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You are the new HR Manager. Write your own introduction email in around 80

Dear colleagues,
I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is … and I am the new HR Manager
for the company. Before I joined this company, I was working for a manufacturing
company. I am really excited to be working with you all here in this young, fast-growing
Please feel free to contact me any time if you have any immediate questions and I look
forward to meeting you all very soon.
Kind regards,


Write an email to the CEO with the action points for informing people about the
takeover in around 100 words.


From: Kenzo

Subject: Meeting about Indonesian factory

As you know, we had a meeting to discuss the best way to inform staff and customers
about the possible takeover of our company by Bines plc. We feel it is important to
inform them of the situation before they hear it from the press.

We think we should meet the staff to explain the situation and also that we should contact
our biggest customers as soon as we know the takeover is going ahead.

Key action points:

• send email inviting staff to meeting

• have meeting with all staff

• send staff a letter outlining the situation

• contact biggest customers

• issue press release after speaking to biggest customers

Write an email to the project leader requesting an update on the refurbishment in
around 150 words.

To: Yolanda, Project Leader

From: Lydia
Subject: Request for update on refurbishment of Head Office

Dear Yolanda,
I'd like to know how the refurbishment of Head Office is going and if we are going to be
able to move in on schedule. Could you possibly let me know what the current state of
the project is?
If you are not going to meet the deadline, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know when
the new finish date will be. Also, please could you give me details of what work you have
completed and the work which isn't yet finished? I'd also be grateful if you could outline
the reasons for any delays.
Would you also let me know if you have ordered all the new furniture and equipment and
that it is ready to go into the offices?
Finally, I'd like a list of all the problems so far and information about any problems that
you think might happen in the future.
Thanks for your help.


Look at the order form and handwritten notes. Write an order confirmation letter
to Ms Liang in around 150 words.
Item: printers catalogue ref: PR765 OK
Quantity: 100
Unit price: €230
Discount: 8 percent on orders over 80 units agreed last week
Terms: 30 days after invoice
Delivery to: Unit 14 Felton Business Park, Cross Street, Edinburgh
Delivery date: 5th May send business terms and conditions
Dear Ms Liang,

We are writing to confirm your order number WT3488 for 100 PR765 printers, which we
received this morning. The unit price of the printers is €230. I am pleased to confirm that,
as we agreed at our meeting last week, there is a discount of 8 percent for any orders over
80 units. We will deliver the goods to your warehouse in Felton Business Park on 5 May.

We confirm that our payment terms are 30 days after the date of the invoice. We enclose
our business terms and conditions for your records. We thank you for your business and
look forward to supplying you again in the future.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The XB Watch promises to track all your activity during the day: walking, running,
exercising in the gym as well as monitoring your sleep. It also syncs with a fitness app on
your phone.

What I like most about this watch is the long-lasting battery, which doesn't need to be
charged every few hours like some of the major competitors' watches. Another good thing
is that it really is waterproof so I can go swimming with it on my wrist. Finally, I was also
impressed by the easy-to-use phone app, which is full of very useful advice.
The main downside for me is the size of the watch. It's far too big and not very attractive
at all. In fact, I think it's quite ugly.

However, the watch does what it promises, so if you are not worried about the design and
want an inexpensive activity watch, I can recommend this one.

You want to write a message on a company's forum page to complain.
Include the following details:
▪ why you are writing to complain.
▪ the action you want the company to take.
▪ how you feel and any relevant details about the service or product.

My phone bill last month was three times more than usual. I couldn't afford to pay this bill
and I felt the company failed to inform me clearly about the high roaming charges. The
company risks losing lots of customers if it keeps operating like this.
The customer service agent I spoke to would not agree to reduce the charge. So I am now
seriously considering going to another provider because I want to avoid getting a shock
like this in future. Would you please agree to give me a partial refund?


Your company bought some new computers but some of them did not work
properly. You were very happy with the way the company dealt with the problem.
Write an email thanking the supplier. Use the notes below. Write about 140 words.
Problem with new computers
Call with supplier

▪ help desk staff – friendly, knowledgeable

▪ apologised
▪ offered new items or engineer to repair computers
▪ chose new computers
▪ one week later, customer services called to check all OK

I am writing to thank your company for the excellent service we received when some of
the computers we had bought from you did not work properly.
We contacted your help desk immediately and the person I spoke to was very friendly and
obviously knew a lot about the product. He apologised for the problems we were having
and suggested that he could exchange the computers or send out an engineer to solve the
problems. We decided that it would be better to have new computers
and they arrived the next morning.
One week later we received a phone call from your customer service department asking us
if everything was now OK. We were happy to report that there were no
more problems.
I would like to thank you once again for your prompt and excellent service and we will
certainly use your company again.

UNIT 8. Look at the notes from page 132. Brainstorm some ideas for the report.
Then, individually, write a short report of about 160 words.
Requested by: HR Manager
Why: too many staff leaving after one year
Findings: salary not competitive, communication bad, too much work (add your own
Recommendations: use your own ideas

The HR Manager asked me to write this report because too many staff are leaving the
company after only one year. This report looks at the reasons why staff are leaving and
offers recommendations.
One of the key problems seems to be pay. Employees say they can earn more money in
other companies, so they leave here and go to our competitors. It was also found that staff
feel that communication within the company is not very effective and that it is difficult to
get the information they need. Another factor is that there seems to be too much work for
everyone, which means staff are stressed and often have to work late.
It is therefore recommended that the company reviews staff salaries to make them more
competitive. We should also look more closely at improving company communication and
train staff to communicate more effectively. Finally, we should review our staffing levels
and the way in which work is delegated.

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