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Epilepsia, 54(5):793–800, 2013

doi: 10.1111/epi.12139


Optimizing SPECT SISCOM analysis to localize seizure-onset

zone by using varying z scores
*Christopher R. Newey, †‡Chong Wong, †Z. Irene Wang, §Xin Chen, †¶Guiyun Wu, and
†Andreas V. Alexopoulos

*Department of Neurology General Neurology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.; †Department of Neurology,
Epilepsy Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.; ‡Department of Neurology, Westmead Hospital,
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; §Toshiba Medical Imaging Research, Mayfield Village, Ohio, U.S.A.; and
¶Department of Nuclear Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

localization of hyperperfused regions. With the added

information from postoperative, coregistered MRI, perfu-
Purpose: Subtraction ictal single photon emission com- sion patterns were determined.
puted tomography (SPECT) co-registered to magnetic Key Findings: Using pair-wise comparisons, we found that
resonance imaging (MRI) (SISCOM) is a useful modality the optimal z score for SPECT-SISCOM localization of
to identify epileptogenic focus. Using this technique, sev- the epileptogenic zone was 1.5, not the commonly used z
eral studies have generally considered the area of highest score of 2. The z score of 1.5 was 84.8% sensitive and 93.8%
ictal hyperperfusion, as outlined by thresholding the dif- specific. The z score of 1.5 had a moderate interrater
ference images with a standard z score of 2, to be highly agreement (0.70). When an hourglass configuration hyp-
concordant to the epileptogenic focus. In clinical prac- erperfusion pattern was present, a trend toward correctly
tice, several factors influence ictal hyperperfusion and localizing the seizure onset region was suggested (100% of
using different SISCOM thresholds can be helpful. We the 11 observed occurrences). Nonetheless this trend was
aimed to systematically evaluate the localizing value of not statistically significant, possibly reflecting the small
various z scores (1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5) in a seizure-free number of occurrences in our study.
cohort following resective epilepsy surgery, and to exam- Significance: SISCOM is a useful modality in evaluating
ine the localizing information of perfusion patterns patients for epilepsy surgery. This study shows that the
observed at each z score. z score of 1.5 represents a highly sensitive and specific
Methods: Twenty-six patients were identified as having SISCOM threshold that should be examined in conjunc-
ictal-interictal SPECT images, preoperative and postope- tion with the traditionally used z score of 2 to enhance the
rative MRI studies, and having remained seizure free for chances of correct localization. Further prospective inves-
at least 6 months after temporal or extratemporal surgi- tigations are needed to confirm this finding in large
cal resection. SISCOM analysis was performed using pre- patient series.
operative MRI studies, and then blindly reviewed for KEY WORDS: Ictal SPECT, SISCOM, z score, Epilepsy.

Ictal single-photon emission computed tomography patients who have failed previous resections (Wetjen et al.,
(SPECT) is frequently used to aid presurgical work-up. 2006). Recent prospective studies have shown that SPECT
Analysis of ictal SPECT is usually performed in comparison can be used to generate implantation hypothesis and
with an interictal SPECT image. Ictal-interictal SPECT with improve surgical outcome in patients referred for invasive
co-registration to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (SIS- electroencephalography (EEG) evaluations (Matsuda et al.,
COM) has proven to be a highly valuable diagnostic tool in 2009; von Oertzen et al., 2011).
noninvasive localization of the seizure-onset zone (Kaibori- Proper selection of a z score (or threshold) is critical for
boon et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2006; Wichert-Ana et al., consistent, reliable, and successful analysis of SISCOM
2008), especially in challenging patients with nonlesional data (O’Brien et al., 1998b; Van Paesschen, 2004; Van
and/or extratemporal epilepsies (O’Brien et al., 2000), and Paesschen et al., 2007). Traditionally, a z score of 2 has
been proposed (O’Brien et al., 1998a). However, SISCOM
Accepted January 29, 2013. images often display multiple areas of hyperperfusion,
Address correspondence to Andreas V. Alexopoulos, Department of
Neurology, Epilepsy Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid
which include both the areas of ictal onset and seizure prop-
Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, U.S.A. E-mail: alexopa@ccf.org agation (Van Paesschen, 2004). Given the dynamic nature
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. of SPECT, a fixed, conservative threshold may not be opti-
© 2013 International League Against Epilepsy mal in all patients. Some users may actually vary the z score

C. R. Newey et al.

for different patients, but the sensitivity and specificity at 30 mAs, 5 mm slice) within 2 h after radiopharmaceutical
each z score have not been systematically studied. Further- injection. Interictal SPECT studies were accomplished after
more, different hyperperfusion patterns emerge at each z minimum of 24 h of no seizures. Timing of injection was
score, which may provide additional localizing information determined on retrospective video and EEG review. Injec-
(Dupont et al., 2006). It is the purpose of this study to sys- tion time was defined as the time point at which the radio-
tematically evaluate the localizing value of z scores of 1, pharmaceutical-containing syringe plunger had been
1.5, 2, and 2.5 and to examine the localizing information of completely depressed. Seizure onset was defined as the ear-
hyperperfusion patterns observed at each z score. liest ictal EEG or clinical evidence of seizure activity, and
seizure cessation when seizure activity was no longer pres-
ent on EEG (Wong et al., 2010).
Patient screening SISCOM
After obtaining approval by the institutional review Ictal and interictal SPECT studies were coregistered
board, we screened 94 consecutive patients who underwent using an automatic registration algorithm based on mutual
either temporal or extratemporal resection from 2007 to information (Maes et al., 1997). The interictal image was
2009 at the Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center. Patients were subtracted from the ictal study after normalization, and then
included if they: (1) underwent ictal and interictal SPECT the subtracted image was smoothed using three-dimensional
studies preoperatively; (2) had preoperative and postopera- (3D)–Gaussian smoothing kernel (full width at half maxi-
tive MRIs; (3) became seizure-free postoperatively (mini- mum = 12 mm). This information was transformed into a z
mum 6-month follow-up). Patients with previous history of score using the mean and standard deviation of the differ-
epilepsy surgery were excluded. In all patients, resective ences in all brain voxels. The mean activation map was then
surgery strategy and extent of resection were determined by used for coregistration to the preoperative MRI for anatomic
consensus at patient management conference on the basis of localization (O’Brien et al., 1998b; Dupont et al., 2006).
integration of all available clinical information and investi-
gations such as scalp and/or intracranial electroencephalog- Blinded SISCOM review
raphy, MRI [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission All SISCOM images were then reviewed for cortical
tomography (FDG-PET), SPECT, magnetoencephalogra- localization by two reviewers (CW, CN) blinded to clinical
phy (MEG), and neuropsychological assessment. During data. The whole brain was divided into 10 regions including
patient management conference, SPECT SISCOM threshol- left and right frontal, temporal, perirolandic, parietal, and
ded with a z score of 2 had been used for clinical interpreta- occipital based on previous studies (McNally et al., 2005).
tion and decision-making. Concordance between the SPECT hyperperfusion and
extent of resection was determined at the level of these 10
SPECT injection and imaging regions. Regions of hyperperfusion were superimposed on
Epilepsy-trained nurses sat by the bedside and injected the presurgical MRI (Fig. 1A), using MRICRO software
the radiopharmaceutical tracer in all studies. 99mTc-ECD (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.) with
(ethyl-cysteinate dimer; 20–40 mCi) was injected into a varying z scores of 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5. Reviewers were then
forearm vein immediately after noting seizure onset. asked to localize, if possible, each individual interictal-ictal
SPECT images were acquired on a Siemens (Erlangen, SPECT study to one or more of the 10 cerebral regions.
Germany) Symbia dual-head camera (SPECT: 15 s per stop Emulating the approach applied to patient management con-
960 stops, 128 9 128 matrix, iterative reconstruction with ference, the criteria used to determine localization included:
attenuation correction, six iteration, eight subsets; CT: SISCOM image intensity, location of hyperperfusion, and

Figure 1.
SISCOM analysis and MRI coregis-
tration. Panel A shows SISCOM
analysis performed on preoperative
MRI (Z = 2). Panel B shows the
coregistered postoperative MRI,
which presents a resection consis-
tent with SISCOM localization.
Epilepsia ILAE

Epilepsia, 54(5):793–800, 2013

doi: 10.1111/epi.12139
Varying z Score in SPECT SISCOM

number of regions of hyperperfusion. Final localization was but not vice versa (Fig. 2B). Pattern 3 consists of multiple
based on agreement of the two reviewers. If disagreement SISCOM hyperperfusion areas not within or near the surgi-
occurred, a third reviewer (GW) evaluated the images. cal resection site.
Agreement between this reviewer and one of the two other
reviewers was the final determination. If no agreement Statistics In this statistics section is described quite nicely
occurred, the study was considered nonlocalizing. Continuous measures were described as means, standard
deviations, and percentiles. Categorical measures were
Determination of SISCOM localization value and summarized using frequencies and percentiles. Generalized
hyperperfusion patterns estimating equations (GEEs) were performed to evaluate
We unblinded the data after completing the above blinded the relationship between agreement and z score, and assess
portion of the study. We then judged correctness of localiza- the association between correct localization and injection
tion by introducing the patient’s postoperative MRI, which time as percent seizure time across all z scores. Because
was obtained 3–6 months after resection and was coregis- there are four z scores and multiple measurements for each
tered with the corresponding preoperative MRI (Fig. 1B). If patient (due to multiple reviewers), the correlation of the
the area determined by the final decision of localization in measurements within patient was adjusted by using a
the previous step fell within the surgical resection, then the compound symmetry covariance structure during the GEE
localization decision was considered correct. model selection procedure. Logistic regression was per-
Reviewers further identified the hyperperfusion patterns formed to assess the association between correct localiza-
as a separate unblinded step. By modifying the previously tion and injection time (or percent injection time over total
published descriptions by Dupont et al. (2006), hyperperfu- seizure time) for each z score. All analyses were performed
sion patterns were classified as follows: Pattern 1 describes at a significance level of p < 0.05 using SAS 9.2 software
the pattern with the largest and most intense (highest z (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, U.S.A.).
score) hyperperfusion falling within the surgical resection Sensitivity and specificity analyses were performed
site (Fig. 2A). Pattern 2 describes SISCOM hyperperfusion based on a modified version of the methodology by McNal-
with a bilobulated, that is, hourglass appearance with the ly et al. (2005). For each predetermined threshold, the 10
brightest lobule being outside the resection and the less cerebral regions (left and right frontal, temporal, perirolan-
intense of the two lobules residing within the resection site, dic, parietal, and occipital) were evaluated to assess whether

Figure 2.
Representative SPECT images at varying z scores superimposed on the postoperative MRI. In both examples, the z score of 1.5 shows
optimal sensitivity. Panel A shows the largest and most intense hyperperfusion overlapping with the resected site (perfusion pattern 1).
Panel B shows an hourglass pattern of hyperperfusion overlapping with the resected area (perfusion pattern 2). Center of resection is
denoted by blue cross.
Epilepsia ILAE

Epilepsia, 54(5):793–800, 2013

doi: 10.1111/epi.12139
C. R. Newey et al.

one or several lobar area(s) contained areas of hyperperfu- 1.5 is significantly superior (p = 0.005), when compared to
sion, based on the reviewers’ agreed decision. By definition the traditional z score of 2, as well as 1 and 2.5. There are no
the site of resection should encompass the true epilepto- significant differences in terms of localization value
genic zone in patients who experience sustained seizure between z scores 2 and 1, 2.5 and 1, and between 2 and 2.5.
freedom following epilepsy surgery. Therefore, for a given Figure 2 shows representative SPECT images at varying z
region, the sensitivity and specificity parameters in this scores superimposed on the patient’s postoperative MRI. In
cohort were defined as follows: true-positive (hyperperfu- both examples, a 1.5 z score shows optimal sensitivity.
sion and region resected), false-positive (hyperperfusion but Agreement between reviewers was poor with SISCOM
not resected), true-negative (no hyperperfusion and no threshold of 1; Kappa coefficient was 0.29 (95% confidence
resection), and false-negative (absence of hyperperfusion in interval [CI] 0.16, 0.74). A z score of 1.5 and 2 had moder-
resected region). Sensitivity and specificity values were cal- ate Kappa coefficients, 0.70 (95% CI 0.44, 0.96) and 0.60
culated at all four z scores. (95% CI 0.29, 0.91), respectively. A z score of 2.5 had a
high Kappa coefficient of 0.90 (95% CI 0.70, 1), where the
reviewers agreed on all but one case.
Patient profile Localizing value of each hyperperfusion pattern
Twenty-six patients (nine male, 34.6%) met inclusion The bilobulated pattern 2 was encountered the least
criteria. Mean age was 36.5 years (standard deviation [SD] (n = 11); when present, it always correctly localized the
15.2 years; range 5–67 years). Preoperative mean seizure epileptogenic focus (100%; Fig. 2B). It was most frequently
burden was 9.5 seizures/week with 18 (69.2%) having a his- observed at z score 1.5 (n = 7). Pattern 1 was present in 41
tory of generalized motor seizures. MRI was abnormal in 19 instances and correctly localized in 38 (92.7% of occur-
(73%). Twenty-three (88.5%) had PET and 17 (65.4%) rences). It was also encountered most frequently at z score
underwent intracranial EEG. Half of these patients had 1.5 (n = 12). Pattern 3 was observed most frequently at z
extratemporal epilepsy, and the other half had temporal lobe score of 1. Of 52 encounters of pattern 3, reviewers had
epilepsy (nonmesial temporal in the majority of patients). localized correctly the epileptogenic zone in two cases
Surgical pathology was cortical dysplasia (n = 10, 38.5%), (3.8%). Results are summarized in Table 2. Patterns 1 and
infarct (n = 7, 26.9%), vascular malformation (n = 2, 2, exemplified in Fig. 2A,B, respectively, are both clearly
7.7%), hippocampal sclerosis (n = 3, 11.5%), tumor more localizing than 3 (odds ratio >1), as confirmed using
(n = 3), and nonspecific (n = 1, 3.8%). Mean postoperative the GEE model. We were unable to compare pattern 1
follow up was 20 months (range 7–35 months). Seven of against pattern 2, as the GEE model did not converge due to
the 26 patients had secondarily generalized seizures at the the much less frequent occurrence of pattern 2.
time of ictal SPECT.

Injection time
Average injection time was 18.4 s (range 3–63 s), with Table 1. Pair-wise comparisons of each z score with
the majority of patients (61.4%) having injections under regards to its localization accuracy
20 s. Average ictal duration was 75.6 s (range 17–260 s). z score pairs Odds ratio 95% CI p-Value
With an estimated peak brain uptake of 30 s (Andersen, 1.5 vs. 1 4.55 1.78 11.67 0.002
1989; Kaminska et al., 2003; Dupont, 2008; Pastor et al., 1.5 vs. 2 4.23 1.54 11.62 0.005
2008), the majority of SPECT studies (17 of 26) occurred 1.5 vs. 2.5 7.53 2.56 22.18 0.0002
ictally; 6 patients had short seizures lasting <30 s. Despite 2 vs. 1 1.08 0.42 2.78 0.88
2 vs. 2.5 1.78 0.88 3.59 0.11
expected heterogeneity of seizures in this group, we found
2.5 vs. 1 0.60 0.22 1.65 0.33
no significant correlation between injection time
(p = 0.36), or percentage of injection time over total seizure
time (p = 0.39), and localization accuracy as indicated by Table 2. Localization accuracy of each pattern indicated
the GEE model. by number of correct localization at each z score
z score Total
Localizing value of each z score Total no. of correct no. of
At z score of 1, 34.6% (n = 9) of studies were correctly 1 1.5 2 2.5 localization (%) occurrence
localized. The correctly localized studies increased to Perfusion 7 12 10 9 38 (92.7) 41
76.9% (n = 20) at a z score of 1.5. Higher z scores were Pattern 1
associated with a lower percentage of correctly localized Perfusion 1 7 3 0 11 (100) 11
studies: 50% (n = 13) at 2% and 34.6% (n = 9) at 2.5. Pattern 2
Perfusion 1 1 0 0 2 (3.8) 53
Table 1 shows pair-wise comparisons of each individual z
Pattern 3
score with regard to its localization correctness. A z score of
Epilepsia, 54(5):793–800, 2013
doi: 10.1111/epi.12139
Varying z Score in SPECT SISCOM

localizing value. It may seem surprising at first that z score

Table 3. Sensitivity and specificity at each z score
of 1 had a lower localization rate of 34.6%, compared to
z score Sensitivity Specificity 76.9% at z score of 1.5. Although the brightest regions
1 87.8 86.6 would be the same in both, the lower z score images would
1.5 84.8 93.8 show more and larger regions of hyperperfusion. Because
2 78.8 92.8 our criteria used to determine localization included hyper-
2.5 76.5 93.8
perfusion intensity and location, as well as number of
regions of hyperperfusion, many studies at z score of 1 were
judged to be nonlocalizable, which explains the low locali-
Sensitivity and specificity zation rate and the consequent low Kappa coefficient show-
Sensitivity and specificity values, calculated from all 26 ing poor agreement among reviewers.
patients, are shown in Table 3. Optimizing sensitivity and In a previous study by McNally et al. (2005), receiver
specificity by maximizing the sum of the two, we found that operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was per-
the 1.5 z score represents optimal performance (specificity formed to determine the optimal p-value threshold based on
93.8%, sensitivity 84.8%). When compared to a z score of 2 ictal-interictal SPECT analysis using statistical parametric
(92.8% specific, 78.8% sensitive), a 1.5 z score is both more mapping. They computed a range of p-values from 0.00001
sensitive and more specific. to 0.3 and found a peak around p = 0.01 (i.e., z = 2) both in
mesial temporal and neocortical cases. In our study, we used
a much narrower range of discrete z scores of 1, 1.5, 2, and
Discussion 2.5, equivalent to p-values of 0.1, 0.03, 0.01, and 0.003. We
Study rational sought to evaluate these four clinically relevant z scores
SISCOM is a valuable noninvasive tool in the presurgi- with a methodology that can be applied to daily clinical
cal evaluation of patients with medically intractable epilep- practice. Taking into account these differences, sensitivity
sies. Traditionally, SISCOM results above z score of 2 and specificity values in our study largely correspond to the
(i.e., changes >20%; O’Brien et al., 1998a) have been gen- region that showed peak ROC performance, as described in
erally regarded as meaningful and have been used to deter- the McNally study.
mine localization of the epileptogenic focus by many We found z score of 1.5 to have an optimal sensitivity of
epilepsy centers including ours (O’Brien et al., 1999; 84.8% and specificity of 93.8%. Using ROC analysis,
Dupont et al., 2006; Chassagnon et al., 2009; Aboian McNally et al. reported sensitivity of 93% and 77% and
et al., 2011; Lee et al., 2011; von Oertzen et al., 2011). specificity of 87% and 93% for mesial and neocortical epi-
However, ictal perfusion changes are influenced by several lepsies, respectively. These differences may be attributable
factors. As a result SISCOM foci with lesser ictal increase to different patient population and SPECT methodology.
in intensity can provide important localizing information In the McNally study the majority of injections occurred
(O’Brien et al., 1998b; Van Paesschen, 2004). It should be postictally. Localization of the epilepsy was determined
noted that the “traditional” z score of 2 was arbitrarily based on seizure-free outcome (similar to our study) in all
selected as an objective and readily defined threshold patients with mesial temporal, but not all patients with neo-
(O’Brien et al., 1998a), but was not rigorously compared cortical epilepsy (McNally et al., 2005).
with other thresholds for analysis of SISCOM data. We
designed this study to systematically evaluate the localiz- Interrater agreement at each z score
ing value of varying z scores in a consecutive cohort of sei- We found the highest interrater Kappa coefficient at z
zure-free patients in whom we can infer the epileptogenic score of 2.5 indicating substantial agreement (the reviewers
zone. Although this is a highly selected cohort, without this agreed in all but one case). Because the number of hyperper-
inference, it would not be possible to calculate sensitivity fused areas became markedly smaller at the highest 2.5
and specificity. threshold, reviewers had a relatively easier task in arriving
to a final decision, although their decision was not always
Sensitivity and specificity at each z score correct (only 34.6% correctly localized). In practice, an
Overall, our results strongly suggest that it is essential to inexpert SISCOM user would tend to apply a high z score
not only analyze SISCOM images at the commonly set z such as 2.5, because the obtained image is cleaner and pro-
score of 2, but also to vary the z score on an individual case- vides better agreement among reviewers. However, as our
by-case basis, and particularly to attend to the lower z score data indicated, strict agreement statistics do not always
of 1.5. In fact, our statistical analysis indicates that the 1.5 z yield the right localization. Both z scores of 1.5 and 2 were
score is best suited in predicting correct localization. There associated with a moderate Kappa coefficient. The poorest
were no significant differences between the generally Kappa coefficient was seen at the lowest threshold of 1
accepted z score of 2 versus the less specific z score of 1, or reflecting the higher number and extent of regions of hyper-
the more restrictive z score of 2.5, with regards to their perfusion at this threshold.
Epilepsia, 54(5):793–800, 2013
doi: 10.1111/epi.12139
C. R. Newey et al.

Patterns of ictal hyperperfusion of the hourglass perfusion pattern and true ictal versus
We found that all occurrences of the hour-glass configu- “post-ictal” injection. Earlier injections have been sug-
ration (pattern 2) led to a correct decision regarding locali- gested to be more localizing compared to later injections
zation of the ictal focus. This bilobulated hourglass (Noachtar et al., 1998; Hong et al., 2008). This is particu-
configuration is thought to indicate ictal propagation, with larly important in extratemporal epilepsies, where propaga-
the lobule of highest z score residing outside the seizure- tion is more likely to occur early after ictal onset (Noachtar
onset zone, whereas the less intense lobule lies closest to the et al., 1998). Theoretically, the most useful ictal SPECT is
area of seizure generation (Dupont et al., 2006). Because of one that has the radioisotope injected seconds before ictal
its infrequent occurrence, we were unable to determine sta- onset. This is demonstrated in few “preictal” SPECT studies
tistically if pattern 2 has higher localizing value when com- that were captured either by serendipity or in special cir-
pared to pattern 1. Nonetheless, our study suggests that the cumstances when seizures can be provoked (Hong et al.,
identification of an hourglass-appearing SISCOM pattern 2008; Pastor et al., 2008; Barba et al., 2009). These studies
can be highly valuable and leads to more accurate localiza- showed a high degree of colocalization between the area of
tion of the ictal-onset zone. “preictal” SPECT hyperperfusion and the corresponding
For our study, we used a modified version of the images epileptogenic focus. Lastly, 7 of 26 patients in our study had
proposed by Dupont et al. to determine patterns of hyper- secondarily generalized seizures at the time of SPECT
perfusion. The previous study examined hyperperfusion study. This observation may decrease localization value of
patterns in relationship to a preoperatively identified/ SISCOM images and confound the correlation analysis
known dysplastic lesion on MRI (Dupont et al., 2006). (Varghese et al., 2009). Nonetheless we did not find any
In our study, initial determination of SISCOM localization correlation between the existence of the hourglass perfusion
was made based on agreement among blinded reviewers. pattern and the presence or absence of secondarily general-
Subsequent analysis of perfusion patterns was performed ized seizures.
as a separate unblinded step, after coregistering the SIS-
COM images on the patient’s postoperative MRI. Despite Limitations and future directions
the different approaches, the two studies yielded similar Inherent limitations exist due to the retrospective nature
conclusions. It is important to note areas of hyperperfusion of our current study. Although we included all ictal SPECT
identified by ictal SPECT may point not only to the studies performed in a consecutive patient series, it should
presumed ictal onset, but also to the pathways and regions be noted that not all patients undergoing presurgical evalua-
of seizure propagation (Noachtar et al., 1998; Shin et al., tion are referred for ictal SPECT studies, especially when
2002; Dupont et al., 2006). Hyperperfusion patterns that there is clear concordance between video-EEG and MRI
involve the largest area and/or exhibit the highest z score abnormalities, such as in patients with unilateral hippocam-
may in fact represent propagated activity. Therefore, the pal sclerosis (Velasco et al., 2011). This is likely the reason
area of highest z score may not need to be completely that very few patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
resected or included in the resection to achieve seizure were included in this study (only three). Moreover, ictal
freedom (Van Paesschen et al., 2007). Rather, the resection SPECT is a cost-intensive and labor-intensive procedure
site should always be determined by a multimodal reserved for the more challenging patients undergoing pre-
approach, in the context of a full presurgical evaluation surgical evaluation.
(Van Paesschen, 2004; Kimura et al., 2012). Overall, our seizure-free cohort comprises a mixture of
temporal (50%) and extratemporal patients (50%), and it
Injection time included patients with both lesional and nonlesional preopera-
We did not find injection time, in its absolute value or its tive MRI studies. Although we screened a large number of
percentage over total seizure time, to have a significant cor- patients undergoing their first resective epilepsy surgery, we
relation with the probability of correct localization. This included only those who clearly achieved documented and
may be due to the small sample size and/or the relatively sustained seizure freedom. The relatively small sample size
rapid radioisotope injection time. Indeed the average injec- of 26 eligible patients did not allow for subgroup analyses.
tion time in this series was 18.4 s, with seizure duration Nonetheless, our study is the largest study to date to evaluate
averaging 75.6 s, and 50% of patients having completed the the localizing value of various z scores in patients who under-
tracer injection within 15 s of seizure onset. As a result the went SISCOM analysis and successful epilepsy surgery.
majority of patients (17/26) in our study had a true ictal Earlier studies evaluating SISCOM localization judged
SPECT study, even after allowing for the generally accepted the efficacy of SPECT localization by comparison with sei-
minimum of 30 s of seizure duration postinjection for tran- zure foci suggested by other clinical information such as
sit time to occur (Andersen, 1989; Kaminska et al., 2003; EEG (Newton et al., 1995). In this situation, it could be dif-
Dupont, 2008; Pastor et al., 2008). Six of the remaining nine ficult to judge whether false SPECT localization was truly
patients had short seizures lasting <30 s. On the basis of false, or attributable to incorrect localization of seizure
these data we did not find correlation between the existence focus. In our study, we selected patients who became
Epilepsia, 54(5):793–800, 2013
doi: 10.1111/epi.12139
Varying z Score in SPECT SISCOM

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no disclosures to report. Xin Chen is a senior research scientist at Toshiba activity in patients with extratemporal epilepsies. Eur J Nucl Med
Medical Research Institute U.S.A., Inc. Andreas V. Alexopoulos serves on 25:166–172.
the editorial board of Epileptic Disorders, and has received research sup- O’Brien TJ, O’Connor MK, Mullan BP, Brinkmann BH, Hanson D,
port from the National Institutes of Health, Department of Defence, and Jack CR, So EL. (1998a) Subtraction ictal SPET co-registered to
American Epilepsy Society, and from UCB and Pfizer Inc. Financial sup- MRI in partial epilepsy: description and technical validation of the
port for this project was provided by the Cleveland Clinic Department of method with phantom and patient studies. Nucl Med Commun 19:
Epilepsy. We confirm that we have read the Journal’s position on issues 31–45.
involved in ethical publication and affirm that this report is consistent with O’Brien TJ, So EL, Mullan BP, Hauser MF, Brinkmann BH, Bohnen NI,
those guidelines. Hanson D, Cascino GD, Jack CR Jr, Sharbrough FW. (1998b)

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doi: 10.1111/epi.12139
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