Field Note 2

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Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros
Field note #2
Approach and Contextualization to the Teacher’s Professional
Institution’s name: Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional “Daniel Alvarez Burneo”
Observer’s name: Santiago Paredes Beginning Time Ending Time
Teacher’s name: Mg. Victor Diaz 8:20 am 9: 00 am
Date: 24/11/2022 Period
Course: 10 “L” 1
Class Topic: Sports
Activity: Learn about their favorite sport Timing: 40 minutes
Describe their favorite sport in English

The teacher begins by introducing me to the students and taking attendance, working in the same

way as in the previous course, speaking first in English and then in Spanish, with the timer and with

the game of the ball. The topic continues to be Sports so he works on the same questions as in the

previous course and while the students work he is constantly monitoring them and answers every

question that the students ask him, he does not react negatively to students who speak Spanish, he

answers them in Spanish without any problem, for this reason the students are not afraid to ask him

questions, always before working on the activities he writes his own example so that the students

can be guided and have a reference on how to work, at the end of the work he makes them participate

orally and passing to write on the blackboard, work with the dynamics of the ball and also ask for

volunteers who want to share their work, at the end of time give the topic for the next class and

leave a small activity that they will review the next class

Mg. Sc. Marlon Richard Armijos Ramirez
Academic Tutor signature

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