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Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros
Field note #3
Approach and Contextualization to the Teacher’s Professional
Institution’s name: Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional “Daniel Alvarez Burneo”
Observer’s name: Santiago Paredes Beginning Time Ending Time
Teacher’s name: Mg. Victor Diaz 10:10 am 10: 50 am
Date: 24/11/2022 Period
Course: 10 “I” 1
Class Topic: Sports
Activity: Learn about their favorite sport Timing: 40 minutes
Describe their favorite sport in English

The teacher enters the class and introduces me to the students, after this he takes attendance and

proposes again the same activity as in the previous courses since the subject was the same, he uses

the timer to control the rhythm of the students' work but There are students who make a lot of noise

in class, the teacher uses extra work that consists of doing 150 sentences in the grammatical tense

that the teacher decides for all the students in the course in order for the students to pay more

attention in class and continue working. When asking for participation, the students make several

grammar mistakes but the teacher corrects them without problem and as a correction for the course

in general, this means that the students are not humiliated for making mistakes, the students insist

again on their bad behavior and the teacher writes on the blackboard that they must do the extra

work for the next class (150 sentences in past tense), leaving all the instructions and writing it down

in their agenda for to review it the next class, the students complain about this, but the teacher has

a firm position while he does not raise his voice or disrespect the students, now the students have a

better behavior and the teacher continues with his class notifying students that if they repeat their

bad behavior the number of sentences they must do as extra work may increase, At the end of the

class there were a couple of questions left to answer so he left them as homework and he said they

will be reviewed next class

Mg. Sc. Marlon Richard Armijos Ramirez
Academic Tutor signature

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