Network.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

4 How to Arrange a Connection

The process for establishing a network connection is summarised in the flow chart in Appendix D.

The developer and design teams are encouraged to engage with ENGIE as early as possible to
ensure that essential connection arrangements can be made on time and to the technical
standards required.

ENGIE’s key point of contact for network connections is Peter Hamnett. Developers should first
make contact with Peter to set up an initial meeting with ENGIE, the developer’s M&E consultant
and a representative from LLDC, at which the process can be explained and the developer’s
requirements can be discussed.
Peter’s contact details are as follows:
Peter Hamnett
King’s Yard
1 Waterden Road
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
E15 2GP
Mobile: 07870 251863
Following the initial meeting ENGIE will issue a Request for Information Form. This will require the
following information to be provided by the developer:
 Details of the development including floor areas by development type, and numbers and
types of residential units;
 Peak demand and annual heat demand estimates for the development; and
 Development timescales including anticipated start on site, building completion dates and
phasing arrangements, and estimated “heat on” dates.
Following receipt of a completed Connection Request Form, ENGIE under the terms of the
Concession Agreement is obliged to prepare a Connection Offer setting out the proposed costs of
connection, in accordance with the regulated charges. This will need to be reviewed and agreed by
the developer before reaching a signed Connection Agreement.
Following the signed Connection Agreement, a process of design reviews and inspections is followed
for the secondary network design and the secondary network construction. Assuming the design and
installation has been carried out in accordance with the Connection Agreement and associated
Technical Specification, formal acceptance of the secondary network will be achieved and a
connection established.
Agreed connection charges are paid in stages according to the following schedule:

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

a) 40% of the Connection Charge will be paid by the developer ten business days after the
effective date of the Connection Agreement;
b) 20% of the Connection Charge will be paid by the developer six months after the effective
date of the Connection Agreement;
c) 20% of the Connection Charge will be paid by the developer twelve months after the
effective date of the Connection Agreement; and
d) the final 20% of the Connection Charge will be paid by the developer when the Connection is
established and available for commencement of the supply of heat.
Note that any risk related to development timing sits with the developer and not with ENGIE, and
connection charges become due strictly in accordance with the agreed schedule.
The process for establishing Supply Agreements will be set out by ENGIE as part of developing the
Connection Agreement.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

5 Key Technical Requirements

Developers will need to design and install the secondary network in accordance with the minimum
requirements of the Technical Specification provided by ENGIE and should aim to follow wider
industry best practice guidance including the 5Heat Networks: Code of Practice for the UK. The
Technical Specification will be provided by ENGIE on request and developers should ensure their
M&E consultants or specialist energy advisors develop design proposals that are in accordance with
this specification. Key technical requirements include:

5.1 Achieving Correct Flow and Return Temperatures

A key technical requirement is maintaining appropriate flow temperatures to enable efficient
operation of the wider network. The secondary network must be designed to meet the following
 The flow temperature will not be greater than 85°C; and
 The return temperature may not be greater than 50°C, under all load conditions.

5.2 Minimising Heat Losses from the Secondary Network

A further key design consideration is to ensure that heat losses within the network are minimised.
High secondary network losses will increase the charges levied on customers and may also affect
internal conditions where secondary pipework runs in occupied spaces.

5.3 Water Quality

It is important to integrate effective water quality and treatment systems as part of the secondary
network design to avoid scaling and fouling of heat exchangers and pipework and a resulting loss in
system performance.

CP1 2015, Heat Networks: Code of Practice for the UK, CIBSE / ADE, 2015
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

6 Spatial Consideration for Site Layout and Masterplanning

In developing zonal masterplans or plot layouts developers and their design teams should be mindful
of a number of spatial constraints that should be considered early in the design process.

6.1 Wayleaves
Where the primary heating or cooling network crosses or enters a development plot, a wayleave
needs to be provided. The required wayleave is 1.5m from the outside edge of the outer pipe on one
side and 5m from the outside edge of the outer pipe on the other side. The wider 5m wayleave on
one side is to allow for vehicles to drive along and be parked should maintenance or pipe
replacement be required. The 1.5m is the required excavation zone. Developers should ask ENGIE to
provide an up to date network arrangement drawing showing the installed locations of the primary
network, prior to developing plot layouts and zonal masterplans. A primary network easement
drawing can be provided by ENGIE on request.

6.2 Heating Substations

The developer will be responsible for identifying suitable locations for the heating substation for
connection with the primary network. This must be at ground or basement level and will need to
consider the required route for making a connection from the primary network and the need to
provide space for temporary heating plant (see below for further details) within 20m of the primary
connection point. The number of heat exchangers that must be housed in the sub-station, and
therefore space requirements, is determined by the required heat capacity. The developer will need
to liaise with ENGIE to determine and agree the appropriate size and location for the plant room to
house the substation.
When determining the appropriate number of sub-stations to serve a development the following
issues should be considered.
 While increasing the number of sub-stations can help provide greater flexibility for sub-dividing
plots or buildings for separate occupancy at a later stage, increasing the number of sub-stations
will reduce the diversity of the load connected to each sub-station and hence increase the
overall connection charges for the developer.
 The number of sub-stations will influence the heat losses that occur from the distribution system
within the building. Designers should consider the requirements of Heat Networks: Code of
Practice for the UK, Objective 3.9 “To achieve an efficient heat distribution system within a
multi-residential building and to reduce risk of overheating” when determining the appropriate
number of sub-stations for a given development.
 Increasing the number of sub-stations will also increase the cost for plant room space and
reduce the revenue generating space available.
In practice a sensible balance needs to be struck between these factors, and developers should
discuss their proposed arrangement with ENGIE at an early stage.

6.3 Space for Temporary Heating Plant

Developers need to make provision in the development layout for spaces where ENGIE’s temporary
boiler plant can be sited in the event of failure of the primary heat network or for any planned
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

shutdowns for maintenance or to make new connections to the primary network. In the rare event
that a shutdown is required, the temporary plant will ensure an uninterrupted supply of heat while
any necessary works are carried out.
The temporary plant will include containerised boiler plant, an electrical generator, and fuel tanks
for the boiler and ancillaries. The spaces must be within 20m of a connection point to the primary
network. They could be located in car parks, in lay-bys, in wider pieces of road, on otherwise grassed
areas that may need to be strengthened, etc. The spaces will be used very rarely, but if needed they
must be capable of being occupied by temporary plant within a matter of hours. Developers should
liaise with ENGIE to ensure that design proposals have adequately addressed this requirement.

6.4 Access to Metering

The Concession requires that, where metering and billing services are provided, ENGIE must
maintain and carry out checks on the heat meters. Consideration therefore should be given to
positioning meters to enable ready access and working space.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

7 Key technical information

Developers and their design teams will need technical information about the community energy
network in relation to:
1. Carbon emission performance:
a. Demonstrating how new development responds to planning policy on carbon
emissions/ discharging related planning conditions, and
b. Demonstrating compliance with Building Regulations Part L; and
2. Determining the number of credits achievable in environmental assessments such as
BREEAM, Code for Sustainable Homes, and the Home Quality Mark for:
a. NOx emissions, and
b. Impact of refrigerants.
The relevant information on these topics is summarised below and set out in more detail in
Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D, Appendix E and Appendix G.

7.1 Carbon Emission Performance

The Concession Agreement requires ENGIE to prioritise the use of gas fired CCHP and to run the
biomass boilers in order to assist the joint employers in meeting carbon and renewables targets
established through previous planning consents associated with the Olympic Games and the
Stratford City development.

7.1.1 Carbon dioxide emissions

The Community Energy Scheme is designed to achieve a reduction in carbon emissions compared
with connections to conventional gas fired boilers and electricity networks. The carbon emission
performance of the Scheme is monitored annually.
Appendix B provides further details on the anticipated long term heat mix for the network and plant
efficiencies and carbon factors that can be used in preparing Energy Statements for reserved matters
planning applications. Appendix C provides similar information for use in demonstrating compliance
with Part L of Building Regulations. In line with the Part L 2013 Approved Documents the figures in
Appendix C reflect the current performance and operation of the heat network allowing for
development that may be connected 12 months ahead. This performance will change as new heat
loads are connected and the intention is that updated Part L figures will be prepared on an annual
basis. Carbon emissions for the network will also need revising if emission factors used to support
national calculation methods are updated by Government.
Where developments are making a connection to the cooling network the information on carbon
emissions for use in Energy Statements is provided in Appendix D and the information for Part L
calculations is provided in Appendix E.

7.1.2 Calculation of Primary Energy Use (for Part L)

Appendix C also provides all the information needed to enable calculation of the annual primary

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

energy use of homes and buildings connected to the heat network, as required by Part L of Building
When considering emissions for biomass this guidance note and the illustrative CO2 emission factors
included in Appendix B and Appendix C use primary energy and carbon dioxide emission factors for
‘Solid fuel: wood chips’ taken directly from SAP Table 12. These are assumed for both domestic and
non-residential buildings, as the biomass boilers serving the network burn wood chip. For non-
domestic buildings, in the context of the Olympic Park community energy network it is considered
incorrect to apply the ‘biomass’ figure quoted in the National Calculation Method (NCM) Modelling
Guide Table 26 to a building served (in part) by a standalone woodchip boiler. The figure in Table 26
corresponds to the entry for ‘Community heating schemes: heat from boilers – biomass’ in SAP
Table 12, which is for the national average mix of heating fuels (note ‘o’). It is considered less robust
to take a national average figure for biomass when the fuel type and source can clearly be identified
as wood chip. Applying the SAP Table 12 factors results in higher primary energy use but
significantly lower carbon dioxide emissions than using the ‘biomass’ figure in the NCM Modelling
Guide Table 26.

7.2 Environmental assessments

7.2.1 NOx emissions

ENGIE has calculated the NOx emissions for the Olympic Park Community Energy Network using the
method set out in the BREEAM 2014 New Construction technical guidance the outcome is as follows:
 BREEAM 2014: No credits will be achieved as the calculated NOx emissions are found to be
over 200mg/kWh

7.2.2 Impact of refrigerants

Developments connecting to the district cooling network may need the following information about
the central refrigeration systems that serve the cooling network if targeting credits in the Pollution
section of BREEAM:
 The cooling provided by the network is generated by multiple Vapour Compression chillers
and an Absorption Chiller.
 The refrigerants used are ammonia and a water/lithium bromide mixture.
 The resultant Direct Effect Life Cycle CO2 equivalent emissions (DELC CO2e) is found to be less
than 100 kgCO2e/kW which achieves 2 credits under ‘Pol 01’ for lifecycle impact of
 For the purpose of BREEAM, water/lithium bromide mixture is classed as natural and
environmentally benign refrigerants by the BRE and does not require leak detection.
 Leak detection is required for the ammonia based chillers, and this has been provided.
Therefore the leak detection credit will be achieved for the cooling network.
 All 3 of the maximum 3 ‘Pol 01’ credits can be achieved.
As set out in Appendix G, the information provided above relates to credit compliance criteria for
BREEAM New Construction 2014. BRE compliance criteria may be updated from time to time. As
part of a formal BREEAM assessment, evidence is required to demonstrate compliance with the

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

criteria. Please contact '' for the appropriate documentation that can be
submitted as part of a BREEAM assessment.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Appendix A Commercial Only Developments Connection and

Consumption Charges

A.1 Introduction
This note is intended to provide developers with an early understanding of the likely charges for
making a connection to the Olympic Park heat and cooling networks for commercial developments
and the likely cost of the heat or cooling supplied. The primary cooling network does not serve all
planning delivery zones and cooling will only be available in those zones where the primary network
has been installed to facilitate this.
Under the terms of a commercial connection, ENGIE is responsible for:
 Providing one or more heat (and/or cooling) connection with the developer’s secondary
 Responsible for metering the bulk heat (and/or cooling) supplied from the primary network
to the substation(s) that provide the interface with the secondary network.
The developer will be responsible for all metering and billing services for individual customers
connected to their secondary network.

A.2 Costs for Budgeting

The detailed charging arrangements for connection to the network will be defined within a
Connection Agreement and the charges for supplying heat or cooling in a separate Supply
Agreement between the developer and ENGIE.
The information provided below is to enable developers to understand the likely connection charges
so that early budget estimates can be made and so they can understand the likely charges for the
supply of heat or cooling. The illustrative figures provided are based on the charges that would apply
from the 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018.
The concession agreement that governs the heating and cooling services provided by ENGIE includes
a price control formula (PCF) aimed at ensuring the Concessionaire’s cost of energy is less than or
equal to the avoided cost of widely available comparable alternatives. Charges are adjusted annually
in line with recognised price indices.

A.2.1 Connection Charges for Commercial Developments

To secure a heat or cooling supply for their development, developers will be required to enter into a
connection agreement with ENGIE. The costs of connection are based primarily on the total heat or
cooling capacity allocated to the development at the point of connection, which the developer will
need to determine and provide when completing a Connection Agreement Request Form.
An additional charge may also apply if ENGIE’s primary supply network has to be extended by more
than 100m to reach the proposed location of the developer’s heat substation(s) where connection to
the secondary network(s) will be made. In this case an incremental connection charge is applied to
each meter of primary network extension beyond the 100m allowance.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Connection Charges for Commercial Developments

st st
(For period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018)
Cost Units
Commercial Connection Heat (£ per kW of installed heat capacity
excluding VAT)
Commercial Connection Cooling (£ per kW of installed cooling capacity
excluding VAT)
Incremental Connection Fee for extension of (£ per extra metre excluding VAT)
the primary network beyond the 100m 1,209

If a Connection Variation is required for a Connection, any increased Connection Charge will be
based on a unit cost as per the table above. A Connection Variation might occur where the heat
loads were underestimated at the time of the original connection.

A.2.2 Customer Charges

The developer will be required to pay both an availability charge (equivalent to a standing charge)
plus a charge per unit of heat (or cooling) delivered.
ENGIE may adjust its prices annually in line with the PCF. The PCF uses recognised industry indices to
account for forecast changes in energy prices and to account for changes in the cost of providing
Charges are updated annually on the 1st April.
Availability Charges for Commercial Developments
st st
(For period from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018)
Cost Units
Availability Charge Heating £/kW of heat capacity per year
(excluding VAT)
Availability Charge Cooling £/kW of cooling capacity per year
(excluding VAT)
Consumption Charges for Commercial Developments
st st
(For period from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018)
Cost Units
Consumption Charge for Heating Pence per kWh of metered heat use
(excluding VAT)
Consumption Charge for Cooling Pence per kWh of metered cooling use
(excluding VAT)

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Appendix B Projection of long term heat network operation for

calculating Carbon Emission Factors for use in preparing Energy
Statements for planning applications
B.1 Summary
This note provides information that developers and their design teams may require when preparing
Energy Statements to support reserved matters planning applications and for demonstrating that
planning energy and CO2 targets have been met.
Energy Statements prepared for planning applications in London are typically based on the CO2
emissions expected for normal operation at the full build out of the plant and equipment. Different
inputs based on performance to date will be required for approved Part L software when preparing
Building Regulations applications and these are covered by a separate note (See Appendix C)).
For SAP 2012 modelling of homes, information is required on the proportion of heat delivered from
each heat source, the efficiencies of the plant that have generated that heat and the heat losses in
the network up to the point of connection with the building. For SBEM and equivalent modelling for
non-domestic buildings only a carbon factor for the district heating supply is required, this is
determined from the same information required for SAP calculations. The carbon factor is
dependent on the heat losses assumed in the calculation which need to take account of both losses
in ENGIE’s primary network up to the heat substation as well as losses in any secondary network
connecting the heat substation to the consumer. Figures are provided in Table 1 for two examples,
one where no secondary network is present, for example where there is a direct connection to a
commercial building, and one assuming secondary network losses of 15%. Where a secondary
network is present, developers and their design team should make their own assessment of losses
and amend the secondary heat loss factor and hence the total emission factor in Table 1 accordingly.
The example for 15% secondary network losses is for illustrative purposes only.

Olympic Park Olympic Park Stratford City Stratford City

(ODA Site) (ODA Site) Stratford City

Assuming secondary Assuming secondary

network with 15% Assuming no network with 15% Assuming no
losses secondary network losses secondary network
Heat split
Proportion of heat from biomass 20.5% 20.5% 4.9% 4.9%
Proportion of heat from gas boilers 10.8% 10.8% 22.0% 22.0%
Proportion of heat from CHP 68.7% 68.7% 73.1% 73.1%
Heat losses (% of heat generated)
Primary Heat losses % of heat generated 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% 5.5%
Secondary Heat losses % of heat supplied
to secondary network 15.0% 0.0% 15.0% 0.0%
Total Heat losses % of heat generated 20.5% 6.5% 19.6% 5.5%
Distribution loss factor 1.258 1.069 1.245 1.058
Generator and network efficiencies
Energy Centre Biomass Boiler Efficiency 79.88% 79.88% 79.88% 79.88%
Energy Centre Gas Boiler Efficiency 82.33% 82.33% 84.80% 84.80%
Energy Centre CHP Thermal Efficiency 36.89% 36.89% 37.20% 37.20%
Energy Centre CHP Electrical Efficiency 39.40% 39.40% 38.38% 38.38%
Parasitic' electricity factor 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
Total Emission Factor per Unit of Heat
0.074 0.063 0.119 0.101
(kgCO /kWh)

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Table 1: Summary of long term data provided by ENGIE to assist with SAP 2012 and SBEM
calculations to support planning stage Energy Statements

B.2 Background

B.2.1 Policy S.2 Energy in new development (LLDC Local Plan 2015-31)
The LLDC Local Plan was adopted on 21 July 2015 and expects carbon reductions from new
developments to be in line with London plan policy 5.2, for which GLA provides guidance.

B.2.2 GLA Energy Assessment guidance

In preparing Energy Statements developers should follow the guidance set out in ENERGY PLANNING
– Greater London Authority guidance on preparing energy assessment (GLA March 2016)6. This
guidance is updated from time to time and developers should obtain the most recent version.

Establishing the baseline for calculating energy and carbon savings

A broad range of energy and carbon saving options are generally available pre-planning so savings
for alternative strategies and the proposed strategy need to be calculated relative to a common
baseline. ENERGY PLANNING – Greater London Authority guidance on preparing energy assessments
(GLA. March 2016) states that, “The energy assessment must first establish the regulated CO2
emissions assuming the development complied with Part L 2013 of the Building Regulations... When
determining this baseline, it should be assumed that the heating would be provided by gas boilers
and that any active cooling would be provided by electrically powered equipment.”

Modelling to establish energy use and carbon emissions

GLA guidance requires regulated carbon emissions to be established using SAP for dwellings and
SBEM for non-domestic buildings (or – in both cases – equivalent “Building Regulations approved
compliance software”, i.e. ‘Part L software / modelling’7).

Rebasing London Plan targets for LCS Reserved Matters Applications

Condition LCSO.132 of the Legacy Community Scheme planning application established carbon
reduction targets against a 2010 baseline. Developers preparing Energy Statements and Building
Regulations calculations will now be using the 2013 Building Regulations calculation processes. To
address this issue the April 2014 update to the GLA Guidance on preparing energy assessments, set
out a revised target baselined against 2013 Building Regulations for the period 2013 to 2016.
What was previously a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions against the Part L 2010 TER for the period
2013 to 2016 has now been re-based as a 35% reduction against the Part L 2013 TER. The GLA is
specific in stating this on-site target applies to both homes and non-domestic development.

While the modelling for Energy Statements to support Reserved Matters applications uses ‘Part L software’, and may be
referred to as ‘Part L modelling’, the approach and some inputs used when modelling for Energy Statements are different
from those that must be used when modelling with the same software to demonstrate compliance with Building
Regulations later in the development process.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

GLA’s March 2016 guidance confirms that a target of zero regulated CO2 emissions will apply to
homes in major developments from 1 October 2016, with “at least a 35 per cent reduction in
regulated carbon dioxide emissions (beyond Part L 2013) on-site”. From the 1st October 2016 non-
domestic development must achieve a 35% reduction in regulated emissions on site. Zero carbon is
expected to apply for non-domestic buildings from 2019 but no guidance is provided on the
definition for zero carbon for non-domestic buildings.
Condition LCSO.124 of the Legacy Communities Scheme planning application established a
requirement for a site wide 20% reduction in regulated CO2 emissions from on site renewable
generation sources. This target was established based on contemporary GLA guidance for calculating
the renewable percentage. At that time the CO2 reduction achieved from renewables was expressed
as a percentage of the remaining emissions after savings from efficiency and CHP/district heating
had been deducted. In April 2015, GLA updated their guidance on the preparation of energy
statements and the percentage is now calculated by dividing the CO2 reduction achieved from
renewables by the Part L regulated emissions baseline without first deducting the savings from
efficiency and CHP. For the same CO2 saving from renewables the stated percentage reduction will
now be lower under the new calculation methodology than it was previously. While Energy
Statements should follow the latest GLA guidance in presenting the savings achieved, for reserved
matters applications needing to demonstrate that Condition LCSO.124 has been met, developers
should include an additional section setting out the percentage savings that would have been
achieved by the calculation methodology in place at the time condition LCSO.124 was set and which
was used in the Energy Statement that accompanied the Legacy Communities Scheme outline

B.3 Planning stage energy strategies – general principles

When preparing Energy Statements in relation to policies in the London Plan, it is normal for the
energy use and carbon emissions and savings of a scheme to be calculated under ‘normal’ – i.e. long
term average – operating conditions and at full build-out.
Historic data from ENGIE operations from 2012 to date is unlikely to reflect the long term average
performance of the network as heat connections to date are significantly less than will be the case at
full build-out of the LCS. As such, for Energy Statements supporting Reserved Matters Planning
Applications and for assessing developer proposals against targets established at the Outline
planning stage, modelling of energy use and carbon emissions should be based on the long term
average performance of the heat network predicted by ENGIE.
A different approach is required when preparing Part L calculations for Building Regulations
approvals purposes and separate guidance has been prepared on the assumptions that should be
made in preparing calculations for that purpose. These are set out in Appendix C. As Code for
Sustainable Homes, BREEAM and EPCs require the use of “as built” SAPs, SBEM or other approved
models, when determining the ability to meet planning conditions the Part L figures provided in
Appendix C should be used.

Legacy Communities Scheme Regulation 22 and additional information submission. Revised Energy Statement. AECOM.
February 2012 Ref: LCS-GLB-ACC-ENST-002

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

B.4 Approach to deriving modelling inputs

For buildings connected to a heat network, the network variables that determine the results of
Part L energy and carbon modelling or which are required to determine a carbon emission factor for
use in non-domestic modelling are:
1. the percentage split of heat from each heat generator serving the network;
2. the heat losses in the network;
3. the efficiency of each heat generator (and the power generation efficiency or heat to power
ratio for CHP); and
4. the parasitic electric consumption associated with the generation and distribution of heat.
Operation of the CEN to date and projections of the heat demands at full build out provide a basis
for reasonable estimates of network heat losses and generator efficiencies in the long term which
have been provided by ENGIE. The long term heat split is more uncertain and will vary over time
according to loads on the system, fuel prices and the fiscal incentives available to the heat network
operators. However, the Concession Agreement establishes a number of requirements which allow
reasonable assumptions on the long term fuel mix to be derived.

B.4.1 Long term heat splits

In terms of the provision of heat, the CEN has been designed to be served by a combination of
biomass boilers served from locally sourced wood chip (wood chip is sourced from within 100km),
gas fired CHP engines and gas boilers. Thermal stores are installed to enable efficient operation of
the various heat sources and to minimise the use of gas-fired boilers.
The Concession Agreement includes clauses requiring that priority is given to the operation of the
gas-fired CHP plant. The Concession Agreement also requires that the biomass boilers are operated
to meet minimum biomass and renewables targets. These targets were included to ensure the heat
network helped deliver renewables obligations established as part of the Olympic Games and
Stratford City planning applications.
In order to meet these Concession targets ENGIE needs to operate the biomass boilers to deliver
20.5% of the heat supplying the Olympic Park (ODA Site) and 4.9% of the heat supplying the
Stratford City site over the life of the concession.
ENGIE has provided a long term projection to 20339 of the contribution that gas boilers will make to
the heat mix, once full build out of the Olympic Park and Stratford City has been achieved. This is
10.8% for the Olympic Park (ODA Site) and 22.0% for Stratford. With ENGIE required to prioritise the
use of CHP this results in the long term heat splits set out in Table 2.

Biomass Olympic Park (ODA Site) Stratford

Heat from Biomass 20.5% 4.9%

Heat from gas Boilers 10.8% 22.0%
Heat from CHP 68.7% 73.1%
Total 100% 100%
Table 2 Long Term Heat Splits

9 th
Talal Khan of ENGIE Email to AECOM 19 December 2014.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

B.4.2 Plant Efficiencies

The following plant efficiencies should be used in calculations. These have been confirmed in
discussion with ENGIE based on plant operational efficiencies to date:
Generator and network efficiencies Olympic Park (ODA Site) Stratford
Olympic Park Biomass Boiler Efficiency 79.9% 79.9%
Energy centre Gas Boiler Efficiency 82.3% 84.8%
Energy centre CHP Thermal Efficiency 36.9% 37.2%
Energy centre CHP Electrical Efficiency 39.4% 38.4%
Table 3 Heat Generator Plant Efficiencies

B.4.3 Network Heat Loses

Heat losses for use as inputs in SAP 2012 are intended to take account of the total losses in the
district network from the point of heat generation to the point of connection to the building or
home being assessed. SAP uses a Distribution Loss Factor to model the heat losses for domestic
assessments. The Distribution Loss Factor = 1 / (1 - (percentage heat loss in the network/100)). The
methodology is set out in section C3.1 of SAP 201210.
ENGIE is able to calculate the average percentage heat losses in their primary network from the heat
generator to their heat substations based on known and projected demands. Developers and their
design teams will need to take account of the additional losses associated with any secondary
network needed to serve their building or dwellings.
ENGIE has projected the connected heat demands to 2033 when full build out of the Olympic Park
and Stratford City is expected to have been completed. These have been used by ENGIE to calculate
the average percentage heat losses in their primary network as 6.5% for the Olympic Park (ODA Site)
and 5.5% for the Stratford City Site11. These represent the average percentage of heat generated
that is lost while being delivered to the substations.
Where a secondary network is provided, for example to serve each home in a housing development,
design teams will need to add in the additional heat losses for the secondary network. Supply
agreements for the CEN assume that ENGIE will absorb the cost of these heat losses in the secondary
network up to a limit of 15% of the heat consumed by the development. The costs of any losses
above 15% are shared equally between consumers and will appear on their bills. Design teams
should make their own assessment of heat losses and ensure these are less than 10% to account for
potential performance gaps and avoid these charges. ENGIE can provide advice on how to design to
achieve low heat losses.
Table 4 summarises the percentage heat losses for the primary network only and for illustrative
purposes the total that would result assuming secondary network losses of 15%. It also shows the
equivalent Distribution Loss Factor that would be input to SAP.

The Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings version 9.92 October 2013.
11 th
Email from Talal Khan ENGIE to AECOM 19 December 2014
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Heat Losses Olympic Park Stratford

(ODA Site)
15% SN No SN 15% SN No SN
losses* losses*
Primary Network Loss (% of heat generated) 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% 5.5%
Assumed Secondary Network loss (% of heat 15.0%* 0.0% 15.0%* 0.0%
supplied to the secondary network that is lost
before reaching the consumer)
Total Heat Loss (% of heat lost from the 20.5% 6.5% 19.6% 5.5%
generator to the consumer)
SAP Distribution Loss Factor 1.258 1.069 1.245 1.058
*This is an illustrative figure only, design teams must calculate their own secondary losses and use these in
Table 4 Illustrative Heat Losses

In Table 4 the total heat loss from generator to consumer is derived from the following formula,
where heat losses are expressed as a decimal fraction between 0 and 1:
Total heat loss = 1 - ((1 - % Primary Network Loss) x (1 - % Secondary Network Loss))
In addition to heat losses, the SAP 2012 calculation assumes a default Parasitic Electricity Factor of
1% of the heat load to take account of the CO2 emissions for the electricity used to pump the heat
supplied. This also needs to be included when developing a carbon factor for non-residential

B.4.4 Fuel Emission Factors

Fuel use is converted into carbon emissions using the emission factors in SAP 2012 Table 12. For
CHP, the electricity generated is also converted into a carbon saving using the “electricity displaced
from grid” factor in SAP 2012 Table 12.
The emission factors changed between 2010 and 2013 iterations of Part L of the Building
Regulations, the figures are shown in Table 5. Calculations presented in this note are based on Part L
2013 and these emission factors should be used in energy statements supporting planning
applications after 6 July 2014 unless updates are published for use in future Building Regulations.
Note that SAP 2012 Table 12 no longer provides a higher figure for electricity exported to the grid
which has the effect of reducing the calculated benefit for gas fired CHP. Similarly the emissions
associated with both gas and biomass have increased. For this reason carbon savings predicted at
reserved matters stages may be lower than those predicted at outline planning stages.
Fuel Conversion Factors Part L 2010 Part L 2013
kg/kWh kg/kWh
Natural Gas 0.198 0.216
Electricity Generation Grid Displaced 0.529 0.519
Electricity Grid Consumption 0.517 0.519
Biomass 0.013 0.016
Table 5 CO2 Conversion Factors by Fuel Type

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

B.5 Calculating Carbon Emissions

B.5.1 CO2 Calculation for Dwellings

In SAP, the percentage heat split, percentage of network heat losses (expressed as a loss factor), and
the efficiency of each heat generator (and power generation for CHP) are explicit inputs in the
modelling software. There is a fixed assumption regarding ‘parasitic’ electricity use for heat
distribution of 1% of heat supplied (including losses). Based on this information, SAP calculates the
quantity of fuels used for heat generation and distribution. For CHP, the corresponding quantity of
electricity generated is also calculated.

B.5.2 CO2 Calculation for Non-domestic Buildings

For SBEM or equivalent approved calculations for non-domestic buildings, the carbon emission
factor for network heat may need to be entered directly into the software tool. If so, it is calculated,
as for SAP above, from the heat split, generator efficiencies, heat loss, parasitic electricity use, CHP
electricity generated, and the respective emission factors for the fuels used and displaced.
Table 6 provides examples of the derivation of the emission factors for the two sites and for two
different assumptions regarding heat losses. In one case it is only the heat losses for the primary
network that are included, in the other, secondary network losses of 15% are assumed in addition to
the primary network losses.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Olympic Park
(ODA Site) Stratford City
Olympic Park No Secondary No Secondary
(ODA Site) Network Stratford City Network
Heat split
Proportion of heat from biomass 20.5% 20.5% 4.9% 4.9%
Proportion of heat from gas boilers 10.8% 10.8% 22.0% 22.0%
Proportion of heat from CHP 68.7% 68.7% 73.1% 73.1%
Delivered heat

Delivered heat from biomass boilers 0.205 0.205 0.049 0.049 kWh

Delivered heat from gas boilers 0.108 0.108 0.220 0.220 kWh
Delivered heat from CHP 0.687 0.687 0.731 0.731 kWh
Total heat delivered 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 kWh
Heat losses (% of heat generated)
Primary Heat losses % of heat generated 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% 5.5%
Secondary Heat losses % of heat supplied to
15.0% 0.0% 15.0% 0.0%
secondary network
Total Heat losses % of heat generated 20.5% 6.5% 19.6% 5.5%
Distribution loss factor 1.258 1.069 1.245 1.058
Heat generated
Heat generated by biomass boilers 0.258 0.219 0.061 0.052 kWh
Heat generated by gas boilers 0.135 0.115 0.274 0.233 kWh
Heat generated by CHP 0.865 0.735 0.910 0.773 kWh
Total heat generated 1.258 1.069 1.245 1.058 kWh
Generator and network efficiencies
Energy Centre Biomass Boiler Efficiency 79.88% 79.88% 79.88% 79.88%
Energy Centre Gas Boiler Efficiency 82.33% 82.33% 84.80% 84.80%
Energy Centre CHP Thermal Efficiency 36.89% 36.89% 37.20% 37.20%
Energy Centre CHP Electrical Efficiency 39.40% 39.40% 38.38% 38.38%
Parasitic' electricity factor 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
Delivered fuel
Biomass fuel delivered 0.323 0.274 0.076 0.065 kWh
Gas delivered to gas boilers 0.164 0.140 0.323 0.274 kWh
Gas delivered to CHP engines 2.344 1.992 2.446 2.079 kWh
Electricity generated from CHP 0.923 0.785 0.939 0.798 kWh
Electrical energy for heat distribution 0.013 0.011 0.012 0.011 kWh
Carbon emission factors
Biomass 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 kgCO /kWh
Mains Gas 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 kgCO /kWh
Grid Supplied Electricity 0.519 0.519 0.519 0.519 kgCO /kWh
Grid Displaced Electricity 0.519 0.519 0.519 0.519 kgCO /kWh
Carbon emissions ?
Biomass carbon emissions 0.005 0.004 0.001 0.001 kgCO /kWh
Gas boiler carbon emissions 0.036 0.030 0.070 0.059 kgCO /kWh
Gas CHP carbon emissions 0.506 0.430 0.528 0.449 kgCO /kWh
Emissions for heat distribution 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.005 kgCO /kWh
Gas CHP electricity credit emissions -0.479 -0.407 -0.487 -0.414 kgCO /kWh
Total emissions factor (kgCO /kWh) 0.074 0.063 0.119 0.101 kgCO? /kWh
Table 6 Derivation of Carbon Factors for Use in Preparing Energy Statements

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Appendix C 12-month projection of heat network operation for

calculating Carbon Emission Factors and primary energy use for
Part L compliance purposes

C.1 Summary
This note provides information that developers and their design teams may need when carrying out
calculations to demonstrate compliance with criterion 1 of Building Regulations Approved
Documents L1A and L2A 2013.
For Part L 2013 SAP modelling for dwellings, information is required on the proportion of heat
delivered from each generator, the generator efficiencies, and the heat losses in the network up to
the point of connection with the dwelling. For Part L 2013 modelling for non-domestic buildings, only
a carbon factor for the district heating supply is entered into the calculation software. This is
determined from the same information required for SAP calculations. The heat losses assumed in
the calculation need to take account of losses in both the ENGIE East London Energy (ENGIE) primary
network up to the heat substation as well as losses in any secondary network connecting from the
heat substation to the consumer. Figures are provided in Table 7 for two examples, one where no
secondary network is present, for example where there is a direct connection to a commercial
building, and one assuming secondary network losses of 15%. Where a secondary network is present
developers and their design team should make their own assessment of losses and amend the
secondary heat loss factor and hence the total carbon emission factor in Table 7 accordingly.
Versions of this guidance published up to April 2015 contained separate information for calculating
Part L emission factors for the Olympic Park12 and Stratford City developments respectively. As of
this version (October 2016) a single network figure has been published for Part L reflecting the fact
that the two interlinked networks are increasingly being operated as a single network.
The performance of the network will change over time as additional loads are connected. This note
is based on data provided by ENGIE for the period January 2016 to December 2016 inclusive taking
into account the heat loads that are expected to have been connected over that period.

The Olympic Park boundary is referred to in the Concession Agreement as the ‘ODA Site’.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)


Secondary No secondary
network with network
15% losses
Heat Splits
Proportion of heat from gas boilers 25.0% 25.0%
Proportion of heat from CHP 47.0% 47.0%
Proportion of heat from biomass 28.0% 28.0%
Heat losses % of heat generated
Primary Heat losses % of heat generated 10.6% 10.6%
Secondary Heat losses % of heat supplied to 15.0% 0.0%
secondary network
Total Heat losses % of heat generated 24.0% 10.6%
Generator and Network Efficiencies

Energy Centre Biomass Boiler Efficiency 84% 84%

Energy Centre Gas Boiler Efficiency 84% 84%

Energy Centre CHP Thermal Efficiency 38% 38%

Energy Centre CHP Electrical Efficiency 39% 39%

Parasitic Electricity Factor 0.010 0.010

Total Emission Factor per unit of heat 0.121 0.102

Table 7. Summary of data provided by ENGIE to assist with Part L1A 2013 and Part L2A 2013 compliance

C.2 Modelling Inputs

Developers will need to demonstrate that their buildings meet Building Regulations Part L. It is
normal to do this by demonstrating compliance with the criteria set out in the Part L Approved
Documents. Criterion 1 requires the Building or Dwelling Emission Rate (BER or DER) to be lower
than the Target Emission Rate (TER) for a defined notional building. The BER/DER and TER must be
calculated using approved Part L software. The outputs from Part L modelling may also be needed to
support the demonstration of compliance with Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM energy and
carbon targets.
For buildings connected to a heat network, the network variables that determine the results of Part
L energy and carbon modelling are:
1. the percentage split of heat from each heat generator serving the network;
2. the heat losses in the network;
3. the efficiency of each heat generator (and the power generation efficiency or heat to power
ratio for CHP); and
4. the parasitic electric consumption associated with the generation and distribution of heat.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

C.2.1 Short term projected heat split

The CEN is served by a combination of biomass boilers, gas fired CHP engines, and gas boilers. It is
likely that the heat split will vary over time in response to fuel prices and any financial incentives
available. However, Part L requires that the heat split used for compliance calculations is based on
historic performance of the network. A projection - informed by previous performance – can also be
used to account for the effects on network performance of connection of new development over the
coming 12 months.
ENGIE has provided a projection of the heat split for the network taking into account the heat
demands that will have been connected by December 2016 as set out in Table 813.
Heat source Overall network
Heat from gas Boilers 25%
Heat from CHP 47%
Heat from Biomass Boiler 28%
Table 8 Short Term Heat Splits

C.2.2 Plant Efficiencies

ENGIE prepares reports on the measured annual and monthly performance of the plant installed at
the Kings Yard (ODA) and Stratford energy centres. Based on running data to date the following
plant efficiencies have been provided by ENGIE14.
Generator and network efficiencies Overall network
Olympic Park Biomass Boiler Efficiency 84%
Energy centre Gas Boiler Efficiency 84%
Energy centre CHP Thermal Efficiency 38%
Energy centre CHP Electrical Efficiency 39%
Parasitic Electricity Factor 1%
Table 9 Heat Generator Plant Efficiencies

C.2.3 Network Heat Losses

Heat losses for use as inputs in SAP 2012 are intended to take account of the total losses in the
district network from the point of heat generation to the point of connection to the building or
home being modelled. SAP uses a “distribution loss factor” to model the heat losses for domestic
assessments. The distribution loss factor = 1 / (1 - (percentage heat loss in the network/100)).
The options for assessing heat losses are set out in section C3.1 of SAP 201215.
ENGIE has used the projected heat demands to December 2016 to calculate the average heat losses
in the primary network. These are 10.6% for the network as a whole16. These represent the
percentage of heat generated that is lost before being delivered to the heat substation.

13 nd
Email from Paul Woods ENGIE to AECOM 22 June 2016.
Email from Paul Woods ENGIE to AECOM 28th June 2016
The Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings version 9.92 October 2013.
16 th
Email from Paul Woods ENGIE to AECOM 28 June 2016
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Where a secondary network is provided, for example to serve each home in a residential
development, design teams will need to take account of the additional heat losses for the secondary
network. Supply agreements for the CEN assume that ENGIE will cover the cost of the heat losses in
the secondary network up to a level of 15% of the heat consumed by the development. The costs of
any losses above 15% are shared equally between consumers and will appear on their bill. Design
teams should make their own assessment of heat losses and ensure these are less than 10% to
account for potential performance gaps and avoid these charges. ENGIE can provide advice on how
to design to achieve low heat losses.
Table 10 summarises the percentage heat losses for the primary network only and for illustrative
purposes the total that would result assuming secondary network losses of 15%. It also shows the
equivalent Distribution Loss Factor that would be entered into SAP.
Overall network
Heat Losses: 15%* No Secondary
Secondary Network
ENGIE Primary Network Loss (% of heat generated) 10.6% 10.6%
Assumed Secondary Network loss (% of heat supplied 15.0% 0.0%
to the secondary network that is lost before reaching
the consumer)
Total Heat Loss (% of heat lost from the generator to 24.0% 10.6%
the consumer)
SAP Distribution Loss Factor 1.316 1.119
*This is an illustrative figure only design teams must calculate their own secondary
losses and use these in calculations
Table 10 Illustrative Heat Loss Inputs

In Table 10 the total heat loss from generator to consumer is derived from the following formula,
where heat losses are expressed as a decimal fraction between 0 and 1:
Total heat losses = 1 - ((1 - % Primary Network Loss) x (1 - Secondary % Network Loss))
In addition to heat losses the SAP 2012 calculation assumes a default Parasitic Electricity Factor of
1% of the heat load to take account of the CO2 emissions for the electricity used to pump the heat
supplied. This also needs to be included when developing a carbon factor for non-residential

C.2.4 Emission Factors

Fuel use is converted into carbon emissions using the emission factors in SAP 2012 Table 12. For
CHP, the electricity generated is also converted into a carbon saving using the “electricity displaced
from grid” factor in SAP 2012 Table 12.
The emission factors changed between 2010 and 2013 iterations of Part L of the Building
Regulations, the figures are shown in Table 11. Calculations presented in this note are based on Part
L 2013 which uses figures from SAP 2012.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Fuel Conversion Factors [kgCO2/kWh] Part L 2010 Part L 2013

Natural Gas 0.198 0.216
Electricity Generation Grid Displaced 0.529 0.519
Electricity Grid Consumption 0.517 0.519
Biomass 0.013 0.016
Table 11 CO2 Conversion Factors by Fuel Type

C.3 Carbon Calculations

C.3.1 CO2 Calculation for Dwellings

In SAP, the percentage heat split, percentage of network heat losses (expressed as a loss factor), and
the efficiency of each heat generator (and power generation for CHP) are explicit inputs in the
modelling software. There is a fixed assumption regarding ‘parasitic’ electricity use for heat
distribution of 1% of heat supplied (including losses). Based on this information, SAP calculates the
quantity of fuels used for heat generation and distribution. For CHP, the corresponding quantity of
electricity generated is also calculated. Fuel use is converted into carbon emissions using the
emission factors in SAP Table 12. For CHP, the electricity generated is also converted into a carbon
saving using the “electricity displaced from grid” factor in SAP Table 12.

C.3.2 CO2 Calculation for Non-domestic buildings

For SBEM-equivalent calculations, the carbon emission factor for network heat may need to be
entered directly into the software tool. If so, it is calculated, as for SAP above, from the heat split,
generator efficiencies, heat loss, parasitic electricity use, CHP electricity generated, and the
respective emission factors for the fuels used and displaced.
Table 12 provides examples of the derivation of the emission factors for the network as a whole for
two different assumptions regarding losses. In one case it is only the heat losses for the primary
network that are included, in the other secondary network losses of 15% are assumed in addition to
the primary network losses.
Overall network
Secondary Heat Network Losses: 15% None
Heat split
Proportion of heat from gas boilers 25.0% 25.0%
Proportion of heat from CHP 47.0% 47.0%
Proportion of heat from biomass 28.0% 28.0%
Delivered heat [kWh]
Delivered heat from gas boilers 0.250 0.250
Delivered heat from CHP 0.470 0.470
Delivered heat from biomass boilers 0.280 0.280
Total heat delivered 1.000 1.000
Heat losses % of heat generated
Primary Heat losses % of heat generated 10.6% 10.6%
Secondary Heat losses % of heat supplied to secondary
15.0% 0.0%

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Overall network
Secondary Heat Network Losses: 15% None
Total Heat losses % of heat generated 24.0% 10.6%
Distribution loss factor 1.316 1.119
Heat generated [kWh]
Heat generated by biomass boilers 0.368 0.313
Heat generated by gas boilers 0.329 0.280
Heat generated by CHP 0.619 0.526
Total heat generated 1.316 1.119
Energy Gas Boiler Efficiency 84.00% 84.00%
Energy Centre CHP Thermal Efficiency 38.00% 38.00%
Energy Centre CHP Electrical Efficiency 39.00% 39.00%
Energy Centre Biomass Boiler Efficiency 84.00% 84.00%
Parasitic' electricity factor 0.010 0.010
Delivered fuel [kWh]
Gas delivered to gas boilers 0.392 0.333
Gas delivered to CHP engines 1.628 1.383
Electricity generated from CHP 0.635 0.540
Electrical energy for heat distribution 0.013 0.011
Biomass fuel delivered 0.439 0.373
Mains Gas 0.216 0.216
Grid Supplied Electricity 0.519 0.519
Grid Displaced Electricity 0.519 0.519
Biomass 0.016 0.016
Carbon emissions [kgCO₂/kWh]
Gas boiler carbon emissions 0.085 0.072
Gas CHP carbon emissions 0.352 0.299
Emissions for heat distribution 0.007 0.006
Gas CHP electricity credit emissions -0.329 -0.280
Biomass carbon emissions 0.007 0.006
Total emissions 0.121 0.102

Table 12 Derivation of Carbon Factors for Use in Part L compliance calculations

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Appendix D Olympic Park Long Term Cooling Network Carbon

Emission Factors and Data Inputs for use in preparing Energy
Statements for Reserved Matters Planning Applications

D.1 Summary
This note provides information that developer’s and their design teams may require when preparing
Energy Statements to support reserved matters planning applications and for demonstrating that
planning energy and CO2 targets have been met where buildings are connected to the Community
Energy Network.
Energy Statements prepared for planning applications in London are typically based on the CO2
emissions expected for normal operation at the full build out of the plant and equipment. Different
inputs based on performance to date will be required for approved Part L software when preparing
Building Regulations applications and these are covered by a separate note (See Appendix E).
The current and future cooling network is not expected to supply cooling to residential buildings.
This note only considers information required for non-residential buildings. If developers are
considering connecting residential buildings to the cooling network they will need to seek further
information from ENGIE.
For non-residential buildings information is required on the proportion of cooling delivered from
each source, the efficiency of the plant used to generate cooling and the losses in the network up to
the point of connection with the building. This information is used to calculate the carbon emission
factor for the district cooling supply. The emission factor is used to determine the equivalent
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) required for SBEM or equivalent modelling software.
The carbon factor needs to take account of losses in ENGIE’s primary network up to their cooling
substation. ENGIE have confirmed that these losses should be set to 2%. Figures are provided in
Table 13 for the two designated site areas of the Olympic Park and Stratford City.
Olympic Park Stratford City
(ODA Site)
Heat losses: Assuming no secondary network
Cooling split
Proportion of cooling from vapour compression chillers 32.1% 67.3%
Proportion of cooling from absorption chillers 67.9% 32.7%
Cooling losses (% of cooling generated)
Total cooling losses % of cooling generated 2.0% 2.0%
Generator and network efficiencies
Energy centre absorption chiller efficiency 123% 123%
Energy centre vapour compression chiller efficiency 450% 450%
Energy centre CHP thermal efficiency 37.0% 37.0%
Energy centre CHP electrical efficiency 39.0% 39.0%
Total emission factor per unit of cooling (kgCO 2/kWh) 0.058 0.089
Total SEERequivalent 8.88 5.82
Table 13: Summary of long term data provided by ENGIE to assist with SBEM calculations to support
planning stage Energy Statements

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

D.2 Background

D.2.1 GLA Energy Assessment guidance

In preparing Energy Statements developers should follow the format set out in ENERGY PLANNING –
Greater London Authority guidance on preparing energy assessment17. This guidance is updated
from time to time and developers should obtain the most recent version.

Establishing the baseline for calculating energy and carbon savings

A broad range of energy and carbon saving options are generally available pre-planning so savings
for alternative strategies and the proposed strategy need to be calculated relative to a common
baseline. ENERGY PLANNING – Greater London Authority guidance on preparing energy assessments
(GLA. March 2016) states that, “The energy assessment must first establish the regulated CO2
emissions assuming the development complied with Part L 2013 of the Building Regulations. When
determining this baseline, it should be assumed that the heating would be provided by gas boilers
and that any active cooling would be provided by electrically powered equipment.”

Modelling to establish energy use and carbon emissions

GLA guidance requires regulated carbon emissions to be established using SBEM for non-domestic
buildings (or equivalent “Building Regulations approved compliance software”, i.e. ‘Part L software /

Rebasing London Plan targets for LCS Reserved Matters Applications

Condition LCSO.132 of the Legacy Community Scheme planning application established carbon
reduction targets against a 2010 baseline. Developers preparing Energy Statements and Building
Regulations calculations will now be using the 2013 Building Regulations calculation processes. To
address this issue the April 2014 update to the GLA Guidance on preparing energy assessments, has
set out a revised target baselined against 2013 Building Regulations for the period 2013 to 2016.
What was previously a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions against the Part L 2010 TER for the period
2013 to 2016 has now been re-based as a 35% reduction against the Part L 2013 TER. The GLA are
specific in stating this applies to both residential and non-residential development. The GLA
guidance states that all applications received from the 6th July 2014 will be assessed against the 35
per cent reduction target beyond Part L 2013 of the Building Regulations.
When preparing Reserved Matters planning applications for development plots covered by the
Legacy Communities Scheme, developers should highlight this change to the 2013 to 2016 target
and use the new 2013 target for any applications prior to 2016.
Condition LCSO.124 of the Legacy Communities Scheme planning application established a
requirement for a site wide 20% reduction in regulated CO2 emissions from on site renewable
generation sources. This target was established based on the GLA guidance for calculating the
renewable percentage that was in place at the time. At that time the CO2 reduction achieved from

While the modelling for Energy Statements to support Reserved Matters applications uses ‘Part L software’, and may be
referred to as ‘Part L modelling’, the approach and some inputs used when modelling for Energy Statements are different
from those that must be used when modelling with the same software to demonstrate compliance with Building
Regulations later in the development process.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

renewables was expressed as a percentage of the remaining emissions after savings from efficiency
and CHP/district heating had been deducted. In April 2015, GLA updated their guidance on the
preparation of energy statements and the percentage is now calculated by dividing the CO2
reduction achieved from renewables by the Part L regulated emissions baseline without first
deducting the savings from efficiency and CHP. For the same CO2 saving from renewables the stated
percentage reduction will now be lower under the new calculation methodology than it was
previously. While Energy Statements should follow the latest GLA guidance in presenting the savings
achieved, for reserved matters applications needing to demonstrate that Condition LCSO.124 has
been met, developers should include an additional section setting out the percentage savings that
would have been achieved by the calculation methodology in place at the time condition LCSO.124
was set and which was used in the Energy Statement that accompanied the Legacy Communities
Scheme application19.

D.2.2 Planning stage energy strategies – general principles

When preparing Energy Statements in relation to policies in the London Plan, it is normal for the
energy use and carbon emissions and savings of a scheme to be calculated under ‘normal’ – i.e. long
term average – operating conditions and at full build-out.
Historic data from the ENGIE operation from 2012 to date is unlikely to reflect the long term average
performance of the network as limited cooling connections have been created. As such, for Energy
Statements supporting Reserved Matters Planning Applications and for assessing developer
proposals against targets established at the Outline planning stage, modelling of energy use and
carbon emissions is better based on the expected long term average predicted performance of the
ENGIE system.
A different approach is required when preparing Part L calculations for Building Regulations
approvals purposes and separate guidance has been prepared on the assumptions that should be
made in preparing calculations for that purpose. These are set out in Appendix E. As BREEAM and
EPCs require the use of as built SBEM or other approved models, when determining the ability to
meet these standards the Part L figures provided in Appendix E should be used.

D.3 Approach to deriving modelling inputs

For buildings connected to a cooling network, the network variables that are required to determine
a carbon emission factor and equivalent SEER for use in non-domestic Part L energy and carbon
modelling are:
1. the percentage split of cooling from each cooling generator serving the network;
2. the cooling losses in the network; and
3. the efficiency of each cooling generator (and the power generation efficiency or heat to
power ratio for CHP).
Operation of the CEN to date and projections of the cooling demands at full build out provide a basis
for reasonable estimates of network cooling losses and generator efficiencies in the long term which
have been provided by ENGIE. The long term cooling split is more uncertain and will vary over time
according to loads on the system, fuel prices and the fiscal incentives available to the cooling
Legacy Communities Scheme Regulation 22 and additional information submission. Revised Energy
Statement. AECOM. February 2012 Ref: LCS-GLB-ACC-ENST-002

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

network operators. The figures presented in this note have been based on ENGIE’s prediction of how
the network will be operating by 2033.

D.3.1 Long term cooling splits

In terms of the provision of cooling, the CEN has been designed to be served by a combination of
absorption chillers and vapour compression (VC) chillers. The absorption chillers are supplied by heat
from the gas fired CHP exhaust gases and VC chillers by electrical supply.
The Concession Agreement includes clauses requiring that priority is given to the operation of the
gas-fired CHP plant. The prioritisation is included to ensure the heat network helps deliver carbon
targets established as part of the Olympic Games and Stratford City planning applications. As the
CHP system operation varies so does the heat in order to run the absorption chillers influencing the
proportion of VC chiller cooling and the network carbon emissions factor.
ENGIE has provided their long term projection to 203320 of the contribution that VC chillers will
make to the cooling mix, once full build out of the Olympic Park and Stratford City has been
achieved. These are set out in Table 14.
Cooling Network Olympic Park (ODA Site) Stratford
Cooling from Vapour Compression Chillers 32.1% 67.3%
Cooling from Absorption Chillers 67.9% 32.7%
Total 100% 100%
Table 14 Long Term Cooling Splits

D.3.2 Plant Efficiencies

The following plant efficiencies should be used in calculations. These have been confirmed in
discussion with ENGIE based on plant efficiencies achieved to date:
Generator and network efficiencies Olympic Park (ODA Site) Stratford
Absorption Chiller Efficiency 123% 123%
Vapour Compression Chiller Efficiency 450% 450%
Energy centre CHP Thermal Efficiency 37.0% 37.0%
Energy centre CHP Electrical Efficiency 39.0% 39.0%
Table 15 Cooling and Power Generator Plant Efficiencies

D.3.3 Network Cooling Losses

Cooling losses need to be included in the calculations of carbon emission factors and equivalent
SEER for Part L energy and carbon modelling. ENGIE does not expect systems to operate with
secondary networks. The primary cooling network losses are set to 2%.
The district cooling network parasitic power required for heat rejection and pumping is included in
the plant efficiency calculations. The parasitic power is therefore included when developing a carbon
factor and equivalent SEER for Part L energy and carbon modelling.

20 th
Talal Kahn of ENGIE Email to AECOM 19 December 2014.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

D.3.4 Fuel Emission Factors

Fuel use is converted into carbon emissions using the emission factors in SAP 2012 Table 12. For
CHP, the electricity generated is also converted into a carbon saving using the “electricity displaced
from grid” factor in SAP 2012 Table 12.
The emission factors changed between Part L 2010 and Part L 2013 iterations of Building
Regulations, the comparative figures are shown in Table 16 below. Calculations presented in this
note are based on Part L 2013 and these emission factors should be used in energy statements
supporting planning applications after 6th July 2014 unless more recent updates are published for
use in future updates to Building Regulations.
It should be noted that SAP 2012 Table 12 no longer provides a higher figure for electricity exported
to the grid which has the effect of reducing the calculated benefit for gas fired CHP. Similarly the
emissions associated with gas have increased. For this reason carbon savings predicted at reserved
matters stages may be lower than those predicted at outline planning stages.
Fuel Conversion Factors Part L 2010 Part L 2013
kg/kWh kg/kWh
Natural Gas 0.198 0.216
Electricity Generation Grid Displaced 0.529 0.519
Electricity Grid Consumption 0.517 0.519
Table 16 CO2 Conversion Factors by Fuel Type

D.4 Calculating Carbon Emissions and Equivalent SEERs

D.4.1 CO2 Calculation for Building Part L Energy and Carbon Modelling
For SBEM or equivalent approved calculations for non-residential buildings it is not possible to adjust
the cooling fuel or carbon factor of the fuel. It is assumed that local electric chillers are used and the
option to select district or communal cooling is not available. To correctly calculate the cooling
carbon emissions it is necessary to adopt an SEER which is equivalent to the ratio of the ENGIE
network carbon factor to grid electricity (SAP 2012 Table 12).
The carbon factor used to determine the SEER is calculated from the cooling split, generator
efficiencies, cooling losses, parasitic electricity use, CHP electricity generated, and the respective
emission factors for the fuels used and displaced. The network carbon factor is used to calculate the
SEER as demonstrated below:
SEERequivalent = grid electricity carbon factor / cooling network carbon factor
Table 17 provides the derivation of the emission factors for the two sites.
Olympic Park (ODA
Site) Stratford City Units
Heat losses: Assuming No Secondary Network
Cooling split
Proportion of cooling from VC chillers 32.1% 67.3%
Proportion of cooling from absorption chillers 67.9% 32.7%
Delivered heat (for cooling)
Delivered cooling from VC chillers 0.321 0.673 kWh
Delivered cooling from absorption chillers 0.679 0.327 kWh

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Olympic Park (ODA

Site) Stratford City Units
Heat losses: Assuming No Secondary Network
Total heat delivered 1.000 1.000 kWh
Cooling losses
Heat gain % of cooling generated 2.0% 2.0%
Secondary heat gain % of cooling supplied to
0.0% 0.0%
secondary network
Total cooling losses % of cooling generated 2.0% 2.0%
Distribution loss factor 1.020 1.020
Heat generated (for cooling) before losses
Cooling generated by chillers 0.328 0.687 kWh
Cooling generated by absorption chillers 0.693 0.334 kWh
Total heat generated 1.020 1.020 kWh
Generator and network efficiencies
Energy centre absorption Chiller COSP 123.0% 123.0%
Energy centre VC Chiller COSP 450.0% 450.0%
Energy centre CHP Thermal Efficiency 37.0% 37.0%
Energy centre CHP Electrical Efficiency 39.0% 39.0%
Heat generated (for absorption chiller)
Heat generated by CHP (for absorption) 0.563 0.271 kWh
Delivered fuel
Electricity delivered for chillers 0.073 0.153 kWh
Gas delivered to CHP engines 1.522 0.733 kWh
Electricity generated from CHP 0.594 0.286 kWh
Electrical energy for cooling distribution 0.000 0.000 kWh
Carbon emission factors
Mains gas 0.216 0.216 kgCO₂/kWh
Grid electricity 0.519 0.519 kgCO₂/kWh
Grid displaced electricity 0.519 0.519 kgCO₂/kWh
Carbon emissions
Electric chiller carbon emissions 0.038 0.079 kgCO₂/kWh
Gas CHP carbon emissions 0.329 0.158 kgCO₂/kWh
Emissions for cooling distribution 0.000 0.000 kgCO₂/kWh
Gas CHP electricity credit emissions -0.308 -0.148 kgCO₂/kWh
Total emissions 0.058 0.089 kgCO₂/kWh
Total SEERequivalent 8.88 5.82 kW/kW
Table 17 Derivation of Carbon Factor and SEERs for Use in Preparing Energy Statements

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Appendix E Olympic Park Cooling Network Carbon Emission

Factors and Cooling Sources for use in Part L Compliance

E.1 Summary
This note provides information that developer’s and their design teams may require when carrying
out calculations to demonstrate compliance with criterion 1 of Building Regulations Approved
Document L2A 2013 when connecting to the Community Energy Network. Separate figures are
provided for the Olympic Park and Stratford City developments respectively.
The current and future cooling network is not expected to supply cooling to residential buildings.
This note only considers information required for non-residential buildings. If a developer is
considering connecting residential buildings to the cooling network they will need to seek further
information from ENGIE East London Energy (ENGIE).
For non-residential buildings information is required on the proportion of cooling delivered from
each source, the efficiency of the plant used to generate cooling and the losses in the network up to
the point of connection with the building. This information is used to calculate the carbon emission
factor for the district cooling supply. The emission factor is used to determine the equivalent
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) required for SBEM or equivalent modelling software for
Part L2A 2013.
The carbon factor calculation needs to take account of losses in ENGIE’s primary network up to their
cooling substation. ENGIE have confirmed that the primary losses are negligible and should be set to
2%. Figures are provided in Table 18 for the two designated sites: Olympic Park and Stratford City.
The performance of the network will change over time as additional loads are connected. This note
is based on data provided by ENGIE for the period April 2017 to March 2018.
Olympic Park Stratford City
(ODA Site)
Heat losses: Assuming no secondary network
Cooling split
Proportion of cooling from vapour compression chillers 60.0% 84.0%
Proportion of cooling from absorption chillers 40.0% 16.0%
Cooling losses (% of cooling generated)
Total cooling losses % of cooling generated 2.0% 2.0%
Generator and network efficiencies
Energy centre absorption chiller efficiency 123% 123%
Energy centre vapour compression chiller efficiency 450% 450%
Energy centre CHP thermal efficiency 37.00% 37.00%
Energy centre CHP electrical efficiency 39.00% 39.00%
Total emission factor per unit of cooling (kgCO 2/kWh) 0.083 0.104
Total SEERequivalent 6.27 5.00
Table 18 Summary of data provided by ENGIE to assist with Part L2A 2013 compliance calculations

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

E.2 Modelling Inputs

Developers will need to demonstrate that their buildings meet Building Regulations Part L. It is
normal to do this by demonstrating compliance with the criteria set out in the Part L Approved
Documents. Criterion 1 requires the Building Emission Rate (BER) to be lower than the Target
Emission Rate (TER) for a defined notional building. The BER and TER must be calculated using
approved Part L software. The outputs from Part L modelling may also be needed to support the
demonstration of compliance with BREEAM energy and carbon targets.
For buildings connected to a cooling network, the network variables that determine the results of
Part L energy and carbon modelling are:
1. the percentage split of cooling from each cooling generator serving the network;
2. the cooling losses in the network; and
3. the efficiency of each cooling generator (and the power generation efficiency or heat to
power ratio for CHP).

E.2.1 Short term projected cooling split

The CEN is served by a combination of vapour compression (VC) chillers and absorption chillers using
heat from gas fired CHP. It is likely that the cooling split will vary over time in response to fuel prices
and any financial incentives available. However, Part L requires that the cooling split used for
compliance calculations is based on historic performance of the network. A projection – informed by
previous performance – can also be used to account for the effects on network performance of
connection of new development over the coming 12 months.
ENGIE has provided a projection of the cooling split for the network taking into account the heat and
cooling demands that will have been connected by the end of 2017 as set out in Table 19 below.21
Cooling source Olympic Park Stratford
Vapour Compression Chillers 60.0% 84.0%
Absorption Chillers 40.0% 16.0%
Table 19 Short Term Cooling Splits

E.2.2 Plant Efficiencies

ENGIE prepares reports on the measured annual and monthly performance of the plant installed at
the Kings Yard and Olympic Park energy centres. Based on data to date the plant efficiencies in Table
20 have been provided by ENGIE.21
Generator and network efficiencies ODA Stratford
Absorption Chillers 123% 123%
Vapour Compression Chillers 450% 450%
Energy centre CHP Thermal Efficiency 37.0% 37.0%
Energy centre CHP Electrical Efficiency 39.0% 39.0%
Table 20 Cooling Generator Plant Efficiencies

Email from Paul Woods ENGIE to AECOM. 16 January 2017
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

E.2.3 Network Heat Losses

Cooling losses need to be included in the calculations of carbon emission factors and equivalent
SEER for Part L energy and carbon modelling. ENGIE do not expect systems to operate with
secondary networks. The primary cooling network the losses are set to 2%.
The district cooling network parasitic power required for heat rejection and pumping is included in
the plant efficiency calculations. The parasitic power is therefore included when developing a carbon
factor and equivalent SEER for Part L energy and carbon modelling.

E.2.4 Fuel Emission Factors

Fuel use is converted into carbon emissions using the emission factors in SAP 2012 Table 12. For
CHP, the electricity generated is also converted into a carbon saving using the “electricity displaced
from grid” factor in SAP 2012 Table 12.
The emission factors changed between Part L 2010 and Part L 2013 iterations of Building
Regulations, the comparative figures are shown in Table 21 below. Calculations presented in this
note are based on Part L 2013 and these emission factors should be used in energy statements
supporting planning applications after 6th July 2014 unless more recent updates are published for
use in future updates to Building Regulations.
It should be noted that SAP 2012 Table 12 no longer provides a higher figure for electricity exported
to the grid which has the effect of reducing the calculated benefit for gas fired CHP. Similarly the
emissions associated with gas have increased. For this reason carbon savings predicted at reserved
matters stages may be lower than those predicted at outline planning stages.
Fuel Conversion Factors Part L 2010 Part L 2013
kg/kWh kg/kWh

Natural Gas 0.198 0.216

Electricity Generation Grid Displaced 0.529 0.519
Electricity Grid Consumption 0.517 0.519

Table 21 CO2 Conversion Factors by Fuel Type

E.3 Calculating Carbon Emissions and Equivalent SEERs

E.3.1 CO2 Calculation for Part L2A Energy and Carbon Modelling
For SBEM or equivalent approved calculations for non-residential buildings it is not possible to adjust
the cooling fuel or carbon factor of the fuel. It is assumed that local electric chillers are used and the
option to select district or communal cooling is not available. To correctly calculate the cooling
carbon emissions it is necessary to adopt an SEER which is equivalent to the ratio of the ENGIE
network carbon factor to grid electricity (SAP 2012 Table 12).
The carbon factor used to determine the SEER is calculated from the cooling split, generator
efficiencies, cooling losses, parasitic electricity use, CHP electricity generated, and the respective
emission factors for the fuels used and displaced. The network carbon factor is used to calculate the
SEER as demonstrated below:
SEERequivalent = grid electricity carbon factor / cooling network carbon factor

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Table 22 provides the derivation of the emission factors for the two sites.
Olympic Park (ODA
Site) Stratford City Units
Heat losses: Assuming No Secondary Network
Cooling split
Proportion of cooling from VC chillers 60.0% 84.0%
Proportion of cooling from absorption chillers 40.0% 16.0%
Delivered heat (for cooling)
Delivered cooling from VC chillers 0.600 0.840 kWh
Delivered cooling from absorption chillers 0.400 0.160 kWh
Total cooling delivered 1.000 1.000 kWh
Cooling losses
Heat gain % of cooling generated 2.0% 2.0%
Secondary heat gain % of cooling supplied to secondary
0.0% 0.0%
Total cooling losses % of cooling generated 2.0% 2.0%
Distribution loss factor 1.020 1.020
Cooling generated at Energy Centres
Cooling generated by VC chillers 0.612 0.857 kWh
Cooling generated by absorption chillers 0.408 0.163 kWh
Total cooling generated 1.020 1.020 kWh
Generator and network efficiencies
Energy centre absorption Chiller COSP 123.0% 123.0%
Energy centre VC Chiller COSP 450.0% 450.0%
Energy centre CHP Thermal Efficiency 37.00% 37.00%
Energy centre CHP Electrical Efficiency 39.00% 39.00%
'Parasitic' electricity factor (% of cooling) 0.00% 0.00%
Heat generated (for absorption chiller)
Heat generated by CHP (for absorption) 0.332 0.133 kWh
Delivered fuel
Electricity delivered for VC chillers 0.136 0.190 kWh
Gas delivered to CHP engines 0.897 0.359 kWh
Electricity generated from CHP 0.350 0.140 kWh
Electrical energy for cooling distribution 0.000 0.000 kWh
Carbon emission factors
Mains gas 0.216 0.216 kgCO₂/kWh
Grid electricity 0.519 0.519 kgCO₂/kWh
Grid displaced electricity 0.519 0.519 kgCO₂/kWh
Carbon emissions
Electric chiller carbon emissions 0.071 0.099 kgCO₂/kWh
Gas CHP carbon emissions 0.194 0.077 kgCO₂/kWh
Emissions for cooling distribution 0.000 0.000 kgCO₂/kWh
Gas CHP electricity credit emissions -0.182 -0.073 kgCO₂/kWh
Total emissions 0.083 0.104 kgCO₂/kWh
Total SEERequivalent 6.27 5.00 kW/kW
Table 22 Derivation of Carbon Factors for Use in Part L compliance calculations

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Appendix F Agreement Flow Chart

(Note elapsed days shown are business days)

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

Appendix G Information for BREEAM assessments

This note provides information that developers and their design teams may need when carrying out
an environmental assessment such as BREEAM, Code for Sustainable Homes (Code) or the Home
Quality Mark (HQM). In these assessments, the achievement of credits related to:
 NOx emissions, and
 Impact of refrigerants;
will be affected by the design and performance of the heating and cooling networks.

G.1 NOx emissions

Under BREEAM, Code, and HQM, credits are awarded for the use of low NOx heat sources in
buildings. As the generators serving the heat network are a combination of CHP, natural gas and
biomass boilers, the resulting NOx emission rate is a combination of the emission rates of the
individual generators, reflecting the generation mix. Assuming that a building22 obtains 100% of its
heat from the heat network as per the concession agreement, credits are likely to be achieved as set
out below. (Note that assessment methods use different methodologies and different NOx emission
factors for grid electricity.)

G.1.1 BREEAM 2014 and Code for Sustainable Homes

Credits in BREEAM are achieved based on the following scale:
NOx Emission levels for heating and hot water
(mg/kWh) No. of credits
≤ 100 mg/kWh 1
≤ 70 mg/kWh 2
≤ 40 mg/kWh 3

Outcomes for the Olympic Park community energy network are as follows:
 BREEAM 2014: No credits will be achieved as the calculated NOx emissions are found to be
over 200mg/kWh

G.2 Impact of refrigerants

In BREEAM 2014 New Construction, the impact of the refrigerants used to provide cooling is
assessed under issue ‘Pol 01 Impact of refrigerants’, for which a maximum of three credits are
available for addressing the following issues:
 Lifecycle impact of refrigerant (which effectively reflects the choice of refrigerant) (2 credits);
 Refrigerant leak detection (1 credit).
Developments connecting to the district cooling network will need the following information about
the central refrigeration systems that serve the cooling network:

Or a scheme consisting of multiple buildings.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)

 The cooling provided by the network is generated by multiple Vapour Compression chillers
and an Absorption Chiller.
 The refrigerants used are ammonia and a water/lithium bromide mixture.
 The resultant Direct Effect Life Cycle CO2 equivalent emissions (DELC CO2e) is found to be less
than 100 kgCO2e/kW which achieves 2 credits under ‘Pol 01’ for lifecycle impact of
 For the purpose of BREEAM, water/lithium bromide mixture is classed as natural and
environmentally benign refrigerants by the BRE and does not require leak detection.
 Leak detection is required for the ammonia based chillers, and this has been provided.
Therefore the leak detection credit will be achieved for the cooling network.
 All 3 of the maximum 3 ‘Pol 01’ credits can be achieved.

As part of a formal BREEAM assessment, evidence is required to demonstrate compliance with the
criteria. Please contact '' for the appropriate documentation that can be
submitted as part of a BREEAM assessment.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and Adjacent Areas Community Energy Network Concession
Information for Developers of Commercial-only Developments (May 2017)


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