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io of Canada é@u Canada

Date: July 03, 2023

Unique Cient identiter 6550-7563 Application Number S303830298


NTR nagar



Dear Syed Ishaq Ali,

Your application to study in Canada has been approved A permit authorizing your studies wil be
issued to you on your arrval to Canada tollowng an examination by an officer of the Canada
Border Services Agency. subject to your compalance with the requirements of the farmigration aad
Retugee Protechon Act and its Regulations The othcer wil ask to see thc letter, your passport
and may request to see your supporting documents, such as the letter of acceptance trom your
educational insttubon Do not pack these or other valuable papers in your checked luggage You
can find oul more aboul which documents you will need to bring with you by visitng

As you gather your documents. please lake ole of ihe following

¢ This letter is not a passport or travel document. You will not be permuted lo board your
flight without
your passport, even i you have thes better with you

¢ This letter is not an authorization permitting you to enter or remain in Canada. An

ape o the Canada Border Sermces Agency will make that determination upon your arrival
0 Canada

¢ This letter is important because it contains information that w@ be used by the Canada
Border Services Agency to issue your study perma Please do not misplace it.

You must seek entry to Canada ta obtain your study permit by 2024/01/30 (yyyy/mm/dd) Your
passpor must be valid Deyond the peniod you mtend to remain in Canada It not, the validity of
your study permit will not be issued beyond the expiry dale of your passpon or. for United States
c&izens and permanent resents, the validity date of your identity document

Note As an internabonal student in Canada. 4% your responsi dillty to ensure that you continue
to meet the canditons of your study perma. eae requirement to actively pursue studies.
Your study permit wi automaticaly become invaid 90 days afier you complete your sludy
program. regardless of the expiry dale indicated on your sludy permit For more information.
please consult Ditp./Awww
cic oc asp

Canada tam $013 101 Rees

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