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Grade X Sariska

Subject: History 0470

Topic: Holiday Home Engagement

MM:40 (10 marks per question)

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

 Analyse the role played by the USA and the USSR in the outbreak of Cold War
 Explain why the Grand Alliance broke down after the WWII
 Discuss and evaluate the terms of the Yalta and the Potsdam Conferences.
 Defend and criticise the USA and USSR for dividing the world into two hostile power blocs.

1) What were the discussed in the Tehran Conference? (4)

2) What do you know about the Lend-Lease? (4)

3) Why was the USSR sceptical of the Western powers? How far was their skepticism justified? (6)

4) Why had the Grand Alliance begun to breakdown soon after the WWII? (6)

5) Who was to be blamed more for starting the Cold War, the USA or the USSR? Explain your choice
using valid examples. (10)

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